Report On Dunya Media Group: Human Resource Management

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H.M. Afzal Hameed 2019-1523

Muhammad Danyal 2019-1526
Muhammad Khan 2019-1511
Asim Younas 2019-1520
Roha Tofiq 2019-1524

Report Submitted to:

Dr.Ashi Zeeshan


Executive summary........................................................................................................................................1
Organization information...............................................................................................................................1
Registered Office:......................................................................................................................................................1
Nature of Business:....................................................................................................................................................2
Major Functions:.......................................................................................................................................................2
DESCRIPTION OF HR DEPARTMENT................................................................................................................2
hr department Hierarchy chart.......................................................................................................................2
Job Analysis...................................................................................................................................................3
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING......................................................................................................................4
Forecasting Personnel Needs:....................................................................................................................................4
Qualification Inventory:.............................................................................................................................................4
Replacement Charts:.................................................................................................................................................4
Succession Planning:..................................................................................................................................................4
Recruitment and selection.............................................................................................................................5
Recruitment and Selection Process:...........................................................................................................................6
ORIENTATION TRAINING AND DVELOPMENT.................................................................................................6
Purpose and Procedure of orientation:......................................................................................................................6
Training and Development:.......................................................................................................................................6
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................................7
Creating effective performance appraisals................................................................................................................7
Job Evaluation...........................................................................................................................................................8
Types of compensation:.............................................................................................................................................8
Direct Compensation:................................................................................................................................................8
Indirect Compensation..............................................................................................................................................8
CAREER MANAGEMENT IN DUNYA TV............................................................................................................8
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES..........................................................................................................9
Critical Analysis..............................................................................................................................................9
Dunya Media Group

Dunya News is a 24 hours Urdu language news and current affairs television channel
from Pakistan.Dunya News was founded and is owned by Pakistani businessman and politician Mian
Amer Mahmood.Mission of Dunya TV is to cover all the aspects of society and give awareness to
people about what is happening near about them or in environment. It provides true & accurate
information and awareness to public about Trade, inflation, Government work, opposition
interferences, Health problems, Crime, Public issues, Army effort, Sports, Showbiz, advertisement of
various products and organizations etc.There are different departments that work throughout 24 hours
in different shifts mainly in shift of three to bring about news for the audience.
Dunya media group is currently operating with three channels Dunya News National, Dunya News
International and Lahore News HD. Dunya News bring the happening of the world to the doorstep of
public.Dunya News still believes in reporting ethically. It keep an eye on the happenings all around
the sphere and follow up the news stories with structured and well balanced analysis from their
senior analysts and journalists.


Dunya Media Group

Registered Office:

Head Office of Dunya Tv is situated in Lahore

Address: 8-A, Abbot Road, Lahore

UAN: 042-111-1-Dunya(38692)
Fax: +92-42-6362440

Nature of Business:

Dunya News is a media channel and it provides services to Public, Government and Private Organizations.
Dunya Media Group

Major Functions:

The major functions of Dunya TV are

 Surveillance
 Correlation
 Cultural transmission
 Entertainment

Dunya TV established this department from its establishment to till now providing the best employees to
company. This department works that how they can hire the best people and how they can cope with modern
technology and how the employees use this modern technology. The Human Resource Department at Dunya
TV is engaged in the areas of Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Performance
Management, and Organizational Development, and strives to align these functions with the overall business
strategy. They place great emphasis on people development so that people and the organization perform at
maximum capacity in a high effective manner.


Job analysis deal with quality of peoplethat which types of people or employees are required by department.

Dunya Media Group

Through job analysis we can determine that what will be duties of the hired person and which type of skills
he should be contain for the Job. The information is usually collected by communication with the required
department and also by interviewing of employees individually and also in-group forms. So for the selection
of employees in Dunya TV first they analyses the whole company, conducted interview that where which
type of people or employee they required. And then they made their job descriptions and specifications.

1. Human resource planning
2. Job Analysis
3. Recruitment
4. Selection
5. Orientations
6. Training and development
7. Appraising and managing performance
8. Rewards and compensation.
9. Promotions


The following steps are showing the Job Analysis process of Dunya TV.

1. First of all Dunya TV Analyse the whole organization and then select the jobs.
2. After selecting the jobs data is collected regarding those jobs.
3. Process the information.
4. In the end, Job Description and Job specifications are prepared.


