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Received: 14 August 2019 

|  Revised: 2 January 2020 

|  Accepted: 6 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/tsm2.138


The effects of manipulation of Frequency, Intensity, Time, and

Type (FITT) on exercise adherence: A meta-analysis

Kathryn Burnet1   | Simon Higgins2  | Elizabeth Kelsch1  | Justin B. Moore3  |

Lee Stoner1

Department of Exercise and Sport Science,
The University of North Carolina, Chapel
This meta-analysis quantified the effect of FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and
Hill, NC, USA type) manipulation on exercise adherence. Databases were searched from inception
Department of Exercise Science, Elon to 09-2018. Manipulation of intensity resulted in a moderate, significant decrease in
University, Elon, NC, USA
adherence (MD: −3.3, 95% CI: −6.1 to −0.5), and for the remaining FITT compo-
Department of Family and Community
nents, there were trivial-small, non-significant effects. When stratified by chronic
Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, NC, USA disease status, for populations with chronic diseases increasing Intensity resulted in
a moderate but non-significant decrease in adherence (MD: −3.6, 95% CI: −7.4, 0.3)
Lee Stoner, Department of Exercise and
and increasing time resulted in a small, significant decrease in exercise adherence
Sport Science, The University of North (MD: −4.9, 95% CI: −9.4 to −0.4). Additionally, omission of a behavioral model
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27278, USA. resulted in a moderate but non-significant decrease in exercise adherence (MD: −4.0,
CI: −8.3 to 0.2). For healthy populations, FITT manipulation and omission of behav-
ioral model resulted in trivial-small, non-significant effects. In conclusion, manipula-
tion of FITT and use of behavioral models may be of greater importance to exercise
adherence in diseased population. In particular, increasing intensity and time and
omitting a behavioral model may decrease adherence. The current meta-analysis elu-
cidates gaps in the literature and can assist clinicians and clinical exercise physiolo-
gists in determining the importance of FITT manipulation to exercise adherence.

adherence, behavioral model, chronic disease, exercise prescription, physical activity

1  |   IN TRO D U C T ION considerations in interpreting the findings of Rhodes et al3:

(a) Studies published up to November 2007 were included;
The recent scientific report from the 2018 Physical Activity (b) studies were not sub-classified according to chronic dis-
Guidelines Advisory Committee asserts that physical activ- ease status; (c) the importance of behavioral model inclusion
ity is a “best buy” for public health.1 However, the initiation was not considered; and (d) the findings were not quantified
of and adherence to physical activity, particularly exercise is using meta-analyses.
low, and the global physical inactivity prevalence continues The FITT characteristic most commonly manipulated is
to rise.2 One means by which adherence to exercise may be “time”.5,6 In particular, high-intensity interval training (HIIT)
improved is the manipulation of the frequency, intensity, time, has become popular,7 not least because HIIT training tends to
and type (FITT) principle.3,4 In 2009, Rhodes et al3 com- be of shorter duration and the most commonly cited barrier to
pleted a systematic review examining the importance of FITT exercise participation is a lack of time.8 However, HIIT also
manipulation to exercise behavior adherence and reported a manipulates time and removal of a barrier to exercise, either
lack of unified findings. However, there are several important perceived or real, may not translate to increased adherence.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Transl Sports Med. 2020;3:222–234.
BURNET et al.   

Additionally, as exercise prescription knowledge grows, it than one eligible “trial” if the article included more than one
is clear that exercise prescription is not a “one size fits all intervention group. Initially, article titles and abstracts were
solution”.9 For example, patients with chronic diseases likely screened for relevance. The full texts of potentially eligible
vary in their abilities and needs compared to their healthy articles were obtained to review eligibility for inclusion. The
peers.10-12 Relative to non-diseased peers, chronic disease pa- following criteria were used to select studies for inclusion in
tients may gain greater benefit from the inclusion of a behav- review: (a) The study was a randomized controlled trial; (b)
ioral model.13,14 The American College of Sports Medicine frequency, intensity, time, or type was manipulated for one
(ACSM) recommends taking a social ecological approach or more groups; (c) adherence was reported. In studies with
and the utilization of a number of behavioral models in- multiple treatment arms and a single control group, the sam-
cluding the social cognitive theory and the transtheoretical ple size of the control group was divided by the number of
model.4 While these models may be important to exercise treatment groups to avoid over-inflation of the sample size.16
adherence, no known studies have systematically examined Repeated publications for the same trial were only included
the interaction between behavioral model inclusion and FITT once.17,18 Two researchers (KB, EK) completed the study se-
manipulation with respect to exercise behavior adherence. lection independently.

