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Molecular Neurobiology (2020) 57:5026–5043

Gut Microbiota and Dysbiosis in Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications

for Pathogenesis and Treatment
Shan Liu 1 & Jiguo Gao 1 & Mingqin Zhu 1,2 & Kangding Liu 1 & Hong-Liang Zhang 3

Received: 18 May 2020 / Accepted: 11 August 2020 / Published online: 23 August 2020
# The Author(s) 2020

Understanding how gut flora influences gut-brain communications has been the subject of significant research over the past
decade. The broadening of the term “microbiota-gut-brain axis” from “gut-brain axis” underscores a bidirectional communica-
tion system between the gut and the brain. The microbiota-gut-brain axis involves metabolic, endocrine, neural, and immune
pathways which are crucial for the maintenance of brain homeostasis. Alterations in the composition of gut microbiota are
associated with multiple neuropsychiatric disorders. Although a causal relationship between gut dysbiosis and neural dysfunction
remains elusive, emerging evidence indicates that gut dysbiosis may promote amyloid-beta aggregation, neuroinflammation,
oxidative stress, and insulin resistance in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Illustration of the mechanisms under-
lying the regulation by gut microbiota may pave the way for developing novel therapeutic strategies for AD. In this narrative
review, we provide an overview of gut microbiota and their dysregulation in the pathogenesis of AD. Novel insights into the
modification of gut microbiota composition as a preventive or therapeutic approach for AD are highlighted.

Keywords Alzheimer’s disease . Gut microbiota . Microbiota-gut-brain axis . Gut dysbiosis

Introduction dissect the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of AD

and to seek disease-modifying therapies (Fig. 1).
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative Since it was first proposed by Hardy and Higgins in 1992,
disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) characteristic of the amyloid cascade hypothesis has been the dominant theory
gradual cognitive decline [1]. The presence of extracellular of AD pathogenesis which holds that the accumulation of Aβ
amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposition as neuritic plaques and intracel- peptides derived from amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the
lular accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau as neurofibril- initial event of AD pathogenesis [3]. Over the ensuing de-
lary tangles (NFTs) remain the primary neuropathological cades, this hypothesis has evolved from a neuron-centric lin-
criteria for AD diagnosis [1]. As the most prevalent form of ear cascade, which postulates that Aβ results in
dementia, AD has emerged as a global public health priority hyperphosphorylated tau and neurodegeneration, to an inte-
affecting an estimated total of 50 million people worldwide grative model that also involves feedback and feedforward
[2]. The consistently growing prevalence and the heavy bur- responses of impaired vasculature, oxidative stress (OS),
den of AD render it more urgent than ever for researchers to microgliosis, and dysregulation of neuronal proteolysis [4,
5]. Extensive research suggests that aggregated,
hyperphosphorylated forms of tau may also lead to synaptic
* Kangding Liu
communication disturbance as well as neuronal death [6].
Although candidate drugs that affect the formation, aggrega-
* Hong-Liang Zhang
tion, and clearance of Aβ and tau have yielded encouraging;
results in some preclinical trials, none have progressed to the
Department of Neurology, First Hospital of Jilin University, Jilin clinical stage [2, 7].
University, Xinmin Street 71, Changchun 130021, China Mounting evidence suggests that neuroinflammation is not
Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Neurology and just a consequence but a vital contributor to the development
Immunology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA and progression of AD. As such, the “inflammation hypothe-
Department of Life Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation sis” is emerging as a surrogate mechanism of AD (Fig. 1). In
of China, Shuangqing Road 83, Beijing 100085, China this scenario, synaptic impairment and neuronal death are at
Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043 5027

Fig. 1 Key factors in the

pathogenesis of AD. amyloid
plaques and intracellular NFTs,
mitochondrial dysfunction, OS,
IR, and chronic cerebral
hypoperfusion are the main
causes of AD development. These
factors are related to each other
directly or indirectly. Cerebral
hypoperfusion due to advanced
atherosclerosis or endothelial
dysfunction, IR, and
mitochondrial dysfunction lead to
an elevation in ROS levels which
results in overexpression and
increased processing of APP,
hyperphosphorylation of tau, and
NFT pathology leading to
neuronal death. Aβ, TBI, and
infections are some of the factors
that can elicit inflammation.
Abbreviations: Aβ amyloid-beta,
AD Alzheimer’s disease, APP
amyloid precursor protein, IR
insulin resistance, NFT
neurofibrillary tangle, OS
oxidative stress, ROS reactive
oxygen species, TBI traumatic
brain injury

least partially mediated by excessive or non-resolving innate of the microbiota-gut-brain axis has been implicated in the
immune activation [8]. Extrinsic factors like infections and pathogenesis of AD [19]. In this review, we will summarize
traumatic brain injury (TBI) can possibly interfere with the the knowledge on the characteristics of the gut microbiota and
central immune homeostasis and accelerate disease progres- the communication pathways of the microbiota-gut-brain axis,
sion [9, 10]. The “inflammation hypothesis” was fueled by the analyze the role of dysbiosis of the gut microbiota in the path-
discovery of inflammation susceptibility genes (e.g., CD33, ogenesis of AD, and highlight the modification of gut micro-
TREM2) for AD through large-scale genome-wide association biota composition as a preventive or therapeutic approach for
studies [11, 12]. AD.
Extensive research argues mitochondrial dysfunction [13],
insulin resistance (IR) [14], and cerebral hypoperfusion [15]
may mediate, drive, or possibly even initiate pathologic mo- Human Gut Microbiota
lecular cascades in AD and finally promote Aβ accumulation,
tau hyperphosphorylation, synaptic degeneration, and neuro- The human gut is an anaerobic bioreactor with a diverse pop-
nal dysfunction. However, current hypotheses in this regard ulation of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, archaea,
are unable to satisfactorily explain the etiology and underlying viruses, protozoa, and parasites such as helminths, collectively
pathophysiological mechanisms of AD. In recent years, the known as microbiota, which occupy different niches of the
microbiota-gut-brain axis has emerged as a focal point of bio- mucosal surfaces in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [16, 20].
medical research and a potential therapeutic target for the The application of DNA sequencing and metagenomic and
treatment of CNS disorders [16, 17]. In particular, dysfunction metabolomic analysis technologies has reshaped our view of
5028 Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043

