Trend Analysis:: Spill Over Effect Appraisers Should Rate Selectively

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Recognition programs

Linency Error
Extreme rating ether on high or low side
Spill Over Effect
Past performance dominate the present
Appraisers should rate selectively
Rate the area in which they have knowledge

Trend Analysis:
It means to examine the historical pattern or variations in the
employment level of an organization in last few years. To check that how many
employees are needed or working in the organization from the last 5 years. Identify
that in which part of the year the production is at peak level and numbers of
employees working in the organization are maximum.

Ratio Analysis:
It is a process of forecasting the future demand for employees by calculating a
ratio between number of employees need and any variable like production or sales of
the organization.
Career development is the process of making decisions and engaging in activities
to attain career goals. It is an essential part of career management because people
who fail to acquire the necessary skills and abilities are unlikely to meet their career
goals. Many employees are now able to develop within an organization thanks to
the implementation of human resource strategies aimed at increasing employee
abilities and satisfaction while reducing the expenses associated with hiring new
members. Below is a list of some of the human resource strategies that provide
opportunities for employees to achieve career goals:

Recruitment plan refers to a prearranged strategy

for hiring employees. It acts as a timeline for companies to find
qualififed applicants without causing downtime for the
company. Recruitment plan identifies the goals for a particular

rformance management (PM) is the process of ensuring that a set of

activities and outputs meets an organization's goals in an effective and
efficient manner. Performance management can focus on
the performance of an organization, a department, an employee, or the
processes in place to manage particular tasks.
Mentoring, as previously discussed, can help junior employees "learn the ropes" of
the organization so that they can advance to senior positions. This activity also
helps relieve the monotony for "plateaued" employees (i.e., employees who face the
prospect of staying in the same job for many years).

Job Rotation
Job rotation programs vary in structure from organization to organization, but in
general they allow employees to temporarily or permanently switch jobs with
another employee at the same hierarchical level. Job rotation programs can give
employees the opportunity to develop new skills and to prepare for management
positions. From an organizational standpoint, employees become more flexible and
thus can adapt more easily to changes.

Job Posting
As the name suggests, job posting refers to the announcing of job openings to
organizational members before looking for candidates from outside. A description
of the job is posted on a bulletin board in the organization or announced in a

Job Enrichment
Job enrichment refers to the activity of redesigning a job so that the employee has
increased decision-making authority, responsibility, and accountability. In addition,
the job will usually include a wider range of work activities. Job enrichment
programs help the employee to develop new skills, as well as reducing the boredom
associated with repetitive jobs. From an organizational standpoint, such programs
allow employers to reduce the number of managers, since employees are able to
work more independently. As a result, job enrichment programs should result in
increased organizational efficiency.

Training and Development

Training and education are important aspects of career development. Many
organizations offer training to improve performance in the employee's current job or
to prepare the employee for a new job. Although training is aimed at improving
organizational performance, these opportunities may help employees to achieve
their personal career goals as well.

Networking means building relationships

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