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Editing, Organizing, Coding, Analyzing and Presentation


 After collecting relevant information, the next step in the

research process is to process the data
 The collected information is usually in rough and an un-
organized form, and therefore also called raw data or data
 The main purpose of processing data is to ensure a clean data
 Three major steps are taken to clean the data which include
the editing, organizing and coding or tabulation
 Necessary data is separated for a better understanding

 The first step in data treatment or processing is editing in

order to maximize comprehension, and minimize the errors
 Misconception and incomplete statements are edited to
enhance the usefulness of information
 Primary data collected through Observation and Interview is
refined and necessary additions and omissions are performed
 Secondary data is confirmed and is checked for its validity
 Wrong information and un-necessary data is removed

 Once the data and information are edited, the researcher

moves to organize it into a meaningful structure
 It brings clarity in comprehension, facilitates in analyzing,
and minimize ambiguities in reporting or communicating
 It also helps in identifying deficiencies in data
 Images and other graphical data also needs to be separated
 Computerized data is usually collected into separate folders
which helps researcher to access or consult easily

 Clean and error-free data is then coded and tabulated to

classify various aspects of the study
 The process of classifying refers to various responses into
meaningful categories
 The first level of coding is to make distinction between
Qualitative and Quantitative data
 Broad themes are constructed which address major issues in
the study
 Coding broad themes helps in developing contents and
chapters of the report

 A critical and difficult step in the research process is analyzing

the data
 A better approach is to formulate a framework of analysis
 For qualitative analysis and reporting, the researcher decides
his personal style and approach (argumentative/descriptive)
 Coded and quantitative data can be analyzed both manually
and mechanically or with the help of computer.
 The choice mainly depends on the nature and requirements
of data and research

 Manual Method:
 Analyzing data manually is more time consuming but
sometimes it becomes crucial esp. in case of qualitative data
or lack of technical literacy or unavailability of software
 Computerized Method:
 Relevant computer program saves time on one hand and on
the other it provides more accurate results. Usually it is more
better for statistical data

 Finally the researcher tries to interpret the results and

generalize these on the basis of collected data
 Interpretation means conclusion of the study and
Generalization refers to the process of publicizing and
communicating results to others
 New theories are constructed and solution is proposed
 However, the analysis and interpretation must have the
ability to be reported and communicated (sections include:
results and/or discussion)

 The final step in the research process is to present and report

results of the study to the public and target audience
 This can be an Oral or Multimedia Presentation, Compiled
Report, or Performance
 The most common type of generalization and presentation is
a Scientific Research Report
 An Art and Design Project is publicized in the form of
Exhibition or Performance which is most often supported by a
Descriptive Project Report


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