human gut flora and provided new insights into the character- encephalopathy, is associated with gut dysbiosis and can be
ization of microbiota and its intricate interplay with human broadly treated by targeting the microbiota with antibiotics in
health [18]. The microorganisms residing in the gut make up humans; second, studies in GF animals showed that the brain
the vast majority of the human microbial population, includ- function is affected by the absence of microbiota; third, low-
ing at least 1000 different bacterial species and approximately level infections alter the behaviors of animals and humans
150 times as many genes as in the human genome [21, 22]. even in the absence of immune activation; fourth, specific
The distinct microenvironment of each gut compartment se- strains of exogenous bacteria alter the behaviors of animals
lects the growth of specific microbiota, with the distal gut and humans; and finally, antibiotic administration has long-
being the predominant habitat of the gut microbial community lasting effects on the nervous system [16, 17]. In this section,
[22]. Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes constitute the most abun- we will summarize the updated knowledge on role of the
dant phyla in human intestinal microbiota [23]. Initial coloni- microbiota-gut-brain axis in health and disease from the per-
zation of the GI tract by gut microbiota is thought to com- spective of metabolites, endocrine regulation (the
mence at birth when the infant becomes exposed to maternal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal [HPA] axis), neural transmis-
microbiota and other environmental factors during birth [24]. sion, and immunomodulation (Fig. 2) [16, 17].
Importantly, the gut microbiota of vaginally born infants
closely resembles the microbial compositions of the mothers’ Metabolites
vagina, while newborns delivered via cesarean section are
enriched with microbes found on human skin and in the sur- The ability of bacteria to produce bioactive products provides
rounding environment [25]. Gut microbiota composition ex- a mechanistic basis to understand the role of gut microbiota in
hibits a large interindividual variability and heterogeneity that modulating central physiological and pathological processes
may be explained by an influence of both extrinsic, e.g., diet, [36]. Moreover, the emerging notion that the interplay be-
antibiotics, lifestyle, and disease, and intrinsic factors, e.g., tween bacterial products and the brain can modulate behavior
genetics [26, 27]. The diverse commensal microbiota un- is intriguing. Different bacterial genera and species produce
dergoes dynamic changes throughout life, as is evidenced by gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), serotonin (5-HT), hista-
the fact that the number of species and the richness of gut mine, and dopamine (Table 1), which are all involved in a
microbiota composition decline prominently with age [28]. range of mood-related, behavioral, and cognitive functions
Intestinal microbiota is proposed as an essential “organ” as neurotransmitters or neurotransmitter precursors [43, 44].
which imparts substantial physiological functions related to During metabolism, the host and its gut microbiota coproduce
innate immunity, appetite, and energy metabolism locally a spectrum of metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids
and systematically [16, 29]. Abnormal changes in the compo- (SCFAs), that are essential for host health [45]. SCFAs, which
sition of gut flora, a phenomenon known as dysbiosis, is also mainly consist of acetate, propionate, and butyrate, function
directly involved in the pathophysiology of diseases affecting through either G protein coupled receptors or histone
several distant organs [30]. Gut dysbiosis may be associated deacetylases [46, 47]. Such microbial products are active me-
with pathologies such as asthma [31], cardiovascular disease diators of gut-brain communication and may serve as potential
[32], type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) [33], renal failure [34], therapeutic targets for neurodevelopmental and neurodegen-
and sarcopenia [35]. erative disorders.

Endocrine Regulation
The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Health
and Disease The HPA axis, as one of the main neuroendocrine systems in
the human body, is a principal regulator of the response to
The term “microbiota-gut-brain axis” broadened from “gut- stress [48]. In a pioneering study linking gut microbiota to
brain axis” indicates the significant role of gut microbiota in the HPA axis, plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and/or
modulating brain function. Albeit nascent in terms of the de- corticosterone elevation in response to restraint stress was
lineation of the mode of communication between gut micro- more remarkable in adult GF mice than in specific-
biota and the brain, research using germ-free (GF) mice, anti- pathogen-free (SPF) mice (with a normal composition of mi-
biotic treatments, and prebiotic/probiotic complementation crobiota and no specific pathogens) [49]. The exaggerated
has provided persuasive evidence for several major potential stress response in GF mice could be partially reversed at
pathways underlying the two-way communications between 9 weeks of age by reconstitution with feces from the control
the GI tract and the CNS. At least five separate lines of evi- mice [50]. Paradoxically, reduced anxiety-like behavior and
dence converged to support the hypothesis that gut microbiota central neurochemical change were observed in GF mice as
can effectively communicate with the brain. First, it has long compared to SPF mice [51]. Significant decrease in N-methyl-
been known that a clinical situation, i.e., hepatic D-aspartate receptor subunit NR2B mRNA expression in the
Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043 5029

Fig. 2 Communication between

gut microbiota and the brain.
Communication pathways
between gut microbiota and the
brain include metabolic,
endocrine, neural, and
immunological pathways which
can work independently or
cooperatively: (1) gut microbiota
metabolites, including SCFAs,
neurotransmitters, and amyloids,
may reach the brain to regulate
neurological function; (2) gut mi-
crobiota interacts with the HPA
axis, regulating brain function and
gut microbiota composition; (3)
direct activation of the vagus
nerve from the enteric nervous
system is transmitted to the brain;
(4) MAMPs such as LPS can ac-
tivate both the peripheral and the
central immune system.
Abbreviations: ACTH adrenocor-
ticotropic hormone, CRH
corticotropin-releasing hormone,
EC enterochromaffin cell, EEC
enteroendocrine cell, HPA hypo-
thalamus-pituitary-adrenal, LPS
lipopolysaccharide, MAMPs mi-
crobial associated molecular pat-
terns, SCFAs short-chain fatty
acids, VN vagus nerve

central amygdala and 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A receptor Neural Transmission

mRNA expression in the dentate gyrus may contribute to the
altered HPA function in GF animals [51]. Although GF ani- The vagus nerve (VN) originates in the medulla oblongata of
mals have been a cornerstone for investigating whether gut the CNS and innervates numerous structures such as the heart
microbiota is involved in HPA axis regulation, they have and the GI tract, which is the key neural pathway between the
many limitations in terms of dysregulated hormone signaling, gut and the brain, containing 80% and 20% of afferent and
aberrant neurodevelopment, and an impaired immune system efferent fibers, respectively [52, 53]. As a vast variety of
due to a lack of exposure to microorganisms since birth [16]. chemical and mechanosensitive receptors are expressed on
Translational studies are therefore still limited, because no vagal afferents, and due to their role in interoceptive aware-
equivalent obliteration of gut microbiota can be conducted ness, they respond to a variety of mechanical, chemical, and
in humans. hormonal stimuli from gut microbiota and transfer gut
5030 Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043

