487 - Assignment 1 - GBD0704 - Whatever Group

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 3: Human resource management

Submission date 10/12/2019 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student names & codes Final scores Signatures

1. Nguyen Xuan Duc Hieu HIEU

2. Nguyen Tu Trinh TRINH

Group number:
3. Le Trung Thien THIEN

4. Tran Gia Long LONG

5. Nguyen Trung Kien KIEN

Class Assessor name Mr. Nguyen Minh Hai

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false
declaration is a form of malpractice.

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
Student 1

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria



Student 2

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria


Student 3

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria



Student 4

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria



 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1

I. About FPT ................................................................................................................................ 1

1. Vision of FPT: ........................................................................................................................ 1

2. Mission: ................................................................................................................................ 1

3. Objectives: ............................................................................................................................ 2

II. Function and the key roles and responsibilities of the Human Resource function ................ 3

1. Function of Human Resource Management ........................................................................ 3

2. The role of Human Resource Management in Organizations .............................................. 5

III. Function of FHR (FPT Human Resource) ................................................................................. 6

1. Recruitment and selection ................................................................................................... 6

2. Training and development ................................................................................................... 8

3. Performance management .................................................................................................. 9

4. Reward systems of FPT....................................................................................................... 10

5. Regulation and rules of FPT................................................................................................ 11

IV. Approaches to recruitment and selection ............................................................................ 11

1. Explanation of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and

selection .................................................................................................................................... 11

a. Recruitment .................................................................................................................... 11
b. Selection ...................................................................................................................... 12

2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and

selection. ................................................................................................................................... 12

a. Internal Recruitment ...................................................................................................... 12

b. External Recruitment .................................................................................................. 13

3. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment

and selection in HRM of FPT ..................................................................................................... 13

4. Recommendation for FPT’s Recruitment and Selection .................................................... 15

V. Functions of HRM .................................................................................................................. 16

1. HRM functions: ................................................................................................................... 16

a. Operative functions: ....................................................................................................... 16

b. Managerial functions: ................................................................................................. 17

c. Advisory functions: ......................................................................................................... 18

2. In the case of FPT HRM: ..................................................................................................... 19

VI. FPT HRM practices: ............................................................................................................... 20

1. The benefits of different HRM practices within an organization....................................... 20

2. The effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organizational profit and
productivity. .............................................................................................................................. 21

3. HRM practices and application within an organizational context: .................................... 23

a. Salary, rewards and benefits: ......................................................................................... 23

b. Learning and development: ........................................................................................ 24

c. Working environment: ................................................................................................... 24

4. Recommendation ............................................................................................................... 24

a. The change of company when applying HRM practices. ............................................... 24

b. Recommendation for another company. ................................................................... 25

Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 25

Reference: ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Welcome to FPT,

30 years is the development journey of FPT to become a pioneer group, opening many trends in
Vietnam in various fields such as technology, telecommunications, education, etc. This journey
not only helps FPT become a leading technology corporation in Vietnam but also brings
Vietnamese intelligence to the globe and inspires other businesses in Vietnam and contributes
to national development.

I. About FPT

1. Vision of FPT:

“Pioneer in technology. Affirm Vietnam's position in ICT world map” (FPT, 2019). In the top
50 Global Digital Services/IT services providers in the next 10 years.

2. Mission:

FPT's mission is to focus on bringing customer satisfaction with the best technology products,
services and solutions. At the same time, constantly researching and developing new trends
to contribute to affirm Vietnam's position in the 4th technological revolution - the digital
revolution. FPT will pioneer to provide comprehensive digital transformation services in
organizations and businesses on a global scale.

3. Objectives:


Becoming a world-class digital corporation - DX service and listed in the top 50 Global Digital
Services/IT services providers

Rising from #180 positions in Gartner’s the top 200 Global IT Service in 2018 to top 100, then
ranking up Top 50 in the next 10 years.