Dunya TV use the following methods to collect information for Job Analysis

1. Interview Method
2. Questionnaire Method
3. Observation Method
4. Record Method
5. Job Analysis by test


Human resource planning is a process by which a firm ensures that it has the sufficient number of employees
and they are working at the position where they best performed. If there is sufficient number of employees
Dunya Media Group

working in the organization and their goals are also matched with the organization goals than the
organization is working smoothly and vice versa. HR ensures that the workers are performing well or not. If
HR is not satisfied with the performance of some workers then they arrange training session, special courses
to update the knowledge skills and abilities of their employees.

Forecasting Personnel Needs:

HR department of Dunya TV make estimation about the labour or employees need for the organization in
future. HR predicts that what positions are available by the firm and how to fill up those positions. They also
fill up the top-level vacancies with the existing employees by upgrading them or also hiring new employees
from outside. If the management is selecting candidates from inside the organization than knowledge, skills
and abilities of the inside can be measured and training is given if needed. HR department of Dunya TV
forecast the personnel needs by two methods.
 Trend Analysis
 Ratio Analysis

Qualification Inventory:

It means the computerized or manual record of all the employees of organization. It includes the numbers of
employees, skills level, special abilities, language grip, working performance and any other information
about employees. Dunya TV is a large organization and the HR department of Dunya TV used the
computerized recording system to save the data of employees.

Replacement Charts:

Replacement chart is a forecasting technique in which there is information about current and future job
vacancies. If there is any position vacant in future than how many replacer we already have in the
organization like Assistant Sales Manager for Sales Manager.
HR department of Dunya TV prepare the replacement charts to check the present performance and
upgrading or promotion chances of the inside candidates of an organization for the key positions or critical
job roles.

Succession Planning:

The management of Dunya TV identifies and develops new candidates for the key leadership when the old
leaders or employees are retired or leaving the organization. It is a very critical work for the management to
choose the new leaders for the organization because these new selected candidates can make the
organization decisions in future.

The following are the essential steps followed by theHR department of Dunya TV to make the
succession planning efforts successful.

 Identify critical positions in the organization

 Classify the requirements for leadership

Dunya Media Group

 Find out the potential candidates

 Evaluate the candidates
 Choose the best candidate


Dunya TV aims to recruit and select staffs, which are needed to achieve its goals. The purpose of
recruitment and selection is the cost efficiency to make the performance of company more effective. As
under the employment legislation every person should have the equal opportunity for job. HR department of
Dunya TV hire the best staff according to employment legislation and to make operational process more
effective and efficient by lowering the cost included direct and indirect cost both.


The main objectives of Dunya TV for recruitment and selection are following.
 To hire the best employees
 To minimum the cost of recruitment
 Select right candidates for the job on the basis of merit
 To retain the best and most promising ones

Dunya TV used both the Internal and External sources for recruitment.
Internal sources includethe following
 Promotions
 Transfers
 Upgrading
 Demotion

External Sources of Dunya TV for recruitment include the following

 Advertisement
 Campus recruitment
 Online recruitment

Dunya Media Group

Recruitment and Selection Process:

Dunya TV follows the whole procedures for which are acceptable at national and international level both.
Means they follow the standard operating procedure for recruitment and selection.
 Identify need and develop position description
 Recruitment planning
 Sourcing and advertising
 Interview candidates
 Access Background of candidates
 Selection and offer of employment


After completing the recruitment and selection process properly, the company hired the able persons who
can perform successfully but they have no knowledge about the organization and for that purpose a program
or event is organized that is called orientation. Orientation means the introduction of new employees to the
job and the organization. After that the training programs are arranged for the new employees to
communicate the basic skills for performing the jobs.
Purpose and Procedure of orientation:

Dunya TV also arranges the orientation program for the new employee and the basic purpose are as follows.
 To reduce the initial anxiety of new employees
 To familiarize new employees with the job
 Explain the goals of the organization
 Review the rules and company policies
 To explain about the history of organization
 To Motive the employees

Training and Development:

Dunya TV arranges training& developmentprograms for the new employees and also for the old employees
when needed. Training programs are organized to help the new employees and communicate specific
knowledge and skills for better performance. When Dunya TV change its technology like equipment’s and
software’s then training program is also arranged to update the knowledge of employees that how to operate
the modern technology. These programs can increase the performance of employees and they can perform
better for the organization.

Dunya Media Group

Performance management is the process of creating a work environment in which people are facilitated to
provide their best performance with their abilities. It can focus on the performance of a department, an
employee, or the processes in place to manage the tasks. Performance management system of Dunya TV
includes the Job Analysis, Performance appraisal and performance feedback.