Table 1 Common species of gut microbiota and effects of their metabolites on the central nervous system

Gut microbiota Metabolites Effects on the central nervous system function References

Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium Gamma-aminobutyric The predominant inhibitory neurotransmitter, [37]

acid (GABA) regulates mood, behavioral and cognitive functions
Bifidobacterium infantis, Streptococcus, Serotonin (5-HT) Neurotransmitters, regulate emotions [38]
Escherichia, Enterococcus, Lactococcus,
Lactobacillus, Candida
Escherichia, Bacillus, Lactococcus, Dopamine Regulate mental activities and motor functions, [38]
Lactobacillus, Streptococcus cognitive functions such as learning and memory
Lactobacillus, Bacillus Acetylcholine Cognitive, memory, social life ability, self-care [39]
ability, and emotional personality
Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Propionibacterium, Short-chain fatty Decrease permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), [40]
Eubacterium, Lactobacillus, Clostridium, acids (SCFA) promote the synthesis and secretion of neurotransmit-
Roseburia, Prevotella ters
and hormones, reduce inflammation
Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Histamine Regulate sleep and cognition [41, 42]

information to the CNS [54]. However, this chemo- and network of interactions exists among gut microbiota, the intes-
mechanosensitive perception cannot be conducted directly, tinal mucosal immune system, and the brain.
because vagal afferents do not cross the epithelial layer [55].
Interestingly, a subtype of gut enteroendocrine cells (EECs)
were found to synapse with vagal neurons and transmit the Roles of the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
information to the brain directly; these EECs were named in the Pathogenesis of AD
neuropod cells [56]. Perhaps the most striking observation
regarding the role of the VN in the microbiota-gut-brain axis Alterations of gut microbiota in animals and patients with AD
comes from vagotomy studies. Mice treated with are summarized in Table 2. Key questions as to how the axis
Lactobacillus rhamnosus showed reduced anxiety- and contributes to the onset and/or progression of AD, however,
depression-related behavior, which was not observed in mice remain unanswered. In this section, we review the roles of the
with VN ablation [57]. Furthermore, vagotomy reduced the microbiota-gut-brain axis in the pathogenesis of AD so as to
proliferation and survival of newborn cells and decreased the elucidate the possible pathophysiological mechanism under-
number of immature neurons and the activation of microglia lying the modulation of gut microbiota in AD (Fig. 3).
in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus [58]. Whether VN
targeting by stimulation or vagotomy translates to microbial- Associations Between the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
based CNS therapeutics remains a tempting possibility and and Aβ Accumulation
merits further investigation.
Neurological disorders such as AD, Parkinson’s disease (PD),
Immunomodulation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are characterized by the
gradual accumulation of abnormal proteins in the CNS [72].
The densest concentration of immune cells, such as B cells, T The proclamation “all disease begins in the gut,” purported by
cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, is found in the intestine. the Greek physician Hippocrates 2000 years ago, has been an
Gut microbiota can profoundly affect the development of orga- intriguing one and continues to influence medical researchers
nized lymphoid structures and the activation of both the innate and practitioners [16]. One hypothesis regarding the patho-
and adaptive immune systems [59, 60]. Microbiota-host im- genesis of PD claims that the initial induction and subsequent
mune interactions in the gut lead to the release of proinflam- aggregation of α-synuclein probably originate in the enteric
matory mediators, e.g., cytokines and chemokines, and specific nervous system and spread upwards progressively to the CNS,
antibodies involved in the regulation of brain immunity. propagating trans-synaptically from nerve cell to nerve cell in
Metabolites produced by gut microbiota also regulate the mat- a virtually self-promoting pathological process [73]. Gut
uration, differentiation, and activation of microglia and astro- dysbiosis is mainly characterized by an increase in the
cytes, which mediate several neurophysiological processes, in- Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, which could cause intestinal
cluding maintenance of blood-brain-barrier (BBB) integrity, APP accumulation since the earliest stages of AD [74].
neural development, neurotransmission, and CNS immune ac- Changes in the composition of gut microbiota in APP/PS1
tivation [61, 62]. Therefore, a complex immunoregulatory mice were related to an increase in Aβ levels in the CNS
Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043 5031

Table 2 Summary of studies concerning the alterations of the gut microbiota in AD

Experimental subject Methods Main findings Reference

Patients with cognitive impairment Microbial DNA qPCR assay Escherichia/Shigella↑, E. rectale↓ [63]
and brain amyloidosis
AD patients 16S rRNA sequencing Bacteroides, Actinobacteria, Ruminococcus, [64]
Lachnospiraceae, and Selenomonadales
at taxonomic levels
AD patients 16S rRNA sequencing Firmicutes and Bifidobacterium↓, Bacteroidetes↑ [65]
AD patients PCR Significant difference in the gut microbial genotypes [66]
between the AD and control human populations
AD patients 16S rRNA sequencing Bacterial population in the brain ↑ [67]
APP/PS1 transgenic mice 16S rRNA sequencing The microbiota composition and diversity were perturbed [68]
APP/PS1 transgenic mice 16S rRNA sequencing Proteobacteria and Erysipelotrichaceae increased with age. [69]
Total Bacteroidetes remain stable. The inflammation-related
family Erysipelotrichaceae was more abundant in aging
APP/PS1 transgenic mice 16S rRNA sequencing Microbiota diversity was decreased [70]
Odoribacter and Helicobacter↑
Symptomatic Tg2576 mice 16S rRNA sequencing The percentage abundance of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes [71]
phyla was significantly higher. Lactobacillusi ↑

