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International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Training needs analysis. A literature review and reappraisal

Dinah Goulda,*, Daniel Kellyb, Isabel Whitea, Jayne Chidgeyc
St Bartholomew’s School of Nursing and Midwifery, 20, St Bartholomew’s Close, City University, EC1 A7QN, UK
City University/UCL Hospitals, London, UK
North East London Cancer Network Lead Nurse, UK
Received 5 June 2003; received in revised form 27 October 2003; accepted 2 December 2003


Training needs analysis is the initial step in a cyclical process which contributes to the overall training and
educational strategy of staff in an organisation or a professional group. The cycle commences with a systematic
consultation to identify the learning needs of the population considered, followed by course planning, delivery and
evaluation. Although much has been written about training needs analysis in relation to post-registration nursing
education, there is disagreement concerning its impact on the training cycle and its potential to influence service
delivery. This stimulated the literature review presented below. Initial searches of nursing databases identified 266
works. Twenty three (8.6%) contained empirical findings relating to post-registration nursing education in which
assessment of training needs was presented as the major aim. Most of these accounts were concerned with the training
needs of nurses in more than one organisation and were classified as macro-level training needs analysis. However,
seven studies were concerned with a single, specific organisation (micro-level training needs analysis). Despite their
smaller scale and more limited scope, micro-level training needs initiatives demonstrated greater methodological rigour,
were more likely to consider the stakeholder perspective, to generate findings which could positively influence the rest of
the training cycle and showed the greatest potential for influencing service delivery and quality of patient care. The
review drew attention to the similarities between the training cycle and the audit cycle and resulted in the development
of a model which could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the process and outcomes of future training needs
analysis initiatives.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Clinical nursing practice; Continuing professional education; Training needs analysis

Introduction books (see for example Rowntree, 1985; Peterson, 1992).

Although most of these publications are not aimed
Training needs analysis (TNA) is a relatively new specifically at a nursing audience, they are increasingly
concept for nursing, but has been used for many years being used by nurse educators (Pedder, 1998). The
by human resource managers (Bee and Bee, 1994), in purpose of this article is to review the literature relating
business (Pearson, 1987), industry (Boydell, 1976) and to TNA as it applies to post-registration nursing
general education (Walklin, 1991). A considerable education and to explore its potential influence on
literature has developed around TNA and this has course planning and implementation.
stimulated the publication of numerous standard text-

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-20-7040-5449; fax: +44- 2. Background

E-mail address:, Nurse educators, like the more traditional advocates
(D. Gould). of TNA, recognize that it is the initial step of a cyclical

0020-7489/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

process contributing to an overall strategy of training Government policy in the United Kingdom (Depart-
and education (Furze and Pearcey, 1999). The cycle ment of Health, DoH, 1998) and evidence that needs
should begin with systematic consultation to identify the assessment is still not being conducted as a matter of
learning needs of the target population (Pedder, 1998). course for all staff in the National Health Service (NHS)
A training intervention is then developed to meet this has provoked unfavourable comment from the National
need and once implemented, is evaluated to determine Audit Commission (2001). The climate of rapid change
how effective it has been. Amendments to the next cycle against a background of nursing recruitment difficulties
should be addressed through evaluation, but changes in in the health service maginifies the need for TNA to be
the demands placed on or by the employing organisation used appropriately.
also need to be taken into account. New Government A soon as organisational goals are mentioned, the
policy, advances in technology, role expansion and the question of stakeholder involvement arises (Rowntree,
increasing expectations of service users are additional 1985). Wright (1999) advocates an approach incorpor-
drivers for change in post-registration nursing education ating the demands of the organisation, the occupation or
(Pedder, 1998). role, the needs of the individual performing it and the
In recent years there has been much debate concern- requirements of the service user. In the health care
ing the extent to which activities such as clinical audit, industry this process has the potential to be time-
evaluation and action research fulfil the requirements of consuming and complex because of the vested interests
‘real’ research (Balogh, 1996) and it is perhaps only a of the many parties concerned. Possible stakeholders
matter of time before the debate is extended to TNA. within and closely related to organisations responsible
Numerous authors have been concerned with differen- for delivering health care include;
tiating between research and audit and there is some * employees, who may or may not be in a position to
debate on the extent to which they differ (Closs and
choose whether they will attend education and
Cheater, 1996). These authors consider that audit can
training initiatives.
highlight areas where further research needs to be * service users, who are the ultimate beneficiaries of
conducted while the audit process itself can be a topic
for research. * educational providers, who must design and deliver
Many of the features of TNA reflect audit rather than
programmes to meet identified need.
‘pure’ research. Audit and TNA are both cyclical * commissioners of educational events (who usually
processes in which information about practice is fed
pay for them).
back to staff in order to improve performance. ‘Own-
ership’ of findings is an important characteristic of The extent to which these groups have been con-
successful audit (Balogh, 1996) and this may also be true sidered when planning and evaluating courses intended
of TNA. The difference between research and audit has to meet the needs of the NHS is subject to considerable
been neatly summarised by Smith (1992): research seeks variation.
to establish and extend knowledge about effective Nurse educators have always placed students at the
practice (‘the right things to do’) while audit ensures forefront during course evaluation in attempts to
that the ‘right things are done’. Viewing TNA as establish levels of satisfaction, test for acquisition of
‘making sure the right training is done’ would provide knowledge and competencies and to determine attitude
a much-needed definition for TNA: at present its aims change. All these aspects have been comprehensively
are confused (Furze and Pearcey, 1999). According to reviewed elsewhere (see for example Furze and Pearcey,
some authors, its purpose is to aid career planning 1999). The importance of including the views of service
(Sheperd, 1994) while others see it as a mechanism to users is now also considered mandatory (DoH, 1999).
ensure that requirements for professional updating are Nevertheless, finding ways to demonstrate the impact of
met (Bysshe, 1991) or to identify training needs from the training on practice and ultimately on service delivery
perspective of what the organisation requires in order to continue to be elusive (Ellis, 1996; Wood, 1998). Proving
deliver its service (Lawton and Wimpenny, 2003). that training has been effective has always been
Drawing on its similarities with the audit process, notoriously difficult (Bignell and Crotty, 1988), a
however, it is possible to view TNA as a means of dilemma that has recently been revisited by Jordan
improving service delivery through training. In the past (2000). According to this author, small scale evaluative
there has been disparity between the aspirations of projects with the ‘teacher as researcher’ present the most
individual members of health care staff for development promising avenue of enquiry. Jordan (2000) recom-
and the training needs required by the organisation to mends that educationalists should enter the clinical
ensure service delivery. One of the many claims for TNA setting to explore the impact of continuing professional
is that it has an important role in resolving these development on nursing practice and the delivery of
disparities (Hicks and Henessy, 1997a). Meeting service evidence-based care. The ability of educationalists to
needs through training is certainly in line with current engage in this type of initiative remains to be explored.
D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3