In 2019-2021, FPT's objectives include four main objectives

Position: World-Class full-services providers for the global DX industry; enhance the value
and position of FPT by providing high value such as digital conversion consulting and
argument conversion strategies.

Client Portfolio: +30 MAJOR ACCOUNTS (THE FORTUNE GLOBAL 500); Bringing DX services
and other product services to abroad; Recruiting +30 major customers in the Fortune
Global 500 list every year.

Revenue: Sustain double-digit growth rate; always achieve a growth rate of over 15%

Products and Services: Complete comprehensive DX service package; diversify the

solutions/ services then completing the full DX service package in the next two years.

In addition, FPT in Japan, FPT CEO Nguyen Viet Vuong aim to make FPT one of the 20 largest
IT companies in Japan in the next 3 years. The goal is to increase 35% of employees from
1300 to 2000.

II. Function and the key roles and responsibilities of the Human
Resource function

Human Resource Management Definition:

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an extremely important part of a business that helps
businesses manage employees or workers. HRM is a process that includes activities such as
recruiting, selecting, inducting employees, providing orientation, imparting training and
development, appraising the performance of employees, deciding compensation and providing
benefits, motivating employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their trade
unions, employee safety, welfare and health measures in compliance with labor laws of the land.

1. Function of Human Resource Management

Functions Main job

Planning -The manager must plan for the subordinates to get the job done. It is
also important to help FPT set goals.

-Planning also helps establish the best procedures to achieve goals.

Further, effective managers often spend most of their time to make

-Make a plan to identify the personnel program that can contribute to

achieving FPT’s goals.

-Programs include FPT's recruitment needs prediction, job requirements

planning, job description and job identification.

Organizing After the manager plans to be able to achieve the goals and
development for the program, the manager will design and develop the
organizational structure to carry out various activities within the
company. Structure development include:

- Grouping of personnel with the same function and position to operate


-Decentralize authority to groups according to their respective duties

and responsibilities.

- Cooperation activities with various employees.

Directing The function of the HRM manager is to guide and motivate people to
complete HR programs.

HRM can motivate employees through career planning and salary

management by promoting employee morale, developing relationships,
providing safety requirements and taking care of employees' welfare.

To be effective, HRM must identify the needs of employees to meet the

means and methods for them, create satisfaction and motivate them at

Controlling An important function of HRM is to control and adjust activities in
accordance with FPT's plans and goals. The manager observes and
compares the results to the set standards.

The manager must correct the errors in the implementation process.

Control helps managers evaluate the performance of parts for different
functions. This involves appraisals, audits and statistics

2. The role of Human Resource Management in Organizations

- Recruiting: ensuring the organization has the right people, the right job, the right time.

- Employee relations: the human resources department is a liaison between the organization
and the staff, to ensure that employees keep up with relevant information and in turn.

- Employment law compliance: Human resources have a duty to keep an organization

compliant with the law in the workplace. Provide positive working conditions to ensure fair
work practices.

- Health and safety: Promote a safe workplace, responsible for ensuring an organization
adheres to all employee safety and health laws.

- Staff training and development: An important aspect of the human resources department
is to facilitate training at the workplace, to ensure adequate training is provided but also to
encourage the continuous development of employees through training courses or related

III. Function of FHR (FPT Human Resource)

1. Recruitment and selection

Recruitment demand of FPT is extremely large when the coverage range of FPT is global. As
a young and ambitious business, FPT always wants and expects many elements, regardless of
whether competent people of any age can join to work at FPT.

Criteria when coming to FPT: Don't hire the best people, just hire the right people.

Internal and External environment are the two main recruitment methods of FPT

External environment recruitment:

Step 1: Apply

Send information and CV include personal information, studying

process, experiences, objectives and personal preferences, etc. to the
addresses provided in the recruitment postings.