and impaired spatial learning and memory [70]. Moreover, personalized nutrition interventions might represent an effec-
aberrant accumulation of Aβ in myenteric neurons and acti- tive strategy to modify the production and aggregation of Aβ.
vation of intestinal innate immunity appear before the onset of Increased circulating bacterially produced bile acids (BAs)
CNS neuroinflammation in AD mice [75]. Likewise, gut may increase BBB permeability via the disruption of tight
dysbiosis, intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction, and vascu- junctions [81, 82] and permit BAs or peripheral cholesterol
lar Aβ deposition in the gut occur before the onset of cerebral to reach the CNS [83]. Mounting cellular cholesterol in the
Aβ depositions in Tg2576 mice (a transgenic mouse model of brain leads to direct binding to APP and thus facilitates APP
AD) [71]. The presence of Aβ deposits is also noted in intes- insertion into the phospholipid monolayers of the lipid rafts
tinal autopsies of patients with AD [71]. Hence, a hypothesis where Aβ formation takes place, eventually promoting the
which assumed that Aβ accumulation in the gut precedes that production of Aβ [84]. More importantly, cholesterol accu-
in the brain came into being. However, research aimed at mulation in the brain may be induced via effects mediated by
elucidating the relationship between gut dysbiosis, intestinal BAs on the farnesoid X receptor, which downregulates the
Aβ accumulation, and AD onset is lacking and a causal rela- expression of the cholesterol-metabolizing enzyme CYP46A
tionship between them has not been established. Early manip- [85]. From this perspective, BAs perturb cholesterol elimina-
ulation of gut physiology and microbiota as a means to pos- tion pathways, cause cholesterol accumulation, and further
sibly reverse the pathology of AD needs further investigation. increase Aβ production. Of note is the contribution of bacte-
Another possible mechanism is related to the release of rial amyloids to Aβ accumulation. A well-described bacterial
certain bacterial metabolites by gut microbiota. SCFAs dem- amyloid is curli, which is produced by Escherichia coli.
onstrate efficacy in interfering with protein-protein interac- Through molecular mimicry, bacterial amyloids may act as
tions that are indispensable for Aβ assemblies [76]. The prion proteins to cross-seed and aggregate host amyloids
microbial-derived metabolite trimethylamine N-oxide [86]. Other amyloids produced by microbes include FapC
(TMAO) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of AD as by Pseudomonas fluorescens, phenol-soluble modulins by
well [77]. TMAO causes cognitive deterioration and patho- Staphylococcus aureus, chaplins by Streptomyces coelicolor,
logical processes in AD by increasing β-secretase activity and and MccE492 by Klebsiella pneumonia [87].
thus aggravating Αβ accumulation [77]. Moreover, gut micro- Microglial activation is associated with AD pathology [88]
biota, through the generation of TMAO, contributes to platelet and phagocytic microglia are crucial for the uptake and engulf-
hyperreactivity by enhancing the stimulus-dependent release ment of soluble Aβ species and the phagocytosis of insoluble
of calcium ions from intracellular stores, promoting the Aβ fibrillar Aβ deposits [89]. Activated microglia clustering
produced in platelets to enter the circulation and reach the around amyloid deposits may constitute a barrier that can com-
brain [78–80]. Through a mechanism very similar to that of pact amyloids, minimize damage to adjacent neuropils, and
prion molecules, Aβ may seed in the brain from neuron to decrease the incorporation of new neurotoxic Aβ into existing
neuron, contributing to the progression of cytopathological plaques [90]. Notably, gut microbiota appears to be a prerequi-
lesions in AD [72]. These data suggest that specific site for microglia maturation and function under homeostatic
5032 Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043

Fig. 3 Impact of gut dysbiosis on AD. Gut dysbiosis induces the decrease IR. Arrows indicate the direction of the effect. Yellow arrows with dashed
of beneficial substances (such as SCFAs and H2) and the increase of lines indicate that no studies have explored this putative relationship yet
harmful substances (such as amyloids and TMAO), which causes the in the AD-gut microbiome field. Abbreviations: AD Alzheimer’s disease,
intestinal mucosal barrier and BBB to become permeable, activates BAs bile acids, BBB blood-brain barrier, LPS lipopolysaccharide, H2 hy-
peripheral immune responses, and increases peripheral and central OS drogen, IR insulin resistance, OS oxidative stress, PRRs pattern-
levels. Finally, gut dysbiosis contributes to AD pathology progression recognition receptors, SCFAs short-chain fatty acids, SGs stress granules,
by increasing amyloid plaque formation, neuroinflammation, SGs, and TMAO trimethylamine N-oxide

conditions [61]. GF mice and SPF mice, both with reduced gut maturation [61]. Microglia in SPF mice lacking free fatty acid
microbiota complexity, displayed defects in microglia charac- receptor 2 (a SCFA receptor) displayed a phenotype nearly
terized by altered cell proportions and immature phenotypes identical to that observed in GF mice [61]. These findings sug-
which could successfully be rescued by supplementation with gest that microglia are highly sensitive to perturbations in the
SCFAs or by re-introducing live and complex microbiota, re- gut microbial community and metabolites.
spectively [61]. Microglia from adult GF mice also exhibited Taken together, although the pathogenic role of Aβ in the
downregulated expression of genes associated with microglial pathogenesis of AD needs to be further clarified, gut dysbiosis
Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043 5033