Sheperd (1994) suggested that educationalists should Medicine Database. The sole key item: ‘training needs
identify their own training needs to enable them to analysis’ was employed to identify potentially useful
facilitate the training needs of other staff. Recognising articles. Where the database did not go back to 1982
where clinical updating is necessary and extending the searching was undertaken from its inception. Some
role of teacher to that of ‘teacher as researcher’ are both works appeared in more than one database, indicating
issues that deserve attention from educationalists. Those saturation of the searching process. All the publications
who retain service involvement but are not immersed in were retrieved and their reference lists were hand
service may identify training needs which might other- searched to identify seminal works relating to TNA
wise have been overlooked (Gibson, 1998). which might not have been cited in the specialist
Finally, training for health care staff in the UK is professional databases but which might provide further
currently commissioned by the Workforce Development insight concerning the hallmarks of successful TNA. To
Confederations. These are regionally based bodies be potential candidates for review, articles had to be
external to the universities and Trusts. At present they empirical studies in which TNA had been undertaken in
are still too newly created to receive mention in the relation to post-registration education for qualified
educational literature. Nevertheless, their role in plan- nurses. A number of reports were concerned with the
ning educational initiatives has already become pivotal. development and implementation of an entire curricu-
In future they will be recognised as important stake- lum or all stages of a major training initiative. In order
holders, operating as the key drivers for more robust to keep the review manageable, these accounts were
methodologies. All these stakeholders should be fully included only if the study was deemed to be concerned
involved during TNA. primarily with identifying training needs.

2.1. The review

4. Results
Early proponents of the TNA approach in nursing
assert that it is of demonstrable value in planning Initial searching identified 266 works of which 25
programmes of continuing professional development (9.4%) were empirical. Of these, two publications failed
(Sheperd, 1995a) but this view is not upheld by the to meet the criteria for inclusion. One report could not
findings of later writers. For example, Furze and be included because it outlined plans for TNA and
Pearcey (1999) in their comprehensive review of nurses’ explained how it would be undertaken but had been
continuing professional education, have concluded that published prematurely, before data were collected
provision is still fragmented, inequitable, poorly funded (Lloyd and Ross, 1997). A second study had to be
and that the cyclic process of the training strategy is excluded because recommendations for practice were
often incomplete. This contrast of opinions stimulated a stated without evidence that they had been based on
review of the literature, which set out to answer the empirical findings (Nicholson et al., 2001). In a few cases
following questions: publications included nurses as part of a larger sample
(see for example; Farrell, 1998; Skrifvars et al., 2002,
1. What are the aims and scope of TNA studies relating Thompson et al., 1987) or included both qualified and
to post-registration education for qualified nurses? unqualified nurses (see for example; Fyffe and Fleck,
2. To what extent does TNA take into account 1998). These studies were included. However, most TNA
organisational, professional and individual need? considered only qualified nurses. Hand searching these
3. To what extent has stakeholder involvement been reports drew attention to numerous further publications
secured? of a general nature but no more empirical studies
4. What methods have been used to collect the data? relating to TNA which applied to post-registration
5. How rigorous are the studies in methodological nursing education.
terms? The search process revealed that a far higher
6. How are the outcomes of TNA used to influence the proportion of publications have been concerned with
rest of the training cycle? the need to conduct TNA and how it should be
accomplished than with describing empirical accounts.
Of the 266 articles identified, only 23 (8.6%) contained
3. Method empirical findings and met the requirements for review
with the process of TNA as the major research aim. The
Nursing articles published between 1982 and 2002 literature is international. Nevertheless, most TNA
were accessed via a number of databases: CINAHL, the studies have been undertaken in the UK. A few
British Nursing Index, the Royal College of Nursing empirical studies could be traced to Australia (Farrell,
Database, Medline, World Information Nursing, Socio- 1998) and Scandinavia (Skrifvars et al., 2002), none to
logical Abstracts and the Allied and Complementary the USA apart from a single cross-cultural study
4 D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

