The New Deal: Keywords and Questions

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The New Deal

Keywords and
I. _____________ of _______
A. Republican ________ is extremely _____________
B. ______________ nominate Governor ____________ __
__________________ (_____) of New York
1. Promises a “_____ ______ for the ____________
2. ____________ vote: ____ (Democrat) to ____
C. ___________ Vote: ___ ___________ (Democrat) to ___
____________ (Republican)

II. ___________ Elected!

A. ____________ takes ___________ and _____________ the
B. March 4, ______: Roosevelt ____________
1. “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”

III. __________: __________ that ____________ D. ________

proposed to _________ the _________ out of the
______________. “A new deal for the ____________ People”

IV. ____________: Declares a ____________ national bank

A. Gives time to_______ to arrange for __________ to cover
B. _____________: ____________ some ____________ banks
and ___________ people to________ money again
C. March 12, _______: the first _____________
1. ___________ talks with the ____________ over
____________assures _________ that _________ are safe

V. ______ 9- June 16, ______ “___________________”

A. ___________ enacts more than a __________ major
____________ ____________
1. “It is ___________ sense to take a _________ and try it.
If it ________, admit it frankly and _____ another. But
above all, ____ _________.”
B. Brain _______: Roosevelt’s_______ circle of _________,
college ___________, and __________ that ____________
him on _____________ policies

VI. The____ R’s

A. _________ for the ____________
B. __________ measures to ___________ the
C. _________ ________ to help __________ the
___________ of another _____________ ________

VII. New_______ Programs (Alphabet Soup)

A. FERA: (_______ ______ ________ _________)
_______________to the __________, __________ to
1. Some ____________ were that it would ____________
people’s self ______________and will to ________ ended
in ___________
B. CCC: (______ __________ ______) put ____________ of
_____________ of people to work on ______________
1. Lived in ___________, followed __________ schedules,
________ and _________, $____/month
C. PWA: (_______ _________ ______) put people back
to________ building ___________, dams, improving
____________ and ______________, etc…
1. Helped _____________ and service __________ and
______________ the economy
D. NRA: (______ __________ _________) set new
_____________ standards to help _________ and
1. New _______ set ____________ wages and maximum
2. ____________ the right of ____________to ___________
3. ____________ who ___________ with _______
displayed the ____________ and ________, “We do
_____ part”
E. AAA: (________ ____________ ___________)
____________ to help ___________ by using
____________ to have ___________ meet ___________
1. Persuaded ___________ to ___________ crops in
___________ for _________________ subsidies
2. Decrease ________ = __________ prices
F. TVA: (Tennessee Valley Authority) helped employ workers
in the Southern US.
1. Brought electricity and infrastructure to rural areas of the
2. Helped bring the rural South out of the economic troubles
they had been stuck in since Reconstruction.

VIII. Reform Laws:

A. Ban _________ from investing ___________ in
B. FDIC insures ____________ up to $_______ to member
C. Eliminate ________ in the _____________

IX. _____________ of New Deal Programs

A. Programs did not ______ the ___________
B. _____________ better but still had ___________
C. _________________ Rate: ____%
D. Incomes down: 13%
E. _______ prices down: ____%
F. _________ farmers __________ by _________ plan
G. _________and ______________ puts ________ and
_______________ more in _____________
X. Criticism of New Deal Programs
A. Conservative opponents said the New Deal was socialism
that harmed individual liberties
B. It added massively to the National Debt ($35 billion)
C. Conservatives formed the American Liberty League to
combat the New Deal
XI. Criticism of New Deal Programs
A. More radical criticism came from people like Senator Huey
Long, advocating for a “Share the wealth” plan
B. Father Charles E. Coughlin who brought forth various
conspiracy theories.

XII. Eleanor Roosevelt and the Second New Deal

A. Eleanor Roosevelt reshaped the role of the First Lady
1. Convinced FDR to expand some New Deal organizations
2. Championed Civil Rights and employment for women.
B. Would go on to become one of the first delegates to the UN.
1. Drafted the Declaration of Human Rights.

XIII. Second New Deal_____________ existing ______________

A. WPA (______ ___________ ________): Replaced ________
1. _______________ people ____________ in ___________
work on _______ projects
2. Also employed _________, teachers, __________,
historians, etc…
B. NLRA ( ):
expanded on the NRA.
1. Encouraged collective bargaining and strikes by unions
2. Some of the provisions would be changed or reduced after
C. Social ____________ Act (_______)
1. Wages are __________ to provide ___________
__________ for ______________
2. Provides _____________ to _______ and _________ with

XIV. New Role of _______________:

A. _____________Government in all aspects of people’s
B. Government takes _______________ for the ___________
of the individual and the ___________ economy

XV. Additional____________ of
________________ Legislation
A. Programs ______________ that benefited __________,
_________________, and _____________________
B. Eleanor _______________was a ____________ for
__________in _____________
C. ___________________, first __________ in _________ post
(secretary of labor)
D. ______Women put into _____________ positions in
_______________ agencies
E. Additional _____________ of _____________ Legislation
F. The _______ Cabinet: ____ ______________ appointees
that _____________ FDR
G. ______________ government_______________, changes in
__________ practices
H. ____________ Reorganization Act _________________
now control ___________ and _______ _________ to build
____________, ____________, etc.

XVI. Election of _______

1. _______________ wins by a ____________!!




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