may contribute to the neuronal damage in AD in an Aβ- production of a cascade of cytokines and chemokines via my-
dependent mechanism. Future research should focus on eloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and nuclear factor kap-
whether gut microbiota represents an important hinge between pa beta (NF-κB)-dependent signaling pathways [102, 103].
AD and its risk factors. Interestingly, the presence of LPS has been detected in the
neocortex and hippocampus of patients with AD [104]. In a
Neuroinflammation and Microbiota-Mediated rodent model, TLR4 inhibited proliferation and neuronal dif-
Alteration of BBB Permeability ferentiation upon LPS binding, while TLR2 enhanced hippo-
campal neurogenesis [105]. LPS appeared to efficiently activate
The BBB is a multilayered unit, comprising specialized brain NF-κB signaling to increase the levels of proinflammatory
endothelial cells linked by tight protein junctions in the mi- miRNA-146a and miRNA-155, which resulted in the downreg-
crovasculature, which acts as a semipermeable barrier to con- ulation of complement factor H expression and contributed to
trol the passage and exchange of molecules and nutrients be- the onset of AD [106]. The inflammasome is a cytosolic mac-
tween the circulatory system and the brain parenchyma [91]. romolecular signaling platform which mediates activation of
Structural and functional disruption of the BBB in AD may be the cysteine protease caspase-1, leading to proteolytic process-
an early and important step in the pathogenesis [92]. A ing and secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin
pioneering study reported that GF mice showed increased per- (IL)-1β and IL-18 [107]. Inflammasome-mediated inflamma-
meability of the BBB, which may partly be the consequence tion may represent a critical component of the inflammatory
of disorganized tight junctions due to reduced expression of response in AD [108]. Extracellular LPS has also been reported
tight junction proteins, especially occludin and claudin-5; the to trigger microglial NOD-like receptor protein (NLRP)3
reduced BBB permeability could be restored by recoloniza- inflammasome activation [109]. Therefore, bacterial endo-
tion of gut microbiota, implying a causal role for gut microbi- toxins may be internal contributors to inflammatory degenera-
ota in ensuring the development of the BBB [93]. SCFAs can tion in the CNS. Aside from glial subsets, innate and adaptive
enter the circulation and decrease the permeability of the BBB immune cells, including perivascular macrophages, CD4+ T
by increasing the expression of endothelial tight junction pro- and CD8+ T cells, and mast cells, are also resident in the
teins, especially occludin and claudin-5 [93, 94]. A propionate CNS [62].
concentration as low as 1 μm can protect the BBB from OS by Systemic inflammation is likely to interfere with the immu-
an NFE2L2-dependent mechanism [95]. These findings im- nological processes of the brain and further promote AD pro-
plicate the ability of gut microbiota to affect the permeability gression. This hypothesis is supported by clinical studies of
of the BBB. Impaired intestinal epithelial barrier integrity may AD showing increased cognitive decline and exacerbation of
permit unregulated translocation of pathogenic microbiota out neurodegeneration following acute and chronic systemic in-
of the gut, which then undergoes dissemination in the CNS via flammation [110, 111]. Increase in levels of the proinflamma-
the impaired BBB [96]. Compared with those from control tory bacteria Escherichia/Shigella and reduction in the levels
groups, brain samples from patients with AD showed an in- of the anti-inflammatory bacteria Eubacterium rectale are as-
crease in bacterial populations [67]. Several studies have re- sociated with increased levels of IL-1β, CXCL2, and NLRP3
vived interest in a long-standing hypothesis that there may be in the plasma of patients with cognitive impairment and brain
a possible microbial origin for AD [97, 98]. One piece of amyloidosis [63]. The intestinal mucosal lymphoid tissue is
seminal evidence is that Aβ exhibits characteristics of an regarded as the largest and most important human immune
anti-microbial peptide which is active against at least 12 dif- organ, containing 70–80% of the immune system of the whole
ferent microorganisms [99]. Intriguingly, Salmonella body [112]. Microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs)
typhimurium bacterial infection of the brains of 4-week-old such as LPS can bind with various pattern-recognition recep-
5xFAD mice led to the presence of Aβ in brain parenchyma, tors expressed on macrophages and dendritic cells in the gut,
where it closely colocalized with the bacterial deposition resulting in the production of inflammatory mediators such as
[100]. Similarly, increased Aβ deposition was present in brain proinflammatory cytokines [113]. A more permeable intesti-
parenchyma sites containing deposits of herpes simplex virus nal epithelial barrier permits these inflammatory mediators to
type 1 [101]. However, it is ethically challenging for valida- enter the circulatory system and cause systemic inflammation
tion studies conducted on humans. [96]. Microbe-derived metabolites are additional contributors
Gut microbiota also produces a remarkably complex array to systemic inflammation; for example, alterations of gut mi-
of proinflammatory neurotoxins that can cross the BBB and are crobiota could lead to elevation of phenylalanine and isoleu-
pathogenic and highly detrimental to the homeostatic function cine concentrations in the periphery of AD mice, which could
of neurons in the CNS [16]. In particular, the role of lipopoly- provoke the infiltration of various immune cells, including T
saccharide (LPS) generated by Gram-negative bacteria is rela- cells, B cells, natural killer cells, neutrophils, dendritic cells,
tively well documented. Bacterial LPS can bind with microglial and monocytes; CD4 + T helper (Th)1 cell levels were
cell receptors (TLR2, TLR4, and/or CD14) to initiate the
5034 Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043

