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02A Muir Graphic Organizer A

Directions: Fill in the chart using complete sentences.

• • Summarize the events in each paragraph.

• • Locate at least three phrases in each paragraph (for column 2) that John
Muir uses to describe nature.

• • Discuss what his words reveal about his relationship with nature.
Explain how Muir’s writing illustrates naturalism.

Select phrases How do his How does the
What does Muir
Muir uses to words show his paragraph
accomplish in
describe nature relationship illustrate
the paragraph?
in the with nature? naturalism?
observe nature
and study how
Muir is thrilled to
Paragraph 1 "rejoicing in their natural elements
be exploring in
(EXAMPLE) bound wealth connect. Muir
nature. The
and strength and formally lists the
words "rejoicing,
beauty" trees he
reveling, and
Muir lists the encounters and
glorying" are
species he "reveling in their then describes
words that show
encountered on flowers" himself
his enjoyment of
his trip to study interacting with
nature and how
plants in their "glorying in the the natural
much he
natural region. fresh cool beauty environment,
appreciates it.
and charm" "Rejoicing in their
bound wealth
and strength and
Paragraph 2 “struggling It is a very He talks about
through tangled difficult path how beautiful it
is but also how
difficult the path
branches and is
over and under
broad heaps of
fallen trees, I
began to fear that
I would not be
able to reach dry
ground before
“But when the
sun was getting
low and
everything It shows that
It shows that
seemed most nature can
when he fount
change paths
Paragraph 3 bewildering and and can be
the beautiful
discouraging, I place cried for
difficult or a
found beautiful joy.
beautiful path.
Calypso on the
mossy bank of a
“It seems
wonderful that He shows that
so frail and how thinks He explains that
“plant have plants are
Paragraph 4 lovely a plant such power beautiful and
has such power over human powerful.
over human hearts”
“How long I sat He says that the the nature he
beside Calypso I nature is so saw he
beautiful that explained ho it
don't know.
Paragraph 5 from just was so good
Hunger and looking at it his that he was not
weariness hunger even tired any
vanished” vanished more.
“Oftentimes I
had to sleep
without blankets, Some times he
and sometimes Nature is does not find
without supper, beautiful but it any thing but
Paragraph 6
but usually I had does not have some time he
no great everything finds some
thing better.
difficulty in
finding a loaf of
bread here”

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