Step 2: Receive and select records

After candidates submit their applications and information,

FPT will gather and select candidates who have information
close to the requirements of the position to invite to
participate in the multiple choice test and essay round. The
records are not yet appropriate, we will save for the location
and the later stages.

Step 3: Multiple choice test and essay writing

Candidates will take some exams that include:

 IQ test - Logical thinking test

 GMAT- Check timed computing ability
 English
 Professional exams (Corresponding to vacancies)
- Each vacancy has exams that match that position
- There are 2 types of entrance examination applied: Online test and Paper test

Step 4: Interview

This is the first official meeting between the candidate

and the Company. During this interview, the Company
has more information to assess the suitability of
candidates to recruit jobs.

Some of the main factors FPT often considers when

interviewing candidates include: The communication
skill, the ability to work (independently or in groups),
organizing work and planning, the ability to think and
solve the problem, check some information in the file:
Learning process, experience, skills, etc. Candidates
can also ask the Company related issues. Depending
on the candidate and the position, there may be more
than one interview. Selected candidates will receive notification within 10 days of the
Step 5: Contractual agreement

Candidates who pass the interview will be agreed on labor contracts and
related issues, including: type of contract, job, salary, working time. All
following stages will be carried out according to the labor contract and
the guidance of leaders and HR staff.

Step 6: Complete record

After receiving the notice of matriculation, candidates

should prepare the following documents and send to HR
staff: Original resume | Birth certificate copy or notarized |
Health certificate with round marks | A photo ID with local
confirmation | Copy diploma | Student certificate (if any) |
Transcript, certificate copy | 02 photos 03 x 04, 2 photos

2. Training and development

For new employees:

100% of new employees have participated in FPT training courses. The course will help
employees develop soft skills such as planning and time management skills, communication
skills, teamwork skills, etc. In addition, attending the course will help employees integrate
into the work and working environment

The training of new employees with the purpose of being oriented in the beginning time,
better understanding the core values of FPT Company.

For old employees:

This program is organized with the purpose of building a competent staff - a key force in
developing FPT, making the most contribution to production activities, business
development - thriving, meeting general strategy.

Technology staff training: Technology training programs are regularly organized to update
the latest technology trends for employees, improve staff qualifications and technology

Training and fostering professional skills: Training programs are organized annually to help
improve professional skills for employees to meet the needs of FPT.

Training adjacent staff force: Training adjacent staff, prioritizing resources to train core staff
to become adjacent management and leadership to serve the long-term development needs
of FPT.

3. Performance management

Operation principle

FPT applied management by OKR (Objectives and Key Results) to observe employee and work
activities, OKR is being applied at most leading technology companies in the world, OKR is an
upgraded version. of KPI (Key performance indicator). FPT has used this method in its
development plan since 2018.

- Ambition: the goal is always set higher than the company's capacity threshold
- Measurable: Key Results are attached to measurable landmarks
- Transparency: All members of the company can follow OKR's organization including
- Performance Calculation: ORK cannot be used to evaluate employee performance

Benefits OKR brought to FPT

- Creating FPT's internal linkage: OKR sets clear and transparent goals to all departments
and all employees to ensure that everyone can have the same idea on how to work for
everything to be connected.
- Clarify orientation for all departments and staff: Because of the transparency and
simplicity of the enterprise size, each department can easily understand many issues such
as expected goals, priority activities or the organization of FPT. Moreover, employees are
able to identify their contribution to the success of the company.
- Focus on the essentials: by focusing on the goals and understanding the goals and
objectives of FPT, thereby reducing unnecessary work to help employees focus on key
activities to create more efficiency.
- Measuring the progress of achieving the target: By the data and indicators collected, OKR
will reflect the percentage of the work that departments and employees have completed
to achieve FPT's goals.
- Achieving outstanding results: OKR helps managers maximize the ability of managers,
helping the company achieve impressive results.

4. Reward systems of FPT

FPT is honored in the Top 5 companies that employees want to work in Vietnam market. In
addition, salaries, benefits and incentives are considered one of the best businesses in Vietnam.