1.1  | Objectives 2.3  |  Data extraction and quality assessment

The current review aimed to identify randomized controlled Data extracted for each eligible study included bibliographic
trials (RCTs) and quantify the effect of FITT manipulation information (author, publication year), baseline participant
on exercise adherence. Subgroup analysis examined the im- characteristics, details of intervention(s), and results of reported
portance of population type (chronic diseased vs healthy) outcomes. Data extraction was completed by three researchers
and inclusion of behavioral model to exercise adherence. The (KB, SH, EK). Study quality was assessed using the modified
findings are discussed in terms of their relevance to ACSM Jadad's score (range 0-5), which includes items related to ran-
exercise prescription guidelines. domization, blinding, and description of dropout/withdrawals.
Because it is difficult (if not impossible) to blind participants to
an exercise intervention, we considered the blinding of the op-
2  |   M ET H O D S erator to the outcome assessment as a quality criterion. Quality
assessment was completed by two researchers (KB, EK).
The review utilized the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.15
2.4  |  Data synthesis

2.1  |  Data sources and searches The pre- and post-intervention values (standard deviation,
SD) were entered into a spreadsheet. When the interven-
Two investigators (KB and EK) searched the electronic tion values were not published, a request of the missing
databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Google Scholar) values was made to the corresponding author, and follow-
using population, intervention, control, and outcome (PICO) ing non-response, the values were estimated based on meth-
search terms: (exercise OR physical activity) AND (adher- ods from the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews
ence) AND (frequency OR intensity OR time OR type OR of Interventions.16 For articles reporting multiple time
mode OR duration). The reference lists of the identified trials points, only the final time point was used in the analyses.
and reviews were also examined. The research was limited to Aggregation and calculation of final results were conducted
English-language articles published between database incep- by two authors (KB, SH).
tion and September 2018.

2.5  |  Data analysis

2.2  |  Article selection
All extracted data were entered into software designed
For the purpose of this meta-analysis, the term “article” specifically for meta-analyses (Open Meta-Analyst, http://
is used synonymously with “study,” and “trial” is the be- Meta-analysis and
tween-group comparison included in the meta-analysis. meta-regression were run as random-effects models, with
Additionally, the term “exercise” is used synonymously with the DerSimonian-Laird method, to account for both within-
“physical activity.” A given article may have resulted in more and between-study variability.19 Publication bias, that is,
224       BURNET et al.

smaller studies showing larger effects, was evaluated by 3.2.2  | Interventions

visual inspection of the Begg's funnel plot when (a) at least
10 trials were included in the meta-analysis, and (b) there A brief description of the exercise interventions is
was substantial variation in sample size for the included given in Table 1. For frequency, interventions included
trials.16 Sensitivity analyses were carried out by exclud- 5-7  days/wk and 3-4  days/wk.34 For intensity, interven-
ing one trial at a time to test the robustness of the pooled tions included high intensity (80% VO2peak, 90%-95%
results. For meta-analysis, effect sizes are presented as the Max HR),18,22,24,26,30,34,36-38,41 moderate intensity (55%-
mean difference as well as the standardized mean difference 59% HRR, 65% HRpeak, 70%-75% Max HR, 40%-55%
(SMD). The SMD was used to determine the magnitude of VO2peak, 40%-55% HRR),22,24,34,36,38 low intensity (50%
the effect, where <0.2 was defined as trivial, 0.2-0.3 as VO2peak),18,38,41 ventilatory threshold (99.8  ±  2.4% Max
small, 0.4-0.8 as moderate, and >0.8 as large.19,20 The sta- HR),24 high-intensity interval training (75%-90% HRR,
tistical heterogeneity across different trials in meta-analy- 90% HRpeak),24,26,37 and vigorous intensity (65%-80%
sis was assessed by the I2 statistic,21 where <25% indicates VO2peak, 65%-80% HRR).36 For time, interventions in-
low risk of heterogeneity, 25%-75% indicates moderate cluded choice,29 1 × 30-minute session,29,31,33 3 × 10-min-
risk of heterogeneity, and >75% indicates considerable risk ute sessions,29,31,33 long bout (30  minutes),27 and short
of heterogeneity.21 Univariate meta-regression was used bout (10  minutes).27 For type, interventions included
to determine the association between exercise duration swimming,23 walking,23,39 resistance training,38,39,42 aero-
(months) and adherence (%). Three authors (LS, JR, SH) bic,38 and walking/jogging.42 Fourteen of the trials were
conducted the data analysis. Additionally, ancillary analy- supervised.18,22-28,30,34,36,38,39,42
ses were performed to permit less conservative estimates of
the effects of FITT manipulation.
3.3  |  Methodological quality assessment

