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Table of Contents

Description Page no.

From To

s ;LeLn - CIVIL PART )

1 ljleGg lsl;dsf] O{+6f 1
2 Sn] 6fonx? 1
3 9'u+ fsf] sfd 1 2
4 ljleGg k|sf/sf] afn'jf 2
5 qm;/af6 pTkflbt /f]8f 2
6 km'6fn]sf] 9'Ëfsf] lu§L 2
7 ;8ssf] Sub-base/base course sf nflu k|of]u ul/g] lgdf{0f ;fdfu|L 2
8 ljleGg ;fOhsf vf]nfsf] Screening u/]sf] Gravel 2
9 lkmN6/ ;fdfu|L 2
10 ;8s sfnf] kq] ug]{ sfdsf] nfuL 3
11 ljleGg sDkgLaf6 pTkflbt l;d]G6x? 3
12 Ready made Premix Concrete 4
13 kmnfdsf] 808Lx? M 4
14 ljleGg lsl;dsf sf7x? 4 5
15 Wooden Parquet Flooring 5
16 ljleGg df]6fO{sf] KnfOp8x? 6 7
17 Prelaminated Particle Board 8 9
18 Other HardBoard/ Sunmica & Formaica) 9
Iron Square Pipe/Black Pipe/Channel/ Angle/I-Beam/Black
Sheet/MS Plate 9
20 G.I. Wire 9 10
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, mechanically selvedged double Twist
21 wire mesh sf] u]ljog jfs; 10 12
22 Barbed Wire -sfF9t] f/_ 12

;fbf tyf /+lug h:tf kftf (Plain/Corrugated Galvanized/Colour

23 Iron Sheet) 12 15
24 Carbon Fibre UPVC Roofing Sheet 15
25 PNd'lgod Kn]g l;6 15
26 ljleGg k|sf/sf] hfnLx? (Netting) 15
27 kmnfdaf6 lgld{t ;fdfgx? 16
28 Glass ;L;f 16
29 Corrugated/Plain Fiber Glass Sheet 17
30 em\ofn 9f]sfdf nfUg] Fixture x? 17 20
Description Page no.
31 lalaw ;fdfu|Lx? 20 21
Description Page no.
32 :6]gn]; :6Ln kfOk 21
33 dfa{n lrK; 21 22
34 dfa{n -Marble) 22
35 Porcelain Glazed/Terrazo Mosaic Tiles 23
36 Plaster of Parish (POP) 23
37 /+u/f]ugsf ;fdfgx? 24 25
38 Wall Paper 25
39 Eradication of peepal & other plants 25
40 Gypsum board 25 26
Calcium Silicate Board supplying & fitting all complete
41 work 25 26
42 Interlocking Cement Concrete Block 26 27
43 5fgfdf 6fOnsf] j'§f sf6\g] / kfgL k§L sfo{ 27
44 Heritage Wall Surface Texture (Interior and Exterior) 28
45 UPVC Profile Door and Window/ Wall partition 28 29
46 Aerocon/Rapicon prefab Panel for Partition wall 29
47 Aluminium & Steel Door & Windos 30 31
Aluminium Composite Panel Sheet supplying & and fitting
48 all complete work 31
49 Water proofing (chemicals & Tretment)works 32 52
Carbon/glass Fiber lamination, wrapping fo retrofitting
50 and strengthening 52 53

51 k/Dk/fut lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx? M– 53 56

52 Security System 56
53 Equipment Hired Rate Based on DoR 57 61
54 Road furniture/goods/other materials from DoR 61
55 Bridge Materials 62
56 e' ;+/If0f ;DjGwL sfo{ 63

57 ag sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x?-sf7 nf]8 cgn]f8 tyf 9'jfgLcflb_ 63 64

58 lhNnf s[ifL sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x? 64
59 8f]h/ af6 ;a}ks| f/sf] df6f] sf6g] sfo{ 65
60 Concrete Piller 65
61 Sheet pilling work 65
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
1 ljleGg lsl;dsf] O{+6f
s_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt O+6{ f -5fg]sf]_ xhf/ 11500.00 11500.00 12000.00
v_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt ! g+= O+6{ f ,, 8500.00 8500.00 9100.00
u_ lrDgL e§fsf] O{+6f ,, 7500.00 7500.00 8000.00
3_t/fO{ sf] ! g+=O{6f ,, 10400.00 10400.00 10400.00
-ª_ l;d]G6 sf] O{6f
BK108N ,, 11000.00 11000.00 11000.00
BK118As ,, 11500.00 11500.00 11500.00
r_ Concrete block
size (40*15*20 ) cm uf]6f 34.00 34.00 34.00
size ( 40*10*20 ) cm uf]6f 29.00 29.00 29.00
size ( 39*14*19 ) cm( Ocm or equivalent ) uf]6f - 46.00 46.00
5_ Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block
Size 24" *8"*4" 120.00
Size 24" *8"*6" 180.00
2 Sn] 6fonx?
2.1 5fgfdf 5fpg]
s_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt 6fon uf]6f 16.00 16.00 16.00
v_ lrDgL e§fsf] 6fon ,, 14.00 14.00 14.00
u_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt w'/L ,, 28.00 28.00 28.00
3_ lrDgL e§fsf] w'/L ,, 23.00 23.00 23.00
2.2 e'O{df÷ sf};Ldf 5fKg] 6fonM
s_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt Sn] 6fon uf]6f 6.00 6.00 6.00
v_ lrDgL e§fsf] Sn] 6fon ,, 7.50 7.50 7.50
3 9'+ufsf] sfd -Stone work )
3.1 Rubble Stone
-s_ 7'nf] ;fOhsf] vfgLsf] 9'+uf -Quarry
3=lkm= 38.00 40.00 47.00
-v_ 7'nf] ;fOhsf] vf]nfsf] 9'+uf (River
Æ 40.00 42.00 50.00
-u_ :yfgLo 9'Ëf (Av. Lead 500 m.
Æ 33.00 35.00 40.00
-3_ sf];Lvf]nf-r]x]/]_sf] Psgf;] uf]nf] 9'Ëf -
Æ 65.00 65.00 70.00
River round Pavel)

3.2 5fKg] 9'Ëf -Flag stone_

s_ !Æ ;Dd afSnf] ;km{]; 8]«; u/]sf] 5fKg]
9'Ëf j=lkm 51.00 53.00 53.00

v_ !!÷@Æ ;Dd afSnf] ,, ,, ,, 60.00 62.00 62.00

Page 4
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
u_@Æ ;Dd afSnf] 9'Ëf ,, ,, j=lkm 78.00 80.00 80.00
3_ @ ÷@Æ ;Dd afSnf] 9'Ëf ,, ,, ,, 85.00 87.00 87.00
ª_ @!÷@Æ – #Æ ;Dd afSnf] 9'Ëf ,, ,, 105.00 107.00 107.00
r_ @ ÷@Æ – #Æ ;Dd afSnf] 9'Ëf d]l;gn]
,, 125.00 127.00 127.00
4 ljleGg k|sf/sf] afn'jf
s_ vfgLsf]afn'jf (Quarry sand) ,, 45.00 47.00 49.00
v_ vf]nf÷gbLsf] afn'jf (River sand) ,, - 50.00 52.00
u_ ejgsf] e"FO{+ sf]7fdf k'g{, ;f]lnËsf] Void
,, 30.00 32.00 35.00
filling ug{ k|of]u ul/g] afn'jf
5 qm;/af6 pTkflbt /f]8f
-s_ ^–!) dL= dL= ;fOhsf 3=lkm= 47.00 49.00 52.00
-v_ !)–@) dL= dL= ;fOhsf 3=lkm= 52.00 54.00 57.00
-u_ @)–$) dL= dL= ;fOhsf] 3=lkm= 50.00 52.00 55.00
-3_ ^ ld=ld= down 3=lkm= 42.00 44.00 47.00
6 km'6fn]sf] 9'Ëfsf] lu§L
s_ ;a} ;fOhsf] lu§L ,, 45.00 48.00 51.00
;8ssf] Sub-base/base course sf
7 nflu k|of]u ul/g] lgdf{0f ;fdfu|L
s_ dxfb]j j];Lsf] vf]nfsf] u|fe]n 3=lkm= 34.00 37.00 40.00
v_d]nDrL vf]nfsf] u|fe]n Æ 33.00 35.00 38.00
u_es'G8]j];L ,l6sfe}/j sf] u|fe]n Æ 31.00 34.00 37.00
-3_ vf]nf÷vfgLsf] :yfgLo u|fe]n Æ 27.00 30.00 33.00
-ª_ Granular sub base material
42.00 45.00
(Crosser run material size 63mm down) u|fe]n Æ
-r_ Base-course sf] nflu ldS; ;f]lnË
3=lkm= 36.00 44.00 47.00
(WBM) ug]{ sfo{
-5_ 9'uf+sf] w'nf] (Stone dust) 3=lkm= 21.00 21.00 23.00
ljleGg ;fOhsf vf]nfsf] Screening u/]sf]
8 River pavel
s_ $)– *) dL=dL 3=lkm 35.00 42.00 45.00
v_ @)– $) dL=dL ,, 37.00 44.00 47.00
u_ !)– @) dL=dL ,, 38.00 45.00 48.00
3_ %– !) dL=dL ,, 39.00 46.00 49.00
9 lkmN6/ ;fdfu|L
$)Ü lu§L ^)Ü afn'jf ld>0fsf] lkmN6/
3=lkm= 47.00 49.00 52.00

Page 5
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
10 ;8s sfnf] kq] ug]{ sfdsf] ;fdfu|Lx?
i) *)÷!)) u|]8sf] lj6'dLg s]=hL 80.05 85.35 88.60
ii)CRMB-DIGO 55 Bitumen ,, 86.40 92.10 94.50
iii) Packed bitumen emulsion sf] sfd
l56f] hDg] (RS 60%) ,, 63.00 69.50 72.40
l56f] hDg] (RS 65%) ,, 67.00 73.90 77.00
l56f] hDg] (RS 70%) ,, 71.00 78.25 81.60
  dWod hDg] (MS 60%) ,, 63.50 70.10 73.20
  dWod hDg] (MS 65%) ,, 69.60 74.45 77.60
  9Lnf] hDg] (SS60%) ,, 66.50 71.10 74.10
  Slurry Seal with 60% bitumen ,, 72.10 76.70 79.60
Hi - seal Redymix ,, 85.00 93.50
Polymer Bitumene ,, 95.69 105.26

iv) ;8s sfnf]kq] ubf{ lj6'dLg gpKsLgsf] 320.00 320.00 320.00

nfuL k|of]u ug]{ ;fdfg Anti stripping ,,
v) sfnf]kq]df lj6'dLg sd k|of]u ug{sf] nfuL
/flvg] Rubber Asphalt Modifier ,, -

vi) sfn]kq] ;8s Pot hole 6fNgsf] nfuL 33.00 35.00 35.00
k|of]u ul/g] Pre-coated Aggregate ;fdfu|L ,,

sfnf]kq] ;8sdf /]vf+sg ug{ k|of]u ul/g]
Therom Plastic Road marking ;fdfu|L
a) B.S. Grade s]=lh 189.00 191.00 200.00
b) Most Grade Æ 209.00 211.00 221.00
c) Glass beads Æ 171.00 173.00 181.00
11 ljleGg sDkgLaf6 pTkflbt l;d]G6x?
-s_ pbok'/, x]6f}8+ f jf ;f];/xsf g]kfnL
Aofu 626.55 681.00 734.00
OPC l;d]G6 -%) s]hL_
-v_ g]kfn af6 pTkflbt cGo l;d]G6x? Æ 625.00 710.00 694.00
-ª_ ef/taf6 pTkflbt l;d]G6x? Æ 610.00 700.00 720.00
-r_ ;]tf] l;d]G6 -40kg/bag) Æ 900.00 950.00 995.00
-5_ l;d]G6 -nf]8 cgnf]8_ Æ 10.00

12 Ready made Premix Concrete

Page 6
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
12.1 Panchakanya or equivalent
M 15 3= ld 7522.00 8274.20 8274.20
M 20 ,, 8407.00 9247.70 9247.70
M 25 ,, 9628.00 10590.80 10590.80
Transportation and pouring of Premix
Concrete upto10 km and 5th floors /Truck
12.2 Polymix concrete
Polymix concrete for wall sq. m. 2696.00 2696.00 2696.00
Polymix concrete imprint ,, 1598.00 1598.00 1598.00
Polymix concrete desiner coat ,, 1495.00 1495.00 1495.00
INCO -panel supply and errection of
12.3 inco wall panel for
Internal wall ,, 280.00 280.00 280.00
External wall ,, 320.00 320.00 320.00
13 kmnfdsf] 808Lx? M
-s_ ljleGg ;fOhsf TMT Bar
a) 8 mm dia s]=hL 73.45 83.47 81.70
b) 10,12,16,20, 25mm dia ,, 70.45 80.80 79.20
c) 28,32 mm dia ,, 72.95 83.47 81.20
-v_ ljleGg ;fOhsf] TOR Steel
a) 8mm dia TOR steel ,, 69.45 80.15 76.35
b) 10-25mm TOR steel ,, 70.95 82.15 76.05
c) 28-32mm TOR steel ,, 73.45 84.65 78.55
-u_ ljleGg ;fOhsf] Torcaree
a) 4.75, 7 mm dia ,, 73.05 85.05 80.35
-3_ Binding Wire -808L afFWg]tf/_ ,, 81.62 93.86 86.72
14 ljleGg lsl;dsf sf7x?
14.1 tof/L sf7
-s_ #… b]lv *Ú ;Ddsf] ;fnsf7 3= lkm 3650.00 3400.00 4100.00
-v_ *… b]lv !@Ú ;Ddsf] ;fnsf7 ,, 3900.00 3570.00 4300.00
-u_ !@ lkm6 b]lv dflysf] ;fn sf7 ,, 6000.00 3638.00 4500.00
-3_ ;fh sf7 ,, 1550.00 1500.00 1725.00
-ª_ hfd'g sf7 ,, 1450.00 1400.00 1600.00
-r_ ;Nnfsf] sf7 ,, 775.00 775.00 890.00
-5_ l;;f}+ sf7 ,, 1550.00 1500.00 1725.00
-h_ h+unL l;;f}+ sf7 ,, ,, 3450.00 3450.00 3950.00
em_ ptL; sf] sf7 ,, 390.00 390.00 445.00
-`_ :yfgLo s'sf7 -kmdf{ k|of]hgsf] nflUf Mixed
3= lkm - 955 955.00

-6_ sf7 bfp/f s]=hL 13.00 13.00 14.00

Page 7
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
14.2 s'lbPsf] sf7sf] sfd tof/L
i) e¥ofËsf] /]lnË tyf afb{nL cflbdf s'FlbPsf]
uf]6f 605.00 574.75 603.49
:yfgLo ;L;f} sf7sf] x'Ssf (2'-6"x3"x3")
ii) e¥ofËsf] /]lnË tyf afb{nL cflbdf s'FlbPsf]
660.00 627.00 658.35
h+unL :k]zn ;L;f} sf7sf] x'Ssf (2'-6"x3"x3") ,,
iii) e¥ofËsf] /]lnË tyf afb{nL cflbdf s'FlbPsf]
550.00 522.50 548.63
;L;f} sf7sf] x]08 /]n (3"x4") /=lkm=
iv) e¥ofËsf] /]lnËsf] 3'Dg] 7fpFdf s'FlbPsf] ;L;f}
2420.00 2299.00 2413.95
sf7sf] uf]nf] x]08 /]n (3"x4") uf]6f
v) b]jL b]jtfsf] d'lt{ s'FlbPsf] $… b]lv %… nfdf] -
7700.00 7315.00 7680.75
#Æx *Æ_ ;fn sf7df 6'F8fn agfpg] sfd ,,
vi) b]jL b]jtfsf] d'lt{ s'FlbPsf] ^… b]lv &… nfdf] -
8800.00 8360.00 8778.00
#Æx *Æ_ ;fn sf7df 6'F8fn agfpg] sfd ,,
vii) ljleGg a'§f tyf b]jL b]jtfsf] d'lt{ s'FlbPsf]
;fn sf7sf] em\ofn 9f]sf agfpg] sfd -vfkfsf] j=lkm= 1650.00 1567.50 1645.88
df6fO{ $) ld=ld= b]lv %) ld=ld= ;Dd _
viii) 3f]8fsf] cfs[lt ul/ s'FlbPsf] $Æx %Æ ;fOhsf]
#… b]lv $… nfdf] ;fn sf7sf] tof/L 6'F8fn agfpg] uf]6f 3850.00 3657.50 3840.38
sfd .
ix) ;fdfGo k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf] sf7sf] cfFvL
550.00 522.50 548.63
em\ofn tof/L j=lkm=
x) dWod k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf] sf7sf] cfFvL
,, 770.00 731.50 768.08
em\ofn tof/L
xi) ljz]if k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf] sf7sf] cfFvL
,, 1650.00 1567.50 1645.88
em\ofn tof/L ns ;xLt
ljz]if k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf] sf7sf] cfFvL
,, 1045.00 992.75 1042.39
em\ofn tof/L ns gePsf]
xii) #Æx !=%Æ ;fOhsf] ;fnsf] sf7sf] s'FlbPsf]
/=lkm= 385.00 365.75 384.04
knL tof/L ug]{ sfd

xiii) sF'lbPsf] ljleGg a'§f /fvL agfPsf] ;fn sf7sf] ,, 660.00 627.00 658.35
$Æx %Æsf] sfg]{; lad cflb tof/L ug]{ sfo{
xiv) $Æx %Æsf] ;fn sf7sf] gfu a'§f sF'lb tof/L
,, 550.00 522.50 548.63
u/L h8fg ug]{ sfo{
15 Wooden Parquet Flooring
i)Shisam wood 150mm*30mm*8mm j=lkm= 135.00 128.25 135.00
ii)Wall panelling ( with wood frame) sisam
wood. (75mm*16mm) ,, 450.00 427.50 450.00

Page 8
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

16 ljleGg df]6fO{sf] KnfOp8x?

15.1 Commercial
-s_ # dL=dL j=lkm 14.50 14.50 15.95
#=% dL=dL= ,, 17.50 17.50 19.25
-v_ $ dL=dL ,, 18.00 18.00 19.80
-u_ ^ dL=dL ,, 29.50 29.50 32.45
-3_ * dL=dL ,, 32.50 32.50 35.75
-ª_ !@ dL=dL ,, 48.50 48.50 53.35
-r_ !( dL=dL B/B ,, 71.00 71.00 78.10
5_ !* dL=dL PLY ,, 73.00 73.00 80.30
15.2 P/F. Water Proof
s_ $ dL=dL j=lkm 31.00 31.00 34.10
v_ ^ dL=dL j=lkm 42.00 42.00 46.20
u_ * dL=dL= ,, 46.00 46.00 50.60
3_ ( dL=dL= ,, 50.00 50.00 55.00
-ª_!@ dL=dL ,, 58.00 58.00 63.80
r_ !( dL=dL PLY 95.00 95.00 104.50
5_ !( dL=dL B/B ,, 80.00 80.00 88.00
15.3 Natural Teak Plywood
One side lamination
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 44.00 44.00 48.40
-v_ $ dL= dL] (Group Match of in 5 pcs) ,, 58.00 58.00 63.80
$ dL= dL] -Regular_ ,, 50.00 50.00 55.00
$ dL= dL] -Crown_ ,, 33.50 33.50 36.85
$ dL= dL] -Beri_ ,, 38.50 38.50 42.35
$ dL= dL] -Whitest line_ ,, 30.50 30.50 33.55
$ dL= dL] -Beach_ ,, 36.50 36.50 40.15
$ dL= dL] -Recon 18 No._ ,, 28.50 28.50 31.35
-u_ ^ dL=dL] ,,
6 OST j=lkm 68.00 68.00 74.80
6 BST ,, 86.00 86.00 94.60
9 OST ,, 76.00 76.00 83.60
9 BST ,, 96.00 96.00 105.60
12 OST ,, 86.00 86.00 94.60
12 BST ,, 106.00 106.00 116.60
19 B/B OST ,, 96.00 96.00 105.60

Page 9
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
19 B/B BST ,, 116.00 116.00 127.60
18 OST ,, 106.00 106.00 116.60
18 BST j=lkm 126.00 126.00 138.60
16.0 Ready made Door
38 mm th. Redimade solid core door
16.1 shutter
Plain j=lkm 170.00 170.00 187.00
One side teak ,, 192.00 192.00 211.20
Both side teak ,, 215.00 215.00 236.50
One side teak waterProof ,, 210.00 210.00 231.00
Both side teak waterProof ,, 232.00 232.00 255.20

Ready made Teak wood Doors

(Seasoned and Poisoned treated )
16.2 ( excluding the cost of fitting, transportation, Painting)
Readymade door shutter Recon, ordinary (1 side
teak) Sqft 140.00 140.00 154.00
Readymade door shutter Recon, Special (1 side
teak) ,, 190.00 190.00 209.00
If Oneside water proof ply fitting
Readymade door shutter Recon, ordinary (1 side
teak) ,, 160.00 160.00 176.00
Readymade door shutter Recon, Special (1 side
teak) ,, 215.00 215.00 236.50
16.3 Wooden Listy
1/2" wide /=lkm= 10.00 10.00 11.00
3/4" wide ,, 12.00 12.00 13.20
1.5" wide ,, 20.00 20.00 22.00
Decorative ,, 28.00 28.00 30.80

Page 10
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
17 Prelaminated Particle Board
Plain Particle Board (Exteriors
17.1 Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 32.42 32.42 32.42
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 36.32 36.32 36.32
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 47.10 47.10 47.10
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 62.89 62.89 62.89
One side lamination Melamined faced
17.2 (Exteriors Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 65.03 65.03 65.03
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 73.30 73.30 73.30
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 86.49 86.49 86.49
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 112.23 112.23 112.23
Both side lamination Melamined
17.3 faced (Exteriors Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 73.30 73.30 73.30
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 83.89 83.89 83.89
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 96.99 96.99 96.99
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 122.63 122.63 122.63
Plain Particle Board (Interiors
17.4 Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 24.15 24.15 24.15
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 27.22 27.22 27.22
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 40.32 40.32 40.32
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 52.40 52.40 52.40
One side lamination Melamined faced
17.5 (Interiors Grade)
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 35.30 35.30 35.30
-v_ ^ dL =dL ,, 50.35 50.35 50.35
-u_ ( dL =dL ,, 57.69 57.69 57.69
-3_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 65.59 65.59 65.59
-ª_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 75.62 75.62 75.62
-r_ @% dL=dL ,, 94.39 94.39 94.39
Both side lamination Melamined
17.6 faced (Interiors Grade)
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 40.32 40.32 40.32
-v_ ^ dL =dL ,, 54.44 54.44 54.44
-u_ ( dL =dL ,, 65.03 65.03 65.03

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
17.7 One side lamination Melamined faced
(Interiors Grade)MDF
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 40.78 40.78 40.78
-v_ $ dL =dL ,, 46.36 46.36 46.36
-u_ ^ dL =dL ,, 57.23 57.23 57.23
-3_ ( dL =dL ,, 75.07 75.07 75.07
-8=_ !@ dL =dL ,, - - 84.00
-Rf_ !* dL =dL ,, - - 108.00
-5_@% dL =dL ,, - - 149.00
Both side lamination Melamined
faced (Interiors Grade)MDF Century
17.8 & equivailent
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 46.36 46.36 46.36
-v_ $ dL =dL ,, 51.93 51.93 51.93
-u_ ^ dL =dL ,, 62.99 62.99 64.00
-3_ ( dL =dL ,, 80.64 80.64 80.64
-8=_ !@ dL =dL ,, - - 89.00
-Rf_ !* dL =dL ,, - - 113.00
-5_@% dL =dL ,, - - 153.00
18 Other HardBoard/ Sunmica &
18.1 -s_ ;gdfO{sf (4' x 8') kftf 390.00 390.00 429.00
-v_ kmf]/dfO{sf j=lkm 60.00 60.00 66.00

-u_ xf8{jf]8{ (Hard board) 12 mm thick Æ 35.00 35.00 38.50

18.2 Alstone Hybrid Board

-s_ ^ dL =dL size ( 1220*2440) mm 143.36
-v_ !@ dL =dL size ( 1221*2440) mm 270.80
-u_!* dL =dL size ( 1222*2440) mm 376.99
19 Iron Square Pipe/Black
Pipe/Channel/ Angle/I-
Beam/Black Sheet/MS Plate
i) Iron Square Pipe s]=hL 70.00 71.50 71.50
ii) ljleGg ;fOhsf] MS Angle ,, 69.00 77.00 77.00
iii) ljleGg ;fOhsf] Black Pipe ,, 70.00 71.50 71.50
iv) ljleGg ;fOhsf] Channel ,, 72.00 78.00 78.00
v) ljleGg ;fOhsf] I-Beam ,, 72.00 79.00 79.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
vi) ljleGg ;fOhsf] MS plate ,, 72.00 76.00 76.00
vii) ljleGg ;fOhsf] MS Square solid bar up
to 16mm s]=hL 69.00 77.00 77.00

viii) ljleGg df]6fOsf] Black sheet ,, 66.00 72.00 72.00

20 G.I. Wire
i) 8 gauge
a) light class s]=hL 76.00 78.00 77.00
b) medium class ,, 78.00 80.00 79.00
c) heavy duty ,, 84.00 86.00 85.00
d)Comercial wire ,, 72.00 74.00 73.00
ii) 10 gauge
a) light class s]=hL 76.00 78.00 77.00
b) medium class ,, 78.00 80.00 79.00
c) heavy duty ,, 84.00 86.00 85.00
d)Comercial wire ,, 72.00 74.00 74.00
iii) 12 gauge
a) light class s]=hL 76.00 78.00 77.00
b) medium class ,, 78.00 80.00 79.00
c) heavy duty ,, 84.00 86.00 85.00
d)Comercial wire ,, 73.00 75.00 74.00
21 d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically
selvedged double Twist wire
mesh sf] u]ljog jfs; tof/L
s_ MBG/10x12/3.0/3.9/2.4/ZN
(MBG=Maccaferi Box Gabion)
!=%×!×)=%÷) uf]6f 1362.00 1362.00 1362.00
@×!×0.%÷) ,, 1839.00 1839.00 1839.00
#×!×)=%÷) ,, 2696.00 2696.00 2696.00
     $×!×=%÷) ,, 3554.00 3554.00 3554.00
     !=%×!×!÷) ,, 1980.00 1980.00 1980.00
    @×!×!÷! ,, 2696.00 2696.00 2696.00
    #×!×!÷@ ,, 3842.00 3842.00 3842.00
   $×!×!÷# ,, 4938.00 4938.00 4938.00
v_ MBG/10x12/2.7/3.4/2.2/ZN
!=%×!×)=%) uf]6f 11023.00 11023.00 11023.00
@×!×)=%) ,, 1504.00 1504.00 1504.00
     #×!×)=%) ,, 2202.00 2202.00 2202.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
      $×!×=%) ,, 2905.00 2905.00 2905.00
       !=%×!×! ,, 1604.00 1604.00 1604.00
   @×!×! ,, 2182.00 2182.00 2182.00
      #×!×! ,, 3110.00 3110.00 3110.00
       $×!×! ,, 4076.00 4076.00 4076.00
u_ MJG/10x12/3.0/3.9/2.4/ZN
#×@×)=%) uf]6f 4620.00 4620.00 4620.00
$×@×)=%) ,, 6020.00 6020.00 6020.00
        %×@×)=%) ,, 7280.00 7280.00 7280.00
        ^×@×=%) ,, 8680.00 8680.00 8680.00
        #×@×! ,, 6300.00 6300.00 6300.00
        $×@×! ,, 8187.00 8187.00 8187.00
        %×@×! ,, 9864.00 9864.00 9864.00
        ^×@×! ,, 11690.00 11690.00 11690.00
3_ MJG/10x12/2.7/3.4/2.2/ZN
#×@×)=%) uf]6f 3732.00 3732.00 3732.00
$×@×)=%) ,, 4880.00 4880.00 4880.00
        %×@×)=%) ,, 5884.00 5884.00 5884.00
        ^×@×=%) ,, 6889.00 6889.00 6889.00
       #×@×! ,, 5167.00 5167.00 5167.00
        $×@×! ,, 6674.00 6674.00 6674.00
       %×@×! ,, 8253.00 8253.00 8253.00
        ^×@×! ,, 9830.00 9830.00 9830.00
ª_ MRM/6x8/2.2/2.7/2.2/ZN
#×@×)=!& uf]6f 2642.00 2642.00 2642.00
$×@×)=!& ,, 3463.00 3463.00 3463.00
%×@×)=!& ,, 4286.00 4286.00 4286.00
   ^×@×)=!& ,, 5106.00 5106.00 5106.00
#×@×)=@# ,, 2802.00 2802.00 2802.00
$×@×)=@# ,, 3664.00 3664.00 3664.00
   %×@×)=@# ,, 4525.00 4525.00 4525.00
   ^×@×)=@# ,, 5388.00 5388.00 5388.00
  #×@×)=#) ,, 2994.00 2994.00 2994.00
  $×@×)=#) ,, 3904.00 3904.00 3904.00
   %×@×)=#) ,, 4812.00 4812.00 4812.00
   ^×@×)=#) ,, 5722.00 5722.00 5722.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

^×*/@=@/@=& j=ld= 191.00 191.00 191.00
!)×!@/@=&/#=$ ,, 201.00 201.00 201.00
!)×!@/#=)/#=( ,, 226.00 226.00 226.00
^×*/@=@/@=& j=ld= 304.00 304.00 304.00
!)×!@/@=&/#=$ ,, 273.00 273.00 273.00
3x1.5x0.5/2 uf]6f 3560.00 3560.00 3560.00
4x1.5x0.5/3 ,, 4643.00 4643.00 4643.00
5x1.5x0.5/4 ,, 5720.00 5720.00 5720.00
6x1.5x0.5/5 ,, 6798.00 6798.00 6798.00
3x1.5x1/2 ,, 4563.00 4563.00 4563.00
4x1.5x1/3 ,, 6254.00 6254.00 6254.00
5x1.5x1/4 ,, 7746.00 7746.00 7746.00
6x1.5x1/5 ,, 9191.00 9191.00 9191.00
3x1.5x0.5/2 uf]6f 2972.00 2972.00 2972.00
4x1.5x0.5/3 ,, 3870.00 3870.00 3870.00
5x1.5x0.5/4 ,, 4768.00 4768.00 4768.00
6x1.5x0.5/5 ,, 5665.00 5665.00 5665.00
3x1.5x1/2 ,, 3804.00 3804.00 3804.00
4x1.5x1/3 ,, 5213.00 5213.00 5213.00
5x1.5x1/4 ,, 6455.00 6455.00 6455.00
6x1.5x1/5 ,, 7661.00 7661.00 7661.00
MBG = Maccaferi Box Gabion
MJG = Maccaferi Jumbo Gabion
MRM = Maccaferi Reno Mettress
WMN = Wire Mesh Netting
10x12/3.0/3.9/2.4/ZN = Mesh type/Mesh wire dia./Selvedge wire dia./Lacing wire dia./Type of coating
ZN = Heavy galvanized
PVC = PVC coated

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

22 Barbed Wire -sfF9]tf/_

12 guage commercial,Medium duty s]=hL 90.00 92.70 95.48
U-hook for barbed wire fencing uf]6f 0.70 0.72 0.74
Fabrication of chain link mesh of size
1"x1" 12 guage au{ dL= 670
1.5"x1.5" 12 guage ,, 625
2"x2" 10 guage ,, 491
3"x3" 10 guage ,, 402
4"x4" 10 guage ,, 313
23 ;fbf tyf /+lug h:tf kftf (Plain/Corrugated Galvanized/Colour Iron Sheet)
-s_ ;]tf] ;fbf h:tfkftf (G P Sheet)
0.2 mm (30 guage light) a08n 3511.50 3628.32 3392.92
0.22 mm (30 guage Medium) ,, 3799.11 3970.80 3717.70
0.24 mm (30 guage Heavy) ,, 4085.84 4254.87 3955.75
0.26 mm (28 guage light) ,, 4323.90 4521.24 4201.77
0.28 mm (28 guage Medium) ,, 4577.88 4788.50 4454.87
0.31 mm (28 guage Heavy) ,, 4983.19 5243.36 4879.65
0.35 mm (26 guage light) ,, 5516.82 5828.32 5403.54
0.38 mm (26 guage Medium) ,, 5963.72 6266.37 5819.47
0.41 mm (26 guage Heavy) ,, 6377.88 6704.42 6228.32
0.45 mm (24 guage light) ,, 6976.92 7330.09 6846.90
0.50 mm (24 guage Medium) ,, 6745.13 8035.40 7500.88
0.52 mm (24 guage Heavy) ,, 7965.49 8327.43 7810.62
0.75 mm ,, 11671.68 12020.35 11272.57
-v_ /+lug h:tfkftf
0.2 mm (30 guage light) a08n 4752.22 4950.44 4642.48
0.22 mm (30 guage Medium) ,, 5030.97 5250.44 4922.12
0.24 mm (30 guage Heavy) ,, 5292.92 5517.70 5169.03
0.26 mm (28 guage light) ,, 5580.53 5834.51 5463.72
0.28 mm (28 guage Medium) ,, 5908.85 6118.58 5719.47
0.31 mm (28 guage Heavy) 6307.08 6598.23 6169.91
0.35 mm (26 guage light) ,, 6946.91 7274.34 6792.92
0.38 mm (26 guage Medium) ,, 7444.25 7762.83 7259.29
0.41 mm (26 guage Heavy) ,, 7923.90 8276.11 7717.70
0.45 mm (24 guage light) ,, 8515.05 8919.47 8364.60

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
0.50 mm (24 guage Medium) ,, 9291.15 9623.89 9014.16
0.52 mm (24 guage Heavy) ,, 9602.65 9949.56 9317.70
0.75 mm ,, 13184.96 13835.40 12998.23
-u_ UofNefgfOH8 sf]?u]68] h:tfkftf (CG
I Sheet)
0.2 mm (30 guage light) a08n 3511.50 3628.32 3392.92
0.22 mm (30 guage Medium) ,, 3757.52 3929.20 3677.88
0.24 mm (30 guage Heavy) ,, 4044.25 4212.39 3915.93
0.26 mm (28 guage light) ,, 4274.34 4471.68 4153.98
0.28 mm (28 guage Medium) ,, 4528.32 4738.05 4407.96
0.31 mm (28 guage Heavy) ,, 4925.66 5184.96 4823.89
0.35 mm (26 guage light) ,, 5466.37 5777.88 5355.75
0.38 mm (26 guage Medium) ,, 5905.31 6207.08 5763.72
0.41 mm (26 guage Heavy) ,, 6319.46 6645.13 6172.57
0.45 mm (24 guage light) ,, 6927.44 7280.53 6799.12
0.50 mm (24 guage Medium) ,, 7587.61 7976.99 7445.13
0.52 mm (24 guage Heavy) ,, 7907.08 8269.03 7754.87
0.75 mm ,, 11671.69 12020.35 11272.57
3_h:tf kftf sf] w'/L (Ridge Cover)
Specified thickness are thickness
of base metal.
0.20 mm a08n 1198.23 1237.17 1157.52
0.22 mm ,, 1285.84 1343.36 1258.41
0.24 mm ,, 1381.42 1438.05 1337.17
0.26 mm ,, 1457.52 1523.89 1416.81
0.28 mm ,, 1542.48 1613.27 1500.88
0.31 mm ,, 1675.23 1761.95 1639.82
0.35 mm ,, 1855.75 1959.29 1816.81
0.38 mm ,, 2001.77 2102.65 1953.10
0.41 mm ,, 2139.82 2248.67 2089.38

ª_ $ lkm6 * * lkm6 sf] lh=cfO{= Kn]g l;6

1.1 mm lk; 2667.00 2532.74 2389.38
0.90 mm ,, 2191.00 2080.53 1962.83
0.80 mm ,, 1970.00 1869.91 1764.60
0.75 mm ,, 1850.00 1756.64 1656.64
0.70 mm ,, 1727.00 1638.94 1543.36

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
0.62 mm ,, 1548.00 1468.14 1384.96
0.55 mm ,, 1378.00 1307.96 1233.63
0.50 mm ,, 1268.00 1201.77 1133.63
0.48 mm ,, 1216.00 1153.10 1084.96
0.45 mm ,, 1153.00 1092.92 1028.32
0.40 mm ,, 1038.00 983.19 925.66
0.37 mm ,, 960.00 909.73 856.64
0.35 mm ,, 918.00 869.03 818.58
0.30 mm ,, 807.00 762.83 719.47
0.28 mm ,, 775.00 731.86 684.07
r_$ lkm6 * * lkm6 sf] /lËg Kn]g l;6
0.90 mm lk; 2495.00 2361.95 2209.73
0.80 mm ,, 2256.00 2122.12 1987.61
0.75 mm ,, 2141.00 2018.58 1881.42
0.70 mm ,, 2036.00 1923.89 1790.27
0.62 mm ,, 1826.00 1718.58 1602.65
0.55 mm ,, 1636.00 1554.87 1446.02
0.50 mm ,, 1521.00 1443.36 1339.82
0.48 mm ,, 1492.00 1400.88 1298.23
0.45 mm ,, 1416.00 1331.86 1232.74
0.40 mm ,, 1282.00 1211.50 1118.58
0.37 mm ,, 1225.00 1160.18 1068.14
0.35 mm ,, 1177.00 1116.81 1027.43
0.30 mm ,, 1034.00 971.68 888.50
0.28 mm ,, 987.00 929.20 847.79
1.20 mm df]6fO{ / 3' rf}8fO{ ePsf] hfnL /=ld= 121.24 118.58
1.20 mm df]6fO{ / 4' rf}8fO{ ePsf] hfnL ,, 161.95 158.41
1.00 mm df]6fO{ / 3' rf}8fO{ ePsf] hfnL ,, 100.88 98.23
1.00 mm df]6fO{ / 4' rf}8fO{ ePsf] hfnL ,, 135.40 131.86
0.90 mm df]6fO{ / 3' rf}8fO{ ePsf] hfnL ,, 92.04 90.27
0.90 mm df]6fO{ / 4' rf}8fO{ ePsf] hfnL ,, 123.01 119.47
24 UPVC Roofing Sheet Sunrise or
Equivalient brand (3mm thick )

24.1 UPVC Roofing Sheet with PMMA

j=ld= 1291.00
coating & Mesh ( Regular )

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
24.2 UPVC Roofing Sheet with PMMA
,, 1345.00
coating & Mesh ( Tile )
24.3 Ridge cover Regular Profile 1.10 R.m. /=ld= 1200.00
24.4 Ridge cover Tile Profile 0.78 R.m. ,, 1300.00
24.5 UPVC Clip uf]6f 10.00
24.6 self tapping screw 3" ,, 10.00
24.7 self tapping screw 2.5" ,, 8.00
25 PNd'lgod Kn]g l;6
-s_ @^ u]h j=lkm= 25.00 25.75 28.00
-v_ #) u]h Æ 24.00 24.72 26.00
26 ljleGg k|sf/sf] hfnLx? (Netting)
-s_ dl;gf] vfnsf] Mosquito proof
hfnL j=dL 105.00 105.00 110.00
-v_ jfn'jf rfNg] hfnL Æ 110.00 110.00 115.00
-u_ s'v'/] hfnL (Chicken wire mesh) Æ 66.00 66.00 70.00
-3_ a|f; qml;Ë hfnL Æ 150.00 150.00 180.00
-8_ :6Ln hfnL -crossing ) Æ 145.00
-r_ dl;gf] vfnsf] steel Mosquito
proof hfnL Æ

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
27 kmnfdaf6 lgld{t ;fdfgx?
s= M.S. Grill agfO{ h8fg ug]{ sfd s]=hL 105.00 115.50 132.83
 v= sf]NofK;Lan u]6 agfO{ h8fg ug]{ j=lkm= 370.00 407.00 468.05
u= !^–!* u]hsf] kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ agfO{ j=lkm= 260.00 286.00 328.90
h8fg ug]{
3= kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ !^–!* u]h h8fg Æ 325.00 357.50 411.13
;lxt :6«Lk ;6/ Kjfn ePsf]
8= kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ 808L k|of]u u/L Æ 370.00 407.00 468.05
agfOsf] ;fy} h8fg ug]{ ;d]t
r= !^ u]h kftfaf6 sDkfp08 jfnsf] u]6
agfO{ h8fg ug]{ -%) x %)x % mm) sf] ,, 500.00 550.00 632.50
k|m]d ;d]t_
5= #æ–$æ Jof;sf] Iron Black Pipedf
PËn / kl§ /fvL v'8lsnf ;lxtsf] 3'Dg]
e¥ofË (Spiral Staircase)tof/ u/L /=lkm= 2200.00 2420.00 2783.00
h8fg ;d]t -e¥ofªsf] gfkL ubf{ floor to
floor height lng]_
h= kmnfd] ;fdfu|Lsf] km]la|a]zg tyf h8fg s]=hL= 35.00 38.50 44.28
em= All type of general MS
j=kmL= 125.00 137.50 158.13
structural works
Truss & roofing works Plain
Æ 145.00 159.50 183.43
sheet 26 gauge
6= Truss & roofing works colour
Æ 170.00 187.00 215.05
sheet 26 gauge
7= Black Pipe Tubular Truss
s]=hL= 140.00 154.00 177.10
fitting & fixing work
8= Mild Steel Props for
Concreting 2" dia 3.5 mm thick uf]6f 1400.00 1540.00 1771.00
3.5 m- 4.0 m length
28 Glass ;L;f
28.1 Plain ;fbf -;]tf]_
-s_ # dL=dL= j=lkm= 38.00 38.00 43.70
-v_ $ dL=dL= j=lkm= 48.00 48.00 55.20
-u_ % dL=dL= Æ Æ 65.00 65.00 74.75
-3_ ^ dL=dL= Æ Æ 75.00 75.00 86.25

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
28.2 Printed Glass (a'§b] f/ l;;f)
-s_ # dL=dL= Æ 35.00 35.00 40.25
-v_ $ dL=dL Æ Æ Æ 40.00 40.00 46.00
28.3 Poly Fibre Glass
-s_ )^ dL=dL= Æ 110.00 110.00 126.50
28.4 Black Color Glass
-s_ # dL=dL= j=lkm= 65.00 65.00 74.75
-v_ $ dL=dL= ,, 70.00 70.00 80.50
-u_ % dL=dL= Æ 80.00 80.00 92.00
-3_ ^ dL=dL= Æ 110.00 110.00 126.50
-ª_ * dL=dL= Æ 160.00 160.00 184.00
-r_ !) dL=dL Æ 230.00 230.00 264.50
-5_ !@ dL=dL ,, 260.00 260.00 299.00