The FPT compensation structure consists of 4 categories:

• A 13th-month salary is paid twice a year based on FPT's business performance

• Allowances, including a travel allowances, mobile phone top-up, concurrent employment

allowance and other specific cases

• Bonus, including a bonus based on employee performance appraisal and the company’s
financial results.

• Welfare including social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, health
check-ups, FPT care insurance and a holiday policy.

5. Regulation and rules of FPT

FPT's sustainable development is based on: professional ethics, professional knowledge and
conduct of each employee. On that basis, FPT commits to strictly follow the provisions of this
Code of Ethics. All violations against the rules mentioned below will be strictly punished at all

- Comply with the laws of Vietnam, the regulations of the Ministry of Finance, the State
Securities Commission and the regulations of FPT Securities Joint Stock Company.
- Working and serving customers with full capacity, devotion, fairness and transparency.
- Do not take advantage of positions, powers and other advantages gained from the position
of work at FPTS to benefit individuals and related people.
- Absolutely confidential all information of FPTS, customers, partners of FPTS. FPTS staff
members are only allowed to provide the above information when authorized by FPTS
authorities or at the request of competent state management agencies.
- Not spreading directly or indirectly false information, rumors that affect customers,
partners of FPTS and other related parties.
- Do not perform operations that the company has not prescribed or allowed.

IV. Approaches to recruitment and selection

1. Explanation of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to

recruitment and selection

a. Recruitment

Recruitment is a fundamental method of an organization's overall human resources

planning and management process. Hiring is a process of trying to locate and encourage

potential candidates to apply for current or anticipated job opportunities (UKEssays.com.

Receive and
choice test Contractual Complete
Apply select Interview
and essay agreement record

FPT’s recruitment has 6 steps: Apply, receive and select records, multiple choice test and
essay writing, interview, contractual agreement and complete record.

b. Selection

Selection is the process of finding the most suitable candidates for the company and
recruiting them (Anon, 2019).

Our selection process consists of many different steps to selecting the right candidates for
the company. Candidates will take a number of tests such as:

- IQ - Test of logical thinking

- GMAT- Test calculation ability in a short time
- English professional tests
- Specialized tests for each position

2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment

and selection.

a. Internal Recruitment

 Strengths:
- Reduce recruitment costs while promoting employee morale
- Retain top talent and reduce employee turnover

 Weaknesses:
- The number of potential candidates is limited
- The company may miss new ideas and perspectives that external candidates can bring
- Workplace conflicts may also arise

b. External Recruitment

 Strengths:
- The company will get new ideas from new candidates
- New employees will have new skills and inputs
- Large number of candidates, the company will have many options
 Weaknesses:
- External recruitment may not be effective enough to disclose the best candidate
- External recruitment can cause problems among existing internal employees
- It takes time and money to recruit and train

3. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to

recruitment and selection in HRM of FPT

a. Internal FPT’s Recruitment and Selection

Fpt often use internal information channels such as website, Facebook, Gmail and private
forums to notify recruitment to internal employees. For example, I used to link with
website Topcv to post internal communication staff, this is a good position but only for
internal staff in FPT (Topcv.vn. 2019).
 Strengths:
- Saving money and time
- Fpt already has enough information of candidates to evaluate them
- The candidates are familiar with the working environment so they will adapt faster
- Create more motivation and opportunity for FPT staff
 Weaknesses:

- The bias that can occur makes unfair hiring between employees
- Internal recruitment will be limited to candidates, losing the diversity of employees in FPT
- When employees are recruited to a new position, their former position will be empty.
This process will occur continuously if FPT do not have external recruitment

b. External recruitment
FPT is one of the strongest companies in Vietnam, so its recruitment is very attractive and
highly appreciated. According to the review of CareerBuilder, which was just announced
in 2019, FPT holds 2 positions in the top 5 most favorite employers (Chungta. 2019).

