Dragon Den Lesson Plan Ok

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Lesson plan Friday, January 29th 2021

Step 1:
Click on the photo to access the
video or here if you prefer. Do not
look at the question, but focus and
try to understand s much as you

Step 2:
The dragons are five …………………………………...
Watch again the video but just
focus on the introduction. ( FROM
1’OO TO 1`20)
And they are ready to…………………………………….
Complete the text with elements
from the introduction.
For the best……………………………………….they hear.

Step 3:
Watch again the video from 2´26 to
Answer the following questions.

How much money does he want?

What is the name of his product?

Explain what the product does.

How did Graham have the idea?

How does Graham feel during his pitch/presentation?

What is the price of his product? Is it clear? not clear?

Who is Barry?

Is the strategy to sell and distribute the product well defined?

What percentage in their company do Barry and Graham offer the Dragons? What

do the dragons think of that?

How much money do Graham and Barry think they are going to make by selling their

product? Is it realistic? 

Are Graham and Barry successful?

Did the Dragons like the product?

What did the Dragons think of Graham and Barry´s negotiating skills?

What did Graham think of the experience?

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