28.5 Tinted Float glass aflx/ af6 gb]lvg]

leqaf6 b]lvg]
-s_ % ld=ld afSnf] j=lkm= 90.00 90.00 90.00
5fgfdf k|of]u ul/g] a'§b] f/ P]gf Itching
Glass with simple shade and texture
-s_ ================== dL=dL= afSnf] j=ld= 4205.00 4205.00 4835.75

ljleGg /+usf] Reflector Glass -lzzf_

% dL=dL+ df]6f] j=lkm= 125.00 125.00 143.75
Note: $ lkm6 * * lkm6 eGbf a9L ;fOhsf] l;;f ePdf %) Ü yk /sd nfUg] 5 .
Corrugated/Plain Fiber Glass
29 Sheet
-s_ )=* dL= dL= df]6f] Kn]g j=lkm= 90.00 90.00 99.00
)=* dL= dL= df]6f] sf]/f]u]6]8 j=lkm= 100.00 100.00 110.00
-v_ !=@ dL=dL= df]6f] Kn]g Æ 100.00 100.00 110.00
!=@ dL=dL= df]6f] sf]/f]u]6]8 Æ 115.00 115.00 126.50
-u_ @ dL=dL= df]6f] Kn]g Æ 170.00 170.00 187.00
@ dL=dL= df]6f] sf]/f]u]6]8 Æ 200.00 200.00 220.00
-3_ # dL= dL= df]6f] Kn]g Æ 230.00 230.00 253.00
# dL= dL= df]6f] sf]/f]u]6]8 300.00 300.00 330.00
-ª_ Fiber Glass 5fgfsf] nflu Alumunium
strip (25 mm x 1.5 mm) Rm 55.00 55.00 60.50
-r_ Fiber Glass 5fgfsf] nflu Ribet nut no. 5.50 5.50 6.05

Page 21
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
30 em\ofn 9f]sfdf nfUg] Fixture x?
Iron af6 ag]sf
Hinge (sAhf)
-s_ #Æ ;fOh uf]6f 12.00 14.00 14.00
-v_ $Æ ;fOh Æ 24.00 26.00 26.00
-u_ %Æ ;fOh Æ 38.00 40.00 40.00
-3_ ^Æ ;fOh Æ 50.00 52.00 52.00
Locking Set (L-drop)
300 mm uf]6f 220.00 240.00 240.00
225 mm Æ 190.00 210.00 210.00
150 mm Æ 160.00 180.00 180.00
Aluminum af6 ag]sf
Towerbolt -5]:sLgL_
-s_ #Æ nfdf] uf]6f 15.00 18.00 18.00
-v_ $Æ nfdf] Æ 30.00 35.00 35.00
-u_ ^Æ nfdf] Æ 50.00 59.00 59.00
-3_ *Æ nfdf] Æ 60.00 71.00 71.00
-ª_ !)Æ nfdf] Æ 70.00 83.00 83.00
-r_ !@Æ nfdf] Æ 80.00 94.00 94.00
Handle (xtsn)
Ordinary uf]6f 20.00 23.60 27.85
Special Æ 30.00 35.40 41.77
Brass af6 ag]sf
Hinge (sAhf)
2"× 1/2 " uf]6f 40.00 47.20 55.70
2 1 / 2 ×3 / 4 " Æ 45.00 53.10 62.66
3" × 3/4 " Æ 55.00 64.90 76.58
2" ×3/4" Æ 45.00 53.10 62.66
21/2"×3/4" Æ 50.00 59.00 69.62
3"×3/4" Æ 55.00 64.90 76.58
3"×1" Æ 120.00 141.60 167.09
4"×1" Æ 180.00 212.40 250.63
5"×1" Æ 240.00 283.20 334.18
6"×1" Æ 290.00 342.20 403.80

Page 22
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

Towerbolt -5]:sLgL_
-s_ #Æ nfdf] uf]6f 90.00 106.20 125.32
-v_ $Æ nfdf] ,, 120.00 141.60 167.09
-u_ ^Æ nfdf] ,, 180.00 212.40 250.63
-3_ *Æ nfdf] ,, 240.00 283.20 334.18
-ª_ !)Æ nfdf] ,, 300.00 354.00 417.72
-r_ !@Æ nfdf] Æ 360.00 424.80 501.26
Handle (xtsn)
6" uf]6f 95.00 112.10 132.28
8" Æ 290.00 342.20 403.80
10" Æ 600.00 708.00 835.44
12" Æ
Brsss 5" Æ 90.00 106.20 125.32
Brsss 6" Æ 140.00 165.20 194.94
Locking Set (L-drop)
-s_ *Æ nfdf] uf]6f 600.00 708.00 835.44
-v_ !)Æ nfdf] Æ 990.00 1168.20 1378.48
-u_ !@Æ nfdf] Æ 1100.00 1298.00 1531.64
Special Fittings
Pn 8«k M–
*Æ nfdf] ============ uf]6f 850.00 892.50 937.13
!)Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 960.00 1008.00 1058.40
!@Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1050.00 1102.00 1102.00
x\of08n M –
*Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1050.00 1102.00 1102.00
6fj/ af]N6 M –
^Æ nfdf] ============ Æ 180.00 189.00 198.45
*Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 240.00 252.00 264.60
!)Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 300.00 315.00 330.75
8an sn/ -uf]N8 l;Ne/÷ANofs l;Ne/_
Pn 8«k M–
*Æ nfdf] ============ uf]6f 750.00 787.00 787.00
!)Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 950.00 997.00 997.00
!@Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1050.00 1102.00 1102.00
x\of08n M –
^Æ nfdf] ============ Æ 200.00 210.00 220.50

Page 23
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
*Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 300.00 315.00 330.75
Mortice Lock
Ordinary uf]6f 500.00 525.00 551.25
Chinese Æ 350.00 367.00 367.00
Indian Godrej Company Æ 2150.00 2257.00 2257.00
Brass 950.00 997.00 997.00
Door Spring (Door Closer)
Ordinary uf]6f 150.00 157.00 157.00
hydraulic Æ 1500.00 1575.00 1653.75
Other Door/Windows fixtures
Window I-hook uf]6f 15.00 16.00 16.00
Gate Hook
4" uf]6f 26.00 27.00 27.00
5" ,, 30.00 31.00 31.00
6" ,, 35.00 37.00 37.00
Brass 60.00 63.00 66.15
Door stopper
Diamond uf]6f 36.00 37.00
Butterfly Æ 125.00 131.00 131.00
Bell catch 2" size Æ 165.00 173.00 173.00
C.P. handle Æ 358.00 375.00 375.00
Power coated handle Æ 341.00 358.00 358.00
Brass coated handle Æ 700.00 735.00 771.75
Door stopper, single brass stopper ;]6 80.00 84.00 88.20
Door stopper double brass stopper Æ 150.00 157.00 157.00
31 lalaw ;fdfu|Lx?
Hold fast different sizes (7 nos./Kg.) s]=hL= 100.00 110.00 110.00
Nails (different sizes) s]=hL= 90.00 99.00 99.00
;fnsf sf7sf] vfwfGg /fVg] k'/fgf tVtf-k'gM
k|of]u x'g]_ 700.00 700.00 700.00
sjf8L kmnfd] ;fdfgx?-jGr/f],3g,l5gf cflb
s]=hL= 25.00 25.00 25.00
kmnfd] ;fdfg_
k|of]u ug{ g;lsg] k'/fgf d];Lg-6fOk/fO6/,
s]=hL= 20.00 20.00 20.00
8|LnLª d];Lg,8|LnLª lj6_
Nut and Bolts uf]6f 21.00 23.10 25.41
Nut and Bolts (different sizes) s]=hL= 120.00 132.00 145.20
Sandpaper -vfU;L_ uf]6f 4.00 4.40 4.84

Page 24
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
ljleGg ;fO{hs]f h]–x's, o'–x's s]hL 100.00 110.00 121.00
@Æ ;fOh ?lkmË g]N; uf]6f 5.00 5.50 6.05
#Æ ;fOh ?lkmË g]N; Æ 7.00 7.70 8.47
Screw Brass
20mm uf]6f 1.40 1.54 1.69
25mm Æ 1.95 2.15 2.36
35mm Æ 3.00 3.30 3.63
50mm Æ 8.80 9.68 10.65
75mm Æ 11.00 12.10 13.31
Screw Steel
20mm Æ 0.85 0.94 1.03
25mm Æ 1.40 1.54 1.69
35mm Æ 1.70 1.87 2.06
50mm Æ 5.25 5.78 6.35
75mm Æ 5.50 6.05 6.66
lj6'dLg jf;/ uf]6f 2.75 3.00 3.00
Roofing bitumen -?lkmË cnsqf_ s]=hL= 88.00 90.00 90.00
%)) u]h Knfli6s l;6 j=dL= 20.00 30.00 30.00
ISI Mark Trafelt -@)dL= × !dL=_ /f]n 2200.00 2400.00 2400.00
Plasticfelt -@)dL= × !dL=_ Æ 2150.00 2250.00 2250.00
!*–@) lkm6 nfdf] afF; uf]6f 165.00 170.00 180.00
d}g kfln; s]=lh= 190.00 200.00 200.00
cShflns Pl;8 Æ 110.00 115.00 115.00
h'6 jf kf]lnlygsf] vfnL af]/f uf]6f 13.00 15.00 15.00
Dff6f] 3=ld= 215.00 220.00 220.00
;au]8| df /fVg] df6f]-In Capping layer
240.00 350.00 385.00
Granular soil_ 3=ld=
e'; s]=lh= 4.50 4.50 4.95
uf]j/ Æ 4.00 4.00 4.40
Staircase sf] 3/4" x 3/4" square pipe df
80.00 80.00 90.00
nufpg] Brass cap uf]6f
Staircase sf] 1" x 1" square pipe df nufpg]
85.00 85.00 95.00
Brass cap uf]6f
Tarpoline sheet -tf/kf]lng l;6_ j=lkm= 8.80 9.00 9.00
Water -kfgL_
# ls=dL= ;Dd sf] b'/Ldf ln6/ 0.20 0.25 0.25
# ls=dL= b]lv dfyLsf] b'/Ldf ln6/ 0.30

Page 25
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

32 :6]gn]; :6Ln kfOk -234/kg)

#÷$Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ dL= 132.75 172.00 172.00
!Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ Æ 194.69 215.00 215.00
! !÷$Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ Æ 250.74 273.00 273.00
! !÷@Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ Æ 339.23 331.00 331.00
@Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ Æ 412.98 449.00 449.00

:6Ln /]n
] L8 tyf af/ nufpg] sfo{-@ OGr /=kmL= 900.00 1080.00 1134.00
kfO{ksf] vertical post & Hand rail tyf
! OGr Jof;sf] tLg tx Horizontal pipe _
33 dfa{n lrK;
-s_ ;]tf] /+usf] dfa{n lrK; -@% s]=lh= k|lt
af]/f 150.00 150.00 150.00

-v_ /+uLg dfa{n lrK; -@% s]=lh=_ k|lt af]/f Æ 150.00 150.00 150.00
-u_ qm]hL dfa{n -^ ju{ lkm6 k|lt af]/f_ Æ 160.00 160.00 160.00
-3_ dfa{n kfp8/ -@% s]=lh= k|lt af]/f_ Æ 135.00 135.00 135.00
34 dfa{n -Marble)
34.1 /fh:yfgL dfj{n
!# dL=dL afSnf] /fh:yfgL ,, 120.00 126.00
!^ dL=dL afSnf] /fh:yfgL a=lkm= 125.00 125.00 131.25
!# dL=dL afSnf] /fh:yfgL wonder marble ,, 120.00 126.00
!^ dL=dL afSnf] /fh:yfgL wonder marble a=lkm= 125.00 125.00 131.25
34.2 u]|gfO6
!@ dL=dL afSnf] u]g| fO6 ,, 250.00 262.50
!^ dL=dL afSnf] u]g| fO6 a=lkm= 255.00 255.00 267.75
!( dL=dL afSnf] u]g| fO6 a=lkm= 290.00 290.00 304.50
35 Porcelain Glazed/Terrazo Mosaic Tiles
35.1 Porcelain Glazed Tiles
Un]h 6foN; - !@ Æ x * Æ _ ;Ddsf] . a=lkm= 40.00 42.00 44.10
Un]h 6foN; - !@ Æ x !@ Æ _ dflfysf] . ,, 56.00 58.00 60.90
Cotto Tiles ,, 105.00 107.00 112.35
Kajaria, Vermura,Somany, Orient Tile
or equivalent ,, 70.00 72.00 75.60
Border Tile - @ Æ x * Æ _ /=lkm= 35.00 37.00 38.85
Border Tile - @ Æ x * Æ _ j=lkm= 148.00 150.00 157.50

Page 26
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
Indian Ceramic Wall Tile (31*45cm) ,, 150.00 152.00 159.60
Indian Ceramic Border Tile (31*45cm) ,, 150.00 152.00 159.60
Indian Ceramic Floor Tile (31*45cm) ,, 125.00 127.00 133.35
35.2 LG Floors Tiles
L.G. Deluxe Tiles (300x300x2mm) ,, 65.00 67.00 70.35
L.G. Deco Tiles (450x450x3mm) ,, 270.00 272.00 285.60
L.G. Deco Wood (100x920x3mm) ,, 100.00 102.00 107.10
Fittings for Tiles ,, 10.00 12.00 12.60
Fittings for Tiles on stairs ,, 12.00 14.00 14.70
Dendrite for tiles ln= 325.00 327.00 343.35
36 Plaster of Parish (POP) cornice
and molding making die, casting of
cornice as per design and drawing
including fixing in position using steel
screws on resin glue finishing all
a)      POP Molding 1" to 1½" /=ld 210.00 231.00 231.00
b)      Up to 5" wide /=ld 252.00 277.20 277.00
c)      Up to 8" wide /=ld 347.00 381.70 382.00
d)      Above 8" wide /=ld 142.00 156.20 156.00
37 /+u/f]ugsf ;fdfgx?
-s_ s[lif r'gaf6 pTkflbt ;]tf] r'g s]=lh= 15.00 15.00 17.00
-v_ ljleGg k|sf/sf] /+lug r'g Æ 15.00 30.00 32.00
-u_ ljleGg k|sf/sf] ef/lto r'g /+lug Æ 20.00 32.00 34.00

-3_ l;d]G6 k]G6 (Cement Paints) s]=lh= 45.00 50.00 60.00 Asian , Berger
& other
-y_ l;d]G6 k|fOd/ ;]tf] Æ 225.00 225.00 236.25
5_ p8 k|fOd/ (Wood Primer) ln6/ 300.00 300.00 315.00
-ª_ ;fwf/0f ;]Gy]l6s Ogfd]n k]G6 ln6/ 360.00 421.00 463.10
r_ g]kfn /]8sf] Dof6 lkmlgl;Ë ln6/ 390.00 425.00 446.25
-h_ sf]?u]6]8 ?km Paint Æ 366.00 400.00 420.00
-em_ tof/L cNd'lgod k]G6 Æ 375.00 415.00 435.75
-`_ tof/L jfg]; { Æ 370.00 370.00 388.50
-6_ tof/L jfg]/{ ;]Gy]l6s Æ 280.00 280.00 294.00
-7_ ef/lto lyg/ Æ 150.00 150.00 170.00
8_ p8 P08 Unf; k'l6g s]=hL 110.00 110.00 115.50

Page 27
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
9_ d]6n k'l6g ,, 130.00 130.00 136.50
0f_ r'gf k]G6 ug{ /fVg] ud ,, 180.00 170.00 178.50
t_ g]kfnL lyg/ ln6/ 140.00 140.00 160.00
-b_ tf/lkg t]n Æ 170.00 180.00 189.00
-w_ /]8 cs;fO8 k]G6 (Red oxide Paint) Æ 200.00 220.00 231.00
-g_ p8 lk|h/e]l6j k]G6 Æ 175.00 192.00 201.60
-k_ Black Japan Paint Æ 235.00 240.00 252.00
-km_ /fd ltns s]=lh= 45.00 47.00 49.35
-a_ u]? /+u s]=lh= 110.00 115.00 120.75
-e_ rk|f kfln; s]=lh= 700.00 770.00 808.50

-d_ tof/L jf;]jn l8:t]Dk/ ln= 135.00 139.00 152.90 Asian , Berger
& other

ln= 422.00 422.00 464.20

o_ tof/L Knfl:6S; OdN;g k]G6 (interior)
o_ tof/L j]b/sf]6 k]G6 (exterior) ln= 530.00 530.00 556.50
-/_ Road Marking Paint Æ 540.00 480.00 511.00
-n_ lngl;8 cfon (linsed Oil) Æ 150.00 165.00 173.25
-j_ :yfgLo :k|L6 ln= 90.00 99.00 103.95
-;_ df]ljsn÷km]ljsn s]=lh= 200.00 220.00 231.00
-if_ Tata Red Oxide Paint Æ 200.00 220.00 231.00
-x_ u§f r'g -O{08Log_ Æ 15.00 18.50 19.43
-If_ Wall putty equaivalient Asian ,
Berger & other company. s]=lh= 30.00 58.00 60.90

-q_ Plaster of Parish (POP) s]=lh= 17.00 19.00 19.95

wood keeper (chapara type ) ln= 485.84
Redoxide zink cromate primer For
Bridge ln= - - 409.00

Silk Breathless easy ln= - - 1125.00

Road divider ( polythene ) uf]6f 1500.00
Dust bin ( polythene ) 165 ltr uf]6f 2850.00
Wall putty Epoxy flooring
wall plast wall putty (40kg) Bag 1050.00 1050.00 1207.50
2mm Epoxy Floor coating with
Ultrafresh -OPD ( 4layer & 5 j=dL= 1925.00 1925.00 1925.00

Page 28
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
2mm Epoxy Antistatic Floor coating for
OT( ( 4 layer & 9 component Æ 3410.00 3410.00 3410.00

Epoxy Paint for Operation theater Æ 10642.00 10642.00 10642.00

38 Wall Paper
Wall paper (10m.x 0.53m) /f]n 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Fittings for wall paper j=lkm 7.00 7.00
White glue for wall paper ln= 105.00 105.00
39 Eradication of peepal & other plants
a)          Stem up to 1" thickness uf]6f 369.00 369.00 405.90
b)          Stem up to 1"–2" thickness Æ 669.00 669.00 735.90
c)          Stem up to 2"–3" thickness Æ 1270.50 1270.50 1397.55
d)          Stem up to 3"–4" thickness Æ 1458.60 1458.60 1604.46
40 Gypsum board
40.1 Thai gypsum board af6 pTkfbg ePsf]
i) kmN; l;lnË ug{} j=lkm 20.00 20.00 21.00
ii)Water resistant false ceiling ,, 28.00 28.00 29.40
iii)Wall partition ,, 110.00 110.00 115.50
iv)Wall paneling ,, 73.00 73.00 76.65
12.5mm thick Gypsum Board False
ceiling including all necessary material ,, 65.00 65.00 68.25
41 Calcium Silicate Board supplying
& fitting all complete work


6mm thick j=lkm 77.88 77.88 77.88
8mm thick ,, 88.50 88.50 88.50
10mm thick ,, 99.12 99.12 99.12
12mm thick ,, 109.73 109.73 109.73
41.2 Cement flexy board False celling
Celling work 6mm thick j=dL= 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00
Floring board 25mm*8ft*4ft uf]6f 4800.00 4800.00 4800.00
Wooden Plank 8*150*3000mm ,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Skirting 8*50*300mm ,, 950.00 950.00 950.00
Texture board 6mm*8ft*4ft ,, 1920.00 1920.00 1920.00
Solid infill wall 3" j=dL= 3200.00 3200.00 3200.00

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
Laminated safety glass6.38mm ,, 6994.00 6994.00 6994.00
Structure glazing with laminated saftey
glass 6.38 ,, 11700.00 11700.00 11700.00

42 Interlocking Cement Concrete Block

a) Curb stone /=ld= 900.00 900.00 990.00

25 mm thick C.C. Tile (Grey color)
Burfi , Round , Boby Checker Sqft 38.00 38.00 38.00
25 mm thick C.C. Tile (Red color)
Burfi , Round , Boby Checker Sqft 40.00 40.00 40.00
50 mm thick CC Block (Grey color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Sqft 46.00 46.00 46.00
Interlock , I-Interlock
50 mm thick CC Block (Red color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Sqft 47.00 47.00 47.00
Interlock , I-Interlock
60 mm thick CC Block (Grey color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Interlock , I-Interlock , Plus Interlock Sqft 48.00 48.00 48.00
60 mm thick CC Block (Red color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Sqft 49.00 49.00 49.00
Interlock , I-Interlock , Plus Interlock
70 mm thick CC Block (Red color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Sqft 55.00 55.00 55.00
Interlock , I-Interlock
60 mm thick CC Block ( Ocm or
equivalent )
Brick type (23*11*6cm)non colour Nos - 8.85 8.85
Hexagon (22*22 cm) non colour ,, - 20.35 20.35
Hexagon (22*22 cm) colour - 22.12 22.12
Squire paver (30*30*4.5cm)non colour ,, - 28.32 28.32
Squire paver (30*30*4.5cm)colour - 30.97 30.97
inter block(24*13*6cm) ,, - 13.27 13.27
Isave paver (20*16*6cm) ,, - 15.04 15.04
43 5fgfdf 6fOnsf] j'§f sf6\g] / kfgL k§L sfo{
-!=$_ efusf] ld>0fsf] l;d]G6 d;nf tof/ ul/ v6
/flv !ÆjfSnf] Knfi6/df ?lkmª 6fOnsf] j'§f sf6\g] j=ld= 550.00 550.00 605.00
;fdfg ;lxt -tof/L_

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

!Æ×#Æ ;fOhsf] -!=$_ efusf] ld>0fsf] d;nf tof/ /=dL 66.00 66.00 72.60
ul/ v6 /flv jiff{bsf] kfgL k§L agfpg] sfd -tof/L_

Heritage Wall Surface Texture

44 (Interior and Exterior) including the
cost supplying and fitting
i) Heritage granular j=lkm 85.00 85.00 85.00
ii) Heritage flakes ,, 105.00 105.00 105.00
iii)) Heritage ,,
g granite
p finish
(p 85.00 85.00 85.00
lamination) ,, 22.00 22.00 22.00
45 UPVC Profile Door and Window/
Wall partition
Supplying and installation of UPVC Profile: Sliding window frame 50*80mm; sash 58*36mm, Sliding Door frame
52*88; sash 80*42, Casement window frame 60*60mm:sash 60*78mm, Casement Door frame 60*60; sash
60*104mm white colour with reinforcement, 5mm thick clear float glass, insect net, patented standard hardware like:
rollers, gaskets, brush seal, moon locks, push locks, drinage cover, etc.
UPVC sf]] ‰ofn, 9f]sf tyf wall partition
sf lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?
i) Single glazing
UPVC Sliding window with net (frame 50*80 mm, sash
1 Sqm 7,005.00 7,005.00 7,005.00
58*36 mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Sliding window without net (frame 60*60 mm,
2 ,, 6,470.00 6,470.00 6,470.00
sash 66*42 mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Top Hung window (frame 60*60 mm, sash
3 ,, 7,275.00 7,275.00 7,275.00
60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Casement window (frame 60*60 mm, sash
4 ,, 7,275.00 7,275.00 7,275.00
60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Single Door with half panel half glass (frame
5 60*60 mm, sash 60*104 mm, white colour with 5mm ,, 7,975.00 7,975.00 7,975.00
UPVC Single Door with full panel (frame 60*60 mm,
6 ,, 8,085.00 8,085.00 8,085.00
sash 60*104 mm, white colour)
UPVC Double Door (frame 60*60 mm, sash 60*104
7 ,, 8,625.00 8,625.00 8,625.00
mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Sliding Door with net (frame 52*88 mm, sash
8 ,, 8,625.00 8,625.00 8,625.00
88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Sliding Door without net (frame 60*60 mm,
9 ,, 8,355.00 8,355.00 8,355.00
sash 88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm glass)
UPVC Swing Door with half glass half uPVC panel
10 ,, 9,700.00 9,700.00 9,700.00
(frame 60*60 mm)
UPVC 88x60mm Sliding white colour window
11 Sqm 8375.00 8375.00 8375.00
with 5mm glass pannele
UPVC 60x64mm white colour casement
11 ,, 9511.00 9511.00 9511.00
window with 5mm glass pannele
UPVC110x64mm x9mmthick board and 5mm
12 ,, 10051.00 10051.00 10051.00
tjick glass pannel white colour

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
UPVC60x60mm x9mmthick white colour
12 ,, 10405.00 10405.00 10405.00
partition board with 5mm glass
UPVC60x60mm white colour swing door with
13 6531.00 6531.00 6531.00
5mm glass pannel

ii) Double glazing
UPVC Sliding window with net (frame 50*80 mm, sash
1 Sqm 9,160.00 9,160.00 9,160.00
58*36 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)

UPVC Sliding window without net (frame 60*60 mm,

2 ,, 8,675.00 8,675.00 8,675.00
sash 66*42 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)
UPVC Top Hung window (frame 60*60 mm, sash
3 ,, 9,435.00 9,435.00 9,435.00
60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)
UPVC Casement window (frame 60*60 mm, sash
4 ,, 9,435.00 9,435.00 9,435.00
60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)
UPVC Single Door with half panel half glass (frame
5 60*60 mm, sash 60*104 mm, white colour with 5mm ,, 10,135.00 10,135.00 10,135.00
double glass)
UPVC Double Door (frame 60*60 mm, sash 60*104
6 ,, 10,240.00 10,240.00 10,240.00
mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)
UPVC Sliding Door with net (frame 52*88 mm, sash
7 ,, 10,780.00 10,780.00 10,780.00
88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)
UPVC Sliding Door without net (frame 60*60 mm,
8 ,, 10,510.00 10,510.00 10,510.00
sash 88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass)
Supply & fixing of 80*50 mm white colour
9 casement window ,,
9331.00 9331.00 9331.00
Aerocon/Rapicon prefab Panel for
46 Partition wall

Supply and errection of aerocon/rapicon

prefab panel in partition wall.
75 mm thick Sqft 248.75 248.75 248.75
50 mm thick ,, 189.56 189.56 189.56
40 mm thick ,, 157.44 157.44 157.44
Supply and fixing of aerocon/rapicon
prefab panel cubical partition wall all
40 mm thick Sqft 167.05 167.05 167.05
6 mm thick Flex-O- Board (Water proof
cement board) 6mm thick for false
ceiling Sqft 32.00 32.00 32.00
47 Aluminium &Steel Door & Window
47.1 Aluminium Door & Window

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
e o es e c ud g supp y g o ecess y c e c s, e s, gs,
labours as per manufacturer's specifications all complete or as per consultant's
Aluminum fixed panel window with
ventilation but without fly mesh shutter
from section. (88×38×1.30) mm and 5 j=lkm 400.00 440.00 440.00
mm glass.
Aluminum fixed panel window with
ventilation but with fly mesh shutter
from section. (88×38×1.30) mm and 5 ,, 430.00 473.00 473.00
mm glass.
Aluminum sliding windows without
ventilator from section (101×45×1.50) ,, 420.00 462.00 462.00
mm and 5 mm glass.
Do but with ventilator from section
(101×45×1.50)mm and 5 mm glass. ,, 450.00 495.00 495.00

Siding door with naturally anodized

color section of (101×45×1.50)mm ,, 517.00 568.70 568.70
(40×45×1.5)mm & 5 mm glass.
Casement double panel aluminum
windows with ventilation. Section size
(54×33×1.50)mm, (38×34×1.50)mm &
5 mm glass. ,, 400.00 440.00 440.00
Casement door of aluminum section in
naturally anodized color. Section size
(101×45×1.50) mm and 5 mm glass. ,, 490.00 539.00 539.00
Swing door door of aluminum section in
naturally anodized color. Section size ,, 490.00 539.00 539.00
(101×45×1.50) mm and 5 mm glass.
Siding windows 2 track in naturally
anodized color section of ,, 380.00 418.00 418.00
(88×38×1.30)mm 5 mm glass.
Fixed windows & partitions with fixed
ventilators from 9mm board and section ,, 380.00 418.00 418.00
Aluminium partition with 5 mm thick glass
and 9 mm thick laminated board of section
,, 380.00 418.00 418.00
(101 x45x1.1)
Aluminium partition with 5 mm thick glass
and 9 mm thick laminated board of section
,, 360.00 396 396
(64 x38x1.1)
b'O{÷tLg k}g]n ePsf] :nfOl8ª em\ofn -
*%x%)X!=#) dL=dL=_ lzzf % dL=dL=;d]t ;fbf ,, 395.00 435 435

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
b'O{÷tLg k}g]n ePsf] :nfOl8ª em\ofn -
*%x%)X!=#) dL=dL=_ lzzf % dL=dL= hfnL vfkf ,, 435.00 479 479
;d]t ePsf] .
b'O{÷tLg k}g]n ePsf] :nfOl8ª em\ofn lkmS;
e]G6Ln];g ePsf] -*%x%)X!=#) dL=dL=_ lzzf % ,, 435.00 479 479
dL=dL= ;lxt -;fbf_
b'O{÷tLg k}g]n ePsf] :nfOl8ª em\ofn lkmS;
e]G6Ln];g ePsf] -*%x%)X!=#) dL=dL=_ lzzf % ,, 395.00 435 435
dL=dL= hfnL vfkf ;lxt ePsf] .
47.2 Steel Door & Windos
Supplying and Fixing of 50 mm steel
Door with frame size (90*80*1 mm
)and both side 0.5 mm thick steel and
honey comb paper in between steel in
shuttert including peep hole 3pcs
j=lkm= 967.44 1064.19 1064.19

130mm size hinges heavy duty lock ( in

five place and all other necessary
accesories all complete.
Aluminium Composite Panel Sheet
supplying & and fitting all complete work

3mm .20 Black core j=lkm 281.42 310 310

3mm .25 Black core ,, 299.12 329 329
3mm .30 Black core ,, 318.58 350 350
4mm .25 Black core ,, 318.58 350 350
4mm .30Black core ,, 338.05 372 372
4mm .50 Black core ,, 377.88 416 416
4mm .25 Vergin core ,, 343.36 378 378
4mm .30Vergin core ,, 361.06 397 397
4mm .50 Vergin core ,, 407.08 448 448
Water proofing (chemicals &
49 Tretment)works
49.1 MC company & Equaivalient
1 Water proofing treatment
1.1 Zentrifix-elastic waterproofing coating in
roof slab, basement, shear wall, toilet, drop sq.ft. 72.00 72.00 72.00
slabs etc.
1.2 Dichtament DS mixed with Nafufill BB2
and Nafufill SBR roof slabs, parapet, toilet,
basement raft slab, shear wall, etc
,, 39.00 39.00 39.00

1.3 Dichtament DS2 . ,, 39.00 39.00 39.00

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
1.4 Roofex 2000l ,, 330.00 330.00 330.00
1.5 MC-Special DM 1:4 cement sand
mortar with
,, 39.00 39.00 39.00
2 Water repellent coating -
2.1 water repellent over brick or other masonry
surface having deep penetrating property: like ,, 48.00 48.00 48.00
3 Structural strengthening and Retrofitting
3.1 restrenghtening using FYFE wrap carbon
fiber ,, 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00
4 Cementious injection -
4.1 MC-Bauchemie Centricrete kg. 286.00 286.00 286.00
5 Epoxy injection -
5.1 1264 KF - TR (Resin and hardener) kg. 8,050.00 8,050.00 8,050.00
6 PU injection -
MC-inkjet 2300 NV (Resin + Hardner)
,, 11,380.00 11,380.00 11,380.00
6.2 MC-inkjet 2700 (Resin + Hardner) ,, 11,380.00 11,380.00 11,380.00
MC-inkjet 2300 plus (Resin + Hardner) ,, 11,380.00 11,380.00 11,380.00
7 Concrete Admixtures -
7.1 Supplying chloride free concrete admixtures like
water reducing, retarding, accelerating as per the
requirement; -
MC-Zentrament F BV - high early strength
kg. 120.00 120.00 120.00
a) superplasticizer.
b) MC-Zentrament Super BV - Super
plasticizer and water reducing agent
,, 120.00 120.00 120.00
MC powerflow 2239 - high range water reducer
,, 380.00 380.00 380.00
8 Water proofing membrane -
8.1 Hi-Tuff TPO Membrane (1.5 mm
thickness) Sqm 880.00 880.00 880.00

49.2 Water proofing treatment work

venus or Equivalient
Slope, flat roof, sunken slab / basement df
kfgL r'x]sf] :yfgdf k|of]u x'g] lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?

Mention rates are including supplying of necessary chemicals, labour and applying as
per manufacturer specifications or as per consultant's direction.
Injection and Pressure Grouting
System (slope roof, sunk slab, basement ) j=lkm 47.00 43.00 48.00
Elastomeric Two component Polymer
Coating) all complete. (roof top, sunken slab, ,, 51.00 48.00 52.00
basement, terrace)

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
Semi Flexible Polymer Coating
System all Complete (roof top, sunk slab, ,, 50.00 40.00 46.00
Crystallization . (watertank basement) ,, 51.25 48.00 54.00
Antitermite with Waterproofing Coating ,, 65.00
PERMA Eazee Coat ,, 75.00

Minor Crack Tretment /=lkm 200.00 200.00 325.00

Major crack treatment on Rcc slab by Perma
Polyseal /=lkm 400.00 425.00 475.00
water repellant on bricks, tiles from fungus
and algae growth (exposed surface). j=lkm 21.00 21.00 33.00

Expansion Joint Works

Perma Bond SBR .Expansion Joint
At Horizonatal area /=lkm 1890.00 1595.00 2125.00
At vertical area ,, 1565.00
High strength Pliymer & Epoxy
Perma bond SBR 750.00
Perma Master Bond 1460.00
Wall Coating &INDUSTRIAL Flooring
Epoxy Coving /=lkm 145.00
Supplying Concrete Admixtures
PERMA Plast KG 195.00
NON -SHRINK Free Flowing high
Strength Grout
PERMA GROUT – 60 KG 125.00
PERMA EPOXY 100 EG KG 7500.00

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

Colorful flexi exterior waterproof

PERMA Wall Guard SQ ft 45.00
Anti Termite Treatment
Permise chemicals SQ ft 40.00
Waterproofing Membranes
HY series waterproofing membrane SQ ft 155.00
Self - Adhesive Bitumen Waterproofing
SQ ft
Membrane 250.00
PERMA Weather Shield SQ ft 75.00
Epoxy coating
Supplying and applying perma or Beck Brand
Self leveling Epoxy coating on floor 2mm thick
as per specification all complete. (for j=lkm 340.00 340.00 340.00
pharmaceutical and hospitals floor)
Functional and High builds epoxy coating on
floor 400 micron(for pharmaceutical and j=lkm 160.00 160.00 160.00
hospitals floor)

Decorative epoxy coating with perma plaster

putty on celing and wall all complete 200 j=lkm 134.00 134.00 134.00
micron. (for pharmaceutical and hospitals floor)
Epoxy Coving Floor to wall ,Celling- wall
,Wall to wall (for pharmaceutical and hospitals /=lkm 120.00 120.00 120.00
Anti Termite Treatment j=lkm 39.00 39.00 39.00
Perma Wall Guard Coating j=lkm 39.00 39.00 39.00
(Perma Bond SBR j=lkm 122.00 122.00 122.00
Tile lying with adeshive (Perma bond
SBR) j=lkm 125.00 125.00 125.00

Bitu Tape laying (in roof CGI sheet ) /=lkm 105.00 105.00 105.00
Tile joints fitting /=lkm 28.00 28.00 28.00
11 Silica cement admixture Kg 289 289 317.9
51 k/Dk/fut lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx? M–

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
!_ blr ckf 7"nf] *Æ×@–#÷*Æ×%Æ uf]6f 25.00 25.00 20.00
@_ blr ckf ;fgf]
,, 20.00 20.00 16.00
#_ blrckf 7"nf]sf] s'+ ,, 20.00 20.00 24.00
$_ blrckf ;fgf]sf] s'F ckf ,, 20.00 20.00 20.00

%_ dfF ckf 7'nf] *–&÷*Æ×@–!÷$Æ×%–#÷$Æ
^_ dfF ckf 7'nf] 241x60x158 mm ,, 18.00 18.00 23.00
&_ df ckf ;fgf] *–#÷*Æ×@Æ×%Æ ,, 13.00 13.00 15
*_ w'/L rfË 7"nf] (–#÷*Æ%–!÷@Æ×#÷$ ,, 20.00 20.00 22
(_ w'/L 230x295x25 mm ,, - -
!)_ w'/L rfFË ;fgf] ,, 15.00 15.00 17
!!_ lemu6L gofF *–#÷$Æ×$Æ uf]6f 10.00 10.00 11
!@_ lemu+6L k"/fgf] uf]6f 6.00 6.00 7
!#_ 9's' uf]6f 35.00 35.00 39
!$_ Snake body brick traditional uf]6f 22.00 22.00 24
!%_ Snake neck brick ,, uf]6f 65.00 65.00 72
!^_ Snake head brick ,, uf]6f 128.00 128.00 141
s_;fgf ,, 100.00 100.00 110
v_7'nf] ,, 200.00 200.00 220
!&_ k]6Lsf]nflu 9'Ëf 0
s_ !*Æ×!)Æ×$Æ ,, 600.00 600.00 660
!*_ gfuf]n O{6f uf]6f 17.00 17.00 19
!(_(Æx (Æx !* OGr s'gf 9'Ëf ! ld= 2000.00 2000.00 2200
@)_ kmMNxf]x ckf 7'nf] 375x225x100mm uf]6f 150.00 150.00 165
@!_ kmMNxf]x ckf ;fgf] 254x229x102mm ,, 125.00 125.00 138

,, 12.00 12.00 13
@@_ tLgs'g} t]lnof O{6+ f -(Æ×(Æ×@–!÷$Æ
,, 9.00 9.00 10
@#_ tLgs'g} t]lnof O{6+ f -^Æ×^Æ×@–!÷$Æ
@$_ rf/s'g} t]lnof O{+6f -*Æ×*Æ ,, 17.00 17.00 19
@%_ t]lnof O{6+ f -^Æ×^Æ ,, 12.00 12.00 13
@^_ a'§]bf/L slg{z O6f -sfzLdf]x?_ ,, 25.00 25.00 28
@&_ a'§]bf/L slg{z O6f s'gf ,, 37.00 37.00 41

@*_ a'§]bf/L slg{z O6f 7"nf] 222x273x76mm ,, 150.00 150.00 165

@(_ ‰ofn dflysf] slg{z O{6f a'§]bf/L ,, 30.00 30.00 33

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

,, 50.00 50.00 55
#)_ sf7sf] slg{z dflysf] O6f !!×^×@=%Æ
#!_ sg{/ :6f]g M !)Æ×!)Æ×!$Æ] ,, 1400.00 1400.00 1540

,, 950.00 950.00 1045

#@_ s_ ljrsf] GofxfsNxF !)Æ×&Æ×!$Æ
##_ gfuf]n 9'Ëf !*Æ×!)Æ×% ,, 700.00 700.00 770
#$_ ef} Kjf uf]6f 200.00 200.00 220
#%_ tfdf kftf=- g]kfnL_ s]hL - 950.00 1045
tfdf kftf -Indian_ s]hL 1100.00 1100.00 1210
#^_ lkQn kftf s]hL 900.00 750.00 825
#&_ kf/f] u|fd - 150.00 165
#*_ ;"ls{ O6f s'l6 w'nf] agfPsf] . 6g 2000.00 1200.00 1320
#(_ Wind bell xjf 306L $Æ uf]6f 412.00 412.00 453
$)_ Gxs+Nxf] aLrsf] ! uf]6f 1500.00 1500.00 1650
$! _ k]6L9'Ëf $Æ ! ld= 1800.00 1800.00 1980
$@_k]6L9'Ëf %Æ ! ld= 2200.00 2200.00 2420
$#_ Yellow mud (clay) for roofing/B/W 3=dL= 0
$$_ Lime for traditional work s]lh 0
$%_>L u0f]z uf]6f 1000.00 1000.00 1100
4 6_s'df/ uf]6f 1000.00 1000.00 1100
4 7_('é] wf/f uf]6f 1000.00 1000.00 1100
4 8_Nxfs} ;]^ uf]6f 2000.00 2000.00 2200
4 9_gfua]nL a'^ f uf]6f 22.00 22.00 24
50 _gfua]nL a'^ f s'gf uf]6f 33.00 33.00 36
51_:jf a'^ f uf]6f 22.00 22.00 24
52_rL/ a'^ f uf]6f 22.00 22.00 24
53_sfg]{;kmof] uf]6f 19.00 19.00 21
54 _sfg]{; uh'/ knL uf]6f 30.00 30.00 33
%%_7'nf] snz uf]6f 150.00 150.00 165
%^_d;Lgf] ;"ls{ s]lh 13
%& _v;|f] ;'ls{ s]lh 7.5
58 nf]sn ckf -;fOh 320x65x100) uf]6f 0
59 df ckf -;fOh 200x50x130) ,, 14.00 14.00 15
60 blr ckf -;fOh 200x55x100) ,, 15.00 15.00 17
61 Tjf ckf -;fOh 110x55x180) ,, 15.00 15.00 17
62 uf]n ckf -;fOh 120x55x80) ,, 15.00 15.00 17
63 u0f]z ckf -;fOh 200x250x35) ,, 300.00 300.00 330

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
64 s'df/ ckf -;fOh 200x250x35) ,, 300.00 300.00 330
65 tf/f ckf -;fOh 200x250x55) ,, 300.00 300.00 330
66 k~r a'4 ckf -;fOh 170x230x55) ,, 300.00 300.00 330
67 sn; ckf -;fOh 100x140x40) ,, 50.00 50.00 55
68 gfuf]n ckf -;fOh 140x52x120) ,, 17.00 17.00 19
69 sl;df] ckf -;fOh 230x55x100) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
70 ;snL] ckf -;fOh 140x55x115) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
71 kfga'§f ckf -;fOh 140x55x115) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
72 ;fgf] km a'§f ckf -;fOh 180x55x30) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
73 7"nf] km a'§f ckf -;fOh 230x55x110) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
74 gof+ km a'§f ckf -;fOh 230x55x110) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
75 ;fgf u a'§f ckf -;fOh 140x50x110) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
76 7"nf] u a'§f ckf -;fOh 230x55x90) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
77 k'Dxf a'§f ckf -;fOh 180x55x70) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
78 ltgs'g] :jfF ckf -;fOh 200x550x30) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
79 ltgs'g] kln ckf -;fOh 200x550x90) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
80 ;fgf :jfF ckf -;fOh 140x50x110) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
81 7"nf] :jfF ckf -;fOh 2300x55x90) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
82 gfu 6fpsf] bf+ofaf+ofF -;fOh 100x150x50) ,, 125.00 125.00 138

83 gfu 36L bf+ofaf+ofF -;fOh 140x60x70) ,, 65.00 65.00 72

84 gfu hLp -;fOh 140x60x70) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
85 gfu sGof÷k'?if -;fOh 180x380x55) ,, 500.00 500.00 550
86 vfn gfuf]n -;fOh 130x55x120) ,, 17.00 17.00 19
87 vfn kmof] -;fOh 130x55x135) ,, 17.00 17.00 19
88 nx/f a'§f -;fOh 125x45x140) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
89 gu a]nL -;fOh 140x55x120) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
90 ldvfk'm;L -;fOh 140x55x120) ,, 30.00 30.00 33
91 klnof] bfof+÷jfof+ -;fOh 130x55x120) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
92 gof+ klnkmf] -;fOh 185x52x80) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
93 l;wf klnkmf] -;fOh 190x55x90) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
94 @Æ l;x -;fOh 95x5010) ,, 30.00 30.00 33
95 @Æu?8 -;fOh 95x50x100) ,, 30.00 30.00 33
96 wlnVjf -;fOh 95x50x100) ,, 30.00 30.00 33
97 >LoGq -;fOh 70x700x80) ,, 40.00 40.00 44
98 Tjf kmof] -;fOh 140x55x120) ,, 17.00 17.00 19
99 tf/f a'§f k'/fgf] -;fOh 180x55x80) ,, 22.00 22.00 24
100 tf/f a'§f gof+ -;fOh 230x70x90) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
101 :jf+kmf] tf/f+ -;fOh 220x55x90) ,, 25.00 25.00 28