initiated in the UK (Hennessy and Hicks, 1998). (Hicks and Hennessy, 1996). This instrument has now
Another general finding was that most TNA have been been used extensively by the authors, in some cases
concerned with assessing the skills and knowledge apparently to determine the role definition of a particular
deficits of defined groups of staff within an organisation professional group and its distinguishing characteristics
or profession. The exception was a study by Skrifvars rather than to identify training needs (see Table 2). It has
et al. (2002) dealing with the ability of an entire health also been used to a limited extent by a number of other
service (hospitals in Finland) to provide a specific service investigators (Twycross, 1999; Clifford et al., 2001).
and the training required to deliver it (cardio-pulmonary Some of these papers could be considered to be more
resuscitation). concerned with conducting research about TNA rather
Preliminary reading indicated that differences be- with undertaking TNA per se.
tween the aims and scope of empirical TNA and their The literature relating to micro-level studies was not
potential to influence the rest of the training cycle dominated by a single author or team and the aims of
appeared to depend on whether or not they were these studies were much more clearly defined and more
concerned with the needs of staff in a single, specific closely matched to organisational need.
organisation. Analysis therefore proceeded by compar- Scope: Overall, macro-level studies tended to follow a
ing studies which were and were not concerned with the policy-driven agenda. For example Thomson and Kohli
needs of a single organisation. (1997) were concerned with policy initiatives in Scotland
intended to promote the health of the population, while
4.1. Comparison of micro- and macro-level TNA studies the rationale for a study to explore the training needs of
practice nurses undertaken by Hicks and Hennessy
Empirical accounts of nursing TNA were classified as (1997b) was driven by increasing government emphasis
micro-level studies if they were concerned with the on primary care. Generally the authors of macro-level
training needs of staff in a single, specific organisation. TNA were concerned either with identifying the training
Only a small proportion (n=7) fell into this category needs of nurses working with the same client group
(see Table 1). Most of the 23 empirical accounts (n=16) (such as practice nurses or family planning nurses), or
were concerned with the training needs of staff in more explored nursing skills in relation to a specific clinical
than one organisation or in a professional group (for issue. Examples are; pain management (Twycross, 1999),
example children’s nurses attending a conference). health promotion (Thomson and Kohli, 1997), health
Macro-level studies are shown on Table 2. needs of ethnic minority groups (Chevannes, 2002) or
The remaining findings of the review are discussed in palliative care (Farrell, 1998). In contrast, micro-level
terms of the aims. studies addressed policy issues as part of a whole range
1. What are the aims and scope of TNA studies relating of variables impacting on local service provision. They
to post-registration education for qualified nurses? were also less likely to explore nursing skills in
Aims: In general the aims of macro-level nursing TNA association with a specific clinical issue or client group
appeared to be less well-defined than for micro-level than macro-level studies, although there were notable
studies, because they were not designed to meet the needs exceptions. For example, Fyffe and Fleck (1998)
of a particular organisation. This section has therefore identified factors influencing nurses’ attitudes to using
been omitted from Table 2. Notable exceptions, in which information technology and the knowledge and skills
the aims appear to have been specific and well defined necessary to enable nurses to maximise the potential of a
include the accounts by Oberski et al. (1999) and newly introduced computer system across a single Trust.
Chevannes (2002). More than a third of the macro-level 2. To what extent does TNA take into account
accounts of TNA were contributed by the same team organisational, professional and individual need?
(n=7, 41%), which appeared to have been more Reference to Table 2 indicates that the authors of
concerned with developing a methodology for TNA macro-level TNA were mostly concerned with profes-
and validation of the TNA instrument used to collect sional issues, apart from one study which focused on
data than with reporting actual training need (see Table individual need for career development (Sheperd,
2). These authors used the repertory grid technique to 1995b). Inevitably the needs of the employer in relation
identify 30 core competencies considered to encompass to specific training needs were omitted from macro-level
generic nursing activity (Hicks et al., 1996). The core studies because no specific organisation was involved.
competencies were then used to construct a psychometric Their lack of organisational involvement contrasted
instrument which was subsequently validated. On factor with the strong organisational involvement seen in
analysis the core competencies fell into six domains micro-level studies, which demonstrate a more specific
(business and administration; advanced professional focus. Particularly clear examples of identified organisa-
issues; clinical; research and audit; management and tional needs were demonstrated in the micro-level
supervisory; and communication and teamwork) with accounts offered by Fyffe and Fleck (1998), Clough
scope for including additional items of specific interest (2000) and Smith and Topping (2001).
Table 1
Micro-level training needs analysis
Authors Target groups Aims of TNA Stakeholders Organisational Skills/attributes Securing staff Methods Main findings Training plans Comments
considered requirements co-operation