 Strengths:
- There is no limit on the number of candidates
- FPT candidates are of relatively high quality
- The FPT education sector will be an effective weapon of FPT in external recruitment. FPT
knows the profiles and results of students, and thanks to the close cooperation through
FPT education, they will know the bright candidates and prioritize recruitment to keep
 Weaknesses:

- Spend time and money on recruiting and training
- There is a risk of finding a suitable and loyal employee with FPT
4. Recommendation for FPT’s Recruitment and Selection
During the 4.0 revolution, FPT was a pioneer company in Vietnam in researching and developing
new technologies in artificial intelligence, big data, mobile, etc. FPT is proud to be a pioneer
corporation in the world's leading technology sector creating the most advanced technology
platforms. This shows that internal factors play an important role in the development of FPT. FPT
should focus on both external and internal recruitment.
The reason:
 For external recruitment
Firstly, in the process of innovation need dialysis, FPT is always at the forefront of innovation,
innovation so it will need more ideas from outsiders. With human resources from universities
such as FPT, Greenwich, FSB, Funix, etc. FPT family students are famous for being creative,
energetic and eager to learn with such enthusiastic young generation that will help FPT go further
in the future.

Secondly, external recruitment helps reduce unnecessary conflict between internal employees.
 For internal recruitment

Firstly, FPT is a company with a very unique culture. Internal recruitment can work well because
FPT employees are familiar with the working culture so it will not take time to get used to this

Secondly, in some important positions that need to be hired quickly, internal staff should be
given priority. Because they have been shown their previous loyalty and skills in the old position,
it will be safer than external recruitment when the candidate's loyalty and skills are still in time

Thirdly, FPT has many different industries and located in many regions of Vietnam, so internal
recruitment is not only for one small unit but also for all branches of FPT system. Taking
advantage of the large scale of the company, internal recruitment will be less limited in terms of
candidates as other small companies. In fact, there are many employees at Fpt software and Fpt
telecom who have moved to work as lecturers at Fpt University and Greenwich University. This
is a prime example of flexibility in internal recruitment.

V. Functions of HRM

1. HRM functions:

Human Resource Management is a function in an organization that concentrate

mostly on the recruitment, management and provide guidelines to the human
resource in a company. HRM’s job is to concern about problems that are related to
the staff of the company in terms of hiring, compensation, performance, safety,
wellness, benefits, motivation and training. An ideal HRM help make the workforce of
an organization to contribute efficiently and effectively to achieve a company’s goals
and objectives. (studiousguy, 2019)
HRM’s functions can be of three types like Operative, Managerial, and advisory.

a. Operative functions:

 Recruitment and selection: This is one of the most important and difficult task for
a company’s HR manager. In order to draw attention, employ and keep the
company’s future employees, HR department need to put in a lot of effort and
resources. Some of the tasks which are required in this stage are: developing a job
description, publishing the recruitment posting, sourcing the applicants,
interviewing, job negotiations and finally, making the job offer.
 Training and development: After successfully recruited employees for the
company, HR department then need to provide trainings for the new comers. In
some cases, trainings are provided not only for new employees, but also the
existing employees. Some companies offer On the job training for their newly
recruits, others provide one month (or a few months in some cases) training for
fresher before officially work in the company. For the existing employees,
development programs are more preferred. These programs help the employees
sharpen their skills, learn some new ones or simply just keep them up to date with

their respective jobs as required by the company. During this phase, the results
are collected and monitored in order to keep track of an employee’s skills so the
company may provide additional new skills if he/she should need them.
 Professional development: This function of HRM is very important. This function
provides employees with opportunity for both personal and professional growth.
Companies usually organize seminars and trade shows for their employees. These
activities help make the employees feel being taken care of by their superior and
also the company.
 Compensation and benefits: A company can greatly increase the work morale of
its employees by providing the right benefits for them. Some of the benefits can
be: working hour flexibility, vacations/extended vacations, health care,
maternal/paternal leave, education support for children.
 Performance assessment: Any employees of a company will be evaluated by the
HR department as some point depend on the company’s policy. This function of
the HR department allows the company to keep track of an employees’
performance. It also provides the company with data on whether the employees
need improvement. Based on the data collected in this function, HR department
can make future plan to help the employees who have not yet met the minimal
requirement for their job.