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
102 l;qmL a'§f -;fOh 220x55x80) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
103 Gxfo a'§f ;fgf] -;fOh 140x65x130) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
104 Gxfo a'§f 7"nf] -;fOh 140x100x130) ,, 25.00 25.00 28
105 Guf]n guf]n -;fOh 2000x55x90) ,, 17.00 17.00 19
106 7L a'§f -;fOh 210x55x75) 25.00 25.00 28
107 ;fgf]÷7"nf] -;fOh 25.00 25.00 28
108 r'gf k|lt s]=lh= s]=lh= 12.00 12.00 15
109 u6f r'g s]=lh= - - 24
110 s'Dxfn] df6f] -Brf_ So"=lkm= 40
52 Security System
Steel Security Gate supply
Metal detector (black Scorpian Company uf]6f 16500.00 16500.00 16500.00
Walk through gate class 1 (,, ,, ,, ) uf]6f 382000.00 382000.00 382000.00
Walk through gate class 2 (,, ,, ,, ) uf]6f 276000.00 276000.00 276000.00
Walk through gate class 3 (,, ,, ,, ) uf]6f 215000.00 215000.00 215000.00
Access Controller (Taiwanese ) uf]6f 28000.00 28000.00 28000.00
Access Controller (Chainese ) uf]6f 13500.00 13500.00 13500.00
Steel Security Door
Single leaf :- 50 mm, 70 mm, 100mm Sqm 8430.00 8430.00 8430.00
Half leaf : - 50 mm, 70 mm, 100mm Sqm 9641.00 9641.00 9641.00
Double leaf : - 50 mm, 70 mm, 100mm Sqm 10116.00 10116.00 10116.00
Security System
i) Short range wireless intruder Alarm
(including Host Unit-1, PIR moton detector-
1, Door Sensor-1, Remote Controller -2) (3/
uf]6f 33333.00 33333.00 33333.00
sDkfp08 ;'/Iff k|lalw)
ii)Long range distance wireless intruder
Alarm system(including Host Unit-1, PIR
moton detector-3, Remote Controller -2)
uf]6f 89999.00 89999.00 89999.00
(clkm; tyf Aofkfl/s ;'/Iff k|lalw)
iii) Access Controller with record using
uf]6f 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00
Card and Pin ( with 10 piece RFID Card.)
iv) Access Controller without record using
uf]6f 12500.00 12500.00 12500.00
Card and Pin ( with 5 piece RFID Card.)

v) Finger print access system with software uf]6f 35000.00 35000.00 35000.00
vi) Securty from Panic Alarm uf]6f 35000.00 35000.00 35000.00
vii) GPS (Global Positioning System)
uf]6f 24999.00 24999.00 24999.00
Device with software
viii) Automatic motor operator for water mo
pump (kfgL el/Pkl5 :jrflnt ?kdf on/off x'g]

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
Up to 1/2 H.P. uf]6f 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00
1.0 H.P. uf]6f 5500.00 5500.00 5500.00
5 H.P. uf]6f 9000.00 9000.00 9000.00
53 Heavy equipment Hired Rate Based
on DoR (with out fule)
a) Asphalt Plant* (Upto 10 ton) Per hr. 400.00 400.00 400.00
b) Asphalt Plant* (Bram millar, Up to 10 ton) 500.00 500.00 500.00
c) Asphalt Plant* (40 ton/ hour) ,, 0.00 0.00 0.00
d) Asphalt Paver ,, 1400.00 1400.00 1400.00
e) Asphalt, Mixer (Bel mix) ,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
f) Broom Road, Towed ,, 260.00 260.00 260.00
g) Boring Rig ,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
h) Air compressor 150 to 275 CPM ,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
i) Crane Mobile 5 to 10 ton ,, 3100.00 3100.00 3100.00
j) Crane Mobile (10+ to 15 ton) ,, 3500.00 3500.00 3500.00
kj) Crusher Stone (50 to 100HP) ,, - - -
l) Cutter Concrete ,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
m) Dozer Wheel (150+ to 225 HP) ,, - - -
n) Dozer, Track (120 to 180 HP) ,, - - -
o) Dozer Wheel (1181+ to 230 HP,
,, 1470.00 1470.00 1470.00
p) Dozer Wheel (181+ to 230 HP,Cat 814) ,, 2100.00 2100.00 2100.00
q) Dozer, Track (181+ to 230 H,CATD7G) ,, 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00
r) Dozer, Track (181+ to 230H,Komatsu
,, 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00
s) Dozer, Track (181+ to 230 Hp,Shangdong
,, 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00
Ty 220)
t) Dozer, Track (181+ to 230 Hp,Hanomag
,, 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
D700C, D700D)
u) Dozer, Track (181+ to 230 Hp, Komatsu
,, 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
v) Dozer, Track (126+ to 180 Hp, Yishan
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
w) Dozer, Track (126+ to 180 Hp, BEML
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
x) Dozer, Track (126+ to 180 Hp, CAT D6H) ,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
y) Dozer, Track (80 to 125 Hp, Komatsu D53A-
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
z) Dozer, Track (80to 125 Hp, Komatsu D50A-
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
aa) Dozer, Track (0to 79 Hp, CAT D3B) ,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
bb) Bitumin Distributer (4 to 6 KL) ,, 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
cc) Bitumin Distributer (Etnyre/4700:
,, 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00
Etntyre/m41484 to 6 KL)
dd) Bitumin Distributer (Isuzu/Hanta/Hino
,, 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00
ff173K4 to 6 KL)
ee) Rock Drill (Engine) ,, 0.00 0.00 0.00
ff) Rock Drill (Pneumatic) ,, 130.00 130.00 130.00
gg) Mini Dumper Pengyan fc15,(1Upto
,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
hh) Mini Dumper (Chanai fc1,1Upto 4CUM) ,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
ii) Mini Dumper (Jiangsu f151Upto 4CUM) ,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
jj) Mini Dumper (Stott & pitt SD 0111Upto
,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
kk) Mini Dumper (Thawaties,Upto 1CUM) ,, 550.00 550.00 550.00
ll) Excavator, Wheel (Upto 110 HP) ,, - - -
mm) Excavator, Track (Daewoo Solar 130lc-v,
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
1to 11 HP)
nn) Excavator, Track (Kobelco SK 115SR-IE,
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
1to 11 HP)
oo) Excavator, Track (Daewoo Daewoo SL
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
220, 111to 150 HP)
pp) Excavator, Track (Komatsu PC 150-5A SL
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
220, 111to 150 HP)
qq) Excavator, Track (Hitachi EX 220-3,
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
111to 150 HP)
rr) Excavator, Track (JCB-820Super, JCB-
,, 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
820,111to 150 HP)
ss) Excavator +Breaker (Daewoo SL 220With
,, 2100.00 2100.00 2100.00
Soosan 20, 111to 150 HP)
tt) Fork Lift Truck (Upto 2.5 ton) ,, 400.00 400.00 400.00
x) Generator* (osaka/seimeitus SAS -130 Y
,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
(10+ to 30 KVA)
y) Generator* kiloskar (30+ to 50 KVA) ,, 350.00 350.00 350.00
uu) Generaor* (Kobota ASK-R350Upto 10
,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
vv) Generaor* (Denyo DBF-3y:DBF 7.5yUpto
,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
10 KVA)
ww) Generator* (Robin up to10 KVA) ,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
ww) Generator* (Kiloskar RB33, up to10
,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
aa) Generator* (Caterpiler , up to10 KVA ) ,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
bb) Grador motor (komatsu GD 511R-1) 135
,, 1600.00 1600.00 1600.00
Grade motor ( Chapiopn 710, 710R , 135 HP ) ,, 1600.00 1600.00 1600.00
Grade Motor ( CAT 120 G , 125 HP ) ,, 1600.00 1600.00 1600.00
Grade Motor (Mituvishi MG 350 R , 135 HP ,, 1600.00 1600.00 1600.00
Grade Motor (BEML BG 605-6210 , 145 HP ,, 1600.00 1600.00 1600.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
Grade Motor (Aveling bearford ASG 12G;TG
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
011 135 HP
Grade Motor (Nigata N530 PSA, 135 HP) ,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Grade Motor (Komatsu 405 A-1 , 90 HP ,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
cc) Hopper Gritter ,, - - -
dd) Chips spreader Phoenix/tail gate mounted ,, 300.00 300.00 300.00
ee) Bitumin heater (Upto 2 KL) ,, - 180.00 -
ff) Loader, Wheel JCB 425 1.75 Cum ,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
gg) Loader, Wheel (Aveling bar ford
,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
Loader, Wheel (EJCB -430 , 1.7 CUM) ,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
Loader, Wheel (Komatsu WA 100-1, 1.2
,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
Loader, Wheel (Komatsu WA 180-3, 1.8
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Loader, Wheel (Furukawa FL 200 ; FL 230-1,
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
1.9+ to 2.3 CUM)
Loader, Wheel (Furukawa FL 200-I, 1.9+ to
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
2.2 CUM)
Loader, Wheel (Kawasaki KSS-70, KLD 70,
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
190 + to 2.2 CUM
Loader, Wheel (CAT 950 >1.8 CUM) ,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Loader, Wheel (Michigan Clark 75-IIIA , >1.8
,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Loader, Wheel (Hyuandai HL 757-7 2.5
,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
Loader, Wheel (Kawasaki 70 ZIV-2 , 2.2
,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
Loader , Wheel (Kawasaki 70 ZIV, WL 03-70Z,
,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
2.2 CUM
Loader Wheel (Kawasaki 70Z IV Hino , 2.2
,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
hh) Back Hoe Loader (JCB 3 CX- 4 < 90 HP) ,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
ii) Mizer Concrete ,, - - -
jj) Maintainer (Upto 75 HP) ,, - - -
Water Pump (Sykes Univac Up to 4" DIA) ,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
kk) Water Pump (Yanmar/ YKS- 3DW, Upto
,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
4" DIA)
Water Pump (Yanmar/ YKS- 3DW, Upto 4" to
,, 200.00 200.00 200.00
Water Pump (Yanmar/ YKS- 6DFA, Upto 4"
,, 200.00 200.00 200.00
to 6"DIA)
Water Pump (Electrical 5 HP) ,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
Water Pump (Electrical 7.5 HP) ,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
ll) Pile Driver* 10 tone ,, 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00
mm) Roller 3, Wheel (Upto 12 ton) ,, 500.00 500.00 500.00

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
nn) Roller, Pneumatic (Upto 20 ton) ,, 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00
Roller, Pneumatic (Sakai TS7409 Upto 20 ton) ,, 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
oo) Roller, Vib Pedestrain (Upto 0.5 ton) ,, 400.00 400.00 400.00
oo) Roller, Vib Pedestrain (Benford 1-71L/2-
,, 300.00 300.00 300.00
75B Upto 0.5 ton)
pp) Roller, Vib Sheep Foot (Upto 10 ton) ,, 700.00 700.00 700.00
qq) Roller, Vib, Self Prop (Upto 3 ton) ,, 550.00 550.00 550.00
rr) Roller, Vib, Self Prop (3 ton to 6 Ton) ,, 800.00 800.00 800.00
Roller, Vib, Self Prop (Bomag BW 172D-2,
,, 900.00 900.00 900.00
6.3 Ton)
ss) Roller, Vib, Self Prop Kawaskia KVR 7 , 6
,, 700.00 700.00 700.00
tt) Spreader chips, Self propeeled ,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
uu) Sprayer, Emulsion (Upto 1 KL) ,, 260.00 260.00 260.00
vv) Truck, Flat Bed/ Crane (Upto 7 ton) ,, 800.00 800.00 800.00
ww) Truck, Flat Bed (Upto 150 HP) ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00
ww) Truck, Tipper (Upto 159 HP) ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00
xx) Truck Tipper (From 150 HP+) ,, 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00
yy) Mini Truck ,, 300.00 300.00 300.00
zz) Trailer, Tractor (10+ to 25 ton) ,, 2200.00 2200.00 2200.00
aaa) Trailer, Tractor (25ton+) ,, 2700.00 2700.00 2700.00
Water Tanker (Up to 8 KL) ,, 550.00 550.00 550.00
bbb) Water Tanker (Upto 16 KL) ,, - - -
ccc) Trailer ,, 140.00 140.00 140.00
ddd) Tractor (Upto 85 HP) ,, 300.00 300.00 300.00
Tractor with Trailetr (Upto 85 HP) ,, 440.00 440.00 440.00
eee) Vibrator (Engine) ,, 120.00 120.00 120.00
Vibrator (Needle) ,, 100.00 100.00 100.00
fff) Compactor, Hand Towed (Upto 200 Kg) ,, - - -
ggg) Compactor, Hand Towed (350 to 450 Kg) ,, 130.00 130.00 130.00
hhh) Welking, Arc (10 to 30 KVA + KVA) ,, 1150.00 1150.00 1150.00
54 Road furniture/goods/other materials from DoR
i) Retro-reflective traffic sign Sqm 21231.00 21231.00 21231.00
ii) Painted traffic sign ,, 6242.00 6242.00 6242.00
iii) Normal cats eye no. 1085.00 1085.00 1085.00
iv) Solar power road stud ,, 4320.00 4320.00 4320.00
v) Traffic signal (Circular or Arrow ) ,, 48212.00 48212.00 48212.00
vi) Traffic signal control unit ,, 297716.00 297716.00 297716.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
vii) Thermoplastic road paint Kg. 248.00 248.00 248.00
viii) Glass bead Kg. 239.00 239.00 239.00
ix) Geo-textile ( Indian ) Sqm 60.00 66.00 79
Geo-textile ( Malesiyan ) Sqm 75.00 82.00 98
x) Traffic Jacket no. 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00
xi) Traffic cone no. 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
xii) Planting Board Sqm 500.00 500.00 500.00
xiii) Traffic reflective signage (Price without
Sqm 16415.00 16415.00 16415.00
stand pipe)
xiv) Super bond XS ( Anti-strpping agent) Kg. 600.00 600.00 600.00
xv) Special addittive CZ-500 Kg. 710.00 710.00 710.00
xvi)Safety Helmate ( special ) no. 300.00 350.00 300.00
Safety Helmate ( General ) 150.00 200.00 150.00
xvii)Gumboot pair 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00
xviii)Reflector Jacket no. 500.00 550.00 500.00
Di- axial
50KNx50KN Sqm 58.62 58.62 58.62
80KNx80KN Sqm 198.17 198.17 198.17
50KNx50KN Sqm 195.16 195.16 195.16
80KNx80KN Sqm 213.00 213.00 213.00
xx) Paxi fiber glass
1.2 mm thick Sqft 70.00 70.00 70.00
2 mm thick ,, 105.00 105.00 105.00
3 mm thick ,, 145.00 145.00 145.00
4 mm thick ,, 200.00 200.00 200.00
5 mm thick ,, 290.00 290.00 290.00
55 Bridge Materials
i) Structural Steel with Fabrication Kg - - -
ii) Reinforcement Steel Kg - - -
iii) Cutting and Bending Kg - - -
iv )Elastomeric Bearing Pad - - -
Fix Type no. 18100.00 18100.00 18100.00
Free Type no. 42700.00 42700.00 42700.00
v)Expansion Joint Works
Single strip seal m 7500.00 7500.00 7500.00
Slab seal(320*50) m 15500.00 15500.00 15500.00

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)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
iv) Φ 13 mm thimble Pc 50.00 50.00 50.00
v) Φ 26 mm thimble Pc 220.00 220.00 220.00
vi) Φ 32 mm thimble Pc 300.00 300.00 300.00
vii) Φ 36 mm thimble Pc 730.00 730.00 730.00
viii) Φ 40 mm thimble Pc 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00
ix) Φ 13 mm Bulldog grip Pc 50.00 50.00 50.00
x) Φ 26 mm Bulldog grip Pc 200.00 200.00 200.00
xi) Φ 32 mm Bulldog grip Pc 270.00 270.00 270.00
xii) Φ 36 mm Bulldog grip Pc 320.00 320.00 320.00
xiii) Φ 40 mm Bulldog grip Pc 490.00 490.00 490.00
xiv) Steel wire Rope (Right hand ordinary
lay,WSC wire strand core,Tensile strength of
wire 1570 N/mm , Performed, 'A' Heavy
Galvanized coating Nondrying lubrication oil and
a) Φ 13 mm Wire rope m - - -
b) Φ 26 mm Wire rope m - - -
c) Φ 32 mm Wire rope m - - -
d) Φ 36 mm Wire rope m - - -
e) Φ 40 mm Wire rope m - - -
xv) Wire mesh netting m2 300.00 300.00 300.00
xvi) Sign Board with Fittings (Size - 30cm X
Pc 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00
xvii) Bolts, Nuts & Washers (Galvanised 4.6
Kg 230.00 230.00 230.00
xvii) Bolts, Nuts & Washers (Hotdip friction
Kg 310.00 310.00 310.00
High tensile friction grip nut bolts kg 310.00 310.00 310.00
Zinc Above 98.5% purity kg 222.00 222.00 222.00
Premix of Zinc amonium chloride kg 550.00 550.00 550.00
Hydraucloric acid Lit 38.00 38.00 38.00
56 e' ;+/If0f ;DjGwL sfo{
56.1 Grass Seeds
hO{ Kg 75.00 75.00 75.00
e]r Kg 150.00 150.00 150.00
g]kLo/ set 2.00 2.00 2.00
jl;{d Kg 175.00 175.00 175.00
3fF;sf] lap / cf}iflw lhNnf leq 9'jfgL ubf{ Kg 0.50 0.50 0.50
3fF;sf] lap lhNnf aflx/af6 9'jfgL ubf{ Kg 1.00 1.00 1.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
56.2 Vegitation/Shrubs Cuttings/Slip/Plants/etc.
cld|;f] set 5.00 5.50 5.00
+ L ufgf] set 10.00 10.00 10.00
+ L la?jf set 8.00 8.00 8.00
xf8{p8 sl6Ë;\ -a}+;_ k]lG;n ;fOh set 5.00 5.00 5.00
g]lko/ sl6Ë;\ set 2.00 3.00 2.00
NB 21 3fF; Slip 2.00 3.00 2.00
lgufnf] /fO{hf]d set 35.00 35.00 35.00
af;sf] a]gf{ -s6Lu /fO{hf]d+_ set 275.00 275.00
aflaof] tfOjfgL b'af] set 3.00 3.00 3.00
l;hgn km'n * OGr kf]nL uf]6f 25.00 25.00
u'nfkm km''n * OGr kf]nL uf]6f 150.00 150.00
x]h * OGr kf]nL uf]6f 30.00 30.00
sfk]6{ b'af] j=kmL= 30.00 30.00
sfk]{6 b'af] sf] nfuL 5fKg] sfo{sf] Hofnf j=kmL= 20.00 20.00
lgufnf] -h/f ;xLt_ uf]6f 10.00 10.00
:YffgLo :t/df pTkfbLt la/jf kmnkm'n afx]s uf]6f 5.00 5.00
uf]7] dn tof/L s]=hL= 3.00 3.00
8fn] 3f;sf] la/jf uf]6f 6.00 6.00
df]nf6f] la/jf uf]6f 2.00 2.00
g/Ljn 8f]]/L s]=hL= 90.00 90.00
gfOng 8f]/L s]=hL= 180.00 180.00
57 ag sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x?-sf7 nf]8 cgn]f8 tyf 9'jfgLcflb_
57.1 rL/fg sf7 nf]8 cgnf]8 So"=lkm= 11.00 15.00 15.00
uf]nLof sf7 nf]8 cgnf]8 So"=lkm= 16.50 20.00 20.00
bfp/f nf]8 r§f 2200.00 2420.00 2662.00
bfp/f cgnf]8 r§f 770.00 847.00 931.70
57.2 sf7 9'jfgL
) - % ls=dL= ;Dd_ So"=lkm= 17.00 20.00 20.00
% - !) ls=dL= ;Dd_ So"=lkm= 22.00 25.00 25.00
!) - !% ls=dL= ;Dd_ So"=lkm= 23.00 26.00 26.00
57.3 bfp/f 9'jfgL
) - % ls=dL= ;Dd_ r§f 3300.00 3630.00 3993.00
% - !) ls=dL= ;Dd_ r§f 3850.00 4235.00 4658.50
!) - !% ls=dL= ;Dd_ r§f 4150.00 4565.00 5021.50
kf]nLYfLg 6o'a $ Kjfn ePsf] @)) u]hsf] ljeLGg
s]=hL= 250.00 250.00

Page 48
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
7'nf lj?jf /f]kg -% b]lv !) kmL6_ k|tL lj?jf 100.00 110.00 121.00
cUnf lj?jf /f]kg -!) b]lv !% kmL6_ k|tL lj?jf 150.00 165.00 181.50
57.4 jg k}bfjf/ ;+sng tyf 3f6u2L vr{
1 ?v gDal/Ë÷5kfg÷An]hLË ug]{]-0.002 hgf
0 .83
. So'=lkm= )
2 9nfk8f ?v s6fg d'5fg
u/L lu08f kfg]{ - ).)$ hgf _
3 uf]lnof sf7 gDjl/Ë tyf gfk
k}dfO; - ).)* hgf _
4 af]qmf tf5\g] -cfjZostf cg';f/_ - ).))* hgf _ 3.32
5 ofl8{Ë ug]{ -le/fnf] ef}lulns
69.30 5
cj:yfdf dfq_ - ).!^& hgf _
6 uf]lnof sf7 nf]8 ug]{ - ).)#@ hgf _ 13.28
7 uf]lnof sf7 9'jfgL 3f6u2L ;Dd
27.80 5
- % ls=dL= b"/L;Dd_ - ).)^& hgf _
8 uf]lnof sf7 cgnf]8 ug]{ - ).)@! hgf _ 8.715
9 u|l] 8Ë cg';f/ 3f6u2L ug]{ - ).)@& hgf _ 11.20 5
s"n ;+sng vr{ - ).#&!hgf _ 153.97
bfp/f ;+s+ ng, 9'jfgL, r§f lgdf{0f -@) lkm x % lkm6 x % lkm6_
;+sng s6fg, d'5fg - ^.^^& r§f hfgf _ 2766.8
nf]8LË- %.### r§f hfgf _ 2213.2
9'jgL -% ls=dL=;Dd_- * r§f hfgf _ 3320
cgnf]l8Ë- @.^^& r§f hfgf _ 110 6.8
r§f lgdf{0f- @.^^& r§f hfgf _ 110 6.8
hDdf 10 514
58 lhNnf s[lif sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x?
58.1 lap
ux'+ s]=hL= 60 .0 0
ds} s]=hL= 80 .0 0
wfg s]=hL= 70 .0 0
tf]/L s]=hL= 250 .0 0
e6\df; s]=hL= 150 .0 0
sf]bf] s]=hL= 20 0 .0 0
58.2 vnvfb
o'l/of s]=hL= 4 0 .0 0
l8=P=kL= s]=hL= 60 .0 0
kf]6f; s]=hL= 4 0 .0 0
r'g s]=hL= 10 .0 0

Page 49
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
58.3 glthf k|bz{g - ! /f]kgL If]qkmn _
s ux'+ afnL
-cfjZos >f]t lap $ s]=hL=, o'l/of * /f]kgL !*$).))
s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= % s]=hL=, kf]6f; @ s]=hL=,
;fOg af]8{ ?= $)), ljiffbL ?= %))_
v ds} afnL
-pGgt k|dfl0ft lap ! s]=hL=, o'l/of % /f]kgL !$$).))
s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= # s]=hL=, kf]6f; @ s]=hL=,
;fOg af]8{ ?= $)), ljiffbL ?= %))_
u wfg afnL
-lap !=% s]=hL=, o'l/of ( s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= # /f]kgL !^^).))
s]=hL=, kf]6f; @ s]=hL=, ;fOg af]8{ ?= $)),
ljiffbL ?= %))_
58.4 pTkfbg k|bz{g - # /f]kgL If]qkmn _
s ux'+ afnL
-lap !@ s]=hL=, o'l/of @^ s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= #(^).))
!^ s]=hL=, kf]6f; ^ s]=hL=, ;fOg af]8{ ?=
%)), ljiffbL ?= %))_
v ds} afnL
-pGgt k|dfl0ft lap @ s]=hL=, o'l/of !% @%*).))
s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= ( s]=hL=, kf]6f; & s]=hL=,
;fOg af]8{ ?= %)), ljiffbL ?= %))_
u wfg afnL
-lap ^ s]=hL=, o'l/of @* s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= ( ##^).))
s]=hL=, kf]6f; & s]=hL=, ;fOg af]8{ ?= %)),
ljiffbL ?= %))_
3 tf]/L afnL
-lap !=% s]=hL=, o'l/of !$ s]=hL=, l8=P=kL= @(!%.))
!# s]=hL=, kf]6f; % s]=hL=, ;fOg af]8{ ?=
%)), ljiffbL ?= %))_
58.5 qmk sl6+u - HofdL Hofnf sl6+u _ @)).))
58.6 lah j[lb - %) k|ltzt d"n lap / k|dfl0ft
lapdf cg'bfg, 9'jfgLdf !)) k|ltzt cg'bfg
58.7 l;8 ls6
s tf]/L afnL
-lap )=% s]=hL=, sk8f y}nf Kofs]lh+u ?= #)_

Page 50
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
v ux+' afnL - If]qkmn !=% /f]kgL _
-lap $ s]=hL=, sk8f y}nf Kofs]lh+u ?= #)_
u ds} afnL - If]qkmn ! /f]kgL _
-lap ! s]=hL=, sk8f y}nf Kofs]lh+u ?= #)_
3 wfg afnL - If]qkmn ! /f]kgL _
-lap @ s]=hL=, sk8f y}nf Kofs]lh+u ?= #)_
ª e6\df; afnL - If]qkmn ! /f]kgL _ @%%.))
-lap !=% s]=hL=, sk8f y}nf Kofs]lh+u ?= #)_
r sf]bf] afnL - If]qkmn ! /f]kgL _
-lap @ s]=hL=, sk8f y}nf Kofs]lh+u ?= #)_

58.8 vfB afnL pTkfbg k|ltof]lutf

k|yd %))).))
lblto #))).))
t[lto @))).))
;fGTjgf %)).))
Aoj:yfkg vr{ #))).))
hDdf !#%)).))
58.9 sDkf]i6 dn tof/ kfg]{ k|ljlw k|bz{g
vf8n ;fOh– -@dL= !dL= !dL=_
-r'g' %s]=lh=, o'l/of # s]=lh=, l8=P=lk= @ s]=lh=, !(#).))
Knfli6s lz6 & dL=, ;fOg af]8{ ?= %))_
58.10 uf]7] dn d"q tof/ ug{] k|ljlw -esf/f] ;'wf/ _
d"q ;Íngsf nflu uf]7 ;'wf/ - lgdf{0f
;fdu|L h:t} O{6f, 9'Ëf, afn'jf, l;d]G6, l6g @))).))
Otoflb _
uf]7d] n vf8n, y'kf| ] dfly 5xf/L Joj:yfkg -
HofdL # hfgf _
Knfli6s 8«d -!)) nL= !uf]6f_ !%)).))
;fOg af]8{ %)).))
hDdf %@$%.))
58.11 s[lif r'g k|of]u k|bz{g - ! /f]kgL _
-r''g al9df @))s]=lh– ?= !$)), ;fOg @!)).))
af]8{ ?= %)), ljp ljhg ?= @))_

Page 51
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
58.12 d"q ;Íng tof/ ug{] k|of]u k|ljlw k|bz{g
Knfli6s 8«d -!)) nL= !uf]6f_ !%)).))
O{= Pd= ! nL=, ;'Id tTj OToflb !@).))
Knfli6s kGhf @)).))
;fOg af]8{ %)).))
lap lahg @)).))
hDdf @%@).))
58.13 Water Pump
2" koshin Honda water Pump(japnees) Pc 35500.00 35500.00 35500.00
3" koshin Honda water Pump(japnees) Pc 39500.00 39500.00 39500.00
2" koshin Robin water Pump(japnees) Pc 36125.00 36125.00 36125.00
3" koshin Robin water Pump(japnees) Pc 42200.00 42200.00 42200.00
bfg Pc 65000.00 65000.00 65000.00
2"kawama polawat(Thailand) Pc 29500.00 29500.00 29500.00
3"kawama polawat(Thailand) Pc 35500.00 35500.00 35500.00
Sunction Pipe 2.3" Ft. 145.00 145.00 145.00
Delevery pipe 2,3" kg. 245.00 245.00 245.00
Cotton Pipe 3" m. 365.00 365.00 365.00
58.14 Metal Bin
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 262 kg Set 2375.00 2375.00 2375.00
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 245 kg Set 2289.00 2289.00 2289.00
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 228 kg Set 2208.00 2208.00 2208.00
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 213 kg Set 2218.00 2218.00 2218.00
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 198 kg Set 2036.00 2036.00 2036.00

Metal Bin B-Set capacity 196 kg Set 2013.00 2013.00 2013.00

Metal Bin B-Set capacity 184 kg Set 1932.00 1932.00 1932.00
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 170 kg Set 1863.00 1863.00 1863.00
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 160 kg Set 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 148 kg Set 1725.00 1725.00 1725.00

Metal Bin C-Set capacity 148 kg Set 1725.00 1725.00 1725.00

Metal Bin C-Set capacity 136 kg Set 1650.00 1650.00 1650.00
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 124 kg Set 1593.00 1593.00 1593.00
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 112 kg Set 1547.00 1547.00 1547.00
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 75 kg Set 1259.00 1259.00 1259.00
58.15 d';fsf] vf]/ uf]6f 200.00 200.00 200.00

Page 52
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
Heavy equipment k|of]u u/L
ljeLGg k|sf/sf] df6f] tyf r6fg sf6g] sfo{
;a} k|sf/sf] df6f] sf6g] sfo{df -BMS 3=dL= 58.00 67 73.37
59.2 dWod k|sf/sf] r6fg sf6g] sfo{ 3=dL= - 403 443.30
59.3 s8f k|sf/sf] r6fg sf6g] sfo{ -Breaker
3=dL= - 604 664.40
;d]t k|of]u u/]/_
60 Concrete Piller (Size 4"*4")
Length 7' uf]6f 700.00 770 808.50
Length 5' uf]6f 350.00 385 404.25
Length 3' uf]6f 175.00 193 202.13
61 Sheet pilling work :
Providing, preparing and installing of
piling of ms pipe and sheets false work
Sq.m. 2375.94 2614 2614.00
including necessary supports and
removing after completion for
foundation ,basement and shear wall
62 Readymade RCC Door, Window and
Ventilation Frames ( 4"x2.75") of 1:1:1
Rft 200.00
concrete design safety plate all complete
( " ) arc frame semi circular Rft 400.00

Page 53
Table of Contents
Description Page no.
From To

s ;LeLn - CIVIL PART )

1 ljleGg lsl;dsf] O{+6f 1
2 Sn] 6fonx? 1
3 9'u+ fsf] sfd 1 2
4 ljleGg k|sf/sf] afn'jf 2
5 qm;/af6 pTkflbt /f]8f 2
6 km'6fn]sf] 9'Ëfsf] lu§L 2
7 ;8ssf] Sub-base/base course sf nflu k|of]u ul/g] lgdf{0f ;fdfu|L 2
8 ljleGg ;fOhsf vf]nfsf] Screening u/]sf] Gravel 2
9 lkmN6/ ;fdfu|L 2
10 ;8s sfnf] kq] ug]{ sfdsf] nfuL 3
11 ljleGg sDkgLaf6 pTkflbt l;d]G6x? 3
12 Ready made Premix Concrete 4
13 kmnfdsf] 808Lx? M 4
14 ljleGg lsl;dsf sf7x? 4 5
15 Wooden Parquet Flooring 5
16 ljleGg df]6fO{sf] KnfOp8x? 6 7
17 Prelaminated Particle Board 8 9
18 Other HardBoard/ Sunmica & Formaica) 9
Iron Square Pipe/Black Pipe/Channel/ Angle/I-Beam/Black
Sheet/MS Plate 9
20 G.I. Wire 9 10
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, mechanically selvedged double Twist
21 wire mesh sf] u]ljog jfs; 10 12
22 Barbed Wire -sfF9t] f/_ 12

;fbf tyf /+lug h:tf kftf (Plain/Corrugated Galvanized/Colour

23 Iron Sheet) 12 15
24 Carbon Fibre UPVC Roofing Sheet 15
25 PNd'lgod Kn]g l;6 15
26 ljleGg k|sf/sf] hfnLx? (Netting) 15
27 kmnfdaf6 lgld{t ;fdfgx? 16
28 Glass ;L;f 16
29 Corrugated/Plain Fiber Glass Sheet 17
30 em\ofn 9f]sfdf nfUg] Fixture x? 17 20
Description Page no.
31 lalaw ;fdfu|Lx? 20 21
Description Page no.
32 :6]gn]; :6Ln kfOk 21
33 dfa{n lrK; 21 22
34 dfa{n -Marble) 22
35 Porcelain Glazed/Terrazo Mosaic Tiles 23
36 Plaster of Parish (POP) 23
37 /+u/f]ugsf ;fdfgx? 24 25
38 Wall Paper 25
39 Eradication of peepal & other plants 25
40 Gypsum board 25 26
Calcium Silicate Board supplying & fitting all complete
41 work 25 26
42 Interlocking Cement Concrete Block 26 27
43 5fgfdf 6fOnsf] j'§f sf6\g] / kfgL k§L sfo{ 27
44 Heritage Wall Surface Texture (Interior and Exterior) 28
45 UPVC Profile Door and Window/ Wall partition 28 29
46 Aerocon/Rapicon prefab Panel for Partition wall 29
47 Aluminium & Steel Door & Windos 30 31
Aluminium Composite Panel Sheet supplying & and fitting
48 all complete work 31
49 Water proofing (chemicals & Tretment)works 32 52
Carbon/glass Fiber lamination, wrapping fo retrofitting
50 and strengthening 52 53

51 k/Dk/fut lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx? M– 53 56

52 Security System 56
53 Equipment Hired Rate Based on DoR 57 61
54 Road furniture/goods/other materials from DoR 61
55 Bridge Materials 62
56 e' ;+/If0f ;DjGwL sfo{ 63

57 ag sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x?-sf7 nf]8 cgn]f8 tyf 9'jfgLcflb_ 63 64

58 lhNnf s[ifL sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x? 64
59 8f]h/ af6 ;a}ks| f/sf] df6f] sf6g] sfo{ 65
60 Concrete Piller 65
61 Sheet pilling work 65
cf=j= )&)÷&! sf]nflu eQmk'/ lhNnfleq >ldsx?sf] b}lgs Hofnf b//]6
l;= g+= Hofnf b//]6 k|ltlbg
sfdbf/x?sf] lja/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
1 HofdL - >lds _ ,, 350 375 415
2 el/of - $) s]=hL= tf}n;Dd _ ,, 350 375 415
bIf 8sdL,{ l;sdL{, gsdL{, lrqsf/, ,,
3 50 0 525 600
4 cw{bIf, 8sdL{, l;sdL{ , gsdL{, lrqsf/ 4 20 440 485

5 bIf KnDa/ , Anfs:dLy, On]S6«Ll;og 50 0 525 600

6 cw{bIf KnDa/, Jnfs:dLy, On]S6«fl] ;og 4 20 440 485

7 d]sflgS; ,, 370 390 430

8 x]Nk/ d]sflgS; ,, 325 34 0 365
9 nfO6 e]lxsn 8«fOe/ ,, 325 34 0 375
10 x]eL e]lxsn 8«fOe/, 6«s 8«fOe/ ,, 34 5 360 400
11 x]eL OSo'Kd]G6M Ps:sfe]6/, /f]n/ ck|]6/, 380 395 435

12 ;xfos kl/rfns ,, 310 330 365

13 cf/fjfnf ,, 440 4 60 505

14 9'Ëf / sf7 a'§f sf6\g] ;fwf/0f d"lt{sf/ ,, 50 0 525 600

15 ;fOSnf]:6fOn 6]«l;Ë , Pdf]lgof lk|G6LË kmf]/d]g ,, 375 390 430

16 lgdf{0f sfo{sf] SofDk js{/ ,, 335 350 385

17 ;'k/efOh/, Jnf:6/ ,, 34 5 360 400
d]sflgS;, sflnu8 , l8«n/, kmf]6f]u|flkmS;
18 ,, 34 5 360 400
19 ;]So'/]6L uf8{ ,, 34 0 360 400
20 gfO6 jfrd]g ,, 34 0 360 400
21 clkm; cl;:6]G6 ,, 315 330 365
22 ;e{]o/ 50 0 525 600
23 ;e{] x]Nk/ ,, 315 330 365

r]g Dofg, 6]k Dofg, :6fkm Dofg, 315 34 5 380
l8«n x]Nk/, 6«s x]Nk/, ;o;
25 :jLk/, d]xQ/ hjfg 290 310 345
26 ;fwf/0f d]l;g ck|6] /, jfo/ afO08/ ,, 380 395 435

l;= g+= Hofnf b//]6 k|ltlbg
sfdbf/x?sf] lja/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
27 j]N8/ ;xfos ,, 315 330 365

l;= g+= Hofnf b//]6 k|ltlbg
sfdbf/x?sf] lja/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

28 ;a OlGhlgo/, 8«fk\m6 d]g, cldg 50 0 525 600

29 c= ;a OlGhlgo/, 8«fˆ6d]g, cldg, ,, 40 0 4 25 470

30 lkr :k|]o/ ,, 360 385 425

31 lkr Jofon/ ,, 360 385 425
32 dfnL ,, 250 260 318
33 wf]jL ,, 260 275 318
34 Nofj 6]lSgl;og ,, 440 4 65 515
35 Nofj cl;:6]G6 ,, 390 4 10 450
36 jg x]/fn', rf}lsbf/ ,, 250 265 318
37 lrqsf/, cfl6{:6 ,, 4 70 4 95 550
38 l;lgo/ 6fO{lki6÷sDKo'6/ cK/]6/ ,, 4 70 4 95 550
39 h'lgo/ 6fO{lki6÷sDKo'6/ cK/]6/ ,, 40 0 4 25 470

40 v+bn
] -vfgL ;DaGwL sfd ug{] sfdbf/_ ,, 365 390 430

57 /g/ ,, 30 0 320 355

59 cjfn] 4 75 50 0 550
60 nf]8/÷cgnf]8/ sfdbf/ ,, 350 375 415
61 l;lgo/ ;'k/efO{h/ ,, 440 4 65 515
62 h'lgo/ ;'k/efO{h/ ,, 40 0 4 25 470
63 s[lif dhb'/ ,, 30 0 330
64 9n ;kmf ug]{ sfdbf/ ,, 4 75
65 gbL lg/LIfs ,, 4 70
;8ssf] sfdsf] nflu
68 /f]8 n]Gy js{/ ,, 350 375 415
70 Kofr js{/ -lbp;f] sfd ug]_{ ,, 34 5 360 400

71 Kofr js{/ - /fqL ;dodf sfd ug]{ _ ,, 445 4 75 525

Kofr js{/- lbp;f] sf] ;dodf sfd ,, 365 390 430
ug]_{ ;'k/efOh/ ;/x

Kofr js{/ - /fqL ;dodf sfd ug]{ _ ,, 4 65 4 95 550
;'k/efOh/ ;/x
74 Social mobilizer -v/Lbf/ ;/x_ 40 0 4 25 465

u0fs |Enumerator -Go'gtd P;=Pn=;L jf ;f] 34 0 360 400

l;= g+= Hofnf b//]6 k|ltlbg
sfdbf/x?sf] lja/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!

l;= g+= Hofnf b//]6 k|ltlbg
sfdbf/x?sf] lja/0f PsfO{ cf=j= cf=j= cf=j= s}lkmot
)^*÷^( )^(÷&) )&)÷&!
76 ;lhnf] ;fdfg 9'jfgL sfo{
76.1 6\saf6 lkr af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ 2.50
76.2 6\saf6 sRrL af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ ,, 3.45

6\ofS6/ . ldgL 6s af6 lkr af6f]df 2.75
9'jfgL ug]{
6\ofS6/. ldgL 6\saf6 sRrL af6f]df 3.75
9'jfgL ug]{
76.5 el/of af6 - k}bn _;fdfg 9'j' ffgL s]=hL=. Sf]z 2.25
77 c;lhnf] ;fdfg 9'jfgL sfo{ -
, Steel , Iron Pipes,
Reinforcement Bars , Rcc Rings
,Glasses ,CGI sheet , I- Beams ,
Pole, Gabion box , Barbared
wire, Bridge Special material
77.1 6\saf6 lkr af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ 3.60
77.2 6\saf6 sRrL af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ ,, 4.05

6\ofS6/ . ldgL 6\s af6 lkr af6f]df 4.10
9'jfgL ug]{

6\ofS6/. ldgL 6\saf6 sRrL af6f]df 4.45
9'jfgL ug]{
77.5 el/of af6 - k}bn _;fdfg 9'j' ffgL s]=hL=. Sf]z 3.00
78 clt c;lhnf] ;fdfg 9'jfgL sfo{
-Hume Pipe, Electric pole etc.)
78.1 6\saf6 lkr af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ 3.60 5.00
78.2 6\saf6 sRrL af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ ,, 4.05 6.00
78.3 ldgL 6\saf6 lkr af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ ,, 4.10 5.50
78.4 ldgL6\saf6 sRrL af6f]df 9'jfgL ug]{ ,, 4.45 6.50

Electrical Works
Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
1 Dyana White Plate series SWITCH
1 One Gang one way switch ;]6 50.44 50.44 50.44
2 One Gang two way switch ;]6 57.60 57.60 57.60
3 One way bell switch ;]6 60.00 60.00 60.00
4 Two gang one way switch ,, 86.40 86.40 86.40
5 Two gang one way switch with one bell push ,, 89.60 89.60 89.60
6 Two gang Full two way switch ,, 89.60 89.60 89.60
7 Three Gang one way switch ,, 110.40 110.40 110.40
8 Four gang one way switch ,, 134.40 134.40 134.40
9 Six gang one way switch ,, 220.80 220.80 220.80
10 Eight gang one way switch ,, 264.00 264.00 264.00
11 Dimmer single 300 watt ,, 252.00 252.00 252.00
12 Dimmer single 750 watt ,, 376.99 376.99 376.99
13 5 Step humming free dimmer ,, 514.16 514.16 514.16
14 16Amp 3 Pin Plug Top ,, 76.00 76.00 76.00
15 1 switch with dimmer ,, 353.60 353.60 353.60
6/16 Amp , 2/3 Pin Power sockets with switch
16 ,, 108.00 108.00 108.00
& indicator
6/16 Amp , Power sockets with switch ,
17 ,, 108.00 108.00 108.00
indicator & safety shutter
20/25 A Single phase A.C. motor Starter with
18 ,, 360.00 360.00 360.00
6/16 Amp safty shutter power socket
32A D.P. switch with fuse & indicator Surface
19 ,, 136.80 136.80 136.80
6 Gang ( 86 mm x 220 mm ) switch 2/3 pin
switch socket shuttered socket & 2 nos.
20 ;]6 872.00 872.00 872.00
Humming free 5 steps fan dimmer with
21 Blanking plate single ,, 36.00 36.00 36.00
22 Telephone socket single ,, 100.80 100.80 100.80
23 Telephone socket Double 141.60 141.60 141.60
24 Angle / bottom holder ,, 33.60 33.60 33.60
25 Ceiling Rose ,, 33.60 33.60 33.60
26 Buzzer ,, 94.40 94.40 94.40
27 Musical bell ,, 216.00 216.00 216.00
28 T.V.antena single Socket " 68.14 68.14 68.14
29 6A 2/3 Pin unshuttered multi switch socket " 110.40 110.40 110.40
30 RJ 45 Computer Socket for modem " 152.00 152.00 152.00