Thompson et al., Clinical support (1) To improve Senior managers Improved None The value of staff Questionnaires/ 450 questionnaires sent, Three courses Supervised by a
1987 staff in one communication communication training was survey response rate 40%. were run: team of outside
hospital in and staff morale. and staff training explained to Training priorities fell into consultants
Australia. morale to reduce supervisors. 3 groups: career
turnover. development, self
development and hospital
(2) To reduce Clinical staff decision making,
staff turnover. stress

D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

management, and
(3) To explore Support staff
staff satisfaction.
Fyffe and Fleck, All nurses and (1) To identify Nurses Ability and Computer/ IT Flexible Focus groups, Gaps were identified Not stated This paper is
1998 support staff factors willingness to use literacy approach with questionnaires, between perceived and widely quoted as
throughout one influencing new IT system. feedback to staff. observation, actual training needs in a successful
Trust nurses’ attitudes interviews. terms of the technical skills approach to
to using required and the need to introducing

computers. apply technology. change in
(2) To assess the Support workers
knowledge and
skills necessary to
enable staff to
use a new IT
(3) To identify
the knowledge
and skills
necessary to
maximise the
potential of the
new IT system.
Gibson, 1998 Medical and To develop and Nurses Not stated Not stated Believed to be Delphi technique Professional development ‘ Clear concerns
surgical nurses in prioritise training inherent in with 28 nurses could take many forms for training needs
a district general development method. randomly and fostering an were identified’
hospital needs selected from 4 organisational climate in according to the
wards in one which it was part of author and these
district general everyday activity emerged have been
hospital. 64% as important as formal ‘translated into
response rate. course provision. action’.
Support workers
Clough, 2000 Twelve nurses To assess the Lecturing staff To successfully Ability to Learner Not stated but an The induction course was Longer term Difficult to
who would make training needs of commission and perform perception were induction course evaluated in terms of training needs decide if the
up the clinical twelve nurses run a new HDU effectively in incorporated into was developed effectiveness, efficiency, will be identified emphasis of this
team in a newly recruited to work HDU TNA and evaluated appropriateness, through paper was truly
commissioned on the newly acceptability and individual staff concerned with
high dependency commissioned accessibility. development identifying
unit (HDU) HDU plans via the training needs
Trust appraisal rather than
system. Staff course
were also given evaluation.
opportunity to
do a written
assignment and
gain a recognised
clinical post-basic

Table 1 (continued )
Authors Target groups Aims of TNA Stakeholders Organisational Skills/attributes Securing staff Methods Main findings Training plans Comments
considered requirements co-operation

qualification if
they also
undertook 300
hours practice.
Clinical staff
Smith and Seventeen nurses To explore the Nurses Not discussed Not stated Discussion about Case study The course was perceived No mention of Difficult to
Topping, 2001 engaged in relationship use of evaluation involving to increase the specific further course decide if the

D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

paediatric between taking a data with nurses interviews with knowledge and skills provision. emphasis of this
neurology care clinical course stakeholders, required for nurses paper was truly
and the perceived retrospective working in the speciality of concerned with
benefits to scrutiny of course paediatric neurosciences identifying
practitioners. evaluations. 14 of by improving skills and training needs
the 17 nurses multidisciplinary working. rather than
agreed to The course met perceived course
participate. needs. evaluation.

Jones et al., 2002 Qualified health (1) To foster high Ability to deliver Already existed To discover the Qualified health Extensive review Core skills fell into 4 Used the
professionals quality care high quality care through feedback care, priority and professional of local and groups: interpersonal, framework they
including nurses in line with the on CPD specialist skills managers. national work on technical, professional had devised with
principles of opportunities. necessary to clinical accountability with a representative
clinical Also deliver care in competencies. development, and delivery sample of health
governance. brainstorming line with the of clinical care. professionals and
session. principles of identified key
clinical care and
governance. specialist skills.
(2) To include
stakeholder views
in training needs
Hicks and All nurses (1) To identify Clinical nurses Attributes of Questionnaire There was an agreement None
Hennessy, 1998 working at attributes of the employed at nurse survey – total that the nurse practitioner
advanced clinical nurse practitioner advanced practitioners population role should include
levels within an role. practitioner level sample of 50. advanced clinical and
acute Trust Managers 93% response psychosocial
rate. responsibilities. The most
important activities were
considered to be
communication, teamwork
and the ability to
undertake a range of
advanced/technical skills.
There was broad
agreement between all
(2) To determine Immediate
the degree of medical
consensus colleagues
postholders, their
managers and
regarding what
constitutes the
nurse practitioner
Table 2
Macro-level training needs analysis
Authors Target groups Aims of TNA Stakeholders Skills/ Methods Main findings Training plans Comments
considered Attributes