Dunya TV has also a performance management system for its employees and its purpose is
 To increase the performance of employees
 Link up the employee activities with the goals of organization
 Provide information to administration for day to day decisions about salary, benefits and recognition


The methods used by the management of Dunya TV for checking the performance of employees are as
 Ranking
 Paired comparisons
 Behavior Methods


The problems in the performance appraisal system of Dunya TV are following

 Spill Over Effect
 Recency Error
 Leniency Error

Creating effective performance appraisals

For creating effective performance appraisals following

 Appraisers should rate selectively
 Behavior based measures
 360-degree appraisal
 Train appraiser

Dunya Media Group

Compensation includes all the financial and Non-financial rewards given to the employees against the
services provided to the organization. It is the responsibility of Human resource management to provide
compensation to its employees. Dunya TV also provides compensation to its employees in different forms
like salaries, bonus, free travel facility, retirement benefits, and insurance etc.

Job Evaluation
Job Evaluation is a very important process in which the value of a job is determined to compare it with other
jobs in the organization. The compensation given to the employees depend upon the value and nature of job
in which they involved. The Human resource management of Dunya TV evaluates the job of an employee on
the basis of skills, effort, responsibilities, and working environment in which they are working.

Types of compensation:

There are two types of compensation, which are provided to the employees of Dunya TV.
Direct Compensation:
It means the benefits provided to the employees against the services they provided to the organization. The
direct compensation provided by Dunya TV to its employees includes the following elements.
 Basic Salary
 Bonus
 Conveyance
 Medical reimbursement

Indirect Compensation
It means the non-monetary incentives provided to the employees in lieu of the services they provided to the
organization. The indirect compensation provided by Dunya TV to its employees includes the following
 Leave policy
 Insurance
 Flexible timings
 Retirement benefits
 Annual Holidays


Career management is the process in which the management of the organization trying to increase the skills,
abilities and knowledge of the employees to provide better employment opportunities. Dunya TV also focus
on developing knowledge and skills of employees for current positions and also for future Jobs. The
following is the strategies list of Human Resource department of Dunya TV that provide opportunities to its
employees to achieve the career goals.
 Mentoring

Dunya Media Group

 Job Rotation
 Job Posting
 Job Enrichment
 Networking


Employee engagement strategies mean the techniques used by the management of the organization to
involve the employee in work not for the salary but for the success of organization. It can increase the
performance of employee and also increase the production of company. The Human resource management
of Dunya TV also tries to engage the employees in work by using the following strategies.

 Give value to employees

 Understand the problems of employees
 Flexible working hours or Shift offered to employees
 Encourage employees for annual vacation
 Involve employees from different departments for decision-making
 Visible appreciation on work
 Rewards to employees
 Good working environment


Dunya TV is big Urdu Language TV Channel from Pakistan. It can cover all the aspects of society, political
environment, sports and entertainment. Its working is quite complicated and it is highly affected by the
political conditions of the country. There are more than 20 departments in channel, which are working to run
the organization smoothly. Every manager of Dunya TV has a big responsibility to manage the work burden
properly between employees. There are many competitors of Dunya TV and they are dealing with them with
their performance.
Mostly all the media channels sometime create rumours in public mind because they don’t clear the things.
Never show the true performance of government and sometime online highlight the good work.
Human resource department of Dunya TV is engaged in developing and formulation of policies. They are
continuously focus on weaknesses and threats and tackle it with their strength and opportunities.
Dunya Media Group is an international organization and they are upgrading the current organizations and
also established new organizations.
Each and every news which is telecast on TV channel, was firstly proper checked by the analysts and then it
was aired. Dunya News also provide in information and update people on different matterslike Trade,
inflation, Government work, Opposition interferences, Health problems, Crime, Public issues, Army effort,
Sports, Showbiz, advertisement of various products and organizations etc.

Dunya Media Group

Dunya Media Group provides employment to people.They are using the latest technology or equipment’s to
compete the competitors.Dunya Media Group is still working for betterment and for more success than past.
They are also trying to invest capital in new businesses.

According to our observation on Dunya TV we think that
 They want to hire more employees because the work burden on the existing employees is very high.
Due to downsizing in the start of the year, many employees are fired that’s why total number of
employee’s decreases than they actual needed.
 The rules are very strict in the organization so, they should create friendly working environment.
 Some old News Anchors must be retired and they want to give chance to the Youngsters who are
new in this media field.
 Salaries are very low so, they want to give reasonable salaries to employees according to the
experience and seniority of employees.


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