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1 31 CAT-5 Computer Socket for modem " 312.00 312.00 312.00

Flush Mounting metallic Box for Plate Series
32 switch / socket(78mm x 78mm x 50mm) " 34.00 34.00 34.00
Flush Mounting metallic Box for Plate Series
33 " 61.00 61.00 61.00
switch / socket 78 x 140 x 50
Flush Mounting metallic Box for Plate Series
34 " 95.00 95.00 95.00
switch / socket 78 x205 x 50
35 Switch / socket outlet, Plate series
having round switch buttons & white
sorrounding plate, suitable to fix on box size
3"x3" . ORANGE, CLIPSAL, or Equivalent
1 10A 1gang 1way Switch Set 81.00 81.00 81.00
2 10A 2gang 1way Switch Set 158.00 158.00 158.00
3 10A 3gang 1way Switch " 210.00 210.00 210.00
4 10A 4gang 1way Switch " 340.00 340.00 340.00
5 10A 5gang 1way Switch " 360.00 360.00 360.00
6 10A 6gang 1way Switch " 599.00 599.00 599.00
7 10A 1gang 2way Switch " 140.00 140.00 140.00
8 10A 2gang 2way Switch " 270.00 270.00 270.00
9 10A 3gang 2way Switch " 395.00 395.00 395.00
10 10A 4gang 2way Switch " 595.00 595.00 595.00
11 T V Socket outlet " 290.00 290.00 290.00
12 Telephone Socket " 260.00 260.00 260.00
13 13A Universal socket outlet " 450.00 450.00 450.00
14 13A Socket " 265.00 265.00 265.00
15 15A switched Socket outlet " 430.00 430.00 430.00
16 5A Socket " 330.00 330.00 330.00
17 RJ 45 8way Computer Socket " 800.00 800.00 800.00
2 Modular Type Switch Socket set
ISI Equivalent
Seperate Module for Modular Switch &
1 1P – 6A 1 way switch No. 140.00 140.00 140.00
2 1P – 6A 1 way switch Luminous " 160.00 160.00 160.00
3 1P – 16A 1 way switch " 230.00 230.00 230.00
4 1P – 16A 1 way switch Luminous " 290.00 290.00 290.00
5 1P – 25A 1 way switch " 336.00 336.00 336.00
6 1P – 25A 1 way switch Luminous " 424.00 424.00 424.00
7 1P – 6A 2 way switch " 162.00 162.00 162.00
8 1P – 16A 2 way switch " 336.00 336.00 336.00
9 1P – 6A push button " 176.00 176.00 176.00
10 1P – 6A push button Luminous " 280.00 280.00 280.00

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11 1 gang blanking module " 40.00 40.00 40.00
2 12 2 gang blanking module " 80.00 80.00 80.00
13 Step type fan regulator No. 672.00 672.00 672.00
14 60 – 500 W dimmer " 880.00 880.00 880.00
15 1000 W dimmer " 1,120.00 1,120.00 1,120.00
16 6A – multi socket 5 pin No. 176.00 176.00 176.00
17 6/16A twin socket 3 pin (flushed) " 240.00 240.00 240.00
18 6/16A twin socket 3 pin (projected) " 240.00 240.00 240.00
19 25A 3 pin socket " 336.00 336.00 336.00
20 13A 3 pin socket " 260.00 260.00 260.00
21 RJ 11 telephone jack " 128.00 128.00 128.00
22 RJ 45 cat.5e computer socket " 640.00 640.00 640.00
23 TV socket " 128.00 128.00 128.00
24 250V/110V shaver socket No. 992.00 992.00 992.00
25 1P 25A energy key tag switch " 600.00 600.00 600.00
26 Tag for energy key tag " 128.00 128.00 128.00
27 Indicator (DO NOT DISTUURB) " 168.00 168.00 168.00
28 6A IW, SP luminous switch ( " ) " 264.00 264.00 264.00
29 Unit (Indicator + switch) (") " 432.00 432.00 432.00
30 Indicator (ROOM OCCUPIED) " 168.00 168.00 168.00
31 6A IW, SP luminous switch ( " ) " 264.00 264.00 264.00
32 Unit (Indicator + switch) (") " 432.00 432.00 432.00
33 Indicator (MAKE MY ROOM CLEAN) " 168.00 168.00 168.00
34 6A IW, SP luminous switch ( ") " 264.00 264.00 264.00
35 Unit (Indicator + switch) (") " 432.00 432.00 432.00
36 25A time delay card operated electronic switch " 1,760.00 1,760.00 1,760.00
37 Audio volume controller " 312.00 312.00 312.00
38 LED yellow night lamp " 544.00 544.00 544.00
39 LED Blue night lamp " 544.00 544.00 544.00
40 1 module front plate No. 56.00 56.00 56.00
41 2 module front plate " 56.00 56.00 56.00
42 3 module front plate " 72.00 72.00 72.00
43 4 module front plate " 80.00 80.00 80.00
44 6 module front plate " 104.00 104.00 104.00
45 8 module front plate(4+4) " 112.00 112.00 112.00
46 8 module front plate (Horizontal) " 112.00 112.00 112.00
47 12 module front plate " 144.00 144.00 144.00
48 1 module front plate No. 288.00 288.00 288.00

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49 2 module front plate " 272.00 272.00 272.00
2 50 3 module front plate " 304.00 304.00 304.00
51 4 module front plate " 336.00 336.00 336.00
52 6 module front plate " 384.00 384.00 384.00
53 8 module front plate(4+4) " 544.00 544.00 544.00
54 8 module front plate (Horizontal) " 544.00 544.00 544.00
55 12 module front plate " 672.00 672.00 672.00
56 1 module front plate No. 592.00 592.00 592.00
57 2 module front plate " 560.00 560.00 560.00
58 3 module front plate " 624.00 624.00 624.00
59 4 module front plate " 672.00 672.00 672.00
60 6 module front plate " 752.00 752.00 752.00
61 8 module front plate(4+4) " 832.00 832.00 832.00
62 8 module front plate (Horizontal) " 832.00 832.00 832.00
63 12 module front plate " 1,040.00 1,040.00 1,040.00
64 1 module support for plate No. 48.00 48.00 48.00
65 2 module support for plate " 48.00 48.00 48.00
66 3 module support for plate " 56.00 56.00 56.00
67 4 module support for plate " 64.00 64.00 64.00
68 6 module support for plate " 96.00 96.00 96.00
69 8 module support for plate (4+4) " 128.00 128.00 128.00
70 10 module support for plate (Horizontal) " 128.00 128.00 128.00
71 12 module support for plate " 160.00 160.00 160.00
3 Flush mounting galvanized Metal box
for modular type switch & socket
1module metal box having
1 ;]6 50.00 50.00 50.00
L x B x Depth =(78x78x45)mm

2 2 module " " = (78x78x45)mm ,, 50.00 50.00 50.00

3 3 gang " " " =(78x100x45)mm ,, 54.00 54.00 54.00
4 4 gang " " =(78x140x50)mm ,, 66.00 66.00 66.00

5 5 gang " " =(78x205x50)mm ,, 130.00 130.00 130.00

6 6 gang " " =(78x205x50)mm ,, 132.00 132.00 132.00

8 module metal box (4+4)
7 " 176.00 176.00 176.00
8 module metal box (Horizontal)
8 " 176.00 176.00 176.00
9 12 module metal box =(135x120x60)mm " 224.00 224.00 224.00
10 TV socket metal box ,, 50.00 50.00 50.00

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11 Telephone socket metal box ,, 50.00 50.00 50.00
4 Junction Box
A) METAL Junction BOX
1 4"×4" uf]6f 96.80 96.80 96.80
2 4"×6" ,, 145.20 145.20 145.20
3 6"×8" ,, 229.90 229.90 229.90
4 8"×10" ,, 338.80 338.80 338.80
5 8"×12" ,, 338.80 338.80 338.80
B) PVC Junction Box ,, 32.67 32.67 32.67
1 4"×4" uf]6f
2 4"×6" ,, 30.00 30.00 30.00
3 6"×8" ,, 45.00 45.00 45.00
4 8"×10" ,, 65.00 65.00 65.00
5 8" x12" ,, 125.00 125.00 125.00
Junction box cover ,, 140.00 140.00 140.00
5 PVC Listy Double Lock { 6'length =1
1 ½ " breadth uf]6f 30.00 30.00 30.00
2 ¾" ,, 45.00 45.00 45.00
3 1" ,, 65.00 65.00 65.00
4 11/2” ,, 125.00 125.00 125.00
5 2" ,, 140.00 140.00 140.00
6 PVC Conduit Pipe
1 1) ½ " diameter /=dL 30.00 30.00 30.00
2 2) ¾" ,, 45.00 45.00 45.00
3 3) 1" ,, 65.00 65.00 65.00
7 Listy Pipe Accessories
1 ½"–2" size Saddle /=dL 7.70 7.70 7.70
2 Grips (Denmark) uf]6f 5.50 5.50 5.50
3 Steel screws uf]6f 1.50 1.50 1.50
4 PVC Tape uf]6f 15.00 15.00 15.00
8 Distribution board (DB) With busbar Neutral
link Earth bar and Din Rail Conforming
IS13032 , IS8632,Powder coated 14SWG
CRCA sheet steel housing housing.
Geco,North west, C&S or Equivalent

1 4 way SPN DB Double Cover ;]6 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00

2 6 way SPN DB " " Æ 1,102.40 1,102.40 1,102.40
3 8 way SPN DB " " Æ 1,374.40 1,374.40 1,374.40

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4 12 way SPN DB " " Æ 1,630.40 1,630.40 1,630.40
5 16 way SPN DB " " Æ 1,742.40 1,742.40 1,742.40
8 6 3-4 way TPN DB Double Cover Æ 2,590.40 2,590.40 2,590.40
7 6 way TPN " " " Æ 2,910.40 2,910.40 2,910.40
8 8 way TPN " " " Vertical Æ 5,630.40 5,630.40 5,630.40
9 12 way TPN " " " Vertical Æ 7,502.40 7,502.40 7,502.40
10 50 Pair Telephone D.B.with crown tag Æ 5,287.00 5,287.00 5,287.00
9 PVC Box for MCB
1 1-pole PVC box GPS ;]6 78.40 78.40 78.40
2 2- pole PVC " " Æ 78.40 78.40 78.40
3 3 and 4-pole PVC " " Æ 126.40 126.40 126.40
10 Miniature Circuits Breaker (MCB) , C&S,
Geco,North west, legrand or
16–32 amp MCB SP (single pole) uf]6f 160.00 160.00 160.00
6–32 amp MCB DP (Double pole)
2 Æ 700.00 700.00 700.00
36–32 amp MCB TP (Triple pole) Æ 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
32 amp MCB TPN
4 Æ 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
40–63 amp MCB DP
5 Æ 900.00 900.00 900.00
640–63 amp MCB TP Æ 1,375.00 1,375.00 1,375.00
740–63 amp MCB TPN Æ 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
11 ISOLATOR C&S, Geco,North west or
1 40 Amp Isolator Single Pole uf]6f 222.40 222.40 222.40
2 63 Amp Isolator Single Pole Æ 270.40 270.40 270.40
3 100 Amp Isolator Single Pole Æ 366.40 366.40 366.40
4 125 Amp Isolator Single Pole Æ 366.40 366.40 366.40
5 40 Amp Isolator Double Pole uf]6f 462.40 462.40 462.40
6 63 Amp Isolator double Pole Æ 526.40 526.40 526.40
7 100 Amp Isolator double Pole Æ 718.40 718.40 718.40
8 125 Amp Isolator double Pole Æ 718.40 718.40 718.40
9 40 Amp Isolator TriplePole uf]6f 622.40 622.40 622.40
10 63 Amp Isolator Triple Pole Æ 782.40 782.40 782.40
11 100 Amp Isolator Triple Pole Æ 1,102.40 1,102.40 1,102.40
12 125 Amp Isolator Triple Pole Æ 1,102.40 1,102.40 1,102.40
13 40 Amp Isolator Four Pole uf]6f 846.40 846.40 846.40
14 63 Amp Isolator Four Pole Æ 1,038.40 1,038.40 1,038.40
15 100 Amp Isolator Four Pole Æ 1,358.40 1,358.40 1,358.40
16 125 Amp Isolator Four Pole Æ 1,358.40 1,358.40 1,358.40

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12 Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB)
C&S, Geco,North west or ISI marked Eqv.
1 25A to 40A ,(30mA,100,300mA) DP RCCB uf]6f 2,670.40 2,670.40 2,670.40
2 63A 30mA DP RCCB Æ 3,182.40 3,182.40 3,182.40
12 3 63A 100mA DP RCCB Æ 2,926.40 2,926.40 2,926.40
4 63A 300mA DP RCCB Æ 2,974.40 2,974.40 2,974.40
5 25A to 40A ,(30mA,100,300mA) FP RCCB Æ 3,278.40 3,278.40 3,278.40
6 63A 30mA Four Pole RCCB Æ 3,598.40 3,598.40 3,598.40
7 63A 100mAFour Pole RCCB Æ 3,598.40 3,598.40 3,598.40
8 63A 300mA Four Pole RCCB Æ 3,598.40 3,598.40 3,598.40
13 Miniature circuit Brakets 5SX4 (MCB)
Siemens,GE,Legrand or Equivalent
a 0.5-4 AMP MCB 10 KA single pole ;]6 429.00 471.90 471.90
b 6-32 AMP MCB 10 KA single pole ,, 264.00 290.40 290.40
c 6-32 AMP MCB 10 KA single pole ,, 584.00 642.40 642.40
40 AMP MCB 10 KA single pole ,, 698.00 698.00
d 0.5 -4 AMP MCB Doble pole ,, 1,111.00 1,222.10 1,222.10
e 6-32 AMP MCB " " ,, 1,210.00 1,331.00 1,331.00
f 40A MCB DP ,, 1,222.00 1,344.20 1,344.20
g 63A MCB DP ,, 1,375.00 1,512.50 1,512.50
h 0.5-4 AMP MCB Triple pole ,, 1,909.00 2,099.90 2,099.90
i 6-32 AMP MCB " " ,, 1,430.00 1,573.00 1,573.00
j 40 AMP MCB " " ,, 1,760.00 1,936.00 1,936.00
k 50 AMP MCB " " ,, 1,870.00 2,057.00 2,057.00
l 63 AMP MCB " " ,, 1,980.00 2,178.00 2,178.00
6A to 32 A MCB Triple pole with neutral
m ,, 1,579.00 1,736.90 1,736.90
Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (GE ,
Seimens, Legrand or Equivalent)
a 16AMP- 63AMP TP MCCB 16KA 5,594.40 5,594.40
b 80AMP TP MCCB 16KA 6,147.00 6,147.00
c 100AMP TP MCCB 16KA 6,147.00 6,147.00
d 125AMP TP MCCB 16KA 7,875.00 7,875.00
e 160AMP TP MCCB 16KA 9,675.00 9,675.00
f 16AMP- 63AMP TP MCCB 25KA 6,192.00 6,192.00
g 80AMP TP MCCB 25KA 6,840.00 6,840.00
h 100AMP TP MCCB 25KA 6,840.00 6,840.00
i 125AMP TP MCCB 25KA 11,250.00 11,250.00
j 160AMP TP MCCB 25KA 13,050.00 13,050.00
k 200AMP TP MCCB 25KA(Adjustable) 21,150.00 21,150.00
l 200AMP TP MCCB 35KA(Adjustable) 22,950.00 22,950.00

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m 250AMP TP MCCB 35KA(Adjustable) 27,360.00 27,360.00
n 400AMP TP MCCB 50KA(Adjustable) 39,150.00 39,150.00
o 630AMP TP MCCB 50KA(Adjustable) 49,950.00 49,950.00
p 800AMP TP MCCB 50KA(Adjustable) 62,100.00 62,100.00

14 Switch Gear ISI or equivalent.

a 16 AMP 415 DP Rewirable Main switch uf]6f 335/- 335/- 335/-

b 32 AM 415V DP ,, ,, ,, 850/- 850/- 850/-

c 63 AMP 415V ,, ,, ,, ,, 2300/- 2300/- 2300/-
d 100 AMP 415v ,, ,, ,, 4400/- 4400/- 4400/-
e 16 AMP 415 V DP HRC ,, 990.00 990.00 990.00
f 32 AMP 415V DP ,, ,, ,, 1,430.00 1,430.00 1,430.00
g 63 AMP 415v DP ,, ,, ,, 3,190.00 3,190.00 3,190.00
h 100AMP 415V DP ,, ,, uf]6f 6150/- 6150/- 6150/-
i 200 AMP 415V ,, ,, ,, 8850/- 8850/- 8850/-
j 16 AMP 415V TP HRC ,, 1,230.00 1,230.00 1,230.00
k 32 AMP 4/5 TP HRc ,, ,, 1,760.00 1,760.00 1,760.00
l AMP 415V TP HRc ,, ,, 4,930.00 4,930.00 4,930.00
m 100AMP 415V ,, ,, 7,040.00 7,040.00 7,040.00
n 200 AMP 415 ,, ,, ,, 9,790.00 9,790.00 9,790.00
o 300 AMP 415V ,, ,, ,, 12,540.00 12,540.00 12,540.00
p 400 AMP 415V ,, ,, 17,600.00 17,600.00 17,600.00
q 16AMP 415V Change over switch ,, 500/- 500/- 500/-
r 32AMP 415V ,, ,, 1250/- 1250/- 1250/-
s 63AMP 415 ,, ,, 3200/- 3200/- 3200/-
100 AMP 415V Changeover switch4
t pole open execution C&S,GECO, Legrand ,, 9,360.00 9,360.00 9,360.00
or eqv
160 AMP 415V Changeover switch4
u ,, 14,670.00 14,670.00 14,670.00
pole open execution C&S , GECO,or eqv
200 AMP 415V Changeover switch4
v ,, 17,680.00 17,680.00 17,680.00
pole open execution C&S,GECO or eqv
w 63AMP 415V Bus Bar Chamber ,, 2737/- 2737/- 2737/-
x 100 AMP 415V ,, ,, 4187/- 4187/- 4187/-
y 200 AMP 415V ,, ,, 5160/- 5160/- 5160/-
z 300 AMP 415V ,, ,, 6232/- 6232/- 6232/-
15 GENERAL FITTINGS complete set with all accessories. Homedec Decon ,GE

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Dome light -- -- --
i 6" Milky type decorative dome light ;]6 175 175 175
ii 6 " Brass base decorative dome light ,, 715 715 715
iii 8"Milky type decorative dome light
,, 220 220 220
iv 8 " Brass base decorative dome light ,, 850 850 850
15 8" Silver cast Milky base Decorative
v ,, 1,075 1,075 1,075
Dome Light
6) 8" Silver cast Black Base base
vi ,, 550 550 550
Decorative Dome Light
Decorative Ceiling luminary with round
opal cover suitable for housing the one
vii number of CFL lamp of 9W /13W/18W ,, 1,178.00 1,178.00 1,178.00
including CFL (Surface Mounting Dome
Bulk Head
viii Wall bracket/spout light/mirror light bulk ,, 225.00 225.00 225.00
Wall bracket/spot light/mirror light /bulk
ix ,, 350.00 350.00 350.00
head medium decorative.
Wall bracket/spout light/mirror light / bulk
x ,, 800.00 800.00 800.00
head best quality with 11/13W CFL
1 x 11/13 watt CFL DOWN LIGHT with
xi reflector & diffuser (conceal light) ,, 940.00 940.00 940.00
Complete Set
1 x 18 watt CFL Down light with reflector
xii ,, 1,470.00 1,470.00 1,470.00
& diffuser (conceal light) Complete Set
xiii Dining lamp. ,, 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00
xiv Chandlers 6-8 lamp Medium ,, 14,650.00 14,650.00 14,650.00
xv Chandlers 3-5 lamp Medium ,, 10,450.00 10,450.00 10,450.00
xvi Mirror Light Euro Light ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00

xvii Picture light Euro Light POO2 ,, 650.00 650.00 650.00

xviii Wall spot Light E27 60W Euro or eqv. ,, 350.00 350.00 350.00

xix Exit Light safety sign(8.24)W ;]6 800.00 800.00 800.00

Post top Lanterns Wippro,GE,C&S or Equivalent

Bollard Garden light small Size with CFL

xx ,choke & clear polycarbonate dome all ,, 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
complete set prewired upto terminal block

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Bollard Garden light medium Size with
xxi CFL ,choke & clear polycarbonate dome ,, 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
all complete set prewired upto terminal
15 Bollard Garden light Full Size with CFL
xxii ,choke & clear polycarbonate dome all ,, 3,375.00 3,375.00 3,375.00
complete set prewired upto terminal
xxiii 8'' Globe type Post top Lamp complete set ,, 1,375.00 1,375.00 1,375.00

xxiv 10'' Globe type Post top Lamp complete set ,, 2,625.00 2,625.00 2,625.00

Roadway light luminaires Wippro,GE,C&S or Equivalent

XX 1 x 36 W FTL street light fixture with acrylic
,, 2,560.00 2,560.00 2,560.00
V diffuser complete set
2 x 36 W FTL street light fixture with acrylic
XXVI ,, 3,755.00 3,755.00 3,755.00
diffuser complet set
XXVI 300/500 watt halogen weather proof FLOOD
,, 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
LIGHT with glass cover Complete set
XXVI 1000 watt halogen weather proof flood light
,, 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
with glass cover Complete set
150 watt HPSV weather proof flood light with
XXIV ,, 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
glass cover lamp Complete Set
XXV 250 watt HPSV weather proof flood light with
,, 11050/- 11050/- 11050/-
i glass cover lamp Complete Set
Single Piece deep drawn aluminum POT
optics road light luminaries with clear acrylic
xxvii ;]6 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00
cover 70W HPSV lamp etc. complete with all
2X18W CFL-4 Pin street light fixture with
xxviii ;]6 2,205.00 2,205.00 2,205.00
acrylic diffuser
1X125W HPSV street light fixture with acrylic
xxix " 4,970.00 4,970.00 4,970.00
2X60/100W GLS aviation light fixture all
xxx " 5,520.00 5,520.00 5,520.00
complete set
ALMONARD, / POLAR or ISI marked as per
IS374 - 1979 equivalent
a 36" size ceiling Fan uf]6f 2200.00 2200.00 2200.00
b 42" size " " Æ 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00
c 48" size " " Æ 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00
d 56" size " " Æ 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
e 6" Exhaust Fan Æ 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00
f 9" Exhaust Fan Æ 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00
g 16" size wall fan Æ 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
h 12"–15" size exhaust fan Æ 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

a 4 way bell indicator with plate ;]6 1,218.50 1,218.50 1,218.50
b 6 way " " " " ,, 1,989.60 1,989.60 1,989.60
c 8 way " " " " ,, 2,768.40 2,768.40 2,768.40
d 12 way " " " " ,, 4,266.60 4,266.60 4,266.60
18 Materials For Earthing & Lightening Protection ( copper =8930kg/m3 )
a Copper plate s]=hL 890.00 890.00 890.00
Copper Strip (25 x 3)mm
b s]=hL 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00
(Appox 60"=1kg)
c Copper Strip (20mm breadth x 3mm thick) s]=hL 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00
d Copper Strip (12 x 3)mm s]=hL 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00
Lightining rod copper conductor Air
e uf]6f 2,650.00 2,650.00 2,650.00
termination set
f 8 SWG bare copper wire /= dL 140.00 140.00 140.00
g 29 mm Diameter GI Pipe of 1m length /= dL 245.00 245.00 245.00
30 Cm x 30 Cm Cast Iron Cover for water
h uf]6f 600.00 600.00 600.00
pouring into pit
5/16 nuts & bolt with spring washer cadmium
i uf]6f 15.00 15.00 15.00
1/2" Diameter GI pipe for protecting the earth
j uf]6f 190.00 190.00 190.00
conductor 1.5 m in length
k Funnel with wire mesh uf]6f 350.00 350.00 350.00
l Charcoal Aofu 300.00 300.00 300.00
m Salt s]=hL 12.00 12.00 12.00
Tubular Poles with welded plate on top and
bottom ( medium Gauge non Galvanized with
folding System and accessories )
7 Mtr. ( Bottom : 115 mm Dia 3300 mm height,
90mm Dia 2400mm height & 76 mm Dia ,
a No 11,706.00 11,706.00 11,706.00
1650mm height with overlapping of 200mm &
150 mm Respectively
9 Mtr. ( Bottom : 134 mm Dia. 3300 mm
height, 115mm Dia2250mm height , 90 mm
b Dia 2250mm height & 76mm Dia. 1650 mm No 12,600.00 12,600.00 12,600.00
height with overlapping of 200mm, 150mm,
100mm Respectively

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
Steel Tubular Poles 7 Mtr. (115 mm Dia. 3100
mm height, 90mm Dia 2300mm height &:76
c mm Dia and 1600mm height) with welded No 12,120.00 12,120.00 12,120.00
plate on top and bottom ( medium Gauge non
Galvanized with welded joints )
d 7 mtr.length Wooden Pole No 4,850.00 4,850.00 4,850.00
e 9 mtr.length Wooden Pole No 6,600.00 6,600.00 6,600.00
20 Modular ceiling Luminaries Fluorescent Tube
light (FTL) set including Tube,condenser,starter ,
lamp holder,channel/batten made with pre-
phosphated & powder coated CRCA steel all
complete accessories pre wired upto a terminal
block . Wippro, GE ,C&S equivalent
a 1×20 watt FTL (Patti fittings) ;]6 450.00 450.00 450.00

1×40 watt FTL ,Energy saving electronioc

b striplite with electronic choke(ballast) ,, 752.00 752.00 752.00
Surface mounting (Patti Fitting)
c 1×20 watt FTL (Mirrolta) ,, 850.00 850.00 850.00

1×40 watt FTL with attractive & functional

d ,, 990.00 990.00 990.00
decorative battens (Mirrolta)
e 1×40 watt FTL box fittings ,, 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00
f 2×40 watt FTL box fittings ,, 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00
g 1×40 watt FTL Industrial channel ,, 1,730.00 1,730.00 1,730.00
h 2×40 watt FTL Industrial channel ,, 2,220.00 2,220.00 2,220.00
1×40 watt FTL, opalite with opal Arcylic
i ,, 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
dissuser .
2×40 watt FTL, oplite with opal Arcylic
j ,, 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
4×20 watt FTL, oplite with opal Acrylic
k ,, 5,252.00 5,252.00 5,252.00
4×20 watt FTL mirror optic,
l ,, 5,252.00 5,252.00 5,252.00
surface/recessed mounting
1×40 watt FTL mirror optic with electronic
m ,, 3,450.00 3,450.00 3,450.00
choke. Surface / recessed mounting
2×40 watt FTL mirror optic.
n surface/recessed mounting with electronic ,, 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
4 x 14 watt FTL T5 with electronic ballast
o direct / indirect , surface / recessed with ;]6 9,110.00 9,110.00 9,110.00
paralite P5 luver Complete set
3X14W FTL-T5 low glare fixture with specular
p reflector, parabolic louvers & electronic ballast ;]6 8,005.00 8,005.00 8,005.00
surface /recessed Armstrong ceiling
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) based Luminaries set all complete .Wippro,
2 x 18 W CFL recessed/surface mounting
q ,, 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00
mirror Optic Complete Set
20 1 x11 W CFL mirror Optic surface/recessed
r ;]6 1,780.00 1,780.00 1,780.00
mounting complete set
2 x11 W CFL mirror Optic Surface mounting
s ;]6 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00
complete set
2 x 36 watt CFL 4pin with electronic ballast
t direct / indirect , surface / recessed with luver ;]6 5,890.00 5,890.00 5,890.00
Complete set
3x36 W CFL -4 pin low glare fixture with P 5
u ;]6 6,625.00 6,625.00 6,625.00
louvres & electronic ballast complete set
21 LUMINARIES Accessories (
Wippro,GE,C&S or ISI Eqv.)
a 500 watt halogen rod uf]6f 225.00 225.00 225.00
b 1000 watt halogen rod Æ 270.00 270.00 270.00
c 70Watt SON Lamp (Sodium Vapour) " 810.00 810.00 810.00
d 150 watt sodium vapour bulb Æ 1,260.00 1,260.00 1,260.00
e 250 watt sodium vapour bulb Æ 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00
f 20-40 watt FTL rod Æ 78.00 78.00 78.00
g 20-40 watt FTL Copper chowk. Æ 250.00 250.00 250.00

20-40W FTL Electronic Chowk with high

h Æ 400.00 400.00 400.00
power factor & instant flicker free start
i Acrlye cover for 4×20 FTL Æ 960.00 960.00 960.00
j FTL starter Æ 18.00 18.00 18.00
k 8 W to11W, C.F.L.Direct fit " 225.00 225.00 225.00
l 13 to 22W , C.F.L.Direct fit " 290.00 290.00 290.00
m 15-100 watt bulb.( ISI ) uf]6f 25.00 25.00 25.00
n PL-S 9W/86 (CFL) " 160.00 160.00 160.00
o PL-S 11W/86 (CFL) " 170.00 170.00 170.00
p PL-L 36W/86 (CFL) " 405.00 405.00 405.00
q 125W HPL-N (Murcury Vapour) " 360.00 360.00 360.00
r 250W HPL-N " 850.00 850.00 850.00
22 Fluorescent Tube Light(FTL) including
Lamp all complete set Philips or Equivalent
1 1x20W FTL Patti - TMC 19/120 Set 643.50 643.50 643.50 585

2 1X40W FTL Patti - TMS 19/140 Set 726.00 726.00 726.00 660

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
1X40W FTL Patti - TMS 090/136 HF
" 863.50 863.50 863.50
electronic TARANGA 785

4 1x20W FTL Mirolta - TMS 2005/120 " 968.00 968.00 968.00 880

5 1X40W FTL Mirolta - TMS 2005/140 " 1,089.00 1,089.00 1,089.00 990

6 1X40W FTL Box Type - TMC 501/136 HPF " 1,364.00 1,364.00 1,364.00 1240

7 2X40W FTL Box Type - TMC 501/236 HPF " 1,980.00 1,980.00 1,980.00 1800

8 1X40W FTL Ind.Channel - TKC 203/136 HPF " 2,348.50 2,348.50 2,348.50 2135

9 2X40W FTL Ind.Channel - TKC 203/236 HPF " 2,970.00 2,970.00 2,970.00 2700

10 1X40W FTL Opalite - TCS 19/136 HPF " 2,189.00 2,189.00 2,189.00 1990

11 2X40W FTL Opalite - TCS 19/236 HPF " 3,355.00 3,355.00 3,355.00 3050

22 12 4X20W FTL - TBS 300/418 HPF Opal " 5,280.00 5,280.00 5,280.00 4800

13 4X20W FTL Mirror Optic - TBS 088/418 HPF " 4,691.50 4,691.50 4,691.50 4265

14 1X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TCS 306/136 HPF " 3,723.50 3,723.50 3,723.50 3385

15 1X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TCS 605/136 HPF " 4,284.50 4,284.50 4,284.50 3895

16 1X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TBS 50/136 HPF " 4,125.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 3750

17 2X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TCS 306/236 HPF " 4,482.50 4,482.50 4,482.50 4075

18 2X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TCS 605/236 HPF " 5,104.00 5,104.00 5,104.00 4640

19 2X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TCS 350/236 HPF " 4,361.50 4,361.50 4,361.50 3965

20 2x18W FTL Mirror Optic - TCS 350/218 HPF " 2,838.00 2,838.00 2,838.00 2580

21 2X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TBS 300/236 HPF " 5,203.00 5,203.00 5,203.00 4730

22 2X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TBS 090/236 HPF " 5,060.00 5,060.00 5,060.00 4600

23 2X 40W FTL Mirror Optic - TBS 518/236 HPF " 4,042.50 4,042.50 4,042.50 3675

24 2X40W FTL Mirror Optic - TBS 088/236 HPF " 4,785.00 4,785.00 4,785.00 4350

25 2X18W CFL Paralite P5 - FBS 300/218 HPF " 4,785.00 4,785.00 4,785.00 4350

26 2X36W CFL Paralite P5 - FBS 300/236 HPF " 8,305.00 8,305.00 8,305.00 7550

27 3X36W CFL Paralite P5 - FBS 300/336 HPF " 9,350.00 9,350.00 9,350.00 8500

28 2X11W CFL Mirror Optic - FCS 518/211 " 2,420.00 2,420.00 2,420.00 2200

29 2X11W CFL Mirror Optic - FBS 518/211 " 2,365.00 2,365.00 2,365.00 2150

30 2X11W CFL Mirror Optic - FBS 285/211 " 2,860.00 2,860.00 2,860.00 2600

31 1X11W CFL Mirror Optic - FBS 185/111 " 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2000

32 500W Halogen Light Set - QVF 135/500W " 1,958.00 1,958.00 1,958.00 1780

33 1000W Halogen Light Set - MVC 502/1000W " 3,795.00 3,795.00 3,795.00 3450

34 70W Metal Halide Set - RVP 339/70W " 8,195.00 8,195.00 8,195.00 7450

35 150W Metal Halide Set - MWF 230/150W " 10,763.50 10,763.50 10,763.50 9785

36 250W Metal Halide Set - MWF 330/250W " 14,553.00 14,553.00 14,553.00 13230

37 400W Metal Halide Set - MWF 330/400W " 15,444.00 15,444.00 15,444.00 14040

38 150W Sodium Flood Light - SWF 230/150W " 9,955.00 9,955.00 9,955.00 9050

39 250W Sodium Flood Light - SWF 330/250W " 13,970.00 13,970.00 13,970.00 12700

40 400W Sodium Flood Light - SWF 330/400W " 15,235.00 15,235.00 15,235.00 13850

41 HGS 120/136 HPF Roadlight " 2,953.50 2,953.50 2,953.50 2685

42 SRP 308/70W(I) Set 5,940.00 5,940.00 5,940.00 5400

43 HRP 308/125W " 5,170.00 5,170.00 5,170.00 4700

44 SRX 066/70W(I) " 6,490.00 6,490.00 6,490.00 5900

45 SRX 086/150W " 9,889.00 9,889.00 9,889.00 8990

46 SRX 086/250W " 10,796.50 10,796.50 10,796.50 9815

Luminaires Accessories Philips or eqv. " - - -

47 500W Halogen Lamp Pc. 247.50 247.50 247.50 225

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
1000W Halogen Lamp
48 Pc. 297.00 297.00 297.00 270

70W SON Lamp (Sodium Vapour)

49 Pc. 891.00 891.00 891.00 810

50 150W SON Lamp Pc. 1,386.00 1,386.00 1,386.00 1260

51 250W SON Lamp " 1,485.00 1,485.00 1,485.00 1350

52 400W SON Lamp " 1,815.00 1,815.00 1,815.00 1650

53 150W SON - T Lamp " 1,435.50 1,435.50 1,435.50 1305

54 250W SON - T Lamp " 1,584.00 1,584.00 1,584.00 1440

55 400W SON - T Lamp " 1,870.00 1,870.00 1,870.00 1700

56 125W HPL-N (Murcury Vapour) " 396.00 396.00 396.00 360

57 250W HPL-N " 935.00 935.00 935.00 850

22 58 400W HPL-N " 1,292.50 1,292.50 1,292.50 1175

59 MHN-TD 70W " 1,485.00 1,485.00 1,485.00 1350

60 MHN-TD 150W " 1,595.00 1,595.00 1,595.00 1450

61 HPI-T Plus 250W " 2,475.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 2250

62 HPI-T Plus 400W " 2,585.00 2,585.00 2,585.00 2350

63 PL-S 9W/86 " 176.00 176.00 176.00 160

64 PL-S 11W/86 " 187.00 187.00 187.00 170

65 PL-L 36W/86 " 445.50 445.50 445.50 405

66 FTL 18W Rod " 82.50 82.50 82.50 75

67 FTL 36W Rod " 82.50 82.50 82.50 75

68 FTL 20W Rod " 83.60 83.60 83.60 76

69 FTL 40W Rod " 85.80 85.80 85.80 78

70 FTL Ballast 20W " 297.00 297.00 297.00 270

71 FTL Ballast 40W " 275.00 275.00 275.00 250

72 FTL Starter " 19.80 19.80 19.80 18

73 CFL 5W/86/BC Genie " 217.80 217.80 217.80 198

74 CFL 8W/86/BC Genie " 247.50 247.50 247.50 225

75 CFL 11W/86/BC Genie " 275.00 275.00 275.00 250

76 CFL 14W/86/BC Essential " 253.00 253.00 253.00 230

77 CFL 18W/86/BC Essential " 319.00 319.00 319.00 290

78 CFL 23W/86/BC Essential " 363.00 363.00 363.00 330

79 GLS LAMP 1525/40/60W/BC Philips or eqv. " 19.80 19.80 19.80 18

80 GLS LAMP 100W/BC '' " 20.90 20.90 20.90 19

81 GLS LAMP 200W/BC '' " 45.10 45.10 45.10 41

82 GLS LAMP 40/60W/ES '' " 25.30 25.30 25.30 23

83 GLS LAMP 100W/ES '' " 27.50 27.50 27.50 25

84 GLS LAMP 200W/ES '' " 50.00 50.00 50.00 23


1/18 size p.v.c. insulated copper wire/
1 Sjfon 980.00 980.00 1,058.40
2 3/22 " " " ,, 1,170.00 1,170.00 1,263.60
3 3/20 " " " ,, 1,860.00 1,860.00 2,008.80
4 7/22 " " " ,, 2,650.00 2,650.00 2,862.00
5 7/20 " " " ,, 4,300.00 4,300.00 4,644.00
6 7/18 " " " ,, 6,600.00 6,600.00 7,128.00
7 7/16 " " " ,, 13,650.00 13,650.00 14,742.00

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
819/18 " " " ,, 17,500.00 17,500.00 18,900.00
919/16 " " " ,, 37,000.00 37,000.00 39,960.00
24 Multistrand Flexible wire for house wiring
1 1.0 mm PVC insulated Copper wire Sjfon 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00
2 1.5 mm PVC insulated Copper wire ,, 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00
3 2.5 mm PVC insulated Copper wire ,, 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00
4 4.0 mm PVC insulated Copper wire ,, 3,950.00 3,950.00 3,950.00
5 6.0 mm PVC insulated Copper wire ,, 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00
6 10.0mm PVC insulated Copper wire ,, 10,200.00 10,200.00 10,200.00
25 Concentric cable NS marked Eqv. ,,

1 4mm size concentric cable /=dL 22.00 22.00 22.00

2 6mm size " " /=dL 25.00 25.00 25.00
3 10mm size concentric cable /=dL 38.00 38.00 38.00
4 16mm size " " /=dL 65.00 65.00 65.00
5 25mm size " " /=dL 86.00 86.00 86.00
6 RG6 Coaxial cable /=dL 22.22 22.22 22.22
7 RG59 Coaxial cable /=dL 25.00 25.00 25.00
8 UTP cat -5 networking cable /=dL 25.00 25.00 25.00
26 Telephone Drop wire/pair cable NS
marked Eqv.
1 /20 Telephone drop wire Sjfon 960.00 960.00 960.00
2 /22 " " Sjfon 650.00 650.00 650.00

3 2- pair cable wire (2×2×0.45) mmHeavy /=dL 13.25 13.25 13.25

4 3- pair cable wire (3×2×0.45) mm Heavy ,, 19.25 19.25 19.25

5 5- pair cable wire (5×2×0.45) mm Heavy ,, 31.25 31.25 31.25

10- pair cable wire (10×2×0.45) mm

6 ,, 60.00 60.00 60.00
15- pair cable wire (15×2×0.45) mm
7 ,, 88.00 88.00 88.00
20- pair cable wire (20×2×0.45) mm
8 ,, 116.00 116.00 116.00
9 1mm drop wire ,, 10.00 10.00 10.00
1-4 Line EPABX,with 1set programmable
10 master telephone set of corresponding brand ;]6 7,425.00 7,425.00 7,425.00
Pansonic, Creative, Matrix Or Eqv.
11 2-6 Line EPABX " ,, 17,875.00 17,875.00 17,875.00
12 3-8 Line EPABX " ,, 19,940.00 19,940.00 19,940.00

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
13 4-12 Line EPABX " ,, 35,750.00 35,750.00 35,750.00
14 6-16 Line EPABX " ,, 48,125.00 48,125.00 48,125.00
15 8-24 Line EPABX " ,, 82,500.00 82,500.00 82,500.00
16 8-48 Line EPABX " ,, 88,275.00 88,275.00 88,275.00
17 8-72 Line EPABX " ,, 94,454.25 94,454.25 94,454.25
27 Other Accessories
1 6" size Dome light glass uf]6f 63.00 63.00 63.00
2 8" size " " " ,, 74.00 74.00 74.00
3 wall bracket glass ,, 63.00 63.00 63.00
4 Fan regulator ,, 263.00 263.00 263.00
27 5 Moulded case circuit Breaker
(MCCB) Siemens / GE, Legrand
/C&S or equavanent
a 16A to 63 Amp 18kA , 3 Pole MCCB ;]6 4,583.33 4,583.33 4,583.33
b 80A to100 Amp 18 KA " " ,, 5,769.23 5,769.23 5,769.23
c 125 AMP 40 KA 3P MCCB ,, 9,230.77 9,230.77 9,230.77
d 160 AMP 40 KA " ,, 11,153.85 11,153.85 11,153.85
e 200 AMP 40 KA " ,, 18,461.54 18,461.54 18,461.54
f 250 AMP 40 KA " ,, 21,538.46 21,538.46 21,538.46
g 300 AMP 40 KA " ,, 28,600.00 28,600.00 28,600.00
h 400 AMP 45KA " ,, 31,200.00 31,200.00 31,200.00
i 630 AMP 45 KA " ,, 37,700.00 37,700.00 37,700.00
k 800 AMP 50 KA " ,, 49,400.00 49,400.00 49,400.00
Panel board double door type with locking
arrangement with 2 coat of red oxide
metal prime & 3 stage quality paint before
final coat of enamel paint (Three phase,
Neutral link, earth link ) TPNE copper
busbar including necessary accessories
for internal wiring at the board .) (Rates of
MCCB / MCB & measuring instrument are
not included here .)
a 60/75/100 AMP, 9"×36"×48" size ;]6 20,790.00 20,790.00 20,790.00
b 60/75/100 AMP "12×36"×48" size ,, 24,750.00 24,750.00 24,750.00
c 60/75/100 AMP 9"×48"×60" size ,, 34,650.00 34,650.00 34,650.00
d 60/75100 AMP 12"×49"×60" size ,, 41,250.00 41,250.00 41,250.00
e 150/200 AMP 9"×38"×52" size ,, 23,100.00 23,100.00 23,100.00
f 150/200 AMP 12"×38"×52" size ,, 23,100.00 23,100.00 23,100.00
g 150/200 AMP 9"×42"×56 "size ,, 25,724.00 25,724.00 25,724.00
h 150/200 AMP 12"×42"×56" size ,, 27,358.00 27,358.00 27,358.00
i 250/300AMP 12"×48"×60"size ,, 33,500.00 33,500.00 33,500.00