b. Managerial functions:

 Planning: This function is very vital to set goals and objectives of an organization. The
policies and procedures are laid down to achieve these goals. When it comes to planning
the first thing is to foresee vacancies, set the job requirements and decide the recruitment
sources. For every job group, a demand and supply forecast is to be made, this requires
an HR manager to be aware of both job market and strategic goals of the company.
Shortage versus the excess of employees for that given job category is determined for a
given period. In the end, a plan is ascertained to eliminate this shortage of employees.
(studiousguy, 2019)

 Organizing and staffing: The next major managerial function is to develop and design the
structure of the organization. It fundamentally includes the following:
o Employees are grouped into positions or activities they will be performing.
o Allocate different functions to different persons.
o Delegate authority as per the tasks and responsibilities that are assigned.
(studiousguy, 2019)
 Directing: This function is designated to inspire and direct the employees to achieve the
goals. This can be attained by having a proper planning of career of employees, various
motivational methods and having friendly relations with the manpower. This is a great
challenge to any HR manager of an organization; he/she should have the capability of
finding employee needs and ways to satisfy them. Motivation will be a continuous process
here as new needs may come forward as the old ones get fulfilled. (studiousguy, 2019)
 Controlling: This is concerned with the apprehension of activities as per plans, which was
formulated on the basis of goals of the company. The controlling function ends the cycle
and again prompts for planning. Here the HR Manager makes an examination of outcome
achieved with the standards that were set in the planning stage to see if there are any
deviations from the set standards. Hence any deviation can be corrected on the next
cycle. (studiousguy, 2019)

c. Advisory functions:

 Top management advice: As HR manager is a specialist in Human resource management,

he/she can advise and recommend the top managers for making appropriate policies,
procedures and the appraisal of manpower in the company. This function also involves
advice regarding keeping and maintaining high quality human relations and employees
work morale.
 Department head advice: In this function, the HR manager and the HR department advise
the head of departments in the company on job design, job description, recruitment,
selection and appraisal.

2. In the case of FPT HRM:

As a forward looking organization, FPT Software is always recruiting dynamic individuals to

conquer new technologies and explore new frontiers. To ensure a highly motivated team, peak
performance and to world class leaders, FPT Software invests heavily in people across all levels.
Talent is recognized, performance is rewarded and leaders are groomed in the FPT environment
that encourages teamwork and excellence. (FPT, 2019)

More Value to Customers

FPT Software has a large talent pool largest human resource with an annual growth rate of 40%.
This gives us the ability to take on any challenging project– small, medium or large. FPT engineers
are young, motivated, eager to deliver, keen to learn and achieve results. This explains why our
attrition rate is less than 10% while the industry average across Asia is 20% plus. (FPT, 2019)

Human Resource Strategy

We are managing company’s annual growth rate at around 30-40%, thus increasing the chances
of career enhancement for our employees.

 Providing intensive training for sustained growth.

 Creating a career path system for Engineers, allowing fast track performance assessments every
6 months (using OKR system)
 Offering excellent employee benefits such as health care, summer vacations and other soft perks.
 Identifying and nurturing a ‘Key Talent Group’ with less than 5% attrition rate. (FPT, 2019)

