Atha Nirvachanam: Danda (Punishment) Is Derived From Root Words Dad, Meaning To Hold. People Say Holds The Akrura

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Atha Nirvachanam

Dealing with Etymology

1) The words, the accent (Svara) and the grammatical form of which are regular (Samartho) and are
accompanied by an explanatory radical modification should be derived in the ordinary manner.

2) But the being irrelevant (Anvitau) and the explanatory radical modification being non-existent,
one should always (Arth Nityaha Pariksheta) examine them with regard to their meaning, by the
analogy of some common course of action.

3) If there is no such analogy, one should explain them even by the community of a single syllable
or letter, but one should never give up the attempt of derivation.

4) One should not attach too much importance to the grammatical form, for the complex formation
(Vrutayaha) and often to subjective exceptions.

5) One should interpret inflected cases according to the meaning. (Prattam = Pra- Dattam (given
away)) and Avattam= Ava- Dattam (Ava Du-Dvaya (Divide)), I.e only in the initial part of the root

Now with regard to derivatives and compound, whether of one or more than one member, one
should explain their component parts in their respective order, having first divided the words in

Punishable person or person deserving punishment.

Danda (Punishment) is derived from root words dad, meaning to hold. People say holds the Akrura
jewel. The words Danda is derived from the root words "Dam", says Aupamanyava. In centuring it
is used as inflict punishment on him.

Kakshya means girth of a horse. It is carried around the region of girth. Kakshah (Armpit) is derived
from the root Gah (to plunge into with the suffix ksa or from khya to meake known with redundant
reduplication (to rub against).

Royal servant – A servant of a king. Raja (King) is derived from the root Raj (to shine). Purushah
(Person) = Puri- Sadah (One who sits in a city) or Puri-Sayah (one who sits in a city), or Puri-Sayah
(one who sleeps in a city) or is derived from the root pr (to fill) i.e he fills the interior with reference
to the inner soul.

This entire universe is filled by that inner soul, to whom there is nothing anterior nothing
subsequent, than whom there is nothing more minute, nor more great, and immovable like a tree,
who alone lives in heaven.

(Chakadraat- Kadroti = a redundant reduplication)

Words Etymology
Bilma It is derived from Bhilma (piercing or division) or Bhasana (illustration or
DaNdaha 1) dad meaning holding or Dhaaranam (one holding Akrura MaNi or jewel)
(punishment) 2) Dam meaning suppressing as per Aupamanyava like give him DaNda
used in suppressive sense.
Adhvaryu (chief One who joins/directs the Adhvar (sacrifice) or who leads the Adhvara
priest in yajurveda) (sacrifice) or who desires/loves Adhvara (sacrifice). The addition of the
suffix yu in the end may used in the sense of studying. Adhvara is a
synonym of sacrifice, the verb dhvra means to kill but Adhvara means
opposite or negation of killing.
Shaakhaa (branches) The synonyms of Shaakhaa is Vayaaha meaning branches. The root word is
Vaa or Vi means to move. They move in the wind. Shaakhaa is derived from
root Kha-Shayaha i.e which rest in the sky or may be derived from Shak
means to be able.
Seemnaha It is derived from Seemataha or Seemaataha means boundary or maryaada,
It forms the boundary or seem between countries.
KarNaha (ears) It is derived from the root word krt means to cut and it has its entrance torn
as under. AagraayaNa says that it is derived from root rcch means to go
because words seem to go in the ears or these ears themselves go in the
Akshi-mantaha (with Akshi is derived from the root chaSh meaning to eat or to see . AagraayaNa
eye) says it is derived from Anja meaning to illuminate or to be beautiful. That is
why they are more distinguished from other parts of the body.
Narakam It is derived from Ni+aaraka meaning going downwards or falling lower. It
does not contain even slight room for happiness.
Mrugaha (Deer) From root word Maarja meaning motion or Gati or to go
Kambojaha (an They are so called because they enjoy blankets (kambala) or beautiful
ancient kingdom or things. A blanket (Kambala) os a desirable object (kamaniya).
Gau (earth or cow) Gau is synonym of earth as it goes very far (Gam-spread over) or because
all the Jeevas go over it (Ga-going+O- pratyaya). Other than this is also
synonym of an animal from the same root also. It is also used in the
meaning of milk also like "mix milk with soma".
Vrikshaha (tree) It is so called as it from being cut down (Vrashch). Or it stands having
covered (Vr) the earth (ksha). Ksha is derived from the root Kshi meaning to
Niruritihi (earth) It is derived from Ni+Ram means to give enjoyment. The other meaning of
Nirutitihi is calamity but it is derived from different root word Ri.
HiraNyam It is circulated in stretched form (hru+yam) or it is circulated from man to
man or it is useful and delighful (Dha+Ram) or it is delight to heart or it
may be derived from the root harya meaning to desire.
Antariksham (space) It is intermediate (Antara) between heaven and earth; it is the end of the
earth (ksha+Anta); or it lies between these two (i.e heaven and earth) or it is
imperishable in the bodies (Akshaya).
Antariksha is mother as in this jeevas are created. Yoni (womb) is
Antariksha is vast region encompassed by air.

The other Yoni is also derived from this word as it is encompassed by

muscle and meat and a lot of sperms fall like rain in this space.
Putraha (Son) Either he very much protects (puru-Tra) or by offering sacrificial cakes as in
pindadana (Ni-Pru). Or Put which is name of hell, and he saves from that.
Daasaha (servant) It is derived from das root meaning who finishes the works.
Ushaaha (night) It is so called because it shines (vas) or it sees off chases (uchchh)- it is the
time subsequent to night.
Vaak (speech) It is derived from the root Vach means to speak.
Muhurtam (short 1) Sheegra-fast (Muhuhu) and rtu (kala). Rtu is derived from r means to go.
time) Muhuhu means as if time was indolent as long as a moment.
Asvaha (horse) 1) Adhva + Ash i.e covers the pathway or trots on the road Or which It eats
too much.
2) Also called Dadhikra meaning it runds while bearing a rider on its back
or it neighs while bearing a rider on its back. Or It looks beautiful while
bearing a rider on its back.
Mantraaha (stanza) It is derived from man or thinking
Chandamsi (meter) It is derived from Chad means to cover or to limit
Gaayatri It is derived from the root word Gai means to praise or from Gam+Tri by
metathesis/three coursed.
Agni (Fire) Agni is AgraNi or Neta or leader (from Ni Dhatu) as in the Yajnas he makes
any object offered, part of himself.
SthaulaaShtavi says he is ShoShak means absorber or drier. It never wets or
oilyness (Snigdha).
As per ShaakpooNi it is made of three actions or Kriyas. 1) E (going) 2)
Anja (shining) or Dah (to burn) and 3) Ni (carry away or leading). Therefore
agni takes letter A from the root E (to go), G from the root (Anja) or Dah
(dagdha- to burn), with the root Ni (to lead) lastly as last member.
Nadyah (River) They are so called because they produce sound (Nad) i.e they are roaring.
Acharya (Teacher) One who imparts traditions precepts (Aachaaraha) or he systematically
arranges the various objects of knowledge (Aa+Ci+Artha) or because he
systamatically develops the intellectual faculty (buddhi).
Purusha One who (dwells) Shayati in Pura or city is purusha.

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