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l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
j 250/300AMP 12"×52"×62" size ,, 37,501.00 37,501.00 37,501.00
k 400 AMP 12"×52"×66" size ,, 39,920.00 39,920.00 39,920.00
Distribution Board 3 Phase double door
system with neutral and earth connector
2 coat of red oxide paint with 2 coat final
paint of Nepal red. NPEF or equivalent
a 4 Way TPN DB 14" x 16 " x 5" ;]6 2,585.00 2,585.00 2,585.00
b 6 Way TPN DB 16" x 18 " x 5" ,, 3,465.00 3,465.00 3,465.00
c 8 Way TPN DB 18"x20"x5" ,, 4,335.00 4,335.00 4,335.00
27 d 10 Way TPN DB 20" x 22"x 5" ,, 5,300.00 5,300.00 5,300.00
e 12 Way TPN DB 22" x 24" x 5" ,, 5,775.00 5,775.00 5,775.00
f 14-16 Way TPN DB 24" x 26 x 5 " ,, 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00
8 Panel Board measurement
a 0-500 volt meter lk; 993.00 993.00 993.00
b 60/100 Amp meter . ,, 950.00 950.00 950.00
c Panel Indicator ,, 230.00 230.00 230.00

d 2 Amp glass fuse with holder 12 mm size ,, 130.00 130.00 130.00

e AMP meter selector switch ,, 630.00 630.00 630.00

f volt meter selector switch ,, 690.00 690.00 690.00
g 60/100 Amp C.T. coil per set 3 Pcs ,, 1,390.00 1,390.00 1,390.00
h 150-200AMP C.T coil. 3 PC / Set uf]6f 1,730.00 1,730.00 1,730.00
i 250-300 AMP ,, ,, ,, 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00
j 400/500/600AMP ,, ,, ,, 3,450.00 3,450.00 3,450.00
Kilo watt hour energy meter single
k lk; 2,205.00 2,205.00 2,205.00
Kilo watt hour energy meter 3 phase
l ,, 9,930.00 9,930.00 9,930.00

Trailing Protected Industrial Plug IP44
a 16A 3P+E 400V Industrial plug ;]6 525.00 525.00 525.00
b 32 A 3p +N+E " Plug ;]6 780.00 780.00 780.00
c 32 A 3P+N+E water tight Plug IP67 ;]6 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
Access Controller with record using card
and pin, Having capacity 1000 cards and
25000events,responding distance 5 cm to ;]6 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
15 cm, dimensin 120 x88 x18 mm built in
two relay operating door

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
Access Controller with record using card
and pin, Having capacity 1000 cards and
25000events,responding distance 5 cm to ;]6 13,500.00 13,500.00 13,500.00
15 cm, dimension 120 x88 x18 mm built in
two relay operating door (Chinese)

a 16 cable shoe uf]6f 56.40 56.40 56.40
b 25 " " ,, 73.20 73.20 73.20
c 35 " " ,, 56.40 56.40 56.40
d 50 " " ,, 66.00 66.00 66.00
e 70 " " ,, 81.60 81.60 81.60
f 95 " " ,, 126.00 126.00 126.00
g 150 " " ,, 189.60 189.60 189.60
h 195 " " ,, 268.80 268.80 268.80
i 250 " " ,, 428.40 428.40 428.40
30 A Copper Conductor Armoured
Power Cables NS marked or eqv.
a) 2 Core
1 1.5 mm2 /=dL 98.00 98.00 105.84
2 2.5 mm2 ,, 145.00 145.00 156.60
3 4.0 mm2 ,, 185.00 185.00 199.80
4 6.0 mm2 ,, 250.00 250.00 270.00
5 10.0 mm2 ,, 375.00 375.00 405.00
6 16.0 mm2 ,, 520.00 520.00 561.60
7 25.0 mm2 ,, 765.00 765.00 826.20
8 35.0 mm2 ,, 1,020.00 1,020.00 1,101.60
9 50.0 mm2 ,, 1,375.00 1,375.00 1,485.00
b) 3 Core ,,
1 1.5 mm2 125.00 130.25 140.67
2 2.5 mm2 ,, 170.00 170.00 183.60
3 4.0 mm2 ,, 245.00 255.29 275.71
4 6.0 mm2 ,, 323.00 336.57 363.49
5 10.0 mm2 ,, 495.00 515.79 557.05
6 16.0 mm2 ,, 677.00 705.43 761.87
7 25.0 mm2 ,, 1,032.00 1,075.34 1,161.37
8 35.0 mm2 ,, 1,375.00 1,432.75 1,547.37

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
9 50.0 mm2 Copper Conductor Armoured ,, 1,876.00 1,954.79 2,111.18

10 70.0 mm2 ,, 2,345.00 2,443.49 2,638.97

11 95.0 mm2 ,, 3,647.00 3,800.17 4,104.19
12 120.0 mm2 ,, 4,585.00 4,777.57 5,159.78
13 150.0 mm2 ,, 5,627.00 5,863.33 6,332.40
c) 3.5 Core
1 25.0 mm2 /=dL 1,320.00 1,452.00 1,568.16
2 35.0 mm2 ,, 1,705.00 1,875.50 2,025.54
3 50.0 mm2 ,, 2,310.00 2,541.00 2,744.28
30 4 70.0 mm2 ,, 3,190.00 3,509.00 3,789.72
5 95.0 mm2 ,, 4,400.00 4,840.00 5,227.20
6 120.0 mm2 ,, 5,720.00 6,292.00 6,795.36
7 150.0 mm2 ,, 6,820.00 7,502.00 8,102.16
8 185.0 mm2 ,, 7,480.00 7,480.00 8,078.40
9 240.0 mm2 ,, 9,740.00 9,740.00 10,519.20
10 300.0 mm2 ,, 12,220.00 12,220.00 13,197.60
11 400.0 mm2 ,, 16,335.00 16,335.00 17,641.80
d) 4 Core
1 1.5 mm2 /=dL 149.00 152.73 164.94
2 2.5 mm2 ,, 210.00 215.25 232.47
3 4.0 mm2 ,, 308.00 315.70 340.96
4 6.0 mm2 ,, 410.00 420.25 453.87
5 10.0 mm2 ,, 615.00 630.38 680.81
6 16.0 mm2 ,, 871.00 892.78 964.20
7 25.0 mm2 ,, 1,333.00 1,366.33 1,475.63
8 35.0 mm2 ,, 1,845.00 1,891.13 2,042.42
9 50.0 mm2 ,, 2,460.00 2,521.50 2,723.22
10 70.0 mm2 ,, 3,434.00 3,519.85 3,801.44
11 95.0 mm2 Copper Conductor Armoured
,, 4,100.00 4,202.50 4,538.70

12 120.0 mm2 "

,, 6,150.00 6,303.75 6,808.05
13 150.0 mm2 ,, 7,585.00 7,774.63 8,396.60
14 185.0 mm ,, 9,430.00 9,665.75 10,439.01
15 240.0 mm2 ,, 12,198.00 12,502.95 13,503.19
16 300.0 mm2 ,, 15,375.00 15,759.38 17,020.13
17 400.0 mm2 ,, 20,500.00 21,012.50 22,693.50
B Copper Conductor Unarmoured
Power Cables NS marked or Eqv.
a) 1–core

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
1 10 sq. mm. /=dL 154.00 153.75 40.00
2 16 sq. mm. ,, 226.00 225.50 60.00
3 25 sq. mm. ,, 349.00 348.50 70.00
4 35 sq. mm. ,, 477.00 476.63 84.00
5 50 sq. mm. ,, 646.00 645.75 112.00
6 70 sq. mm. ,, 907.00 907.13 146.00
7 95 sq. mm. ,, 1,251.00 1,250.50 198.00
8 120 sq. mm. ,, 1,486.00 1,486.25 240.00
9 150 sq. mm. ,, 1,845.00 1,845.00 285.00
b) 2- core .
30 1.5 Copper Conductor
1 /=dL 61.50 61.50 61.50
2 2.5 ,, 82.00 82.00 82.00
3 4 ,, 138.38 138.38 138.38
4 6 ,, 189.63 189.63 189.63
5 10 ,, 297.25 297.25 297.25
6 16 ,, 420.25 420.25 420.25
7 25 ,, 640.63 640.63 640.63
8 35 ,, 881.50 881.50 881.50
9 50 ,, 1,209.50 1,209.50 1,209.50
10 70 ,, 1,209.50 1,209.50 1,209.50
11 95 ,, 2,357.50 2,357.50 2,357.50
12 120 ,, 2,870.00 2,870.00 2,870.00
13 150 ,, 3,536.25 3,536.25 3,536.25
c) 3-core - - -
1 1.5 3- core copper conductor /=dL 82.00 82.00 82.00
2 2.5 ,, 123.00 123.00 123.00
3 4 ,, 184.50 184.50 184.50
4 6 ,, 266.50 266.50 266.50
5 10 ,, 420.25 420.25 420.25
6 16 ,, 615.00 615.00 615.00
7 25 ,, 943.00 943.00 943.00
8 35 ,, 1,281.25 1,281.25 1,281.25
9 50 ,, 1,763.00 1,763.00 1,763.00
10 70 ,, 2,511.25 2,511.25 2,511.25
11 95 ,, 3,536.25 3,536.25 3,536.25
12 120 ,, 4,407.50 4,407.50 4,407.50
13 150 /=dL 5,432.50 5,432.50 5,432.50
d) 3.5 core
1 25 /=dL 1,178.75 1,178.75 1,178.75
35 Copper Conductor
2 ,, 1,537.50 1,537.50 1,537.50

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
3 50 ,, 2,101.25 2,101.25 2,101.25
4 70 ,, 2,890.50 2,890.50 2,890.50
5 95 ,, 3,997.50 3,997.50 3,997.50
6 120 ,, 5,227.50 5,227.50 5,227.50
7 150 ,, 6,252.50 6,252.50 6,252.50
e) 4-core Copper Conductor
1 1.5 /=dL 102.50 102.50 102.50
2 2.5 ,, 153.75 153.75 153.75
3 4 ,, 240.88 240.88 240.88
30 4 6 ,, 338.25 338.25 338.25
5 10 ,, 563.75 563.75 563.75
6 16 ,, 840.50 840.50 840.50
7 25 ,, 1,281.25 1,281.25 1,281.25
8 35 ,, 1,793.75 1,793.75 1,793.75
9 50 ,, 2,408.75 2,408.75 2,408.75
10 70 3,382.50 3,382.50 3,382.50
11 95 ,, 4,612.50 4,612.50 4,612.50
12 120 ,, 5,945.00 5,945.00 5,945.00
13 150 ,, 7,482.50 7,482.50 7,482.50
14 185 ,, 9,327.50 9,327.50 9,327.50
15 240 Sq. mm ,, 12,095.00 12,095.00 12,095.00
16 300 Sq. mm ,, 15,170.00 15,170.00 15,170.00
17 400 Sq. mm ,, 20,192.50 20,192.50 20,192.50
31 A Aluminum conductor Armoured
(Power) cable NS marked or eqv.
a) 2-core
1 1.5 /=dL
2 2.5 /=dL 80.00 80.00 86.40
3 4 ,, 110.00 110.00 118.80
4 6 ,, 115.00 115.00 124.20
5 10 ,, 135.00 135.00 145.80
6 16 ,, 160.00 160.00 172.80
7 25 ,, 190.00 190.00 205.20
8 35 ,, 220.00 220.00 237.60
9 50 ,, 285.00 285.00 307.80
10 70 ,, 360.00 360.00 388.80
11 95 ,, 460.00 460.00 496.80
b) 3–core
2.5 Aluminum conductor
1 /=dL 95.00 95.00 102.60
2 4 ,, 115.00 115.00 124.20

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
3 6 ,, 130.00 130.00 140.40
4 10 ,, 165.00 165.00 178.20
5 16 ,, 185.00 185.00 199.80
25 Aluminum conductor
6 ,, 240.00 240.00 259.20
7 35 ,, 295.00 295.00 318.60
8 50 ,, 380.00 380.00 410.40
9 70 ,, 490.00 490.00 529.20
10 95 ,, 625.00 625.00 675.00
11 120 ,, 760.00 760.00 820.80
31 12 150 ,, 925.00 925.00 999.00
13 185 ,, 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,215.00
14 240 ,, 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,490.40
15 300 ,, 1,680.00 1,680.00 1,814.40
16 400 ,, 2,175.00 2,175.00 2,349.00
c) 3.5 core
1 25 /=dL 290.00 290.00 313.20
2 35 ,, 335.00 335.00 361.80
3 50 ,, 440.00 440.00 475.20
4 70 ,, 580.00 580.00 626.40
5 95 ,, 720.00 720.00 777.60
120 Aluminum conductor
6 ,, 880.00 880.00 950.40
7 150 /=dL 1,040.00 1,040.00 1,123.20
8 185 ,, 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,404.00
9 240 ,, 1,610.00 1,610.00 1,738.80
10 300 ,, 1,980.00 1,980.00 2,138.40
11 400 ,, 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,808.00
d) 4-core
1 2.5 /=dL 110.00 110.00 118.80
2 4 ,, 130.00 130.00 140.40
3 6 ,, 155.00 155.00 167.40
4 10 ,, 180.00 180.00 194.40
5 16 ,, 240.00 240.00 259.20
6 25 ,, 320.00 320.00 345.60
7 35 ,, 370.00 370.00 399.60
8 50 ,, 480.00 480.00 518.40
9 70 ,, 640.00 640.00 691.20
10 95 ,, 820.00 820.00 885.60
11 120 ,, 975.00 975.00 1,053.00
12 150 ,, 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,296.00
13 185 ,, 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,620.00

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Eof6 tyf 9'jfgL afx]ssf] b//]6
l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
14 ,, 1,850.00 1,850.00 1,998.00
15 300 Aluminum conductor ,, 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,430.00
16 ,, 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,240.00
B Aluminium conductor unarmoured
(power) cable NS marked or eqv.

a) 1-core
1 16 /=dL 55.00 55.00 55.00
2 25 ,, 65.00 65.00 65.00
31 3 35 ,, 75.00 75.00 75.00
4 50 ,, 100.00 100.00 100.00
5 70 ,, 135.00 135.00 135.00
6 95 ,, 175.00 175.00 175.00
7 120 ,, 220.00 220.00 220.00
8 150 ,, 270.00 270.00 270.00
9 185 ,, 325.00 325.00 325.00
10 240 ,, 410.00 410.00 410.00
11 300 ,, 510.00 510.00 510.00

b) 2-core Aluminium conductor unarmoured

1 2.5 /=dL 40.00 40.00 40.00
2 4 ,, 50.00 50.00 50.00
3 6 /=dL 60.00 60.00 60.00
4 10 ,, 80.00 80.00 80.00
5 16 ,, 90.00 90.00 90.00
6 25 ,, 125.00 125.00 125.00
7 35 ,, 160.00 160.00 160.00
8 50 ,, 210.00 210.00 210.00
9 70 ,, 285.00 285.00 285.00
10 95 2 core ,, 360.00 360.00 360.00
c) 3-core
1 2.5 /=dL 45.00 45.00 45.00
2 4 60.00 60.00 60.00
3 6 ,, 75.00 75.00 75.00
4 10 ,, 95.00 95.00 95.00
5 16 ,, 125.00 125.00 125.00
6 25 ,, 185.00 185.00 185.00
7 35 ,, 225.00 225.00 225.00
8 50 ,, 310.00 310.00 310.00
9 70 ,, 410.00 410.00 410.00
10 95 ,, 530.00 530.00 530.00

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l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
11 120 ,, 650.00 650.00 650.00
12 150 ,, 785.00 785.00 785.00
13 185 ,, 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
14 240 ,, 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00
300 Aluminium conductor
15 ,, 1,550.00 1,550.00 1,550.00
d) 3.5–core
1 25 /=dL 235.00 235.00 235.00
2 35 ,, 275.00 275.00 275.00
3 50 ,, 375.00 375.00 375.00
31 4 70 ,, 500.00 500.00 500.00
5 95 ,, 660.00 660.00 660.00
6 120 ,, 825.00 825.00 825.00
7 150 ,, 970.00 970.00 970.00
8 185 ,, 1,240.00 1,240.00 1,240.00
9 240 ,, 1,550.00 1,550.00 1,550.00
10 300 ,, 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00
e) 4–core core aluminium unarmoured
1 2.5 /=dL 55.00 55.00 55.00
2 4 ,, 70.00 70.00 70.00
3 6 ,, 85.00 85.00 85.00
4 10 ,, 120.00 120.00 120.00
5 16 /=dL 180.00 180.00 180.00
6 25 ,, 275.00 275.00 275.00
7 35 ,, 310.00 310.00 310.00
8 50 ,, 425.00 425.00 425.00
9 70 4 ,, 560.00 560.00 560.00
10 95 ,, 750.00 750.00 750.00
11 120 ,, 910.00 910.00 910.00
12 150 ,, 1,120.00 1,120.00 1,120.00
13 185 ,, 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00
14 240 ,, 1,770.00 1,770.00 1,770.00
15 300 ,, 2,180.00 2,180.00 2,180.00
32 Security Gate System
a Metal Detector (Jnfs :sf]lkog sDkgL_ uf]6f 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00
33 Air Conditioning system,Daikin,Mitsubishi heavy or Japanese equivalent
i 0.75 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 90,000 90,000 90,000
Conditioning system
ii 1.0 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 95,000 95,000 95,000
Conditioning system
iii 1.5 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 145,000 145,000 145,000
Conditioning system
2.0 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air
iv ;]6 175 000 175 000 175 000

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l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
iv ;6 175,000 175,000 175,000
Conditioning system
v 1.0 TR capacity Ceilling cassette split type ;]6
Air Conditioning system 129,000 129,000 129,000
;] 6
vi 1.5 TR capacity Ceilling cassette split type 159,000 159,000 159,000
Air Conditioning system
vii 2.0 TR capacity Ceilling cassette split type ;]6 190,000 190,000 190,000
Air Conditioning system
viii 2.5 TR capacity Ceilling cassette split type ;]6 205,000 205,000 205,000
Air Conditioning system
4 TR capacity Ceilling cassettesplit type
ix ;]6 295,000 295,000 295,000
Air Conditioning system
33 Air Conditioning system, McQuay, Panasonic,Fujiaire, Malaysian or
0.75 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type
i ;]6 54,200 54,200 54,200
AirConditioning system
1.0 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air
ii ;]6 61,500 61,500 61,500
Conditioning system
iii 1.5 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 76,300 76,300 76,300
Conditioning system
iv 2.0 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air
;]6 86,400 86,400 86,400
Conditioning system
Air Conditioning system, whirlpool or Eqv Company
v 0.75 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 53,200 53,200 53,200
vi 1.0 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 55,200 55,200 55,200
vii 1.5 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 72,300 72,300 72,300
viii 2.0 TR capacity Wall Mounted split type Air ;]6 87,900 87,900 87,900
34 General Lightig ANCHOR, C/G, Eqv.
i 1 x 40 W FTL Patti fitting ;]6 245.00 245.00 245.00
ii 1 x 20 W FTL Patti fitting ;]6 225.00 225.00 225.00
iii 1 x 40 W FTL Box Fitting ;]6 415.00 415.00 415.00
iv 1 x 20 W FTL Box fitting ;]6 405.00 405.00 405.00
9/11W Mini mirror light with electronic Blast 345.00
v 345.00 345.00
suitable for PL lamp ;]6
35 GEWISS PVC Conduit product of Italy
RK Range
1 16 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 316 Mtr. 85.00 85.00 85.00
2 20 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 320 " 120.00 120.00 120.00
3 25 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 325 " 170.00 170.00 170.00
4 32 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 332 " 245.00 245.00 245.00
5 40 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 340 " 335.00 335.00 335.00
6 50 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 350 " 515.00 515.00 515.00
7 63 mm medium rigid conduit DX 25 363 " 970.00 970.00 970.00
8 16 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 716 " 160.00 160.00 160.00
9 20 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 720 " 210.00 210.00 210.00
10 25 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 725 " 280.00 280.00 280.00
11 32 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 732 " 420.00 420.00 420.00

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l;= ;j
g+= l;=g+
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j cf=j s}lkmot
cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
12 40 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 740 " 570.00 570.00 570.00
13 50 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 750 " 770.00 770.00 770.00
14 63 mm heavy rigid conduit DX 25 763 " 1,445.00 1,445.00 1,445.00
16 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 043 with
15 " 190.00 190.00 190.00
fixing nut and screws
20 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 044 with
16 " 240.00 240.00 240.00
fixing nut and screws
25 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 045 with
17 " 365.00 365.00 365.00
fixing nut and screws
32 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 046 with
18 " 605.00 605.00 605.00
fixing nut and screws
35 19 40 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 047 with " 725.00 725.00 725.00
fixing nut and screws
50 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 048 with
20 " 935.00 935.00 935.00
fixing nut and screws
63 mm polymer cable gland GW 52 049 with
21 " 1,165.00 1,165.00 1,165.00
fixing nut and screws
16 mm shockproof polymer saddle collar clip
22 " 30.00 30.00 30.00
GW 50 605
20 mm shockproof polymer saddle collar clip
23 " 35.00 35.00 35.00
GW 50 606
25 mm shockproof polymer saddle collar clip
24 " 40.00 40.00 40.00
GW 50 607
32 mm shockproof polymer saddle collar clip
25 " 60.00 60.00 60.00
GW 50 608
40 mm shockproof polymer saddle collar clip
26 " 95.00 95.00 95.00
GW 50 630
50 mm shockproof polymer saddle collar clip
27 " 115.00 115.00 115.00
GW 50 631
28 16 mm conduit coupler DX 40 016 " 35.00 35.00 35.00
29 20 mm conduit coupler DX 40 020 " 45.00 45.00 45.00
30 25 mm conduit coupler DX 40 025 " 55.00 55.00 55.00
31 32 mm conduit coupler DX 40 032 " 100.00 100.00 100.00
32 40 mm conduit coupler DX 40 040 " 135.00 135.00 135.00
33 50 mm conduit coupler DX 40 050 " 235.00 235.00 235.00
34 63 mm conduit coupler DX 40 063 " 445.00 445.00 445.00
35 16 mm tight bend DX 40 116 " 55.00 55.00 55.00
36 20 mm tight bend DX 40 120 " 80.00 80.00 80.00
37 25 mm tight bend DX 40 125 " 125.00 125.00 125.00
38 32 mm tight bend DX 40 132 " 230.00 230.00 230.00
39 40 mm tight bend DX 40 140 " 325.00 325.00 325.00
40 50 mm tight bend DX 40 150 " 585.00 585.00 585.00
41 63 mm tight bend DX 40 163 " 2,290.00 2,290.00 2,290.00
42 4 way junction box DX 45 004 " 650.00 650.00 650.00
43 7 way junction box DX 45 007 " 780.00 780.00 780.00
44 10 way junction box DX 45 010 " 990.00 990.00 990.00
45 Closing cap for junction box DX 47 000 " 115.00 115.00 115.00

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
46 16 mm inspectionable T bend DX 40216 " 115.00 115.00 115.00
47 20 mm inspectionable T bend DX 40220 " 145.00 145.00 145.00
48 25 mm inspectionable T bend DX 40225 " 190.00 190.00 190.00
49 32 mm inspectionable T bend DX 40232 " 230.00 230.00 230.00
50 16 mm inspectionable bend DX 40 316 " 95.00 95.00 95.00
51 20 mm inspectionable bend DX 40 320 " 115.00 115.00 115.00
52 25 mm inspectionable bend DX 40 325 " 150.00 150.00 150.00
53 32 mm inspectionable bend DX 40 332 " 180.00 180.00 180.00

36 GEWISS Cable Tray with Cover and

Accessories BRN Range
65X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
1 R. Ft. 795.00 795.00 795.00
tray MV 40 100
95X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
2 " 945.00 945.00 945.00
tray MV 40 101
125X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
3 " 1,140.00 1,140.00 1,140.00
tray MV 40 102
155X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
4 " 1,280.00 1,280.00 1,280.00
tray MV 40 103
185X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
5 " 1,495.00 1,495.00 1,495.00
tray MV 40 104
215X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
6 " 1,660.00 1,660.00 1,660.00
tray MV 40 105
245X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
7 " 2,075.00 2,075.00 2,075.00
tray MV 40 106
305X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
8 " 2,440.00 2,440.00 2,440.00
tray MV 40 108
365X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
9 " 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
tray MV 40 110
395X35 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
10 " 3,185.00 3,185.00 3,185.00
tray MV 40 111
65X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
11 " 955.00 955.00 955.00
tray MV 40 120
95X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
12 " 1,145.00 1,145.00 1,145.00
tray MV 40 121
125X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
13 " 1,260.00 1,260.00 1,260.00
tray MV 40 122
155X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
14 " 1,425.00 1,425.00 1,425.00
tray MV 40 123
185X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
15 " 1,615.00 1,615.00 1,615.00
tray MV 40 124
215X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
16 " 1,805.00 1,805.00 1,805.00
tray MV 40 125
245X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
17 " 2,210.00 2,210.00 2,210.00
tray MV 40 126

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
305X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
18 " 2,580.00 2,580.00 2,580.00
tray MV 40 128
365X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
19 " 3,355.00 3,355.00 3,355.00
tray MV 40 130
395X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
20 " 3,640.00 3,640.00 3,640.00
tray MV 40 131
515X50 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
21 " 4,450.00 4,450.00 4,450.00
tray MV 40 135
95X65 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
22 " 1,275.00 1,275.00 1,275.00
tray MV 40 141
36 23 215X65 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
" 2,060.00 2,060.00 2,060.00
tray MV 40 145
305X65 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
24 " 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00
tray MV 40 148
395X65 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
25 " 3,740.00 3,740.00 3,740.00
tray MV 40 151
515X65 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
26 " 4,695.00 4,695.00 4,695.00
tray MV 40 155
605X65 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
27 " 5,290.00 5,290.00 5,290.00
tray MV 40 157
125X80 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
28 " 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00
tray MV 40 162
215X80 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
29 " 2,205.00 2,205.00 2,205.00
tray MV 40 165
305X80 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
30 " 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00
tray MV 40 168
395X80 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
31 " 4,030.00 4,030.00 4,030.00
tray MV 40 171
515X80 mm2 hot deep galvanised steel cable
32 " 4,870.00 4,870.00 4,870.00
tray MV 40 175
37 Intrusion Detection System
Main Controller
i CONTROL,FIRE/BURG COMMERCIAL ;]6 37,719.50 37,719.50 37,719.50
Smoke & Heat Detector
ii ;]6 10,237.50 10,237.50 10,237.50
Wireless Smoke and Head Detector
Door Contact
iii ;]6 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00
Wireless Door Contact with transmitter
Motion Detector
iv Wireless Passive Infrared, Pet Immune Motion ;]6 4,056.00 4,056.00 4,056.00
Panic Switch
v ;]6 4,777.50 4,777.50 4,777.50
Wireless Panic Transmitter
vi Key
;]6 4,641.00 4,641.00 4,641.00
Wireless Key to Arm and Disarm the System
Window Contact
vii ;]6 2 730 00 2 730 00 2 730 00

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
vii ;6 2,730.00 2,730.00 2,730.00
Wired door Contact with transmitter slim
38 Automatic Motor Operator for water motor
i Upto 1/2 HP single phase motor ;]6 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
ii Upto 1 HP single phase motor ;]6 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00
iii Upto 5 HP three phase motor ;]6 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00

39 CCTV System
Out door high speed Dome Integrated
CAMERA Multi Protocal ,480 TVL,128 preset
points , automatic surveillance,360 degrees
a horizontal rotation , AC 240V power supply ,
integrated heating system , highest angle
speed 360 degree/ sec ,weather resistance,
water resistance, robust type.
CANON Integrated camera chip, normal
i colour, 23 times optical Zoom, 10 times digital ;]6 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00
CANON Integrated camera chip, day & night,
ii ;]6 57,200.00 57,200.00 57,200.00
23 times optical Zoom, 10 times digital zoom
Indoor high speed Dome Integrated
CAMERA .-- .-- .--
CANON Integrated camera chip, normal
i colour, 23 times optical Zoom, 10 times digital ;]6 52,800.00 52,800.00 52,800.00
CANON Integrated camera chip, day & night,
ii ;]6 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00
23 times optical Zoom, 10 times digital zoom
VISTA Box camera with adoptor, IR view
distance 25mm Mirror shutter;with mirror
image switchable,white balance;
c ;]6 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
auto,Horizontal resolution ; 480 TV line ,
system signal; NTSC/PALBlacklight
compression :ON/OFF(Switchable) , AGC;
7" Sphirical Shilded with bracket included chip
d 8,120.00 8,120.00 8,120.00
excluded Camera
i) 8 Channel DVR MJPEG Compression
Type 8 Channel ionput 2 Channel output
USB2.0Interface , Hard Disc > 200G, Multi- ;]6 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00
Record ,Motion Detector Function , Remote

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
ii) 16 Channel Alarm input , 16 Channel
Record 8 channel Alarm output , Internate ;]6 49,500.00 49,500.00 49,500.00
Explore, MPG-4 Record
f 17" LCD Monitor SAMSUNG or Korean Eqv. ;]6 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00
Rates for ELC & IGC Equipments.
i Ballast Heater & Tank
a Water Heater with Tank 8 Kw/220 V 1 Ph. Set 38,000.00 38,000.00 38,000.00
b Water Heater with Tank 9 Kw/220 V 1 Ph. Set 39,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00
c Water Heater with Tank 10 Kw/220 V 1 Ph. Set 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
40 d Water Heater with Tank 12 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 42,000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00
e Water Heater with Tank15 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00
f Water Heater with Tank18 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00
g Water Heater with Tank 24 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00
h Water Heater with Tank 27 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00
i Water Heater with Tank 30 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 58,000.00 58,000.00 58,000.00
j Water Heater with Tank 36 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00
k Water Heater with Tank 45 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00
l Water Heater with Tank 54 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00
m Water Heater with Tank 72 Kw/220 V 3 Ph. Set 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00
Over and under voltage trip with
ii Set 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
electromagnet for Jret deflector up to 100 KW
Over and under voltage trip with excitation cut
iii for Induction and Synchronous Generator up Set 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
to 100 KW
Over and Under Frequency trip with relay
iv Set 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00
contact out
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) up to 200
v Set 54,000.00 54,000.00 54,000.00
KW for brushless Alternator
vi Phase Sequence and single phase preventer Set 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
vii Spare Parts.
a Rotaitng Diode of Generator Set 13,500.00 13,500.00 13,500.00
b Mother Board of ELC (3 Ph.)
i) 10 KW No 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
ii) 25 KW No 42,000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00
iii) 50 KW No 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00
iv) 100 KW No
c. Mother Board of ELC (1 Ph.) No 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00
d Mother Board of IGC-P-L/1Ph No 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00
e Mother Board of IGC-P-H/1Ph No 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00
f ELC's transformer
i) 12 - 0 -12 No. 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00
ii) 18- 0 - 18 No. 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
g Over/Under Voltage Trip No. 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
h Over/Under Voltage & Frequency Trip No. 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00
i AVR No. 54,000.00 54,000.00 54,000.00
41 Mechanical Works at Micro-Hydropower

Mild Stee Penstock Pipes of various diameter,

I with 4 mm thicknesses, Flanges with Kg 250.00 250.00 250.00
Gaskettes, C-Clamps, Nut Bolts, etc.
Expansion Joints of Assigned Expansion
Length with following Dimensions.
a. 150 mm Dia Set 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00
b. 200 mm Dia Set 32,500.00 32,500.00 32,500.00
41 c. 250 mm Dia Set 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00
d. 300 mm Dia Set 48,500.00 48,500.00 48,500.00
e. 350 mm Dia Set 57,000.00 57,000.00 57,000.00
f. 400 mm Dia Set 61,000.00 61,000.00 61,000.00
f. PCD 450 mm No
iii Pulley with Different Size, with grooves, Flat
a. 200 mm Ø No 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00
b. 250 mm Ø No 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
c. 300 mm Ø No 13,500.00 13,500.00 13,500.00
d. 350 mm Ø No 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
e. 400 mm Ø No 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00
f. 450 mm Ø No 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00
g. 500 mm Ø No 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00
h. 600 mm Ø No 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
iv Belt
i) Flat (Habasit Belt) (0.20mx1m)
ii) V. Belt
a. Class D Mtr. 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00
b. Class C Mtr. 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
c. Class B Mtr. 4,700.00 4,700.00 4,700.00
d. Class A 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00
Base frame for Turbine and Generator with
v Set 41,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00
foundation Bolts
Butterfly Valve with flange, nuts,bolts of following
a. 100 mm Ø
b. 150 mm Ø Set 29,000.00 29,000.00 29,000.00
c. 200 mm Ø Set 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
d. 250 mm Ø Set 62,000.00 62,000.00 62,000.00
e. 300 mm Ø Set 66,000.00 66,000.00 66,000.00
vii Trash Rack 5×25 flat 20mm Spacing
a. 1000mmx2000mm set
b. 1250mm×1395mm set
c. 600mm× 600mm set

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
Flushing System incl. flushing bucket with
a 400mmØ × 1200 mm (with 3 mm thickness) Set 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

b 300mmØ × 1200 mm (with 3 mm thickness) Set 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00

c 200Ø × 1200 mm (with 3 mm thickness) Set 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00
ix Sluice Gate :
600 × 1000 Channel frame size 600 opening
a with 25 mm Ø Spindle, 5 mm thick plate Set 12,350.00 12,350.00
(rubber sealed)
41 500 × 800 Channel frame size 500 opening
b with 25 mm Ø Spindle, 5 mm thick plate Set 11,500.00 11,500.00
(rubber sealed)
x Spare Parts
a Bearings for turbine (2 nos) Set 36,000.00 36,000.00
b Gasketts Kg. 350.00 350.00
c Nut. Bolts (Required Size) Kg. 225.00 225.00
d Buckets of Pelton Trbine No. 1,800.00 1,800.00
e. Runner Bucket for cross Flow. No. 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
42 Electrical Equipments for micro
Earthing Materials (ISI or other International
a 6 mm thick 600mmm× 600 mm G.I. Plate No. 2,746.90 2,746.90 2,746.90

c Funneling Mechanisn with cover (mild steel) set 600.00 600.00 600.00

3.2 mm thick 600mmm× 600 mm Copper

d No. 9,240.00 9,240.00 9,240.00
e Copper wire (10 SWG) Mtr. 150.00 150.00 150.00
ii Service wire (Al)
a. 2.5 mm2 Mtr. 17.40 17.40 17.40
b. 4.0 mm2 Mtr. 21.60 21.60 21.60
c. 6.0 mm 2
Mtr. 27.00 27.00 27.00
iii Lightening Arrestor for 3 Phase .
a. 0.5 KV Set 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
b. 11 KV Set 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00
c. Cross Arms V Channel. No 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
iv Stay set with accessories.
a. GI wire No 1,147.50 1,147.50 1,147.50
b. GI Plate No 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,150.00
c. Gay Insulator. No 54.00 54.00 54.00

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)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
d Elbow 100.00 100.00 100.00
e Rod , Nut No 432.00 432.00 432.00
f Grip No 48.00 48.00 48.00
v Overhead Insulators (0.4KV)
a. Sackle Insulator No 30.00 30.00 30.00
b. D-Iron No 90.00 90.00 90.00
c. Nut Bolt (3" with 8 mm Ø) No 15.00 15.00 15.00

d. Nut Bolt (6" with 8 mm Ø) to clamp on Poles No 22.00 22.00 22.00

42 vi Overhead Insulators with fixing accessories

a. Pin Insulator No 180.00 180.00 180.00
b. Disc Insulator No 960.00 960.00 960.00
c. Cross Arms V Channel. No 2,640.00 2,640.00 2,640.00
vii Sqarrel ACSR conductor 20mm2 Rm. 16.50 16.50 16.50
viii weasel ACSR conductor 30 mm 2
Rm. 24.00 24.00 24.00
ix Rabbit ACSR conductor 50 mm 2
Rm. 40.00 40.00 40.00
x Dog ACSR conductor 100 mm2 Rm. 80.00 80.00 80.00
xi Supply of aluminium ABC cable
25mm square 4 core ABC cable Rm. 150.00 150.00
50 mm square 4 core ABC cable Rm. 250.00 250.00
95 mm square 4 core ABC cable Rm. 490.00 490.00
Alternator 3 Phase Brush less with compounded
Excitation. (KEL)
43 AMF with ATS palel for DG
i 5KVA AMF with ATS palel set 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00
ii 7.5KVA AMF with ATS palel set 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00
iii 10KVA AMF with ATS palel set 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
iv 15KVA AMF with ATS palel set 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00
v 20KVA AMF with ATS palel set 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00
vi 25KVA AMF with ATS palel set 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00
vii 30KVA AMF with ATS palel set 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00
44 Solar system\Backup Power
a) Pure sine wave inverter
i 675 VA inverter set 11,149.00
ii 875 VA inverter set 12,234.00
iii 1500 VA inverter set 18,434.00
iv 3 KVA inverter set 54,317.00
b Exide Battery
b) Tubular Inverter Battery

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cf=j )&)÷)&!
)^*÷)^( )^(÷)&)
i 80 AH inverter Battery set 9,646.00
ii 100 AH inverter Battery set 11,610.00
iii 150 AH inverter Battery set 16,212.00
iv 200 AH inverter Battery set 20,141.00
v 75 AH tubular inverter Battery set 12,360.00
vi 100 AH tubular inverter Battery set 16,472.00
vii 150 AH tubular inverter Battery set 24,240.00
viii 200 AH tubular inverter Battery set 30,560.00
c) Solar Panel watt 140.00

Page 151
Table of Contents
S.No. Description Page no.
1 Porcelain Clay Sanitaryware 1
2 PVC Cistern Set 4
3 Stainless Steel Sink/Pan/Basin etc. 4
4 Modern Sanitaryware 5
5 C.P. Accessories 6
6 Cistern Internal Part Fittings 12
7 Electric & Solar Geyser 12
8 C.I. Manhole Cover/Grating/grid cover 13
9 G.I. Water Tank 14
10 Roof Top PVC Water Tank 15
11 Water Pumps/Hand Pumps 16
12 Fire fighting equipment 17
13 Fire extinguisher ABC s 17
14 Insulation for hot water pipe 'Acroflex' 17
15 Acrylic glass self 17
16 Water Purification System 18
17 Bath Tub different sizes 18
18 Shower Tray 3'0"×3'0" 18
19 PPR Pipe Panchakanya or Eqv. 20
20 PPR Pipe Nepatop or Eqv. 32
21 CPVC Pipes 37
22 PVC Lead Free White Pipes SCHEDULE 40 41
23 Rainwater Collection System 44
23.1 UPVC Drain, Waste and Vent System 48
24 Multilayer Composite Pipe 52
25 Boring manually with slotted PVC Pipe (blue) Nepal Plastic 52
26 R.C.C. Hume Pipe & Collar 55
27 HDP Pipes NS-40 57
28 
PVC Pipe NS 206 61
29 G.I Pipe 62
30 G.I. Pipe fittings 62
31 R.C.C. Ring 70
32 Dug Well with R.C.C. Ring (Complete work) 70
33 Accessories for deep boring works by machine . 70
34 2" Dia. Drill work. 71
35 Sanitary Tools 71
d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
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cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

1 Porcelain Clay Sanitaryware

(Hindware, Paryware, Bolan, cera or
eqv. sDkgLsf ;fdfgx?)
White glazed porcelain pan
i)530mm size white glazed without ;]6 2290.00 2290.00 2290.00
i h mm size white glazed without
ii)500 ,, 1990.00 1990.00 1990.00
iii)580 mm size orrisa Pan ,, 2228.00 2228.00 2228.00
iii)580 mm size white glazed Indian pan ,, 952.00 952.00 952.00
iv) Siphon 'p' or 's' type ,, 535.00 535.00 535.00
v) Asian Pan 51x40 Rectangular ,, 2290.00 2290.00 2290.00
First color porcelain pan
580mm size ;]6 3090.00 3090.00 3090.00
Super color porcelain pan
580mm size ;]6 4020.00 4020.00 4020.00
500mm size ,, 3090.00 3090.00 3090.00
Porcelain Clay Cistern
i) white glazed porcelain clay 10 lit ,,
cistern complete set (internal part of 2691.00 2691.00 3229.20
cistern pvc fittings )
ii) White glazed porcelain clay 10 lit. ,,
550.00 550.00 605.00
Cistern cover only.
iii) White glazed porcelain clay 12.5 lit. ,,
cistern complete set (Brass fittings 3300/- 3300/- 3355.00
siphon with plunger plate)
iv) First color glazed porcelain clay dual ,,
2990.00 2990.00 3185.00
flush 6/3 lit. cistern complete set.
v) 10 lit. super color cistern complete set ,,
4595/- 4595/- 4595/-
(Pvc fittings)
i) White glaze porcelain clay regular ;]6
commode with 'p' trap 1200.00 1200.00 1440.00
ii) White glazed porcelain clay EWC ,,
regular commode with 's ' \ p trap 1380.00 1380.00 1656.00
iii) White glazed porcelain clay EWC ,,
Constellation commode with 'P ' & 's '
trap (305 mm distance) and seat cover 13700.00 13700.00 16440.00
iv) White glazed porcelain clay One ,,
Piece Constellation commode 66×42×67
cm size with 'P ' & 's ' trap and slow
falling seat cover complete set. 26200.00 26200.00 26200.00
v) White glazed porcelain clay ,,
Constellation commode with 'P ' & 's '
trap and seat cover dual flush complete 19800.00 19800.00 19958.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
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cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
vii) White glazed porcelain clay two ,,
piece commode with 'P ' & 's ' trap and 12215.00 12215.00 13437.00
seat cover with complete set.
viii) White glazed porcelain clay Ewc ,,
wall mounted commode 40x36x51 cm 4765.00 4765.00 4765.00
without cistern all complete set.
ix) White glazed porcelain clay Ewc floor ,,
mounted commode without cistern all 7854.00 7854.00 7854.00
complete set.
x) White glaze porcelain clay Commode
with 600 to 900 mm Grab bar and
17485/- 17485/- 17485/-
Hinged for disable with p trap all
complete ,,
xi) White glaze porcelain clay Commode 17485.0
for disable with all complete. ,,
Bidet set
i) Porcelain clay white glaze Bidet. ;]6 3350/- 3350/- 3350/-
ii) Porcelain clay white glaze super color ,,
8200/- 8200/- 8200/-
iii) Porcelain clay white glaze second ,,
6449/- 6449/- 6449/-
color f/m constellation Bidet.
iv) Porcelain clay white glaze first color ,,
5795/- 5795/- 5795/-
w\h constallation Bidet.
Urinal set
i) Porcelain clay white glaze large flat ;]6
3787.00 3787.00 3787.00
back urinal 61×41×38 cm size
ii) Porcelain clay small Urinal
1706/- 1706/- 1706/-
(46.5×35.5×26.5) cm size .
iii) Porcelain super color large flat back ,,
6188/- 6188/- 6888.00
Urinal (61×41×38) cm size
iv)White glazed porcelain clay corner ,,
1469.00 1469.00 1469.00
Urinal (35×35×44)cm size with complete
v)White glazed porcelain clay Aqua Seal ,,
2550.00 2550.00 2550.00
Urinal with complete set.
vi) White glaze Porcelain clay wash ,,
brook new urinal American standard 8640.00 8640.00 8640.00
complete set
vii) White glaze Porcelain clay Urinal - ,,
1897.00 1897.00 1897.00
Smart (41×31×26)cm size with complete
viii) White glaze Porcelain clay Urinal- ,,
7136.00 7136.00 7136.00
Dyna (64×37×31)cm size with complete
ix) 46.5x35.5x26.5 cm White glaze flat back ,, 1090.00 1090.00 1090.00
x) 17"X14"X13 White glaze Angle back ,, 1469.00 1469.00 1469.00

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cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

Porcelain Clay Urinal Squatting Plate

i) white glaze squatting plate Small Size ;]6
1100/- 1100/- 1100/-
ii) Porcelain clay white glaze squatting ,,
1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
plate large size
iii) Porcelain clay super color squatting ,,
2560.00 2560.00 2560.00
plate large size.
iv) Urinal Spreader ,, 830.00 830.00 830.00
Wash basin
i) Porcelain clay white glaze wash basin ;]6
(500×400) cm size regular. 994.00 994.00 994.00
ii) Porcelain clay first color wash basin ,,
(550×450) size. 1687.00 1687.00 1687.00
iii) Porcelain clay white glaze wash basin ,,
(50×40) cm 1344.00 1344.00 1344.00
iv) Do but wash basin (45×32)cm ,, 966.00 966.00 966.00
v) Do but super color wash basin ,,
3990.00 3990.00 3990.00
vi) white glazed porcelain clay Corner ;]6
1090.00 1090.00 1090.00
basin 40x40 complete set
vii) white glazed porcelain clay U-
2730.00 2730.00 4612.00
counter basin,(Thai) complete. ,,
ix) white glazed porcelain clay 0-counter
7178.00 7178.00 7178.00
wash basin,(63×50)cm(Thai) complete. ,,
x) White glazed porcelain clay Semi ,,
pedestal large counter wash 5655.00 5655.00 5655.00
basin750*500 mm with complete set.
ix) White glaze porcelain clay Basin for
18645/- 18645/- 18645/-
disable with grab bar all complete ,,
i) Porcelain clay white glaze pedestal ,, 1250/- 1250/- 1250/-
ii) Porcelain clay super color pedestal ,, 2429/- 2429/- 2429/-
iii)White glazed Porcelain clay half ,, 1515.00 1515.00 1515.00
pedestal complete set.
iv) First color glazed Porcelain clay half ,, 1790.00 1790.00 1790.00
pedestal complete set.
v) Two piece pedestal with Counter 33" ,, 12080.00 12080.00 12080.00
complete set.
Urinal Partition
White glaze porcelain clay (68×30)cm ,, 1580.00 1580.00 1580.00
division plate
First color glaze Porcelain clay ,, 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00
(68×30)cm division plate
Lab sink
i) Porcelain clay white glaze large size ,, 2016.00 2016.00 2016.00

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cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
ii) Porcelain clay white glaze small size ,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
iii) Porcelain clay janittor sink ,, 25000.00 25000.00 25000.00
58×71×43.5 size
Kitchen sink
i) Porcelain clay large ;]6 3414/- 3414/- 3414/-
ii) Porcelain clay small ,, 3093/- 3093/- 3093/-
iii) drain board white 53x45 ,, 1183.00 1183.00 1183.00
iii) Soap dish ,, 600.00 600.00 600.00
iv) White glaze foot rest ,, 380.00 380.00 380.00
v) White glaze Toilet paper holder ,, 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00
2 PVC Cistern Set
i) single flush ;]6 1790.00 1790.00 1790.00
ii) Deluxe single flush ,, 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
iii) Dual flush 6/3 lit. cistern complete ,,
set. 2691.00 2691.00 2691.00
iv) concealed cistern with plate complete ,,
set. 15300.00 15300.00 15300.00
v) 32 mm pvc bottel trap set. lk; 432.00 432.00 432.00
vi) 1.5x45 cm pvc pipe connector set. ,, 130.00 130.00 130.00
vi) Bakellite toilet seat cover set. ,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
3 Stainless Steel Accessories etc.