significantly correlated with M1 microglial activation in the OS represents a condition of imbalance between the accu-
brain during the progression of AD [114]. mulation and elimination of ROS, which has various deleteri-
TBI is an important risk factor for developing AD later in ous effects on the body [125]. OS is a well-recognized condi-
life, though the mechanism behind this correlation is still un- tion that facilitates SG formation [126]. Gut microbiota may
clear [10]. Gut microbiota may serve as a potential hub linking influence the levels of OS in the CNS either by increasing the
TBI, inflammation, and AD. Significant changes in gut mi- oxidant components or by interfering with anti-oxidant sys-
crobiota composition at the genus and species level in injured tems [127]. Gut microbiota promotes ROS generation within
mice highlighted the high probability of gut dysbiosis after the gut epithelia [128], which in turn disturbs gut microbiota
TBI [115]. The systemic inflammatory response resulting composition and functionality and makes the intestinal epithe-
from gut dysbiosis exerts an influence on the vulnerable and lial barrier more permeable [129, 130]. Neurotoxic substances
primed microglia following brain injury to further exacerbate such as LPS may reach the CNS via the VN or systemic
neuroinflammation, which in turn predisposes or accelerates circulation, promoting microglial activation and neuroinflam-
the onset and progression AD [116]. Similarly, gut microbiota mation, which produces even more ROS [131]. Another
may also be involved in a potential nexus between chronic mechanism is mostly speculative but is pertinent to the hy-
psychological stress, inflammation, and AD. The HPA axis pothesis that the oxidative state of the CNS could be regulated
plays a significant role in the host’s response and adaptation to by gut microbiota via the production of various metabolites.
stress. Observations of elevated basal cortisol levels in pa- Decreased butyrate levels could impair mitochondrial func-
tients with AD prompted the hypothesis that stress may pre- tions, resulting in significant ROS production in Crohn’s dis-
dispose the brain to neurodegeneration [117]. Indeed, chronic ease [132]. Similarly, we speculate that the relative abundance
psychological stress leads to microglial activation, character- of butyrate producers may cause mitochondrial dysfunction in
ized by an exaggerated release of proinflammatory cytokines the brain and increased production of ROS. Hydrogen (H2), a
and chemokines [118]. Physiological stress may alter the in- highly diffusible bioactive gas with anti-oxidant properties,
tegrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier and the composition was found to be produced mainly by strains of the genus
of gut microbiota in association with release of proinflamma- Clostridium, anaerobic cocci, and members of the
tory cytokines, such as IL-1β [96, 119], that could activate the Enterobacteriaceae family [133]. Gut dysbiosis may result
HPA axis; in this manner, gut microbiota can dramatically in low H2 production in the gut, and less gas is subsequently
modify the body’s responsiveness to stress [49, 50]. In this transferred to the portal vein, limiting the availability of the
perspective, gut microbiota located at the key position in the gas in the CNS [133]. Alterations of gut microbiota may in
stress-inflammation loop might be actively involved in neuro- this regard interfere with the intracranial OS level and further
inflammation and AD pathogenesis. favor SG formation. SGs have progressively gained recogni-
tion as essential contributors to the pathogenesis of AD [121],
Does Gut Microbiota Modulate OS? which provides a new dimension to the understanding of gut
microbiota and AD pathogenesis.
Non-polysomal RNA and mRNA-binding proteins (RBPs)
are the major components of stress granules (SGs), which Does Gut Microbiota Affect AD Progression Via IR?
form through a process of liquid-liquid phase separation
(LLPS) when exposed to multiple types of stresses [120]. Compelling preclinical and clinical evidence supports the hy-
SGs are generally dynamic structures that rapidly form and pothesis that impaired insulin signaling may be associated
disassemble with acute stress, while persistent SGs form as a with AD pathogenesis [134]. Considerable overlap has been
consequence of chronic environmental stress and have been identified in the molecular, biological, pathophysiological,
implicated in the pathogenesis of AD [121]. and metabolic dysfunctions in AD and T2DM. IR is the dis-
SGs may even be the breeding ground for the aberrant turbance of glucose regulation characterized by higher insulin
aggregation of pathological tau [121, 122]. Interactions be- levels. As a consequence of tissue desensitization to the action
tween tau and SGs stimulate the formation of tau aggregates of insulin, IR occurs in peripheral tissues in patients with
[123]. Tau undergoes LLPS with RNA and forms tau droplets diabetes and obesity and has recently been shown to develop
which turn into aggregates to create the initial site of filament in AD brains [135]. In light of these observations, AD has also
assembly, a process associated with AD pathogenesis [124]. been termed as “type 3 diabetes,” which is viewed in a sense
SGs have a high concentration of mRNA, which probably as a degenerative metabolic disease [136]. However, insulin
enhances the conversion of tau into droplets [122]. signaling impairment has been observed even in the brains of
Importantly, tau co-localizes strongly with RBPs and does patients with AD who are not diabetic [137]. Whether IR in
not undergo LLPS in the absence of RBPs [121]. These find- AD and T2DM is a parallel phenomenon arising from coinci-
ings advance our understanding of how these processes trigger dental roots in aging or whether there is an underlying mech-
tau protein aggregation and accelerate AD pathophysiology. anistic link is unclear.
Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043 5035

