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Preparazione all’esame PET

della dott.ssa Chiara Cordola
Modulo 4
Speaking Paper
Lezione 3
Part 3
Speaking Paper – Part 3
• Candidates show ability to use general interaction and social language.
• Candidates will take the exam in pairs.
• Candidates will have to make and respond to suggestions, discuss alternatives and
negotiate agreement based on a picture.
• Candidates will need to make the discussion going for two or three minutes.
• Candidates are assessed on their use of appropriate language and interactive
strategies, not on their ideas.

Focus on interacting with a partner
In Part 3 you will need to discuss a topic with your partner. To do this you will need to
show that you can do the following. Put the expressions below under the correct heading.
How about you? … so that… You’re right. Let’s…
I’m not sure about that. I think so too. Do you agree?
That’s a great idea. …because… Why don’t we…?
Where shall we begin? That’s not such a good idea. What if …?
What do you think about? That’s a good idea, isn’t it?
Let’s talk about x first. How about (+ ing)?

Give Make Ask for Start the

Agree Disagree
reasons suggestions opinions converstion

Focus on interacting with a partner
Look at this situation. A young friend of yours wants to learn a language in his free time.
He has a small amount of money to spend on this new hobby. First talk about the things
he can buy to help him learn the language. Then say which will be the best use of his

Focus on interacting with a partner
Pietro and Valerie are doing exercise 2. Complete the gaps in their conversation using the
phrases in the following slide. Write the correct letters in the spaces.
Valerie: So, our friend wants to learn a new language…
Pietro: (1) …………
Valerie: No, he can’t. Let’s start by talking which of them will be useful for him.
Pietro: (2) ………...
Valerie: OK. Shall we start with this one, the dictionary?
Pietro: (3) ………..
Valerie: Yes, I agree, and it’s also good for checking spelling. But what about a textbook, they’re
useful too.
Pietro: (4) ………..
Valerie: Possibly. Or he may get one free when he pays for the course.
Pietro: (5) ………..
Focus on interacting with a partner
Use five of these sentences to complete Pietro’s part of the conversation
A. Oh yes, that’s a good point.
B. I don’t like them very much.
C. Yes, they are, but maybe he won’t need one because he’ll have a teacher.
D. Would you like a dictionary or a textbook?
E. OK, then afterwards we can decide which one he should buy.
F. That’s right, and he’s only got £20 to spend, so he can’t buy all these things, can he?
G. Yes, I think he should buy one of those, because it’s very useful if you don’t know what
words mean.

Focus on interacting with a partner
Your library has some money to spend. The librarian has asked you all what you’d like to
do to make an empty room look more attractive to use. In pairs discuss these ideas.

• Paint the room different colours.

• Put things on the wall
• Buy new items to put in the room

That’s all
Thank you

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