Sheperd, Qualified Nurses To identify nurses’ Qualified nurses None identified Questionnaires 64.4% response None
1995b across three health perceived needs rate from nurses
authorities regarding career
planning, preferred
venues and modes
of updating

D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Managers Random sample of 100% response rate
nurses, total from managers
population of
Barriers to course

Preferred times and
venues varied for
groups of staff
Hicks and Practice nurses and To identify the Practice nurses Non. Questionnaire Communication None The
Hennessy, nurse practitioners level and training survey using and teamwork psychometric
1997b employed in needed by nurses to authors’ own emerged as the tool was
general practice in upgrade their validated most important developed by the
a regional health qualification to psychometric tool training needs authors in 1996.
authority nurse practitioner
Nurse practitioners
were more likely to
undertake research,
order clinical tests
and be involved in
supervision of staff
and business
activities than
practice nurses.
Nurse practitioners Exploratory Population = 1940
study to nurses. Response
establish these rate = 21%
Thomson and Clinical nurses (1) To identify the Ward level hospital Perceived ability Questionnaire 71% response rate General
Kohli, 1997 employed on extent to which nurses to deliver health survey with a recommendations to
general hospital health promotion promotion stratified random encourage the health
wards in issues are sample of nurses promotion roles of
Lanarkshire, addressed on nurses
Scotland general wards
(2) To assess Health Board Most nurses
nurses’ perceptions members in believed that health
of their training Lankarkshire promotion should

Table 2 (continued)

Authors Target groups Aims of TNA Stakeholders Skills/ Methods Main findings Training plans Comments
considered Attributes
needs in relation to be part of their role
health promotion. but most perceived
that they were
unable to deliver
health promotion
Farrell, 1998 Pallative care To identify Health None Questionnaire. Specific None

D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

providers education and professionals- all 1848 educational needs
throughout training needs of groups questionnaires sent, centred around
Australia: health palliative care 34% response rate pain management,
professionals and providers loss, grief and drug
families therapy. Barriers to
training such as
difficulty attending

formal events were
Voluntary bodies
Hennessy and Nurse practitioners To establish Nurse practitioners Ability to Questionnaire Universal training None
Hicks, 1998 whether nurse undertake 30 survey needs did not
practitioners’ key tasks emerge. Instead
training needs were indicative of training needs
the same in the ability to appear to depend
UK, USA and perform at a on the specific role
Australia. nurse performed and the
practitioner level environment within
on the validated the practitioner’s
questionnaire organisation
developed in
1996 by the
Random sample of
216 nurses.
Response not
Hicks and Nurses grade D-I To identify nurse’s Nurses grades D-I Ability to use Questionnaire Deficits in ability to None
Hennessy, from seven Trusts ability to use from seven Trusts research findings survey. 323 evaluate published
1999a research fundings questionnaires sent, research studies,
46% response rate identify
research questions
and access relevant
literature identified
Hicks and Nurse practitioners To identify the Nurse practitioners Skills needed to Questionnaire There were None
Hennessy, in acute and attributes of nurse perform at nurse survey with 50 significant
1999b community sectors practitioners practitioner level acute sector nurses differences between
and 450 the construction of
community nurses, the nurse
response rates 98% practitioner role in
and 22% the two different
respectively settings
Oberski et al., Nurses caring for To identify the Nurses Attributes Focus groups, Three main themes Genesis of a research- The curriculum
1999 older people in the requirements of a required of interviews, group emerged from the based module itself and how it
community curriculum nurses caring for discussions data. These related designed to enable was designed is
concerned with older people in to: (1) the specialist nurses to care for fully discussed in
care of elderly the community nature of elderly older people in the a later
people in the care; a shift from community publication
community the medical model (Matthews-

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of care towards a Smith et al.,
social model; the 2001)
need for greater
integration of skills
and knowledge
from mental health
and general nurses

in the community
care of older people
Older people
Twycross, Paediatric nurses To assess Delegates at a Ability to Questionnaires Pain management None Used 1996
1999 attending a paediatric nurses’ paediatric nursing prioritise and administered to was perceived as validated Hicks
conference prioritisation and conference manage conference less important than and Hennessy
ability to manage children’s pain delegates. 50 other aspects of the scale, with items
children’s pain nurses, 44% nurses’ clinical role added to explore
response rate such as pain
communication management
and teamwork and
many educational
deficits were
Chevannes, A Ability to identify 22 course attendees Ability to Semi structured Previous training Developing the Only short terms
2001 multiprofessional and serve the identify and interviews before concerning the training course changed were
group including health needs of serve the health and after the topic was very formed an integral evaluated
nurses in five health people from ethnic needs of people training limited and after part of the study
care organisations, minority groups from ethnic intervention, focus the course there
all attending a and determine the minority groups groups and were self-reported
course to improve effectiveness of a questionnaires. 22 changes in attitudes
ability to serve the training course participants towards people
health needs of designed to from ethnic
people from ethnic enhance the need minorities
minority groups for knowledge and
skills identified
Gould et al., Clinical ward To establish the Clinical ward A list of training Qualitative 182 questionnaires Recommendations to The pilot study
2001 managers in four ability of clinical managers priorities interviews (pilot sent, 65% response Workforce was published
Trusts served by ward managers to identified by study) rate. Identified Development separately
the same undertake key respondents in numerous deficits Confederation (Gould et al.,
Workforce aspects of their role an interview in training. 2001)