Colonization of GF mice with gut microbial communities modulating gut microbiota. Such healthy diets merit investi-
harvested from ob/ob mice resulted in increased body fat as- gation for their potential benefits with regard to brain disor-
sociated with IR [138]. Moreover, interventions involving ders. However, much more work is still needed to determine
probiotics and antibiotics improved insulin signaling and how diet and its components imbue their effects on the
strengthened glucose control [139, 140]. Alterations in gut microbiota-gut-brain axis and to delineate whether the effects
microbiota can modulate behaviors through the regulation of of diets on microbiota drive changes in overall brain function.
brain insulin sensitivity. Increased brain insulin signaling sen-
sitivity and reduced signs of anxiety and depression were ob- Pharmacological Strategies
served in mice with diet-induced obesity treated with oral
metronidazole or vancomycin [141]. Furthermore, manipula- Disease-modifying therapies are still lacking for AD [148].
tion of gut microbiota through oral administration of One of the latest intriguing breakthroughs is GV-971, a sodi-
probiotics ameliorated impaired glucose metabolism and cog- um oligomannate extracted from algae that has been demon-
nitive dysfunction in a mouse model of AD [142]. The current strated to result in robust and consistent cognitive improve-
data therefore allow us to hypothesize that changes in gut ments in a phase 3 clinical trial [114]. GV-971 was found to
microbiota may contribute to IR in patients with AD. Future significantly decrease microglial activation and multiple brain
research efforts should be dedicated to better clarify the causal proinflammatory cytokine levels by altering the composition
relationship between gut microbiota, IR, and AD. The phe- of gut microbiota and reducing the peripheral concentrations
nomenon of IR is essential to our understanding of the overlap of phenylalanine and isoleucine generated by gut microbiota
between AD and T2DM. Given the cause-effect relationship [114]. The underlying mechanism of GV-971 that improves
between gut microbiota and IR, T2DM and AD may be par- cognition via alleviation of neuroinflammation inspires us to
allel diseases arising from the same fundamental aging-related attempt to reduce peripheral phenylalanine and isoleucine
alterations in gut microbiota. concentrations directly by diet or pharmacological strategies
instead of regulating gut microbiota.
Neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, GABA, hista-
Potential Therapeutic Strategies for AD mine, and serotonin, which can be produced by gut microbi-
Targeting the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis ota, are critical modulators to regulate the gut-brain axis and
play a crucial role in AD pathogenesis [149]. Exogenous ma-
Diet nipulation of the serum concentrations of these neurotransmit-
ters by targeting the appropriate receptors or blocking their
Diet represents a pivotal determinant of gut bacterial assembly breakdown may benefit decreased symptomology and/or dis-
and genetic composition [143]. Specific foods and dietary ease progression. The United States Food and Drug
patterns can influence the composition and abundance of dif- Administration has approved four acetylcholinesterase inhib-
ferent types of bacteria in the gut, which can in turn maintain itors (AChEIs), tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, and galanta-
host homeostasis. The Mediterranean diet (MD), which in- mine, for “disease-modifying” effects on AD [150]. Several
cludes high-level consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, different clinical trials on novel AChEIs and acetylcholine
and cereals, has long been described as a healthy dietary pat- stimulation in AD are ongoing, with the purpose of evaluating
tern [16, 17]. Higher MD slowed the progression of AD and the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of these
conferred protection of 1.5 to 3.5 years against AD [144]. The drugs [151]. Ongoing studies are also being conducted to test
MD confers anti-inflammatory effects which are often linked the possibility of using GABA modulators and GABA ago-
with an increase in Bacteroides and Clostridium phyla and nists as AD therapeutics [151]. H3 receptor antagonists/
decrease in Proteobacteria and Bacillaceae phyla [145]. inverse agonist molecules could inhibit histamine release
Human intervention studies suggest that high-level consump- and reverse partial cognitive function loss in animal models
tion of plant-based food consistent with the MD can modulate [152]. Various serotonin-mimetic compounds, selective sero-
the gut microbiome composition, increase fecal SCFA levels, tonin reuptake inhibitors, and 5-HT receptor agonists or an-
and decrease urinary TMAO levels [146]. Microbiota- tagonists were proven to be safe and also improved cognitive
accessible carbohydrate supplementation could ameliorate disturbances. So far, no metabolite-based therapies associated
Western diet-induced gut dysbiosis, intestinal epithelial barri- with neurotransmitters are available to prevent disease pro-
er impairment, and systemic inflammation in mice [147]. cesses and/or relieve the cognitive functions in patients with
Furthermore, microbiota-accessible carbohydrate supplemen- AD. Given the complex and significant role of neurotransmit-
tation reduced neuroglial activation and synaptic impairment, ters in AD pathogenesis, research exploring the therapeutic
which were eliminated with the depletion of gut microbiota potential of neurotransmitters AD cannot be ignored.
using wide spectrum antibiotics [147]. The MD may serve as a However, multiple cohort and longitudinal studies are still
potential therapeutic intervention in the treatment of AD by needed to this end.
5036 Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043

Probiotics health benefit,” proposed by the International Scientific

Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics [153]. Several
The term “probiotics” was first coined in 1974 and has concep- different kinds of food ingredients are considered prebi-
tually evolved to its current definition as “live microorganisms otics, among which resistant starch (RS), insulin, fructo-
that modify microbiota toward a beneficial state” [153]. oligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides, and
Beneficial effects of probiotic supplementation include induc- xylooligosaccharides are most frequently highlighted
tion of immunomodulation, protection against physiological [161]. RS is known to exert a powerful influence on met-
stress, pathogen antagonism, and improvement of the intestinal abolic and systemic health and has been extensively stud-
epithelial barrier function [154]. Mice treated with probiotics ied in clinical trials and animal models for evaluating
showed increased spatial memory and significantly lower quan- treatment potential [162]. RS2 has been shown to alter
tities of plaques in the hippocampus [155]. Probiotic supple- the abundance of at least some intestinal bacterial genera
mentation could also considerably improve synaptic plasticity and species, including enrichment of Ruminococcus
and significantly restore long-term potentiation in the Aβ- bromii, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Faecalibacterium
administered animals [156]. With long-term oral ProBiotic-4 prausnitzii, and E. rectale and reductions in Oscillospira,
(a complex probiotic preparation) administration, senescence- Lachnospiraceae, and Blautia [163]. FOS are found in
accelerated mouse prone 8 mice showed significant improve- natural fruits and vegetables and can promote the growth
ment in microbiota composition of the feces and brain, cerebral of beneficial gut microbiota such as Bifidobacterium and
neuronal and synaptic injuries, and immune response activation Lactobacillus [164, 165]. FOS are effective in maintaining
[157]. The underlying mechanism is related to inhibition of the diversity and stability of the microbial community,
both TLR4- and retinoic-acid-inducible gene-I-mediated alleviating neuronal apoptosis and the swelling of brain
NF-κB signaling pathways in the brain [157]. At present, only tissues, regulating the synthesis and secretion of neuro-
one clinical trial has been conducted to assess the effects of transmitters, and downregulating the expression of tau
probiotic supplementation on AD [158]. Patients with AD pro- and Aβ1-42 in the brain of rats with AD-like symptoms
vided with probiotics showed improvement in cognitive func- [166]. These findings suggest that the therapeutic effect of
tion and favorable changes in related plasma biomarkers such FOS on AD is at least partially mediated by targeting of
as malondialdehyde and serum triglyceride [158]. These find- the microbiota-gut-brain axis. Furthermore, FOS exerted
ings suggest that probiotic supplementation may have the ther- beneficial effects against AD via regulating the gut micro-
apeutic potentials to block or reverse the progression of AD. biota glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)/GLP-1 receptor
However, clinical evidence is insufficient to reach conclusions pathway in APP/PS1 transgenic mice [167]. In humans,
regarding the recommendation of probiotics for patients with prebiotic supplementation exerts relatively modest effects
AD. The exact mechanism by which probiotics display effects on the microbiota and alters the expression level of cyto-
in AD remains unclear. Probiotic supplementation in humans kine genes, which may be beneficial for the elderly [168].
did not seem to change the composition of intestinal flora (at Although nurturing beneficial gut microbiota using prebi-
least based on 16s rRNA sequencing) but induced the effect of otics may provide major benefits, basic knowledge on the
probiotics on behavior by temporarily changing the transcrip- delicate interactions between the host, gut microbiota, and
tional state of the collective microbiome, which was later con- prebiotics is still lacking. Many technical and pragmatic
firmed in GF mice and monozygotic twins [159]. difficulties, such as ensuring it reaches the location where
Metatranscriptomic and metabolomic technologies are need- it can exert its potential therapeutic effect, remain to be
ed to assess the effects of probiotic intervention on gut micro- solved. Randomized controlled studies with larger cohorts
biota in the host. Although probiotics have been widely pro- are needed to evaluate the effect of prebiotics in patients
moted among the general public, many probiotic strains and with AD and to provide clinical evidence that can be
formulations have contradictory clinical results [154]. More translated into clinical practice.
attention should be paid to the adverse effects of probiotics,
which include systemic infection, GI side effects, gene transfer Fecal Microbial Transplantation
from probiotics to normal microbiota, harmful metabolic effects
of probiotics, immune system stimulation, etc. [160]. Besides, Fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) is the transfer of
future probiotic therapy for AD requires the development of prescreened donor stool into the GI tract of patients with the
means to tackle colonization resistance [154]. aim of increasing overall diversity and restoring the function
of gut microbiota [169, 170]. At present, FMT is only recom-
Prebiotics mended as a treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile in-
fection, although trials on human diseases ranging from in-
The current definition of prebiotics is “a substrate that is flammatory bowel disease to metabolic diseases, neurodegen-
selectively utilized by host micro-organisms and confers a erative diseases, and cancer are ongoing worldwide. FMT
Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043 5037

