Text 1 Devavanipravesika

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अस्ति नप

ृ ो दशरथो नाम ।

Without sandhi: अस्ति नप

ृ स ् दशरथस ् नाम ।

अस्ति (asti) – 3rd person singular present active indicative (he is)

ृ ो (nRpo) – Nominative thematic masculine singular of nRpas, meaning king (as -> o per visargal
sandhi: as + voiced consonant = o (as + d of dasharatha here = o + d)

दशरथो (dasharatho) – Nominative thematic masculine singular of dasharathas, meaning dasharathas

(nomen). (as -> o per visargal sandhi: as + voiced consonant = o)

नाम (nāma) – By name (adverb).

Literally: There is the king dasharatha by name

Actual translation: There is a king, dasharatha by name

सो ऽतीव धार्मिको भूमिपः सुखं जीवति ।

Without sandhi: सस ् अतीव धार्मिकस ् भमि

ू पस ् सख
ु म ् जीवति ।

सो (so) – Nominative masculine singular of saH (he/this), visargal sandhi (as -> o)

ऽतीव (‘tīva) – Exceedingly, very (visargal sandhi: as + a = o ‘ (no sandhi = sas atīva)

धार्मिको (dhārmiko) – Nominative masculine singular of dhārmika (rightful), congruent with bhūmipa
and sa. (visargal sandhi: as + voiced consonant = o + voiced consonant)

भूमिपः (bhūmipaH) – Nominative masculine singular of bhūmipa (king), congruent with dhārmiko and
so. (Visargal sandhi: final s -> visarga)

सुखं (sukhaM) – Happily (consonantal sandhi: m + consonant = M (anusvāra) + consonant

जीवति (jīvati) – 3rd person singular present indicative of jīv, he lives.

Literally: He exceedingly rightful king happily he lives

Actual translation: He lives happily as a very/exceedingly rightful king

ृ स्य दःु खं नास्तीति भाषन्ते जनाः ।

Without sandhi: नप
ृ स्य दस्
ु खम ् न अस्ति इति भाषन्ते जनास ् ।

ृ स्य (nRpasya) – Genitive masculine singular of nRpas (king)
दःु खं (duHkhaM) – Nominative neuter singular of duskham (sorrow, misery) (Visarga sandhi,
consonant sandhi final m -> M before consonant)

नास्तीति (nāsīti) – Sandhi product of na asti iti

न (na) – not, negates the verb:

अस्ति (asti) – 3rd person singular present indicative, he/there/it/she is

इति (iti) – Quotation mark, implies that something is being said

भाषन्ते (bhāSante) – 3rd person plural present indicative middle voice (deponent verb), they speak.

जनाः (janāH) – Nominative masculine plural of jana (person, people, folk), (Visarga sandhi: s -> H at
the end).

Literally: of the king sorrow/misery not there is quotation marks they say the people

Actually: The people say: The king has no misery/does not suffer

एकदा दशरथो वनं गच्छति ।

Without sandhi: एकदा दशरथस ् वनम ् गच्छति ।

एकदा – Once, one time (adverb)

दशरथो (Dasharatho) – Nominative masculine singular of dasharathas (nomen), visargal sandhi as ->

वनं (vanaM) – Accusative neuter singular of vanam. Consonantal sandhi m -> M before consonant.

गच्छति – Third person singular present tense indicative, he goes

Literally: One time dasharathas to th forest he goes

Actually: One time dasharatha goes to the forest

तस्मिन्वने ब्राह्मणस्य पत्र

ु ो विसति ।

Without sandhi: तस्मिन ् वने ब्राह्मणस्य पुत्रस ् विसति ।

तस्मिन्वने (tasminvane) – Sandhi result of tasmin vane

तस्मिन ् (tasmin) – Locative neuter singular of sa, (in this)

वने (vane) – Locative neuter singular of vanam (in the forest)

ब्राह्मणस्य (brāhmanasya) – Genitive masculine singular of brāhmana (of brāhman)

पुत्रो (putro) – Nominative masculine singular of putras (visargal sandhi as -> o), the son

विसति (vasati) – 3rd person singular present tense indicative, he dwells/lives

Literally: In this in the forest of the brāhman the son he lives

Actually: The son of brāhman lives in this forest.

अहो सन्
ु दरं मग
ृ ं पश्याम्यहमिति चिन्तयति नप
ृ ः ।

Without sandhi: अहो सुन्दरम ् मग

ृ म ् पश्यामि अहम ् इति चिन्तयति नप
ृ स् ।

अहो (aho) – “aha!”

सुन्दरं (sundaraM) – masculine accusative singular of sundara, meaning beautiful (consonant sandhi
m -> M)

ृ ं (mRpaM) – Masculine accusative singular of mRpas, meaning deer

पश्याम्यहमिति (pashyāmyahamiti) – Sandhi result of pashyāmi aham iti

पश्यामि (pashyāmi) – 1st person singular present tense indicativ, I see.