3  |   R ES U LTS The methodological assessment of included trials is summa-

rized in Table 1. The quality of the included studies ranged
from 2-5, with a median quality score of 3.6. All of the stud-
ies were randomized, but only five of the articles reported
3.1  |  Literature search and trial selection the method used for randomization.18,22,23,28,34 In all articles,
the population was adequately categorized. Finally, drop-
The previous review included 27 articles.3 In the current review, outs were listed and described in the majority of articles
10 of these articles were excluded because there was no ma- (n = 16).17,22-27,29,31-33,35-37,39,42
nipulation of the FITT principle (n = 1) and adherence (defined
as percentage of attendance to prescribed sessions) was not re-
ported (n = 9). An additional 821 potentially eligible articles 3.4  |  Publication bias and sensitivity analysis
were identified from electronic database searches (Figure 1).
Following screening of abstracts and titles, 771 were excluded Visual inspection of the funnel plot (Figure 2) indicated no
because they did not meet selection criteria. Of the remaining evidence of publication bias, and sensitivity analysis (Figure
articles, five were identified for inclusion, totaling 20 articles 3) indicated that none of the trials unduly influenced the out-
(31 trials) included in the current meta-analysis. come. Funnel plot and sensitivity analysis were also performed
independently on each FITT category including 10 or more tri-
als: intensity and time. Visual inspection of the funnel plots did
3.2  |  Description of the included trials not reveal substantial asymmetry, and none of the trials unduly
influenced the outcome when intensity or time was analyzed
3.2.1  |  Trial setting and participants independently.

The trials were conducted in Australia (n  =  2),22,23 Canada

(n  =  3),24-26 England (n  =  1),27 Norway (n  =  1),28 and the 3.5  |  Synthesis of the results
United States (n = 13).18,29-40 The intervention settings included
community settings (n  =  9),18,22,23,26,29,31-34 hospital or clinic Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type manipulation resulted
(n = 2),24,30 laboratory (n = 12),28,34,36-40 and home (n = 2).18,35 in a small, non-significant decrease (MD: −1.6, 95% CI:
The number of participants included in each trial ranged from −4.0 to 0.7) in exercise adherence (Table 2 and Figure 4).
17 to 379, with the number of women in each trial ranging from The heterogeneity was high (I2 = 93%), which may partially
0 to 239. The ages of participants ranged from 18 to 89 years. be explained by the inclusion of both diseased and healthy
BURNET et al.   

F I G U R E 1   Flow diagram of the search and review process

populations, as well as studies with and without inclusion of For healthy participants, manipulation of intensity re-
a behavioral model. sulted in a small, but non-significant decrease in adherence
For all participants, manipulation of intensity resulted in a (MD: −2.0, 95% CI: −9.1 to 5.0), whereas manipulation of
moderate, significant decrease in adherence (MD: −3.3, 95% time (MD: 0.5, 95% CI: −1.6 to 2.6) and type (MD: 2.3, 95%
CI: −6.1 to −0.5). Manipulation of time and type resulted CI: −8.2 to 12.8) resulted in a trivial but non-significant
in a trivial, non-significant decrease and improvement in ex- improvements in exercise adherence. For participants with
ercise adherence, respectively (MD: −0.6, 95% CI: −2.7 to chronic diseases, increasing time resulted in a small, signif-
1.5 and MD: 0.4, 95% CI: −2.5 to 3.4). Finally, manipulation icant decrease in exercise adherence (MD: −4.9, 95% CI:
of frequency resulted in a trivial, non-significant increase in −9.4 to −0.4). Similar results were seen for increasing in-
exercise adherence, though there was only one trial (MD: 2.0, tensity, which resulted in a moderate, non-significant (MD:
95% CI: −5.1 to 9.1). −3.6, 95% CI: −7.4 to 0.3) decrease in exercise adherence.
T A B L E 1   Characteristics of the included trials, grouped by FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) manipulation