Work Ready Talent Resource Pool

 FPT University – one of the largest IT Universities in Vietnam, a subsidiary of FPT Corporation,
was founded with the aim of preparing future talent to match and exceed industry requirements.
 FPT Software co-operates closely with a host of reputed domestic and overseas universities and
leverages the best candidates in its very own ‘FPT University’ to identify and groom talent to
become highly qualified engineers for the industry. Students from these universities are provided
internship opportunities in FPT Software while they are studying in their 2nd or 3rd year.
 Our potential employees are first provided with a practical working environment, on-site tasks,
lots of work-oriented education and on-the-job training to improve their foreign language
proficiency and enhance their technical knowledge related to the various technologies used
across different projects. (FPT, 2019)

Continuous Training

FPT Software has its own training center that is responsible for managing human resources and
providing training courses to ensure sufficient numbers of highly-trained staff are available for
projects. New recruits undergo rigorous training before being exposed to live projects, while the
experienced staffs undergo retraining from time to time thus ensuring that our people are on par
with the latest developments. (FPT, 2019)

VI. FPT HRM practices:

1. The benefits of different HRM practices within an organization.

Currently, HR management software is known as information technology

applications to make the implementation of HR processes easier. (amis, 2019)
Now, human resource management is an important strategy in the development
of the business and covers many aspects such as hiring management, staff
management, salary management and personnel assessment. (amis, 2019)
The benefit of HRM: can help bring high efficiency for businesses by streamlining
employee management processes and maximizing their potential.
 Effective recruitment: Human resource management software helps HR
staff prepare recruitment notices, post them on various recruitment sites,
select and evaluate candidates in accordance with the set criteria. (amis,

 Fully evaluate staff and their skills: When using personnel management
software, businesses will fully focus employee information, which helps
the job assignment more effectively. (amis, 2019)

 Managing labor resources: Businesses can assign tasks, track progress or

reward from a single software that will bring high efficiency in productivity
and cost savings. (amis, 2019)

 Payroll management: Using HR management software with payroll

features will ensure that salaries and benefits of employees are always
calculated correctly and comply with tax regulations. (amis, 2019)

 Accurate evaluation & reward: A good personnel management system will

help businesses track the progress of each employee and easily assess the
level of work done, rewarding and rewarding for employees. (amis, 2019)

Through the benefits of HRM mentioned above, people can see this is a tool
to help manage employees quite effectively. Not only that, human resource
management software can also help leaders track and evaluate the progress
of employees' work in the most intuitive way possible.

In terms of recruiting, FPT has focused a lot on recruiting and ensuring benefits
for employees such as a good working environment, free professional training,
and opportunities for promotion at work. (FT, 2019) In addition, FPT also
focuses on evaluating and rewarding employees including 13th-month salary,
allowance salary, salary based on work efficiency and social welfare. (Cp, 2019)
In summary, FPT has used HRM as an extremely good management tool with
many different benefits that contribute to improving the performance of the

2. The effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organizational profit

and productivity.
To understand the effectiveness of the various HR management activities in terms of
improving profitability and productivity of the organization, here are some data
collected through FPT's annual report.

Figure 1: Number of employees and Human resources structure of FPT in 2018 (Fpt, 2019)

Through the statistics table of FPT's human resources structure for 5 years (starting
from 2015 to 2018), people can see the impact of human resources on FPT, which has
a strong impact on FPT, namely total The number of employees in 2018 was 27,843,

an increase of 16.7% compared to 2017, excluding employees of Synnex FPT and FPT
Retail because both companies became joint ventures from December 18, 2017. In
which, the number of human resources of the Information Technology sector
accounts for 60.8% of the total workforce of the group, Telecommunications accounts
for 34.3% and the remaining is Education.