Stainless steel Deep sink 45×45×30 size ,, 16500/- 16500/- 16500/-

Stainless steel Orissa pan LP 210 size ,, 7000/- 7000/- 7700.00
Stainless steel wash basin model 251 12" ,, 12033/- 12033/- 12033/-
round size with pedestal
Stainless steel wash basin 500 mm ,, 9324/- 9324/- 9324/-
model 277 with complete set
Stainless steel commode S trap with self ,, 15928/- 15928/- 15928/-
closing complete set
Wall mixer (single control) bath faucet ,, 13278/- 13278/- 13278/-
with hand shower
Bath tub (single mixt. )with hand shower ,, 16724/- 16724/- 16724/-
External Shower Wall mixer (single ,, 23377/- 23377/- 23377/-
control) bath faucet with hand shower
Wall mixer (single control) bath faucet ,, 14474/- 14474/- 14474/-
with hand shower(conceal system)
Wall mixer (single control) shower faucet ,, 3795/- 3795/- 3795/-
(conceal system)
conceal mixer faucet ,, 5857/- 5857/- 5857/-
Stainless steel Angle valve ,, 750/- 750/- 750/-
Stainless steel two way Angle valve ,, 1050/- 1050/- 1050/-
Stainless steel bowl 19"×16" diamond  ,,
board 37" long 2425/- 2425/- 2425/-

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
Stainless steel bowl with diamond board  ,,
37" long 3321/- 3321/- 3321/-
Stainless steel bowl with ordinary board  ,,
37" long 2100/- 2100/- 2100/-
Stainless steel double bowl with double  ,,
drain board 36" * 18 "size 12628/- 12628/- 12628/-
Stainless steel double bowl with single  ,,
drain board ordinary 5250/- 5250/- 5250/-
Stainless steel p trap bottle trap for basin  ,,
2109/- 2109/- 2109/-
Stainless steel Kitchen sink mixture  ,, 7629/- 7629/- 7629/-
Stainless steel Kitchen sink faucet  ,, 5049/- 5049/- 5049/-
Stainless steel Kitchen sink mixture  ,, 7629/- 7629/- 7629/-
Stainless steel 1500mm flexible hose  ,,
pipe( connection pipe) 1327/- 1327/- 1327/-
Stainless steel Hose ringer 1200 mm  ,, 1156/- 1156/- 1156/-
Stainless steel commode spray with hose  ,,
pipe 1631/- 1631/- 1631/-
Stainless steel basin mixer( single  ,,
control) 6300/- 6300/- 6300/-
Stainless steel single faucet for basin  ,, 4015/- 4015/- 4015/-
Stainless steel Sink 700*450*200  ,, 22000/- 22000/- 22000/-
Stainless steel Sink table  ,,
top1200*600*300 30400/- 30400/- 30400/-
Steel Split clamp with washer all  ,,
complete 30400/- 30400/- 30400/-
75 mm dia lk; 300/- 300/- 300/-
110 mm dia 400/- 400/- 400/-
160 mm dia 700- 700- 700-
Sump Pump for Basement Head 8 mtrs.,  ,,
Flow 100 LPM/6 m3, Power 0.6 kW Single
Phase,Suitable for Waterwater/Drainage
application, Insulation Class B, IP68
Protection, with Floatswitch, Free Ball 60000/- 60000/- 60000/-
Passage 35 mm, Discharge Connection 1-
1/2" Model TC 40/10 Make WILO
Germany or Its Subsidary with Control
Stainless steel telephonic shower uf]6f 1125/- 1125/- 1125/-
Stainless steel shower with sliding bar  ,, 2700/- 2700/- 2700/-
Stainless steel bottle trap  ,, 487/- 487/- 487/-
Stainless steel towel bar 450 mm  ,, 1125/- 1125/- 1125/-
Stainless steel water tank fitting with
all complete set (304 grade steel )
Capacity 500 ltr set 12832
Capacity 1000 ltr  ,, 16814

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
Capacity 1500 ltr  ,, 23894
Capacity 2000 ltr  ,, 31858
Sinks Other Types:
Scrub sink
a) 1.2 mts (18" deep+6" splash ) ;]6 49365/- 49365/- 49365/-
b) 1.5 mts (18" deep+6" splash ) ,, 61705/- 61705/- 61705/-
c) 1.0 mts (18" deep+6" splash ) ,, 41135/- 41135/- 41135/-
d) 0.9 mts (18" deep+6" splash ) ,, 37025/- 37025/- 37025/-
a) 1.2 mts (21" deep+6" splash ) ,, 53000/- 53000/- 53000/-
b) 1.5 mts (21" deep+6" splash ) ,, 66250/- 66250/- 66250/-
c) 1.0 mts (21" deep+6" splash ) ,, 44165/- 44165/- 44165/-
d) 0.9 mts (21" deep+6" splash ) ,, 39745/- 39745/- 39745/-
Table Top with Sink
42"x24"x12" deep+ 6" splash with
18"x24" drain and 24"x18"x12" sink
a) without frame and legs ;]6 22750/- 22750/- 22750/-
b) with s.s. frame and legs ,, 27500/- 27500/- 27500/-
Deep Scrub Sink
28"x28"x24" deep+ 6" splash with
24"x24"x24" sink
a) without frame and legs ;]6 21485/- 21485/- 21485/-
b) with s.s. frame and legs ,, 26500/- 26500/- 26500/-
Super lab sink
i) super lab sink large size ,, 3913/- 3913/- 3913/-
ii) super lab sink small size ,, 3086/- 3086/- 3086/-
Super kitchen sink
i) super kitchen sink large size ,, 6773/- 6773/- 6773/-
ii) super kitchen sink small size ,, 6130/- 6130/- 6130/-

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
4 Modern Sanitaryware: Mogen,Cotto, Bolan or eqv.
i)Basin Mixture uf]6f 5000/- 5000/- 5000/-
ii) Commode ;]6 12500/- 12500/- 14620.00
iii) Commode seat cover lk; 2000/- 2000/- 3185.00
iv) Hand dryer Germany ,, 16000/- 16000/- 25000/-
v) Hand Dryer Chinese ,, 6500/- 6500/- 6500/-
vi) Indian Mark Brand Flush valve ,, 5200/- 5200/- 5200/-
vii) Cotto Brand Thailand Flush valve ,, 5500/- 5500/- 5500/-
viii) Head shower- cotto ,, 2500/- 2500/- 2500/-
ix) 15 mm angle valve - cotto ,, 850/- 850/- 850/-
x) Wall mixer Telephonic type- cotto ,, 5500/- 5500/- 5500/-
xi) Towel rod - cotto 1900/- 1900/- 1900/-
xii)Auto sensor for basin - cotto ,, 32000/- 32000/- 32000/-
xiii) Urinal Medium- cotto ,, 4800/- 4800/- 4800/-
xiv) Urinal auto sensor Electric type-
cotto ,, 16000/- 16000/- 16000/-
xv) European pattern liquid soap
container stainless steel - cotto ,, 5500/- 5500/- 5500/-
xv) liquid soap container stainless steel -
cotto ,, 1500/-
xvi) Sensor type mixer (hot and cold) for
basin with Diverter type-cotto ,, 60000/- 60000/- 60000/-
xvii)Looking Mirror Modi guard
450x600mm (18"x 24") ,, 1324/- 1324/- 1324/-
xviii)Looking Mirror Bevelled edge of
American standard (EP) ,, 1800/- 1800/- 1800/-
European Pattern C.P. Grab Bar for
disable - Cotto
a) 30cm long bend type ,, 4343/- 4343/- 4343/-
b) 45 cm long bend type ,, 4548/- 4548/- 4548/-
c) 60 cm long bend type ,, 5823/- 5823/- 5823/-
5 C.P. Accessories
1) Toilet paper holder ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00
2) Soap dish ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00
3) Towel rod ½"×18" size ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00
4) Towel rod ¾" ×24" size ,, 500.00 500.00 500.00
5) Glass shelf ,, 600.00 600.00 600.00
6) C.P. bottle trap ,, 1100.000 1100.000 1100.000
7) 32 mm×60cm long C.P flush pipe ,, 450.000 450.000 450.000
8) 15 mm flush cock push type ,, 1000.000 1000.000 1000.000
9) 15 mm dia. C.P. shower arm ,, 861.00 861.00 861.00
10) 15 mm dia. C.P. spreader ,, 830.00 830.00 830.00
11) 15 mm dia. C.P. wall mixture ,, 4797.00 4797.00 4797.00
i) 3" dia. Shower rose , revolving type ,, 800.00 800.00 800.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
ii) 4" dia. Shower rose , revolving type ,, 900.00 900.00 900.00
iii) Shower rose ordinary ,, 500.00 500.00 500.00
iv) Shower rod 12" long ,, 250.00 250.00 250.00
C.P. 15 mm dia. Angle Valve ,, 998.00 998.00 1177.00
C.P. 15 mm dia Concealed Stop Cock ,, 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00
C.P 15mm Bib Cock
,, 1092.00 1092.00 1177.00
C.P. 15 mm dia swan neck Pillar Cock
,, 1068.00 1068.00 1500.00
C.P. 15 mm dia Stop Cock
,, 1068.00 1068.00 1177.00
C.P. 15 mm dia Sink Cock
,, 1050/- 1050/- 2194.00
C.P. 15 mm dia Sink Mixture
,, 3588.00 3588.00 3883.00
C.P. 32 mm dia Flush Valve
,, 4770/- 4770/- 4770
C.P. 32 mm dia Waste Coupling for ,, 374.00 374.00 374.00

C.P. 32 mm dia Waste Coupling for ,, 608.00 608.00 608.00

C.P. Ext. nipple with Allen key type ,, 200.00
C.P. Basin Mixture ;]6 4095.00 4095.00 4095.00

15 mm dia Bath Tub Spout with Wall  ,,

1528.00 1528.00 1528.00
C.P. Exclusive Shower Arm with Hinge ,, 1778.00 1778.00 1778.00
15 mm bath tub spout with bottom  ,,
attachment of telephonic shower 3680/- 3680/- 3680/-
15 mm wall mixture lever type telephonic  ,,
shower of flexible type heavy.
6,045.00 6,045.00 6,045.00
C.P. flexible pipe
Uf]f6f 120.00 120.00 160.00
C.P. Grating

i) 4" dia.
,, 44/- 44/- 44/-
ii) 5" dia. ,, 55/- 55/- 55/-
i) C.P. Toilet Paper Holder ,, 820.00 820.00 820.00
ii) C.P. Soap Dish(Polyurethane) ,, 920.00 920.00 920.00
iii) C.P. Towel Rod 18" ,, 1393.00 1393.00 1393.00
iv) C.P. Towel Rod 24" ,, 1468.00 1468.00 1468.00
v) C.P. Glass Shelf 22" ,, 1995.00 1995.00 1995.00
vi) C.P. Coat Hook Double ,, 717.00 717.00 717.00
iii) corner shelf rack type-cotto ,, 3653/- 3653/- 3653/-
iv) Soap case-cotto ,, 2783/- 2783/- 2783/-
v) coat hook-cotto ,, 2118/- 2118/- 2118/-
vi) Looking mirror-cotto ,, 7000/- 7000/- 7000/-
vii) 1.5 cm mettalic water spray-cotto ,, 1550/- 1550/- 1550/-
viii) Bath spout-cotto ,, 5238/- 5238/- 5238/-
ix) tumbler holder-cotto ,, 2940/- 2940/- 2940/-
Pressure Adjustable shower (rose type) ,, - - 2500.00
Two way Angle cock ,, 1190.00 1190.00 1200.00
C.P. af6 lgld{t ;fdfu|L| x? ,,
i) C.P. Toilet Paper Holder ,, 855.00 855.00 855.00
ii) C.P. Soap Dish(Polyurethane) ,, 744.00 744.00 744.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
iv) C.P. Towel Rod 24" ,, 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00
v) C.P. Glass Shelf 22" ,, 1970.00 1970.00 1970.00
vi) C.P. Coat Hook Double ,, 669.00 669.00 669.00
vii) Grab Bar ,, 1800.00
ix) C.P. Angle Cock
15mm C.P. Angle Cock ,, 818.00 818.00 818.00
15 mm C.P. Angle Cock Long ,,
870.00 870.00 870.00
Th d ,,
x) C.P. Conceal Stop Cock
i) 15 mm Reduced body ,, 1003.00 1003.00 1003.00
ii) 15 mm Extra Heavy Body ,, 1227.00 1227.00 1227.00
xi) C.P. Bib Cock ,,
i) 15mm C.P. Auto Closing Bib Cock ,,
With Aerator 2305.00 2305.00 2305.00
ii) 15mm C.P. Bib Cock ,, 840.00 840.00 840.00
iii) 15mm C.P. Bib Cock with nozzle ,, 930.00 930.00 930.00
xii) C.P. Pillar Cock ,,
i) 15 mm C.P. Pillar Cock With Aerator ,,
1115.00 1115.00 1115.00
ii) 15mm Auto Closing Pillar Cock With ,,
Aerator 2230.00 2230.00 2230.00
i) 15mm C.P. Sink Cock ,, 1412.00 1412.00 1412.00
ii) C.P. Sink Mixer ,, 2899.00 2899.00 3500.00
iii) 15 mm C.P. Sink Mixer With ,,
Revolving Spout 3050.00 3050.00 3050.00
xv) C.P. Bottle Trap 32mm ,, 1635.00 1635.00 1635.00
xvi) 32 mm C.P. Conceal Flush Valve ,,
Dual Flow 3419.00 3419.00 3419.00
xvii) C.P. Waste Coupling ,,
32 mm C.P. Waste Coupling H/T ,, 394.00 394.00 394.00
32 mm C.P. Waste Coupling F/T ,, 394.00 394.00 394.00
xviii) 15 mm Urinal Auto-Closing ,,
Valve with Built-in Control Cock 2378.00 2378.00 2378.00
xix) 15 mm C.P. Wall Mixer
15 mm C.P. Wall Mixer With Lower ,,
Bend Pipe 3939.00 3939.00 3939.00
15 mm C.P. Wall Mixer With Upper ,,
Bead Pipe 3939.00 3939.00 3939.00
xx) C.P. Basin Mixer ,,
15 mm C.P. Basin Mixer Central Hole ,,
With 450mm Long Braided Hoses 2974.00 2974.00 3418.00
15 mm C.P. Basin Mixer Single Lever ,,
With 450mm Long Braided Hoses 3122.00 3122.00 4675.00
xxi) 15mm Bath Tub Spout with wall ,,
15mm Bath Tub Spout with wall ,,
Flange 1115.00 1115.00 1115.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
15mm Bath Tub Spout with button ,,
attachment 1784.00 1784.00 1784.00
xxii) C.P. Casted Shower Arm with ,,
15 mm Casted Shower Arm Light ,, 594.00 594.00 594.00
15 mm Casted Shower Arm Heavy ,, 966.00 966.00 966.00

xxiii) 15 mm Telephonic Hand Shower

With 1.50 m. PVC Tube ,, 1581.00 1581.00 1581.00
With 1.5 Flexible Tube ,, 2453.00 2453.00 2453.00
xxiv) Other accessories
15mm Wall Mixer Single Lever for
Telephonic Shower Arrangement uf]6f 4386.00 4386.00 4386.00
15 mm Braided Hose for E.W.C. ,, 270.00 270.00 270.00
15 mm Health Faucet (Commode Spray) ,,
1040.00 1040.00 1040.00
15 mm pillar cock with 200 mm extended ,,
lever handle 1375.00 1375.00 1375.00
15 mm Bib cock with 200 mm extended ,,
lever handle
1450.00 1450.00 1450.00
Single lever surgical purpose elbow ,,
action basin mixer with extended
operating lever 5404.00 5404.00 5404.00
Single lever surgical purpose elbow ,,
action Sink mixer with extended
operating lever 5241.00 5241.00 5241.00
Sensor mixer for wash basin (Battery ,,
operated) 18584.00 18584.00 18584.00
Wall mounted Sensor mixer for ,,
operatation theater (Battery operated) 18584.00 18584.00 18584.00
Sensor conceal type flushing valve for ,,
Western commode (battery operated) 14718.00 14718.00 14718.00
Sensor valve for Urinal ,, 9664.00 9664.00 9664.00
Basin cock Sensor ,, 11893.00 11893.00 18390.00
15mm U shaped sink cock ,, 1412.00 1412.00 1597.00
Sink Mixture with U shape swinging ,, 3047.00 3047.00 3047.00
15mm metallic Health Faucet (Commode ,,
Spray) 1970.00 1970.00 1970.00
7 Electric & Solar Geyser
i) 10 lit. cap. electric water heater uf]6f 10200.00 10200.00 10200.00
ii) 25 lit cap. " " " ,, 15725.00 15725.00 15725.00
iii) 35 lit cap " " " ,, 19550.00 19550.00 19550.00
iv) 50 lit cap " " " ,, 23375.00 23375.00 23375.00
iv) Gas water heater with cylinder ,, 8000.00 8000.00 8000.00
vi) 200 lit cap. 3 panel solar heater with ,,
fittings 44550.00 44550.00 44550.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
vii) 300 lit cap. 3 panel solar heater with ,,
fittings 49376.00 49376.00 49376.00
viii) 400 lit cap. 4 panel solar heater with ,,
fittings 54000.00 54000.00 54000.00
ix) 300 lit cap. 3 set collector, 303 k model ,,
in directr system water not flow in collector,
cramic lining tank, solar glasses, electric
boseter with thermostat solar heater with
fittings all complete set. Aus.
320000.00 320000.00 320000.00
x) 500 lit cap. 4 panel solar heater with ,,
62000.00 62000.00 62000.00
xi)15.0 Ltr wate heater including copper pipe ;]6
connector with coupling and other necessary
fittings complete American. 11000.00 11000.00 11000.00

8 C.I. Manhole Cover including frame.

8.1 Square size (in outer dia)
Medium Duty
i) 10" × 10" (4 Kg.) ;]6 480.00 552.00 634.80
ii) 12" × 12" (5 Kg.) ,, 600.00 690.00 793.50
iii) 14" × 14" (7 Kg.) ,, 840.00 966.00 1110.90
v) 16" × 16" (10 Kg.) ,, 1200.00 1380.00 1587.00
vi) 18" × 18" (14 Kg.) ,, 1800.00 2070.00 2380.50
viii) 20" × 20" (16 Kg.) ,, 1920.00 2208.00 2539.20
ix) 22" × 22" (20 Kg.) ,, 2400.00 2760.00 3174.00
x) 24" × 24" (24 Kg.) ,, 3080.00 3542.00 4073.30
xi) 27" × 27" (31 Kg.) ,, 3720.00 4278.00 4919.70
Heavy Duty 0.00 0.00
iii) 14" × 14" (14 Kg.) ,, 1680.00 1932.00 2221.80
ix) 22" × 22" (22 Kg.) ,, 2640.00 3036.00 3491.40
xi) 27" × 27" (45 Kg.) ,, 5400.00 6210.00 7141.50
8.2 Rounded Manhole Cover (Outer dia.)
Medium class
i) 18" dia. Round Manhole cover with
7500.00 8250.00
square frame (60 Kg.)
ii) 20" dia. Round Manhole cover with
10000.00 11000.00
square frame (70 Kg.)
iii) 20" dia. Round Manhole cover with
12500.00 13750.00
square frame (100 Kg.)
iv) 22" dia. Medium class. (125 Kg.) ;]6 16000.00 17600.00

v) 22" dia. Heavy class. (208Kg.) 23900.00 26290.00

vi) 24" dia. Medium class. (40 Kg.) ,, 5120.00 5120.00 5632.00

vii ) 24" dia. Heavy class (Load Test 8 ,,

Ton) (50 Kg.) 6400.00 6400.00 7040.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
viii) 24" Round Manhole cover with ,,
square frame (IS:1726 ) (70 Kg.) 9200.00 9200.00 10120.00
ix) 26" Round Manhole cover with ,,
square frame (IS:1726 ) (85 Kg.) 11200.00 11200.00 12320.00
x) 28" Round Manhole cover with square ,,
frame (IS:1726 ) (116 Kg.) 14800.00 14800.00 16280.00
xi) 28" Round Manhole cover with ,,
square frame (IS:1726 ) (116 Kg.) 14800.00 14800.00 16280.00
8.3 C.I. Tank Cover Locking Types
18" (8 Kg.) ;]6 1200.00 1380.00 1518.00
20" (12 Kg.) ,, 1760.00 2024.00 2226.40
22" (14 Kg.) ,, 2000.00 2300.00 2530.00
24" (16 Kg.) ,, 2400.00 2760.00 3036.00
28" (24 Kg.) ,, 3600.00 4140.00 4554.00
18" x 18" (13 Kg.) ;]6 2000.00 2300.00 2530.00
24" x 24" (50 Kg.) ,, 7200.00 8280.00 9108.00
18" x 24" (27 Kg.) ;]6 4000.00 4600.00 5060.00
8.4 C.I. Gully Gratings & Jali

Round Jali Strip Mediun Duty


4" ;]6 72.00 82.80 91.00


5" ,, 96.00 110.40 121.00

6" ,, 128.00 147.20 162.00
10" ,, 440.00 506.00 557.00
Square Jali Strip Mediun Duty
4" x 4" ;]6 64.00 73.60 81.00

5" x 5" ,, 80.00 92.00 101.00

6" x 6" ,, 96.00 110.40 121.00
9" x 9" ,, 280.00 322.00 354.00
10" x 10" ,, 360.00 414.00 455.00
12" x 12" ,, 520.00 598.00 658.00
C.I. Gully Gratings
i) 15"×18" Medium (18 Kg.) ;]6 2640.00 3036.00 3340.00
ii) 15"×18" Heavy (25 Kg.) ;]6 3600.00 4140.00 4554.00

Grit Cover
kmnfd] PËnsf] k|]mddf kmnfd] klQsf] hfnL agfO{
km]la|s]zg sfo{ u/L, Ps sf]6 Red oxide paint s]=hL= 120.00 138.00 152.00
nufO{ h8fg ug]{ sfd -laleGg ;fOhdf_
Aluminum Grating 4" dia. uf]6f 25.00 35.00 39.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

9 G.I. Water Tank (17 Gauge)

i) 100 gls uf]6f 8075/- 8075/- 8075/-
ii) 200 gls ,, 12685/- 12685/- 12685/-
iii) 300 gls ,, 15955/- 15955/- 15955/-
iv) 400 gls ,, 19155/- 19155/- 19155/-
v) 500 gls ,, 22365/- 22365/- 22365/-
G.I. Water Tank (16 BWG TATA
i) 100 gls uf]6f 8517.70 8517.70 8517.70
ii) 200 gls ,, 12880.53 12880.53 12880.53
iii) 300 gls ,, 17101.77 17101.77 17101.77
iv) 400 gls ,, 20491.15 20491.15 20491.15
v) 500 gls ,, 23880.53 23880.53 23880.53
10 Roof Top PVC Water Tank
i) 200 lit – 5000 lit cap. nL= 9.00 9.00 9.70
ii) 5000 lit – 10,000 lit cap ,, 10.00 10.00 10.70
iii) Horizontal PVC water tank ,, 10.00 10.00 10.70
11 Water Pumps/Hand Pumps
Indian Mark-III , Deep Well Hand Pump
6 No. hand pump uf]6f 1330.00 1330.00 1463.00
Water Pump :
i) ½ H.P. Water Pump (Multi stage ;]6
9150/- 9150/- 10065
ii) ½ H.P. Water Pump mono block type ,,
5260/- 5260/- 5786

iii) 1.0 H.P. water pump Multistage ,, 11985/- 11985/- 13184

iv)1.0 H.P. water pump (mono block ,, 7956/- 7956/- 8752
v) 2.0) H.P. water pump ,, 19890/- 19890/- 20885
vi) 2.0 H.P.3 phase water pump ,, 21000/- 21000/- 22050
vii) 5.0 HP 3 phase water pump ,, 25235/- 25235/- 26497
viii) 7.5 HP water pump ,, 60000/- 60000/- 6300
ix) 10 HP water pump ,, 75000/- 75000/- 78750
Jet Water Pump
i) 1.10 H.P. ;]6 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00
ii) Double Stage jet 1.10 H.P. 24000.00 24000.00 24000.00
ii) 1.5 H.P.  ,, 27000.00 27000.00 27000.00
Super Sunction
i) ½ H.P ;]6 7500.00 7500.00 8250.00
ii) 0.75 H.P.  ,, 7000.00 7000.00 7700.00
iii) 1.0 H.P.  ,, 12000.00 12000.00 13200.00
Water Pump (Italian Pedrello)

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
i) 1.0 H.P. Single pump set with Boaster
;]6 16830/- 16830/- 16830/-
(Pressure Pump) with 25 lit. Pressure
ii) 2 H.P. single pump set " "  ,, 27030/- 27030/- 27030/-
iii) 1 H.P. pump 2 pumps set with 25 lit  ,,
pressure tank, Italian, Pedrello co. 87210/- 87210/- 87210/-

Fire pump
Submersible Pump (Italian)
i) 1.0 H.P.  ,, 21930/- 21930/- 24123
ii) 2.0 H.P.  ,, 38760/- 38760/- 44750
Electric Water Pump (Chinese)
i) ½ H.P  ,, 1575/- 1575/- 1575/-
ii) ¾ H.P.  ,, 2052/- 2052/- 2052/-
iii) 1.0 H.P.  ,, 3024/- 3024/- 3024/-
Submersible Pump Sarvo/Bimal or
i) ½ H.P open well type  ,, 14000.00 14000.00 15400.00
ii) 1.1 H.P open well type  ,, 20500.00 20500.00 22550.00
iii) 1.5 H.P open well type  ,, 25000.00 25000.00 27500.00
Vertical Submersible Pump  ,,
Sarvo/Bimal or equivalent
i) 1.1 H.P  ,, 24000.00 24000.00 25200.00
iii) 1.5 H.P  ,, 29000.00 29000.00 30450.00
12 Fire fighting equipment and
swinging nose nozzle with 20mm hydraulic
rubber branded nose length 30rm winding up
 ;]6 19700/- 19700/- 19700/-
to 170o U-shape hose reel carrier with drum
Gun metal two way collection head with
63 mm dia Instantaneous type inlet with
built in check meter fore fine bridge  ,, 18480/- 18480/- 18480/-
connection to under ground tank or to fine
reel, minimax
IS 5290, hose box size 30"×24"×10", 63
mm hose reel with 30m length or (15×2m)
Gun metal branch pope with nozzles
coupling set, (Hose box 5063, hose pipe =  ,, 27214/- 27214/- 27214/-
7500, nozzles coupling 2500, landing valve
Stainless steel Horizontal monoblock of
pressure 70 m head with 30 mm inlet and
outlet 25 mm built in pressure device and  ,, 95000/- 95000/- 95000/-
thermal over load protection, 0.75 kw single
13 Fire extinguisher ABC stored Pressure
cfktsflng cfunfuL x'Fbf k|of]u ul/g] ;fdfu|L

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
i) 1 kg size ABC stored pressure type
uf]6f 3330/- 3330/- 3330/-
Fire extinguisher
ii) 2 kg size ABC ,, ,, ,, uf]6f 3330/- 3330/- 3330/-
iii) 3.0kg size ABC ,, ,, ,, ,, 7130/- 7130/- 7130/-
iii) 5.0kg size ABC ,, ,, ,, ,, 5040/- 5040/- 5040/-
iv) ABC store pressure type 1.0kg cap of
o'lg6 1050/- 1050/- 1050/-
fire extinguisher refill
v) ABC sore pressure type 2.0kg cap of
,, 1575/- 1575/- 1575/-
fire extinguisher re-fill
vi) ABC sore pressure type 5 kg cap of
,, 2100/- 2100/- 2100/-
fire extinguisher re-fill
vii) 4.5 kg size ABC stored pressure type
,, 5040/- 5040/- 5040/-
fire extinguisher
viii) 2.5 kg size ABC ,, ,, ,, ,, 3098/- 3098/- 3098/-
ix) Co2 Type fire extinguisher 6.80 lit . ,, 7539/- 7539/- 7539/-
x) Foam type fire extinguisher 9 lit
uf]6f 2474/- 2474/- 2474/-
14 Insulation for hot water pipe
15mm Insulation 6 mm wall thickness /=dL 85/- 85/- 85/-
20mm Insulation 6 mm wall thickness ,, 158/- 158/- 158/-
25mm Insulation 6 mm wall thickness ,, 126/- 126/- 126/-
32mm Insulation 6 mm wall thickness ' ,, 158/- 158/- 158/-
i) Acrylic glass shelf best quality ;]6 3071/- 3071/- 3071/-
ii) Acrylic glass shelf ordinary ,, 866/- 866/- 866/-
iii) Shower curtain ,, 195/- 195/- 195/-
16 Water Purification System
Euro Guard Water purification system o'lg6
16263/- 16263/- 16263/-
(one litre per minute)
Euro-guard water purification system (hi- ,,
22035/- 22035/- 22035/-
flow 3 lit/min)
AQUA-ALO water purifier (1.0 lit/min) ,, 13685/- 13685/- 13685/-
AQUA-power water purifier ,, 9484/- 9484/- 9484/-
RO feed pump ;]6 32000/- 32000/- 32000/-
Fire Sprinkler ,, 575/- 575/- 575/-
Supply,installation, testing and ,,
commisioning of Aeration system ( FRP 35000.00 35000.00 35000.00
Tray type)
Supply, installation, testing and ,,
commisioning of Dual Media Filter (
DMF) FRP vessel with multiport valve, 85000.00 85000.00 85000.00
filter media and required accessories
complete set (144”x14” Ø)

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
Supply, installation, testing and ,,
commisioning of Dosing Pump 0.5 HP 15000.00 15000.00 15000.00
(Groundfos or equivalent)
Filter Media for existing filtration
Pebbles s]=hL= 27.00
Coarse silex ,, 32.00
Gravel ,, 27.00
Golden sand ,, 27.00
Anthracite ,, 108.00
MNo2 ,, 126.00
Activated Carbon ,, 180.00
Motor starter switch ,, 3398/- 3398/- 3398/-
Pressure sensor switch for water tank( ,,
itellian) 3675/- 3675/- 3675.00
17 ljleGg ;fOhsf] Bath tub .fiber
a) Bath tub – 3'6" Medium ;]6 6090/- 6090/- 6090/-
Bath tub – 3'6" Heavy ,, 7245/- 7245/- 7245/-
b) Bath tub – 4'0" Medium ,, 6510/- 6510/- 6510/-
Bath tub _ 4'0" Heavy ,, 7560/- 7560/- 7560/-
c) Bath Tub – 4'6" Medium ,, 7875/- 7875/- 7875/-
Bath tub – 4'6" Heavy ,, 7900/- 7900/- 7900/-
d) Bath tub – 5'0" Medium ,, 8610/- 8610/- 8610/-
Bath tub _ 5'0" Heavy ,, 8500/- 8500/- 8500/-
e) Bath Tub – 5'6" Medium ,, 7725/- 7725/- 7725/-
Bath tub – 5'6" Heavy ,, 9100/- 9100/- 9100/-
f) Bath Tub – 6'0" Medium ,, 12500/- 12500/- 12500/-
Bath tub – 6'0" Heavy ,, 15750/- 15750/- 15750/-
18 Shower Tray 3'0"×3'0" uf]6f 485/- 485/- 485/-
Pipes and fittings
19 PPR Pipe (Poly propylene random co-
polymer pipe Panchakanya , Nepatop
or Eqv.)
1) PP-R Pipe (PN-10)
20mm outer,1.9 mm thick, 0.107 kg/m /=ld 52.21 57.43 66.05
25mm " 2.3 mm thick 0.164kg/m ,, 79.65 87.61 100.75
32mm 2.9 mm thick 0.26kg/m ,, 127.43 140.18 161.20
40mm 3.7 mm thick 0.412kg/m ,, 200.88 220.97 254.12
50mm 4.6 mm thick 0.638kg/m ,, 311.50 342.65 394.05
63 mm 8.6 mm thick 0.638kg/m ,, 491.15 540.27 621.31
75 mm ,, 685.84 754.42 867.59
90 mm ,, 987.61 1086.37 1249.33
110 mm ,, 1464.60 1611.06 1852.72
2) PP-R Pipe (PN-16)
20mm 2.80 mm thick 0.148kg/m ,, 71.68 78.85 90.68
25mm 3.50 mm thick 0.26kg/m ,, 111.50 122.65 141.05
32mm 3.7 mm thick 0.230kg/m ,, 179.65 197.61 227.25

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
40mm 5.50 mm thick 0.575kg/m ,, 280.53 308.58 354.87
50mm 6.90 mm thick 0.896kg/m ,, 436.28 479.91 551.90
63 mm 4.6 mm thick 0.638kg/m ,, 685.84 754.42 867.59
75 mm ,, 977.88 1075.66 1237.01
90 mm ,, 1396.46 1536.11 1766.52
110 mm ,, 2092.92 2302.21 2647.54
3) PP-R Pipe (PN-20)
20mm 3.4 mm thick 0.172 kg/m ,, 83.19 91.50 105.23
25mm 4.20 mm thick 0.266kg/m ,, 129.20 142.12 163.44
32mm 5.40 mm thick 0.434kg/m ,, 211.50 232.65 267.55
40mm 6.70 mm thick 0.671kg/m ,, 327.43 360.18 414.20
50mm 8.30 mm thick 1.04kg/m ,, 506.19 556.81 640.34
63mm 8.6mm thick 1.04kg/m ,, 802.65 882.92 1015.36
75 mm ,, 1138.94 1252.83 1440.76
90 mm ,, 1635.40 1798.94 2068.78
110 mm ,, 2438.05 2681.86 3084.14
PP-R Pipe Accessories :
Elbow ( 90 0 )
20mm uf]6f 11.50 12.65 13.29
25mm ,, 22.12 24.34 25.55
32mm uf]6f 36.28 39.91 41.91
40mm ,, 75.22 82.74 86.88
50mm ,, 127.43 140.18 147.19
63 mm ,, 230.09 253.10 265.75
75 mm ,, 462.83 509.12 534.57
90 mm ,, 824.78 907.26 952.62
110 mm ,, 1480.53 1628.58 1710.01
Equal Tee
20mm ,, 15.04 16.55 17.38
25mm ,, 26.55 29.20 30.66
32mm ,, 46.02 50.62 53.15
40mm ,, 88.50 97.35 102.21
50mm ,, 146.90 161.59 169.67
63mm ,, 271.68 298.85 313.79
75 mm ,, 551.33 606.46 636.78
90 mm ,, 982.30 1080.53 1134.56
110 mm ,, 1679.65 1847.61 1939.99
20mm uf]6f 10.62 11.68 12.27
25mm ,, 13.27 14.60 15.33
32mm ,, 22.12 24.34 25.55
40mm ,, 41.59 45.75 48.04
50mm ,, 66.37 73.01 76.66
63 mm ,, 122.12 134.34 141.05
75 mm ,, 241.59 265.75 279.04
90 mm ,, 422.12 464.34 487.55
110 mm ,, 747.79 822.57 863.69

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
45 Degree Elbow
20 mm ,, 15.04 16.55 17.38
25 mm ,, 24.78 27.26 28.62
32 mm ,, 38.05 41.86 43.95
40 mm ,, 71.68 78.85 82.79
50 mm ,, 122.12 134.34 141.05
63 mm ,, 193.81 213.19 223.85
75 mm ,, 453.10 498.41 523.33
90 mm ,, 819.47 901.42 946.49
110 mm 1389.38 1528.32 1604.73

Union (Plastic)
20mm uf]6f 54.87 60.35 63.37
25mm ,, 93.81 103.19 108.35
32mm ,, 149.56 164.51 172.74
40mm ,, 254.87 280.35 294.37
50mm ,, 604.42 664.87 698.11
63mm ,, 695.58 765.13 803.39
Reducing Coupler
25mm*20mm ,, 15.04 16.55 17.38
32mm*20mm ,, 20.35 22.39 23.51
32mm*25mm ,, 22.12 24.34 25.55
40mm*20mm ,, 32.74 36.02 37.82
40mm*25mm ,, 38.94 42.83 44.97
40mm*32mm ,, 46.02 50.62 53.15
50mm*20mm ,, 61.06 67.17 70.53
50mm*25mm ,, 66.37 73.01 76.66
50mm*32mm ,, 71.68 78.85 82.79
50mm*40mm ,, 79.65 87.61 91.99
63mm*32mm ,, 122.12 134.34 141.05
63mm*40mm ,, 127.43 140.18 147.19
63mm*50mm ,, 137.17 150.88 158.43
75mm*40mm ,, 203.54 223.89 235.09
75mm*50mm ,, 249.56 274.51 288.24
75mm*63mm ,, 252.21 277.43 291.31
90mm*50mm ,, 504.42 554.87 582.61
90mm*63mm ,, 544.25 598.67 628.61
90mm*75mm ,, 641.59 705.75 741.04
110mm*75mm 854.87 940.35 987.37
110mm*90mm 992.04 1091.24 1145.80
Reducing Tee
25*20*25 mm ,, 27.43 30.18 31.69
32*20*32 mm ,, 43.36 47.70 50.08
32*25*32 mm ,, 46.90 51.59 54.17
40*20*40 mm ,, 69.03 75.93 79.73
40*25*40 mm ,, 71.68 78.85 82.79
40*32*40 mm ,, 79.65 87.61 91.99
50*20*50 mm ,, 92.04 101.24 106.30

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
50*25*50 mm ,, 97.35 107.08 112.43
50*32*50 mm ,, 157.52 173.27 181.94
50*40*50 mm ,, 168.14 184.96 194.20
63*32*63 mm ,, 207.96 228.76 240.20
63*40*63 mm ,, 201.77 221.95 233.04
63*50*63 mm ,, 223.89 246.28 258.60
75*50*75 mm ,, 458.41 504.25 529.46
75*63*75 mm ,, 478.76 526.64 552.97
90*63*90 mm ,, 967.26 1063.98 1117.18
90*75*90 mm ,, 1038.05 1141.86 1198.95
110*75*110 mm ,, 1694.69 1864.16 1957.37
110*90*110 mm 1776.11 1953.72 2051.40

Reducing Elbow
25mm*20mm ,, 23.01 25.31 26.58
32mm*20mm ,, 33.63 36.99 38.84
32mm*25mm ,, 42.48 46.73 49.06
High Footed Pipe Clip 0.00
20mm uf]6f 15.04 16.55 17.38
25mm ,, 17.70 19.47 20.44
32mm ,, 23.01 25.31 26.58
40mm ,, 26.55 29.20 30.66
50mm ,, 35.40 38.94 40.88
63 mm ,, 40.71 44.78 47.02
Low Footed Pipe Clip
20mm ,, 7.08 7.79 8.18
25mm ,, 7.96 8.76 9.20
32mm ,, 15.04 16.55 17.38
40mm ,, 19.47 21.42 22.49
50mm ,, 30.97 34.07 35.77
63 mm ,, 39.82 43.81 46.00
"Y" type Pipe Clip
20mm ,, 25.66 28.23 29.64
25mm ,, 26.55 29.20 30.66
32mm ,, 35.40 38.94 40.88
40 mm 50.44 55.49 58.26
End Plug (short)
20mm ,, 15.04 16.55 17.38
25mm ,, 23.01 25.31 26.58
32mm ,, 35.40 38.94 40.88
End Plug with Ring 0.00 0.00
20mm ,, 25.66 28.23 29.64
End Plug (long)
20mm ,, 10.62 11.68 12.27
End Cap
20mm ,, 15.04 16.55 17.38
25mm ,, 23.01 25.31 26.58
32mm ,, 35.40 38.94 40.88