Ages, years

Sample Female (SD or Duration Behavioral

First Author Refs Quality Country (Setting) Size (n) (n) range) Disease Exp.Grp Con. Grp (m) Model Retention
Frequency Exp. (%) Con. (%)
Perri (2002)a 3.5 USA (Laboratory) 379 239 49.8 (8.3) No 5-7d/wk 3-4 d/wk 6 Yes NR NR
Cox (2003) 5 Australia (Community) 126 126 48.2 (5.6) Yes High Moderate 18 Yes 62 81
Gossard (1986) 3 USA (Home) 64 0 49 (6.0) No High Low 3 No 100 95
Jung (2015) 3.5 Canada (Community) 32 27 51 (10.0) Yes High Moderate 1 Yes 66 100
King (1995)a 5 USA (Community) 269 120 57 (50-65) No High Low 24 No NR NR
King (1995)b 5 USA (Community) 269 120 57 (50-65) No High Low 24 No NR NR
Lee (1996) 3 USA (Clinic) 197 0 53.8 (0.6) Yes High Low 12 No NR NR
Perri (2002)b 3.5 USA (Community) 379 239 49.8 (8.3) No High Low 6 Yes NR NR
Rizk (2015)a 4 Canada (Hospital) 35 21 69 (9.0) Yes High VT 3 Yes NR NR
Rizk (2015)b 4 Canada (Hospital) 35 21 69 (9.0) Yes Interval High 3 Yes NR NR
Rizk (2015)c 4 Canada (Hospital) 35 21 69 (9.0) Yes Interval VT 3 Yes NR NR
Slentz (2004)a 3.5 USA (Laboratory) 120 55 52.8 (6.4) Yes Vigorous Moderate 8 No 61 66
Slentz (2004)b 3.5 USA (Laboratory) 120 55 52.8 (6.4) Yes Vigorous Moderate 8 No 46 66
Vella (2017) 3 USA (Laboratory) 17 10 26.2 (7.8) Yes High Moderate 1.25 No 80 90
Visek (2011)a 3 USA (Laboratory) 30 30 73 (1.3) No High Moderate 9 Yes NR NR
Wisloff (2007)a 4 Norway (Laboratory) 27 7 75.5 (11.1) Yes Interval Moderate 3 No 100 89
Coleman (1999)a 3 USA (Community) 32 18 38.1 (7.6) No 1x30 Choice 4 Yes 83 92
Coleman (1999) 3 USA (Community) 32 18 38.1 (7.6) No 3x10 Choice 4 Yes 92 92
Coleman (1999)c 3 USA (Community) 32 18 38.1 (7.6) No 1x30 3x10 4 Yes 83 92
DeBusk (1990) 3 USA (Community) 36 0 51.5 (6.0) No LB SB 2 No 90 90
Jakicic (1995) 2 (USA (Community) 56 56 49.1 (6.1) Yes LB SB 5 No 96 89
Jakicic (1999) 3 USA (Community) 148 148 36.7 (5.6) Yes LB SB 18 No 76 71
Jakicic (1999) 3 (USA (Community) 148 148 36.7 (5.6) Yes LB SB 18 No 76 88
Murphy (2000) 3.5 England 47 47 44.4 (6.2) No LB SB 2.5 No 75 75
Slentz (2004)c 3.5 USA (Laboratory) 120 55 52.8 (6.4) Yes High Low 8 No 61 46
BURNET et al.

BURNET et al.   





F I G U R E 2   Funnel plot (standardized mean difference vs

standard error) for studies meeting inclusion criteria


Abbreviations: Con., control; Exp., experimental; LB, long bout; NR, not reported; RT, resistance training; SB, short bout; SD, standard deviation; VT, ventilatory threshold.