At the present time, FPT has a lot of areas to develop but the focus is still on the
software field, and human resources is an extremely important issue to be able to
develop well in this field. In fact, FPT is in the period of lack of human resources in the
software field, it is expected that FPT Software will recruit 5,000 more people by 2020
to be able to improve this situation (Cht, 2019). So people can see that human
resources have a lot to do with the revenues and activities of large enterprises like

Figure 2: MAIN TARGETS FOR 2019 (Fpt, 2019)

In 2019, the revenue of the Information Technology sectors of FPT is VND 15,450
billion, up 15.3% compared to 2018 and accounting for 57.95% of FPT's total revenue.
From here we can begin to see the importance of the human resources impacting FPT.
Currently, FPT is focusing on using internal resources trained on site. Instead of
enticing "stars" elsewhere to occupy important positions, businesses should use
internal human resources, give opportunities and delegate authority in an increasing
degree and clear roadmap for them to have be able to grow and serve the business

(Ct, 2019). Thereby, in order to be able to develop sustainably, FPT Corporation has
had a great focus on human issues at work.

To sum up, FPT has put the human factor into the decisive factor for ensuring sustainable
development of the corporation.

3. HRM practices and application within an organizational context:

In the past, FPT used to face a human resource crisis. 1,400 employees of the company
resigned; all of them are experienced staff. The reason for their resignation was low salary. This
event has brought FPT to the attention of taking care of the company’s employees.

From that event, FPT has made a lot of changes in the effort of improve the company HR. Those
changes can be seen through some points mentioned below.

a. Salary, rewards and benefits:

 Increasing salary process (Nguyen, 2010): In FPT, employees will get a pay raise base
on different levels according to the company’s policy; which include 13th month
salary and bonuses and one or twice pay raise per year.

 FPT’s comprehensive structure (FPT Annual report, 2019): Employees receive many
benefits such as expenses support or insurance significantly for FPT’s employees.

Welfare policies (FPT Annual report, 2019): FPT provide medical check-up with 100% cost
support for employees. Other insurance such as health insurance, unemployed insurance to
ensure the best benefits for employees.

b. Learning and development:

FPT is one of the leading company in term of encouraging its employees to learn. In 2018, FPT
invested 76.9 billion VND for its employees training program. FPT provide training for fresher,
existing personnel, officers, professional skills and soft skills, etc.

c. Working environment:

FPT establish an ideal working environment with six core values:

 Respect: personal respect, listen and tolerance

 Innovation: learning, creativity and STCo
 Team spirit: sincerity, Unity and consensus
 Objectivity: build trust in employees
 Exemplarity: Leader must set a good example for his/her staff
 Wisdom: Vision and assertiveness

4. Recommendation
a. The change of company when applying HRM practices.

According to the above analysis, in 2012 FPT encountered a serious problem when 70% of its
employees quit their jobs due to low salary. That has greatly affected FPT's development
process. After the 2012 event, FPT learned that lessons such as salary, working environment and
development ability are the most important factors for employees to work for a long time and
work better. To overcome that, FPT uses strategies such as salary and bonus, encouraging
employees to self-study, OKR software, etc. In 2018, FPT is one of the 5 most favorite employers
in 2018. Besides, FPT is in the top 130 companies with the best working environment in Asia.
From there, we can see that HRM practices has an important role in developing the company.

b. Recommendation for another company.

FPT is an example of the success in applying HRM practices so we recommendation that FPT will
open exchange courses to connect with other companies for the purpose of sharing and training
knowledge basic. Other companies will have to pay for each respective course.

Opportunities: Creating new sources of funds to support FPT's implementation of strategies,

personnel development policies and internal event. Besides that, expanding diplomatic relations,
connecting companies together. Especially, FPT asserts its position domestically and

Threaten: Increase competition but not significantly because the courses are nature basic.
However, increasing competition creates more challenges forcing FPT to develop stronger. The
application of such training programs gives FPT many opportunities. Besides, promote Vietnam's
economy development so FPT should apply program.


Despite the fact that HR crisis occurred in the past, with the help of HR department and using
the right strategies of HRM, FPT has recovered and now rank on top of the best working
environment companies. This show that HRM plays a crucial part in helping a company improve
and maintain its manpower, in turn, increase the company’s productivity and profit. Others
company can see FPT as an example to apply their own HRM strategy in order to build and
maintain a good workforce for the company


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