Table 2 (continued)

Authors Target groups Aims of TNA Stakeholders Skills/ Methods Main findings Training plans Comments
considered Attributes
Development study which Perceived ability to
Confederation formed the pilot perform the key
for the main aspects of the role
study was significantly
related to job
satisfaction. No
differences between

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the 4 Trusts
survey for main
incorporating a
validated measure

of job satisfaction
Tyler and Family planning (1) To determine Family planning None given Questionnaire The validated 1996 None Findings may
Hicks, 2001 nurses belonging to the critical clinical nurses belonging to survey of 1142 generic have been biased
the same specialist tasks undertaken the same specialist family planning questionnaire as not all family
professional by family planning professional nurses belonging to appears to provide planning nurses
organisation nurses. organisation the National a valid assessment may belong to
(National Association of of the training the specialist
Association of Nurses for needs between professional
Nurses for Contraception and family planning organisation
Contraception and Sexual Health, nurses who
Sexual Health) 34% response rate prescribe and those
who do not and
between the specific
needs of the two
(2) To determine
their prescriber role
Nash, 2002 Primary care To determine the Primary care Skills and Questionnaire Deficits in training None
nurses (health knowledge and nurses knowledge to study with 90 were identified and
visitors, district skills required by deliver the NHS nurses, 77% varied according to
nurses, community primary care nurses Framework for response rate professional group,
psychiatric nurses) to deliver the NHS Mental Health but the majority
Framework for had no experience
Mental Health working with
people with mental
health. Barriers to
accessing formal
training courses
were apparent
Skrivfers, Acute hospitals in To determine the Doctors The provision of Questionnaire More nurses than None The study was
2002 Finland organisation and an effective CPR survey doctors had concerned with
management of service in acute received advanced identifying
cardio-pulmonary hospitals CPR training, whole service
resuscitation (CPR) although doctors needs rather
training in acute were more likely to than the training
hospitals in undertake it. 25% needs of
Finland of acute hospitals individual
had no designated clinicians.
staff member in
charge of CPR

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Clifford et al., Nurses Ability to utilise None (1) To identify Not described Survey using 1986 96 response, total None
2001 research findings the nature of Hicks and population sampled
research activity Hennessy never stated. More
in the present questionnaire with than 50% in all 3
role a convenience groups identified need
sample for training in critical

appraisal, IT and
interpreting statistics.
Barriers to using
research in practice
were the same in all
Doctors (2) To identify
perceived needs
for further

12 D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

3. To what extent has stakeholder involvement been professional organisation were included and this may
secured? not have been representative of all family planning
Macro-level TNA relying solely on the questionnaire nurses, the extent to which the authors achieved their
survey approach were unable to include the views of aims is questionable.
stakeholders and failed to demonstrate close links Greater attention has been given to methodological
between the research team and education providers, rigour in micro-level studies, although comparisons are
but attempts to secure stakeholder involvement were more difficult to draw across the category as a whole
apparent in macro-level TNA employing other meth- because of the wide range of methods employed. Here
odologies, with some displaying close researcher-educa- authors tended to use qualitative approaches and to
tor association (Oberski et al., 1999). In contrast, strong employ more than one avenue of data collection in an
links between educationalists and service providers were attempt to secure methodological rigour. In at least one
apparent in many micro-level studies and full stake- case the decision to write a formal account of TNA for
holder opinion was usually demonstrable in published publication appeared to have been undertaken retro-
accounts (Clough, 2000; Smith and Topping, 2001). spectively. The case study presented by Smith and
4. What methods have been used to collect the data? Topping (2001) was constructed after the authors had
As their title implies, macro-level studies were implemented and evaluated a course to satisfy the needs
conducted on a large scale, generally employing survey of specialist children’s nurses identified through TNA.
methodology and questionnaires (see Hennessy and Ethical approval and permission to use the student
Hicks, 1998; Hicks and Hennessy, 1999a, b; Nash, evaluations were requested post hoc. Nevertheless, this
2002), with two exceptions (Obserski et al., 1999; TNA was one of the most complete and informative to
Chevannes, 2002). In contrast, micro-level studies emerge from the search process as it explored important
tended to be multimethod, using case studies with focus issues such as the role of the teacher as researcher and
groups and interviews (Smith and Topping, 2001) or the considered the methodological strengths and limitations
Delphi technique (Gibson, 1998). Again, however, it was of evaluation to determine how an educational inter-
not possible to make hard and fast distinctions. For vention could actually secure improvements in the
instance, Thompson et al. (1987) used a questionnaire quality of care (see Jordan, 2000).
survey approach to explore problems of poor commu- 6. How are the outcomes of TNA used to influence the
nication and related human resource issues in a TNA rest of the training cycle?
applied to a single hospital. Inevitably, in view of the shortcomings which have
5. How rigorous are the studies in methodological emerged above, the findings of macro-level studies were
terms? much less specific than those of micro-level accounts and
Where TNA employed questionnaire survey methods, as a result, demonstrated lower potential to promote
response rates were variable. In the only micro-level changes in training provision or service. In most cases it
study employing this approach, a 40% response rate was was not possible for macro-level TNA to provide
achieved (Thompson et al., 1987). Among macro-level coherent or practical suggestions for future training
accounts, there was enormous variation (see Table 2). provision because their outcomes did not belong to any
Sheperd (1995b) reported full participation by managers organisation with the authority to act on them. Their
and a 64.4% response rate from nurses while Thomson potential for generating change thus remained limited
and Kohli (1997) achieved a 71% response rate from the and indeed, there was little evidence of such change in
nurses in their study. Unfortunately these acceptable these studies, with a few exceptions. For example,
levels of participation have not been matched in some Oberski et al. (1999) reported an exploratory TNA to
other macro-level studies: rates as low as 34% (Farrell, identify the requirements of a curriculum intended to
1998) and less than 25% have appeared in published meet the needs of elderly people receiving care in
papers (see Hicks and Hennessy, 1997b; Hicks and community settings. Subsequent stages of the training
Hennessy, 1999b). Clearly it is not possible to draw any cycle were described in a later paper (Matthews-Smith
generalizations from studies with such poor returns. et al., 2001). However, no macro-level study succeeded
Problems in these reports were further compounded by in demonstrating completion of the training cycle, with a
additional sources of bias. Some authors aimed for a single exception (Chevannes, 2002). In contrast there
total population sample (see for example Hicks and was greater evidence of change in relation to TNA in
Henessy, 1997b) or a randomized stratified sample micro-level studies, some showing completion of the
(Thomson and Kohli, 1999) but others adopted a training cycle (Thompson et al., 1987; Clough, 2000;
sampling strategy which appeared to introduce bias. Smith and Topping, 2001) although once again, some
This is clearly illustrated in the report by Tyler and accounts are disappointing in the amount of detail paid
Hicks (2001). The aim of this study was to determine to this important aspect (Gibson, 1998).
‘critical clinical tasks’ undertaken by family planning Other issues: As the review progressed a number
nurses, but as only those belonging to the same specialist of additional shortcomings became apparent in the
D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 13