3.5.1  |  Subgroup analysis: inclusion of

behavioral mode by chronic disease status
Con. Grp




For all participants, subgroup analysis revealed that omis-

sion of a behavioral model resulted in a moderate, non-

significant decrease in exercise adherence (MD: −1.6, CI:


−4.0 to 0.7), whereas the inclusion of a behavioral model


had no effect on adherence (Table 3). For healthy partici-

pants, omission of a behavioral model resulted in a trivial

but non-significant decrease in adherence (MD: −0.5, CI:



−3.1 to 2.0, Table 3). For participants with chronic dis-

eases, omission of a behavioral model resulted in a mod-
Ages, years

60 (50-70)

74 (70-79)

erate but non-significant decrease in exercise adherence

78.6 (6.8)

73 (1.3)
73 (1.3)
(SD or

(MD: −4.0, CI: −8.3 to 0.2).


3.6  | Meta-regression


Overall, there was no association (P = .323) between exer-

Size (n)

cise intervention duration (months) and exercise adherence


(%; Table 4 and Figure 5). For both healthy and diseased par-
ticipants, there were non-significant (P = .191 and P = .951,
Australia (Community)

respectively, Table 4) associations between intervention du-

Canada (University)
Country (Setting)

ration and exercise adherence. Furthermore, there was no

USA (Laboratory)
USA (Laboratory)

USA (Laboratory)
USA (Laboratory)

association between intervention duration and adherence

in trials that either included or omitted a behavioral model
(P = .552 and P = .515, respectively, Table 4).

3.6.1  |  Ancillary analysis



A given trial may have been included in more than one

T A B L E 1   (Continued)


model due to apparent manipulation of several FITT char-







acteristics simultaneously. Such manipulations led to am-

Mangione (2005)

biguity when assigning the primary FITT characteristic for

Pollock (1991)

Visek (2011)b
Visek (2011)c
First Author

comparison in our main analysis. For example, one inter-

Sale (1996)
Cox (2008)

vention28 classified by the author as an intensity manipula-

tion was coded as an intensity comparison within our main

analysis. However, within this intervention, exercise time

228       BURNET et al.

F I G U R E 3   Leave one out analysis

also differed between groups (38 vs 47 minutes) due to the indicated a potential moderate effect in favor of indoor and/
nature of energy expenditure matching. Thus, to permit or clinic-based exercise on adherence.
less conservative estimates of the effects of FITT manipu-
lation, separate models were run for frequency, intensity,
time, and type with subgroups examining the effect of inclu- 4  |  DISCUSSION
sion of a behavioral model and chronic disease status (see
Suppl. Table 1-5). Findings from the ancillary analysis The purpose of this meta-analysis was to review the effects
were in accordance with the findings of our main analysis. of FITT manipulation on exercise behavior adherence.
Additionally, we assessed the effect of differing exercise en- Findings from this meta-analysis suggest that manipula-
vironment, the use of interval training versus continuous ex- tion of FITT results in a small, non-significant decrease in
ercise, and defining frequency as number of exercise bouts exercise adherence, that is, FITT manipulation was harm-
rather than exercise days. None of these comparisons re- ful rather than beneficial. Increasing exercise intensity was
sulted in significant effects, likely due to the small numbers most harmful to adherence. Importantly, we found that
of included trials; however, the environmental comparison the chronic disease status of the population needs to be
BURNET et al.   

T A B L E 2   Adherence meta-analysis: effects of FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) manipulation with subgroup analysis by chronic
disease status

Pooled Effect Heterogeneity

Trials Sample
Subgroup   (n) (n) MD (95% CI) P SMD I2 P
All (vs Con.) 31 2076 −1.6 (−4.0 to 0.7) .171 −0.21 93% <.001
  Frequency 1 328 2.0 (−5.1 to 9.1) N/A 0.06 N/A N/A
  Intensity 15 1184 −3.3 (−6.1 to −0.5) .020 −0.45 81% <.001
  Time 9 379 −0.6 (−2.7 to 1.5) .605 −0.11 59% .012
  Type 6 185 0.4 (−2.5 to 3.4) .785 0.15 67% .010
Healthy   16 1326 −0.5 (−3.1 to 2.0) .677 −0.05 86% <.001
  Frequency 1 328 2.0 (−5.1 to 9.1) N/A 0.06 N/A N/A
  Intensity 6 752 −2.0 (−9.1 to 5.0) .575 −0.30 81% <.001
  Time 5 124 0.5 (−1.6 to 2.6) .663 0.16 66% .018
  Type 4 122 2.3 (−8.2 to 12.8) .663 0.16 72% .014
Diseased   15 750 −3.4 (−7.4 to 0.7) .105 −0.40 93% <.001
  Frequency 0 0 N/A N/A to N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  Intensity 9 432 −3.6 (−7.4 to 0.3) .070 −0.54 77% <.001
  Time 4 255 −4.9 (−9.4 to −0.4) .032 −0.28 0% .666
  Type 2 63 −0.9 (−7.5 to 5.8) .799 0.12 68% .079
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; FITT, frequency, intensity, time, type; MD, mean difference; SMD, standardized mean difference.