could improve cognitive deficits and lessen Aβ deposition in Cross-sectional clinical studies have demonstrated specific
the brain of AD animals [171]. Frequent transfer and trans- changes in the composition and functionality of gut microbi-
plantation of fecal microbiota from WT mice to ADLPAPT ota in patients with AD. Longitudinal studies combining
mice reduced amyloid plaque and NFT formation, glial re- metagenomics sequencing and in-depth phylogenetic analysis
sponses, and cognitive impairment; FMT reversed the abnor- with a comprehensive phenotypic characterization of patients
mal expression of intestinal macrophage activity-related genes with AD using up-to-date omics (metagenomics, metabolo-
and the increase of circulating blood inflammatory monocytes mics, transcriptomics, and metatranscriptomics) are urgently
in ADLPAPT recipient mice [19]. Given that fecal material is needed. Third, instead of purely observational studies, causal
expected to be sourced perfectly from a highly organized stool and functional ones should be strengthened. Although associ-
bank and various routes of administration such as capsule, ation analysis may provide important information for cause-
enema, or colonoscopy [172], opportunities to exploit FMT effect deduction, correlation does not necessarily mean causa-
to treat AD are materializing and FMT may be significantly tion. Fourth, basic research targeting the microbiota-gut-brain
convenient and efficacious. However, due to the inherent lim- axis in AD merits optimization; specifically, appropriate mod-
itations of rodent models of human brain disorders, it is ad- el systems are to be carefully selected. Host-specific interac-
visable to caution against premature extrapolation from pre- tions with microbiota, differences in environment and expo-
clinical data. FMT clearly poses significant unique and com- sure, and the structural complexity of the brain should be
plex challenges for both clinicians and regulators, including taken into consideration. Finally, translation of basic research
its poorly defined mechanisms of action, stool availability, results into clinically relevant effects in humans should be
donor selection, adverse effects, and the relative lack of expedited. The majority of data on the role of gut microbiota
long-term follow-up data. Technical standardization, safety in AD are based on animal studies. Preclinical animal studies
assessment, stool bank services and management, and other frequently end up with unexpected failures during clinical
aspects are still in their infancy and need to be further studied. transition due to unidentified reasons. Alternatively, future
In this context, the FMT methodology is gaining considerable therapeutic interventions will likely be based on individual
attention in both preclinical and clinical research and is likely gut microbiota composition due to significant differences in
to develop rapidly over the next decade. gut microbiota configurations and compositions among hu-
man populations.

Conclusions and Perspectives Authors’ Contributions KL and HLZ conceived the topic and designed
the outline of this review; SL, JG, and MZ drafted the manuscript and
contributed to the literature review and manuscript writing; SL prepared
Gut microbiota can modulate important processes, includ- the figures; HLZ critically revised the manuscript.
ing microglia maturation and activation, neurogenesis,
myelination, synaptic pruning, and BBB permeability. Funding Information The work was supported by a grant from the
The microbiota-gut-brain axis links gut microbiota and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81771299) to KL.
the brain via metabolic, endocrine, neural, and immune
pathways that are crucial for the maintenance of brain ho- Compliance with Ethical Standards
meostasis. Emerging evidence indicates that gut dysbiosis
may aggravate Aβ aggregation and neuroinflammation in Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no competing
the development of AD. Restoring and remodeling gut mi-
crobiota composition may result in a strategic break- Declarations Zhang HL is affiliated with the National Natural Science
through in the treatment and, more importantly, the pre- Foundation of China. The views expressed are his own and do not nec-
vention of AD. essarily represent the views of the National Natural Science Foundation
The development of cheaper and faster sequencing and of China or the Chinese government.
other biological techniques has provided new insights into Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
the characterization of gut microbiota. Human studies explor- Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-
ing biocommunication pathways between microbiota and the tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro-
brain over time have flourished thereafter. However, some key
vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were
issues need to be addressed in the future. First, the definition made. The images or other third party material in this article are included
of normal or healthy microbiome may be one of the biggest in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a
challenges. A better description of microbial community dy- credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's
Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by
namics and metabolism will help demarcate “normal” and
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
“abnormal” human gut microbiota and identify therapeutic permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this
targets for AD. Second, factors like diet, drugs, and health licence, visit
status may confound the research on gut microbiota and AD.
5038 Mol Neurobiol (2020) 57:5026–5043

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