अहम ् (aham) – nominative singular of aham, meaning I (the subject of pashyāmi)

इति (iti) – quotation marks

चिन्तयति (cintayati) – 3rd person singular present indicative, he thinks/ponders/considers

ृ ः (nRpaH) – Nominative masculine singular of nRpas, meaning king

Literally: Aha beautiful th deer I see I quotation mark he thinks the king

Actually: The king thinks: “Aha! I see a beautiful deer”

बालकं च तिक्ष्णेन शरे न हन्ति ।

Without sandhi: बालकम ् च तिक्ष्नेन शरे न हन्ति ।

बालकं (bālakaM) – Masculine accusative singular of bālakas, boy /young lad (refering to the deer)

च (ca) – and (linking device)

तिक्ष्णेन (tikSNena) – Instrumental masculine singular of tikSNa, meaning sharp), congruent with शरे न

शरे न (sharena) – Instrumental masculine singular of sharas, meaning with the arrow. Congruent:
With the sharp arrow
हन्ति (hanti) – Third person singular present indicative, he kills

Literally: The boy and with sharp with an arrow he kills

Actually: And he kills the young boy/young deer (less literal) with a sharp arrow.

ब्राह्मणो ऽगच्छति हतं पत्र

ु ं पश्यति च ।

Without sandhi: ब्राह्मणस ् आगच्छति हतम ् पुत्रम ् पस्यति च ।

ब्राह्मणो (brāhmano) – Nominative masculine singular of brāhmanas, meaning brāhman

ऽगच्छति (‘gacchati) – third person singular present tense of āgacchati (visargal sandhi), he comes

हतं (hataM) – Past participle of han, to kill (here it then means killed, congruent with putraM)

पुत्रं (putraM) – Accusative masculine singular of putras, meaning the boy/son

पश्यति (pashyati) – Third person singular present indicative, he sees

च (ca) – Linking device linking both clauses.

Literally: The brāhman he comes the killed the son he sees and

Actually: Brāhman comes and he sees the killed son.

सो ऽतीव कुपितो भवति ।

Without sandhi: सस ् अतीव कुपितस ् भवति ।

सो (so) – Nominative masculine singular of saH (he/this), visargal sandhi (as -> o)

ऽतीव (‘tīva) – Exceedingly, very (visargal sandhi: as + a = o ‘ (no sandhi = sas atīva)

कुपितो (kupito) – Masculine nominative singular of kupita (angered, angry), past participle of kup (to
anger). Visargal sandhi as -> o

भवति (bhavati) – Third person singular present indicative, he is. Copular usage of kupito and so.

Literally: He exceedingly angered he is

Actually: He is very angry

ृ ं च शपति ।

Without sandhi: नप
ृ म ् च शपति ।

ृ ं (nRpaM) – Accusative masculine singular of nRpas, the king

च (ca) – and

शपति (shapati) – 3rd person singular present indicative, he curses

Literally: The king and he curses

Actually: And he (brāhman) curses the king

हे मर्ख

हे – vocative participle (carries no emotional load)

मूर्ख – Vocative singular thematic, food!

Translation: O food!

त्वं किमिति मम पुत्रं हं सि ।

Without sandhi: त्वम ् किमिति मम पुत्रम ् हन्सि ।

त्वं (tvam) = nominative singular of tvam (you)

किमिति (kimiti) = why? How?

मम (mama) = Genitive singular of aham (of me)

पुत्रं (putraM) = Accusative masculine singular of putras (the son)

हं सि (haMsi) = second person singular present indicative of han, you kill

Literally: You why of me the son you kill?

Actually: Why do you kill my son?

तव दष्ु कृतेनाहं दःु खमनुभवमि ।

Without Sandhi: तव दष्ु कृतेन अहम ् दस्ु खम ् अनभ
ु वमि ।

तव (tava) – genitive singular of tvam (of you)

दष्ु कृतेनाहं (duSkRtamenāhaM) – Sandhi product of duSkRtamena + ahaM

दष्ु कृतेन (duSkRtena) – instrumental neuter singular of duSkRtam, through the bad deed

अहम ् (aham) – nominative singular of aham (I)

दःु खमनुभवमि (duHkhamanubhāvami) sandhi product of duHkham anubhavāmi

ु खम ् (duskham) – Neuter accusative singular of duskham, sorrow/grief

अनुभवमि (anubhavāmi) – 1st person singular present indicative of anubhū, I feel/experience

Literal: of you through the evil deed I sorrow I feel

Actually: Due to your deed I experience grief.

े विना न जीवामि ।

Without sandhi: पत्र

ु न े विना न जीवामि ।

े (putreNa) – Object of vinā, result of internal sandhi n -> N

विना (vinā) + instrumental – Without

न (na) = negation participle

जीवामि (jīvāmi) = 1st person singular present tense = I live

Literally: Son without not I live

Actually: Without my/the (my is more freely translated) son I do not live.

ृ ो वदति ।

ृ स ् वदति ।

ृ ो (nRpo) – Nominative masculine singular of nRpas, meaning king
वदति (vadati) – third person singular present indicative, he says

Literally: king he says

Actually: The king says

हा, हा, नश्यामीति ।

हा, हा, नश्यामि इति ।

हा (hā) – vocative participle (carrying a load indicating emotional grief)

नश्यामि (nashyāmi) – I perish (first person singular present indicative)

इति (iti) – Quotation marks

Literally: Oh!, Oh!, I perish!

Actually: (The king says (From previous sentence)): Oh! Oh! I perish!

शोकेन पीदितो गह
ृ ं गच्छति ॥

Without sandhi: शोकेन पीदितस ् गहृ म ् गच्छति ॥

शोकेन (sokena) – Instrumental singular neuter, with grief

पीदितो (pīdita) + instrumental = afflicted with

गहृ ं (gRhaM) = accusative neuter singular, towards home

गच्छति (gacchati) = third person singular present indicative, he goes

Literally: With grief afflicted to home he goes

Actually: afflicted with grief, he goes home.

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