considered. While FITT manipulation had a non-significant activities may negatively influence behavior. However, these
effect for healthy populations, in populations with chronic findings are contrary to the popular idea that HIIT may be
diseases, increasing intensity or time had a small-moderate a more viable, time-efficient option to increase adherence
negative effect on exercise adherence. Additionally, in- to exercise.7,56,57 In interpreting these findings, it should be
clusion of a behavioral model had a non-significant effect considered that while our primary meta-analysis attempted
for healthy populations, but for populations with chronic to isolate the independent effect of intensity and time ma-
disease, the absence of a behavioral model resulted in a nipulation, HIIT training typically simultaneously increases
moderate negative effect, albeit the confidence interval did intensity while decreasing time. Findings from our primary
cross zero. analysis (Table 2) indicate that manipulation of time has a
non-significant effect on adherence, while the effect of in-
tensity is significant. We did also conduct a less conservative
4.1  |  Comparison with other studies ancillary analysis, in which a given trial may have been clas-
sified as manipulating both time and intensity, and where we
Our primary meta-analysis findings lead to a different in- compared interval to continuous training. Findings from the
terpretation to that provided by Rhodes et al following their less conservative ancillary analyses are in accordance with
systematic review.3 Contrary to Rhodes et al, who reported the primary analysis, and interval training did not improve
that FITT manipulation did not affect exercise behavior ad- exercise adherence when compared to continuous training.
herence, we found a moderate negative effect for increas- Nonetheless, time is considered the primary barrier to ex-
ing exercise intensity. These differences may be due to the ercise participation, and given the popularity of HITT pre-
addition of five studies23,24,26,37,38 published in the preced- scription, further study is warranted which directly compares
ing 11 years and the exclusion of 10 articles42-52 that were HITT to time- and intensity-matched continuous training.
included in the Rhodes et al study. The 10 articles were
excluded because we were unable to determine study effect
sizes, in particular, the articles did not report adherence 4.2  |  Chronic diseased vs healthy
(%)43-48,50-53 and did not manipulate a component of the populations
FITT principle.54
The finding that increasing exercise intensity has a nega- Findings from our subgroup analysis indicate that while
tive effect on adherence is in accordance with an earlier re- FITT manipulation had a non-significant effect for healthy
view by Dishman et al,55 who concluded that high-intensity populations, in populations with chronic diseases increasing
230       BURNET et al.

F I G U R E 4   Meta-analysis: of FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) manipulation on exercise adherence. The dashed vertical line
indicates the mean difference (effect size). CI, confidence interval; IV, inverse-variance method; SD, standard deviation

intensity or time had a small-moderate negative effect on ex- 4.3  |  Inclusion of behavioral model
ercise adherence. It should be emphasized that the heteroge-
neity for both populations was high, which may be ascribed The absence of a behavioral model resulted in a moderate
to varying manipulation of FITT, varying quality of included decrease in exercise behavior adherence in all participants,
trials (Jadad range: 2-5), variety in sample populations (age, albeit the confidence interval did cross zero. Subgroup analy-
gender, diseased status), low number of trials, and the vary- sis revealed that this effect is likely driven by chronic disease
ing duration of studies, which ranged from 1 to 18 months. status. While inclusion of a behavioral model had a non-sig-
However, meta-regression findings do indicate a lack of sig- nificant effect for healthy populations, for populations with
nificant effect of study duration on exercise adherence for chronic diseases the absence of a behavioral model resulted
both populations. Further study is warranted to examine the in a moderate negative effect; however, the confidence in-
effects of FITT manipulation, particularly intensity and time, terval did cross zero. The lack of effect for healthy popu-
on exercise behavior adherence in populations with chronic lations is surprising when considering that the inclusion of
disease. behavioral models within exercise prescription is supported
BURNET et al.   

