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Business Management System (BMS)

Design Thinking & Agile for an user centric BMS

Ludivine Le Roux – Business Management System

PEX Europe Conference 2018, Rotterdam
23 October 2018

1 Introduction: Airbus DS Business Management System (BMS)

2 Transformation approach: Design Thinking & Agile

2.1 Design Thinking & Agile

2.2 Brown Field approach & linkage to Transformation

2.4 First results & challenges ahead

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Introduction: Airbus DS Business Management System (BMS)

BMS purpose (as stated in the Blue Book)

BMS fulfils external and internal requirements

BMS enables customers, regulators, shareholders & employees to understand how Airbus DS is operating, shows
key business relationships & management responsibilities.
BMS provides the reference for all applicable governance documentation & processes.

Original Airbus DS BMS project objectives (2014-17)

• Provide a single BMS accessible to all employees

• Including Processes, Documents & Roles under clear Governance
• Integrating progressively former Divisions BMS content
• From traditional document approach to “digital” processes based architecture

• Foundation of process driven organization • Further integrate former Divisions legacy content via Process Owners
• Common BMS Governance aligned with Airbus direction • Adapt to external/internal requirements challenges (e.g. FR 901 Law)
• Process Landscape high level & process management tool • Improve BMS content (reduce complexity) via Process Owners
• Basic BMS awareness for employees • Simplify access to BMS content (IT platform not user friendly)

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Introduction: Airbus DS Business Management System (BMS)

BMS 4.0 2018 FOCUS

Only 9 months
TOP Managers open to try new approaches for the BMS
 How to deliver a BMS 4.0 in a so short timeframe?
 How to make it useful for the employees?
 How to start from the existing and optimize the nuggets?
 How to provide added value for the future?
 How to motivate people to work on this new project?
 How to make sure they will be fully involved?
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Design Thinking & Agile

WHY opting for Design Thinking & Agile approach?

- To identify relevant opportunities for the BMS
- To work faster through early iterations and prototypes
- Reduce risks through users alignment
- Increase users satisfaction


BMS is a journey of at least 3 failures and a potential huge success by end of 2018
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Design Thinking & Agile

BMS 4.0 CORE TEAM - 7 people

=> Organise Customer feedback sessions
=> Deliver :
• Communication and Change plan
WHO? • Tools
• 3 Field of Requirements (FoR) cases
• 3 End-to-End Processes
• Field of Requirements implementation metholodogy

Customer feedback sessions BMS 4.0 Task forces ~30 internal people representing Functions
All employee volunteers From Sept 1st to Nov.30th – Started
+ Responsible for transversal/corporate and operational Field of
Design Thinking user groups Requirements
Cross-functional teams Followed by bi-weekly Steering Committee
To deliver mock-up
From March to June

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Brown Field approach & linkage to Transformation

Customer feedback sessions on different sites

Overall feedbacks on the current BMS:

complex, useless and created for Quality only

5 sprints
1 sprint = 3 weeks ~ 30 people
Co-located in one place / 3 days /week
Working in Agile/Scaled Agile mode

Greenfield vision
Each month, the
• BMS mock-ups design
results, in terms of
• First users story boards
vision and solution, are
• Governance approach: Requirements Driven
presented to a panel of
employees in order to
Overall BMS users expectations:
collect feedback .
7 User-friendly, easy-to-use, user-centric
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Brown Field approach & linkage to Transformation

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First results & challenges ahead

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First results & challenges ahead

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First results & challenges ahead

• Finalise the Development phase- continuous Sprints

• Launch the BMS 4.0 project end of November – Green light from Top Managers
• Change and Communication Plans to be deployed from November onwards

Look forward for the Future !

BMS 4.0

Thank you

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