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
40mm ,, 54.87 60.35 63.37
50mm ,, 92.04 101.24 106.30
63 mm ,, 171.68 188.85 198.29
75 mm ,, 256.64 282.30 296.42
Cross Tee 0.00 0.00 0.00
20mm ,, 26.55 29.20 30.66
25mm ,, 38.05 41.86 43.95
32mm ,, 66.37 73.01 76.66
Short Passover
20mm ,, 73.45 80.80 84.84
25mm ,, 103.54 113.89 119.59
32mm ,, 149.56 164.51 172.74

Long Bypass
20mm ,, 97.35 107.08 112.43
25mm ,, 140.71 154.78 162.52
32mm ,, 199.12 219.03 229.98
Male Tee 0.00
20mmx1/2" ,, 151.33 166.46 174.78
25mmx1/2" ,, 148.67 163.54 171.72
25mmx3/4" ,, 184.07 202.48 212.60
32mmx1/2" ,, 229.20 252.12 264.73
32mmx3/4" ,, 234.51 257.96 270.86
32mmx1" ,, 418.58 460.44 483.46
Female Tee
20mmx1/2" ,, 112.39 123.63 129.81
25mmx1/2" ,, 127.43 140.18 147.19
25mmx3/4" ,, 167.26 183.98 193.18
32mmx1/2" ,, 189.38 208.32 218.73
32mmx3/4" ,, 208.85 229.73 241.22
32mmx1" ,, 337.17 370.88 389.43
Male elbow
20mmx1/2" ,, 145.13 159.65 167.63
25mmx1/2" ,, 149.56 164.51 172.74
25mmx3/4" ,, 181.42 199.56 209.54
32mmx1/2" 196.46 216.11 226.91
32mmx3/4" ,, 214.16 235.58 247.35
32mmx1" ,, 414.16 455.58 478.35
Female elbow 0.00
20mmx1/2" ,, 109.73 120.71 126.74
25mmx1/2" ,, 154.87 170.35 178.87
25mmx3/4" ,, 142.48 156.73 164.56
32mmx1/2" 208.85 229.73 241.22
32mmx3/4" ,, 238.94 262.83 275.97
32mmx1" ,, 293.81 323.19 339.35
Male Coupling
20mmx1/2" ,, 142.48 156.73 164.56

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
20mmx3/4" ,, 169.91 186.90 196.25
25mmx1/2" ,, 136.28 149.91 157.41
25mmx3/4" ,, 171.68 188.85 198.29
32mmx1/2" ,, 190.27 209.29 219.76
32mmx3/4" ,, 23.89 26.28 27.60
32mmx1" ,, 401.77 441.95 464.04
40mmx1-1/4" ,, 572.57 629.82 661.31
50mmx1-1/2" ,, 865.49 952.04 999.64
63mmx2" 1254.87 1380.35 1449.37
75mmx2-1/2" ,, 344.25 378.67 397.61
Female Coupling
20mmx1/2" ,, 107.08 117.79 123.68
20mmx3/4" ,, 130.09 143.10 150.25
25mmx1/2" ,, 119.47 131.42 137.99
25mmx3/4" 133.63 146.99 154.34
32mmx1/2" ,, 128.32 141.15 148.21
32mmx3/4" ,, 137.17 150.88 158.43
32mmx1" ,, 313.27 344.60 361.83
40mmx1-1/4" ,, 503.54 553.89 581.59
50mmx1-1/2" ,, 653.98 719.38 755.35
63mmx2" 962.83 1059.12 1112.07
75mmx2-1/2" ,, 1903.54 2093.89 2198.59
Male Union
20mmx1/2" ,, 255.75 281.33 295.39
25mmx3/4" ,, 368.14 404.96 425.20
32mmx1" ,, 528.32 581.15 610.21
40mmx11/4" ,, 1020.35 1122.39 1178.51
50mmx1/2" ,, 1401.77 1541.95 1619.04
63mmx2" ,, 3256.64 3582.30 3761.42
Female Union
20mmx1/2" ,, 248.67 273.54 287.22
25mmx3/4" ,, 361.95 398.14 418.05
32mmx1" ,, 508.85 559.73 587.72
40mmx11/4" ,, 779.65 857.61 900.49
50mmx1/2" ,, 1308.85 1439.73 1511.72
63mmx2" ,, 2477.88 2725.66 2861.95
Stop Valve
a) 20 mm ,, 300.88 330.97 347.52
b) 25 mm ,, 398.23 438.05 459.96
c) 32 mm ,, 482.30 530.53 557.06
d) 40mm ,, 637.17 700.88 735.93
e)50 mm ,, 1058.41 1164.25 1222.46
f) 63 mm ,, 1526.55 1679.20 1763.16
Male base elbow
20mm x 1/2" ,, 145.13 159.65 167.63
25mm x 3/4" ,, 187.61 206.37 216.69
Female base elbow

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
20mm x 1/2" ,, 153.10 168.41 176.83
25mm x 1/2" ,, 183.19 201.50 211.58
25mm x 3/4" ,, 169.03 185.93 195.23
Metal Ball valve (double)
20mmx1/2" ,, 686.73 755.40 793.17
25mmx3/4" ,, 926.55 1019.20 1070.16
32mmx1" ,, 1341.59 1475.75 1549.54
40mmx1-1/4" ,, 3403.54 3743.89 3931.09
50mmx1-1/2" ,, 4792.04 5271.24 5534.80
Metal Ball valve (Single)
20mmx1/2" ,, 676.99 744.69 781.92
25mmx3/4" ,, 910.62 1001.68 1051.77
32mmx1" ,, 1330.97 1464.07 1537.27
Conceal Valve (Lux)
20mm ,, 788.50 867.35 910.71
Conceal Valve (Nor)
20mm ,, 751.33 826.46 867.78
Ball Valve (Plastic) 0.00
20mm ,, 116.81 128.50 134.92
25mm ,, 157.52 173.27 181.94
32mm ,, 254.87 280.35 294.37
40mm ,, 499.12 549.03 576.48
50mm ,, 641.59 705.75 741.04
63 mm ,, 1139.82 1253.81 1316.50
Ball Valve (Brass) 0.00
20mm ,, 324.78 357.26 375.12
25mm ,, 461.06 507.17 532.53
32mm ,, 770.80 847.88 890.27
40mm ,, 1840.71 2024.78 2126.02
21 CPVC Pipes & Fittings for hot and
cold water distribution system CPVC
means Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride as per ASTM
are as per ASTM F 442, CPVC SOLVENT are as per
ASTM F-493 2846 (Flowguard : astral, ashivad, ajay,
marvel or eqv.
CPVC Pipe SDR 13.5 (22.5 Kg/cm2)
1/2" dia Rm 150 135 149
3/4" dia ,, 209 188 207
1" dia ,, 274 247 271
1-1/4" dia ,, 341 307 338
1-1/2" dia ,, 477 429 472
2" dia ,, 729 656 722
CPVC Pipe SDR 11 (28.1 Kg/cm2)

1/2" dia ,, 174 157 172

3/4" dia ,, 232 209 230
1" dia ,, 324 292 321
1-1/4" dia ,, 392 353 388

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

1-1/2" dia ,, 545 491 540

2" dia ,, 884 796 875
CPVC Pipe SDR 11.0 (Hilltake, Panchakanya,
Mangalam flow life or eqv. )
1/2" dia Rm 148 162
3/4" dia ,, 198 217
1" dia ,, 275 303
1-1/4" dia ,, 339 373
1-1/2" dia ,, 473 520
2" dia ,, 798 877
CPVC Ball Valve (CTS Sockets)
1/2" ,, 429 472
3/4" ,, 571 628
1" ,, 690 759
1-1/4" ,, 1611 1772
1-1/2" ,, 1929 2122
2" ,, 2487 2735
CPVC Reducer Brass Coupling
3/4" X 1/2" ,, 180.00 162 178
1" X 1/2" ,, 236.00 212 234
1/2" ,, 47.00 42 47
3/4" ,, 100.00 90 99
1" ,, 153.00 138 151
1-1/4" ,, 287.00 258 284
1-1/2" ,, 418.00 376 414
2" ,, 896.00 806 887
CPVC Reducer Tee
1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4" ,, 92.00 83 91
3/4" x 3/4" x1/2" ,, 140.00 126 139
3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4" ,, 175.00 158 173
3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2" ,, 200.00 180 198
1" x 1" x 3/4" ,, 210.00 189 208
1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1" ,, 327.00 294 324
2" x 2" x 1" ,, 569.00 512 563
1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/2" ,, 185.00 167 183
1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1" ,, 200.00 180 198
2" x 2" x 1/2" ,, 559.00 503 553
1" x 1" x 1/2" ,, 130.00 117 129
CPVC Brass FPT Tee
1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" ,, 157.00 141 155
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" ,, 163.00 147 161
1" x 1" x 1/2" ,, 181.00 163 179

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" ,, 654.00 589 647

1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/2" ,, 355.00 320 351
CPVC Elbow 90º
1/2" ,, 33.00 30 33
3/4" ,, 68.00 61 67
1" ,, 124.00 112 123
1-1/4" ,, 234.00 211 232
1-1/2" ,, 349.00 314 346
2" ,, 747.00 672 740

CPVC Reducer Elbow 90º

3/4" X 1/2" 69.00 62 68

CPVC Brass FPT Elbow 90º

1/2" x 1/2" ,, 109.00 98 108
3/4" x 1/2" ,, 127.00 114 126
3/4" x 3/4" ,, 145.00 131 144
1" X 1/2" ,, 280.00 252 277
1" X 1" ,, 778.00 700 770
1-1/4" x 1-1/4" ,, 1010.00 909 1000
CPVC Elbow 45º
1/2" ,, 39.00 35 39
3/4" ,, 71.00 64 70
1" ,, 101.00 91 100
1-1/4" ,, 178.00 160 176
1-1/2" ,, 257.00 231 254
2" ,, 557.00 501 551
CPVC Male Adapter (CPVC Threads) 0
1/2" ,, 29.00 26 29
3/4" ,, 51.00 46 50
1" ,, 77.00 69 76
1-1/4" ,, 138.00 124 137
1-1/2" ,, 194.00 175 192
2" ,, 379.00 341 375

CPVC Reducing Male Adapter (CPVC Threads)

3/4" x 1/2" ,, 53.00 48 52
CPVC Male Adapters (Brass Threads) 0 0
1/2" ,, 269.00 242 266
3/4" ,, 348.00 313 345
1" ,, 550.00 495 545
1-1/4" ,, 1208.00 1087 1196
1-1/2" ,, 1410.00 1269 1396

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

2" ,, 2902.00 2612 2873

CPVC Reducing Male Adapter (Brass Threads)

3/4" x 1/2" ,, 299.00 269 296
CPVC Female Adapter (CPVC Threads)
1/2" 40.00 36 40
3/4" 67.00 60 66
1" 100.00 90 99
CPVC Female Adapters Brass Threads
1/2" ,, 258.00 232 255
3/4" ,, 351.00 316 347
1" ,, 456.00 410 451
1-1/4" ,, 1197.00 1077 1185
1-1/2" ,, 1331.00 1198 1318
2" ,, 2602.00 2342 2576
1/2" ,, 17.00 15 17
3/4" ,, 32.00 29 32
1" ,, 48.00 43 48
1-1/4" ,, 94.00 85 93
1-1/2" ,, 138.00 124 137
2" ,, 294.00 265 291
CPVC Union
1/2" ,, 353.00 318 349
3/4" ,, 519.00 467 514
1" ,, 615.00 554 609
1-1/4" ,, 1125.00 1013 1114
1-1/2" ,, 1230.00 1107 1218
2" ,, 1765.00 1589 1747
CPVC Cross Tee
1/2" ,, 64.00 58 63
3/4" ,, 138.00 124 137
CPVC Step Over Bend
1/2" ,, 82.00 74 81
3/4" ,, 136.00 122 135
CPVC Ball Valve (CTS Sockets)
1/2" ,, 863.00 777 854
3/4" ,, 1051.00 946 1040
1" ,, 1202.00 1082 1190
1-1/4" ,, 2452.00 2207 2427
1-1/2" ,, 3120.00 2808 3089
2" ,, 4013.00 3612 3973
CPVC Flow Guard Adhesive Solution

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

50ML ,, 260.00 234 257

118ML ,, 430.00 387 426
237ML ,, 695.00 626 688
473ML ,, 1094.00 985 1083
946ML ,, 1920.00 1728 1901
Plastic Strap
1/2" ,, 6.00 5 6
3/4" ,, 7.00 6 7
1" ,, 10.00 9 10
1-1/4" ,, 15.00 14 15
1-1/2" ,, 19.00 17 19
2" ,, 24.00 22 24

Metal Strap
1/2" ,, 17.00 15 17
3/4" ,, 21.00 19 21
1" ,, 27.00 24 27
1-1/4" ,, 32.00 29 32
1-1/2" ,, 35.00 32 35
2" ,, 38.00 34 38
Tee Holder
1/2" X 1/2" X 1/2" ,, 7.00 6 7
3/4" X 3/4" X 1/2" ,, 10.00 9 10
Elbow Holder
1/2" X 1/2" ,, 7.00 6 7
1/2" X 3/4" ,, 9.00 8 9
Snap Fix Repair Coupling
1/2" ,, 299.00 269 296
3/4" ,, 324.00 292 321
End plug threaded 1/2" ,, 15.00 14 15
-PIPES: ASTM-A-106 Gr.'B'/SA-1(
Gr.'B'/SA-53/API 5L 106
Gr.'B'/IS:1239 (Part
21.3 mm OD 1/2" SCH.40, 2.77 mm thicknes ,, 457.00 457.00 457.00
26.7mm OD 3/4" SCH.40, 2.87 mm thickness ,, 548.00 548.00 548.00
33.4 mm OD 1" SCH.40, 3.38mm thickness ,, 687.00 687.00 687.00
42.2mm OD 1.1/4" SCH.40, 3.56mm thicknes ,, 848.00 848.00 848.00
48.3 mm OD 1.5" SCH.40, 3.68 mm thicknes ,, 970.00 970.00 970.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

60.3mm OD 2" SCH.40, 3.91 mm thickness ,, 1246.00 1246.00 1246.00

73mm OD 3" SCH.40,5.16 .mm thickness ,, 1914.00 1914.00 1914.00
88.9mm OD 3.5" SCH.40, 5.49 mm thickness ,, 2505.00 2505.00 2505.00
101.6mm OD 4" SCH.40, 5.74 mm thickness ,, 3238.00 3238.00 3238.00
114.3mm OD 5" SCH.40, 6.02 mm thickness ,, 3567.00 3567.00 3567.00
141.3mm OD 6" SCH.40, 6.557 mm thicknes ,, 4830.00 4830.00 4830.00
168.3mm OD 4" SCH.40, 7.11 mm thickness ,, 6270.00 6270.00 6270.00
Single Socket (R/R) Mtr 456.00 456.00 456.00
Single Socket (R/R) ,, 847.00 847.00 847.00
Single Socket (R/R) ,, 912.00 912.00 912.00
Single Socket Self Fit ,, 1176.00 1176.00 1176.00
Single Socket Self Fit ,, 1438.00 1438.00 1438.00
Single Socket Self Fit ,, 1976.00 1976.00 1976.00
Single Socket Self Fit ,, 2325.00 2325.00 2325.00
Single Socket Self Fit ,, 3105.00 3105.00 3105.00
Single Socket Self Fit ,, 3701.00 3701.00 3701.00
Long Radius Bend - 45 Degree Pc 1203.00 1203.00 1203.00
Long Radius Bend - 45 Degree ,, 2197.00 2197.00 2197.00
Long Radius Bend - 45 Degree ,, 3966.00 3966.00 3966.00
Long Radius Bend - 45 Degree ,, 7690.00 7690.00 7690.00
Long Radius Bend - 60 Degree ,, 1326.00 1326.00 1326.00
Long Radius Bend - 60 Degree ,, 2429.00 2429.00 2429.00
Long Radius Bend - 60 Degree ,, 4456.00 4456.00 4456.00
Long Radius Bend - 60 Degree ,, 8437.00 8437.00 8437.00
Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree ,, 650.00 650.00 650.00
Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree ,, 1570.00 1570.00 1570.00
Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree ,, 2896.00 2896.00 2896.00
Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree ,, 5415.00 5415.00 5415.00
Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree ,, 9978.00 9978.00 9978.00
Fab. Coupler ,, 187.00 187.00 187.00
Fab. Coupler ,, 449.00 449.00 449.00
Fab. Coupler ,, 966.00 966.00 966.00
Fab. Coupler ,, 1889.00 1889.00 1889.00
Fab. Coupler ,, 3474.00 3474.00 3474.00
End Cap ,, 400.00 400.00 400.00
End Cap ,, 658.00 658.00 658.00
End Cap ,, 1050.00 1050.00 1050.00
End Cap ,, 1533.00 1533.00 1533.00
Equal Tee ,, 11448.00 11448.00 11448.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

Equal Tee ,, 6588.00 6588.00 6588.00

Equal Tee ,, 3657.00 3657.00 3657.00
Gully Trap with grating ,, 1069.00 1069.00 1069.00
Rodding Point ,, 633.00 633.00 633.00
Adjustable Bend 7 Degree to 37.5 Degree ,, 676.00 676.00 676.00
Adjustable Bend 7 Degree to 87.5 Degree ,, 927.00 927.00 927.00
Inspection Chamber Body ,, 3333.00 3333.00 3333.00
Inspection Chamber Riser ,, 1656.00 1656.00 1656.00
Inspection Chamber Lid with Cover ,, 3143.00 3143.00 3143.00
Inspection Chamber Body ,, 9204.00 9204.00 9204.00
Inspection Chamber Riser ,, 2927.00 2927.00 2927.00
Inspection Chamber Lid with Cover ,, 4883.00 4883.00 4883.00

Geberit Products
Concealled Cisterns 9cm ,, 8257.00 8257.00 8257.00
Concealled Cisterns Kombo fix 8cm ,, 10114.00 10114.00 10114.00
Dual Flush Actuator Plate Shiny Chrome ,, 4051.00 4051.00 4051.00
Concealled Cisterns 12cm ,, 10156.00 10156.00 10156.00
Dual Flush Actuator Plate Shiny Chrome ,, 4051.00 4051.00 4051.00
Traps for Wash Basins ,, 1116.00 1116.00 1116.00
Sensor for Urinal 9V DC ,, 28627.00 28627.00 28627.00
Sensor for Urinal 230V AC ,, 28627.00 28627.00 28627.00
control box for urinal sensor ,, 7864.00 7864.00 7864.00
Sensor Faucet Cold / Mixed water 6V DC ,, 35732.00 35732.00 35732.00
Sensor Faucet Cold / Mixed water 230V AC ,, 35732.00 35732.00 35732.00
22 PVC Lead Free White Pipes
per ASTM D 1785, PVC FITTINGS are as per ASTM
D 2466, PVC BRASS SCH 80 FITTINGS are as per
ASTM D 2467, PVC SOLVENT as per ASTM D 2564
PVC Lead Free White Pipes SCH 40 (…... Kg/cm2) m.
1/2" dia. (42.19 Kg/cm2) ,, 127.00 127.00 127.00
3/4"dia. (33.75 Kg/cm2) ,, 163.00 163.00 163.00
1" dia. (31.64 Kg/cm2) 251.00 251.00 251.00
1-1/4" dia. (26.01 Kg/cm2) ,, 310.00 310.00 310.00
1-1/2" dia. (23.20 Kg/cm2) ,, 380.00 380.00 380.00
2" dia. (19.69 Kg/cm2) 539.00 539.00 539.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

2-1/2" dia. (21.09 Kg/cm2) ,, 753.00 753.00 753.00

3" dia. (18.28 Kg/cm2) ,, 951.00 951.00 951.00
4" dia. (15.47 Kg/cm2) 1396.00 1396.00 1396.00
6" dia. (12.66 Kg/cm2) ,, 2907.00 2907.00 2907.00
PVC Tee - Soc uf]6f
1/2" ,, 35.00 35.00 35.00
3/4" ,, 49.00 49.00 49.00
1" ,, 77.00 77.00 77.00
1-1/4" ,, 121.00 121.00 121.00
1-1/2" ,, 159.00 159.00 159.00
2" ,, 245.00 245.00 245.00
2-1/2" ,, 703.00 703.00 703.00
3" ,, 923.00 923.00 923.00
4" ,, 1670.00 1670.00 1670.00
6" ,, 9262.00 9262.00 9262.00

PVC Reducer Tee - Soc

3/4 x 1/2 uf]6f 70.00 70.00 70.00
1 x 1/2 ,, 108.00 108.00 108.00
1 x 3/4 ,, 108.00 108.00 108.00
1-1/2 X 1/2 ,, 366.00 366.00 366.00
1-1/2 X 3/4 ,, 366.00 366.00 366.00
1-1/2 X 1 ,, 366.00 366.00 366.00
1-1/2 X 1-1/4 ,, 366.00 366.00 366.00
2 X 1/2 ,, 451.00 451.00 451.00
2 X 3/4 ,, 451.00 451.00 451.00
2X1 ,, 451.00 451.00 451.00
2 X 1-1/4 ,, 451.00 451.00 451.00
2 X 1-1/2 ,, 451.00 451.00 451.00
2-1/2 X 1/2 ,, 1159.00 1159.00 1159.00
2-1/2 X 3/4 ,, 1159.00 1159.00 1159.00
2-1/2 X 1 ,, 1159.00 1159.00 1159.00
2-1/2 X 1-1/4 ,, 1159.00 1159.00 1159.00
2-1/2 X 1-1/2 ,, 1159.00 1159.00 1159.00
2-1/2 X 2 ,, 1159.00 1159.00 1159.00
3 X 1/2 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00
3 X 3/4 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00
3X1 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00
3 X 1-1/4 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00
3 X 1-1/2 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00
3X2 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

3 X 2-1/2 ,, 1692.00 1692.00 1692.00

6 X 1-1/4 ,, 8897.00 8897.00 8897.00
6 X 1-1/2 ,, 8897.00 8897.00 8897.00
6X2 ,, 8897.00 8897.00 8897.00
6 X 2-1/2 ,, 8897.00 8897.00 8897.00
6X3 ,, 8897.00 8897.00 8897.00
6X4 ,, 8897.00 8897.00 8897.00
PVC Brass Tee - Soc x Fipt SCH 80 uf]6f
1/2" ,, 179.00 179.00 179.00
3/4" ,, 324.00 324.00 324.00
3/4" X 1/2" ,, 263.00 263.00 263.00
1" X 1/2" ,, 467.00 467.00 467.00
PVC 90º Elbow - Soc uf]6f
1/2" ,, 29.00 29.00 29.00
3/4" ,, 33.00 33.00 33.00
1" ,, 59.00 59.00 59.00
1-1/4" ,, 103.00 103.00 103.00
1-1/2" ,, 121.00 121.00 121.00
2" ,, 186.00 186.00 186.00
2-1/2" ,, 551.00 551.00 551.00
3" ,, 660.00 660.00 660.00
4" ,, 1351.00 1351.00 1351.00
6" ,, 5690.00 5690.00 5690.00
PVC Brass 90º Elbow Soc x Fipt SCH 80 uf]6f
1/2" ,, 192.00 192.00 192.00
3/4" ,, 269.00 269.00 269.00
3/4" X 1/2" ,, 278.00 278.00 278.00
PVC 45º Elbow - Soc uf]6f
1/2" ,, 61.00 61.00 61.00
3/4" ,, 95.00 95.00 95.00
1" ,, 113.00 113.00 113.00
1-1/4" ,, 159.00 159.00 159.00
1-1/2" ,, 200.00 200.00 200.00
2" ,, 260.00 260.00 260.00
2-1/2" ,, 743.00 743.00 743.00
3" ,, 1155.00 1155.00 1155.00
4" ,, 2073.00 2073.00 2073.00
6" ,, 5706.00 5706.00 5706.00
PVC Coupling - Soc uf]6f
1/2" ,, 19.00 19.00 19.00
3/4" ,, 29.00 29.00 29.00
1" ,, 46.00 46.00 46.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

1-1/4" ,, 62.00 62.00 62.00

1-1/2" ,, 84.00 84.00 84.00
2" ,, 130.00 130.00 130.00
2-1/2" ,, 274.00 274.00 274.00
3" ,, 429.00 429.00 429.00
4" ,, 671.00 671.00 671.00
6" ,, 2689.00 2689.00 2689.00
PVC Reducer Coupling - Soc uf]6f
3/4 X 1/2 ,, 47.00 47.00 47.00
1 X 3/4 ,, 81.00 81.00 81.00
1-1/2 X 1-1/4 ,, 145.00 145.00 145.00
2 X 1-1/2 ,, 231.00 231.00 231.00
4x2 ,, 1547.00 1547.00 1547.00
4X3 ,, 1547.00 1547.00 1547.00
6X4 ,, 3217.00 3217.00 3217.00
PVC Reducer Bushing - (Flush Style) uf]6f
3/4 X 1/2 ,, 39.00 39.00 39.00
1 X 1/2 ,, 55.00 55.00 55.00
1 X 3/4 ,, 55.00 55.00 55.00
1-1/4 X 1/2 ,, 95.00 95.00 95.00
1-1/4 X 3/4 ,, 95.00 95.00 95.00
1-1/4 X 1 ,, 95.00 95.00 95.00
1-1/2 X 1/2 ,, 100.00 100.00 100.00
1-1/2 X 3/4 ,, 100.00 100.00 100.00
1-1/2 X 1 ,, 100.00 100.00 100.00
1-1/2 X 1-1/4 ,, 100.00 100.00 100.00
2 X 1/2 ,, 183.00 183.00 183.00
2 X 3/4 ,, 183.00 183.00 183.00
2X1 ,, 183.00 183.00 183.00
2 X 1-1/4 ,, 183.00 183.00 183.00
2 X 1-1/2 ,, 183.00 183.00 183.00
2-1/2 X 1-1/4 ,, 258.00 258.00 258.00
2-1/2 X 1-1/2 ,, 258.00 258.00 258.00
2-1/2 X 2 ,, 258.00 258.00 258.00
3 X1-1/2 ,, 382.00 382.00 382.00
3 X2 ,, 382.00 382.00 382.00
3 X2-1/2 ,, 382.00 382.00 382.00
4X2 ,, 751.00 751.00 751.00
4X3 ,, 751.00 751.00 751.00
6X2 ,, 2523.00 2523.00 2523.00
6X3 ,, 2523.00 2523.00 2523.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

6X4 ,, 2523.00 2523.00 2523.00

PVC Cap - Soc uf]6f
1/2" ,, 27.00 27.00 27.00
3/4" ,, 33.00 33.00 33.00
1" ,, 47.00 47.00 47.00
1-1/4" ,, 67.00 67.00 67.00
1-1/2" ,, 73.00 73.00 73.00
2" ,, 88.00 88.00 88.00
2-1/2" ,, 282.00 282.00 282.00
3" ,, 309.00 309.00 309.00
4" ,, 703.00 703.00 703.00
6" ,, 2776.00 2776.00 2776.00
PVC Union - Soc With EPDM O-Ring Seal uf]6f
1/2" ,, 282.00 282.00 282.00
3/4" ,, 323.00 323.00 323.00
1" ,, 331.00 331.00 331.00
1-1/4" ,, 1067.00 1067.00 1067.00
1-1/2" ,, 1112.00 1112.00 1112.00
2" ,, 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
2-1/2" ,, 2099.00 2099.00 2099.00
3" ,, 3353.00 3353.00 3353.00
4" 4642.00 4642.00 4642.00
PVC Male Adaptor - Soc x MBSP uf]6f
1/2" ,, 51.00 51.00 51.00
3/4" ,, 60.00 60.00 60.00
1" ,, 79.00 79.00 79.00
1-1/4" ,, 97.00 97.00 97.00
1-1/2" ,, 134.00 134.00 134.00
2" ,, 173.00 173.00 173.00
2-1/2" ,, 606.00 606.00 606.00
3" ,, 720.00 720.00 720.00
4" ,, 1139.00 1139.00 1139.00
6" ,, 2621.00 2621.00 2621.00
PVC Brass Male Adapter - Soc x Mipt SCH 80 uf]6f
1/2" ,, 291.00 291.00 291.00
3/4" ,, 389.00 389.00 389.00
1" ,, 585.00 585.00 585.00
PVC Female Adaptor - Soc x FBSP uf]6f
1/2" ,, 66.00 66.00 66.00
3/4" ,, 68.00 68.00 68.00
1" ,, 71.00 71.00 71.00
1-1/4" ,, 185.00 185.00 185.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

1-1/2" ,, 272.00 272.00 272.00

2" ,, 264.00 264.00 264.00
PVC Brass Female Adapter - Soc x Fipt SCH 80 uf]6f
1/2" ,, 244.00 244.00 244.00
3/4" ,, 346.00 346.00 346.00
1" ,, 443.00 443.00 443.00
PVC Ball Valve - Soc uf]6f
1/2" ,, 979.00 979.00 979.00
3/4" ,, 1164.00 1164.00 1164.00
1" ,, 1629.00 1629.00 1629.00
1-1/4" ,, 2205.00 2205.00 2205.00
1-1/2" ,, 3363.00 3363.00 3363.00
2" ,, 4253.00 4253.00 4253.00
2-1/2" ,, 7026.00 7026.00 7026.00
3" ,, 11131.00 11131.00 11131.00
4" ,, 18395.00 18395.00 18395.00
6" ,, 39957.00 39957.00 39957.00

PVC Adhesive Solution (Med. Bonded 705) uf]6f

118ML ,, 340.00 340.00 340.00
237ML ,, 488.00 488.00 488.00
473ML ,, 883.00 883.00 883.00
946ML ,, 1453.00 1453.00 1453.00
PVC Adhesive Solution (Heavy Bonded 717) uf]6f
118ML ,, 547.00 547.00 547.00
237ML ,, 721.00 721.00 721.00
473ML ,, 1264.00 1264.00 1264.00
946ML ,, 2188.00 2188.00 2188.00
23 Rainwater Collection System (Prince
Brand Roof)
140 mm Dia.
To collect the water from the roof and
Rm. 177.00 177.00 177.00
convey to the down line pipes. Available in 3
mtrs. Length.
Pc. 285.00 285.00 285.00
To connect two lengths of roof water
To provide an outlet for water anywhere
Pc. 391.00 391.00 391.00
along the length of roof water pipe line
which is connected to the down line pipe.
90° ELBOW (without outlet)
To change the direction of roof water pipe Pc. 480.00 480.00 480.00
line through 90°, normally at the corners.

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
90° ELBOW (with outlet)
To change the direction of roof water pipe
line through 90°, and also provide an outlet Pc. 480.00 480.00 480.00
for water which is connected with down line
Pc. 106.00 106.00 106.00
To close the end of roof water pipe line.
To close the end of the roof water pipe line
Pc. 339.00 339.00 339.00
and also provide an outlet for water, which
is connected to the down line pipe.
To support pipes and fittings wherever
Pc. 85.00 85.00 85.00
necessary and strengthen the roof water
pipe line.
To locate the support bracket and rafter
Pc. 56.00 56.00 56.00
bracket together and ensure proper
connection between them.
To ensure perfect fixing between pipe and Pc. 35.00 35.00 35.00
To support the complete roof water pipe line
Pc. 86.00 86.00 86.00
with rafters. Available for top and side
Pc. 33.00 33.00 33.00
To provide leak proof joints.
75 mm dia.
To provide support and ensure proper fixing
Pc. 70.0 70.0 70.0
of down line pipe on the wall.

To ensure, leak proof joint of single socket
Pc. 42.0 42.0 42.0


To join the roof water outlet with down line
Pc. 140.0 140.0 140.0

180 mm dia.
To collect the water from the roof and
convey to the down line pipes. Available in 3
mtrs. Length. Pc. 335.0 335.0 437.0
To connect two lengths of roof water Pc. 398.0 398.0 398.0
To provide an outlet for water anywhere
along the length of roof water pipe line
which is connected to the down line pipe. Pc. 575.0 575.0 575.0
90° ELBOW (without outlet)
To change the direction of roof water pipe
line through 90°, normally at the corners. Pc. 658.00 658.00 658.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
90° ELBOW (with outlet)
To change the direction of roof water pipe
line through 90°, and also provide an outlet
for water which is connected with down line
pipe. Pc. 658.00 658.00 658.00
To close the end of roof water pipe line. Pc. 156.00 156.00 156.00
To close the end of the roof water pipe line
and also provide an outlet for water, which
is connected to the down line pipe. Pc. 471.00 471.00 471.00
To support pipes and fittings wherever
necessary and strengthen the roof water
pipe line. Pc. 120.00 120.00 120.00
To locate the support bracket and rafter
bracket together and ensure proper
connection between them. Pc. 101.00 101.00 101.00
To ensure perfect fixing between pipe and
fittings. Pc. 57.00 57.00 57.00
To support the complete roof water pipe line
with rafters. Available for top and side
supports. Pc. 122.00 122.00 122.00
To provide leak proof joints. Pc. 45.00 45.00 45.00
110 mm dia.
To provide support and ensure proper fixing
of down line pipe on the wall. Pc. 76.00 76.00 76.00
To ensure, leak proof joint of single socket
elbow. Pc. 49.00 49.00 49.00
To join the roof water outlet with down line
pipe. Pc. 270.00 270.00 270.00
250 mm dia.
To collect the water from the roof and
convey to the down line pipes. Available in 3
mtrs. Length.
Pc. 650.00 650.00 855.00
To connect two lengths of roof water Pc. 682.00 682.00 682.00
To provide an outlet for water anywhere
along the length of roof water pipe line
which is connected to the down line pipe. Pc. 1072.00 1072.00 1072.00
90° ELBOW (without outlet)
To change the direction of roof water pipe
line through 90°, normally at the corners. Pc. 1541.00 1541.00 1541.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
90° ELBOW (with outlet)
To change the direction of roof water pipe
line through 90°, and also provide an outlet
for water which is connected with down line
pipe. Pc. 1541.00 1541.00 1541.00
To close the end of roof water pipe line. Pc. 335.0 335.0 335.0
To close the end of the roof water pipe line
and also provide an outlet for water, which
is connected to the down line pipe. Pc. 891.00 891.00 891.00
To support pipes and fittings wherever
necessary and strengthen the roof water
pipe line. Pc. 333.00 333.00 333.00
To locate the support bracket and rafter
bracket together and ensure proper
connection between them. Pc. 182.00 182.00 182.00
To ensure perfect fixing between pipe and
fittings. Pc. 135.00 135.00 135.00
To support the complete roof water pipe line
with rafters. Available for top and side
supports. Pc. 353.00 353.00 353.00
To provide leak proof joints. Pc. 184.00 184.00 184.00

160 mm dia.
To provide support and ensure proper fixing
of down line pipe on the wall. Pc. 91.00 91.00 91.00
To ensure, leak proof joint of single socket
elbow. Pc. 212.0 212.0 212.0
To join the roof water outlet with down line
pipe. Pc. 486.00 486.00 486.00
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-4 75mm per mtr. 249 249 284
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-8 " 442 442 504
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-4 " 265 265 302
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-8 " 475 475 542
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-4 110mm " 452 452 515
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-8 " 680 680 775

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-4 " 478 478 545
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-8 " 703 703 801
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-2 160 mm dia " 969 969 1105
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-4 " 1208 1208 1377
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-2 " 1032 1032 1176
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (Grey
Color) 3mtrs length SN-4 " 1364 1364 1555
DWV Bend 45 Degree (75 mm size) pcs 141 141 161
DWV Bend 87.5 Degree " 179 179 204
DWV Bend 87.5 Degree with Door " 82 82 93
DWV Socket Plug " 191 191 218
DWV Cleansing Pipe " 115 115 131
DWV Coupler " 204 204 233
DWV Single Tee " 224 224 255
DWV Single Tee with Door " 353 353 402
DWV Cross Tee " 496 496 565
DWV Cross Tee with Door " 365 365 416
DWV Double 'Y' " 486 486 554
DWV Double 'Y' with Door " 228 228 260
DWV Single 'Y' " 291 291 332
DWV Single 'Y' with Door " 12 12 14
DWV Pipe Clip " 25 25 29
DWV Vent Cowel " 232 232 264
DWV Bend 45 Degree (110mm size) " 285 285 325
DWV Bend 87.5 Degree " 326 326 372
DWV Bend 87.5 Degree with Door " 104 104 119
DWV Socket Plug " 374 374 426
DWV Cleansing Pipe " 208 208 237
DWV Coupler " 691 691 788
DWV Double 'Y' " 816 816 930
DWV Double 'Y' with Door " 572 572 652
DWV Cross Tee " 648 648 739
DWV Cross Tee with Door " 374 374 426
DWV Single Tee " 441 441 503
DWV Single Tee with Door " 458 458 522
DWV Single 'Y' " 480 480 547
DWV Single 'Y' with Door " 47 47 54
DWV Vent Cowel " 163 163 186
DWV Reducer 110*75 mm " 36 36 41
DWV Pipe Clip 110mm size " 440 440 502
DWV W.C. Connectore (Straight type) " 352 352 401
DWV W.C. Connectore (Bend type) " 176 176 201
DWV Nahani Trap - 3" Height without Jali75
mm " 24 24 27
DWV Nahani Trap Jali " 544 544 620

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
DWV P-Trap with Leap Ring 10*110
mm " 781 781 890
DWV P-Trap with Leap Ring 25*110
mm " 234 234 267
DWV Multi Floor Trap 4" w/o Jali 75 mm " 475 475 542
DWV Reducer 60*110 mm " 454 454 518
DWV Coupler (160mm size) " 1088 1088 1240
DWV Single Tee " 1169 1169 1333
DWV Single Tee with Door " 2036 2036 2321
DWV Single 'Y' " 2139 2139 2438
DWV Single 'Y' with Door " 749 749 854
DWV Bend 87.5 Degree " 998 998 1138
DWV Bend 87.5 Degree with Door " 873 873 995
DWV Bend 45 Degree "
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (3mtrs length)
SN-8 110 mm per mtr. 590 590 649
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (3mtrs
length) SN-8 " 612 612 673
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (3mtrs
length) SN-8 " 636 636 700
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-8 " 599 599 659
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-8 " 610 610 671
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (3mtrs length)
SN-4 160 mm " 1089 1089 1198
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1131 1131 1244
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1175 1175 1293
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1107 1107 1218
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1127 1127 1240
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (3mtrs length)
SN-4 200 mm " 1705 1705 1876
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1735 1735 1909
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1764 1764 1940
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (3mtrs length)
SN-4 " 2829 2829 3112
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 2878 2878 3166
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 2928 2928 3221
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (3mtrs length)
SN-2 315 mm " 3746 3746 4121
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-2 " 3811 3811 4192
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-2 " 3877 3877 4265
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (3mtrs length)
SN-4 " 4629 4629 5092
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 4710 4710 5181

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (3mtrs
length) SN-4 " 4791 4791 5270
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (6mtrs length)
SN-8 " 589 589 648
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (6mtrs
length) SN-8 " 604 604 664
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (6mtrs
length) SN-8 " 619 619 681
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-8 " 600 600 660
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-8 " 611 611 672
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (6mtrs length)
SN-4 " 1088 1088 1197
FOAMCORE Single Socket (R/R) (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1120 1120 1232
FOAMCORE Double Socket (R/R) (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1151 1151 1266
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1108 1108 1219
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1127 1127 1240
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (6mtrs length)
SN-4 " 1705 1705 1876
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1735 1735 1909
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 1765 1765 1942
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (6mtrs length)
SN-4 " 2829 2829 3112
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 2878 2878 3166
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 2927 2927 3220
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (6mtrs length)
SN-2 " 3746 3746 4121
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-2 " 3811 3811 4192
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-2 " 3877 3877 4265
FOAMCORE Plain Both End (6mtrs length)
SN-4 " 4629 4629 5092
FOAMCORE Single Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 4710 4710 5181
FOAMCORE Double Socket Self Fit (6mtrs
length) SN-4 " 4791 4791 5270
DWV Coupler SN-8 110mm per pc 297 297 327
DWV Coupler SN-4 160 mm " 715 715 787
DWV Coupler SN-4 200 mm " 1462 1462 1608
DWV Coupler SN-4 250 mm " 2724 2724 2996
DWV Coupler SN-2 315mm " 4382 4382 4820
DWV Coupler SN-4 315 mm " 5012 5012 5513
DWV Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree SN-8
110mm " 1059 1059 1165
DWV Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree SN-4
160 mm " 2949 2949 3244

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
DWV Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree SN-4
200mm " 5508 5508 6059
DWV Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree SN-4
250 mm " 12347 12347 13582
DWV Long Radius Bend - 90 Degree SN-4
315 mm " 29317 29317 32249
24 Multilayer Composite Pipe (Sangahi, or eqv.)
Cold Water Pipe (White)
12-16 mm ½" Rm 102.00 102.00 116.28
14-18 mm ½" " 112.00 112.00 127.68
16-20 mm ½" " 120.00 120.00 136.80
20-25 mm ¾" " 182.00 182.00 207.48
26-32 mm 1" " 284.00 284.00 323.76
32-40 mm 1¼" " 450.00 450.00 513.00
41-50 mm 1½" " 660.00 660.00 752.40
Hot Water Pipe (Orange)
12-16 mm ½" Rm 112.00 112.00 127.68
14-18 mm ½" " 124.00 124.00 141.36
16-20 mm ½" " 142.00 142.00 161.88
20-25 mm ¾" " 210.00 210.00 239.40
26-32 mm 1" " 305.00 305.00 347.70
32-40 mm 1¼" " 470.00 470.00 535.80
Gas Lines Pipe (Yellow)
12-16 mm ½" Rm 88.00 88.00 100.32
14-18 mm ½" " 88.00 88.00 100.32


a. Equal Straight Union
½"ø (16mm ø) uf]6f 148.00 148.00 162.80
½"ø (18mm ø) " 156.00 156.00 171.60
½"ø (20mm ø) " 171.00 171.00 188.10
¾" ø (25 mm ø) " 250.00 250.00 275.00
1" ø (32 mm ø) " 390.00 390.00 429.00
1¼" ø (40 mm ø) " 1440.00 1440.00 1584.00
1½" ø (50 mm ø) " 2175.00 2175.00 2392.50
b. Unequal Straight Union
25 - 16 mm ø " 280.00 280.00 308.00
25 - 18 mm ø " 290.00 290.00 319.00
25 - 20 mm ø " 305.00 305.00 335.50
32 - 16 mm ø " 375.00 375.00 412.50
32 - 18 mm ø " 395.00 395.00 434.50
32 - 20 mm ø " 425.00 425.00 467.50
32 - 25 mm ø " 455.00 455.00 500.50
40 - 32 mm ø " 1245.00 1245.00 1369.50