literature. These deserve consideration because of their * Their aims were more clearly defined and matched a
implications for uptake of the outcomes of TNA. specific organisation, in which particular needs had
Even the most detailed accounts, demonstrating good been identified.
links between the outcomes of needs assessment and the * Attempts were made to obtain stakeholder opinion
changes to be introduced in response failed to document and the authors were able to demonstrate close links
the time-frame over which change would be introduced. between staff in the organisation and the team
Secondly there were no references in any TNA to responsible for conducting TNA.
meeting the needs of staff who would be responsible for * They employed a greater range of methods and
planning educational initiatives (see Sheperd, 1994). demonstrated greater methodological rigour, often
On a more positive note, a few publications included employing more than one method of data collection
models to demonstrate how TNA followed by imple- to validate findings.
mentation of the training cycle could be used to secure * Their outcomes were expressed explicitly, with great-
organisational change while meeting individual plans for er effort to match them to the original aims of the
staff development (Arnett, 1992; Jones et al., 2002). TNA and the needs of the organisation.
Unfortunately these reports did not meet the criteria for * Their outcomes were more likely to ‘belong’ to the
review. Although they described the training cycle, they organisation and its stakeholders and were therefore
focused on outcomes without presenting empirical data. more likely to be implemented. In fact, some
accounts of micro-level TNA illustrated completion
of the training cycle.
5. Discussion * They fulfilled the criteria for the type of small-scale,
evaluative projects which are thought to demonstrate
An enormous amount has been written about the greatest potential to link needs assessment and its
benefits of TNA and how it should be conducted (see subsequent training intervention with improvements
Sheperd, 1994; Pedder, 1998; Wright, 1999). However, in patient care see Jordan (2000).
only a small proportion of the publications identified
through the search processes generated empirical nur- From this review it appears that as in the case of
sing studies and of these several proved disappointing audit, the best accounts of TNA applied to post-
because they were either too incomplete (Lloyd and registration nursing education are local, frequently apply
Ross, 1997) or too superficial (Nicholson et al., 2001) to to a small population and are ‘owned’ by stakeholders,
meet the criteria set for the review. Others were with feedback to staff effectively resulting in changes in
concerned with TNA as a topic for research rather than practice (Smith, 1992; Balogh, 1996). Detailed accounts
with assessment of staff training needs, a situation are the most useful to those planning future TNA
comparable to that seen in the literature concerned with initiatives. Accounts like those of Arnett (1992) and
audit (Closs and Cheater, 1996). This is legitimate Jones et al. (2002), although encouraging, lack sufficient
providing that such research demonstrates methodolo- detail of the factors which promoted success. Overall,
gical rigour. At present this is not always the case. micro-level TNA are much more closely geared to
The remaining empirical accounts successfully meeting identifying and meeting organisational needs and goals
the review criteria were so diverse in terms of their aims, than macro-level TNA, while in many cases still
scope, methods and content that comparisons could not managing to identify the professional requirements of
be drawn easily. The empirical studies were classified individual practitioners and encompass the user per-
according to whether or not they had been designed to spective. A drawback of both categories of TNA,
meet the needs of a single, specific organisation. This however, is failure to address how educators’ needs
approach was judged successful as the extent to which a should be identified, although attention was drawn to
particular TNA could be considered effective depended this aspect early in the history of nursing TNA (Sheperd,
on whether it fell into the micro-level category (con- 1994). Failure to include commisioners of health care
cerned with a single organisation) or constituted a training is understandable because of their relatively
macro-level TNA (concerned with more than one recent introduction. Nevertheless, they are emerging as
organisation or a professional group). No hard and fast important stakeholders in this arena and it is anticipated
distinctions could be drawn between the two types of that in future they will require robustly executed TNA as
TNA, but as a general rule micro-level studies emerged as evidence that new training initiatives are needed. In fact
having the greatest potential to contribute to improved some Workforce Development Confederations are
service provision and quality of patient care because: already commssioning TNA as the first step in new
course development. A model to evaluate the planning,
* They were concerned with identifying actual training process and outcomes of TNA is presented in Table 3.
needs rather than with validating an instrument or This combines criteria which have traditionally been
defining the boundaries of a professional group. used to evaluate both research and audit.
14 D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Table 3
Hallmarks of successful training needs analysis projects