T A B L E 3   Adherence meta-analysis: effects of behavioral model inclusion with subgroup analysis by chronic disease status

Pooled Effect Heterogeneity

Trials Sample
Subgroup Behavior (n) (n) MD (95% CI) P SMD I2 P
All (vs Con.) 31 2076 −1.6 (−4.0 to 0.7) .171 −0.21 93% <.001
  Yes 15 1039 −0.1 (−3.9 to 3.7) .952 −0.02 59% .002
  No 16 1037 −2.5 (−5.5 to 0.4) .092 −0.42 96% <.001
Healthy   16 1326 −0.5 (−3.1 to 2.0) .677 −0.05 86% <.001
  Yes 10 928 −0.4 (−4.6 to 3.9) .856 −0.02 67% .001
  No 6 398 −0.5 (−4.1 to 3.1) .780 −0.14 94% <.001
Diseased   15 750 −3.4 (−7.3 to 0.4) .082 −0.40 93% <.001
  Yes 5 111 −0.3 (−8.0 to 7.5) .945 −0.04 8% .359
  No 10 639 −4.0 (−8.3 to 0.2) .062 −0.58 95% <.001
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; FITT, frequency, intensity, time, type; MD, mean difference; SMD, standardized mean difference.

T A B L E 4   Adherence meta-regression:
Pooled Effect
effects of FITT (frequency, intensity, Trials Sample
time, and type) manipulation and exercise Subgroup   (n) (n) ß (95% CI) P
intervention duration (months) with
Disease All (vs Con.) 31 2076 −0.2 (−0.5 to 0.2) .323
subgroup analysis by chronic disease status
  Healthy 16 1326 −0.3 (−0.9 to 0.2) .191
and by behavioral model inclusion
  Diseased 15 750 0.0 (−0.5 to 0.5) .951
Behavior All (vs Con.) 31 2076 −0.2 (−0.5 to 0.2) .323
  Yes 15 1039 −0.3 (−1.2 to 0.6) .552
  No 16 1037 −0.1 (−0.5 to 0.3) .515
Abbreviations: Β, beta coefficient; CI, confidence interval.

F I G U R E 5   Univariate random-effects
meta-regression scatter plots: exercise
duration (months) and exercise adherence

in a variety of populations.58-61 However, it should be em- specific behavioral models. That being said, it should also
phasized that the effects were heterogeneous. Although the be considered that the absence of a behavioral model was
quality of the trials was relatively high (JADAD: 3.5-4.0), most important. As such, it may be postulated that elements
there was substantial variation between studies in terms of common to most behavioral models, such as social interac-
the populations included. More importantly, a wide variety tion, accountability, and building self-efficacy may be more
of behavioral models were prescribed, including the stages of important than the exact behavioral model. Further study is
change model,22 social cognitive theory,26 and measurement required to decipher the interaction between specific behav-
of affective response.24 ioral models, specific components of behavioral models, and
Given the low number of included trails, the current FITT manipulation, especially for populations with chronic
meta-analysis was unable to determine the importance of diseases.
232       BURNET et al.

4.4  |  Limitations and strengths CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

There are several limitations when considering these find- Kathryn Burnet, Simon Higgins, Elizabeth Kelsch, Justin
ings. First, the sample size of included trials was gener- B. Moore, and Lee Stoner declare that they have no con-
ally small. Second, the majority of trials were mixed sex, flicts of interest relevant to the content of this review.
and it remains unclear whether sex moderates the relation-
ship between FITT manipulation and adherence. Third, the ORCID
quality of the included trials was generally suboptimal, Kathryn Burnet
and lacked detail of exercise interventions used. Lastly,
the interpretation of findings is confounded by the high R E F E R E NC E S
proportion of studies that manipulate more than one FITT 1. 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2018
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Additional supporting information may be found online in
57. Heisz JJ, Tejada MGM, Paolucci EM, Muir C. Enjoyment for
the Supporting Information section. 
high-intensity interval exercise increases during the first six weeks
of training: implications for promoting exercise adherence in sed-
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