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Math lesson

Teacher: Tynesia McDowell                     

Grade: Kindergarten

Content Area: Math

1.   Content and Standards: K.OA.A.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects,
fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal
explanations, expressions, or equations.
2.  Prerequisites: Students have been introduced to addition and subtraction. Students
can subtract using objects and their fingers.  
3.  Essential Questions: How can we use the drawing strategy to solve subtraction
4.  Materials and Equipment: Google slides presentation, individual whiteboards,
individual markers
5.   Instructional Objective*: Following a whole class discussion to review of students'
understanding of subtraction, students will be able to use drawing strategy to solve
subtraction problems.  
6.      Instructional Procedures: 

Before/ We do (10minutes): Review subtraction: what is subtraction, what do we

do when we subtract. Give a story problem to see if the students can determine if
it is a subtraction problem: Levi collected 5 seashells; he gave 3 shells to Ellie.
Would this be an addition or subtraction problem, how do you know, tell me

During/ I do (10minutes): Introduce drawing strategy using google slides

subtraction problems with images. Draw group, cross out objects that are being
taken away, never erase

After/ They do (5minutes): Students will write and solve three subtraction
problems using the drawing strategy on their white board.

7.  Assessment: Students will correctly solve 3 out of 3 subtraction problems on their white
board using the drawing method.

8.  Differentiated Instruction:

Differentiate math problems with in 1-5 or 1-10  
Students will be asked to create their own subtraction problem and solve using the drawing

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