To effectively guide subsequent training interventions, TNA should explicitly demonstrate;

Clear definition of the group(s) of staff selected for inclusion.
A statement of the operational requirements of the organisation; its goals and what is needed to ensure these are met, over an
identified time-scale (long, medium or short term).
Identification of the skills/personal attributes which need to be developed in those individuals eligible for training.
How participants’ co-operation will be obtained. This is important in order to secure motivation. The benefits of training (improved
pay, career prospects, increased opportunity to deliver best practice) should be apparent.

The aim(s) of TNA.
Evidence that stakeholder opinion has been sought from a representative sample of all stakeholders to ensure that all have the
opportunity to voice their opinions.
The methods which will be employed to collect the required information from all stakeholders.
A model to guide the approach of the enquiry which can link the aims of TNA to the methods chosen to collect the data.

A statement of the findings, with consideration of any limitations which could have influenced them (for example, failure to include a
representative sample of service users through cost or inability to participate because of poor health).
An account of how the findings of TNA will be implemented in the next stage of the cycle.

Given their potential to improve local service delivery, main focus of the study and this was reflected in the
it is disappointing that so few authors have published article title and key words, the paper was also concerned
accounts of TNA, but perhaps not difficult to speculate with later stages of the training cycle (see for example
why this may be. Experience in higher education Smith and Topping, 2001; Nash, 2002). Failure to
planning post-registration nursing courses with clinical differentiate with sufficient clarity between studies which
colleagues, indicates that micro-level TNA is continually did and did not deal primarily with TNA may have
taking place. Failure to publish may reflect a belief that resulted in the exclusion of some potentially useful
TNA, like audit, is not ‘real’ research and is therefore papers. The tendency of some authors to structure a
unlikely to meet the standards expected of scholarly whole series of publications around a single educational
enterprise. This view is erroneous. The best micro-level initiative or series of related initiatives also caused
accounts reviewed above demonstrate methodological confusion but was understandable as the amount of
rigour and add to the wider debate which seeks to link information contained in the series clearly exceeded
educational outcomes with enhanced practice (Jordan, what could reasonably be included in a single publica-
2000). While it is not reasonable to expect every tion. In at least two cases it was obvious that the same
individual engaging in TNA to undertake a comprehen- initiative had generated multiple publications (Oberski
sive literature review or to address methods with the et al., 1999 with Matthews-Smith et al., 2001 and Gould
rigour expected of formal research, much can be learnt et al., 2001a, b). In other cases this relationship may not
by reflecting on the processes and outcomes of TNA have been so apparent and as a result some teams may
and, as shown in the micro-level account offered by have been wrongly criticized for not fully exploiting the
Smith and Topping (2001) additional post hoc data outcomes of TNA.
collection and analysis can contribute to theoretical Determining the ‘ownership’ of TNA and its findings
undertanding. was also unclear in many published accounts. This
omission was significant. Change in response to TNA is
most likely to result when the target group or the
6. Limitations of the review organisation acting on its behalf is actively involved in
identifying the need for change. Moreover, it is the
TNA is part of a cycle (Pedder, 1998). It was therefore owners of project findings who are in a position to do
not surprising that publications varied in the extent to something constructive with them. Unless they belong to
which the emphasis was placed on this part of the authors who are members of the organisation involved
process. Deciding whether a study was concerned or of professionally influential groups, they are unlikely
primarily with TNA may have been subjective in some to stimulate change in the training actually delivered. In
cases. Although the authors implied that TNA was the most micro-level studies ‘ownership’ was implicit in the
D. Gould et al. / International Journal of Nursing Studies ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 15

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