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
50 - 20 mm ø " 1815.00 1815.00 1996.50
50 - 32 mm ø " 2175.00 2175.00 2392.50
50 - 40 mm ø " 2050.00 2050.00 2255.00
c. Male Union
16mm x ½"M uf]6f 105.00 105.00 115.50
18mm x ½"M " 122.00 122.00 134.20
20mm x ½"M " 140.00 140.00 154.00
25mm x ½"M " 170.00 170.00 187.00
25mm x ¾"M " 215.00 215.00 236.50
25mm x 1"M " 275.00 275.00 302.50
32mm x ¾"M " 315.00 315.00 346.50
32mm x 1"M " 345.00 345.00 379.50
32mm x 1½"M " 350.00 350.00 385.00
40mm x 1"M " 1105.00 1105.00 1215.50
40mm x 1½"M " 1144.00 1144.00 1258.40
50mm x 1"M " 1737.00 1737.00 1910.70
50mm x 1¼"M " 1767.00 1767.00 1943.70
50mm x 1½"M " 2400.00 2400.00 2640.00
50mm x 2"M " 1803.00 1803.00 1983.30
d. Female Straight Union
16mm x ½"F uf]6f 115.00 115.00 126.50
18mm x ½"F " 125.00 125.00 137.50
20mm x ½"F " 136.00 136.00 149.60
25mm x ½"F " 180.00 180.00 198.00
25mm x ¾"F " 215.00 215.00 236.50
25mm x 1"F " 220.00 220.00 242.00
32mm x ½"F " 225.00 225.00 247.50
32mm x ¾"F " 230.00 230.00 253.00
32mm x 1"F " 325.00 325.00 357.50
40mm x 1½"F " 1298.00 1298.00 1427.80
50mm x 1¼"F " 1750.00 1750.00 1925.00
50mm x 1½"F " 2400.00 2400.00 2640.00
50mm x 2"F " 1820.00 1820.00 2002.00
e. Equal Elbow
½"ø (16mm ø) uf]6f 140.00 140.00 154.00
½"ø (18mm ø) " 170.00 170.00 187.00
½"ø (20mm ø) " 230.00 230.00 253.00
¾" ø (25 mm ø) " 350.00 350.00 385.00
1" ø (32 mm ø) " 565.00 565.00 621.50
1¼" ø (40 mm ø) " 1840.00 1840.00 2024.00
1½" ø (50 mm ø) " 2850.00 2850.00 3135.00
f. Unequal Elbow
40 - 32 mm ø " 2040.00 2040.00 2244.00
50 - 20 mm ø " 2350.00 2350.00 2585.00
50 - 40 mm ø " 2395.00 2395.00 2634.50
g. Female Elbow
16mm x ½"F uf]6f 185.00 185.00 203.50

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
18mm x ½"F " 205.00 205.00 225.50
20mm x ½"F " 225.00 225.00 247.50
25mm x ½"F " 250.00 250.00 275.00
25mm x ¾"F " 310.00 310.00 341.00
25mm x 1"F " 340.00 340.00 374.00
32mm x ¾"F " 366.00 366.00 402.60
32mm x 1"F " 455.00 455.00 500.50
50mm x 1¼"F " 2350.00 2350.00 2585.00
h. Male Elbow
25mm x ¾"M " 250.00 250.00 275.00
25mm x 1"M " 325.00 325.00 357.50
32mm x ¾"M " 246.00 246.00 270.60
32mm x 1"M " 415.00 415.00 456.50
40mm x 1"M " 1350.00 1350.00 1485.00
50mm x 1"M " 1924.00 1924.00 2116.40
i. Equal Tee
½"ø (16mm ø) uf]6f 250.00 250.00 275.00
½"ø (18mm ø) " 280.00 280.00 308.00
½"ø (20mm ø) " 350.00 350.00 385.00
¾" ø (25 mm ø) " 505.00 505.00 555.50
1" ø (32 mm ø) " 790.00 790.00 869.00
1¼" ø (40 mm ø) " 2953.00 2953.00 3248.30
1½" ø (50 mm ø) " 4315.00 4315.00 4746.50
j. Unequal Tee
20 mm x 16 mm x 20 mm " 225.00 225.00 247.50
20 mm x 18 mm x 20 mm " 250.00 250.00 275.00
25 mm x 16 mm x 25 mm " 375.00 375.00 412.50
25 mm x 18 mm x 25 mm " 425.00 425.00 467.50
25 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm " 440.00 440.00 484.00
32 mm x 16 mm x 32 mm " 725.00 725.00 797.50
32 mm x 18 mm x 32 mm " 750.00 750.00 825.00
32 mm x 20 mm x 32 mm " 780.00 780.00 858.00
32 mm x 25 mm x 32 mm " 800.00 800.00 880.00
40 mm x 32 mm x 32 mm " 2185.00 2185.00 2403.50
40 mm x 32 mm x 40 mm " 2531.00 2531.00 2784.10
50 mm x 20 mm x 50 mm " 3450.00 3450.00 3795.00
50 mm x 32 mm x 32 mm " 2274.00 2274.00 2501.40
50 mm x 32 mm x 50 mm " 3485.00 3485.00 3833.50
50 mm x 40 mm x 40 mm " 3497.00 3497.00 3846.70
50 mm x 40 mm x 50 mm " 3994.00 3994.00 4393.40
k. Female Tee
16mm x ½"F x 16mm uf]6f 250.00 250.00 275.00
18mm x ½"F x 18mm " 260.00 260.00 286.00
20mm x ½"F x 20mm " 280.00 280.00 308.00
25mm x ½"F x 25mm " 263.00 263.00 289.30
25mm x ¾"F x 25mm " 290.00 290.00 319.00
25mm x 1"F x 25mm " 376.00 376.00 413.60

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
32mm x ½"F x 32mm " 405.00 405.00 445.50
32mm x ¾"F x 32mm " 415.00 415.00 456.50
32mm x 1"F x 32mm " 563.00 563.00 619.30
40mm x ¾"F x 32mm " 1662.00 1662.00 1828.20
50mm x ¾"F x 40mm " 2466.00 2466.00 2712.60
l. Equal Ball Valve Union
½"ø (16mm ø) uf]6f 291.00 291.00 320.10
½"ø (18mm ø) " 323.00 323.00 355.30
½"ø (20mm ø) " 425.00 425.00 467.50
¾" ø (25 mm ø) " 705.00 705.00 775.50
1" ø (32 mm ø) " 980.00 980.00 1078.00
1¼" ø (40 mm ø) " 3202.00 3202.00 3522.20
1½" ø (50 mm ø) " 4621.00 4621.00 5083.10
m. Female Ball Valve Union
16mm x ½"F uf]6f 271.00 271.00 298.10
18mm x ½"F " 311.00 311.00 342.10
20mm x ½"F " 348.00 348.00 382.80
20mm x ¾"F " 390.00 390.00 429.00
25mm x ¾"F " 725.00 725.00 797.50
25mm x 1"F " 740.00 740.00 814.00
32mm x 1"F " 780.00 780.00 858.00
n. Plug 0.00
1¼" ø (40 mm ø) " 1600.00 1600.00 1760.00
1½" ø (50 mm ø) " 2200.00 2200.00 2420.00
p. Wall Plated Female Elbow
16mm x ½"F uf]6f 210.00 210.00 231.00
18mm x ½"F " 230.00 230.00 253.00
20mm x ½"F " 250.00 250.00 275.00

q. Nipple
N 1/2F*1/2F uf]6f 54.00 54.00 59.40
N 1/2M*1/2M " 54.00 54.00 59.40
N 3/4F*1/2F " 75.00 75.00 82.50
N 1F*1/2F " 86.00 86.00 94.60
N 1F*3/4F " 97.00 97.00 106.70
N 3/4M*1/2M " 75.00 75.00 82.50
N 1M*1/2M " 86.00 86.00 94.60
N 1M*3/4M " 97.00 97.00 106.70
N 1/2F*1/2M " 65.00 65.00 71.50
N 1/2F*3/4M " 75.00 75.00 82.50
N 1/2F*1M " 119.00 119.00 130.90
N 1/2M*3/4F " 75.00 75.00 82.50
N 1/2M*1F " 124.00 124.00 136.40
N 3/4F*3/4M " 97.00 97.00 106.70
N 3/4F*1M " 107.00 107.00 117.70

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
N 3/4M*1F " 141.00 141.00 155.10
Supplying laying & jointing of Nepal
Plastic ( Blue colour slotted )Pvc pipe for
different size of Ordinary Boring work
by manually
a.1) 1.5" Pvc pipe ordinary Boring with /=ld
necessary materials etc. upto 150' 540 600
a.2) Failure chagre per well ;+Vof 1200.00 1500.00 1500.00
b.1) 2" Pvc pipe ordinary Boring with /=ld
necessary materials etc. upto 150' 770.00 770.00
b.2) Failure chagre per well ;+Vof 3600.00 4000.00 4000.00
c.1) 3" Pvc pipe ordinary Boring with /=ld
necessary materials etc. upto 150' 1470.00 1470.00
c.2) Failure chagre per well ;+Vof 5200.00 5200.00
d.1) 4" Pvc pipe ordinary Boring with /=ld
necessary materials etc. 2080.00 2080.00
d.2) Failure chagre per well ;+Vof 3750.00 6000.00 6000.00
Submercible pump installation fixing
position with GI touching wire all
complete work ;+Vof 1750.00 2000.00
26 R.C.C. Hume Pipe & Hume Pipe
a) NP-2
150 mm dia. /=ld 456.99 456.99 456.99
200 mm dia. ,, 593.98 593.98 593.98
250 mm dia. ,, 744.07 744.07 744.07
300 mm dia. ,, 1008.14 1008.14 1008.14
350 mm dia. ,, 1113.98 1113.98 1113.98
375 mm dia. ,, 1219.82 1219.82 1219.82
400 mm dia. ,, 1402.12 1402.12 1402.12
450 mm dia. ,, 1484.96 1484.96 1484.96
500 mm dia. ,, 1665.84 1665.84 1665.84
600 mm dia. ,, 2197.88 2197.88 2197.88
700 mm dia. ,, 2867.96 2867.96 2867.96
750 mm dia. ,, 3100.18 3100.18 3100.18
800 mm dia. ,, 3460.88 3460.88 3460.88
900 mm dia. ,, 4676.11 4676.11 4676.11
1000 mm dia. ,, 5455.93 5455.93 5455.93
1200 mm dia. ,, 6654.87 6654.87 6654.87
1500 mm dia. ,, 13990.09 13990.09 13990.09
b) NP-3
150 mm dia. /=ld 1020.18 1020.18 1020.18
200 mm dia. ,, 1358.94 1358.94 1358.94
250 mm dia. ,, 1699.12 1699.12 1699.12

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
300 mm dia. ,, 2442.12 2442.12 2442.12
350 mm dia. ,, 2739.82 2739.82 2739.82
375 mm dia. ,, 2928.85 2928.85 2928.85
400 mm dia. ,, 3121.06 3121.06 3121.06
450 mm dia. ,, 3502.65 3502.65 3502.65
500 mm dia. ,, 3905.84 3905.84 3905.84
600 mm dia. ,, 4826.19 4826.19 4826.19
700 mm dia. ,, 5826.90 5826.90 5826.90
750 mm dia. ,, 6692.74 6692.74 6692.74
800 mm dia. ,, 7304.07 7304.07 7304.07
900 mm dia. ,, 9473.98 9473.98 9473.98
1000 mm dia. ,, 10527.08 10527.08 10527.08
1200 mm dia. ,, 12529.91 12529.91 12529.91
1500 mm dia. ,, 19688.14 19688.14 19688.14
R.C.C. Hume Pipe Collar
a) NP-2
150 mm dia. uf]6f 114.16 114.16 114.16
200 mm dia. ,, 148.67 150.00 150.00
250 mm dia. ,, 185.84 185.84 185.84
300 mm dia. ,, 251.33 252.00 252.00
350 mm dia. ,, 277.88 277.88 277.88
375 mm dia. ,, 304.42 305.00 305.00
400 mm dia. ,, 350.44 351.00 351.00
450 mm dia. ,, 370.80 370.80 370.80
500 mm dia. ,, 415.93 417.00 417.00
600 mm dia. ,, 548.67 550.00 550.00
700 mm dia. ,, 716.81 716.81 716.81
750 mm dia. ,, 774.34 775.00 775.00
800 mm dia. ,, 864.60 864.60 864.60
900 mm dia. ,, 1168.14 1169.00 1169.00
1000 mm dia. ,, 1363.72 1363.72 1363.72
1200 mm dia. ,, 1663.72 1663.72 1663.72
1500 mm dia. ,, 3497.35 3497.35 3497.35
b) NP-3
150 mm dia. ,, 254.87 254.87 254.87
200 mm dia. ,, 338.94 340.00 340.00
250 mm dia. ,, 424.78 424.78 424.78
300 mm dia. ,, 609.73 609.73 609.73
350 mm dia. 684.96 684.96 684.96
375 mm dia. 731.86 731.86 731.86
400 mm dia. ,, 779.65 779.65 779.65
450 mm dia. ,, 875.22 876.00 876.00
500 mm dia. ,, 976.11 977.00 977.00
600 mm dia. ,, 1206.19 1207.00 1207.00
700 mm dia. ,, 1456.64 1456.64 1456.64
750 mm dia. ,, 1672.57 1672.57 1672.57
800 mm dia. ,, 1825.66 1825.66 1825.66

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
900 mm dia. ,, 2368.14 2368.14 2368.14
1000 mm dia. ,, 2630.97 2632.00 2632.00
1200 mm dia. ,, 3132.74 3132.00 3132.00
1500 mm dia. ,, 4922.12 4922.12 4922.12
R.C.C.Spigot Pipes (Socket System)
a) NP-2
150 mm dia. /=ld 527.79 527.79 527.79
200 mm dia. ,, 672.57 672.57 672.57
250 mm dia. ,, 841.06 841.06 841.06
300 mm dia. ,, 1140.88 1140.88 1140.88
350 mm dia. ,, 1382.30 1382.30 1382.30
400 mm dia. ,, 1584.07 1584.07 1584.07
450 mm dia. ,, 1679.65 1679.65 1679.65
500 mm dia. ,, 1884.25 1884.25 1884.25
600 mm dia. ,, 2485.31 2485.31 2485.31
700 mm dia. ,, 3243.19 3243.19 3243.19
750 mm dia. ,, 3505.49 3505.49 3505.49
800 mm dia. ,, 3914.69 3914.69 3914.69
900 mm dia. ,, 5054.51 5054.51 5054.51
1000 mm dia. ,, 5840.71 5840.71 5840.71
1200 mm dia. ,, 7075.40 7075.40 7075.40
b) NP-3
150 mm dia. /=ld 1152.57 1152.57 1152.57
200 mm dia. ,, 1536.99 1536.99 1536.99
250 mm dia. ,, 1921.06 1921.06 1921.06
300 mm dia. ,, 2762.12 2762.12 2762.12
350 mm dia. ,, 3099.12 3099.12 3099.12
400 mm dia. ,, 3530.62 3530.62 3530.62
450 mm dia. ,, 3962.12 3962.12 3962.12
500 mm dia. ,, 4413.10 4413.10 4413.10
600 mm dia. ,, 5456.99 5456.99 5456.99
700 mm dia. ,, 6589.73 6589.73 6589.73
800 mm dia. ,, 8259.82 8259.82 8259.82
900 mm dia. ,, 10713.27 10713.27 10713.27
1000 mm dia. ,, 11903.36 11903.36 11903.36
1200 mm dia. ,, 14017.70 14017.70 14017.70
1500 mm dia. ,, 22159.29 22159.29 22159.29
1600 mm dia. ,, 25559.29 25559.29 25559.29
27 High Density Polythene Pipe NS-40
Pipes of different sizes, series &
HDP Pipe (Rs. 222/Kg) Kg 222.0
27.1 2.5Kg/cm2 Series II
63 mm (0.403 Avg.wt. Kg/m) Rm 94.71 76.57 89.47

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
75 mm (0.557 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 130.9 105.83 123.65
90 mm (0.799 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 187.77 151.81 177.38
110 mm (1.185 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 278.48 225.15 263.07
125 mm (1.530 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 359.55 290.7 339.66
140 mm (1.897 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 445.8 360.43 421.13
160 mm (2.453 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 576.46 466.04 544.57
180 mm (3.148 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 739.78 598.12 698.86
200 mm (3.875 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 910.63 736.25 860.25
225 mm (4.822 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1133.17 916.18 1070.48
250 mm (6.012 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1442.82 1142.28 1334.66
280 mm (7.471 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1755.69 1419.49 1658.56
315 mm (9.417 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2213.00 1789.23 2090.57
355 mm ( 11.957 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2989.25 2271.83 2654.45
400 mm (15.221 Avg.wt Kg/m) 2891.99 3379.06
450 mm (19.163 Avg.wt Kg/m) 3640.97 4254.19
27.2 4 Kg/cm2 Series III
40 mm (0.251 Avg.wt Kg/m) Rm 58.99 47.69 55.72
50 mm (0.378 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 88.83 71.82 83.92
63 mm (0.585 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 137.48 111.15 129.87
75 mm (0.846 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 198.81 160.74 187.81
90 mm (1.220 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 286.7 231.8 270.84
110 mm (1.703 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 400.21 323.57 378.07
125 mm (2.289 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 537.92 434.91 508.16
140 mm (2.901 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 681.74 571.19 644.02
160 mm (3.773 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 886.66 716.87 837.61
180 mm (4.762 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1199.07 904.78 1057.16
200 mm (5.890 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1384.15 1119.1 1307.58
225 mm (7.445 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1749.58 1414.55 1652.79
250 mm (9.187 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2158.95 1745.53 2039.51
280 mm (11.455 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2691.93 2176.45 2543.01
315 mm (14.508 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 3409.38 2756.52 3220.78
355 mm ( 18.382 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 4595.50 3492.58 4080.80
400 mm ( 23.343 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 4435.17 5182.15
450mm ( 29.351Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 5576.69 6515.92

27.3 6 Kg/cm2 Series IV

32 mm (0.226 Avg.wt Kg/m) Rm 53.11 42.94 50.17
40 mm (0.350 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 82.25 66.5 77.70
50 mm (0.542 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 127.37 102.98 120.32
63 mm (0.850 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 199.75 161.5 188.70
75 mm (1.191 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 279.89 226.29 264.40
90 mm (1.717 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 403.5 326.23 381.17
110 mm (2.545 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 598.08 483.55 564.99
125 mm (3.293 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 773.86 625.67 731.05

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
140 mm (4.150 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 975.25 788.5 921.30
160 mm (5.355 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1258.43 1017.45 1188.81
180 mm (6.800 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1598 1292 1509.60
200 mm (8.391 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1971.89 1594.29 1862.80
225 mm (10.544 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2477.84 2003.36 2340.77
250 mm (13.041 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 3064.64 2477.79 2895.10
280 mm (16.327 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 3836.85 3102.13 3624.59
315 mm (20.694 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 4863.09 3931.86 4594.07
355 mm ( 26.243 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 6560.75 4986.17 5825.95
400 mm ( 33.309 Avg.wt Kg/m) 6328.71 7394.60
450 mm ( 42.065 Avg.wt Kg/m) 7992.35 9338.43
27.4 10 Kg/cm2 Series VI
16 mm (0.092 Avg.wt Kg/m) Rm 21.62 17.48 20.42
20 mm (0.134 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 31.49 25.46 29.75
25 mm (0.202 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 47.47 38.38 44.84
32 mm (0.334 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 78.49 63.46 74.15
40 mm (0.514 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 120.79 97.66 114.11
50 mm (0.796 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 187.06 151.24 176.71
63 mm (1.269 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 298.22 241.11 281.72
75 mm (1.782 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 418.77 338.58 395.60
90 mm (2.568 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 603.48 487.92 570.10
110 mm (3.801 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 893.24 722.19 843.82
125 mm (4.962 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1166.07 942.78 1101.56
140 mm (6.209 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1459.12 1179.71 1378.40
160 mm (8.079 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 1898.57 1535.01 1793.54
180 mm (10.256 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2410.16 1948.64 2276.83
200 mm (12.620 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 2965.7 2397.8 2801.64
225 mm (16.014 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 3763.29 3042.66 3555.11
250 mm (19.757 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 4642.9 3753.83 4386.05
280 mm (24.708 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 5806.38 4694.52 5485.18
315 mm (31.16 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 7322.6 5920.4 6917.52
355 mm ( 39.635 Avg.wt Kg/m) ,, 9908.75 7530.65 8798.97
400 mm ( 50.344 Avg.wt Kg/m) 9565.36 11176.37
450 mm ( 63.598 Avg.wt Kg/m) 12083.62 14118.76

28 UPVC (Pipe NS 206/046)

28.1 A)  pipe 2.5 kg /cm2 pressure
a)      90 mm /=dL 129.20 142.12 156.34
b)      110 mm " 192.04 211.24 232.36
c)      125 mm " 244.25 268.67 295.54
d)      140 mm " 302.65 332.92 366.21
e)      160 mm " 395.58 435.13 478.65

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
f)        180 mm " 507.08 557.79 613.57
g)      200 mm " 618.58 680.44 748.49
28.2 B) PVC Pipe 4 kg / cm2
a)      63mm /=dL 102.65 112.92 124.21
b)      75 mm " 145.13 159.65 175.61
c)      90 mm " 201.77 221.95 244.14
d)      110 mm " 292.04 321.24 353.36
e)      125 mm " 383.19 421.50 463.65
f)        140 mm " 485.84 534.42 587.87
g)      160 mm " 629.20 692.12 761.34
h)      180 mm " 808.85 889.73 978.71
i)        200 mm " 981.42 1079.56 1187.51
28.3 C) PVC Pipe 6 Kg/ cm2 pressure
a)      40 mm /=dL 60.18 66.19 72.81
b)      50 mm " 90.27 99.29 109.22
c)      63 mm " 146.02 160.62 176.68
d)      75 mm " 203.54 223.89 246.28
e)      90 mm " 294.69 324.16 356.58
f)        110 mm " 427.43 470.18 517.19
g)      125 mm " 568.14 624.96 687.45
h)      140 mm " 707.08 777.79 855.57
i)        160 mm " 905.31 995.84 1095.42
j)        180 mm /=dL 1154.87 1270.35 1397.39
k)      200 mm ,, 1415.04 1556.55 1712.20
28.4 C) PVC Pipe 10 Kg/ cm2 pressure
a) 20 mm /=dL 23.01 25.31 27.84
b) 25 mm ,, 36.28 39.91 43.90
c) 32mm ,, 59.29 65.22 71.74
a)      40 mm ,, 90.27 99.29 109.22
b)      50 mm ,, 142.48 156.73 172.40
c)      63 mm ,, 226.55 249.20 274.12
d)      75 mm ,, 323.89 356.28 391.91
e)      90 mm ,, 461.95 508.14 558.96
f)        110 mm ,, 684.07 752.48 827.73
g)      125 mm ,, 876.11 963.72 1060.09
h)      140 mm ,, 1106.19 1216.81 1338.50
i)        160 mm ,, 1423.01 1565.31 1721.84
j)        180 mm ,, 1814.16 1995.58 2195.13
k)      200 mm ,, 2242.48 2466.73 2713.40

28.5 UPVC fittings :

50 mm uf]6f 30.09 30.09 33
75 mm " 76.11 76.11 84
110 mm " 117.70 117.70 129
Bend 87.5 degree
50 mm uf]6f 44.25 44.25 49

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
75 mm " 106.19 106.19 117
110 mm " 177.88 177.88 196
Bend 45 degree
50 mm uf]6f 43.36 43.36 48
75 mm " 84.96 84.96 93
110 mm " 146.90 146.90 162
Single Tee
50 mm uf]6f 64.60 64.60 71
75 mm " 138.94 138.94 153
110 mm " 245.13 245.13 270
Pipe clip
50 mm uf]6f 16.81 16.81 18
75 mm " 22.12 22.12 24
110 mm " 30.97 30.97 34
Bend 87.5 degree with door
75 mm uf]6f 136.28 136.28 150
110 mm " 217.70 217.70 239
Single Tee with door
75 mm uf]6f 166.37 166.37 183
110 mm " 286.73 286.73 315
Double Tee
75 mm uf]6f 328.32 328.32 361
110 mm " 550.44 550.44 605
Double Tee with door
75 mm uf]6f 416.81 416.81 458
110 mm " 679.65 679.65 748
Vent cowl
75 mm uf]6f 52.21 52.21 57
110 mm " 86.73 86.73 95
Socket plug
75 mm uf]6f 70.80 70.80 78
110 mm " 103.54 103.54 114
Single "Y"
75 mm uf]6f 154.87 154.87 170
110 mm " 301.77 301.77 332

Single "Y" with door

75 mm uf]6f 201.77 201.77 222
110 mm " 378.76 378.76 417
Double "Y"
75 mm uf]6f 215.93 215.93 238
110 mm " 398.23 398.23 438
Double "Y" with door 0

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
75 mm uf]6f 312.39 312.39 344
110 mm " 483.19 483.19 532
Cleaning pipe
75 mm ,, 128.32 128.32 141
110 mm ,, 245.13 245.13 270
110x 75 mm ,, 128.32 128.32 141
75X50 mm ,, 67.26 67.26 74
P -Trap
125mmx110mm ,, 499.12 499.12 549
110mmx110mm ,, 479.65 479.65 528
75mmx75mm ,, 186.73 186.73 205
Multi-Floor -Trap
110mmx75mm ,, 275.22 275.22 303
110mmx75mm ,, 249.56 249.56 275
W.C. Connector (bent type) ,, 256.64 256.64 282
Square tile with jali ,, 81.42 81.42 90
Round jali ,, 38.05 38.05 42
End cap 50mm ,, 27.43 27.43 30
b)     Crockroach Trap 150mm *150 mm ,, 1500.00
29.0 G.I Pipe threaded, 6m long with Cap
a) Light class
i.                     ½ " (15 mm) /=dL 142.48 113 113
ii.                   ¾" (20 mm) Æ 195.58 155 155
iii.                  1" (25 mm) Æ 275.22 217 217
iv.                 1 ¼" (32 mm) Æ 353.98 278 278
v.                   1 ½ " (40 mm) Æ 441.59 347 347
vi.                 2" (50 mm) Æ 558.41 437 437
vii.                2 ½ " (65 mm) Æ 774.34 605 605
viii.              3" (80 mm) Æ 910.62 712 712
ix.                 4" (100 mm) Æ 1312.39 1023 1023
x.                   5" (125 mm) Æ 2011.50 1562 1562
xi.                 6" (150 mm) Æ 2389.38 1855 1855
xii.                8" (200 mm) Æ - 2673 2673
b) Medium class
i.                     ½ " (15 mm) /=dL 169.03 133 133
ii.                   ¾" (20 mm) Æ 215.04 170 170
iii.                  1" (25 mm) Æ 329.20 258 258
iv.                 1 ¼" (32 mm) Æ 429.20 337 337
v.                   1 ½ " (40 mm) /=ld 494.69 387 387
vi.                 2" (50 mm) Æ 681.42 532 532

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
vii.                2 ½ " (65 mm) Æ 869.91 678 678
viii.              3" (80 mm) Æ 1083.19 845 845
ix.                 4" (100 mm) Æ 1625.66 1265 1265
x.                   5" (125 mm) Æ 2130.09 1653 1653
xi.                 6" (150 mm) Æ 2578.76 2000 2000
xii.                 8" (200 mm) Æ - 3060 3060
c) Heavy duty
i.                     ½ " (15 mm) /=ld 200.88 158 158
ii.                   ¾" (20 mm) Æ 252.21 200 200
iii.                  1" (25 mm) Æ 384.07 303 303
iv.                 1 ¼" (32 mm) Æ 491.15 388 388
v.                   1 ½ " (40 mm) Æ 566.37 447 447
vi.                 2" (50 mm) Æ 834.51 657 657
vii.                2 ½ " (65 mm) Æ 1042.48 822 822
viii.              3" (80 mm) Æ 1229.20 968 968
ix.                 4" (100 mm) Æ 1862.83 1465 1465
x.                   5" (125 mm) Æ 2405.31 1885 1885
xi.                 6" (150 mm) Æ 2719.47 2133 2133
xii.                 8" (200 mm) Æ - 3292 3292
30.0 G.I. Pipe fittings ISI or NS
a) G.M. Gate valve
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 843.90 844 844
ii.                   ¾" Æ 1050.96 1051 1051
iii.                  1" Æ 1692.15 1692 1692
iv.                 1 ¼" Æ 2414.25 2414 2414
v.                   1 ½ " Æ 3040.65 3041 3041
vi.                 2" Æ 4841.55 4842 4842
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 10009.35 10009 10009
viii.              3" ,, 12445.35 12445 12445
ix.                 4" ,, 20384.10 20384 20384
b) G.M Check valve
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 783.00 783 783
ii.                   ¾" ,, 1052.70 1053 1053
iii.                  1" ,, 1557.30 1557 1557
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 2301.15 2301 2301
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 2662.20 2662 2662
vi.                 2" ,, 4415.25 4415 4415
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 8969.70 8970 8970
viii.              3" ,, 11979.90 11980 11980
ix.                 4" ,, 16930.20 16930 16930
c) G.I. Ebow

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 45.42 45 45
ii.                   ¾" ,, 81.61 82 82
iii.                  1" ,, 127.81 128 128
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 192.48 192 192
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 271.01 271 271
vi.                 2" ,, 407.28 407 407
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 706.78 707 707
viii.              3" ,, 1098.66 1099 1099
ix.                 4" ,, 1893.21 1893 1893
x.                 5" ,, 4686.45 4686 4686
xi.                6" ,, 5639.60 5640 5640
d) G.I. Tee
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 70.06 70 70
ii.                   ¾" ,, 111.64 112 112
iii.                  1" ,, 162.45 162 162
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 260.23 260 260
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 359.55 360 360
vi.                 2" ,, 588.21 588 588
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 923.89 924 924
viii.              3" ,, 1249.57 1250 1250
ix.                 4" Æ 2269.70 2270 2270
x.                 5" Æ 6280.94 6281 6281
xi.                6" Æ 7278.74 7279 7279
e) G.I Union
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 148.59 149 149
ii.                   ¾" ,, 208.65 209 209
iii.                  1" ,, 306.42 306 306
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 421.14 421 421
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 521.23 521 521
vi.                 2" ,, 775.30 775 775
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 1586.79 1587 1587
viii.              3" ,, 2137.27 2137 2137
ix.                 4" ,, 2815.57 2816 2816
x.                 5" Æ 6280.94 6281 6281
xi.                6" Æ 7599.03 7599 7599

f) G.I. Socket
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 40.81 41 41
ii.                   ¾" ,, 63.90 64 64
iii.                  1" ,, 87.00 87 87
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 134.73 135 135

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 181.70 182 182
vi.                 2" ,, 267.93 268 268
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 485.81 486 486
viii.              3" ,, 716.79 717 717
ix.                 4" ,, 1241.10 1241 1241
x.                 5" Æ 3100.43 3100 3100
xi.                6" Æ 4168.30 4168 4168
g) C.I. Plug
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 26.10 26 26
ii.                   ¾" ,, 34.80 35 35
iii.                  1" ,, 43.50 44 44
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 86.13 86 86
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 108.75 109 109
vi.                 2" ,, 130.50 131 131
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 187.05 187 187
viii.              3" ,, 382.80 383 383
ix.                 4" ,, 735.15 735 735
h) Hex Nipple
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 49.27 49 49
ii.                   ¾" ,, 75.45 75 75
iii.                  1" ,, 122.42 122 122
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 190.17 190 190
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 240.98 241 241
vi.                 2" ,, 358.78 359 359
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 657.50 658 658
viii.              3" ,, 849.98 850 850
ix.                 4" ,, 1301.92 1302 1302
i) Reducing Tee
i.                   ¾" uf]6f 122.42 122 122
ii.                  1" ,, 179.39 179 179
iii.                 1 ¼" ,, 284.87 285 285
iv.                   1 ½ " ,, 395.73 396 396
v.                 2" ,, 646.73 647 647
vi.                2 ½ " ,, 1017.82 1018 1018
vii.              3" ,, 1375.83 1376 1376
viii.                 4" ,, 2513.76 2514 2514
x.                 5" Æ 6915.35 6915 6915
xi.                6" Æ 8005.54 8006 8006
i) Reducing Elbow
i.                   ¾" uf]6f 90.08 90 90
ii.                  1" ,, 140.12 140 140
iii.                 1 ¼" ,, 213.27 213 213

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
iv.                   1 ½ " ,, 300.27 300 300
v.                 2" ,, 448.86 449 449
vi.                2 ½ " ,, 774.53 775 775
vii.              3" ,, 1194.13 1194 1194
viii.                 4" ,, 2114.18 2114 2114
x.                 5" Æ 5156.10 5156 5156
xi.                6" Æ 6203.95 6204 6204
j) Reducing socket
i.                   ¾" uf]6f 70.83 71 71
ii.                  1" ,, 94.70 95 95
iii.                 1 ¼" ,, 147.82 148 148
iv.                1 ½ " ,, 197.87 198 198
v.                 2" ,, 295.65 296 296
vi.                2 ½ " ,, 528.93 529 529
vii.              3" ,, 754.51 755 755
viii.             4" ,, 1361.20 1361 1361
x.                 5" Æ 3891.90 3892 3892
xi.                6" Æ 4575.58 4576 4576
K) Short bend
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 121.80 122 122
ii.                   ¾" ,, 187.05 187 187
iii.                  1" ,, 287.10 287 287
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 552.45 552 552
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 835.20 835 835
vi.                 2" ,, 1222.35 1222 1222
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 3136.35 3136 3136
viii.              3" ,, 4863.30 4863 4863
ix.                 4" ,, 6890.40 6890 6890
l) Cross Tee
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 114.72 115 115
ii.                   ¾" ,, 163.22 163 163
iii.                  1" ,, 257.15 257 257
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 446.54 447 447
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 535.86 536 536
vi.                 2" ,, 868.46 868 868
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 1465.14 1465 1465
viii.              3" ,, 2123.42 2123 2123
ix.                 4" ,, 2866.38 2866 2866
M) Tanki nipple 0.00 0 0
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 134.73 135 135
ii.                   ¾" ,, 187.86 188 188
iii.                  1" ,, 279.48 279 279

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 421.14 421 421
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 535.86 536 536
vi.                 2" ,, 868.46 868 868
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 1671.48 1671 1671
viii.              3" ,, 2225.81 2226 2226
ix.                 4" ,, 2953.38 2953 2953
G.I. Nipple Medium Class ISI or NS
2" Long
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 22.33 22 22
ii.                   ¾" ,, 33.11 33 33
iii.                  1" ,, 44.65 45 45
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 60.05 60 60
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 73.14 73 73
vi.                 2" ,, 111.64 112 112
3" Long
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 33.11 33 33
ii.                   ¾" ,, 49.27 49 49
iii.                  1" ,, 66.21 66 66
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 89.31 89 89
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 110.87 111 111
vi.                 2" ,, 165.53 166 166
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 227.12 227 227
viii.              3" ,, 331.06 331 331
4" Long 0.00 0 0
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 44.65 45 45
ii.                   ¾" ,, 65.44 65 65
iii.                  1" ,, 88.54 89 89
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 119.34 119 119
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 144.74 145 145
vi.                 2" ,, 221.73 222 222
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 304.12 304 304
viii.              3" ,, 442.70 443 443
ix.                 4" ,, 569.73 570 570
6" Long
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 66.21 66 66
ii.                   ¾" ,, 98.55 99 99
iii.                  1" ,, 132.42 132 132
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 180.16 180 180
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 221.73 222 222
vi.                 2" ,, 332.60 333 333
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 454.25 454 454
viii.              3" ,, 650.58 651 651
ix.                 4" ,, 804.56 805 805

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
9" Long
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 99.32 99 99
ii.                   ¾" ,, 146.28 146 146
iii.                  1" ,, 177.08 177 177
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 269.47 269 269
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 361.86 362 362
vi.                 2" ,, 498.90 499 499
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 673.67 674 674
viii.              3" ,, 997.04 997 997
ix.                 4" ,, 4273.01 4273 4273
12" Long
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 132.42 132 132
ii.                   ¾" ,, 194.02 194 194
iii.                  1" ,, 220.19 220 220
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 360.32 360 360
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 442.70 443 443
vi.                 2" ,, 664.43 664.43 664.43
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 896.95 896.95 896.95
viii.              3" ,, 1328.10 1328.10 1328.10
ix.                 4" ,, 1586.02 1586.02 1586.02
18" Long 0.00 0.00 0.00
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 198.64 198.64 198.64
ii.                   ¾" ,, 244.83 244.83 244.83
iii.                  1" ,, 331.06 331.06 331.06
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 538.94 538.94 538.94
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 662.12 662.12 662.12
vi.                 2" ,, 997.04 997.04 997.04
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 1347.35 1347.35 1347.35
viii.              3" ,, 1972.51 1972.51 1972.51
ix.                 4" ,, 2405.97 2405.97 2405.97
G.I./G.I. Flange
i.                 1 ¼" uf]6f 845.00 845.00 845.00
ii.                   1 ½ " ,, 1040.00 1040.00 1040.00
iii.                 2" ,, 1275.00 1275.00 1275.00
iv.                2 ½ " ,, 1490.00 1490.00 1490.00
v.               3" ,, 1660.00 1660.00 1660.00
vi.                 4" ,, 2060.00 2060.00 2060.00
vii. 5" 2945.00
viii. 6" 3060.00
ix. 8" 6095.00
G.I./HDP Flange
i.                 1 ¼" uf]6f 910.00 910.00 910.00
ii.                   1 ½ " ,, 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00
iii.                 2" ,, 1370.00 1370.00 1370.00
iv.                2 ½ " ,, 1600.00 1600.00 1600.00
v.               3" ,, 1710.00 1710.00 1710.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
vi.                 4" ,, 2110.00 2110.00 2110.00
vii. 5" 2945.00
viii. 6" 3075.00
ix. 8" 6690.00
HDP/HDP Flange set with adaptor
i.                 1 ¼" uf]6f 910.00
ii.                   1 ½ " ,, 1160.00
iii.                 2" ,, 1370.00
iv.                2 ½ " ,, 1600.00
v.               3" ,, 1710.00
vi.                 4" ,, 2110.00
vii. 5" 3345.00
viii. 6" 3075.00
ix. 8" 6690.00
Brass tap ½"
i.                     ½ " (Wt. 400 gm) uf]6f 795.00 795.00 795.00
ii.                     ½ " ordinary uf]6f 180.00 180.00 180.00
Globe Valve (GM)
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 810.00 810.00 810.00
ii.                   ¾" ,, 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
iii.                  1" ,, 1630.00 1630.00 1630.00
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 2590.00 2590.00 2590.00
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 3260.00 3260.00 3260.00
vi.                 2" ,, 4070.00 4070.00 4070.00
vii.                2 ½ " ,, 7995.00 7995.00 7995.00
viii.              3" ,, 13210.00 13210.00 13210.00
ix.                 4" ,, 21360.00 21360.00 21360.00
Float Valve
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 995.00 995.00 995.00
ii.                   ¾" ,, 1125.00 1125.00 1125.00
iii.                  1" ,, 1365.00 1365.00 1365.00
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 2360.00 2360.00 2360.00
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 3545.00 3545.00 3545.00
vi.                 2" ,, 4720.00 4720.00 4720.00
C.I. Air valve (Heavy)
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 3295.00 3295.00 3295.00
ii.                   ¾" ,, 4545.00 4545.00 4545.00
iii.                  1" ,, 5040.00 5040.00 5040.00

Brass Union with Adopter

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 215.00 215.00 215.00
ii.                   ¾" ,, 330.00 330.00 330.00
iii.                  1" ,, 500.00 500.00 500.00
iv.                 1 ¼" ,, 650.00 650.00 650.00
v.                   1 ½ " ,, 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00
vi.                 2" ,, 1720.00 1720.00 1720.00
Saddle Ferrule
i.                   1 ½ " uf]6f 310.00 310.00 310.00
ii.                 2" ,, 410.00 410.00 410.00
iii.                2 ½ " ,, 1145.00 1145.00 1145.00
iv.               3" ,, 1515.00 1515.00 1515.00
v.                 4" ,, 2160.00 2160.00 2160.00
Flow Regulating Valve (G.M.)
i.                     ½" uf]6f 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00
C.I Sluice Valve
i.                   1 ½ " uf]6f 6005.00 6005.00 6005.00
ii.                 2" ,, 8010.00 8010.00 8010.00
iii.                2 ½ " ,, 10005.00 10005.00 10005.00
iv.               3" ,, 12009.00 12009.00 12009.00
v.                 4" ,, 16008.00 16008.00 16008.00
v.                 5" ,, - - 24330.00
v.      6" ,, - - 29200.00
v.             8" ,, - - 40880.00
Brass Ferrule Cock
i.                     ½ " uf]6f 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
ii.                   ¾" ,, 1720.00 1720.00 1720.00
iii.                  1" ,, 2525.00 2525.00 2525.00
Butter fly valve with flange
a) 40mm uf]6f 10185.00
b) 50 mm ,, 11730.00
c) 65 mm ,, 12485.00
d) 80 mm ,, 13715.00
e) 100 mm ,, 17785.00
Ball valve
a) 15mm uf]6f 450.00 450.00 450.00
b) 20 mm ,, 570.00 570.00 570.00
c) 25 mm ,, 765.00 765.00 765.00
d) 32 mm ,, 922.00 922.00 922.00
e) 40 mm ,, 1785.00 1785.00 1785.00
f) 50 mm ,, 2930.00 2930.00 2930.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
31.0 Supplying of RCC ring for
construction of well
31.1 Ring
i) 28" dia. R.C.C. ring 20 cm ht ,5 cm thick uf]6f
- 563.00 563.00
ii) 36" dia. R.C.C. ring 20 cm ht ,5 cm thick ,, - 697.00 697.00
iii) 42" dia. R.C.C. ring 20 cm ht ,5 cm thick ,, - 811.00 811.00
iv) 48" dia. R.C.C. ring 20 cm ht ,5 cm thick ,,
- 1074.00 1074.00
31.2 Supplying & fixing of metal frame and
Rcc cover
i) 28" dia. 60m thick R.C.C. ring cover uf]6f
with metal frame - 1700.00 1700.00
i) 36" dia. 60m thick R.C.C. ring cover ,,
with metal frame - 2250.00 2250.00
i) 42" dia. 60m thick R.C.C. ring cover ,,
with metal frame - 2470.00 2470.00
i) 48" dia. 60m thick R.C.C. ring cover ,,
with metal frame - 2950.00 2950.00
32.0 O{gf/ vGgsf] nfuL R.C.C. l/Ë cfk'tL{ ul/ df6f]
vGg] ,cfjZos kmLN6/ ;fdfu|L /fVg] tyf h8fg
;d]tsf] ;j} sfo{x? -@) b]lv @%kmL6 ;Dd sf]
uxL/fOdf 9Ssg afx]s_
i) 28" dia. R.C.C. Ring /=dL - 3435.00 3435.00
ii) 36" dia. R.C.C. Ring ,, - 4360.00 4360.00
iii) 42" dia. R.C.C. Ring ,, - 5075.00 5075.00
iv) 48" dia. R.C.C. Ring ,, - 6260.00 6260.00
32.2 @% kmL6 b]lv dfyLsf] uxL/fO ePdf

O{gf/ vGgsf] nfuL R.C.C. l/Ë cfk'tL{

ul/ df6f] vGg] ,cfjZos kmLN6/ ;fdfu|L /fVg] tyf
h8fg ;d]tsf] ;j} sfo{x? -@% kmL6 b]lv /=dL 1175.00 1175.00
dfyLsf] uxL/fO ePdf df` 9Ssg afx]s_

i) 28" dia. R.C.C. Ring /=dL - 4610.00 4610.00

ii) 36" dia. R.C.C. Ring ,, - 7795.00 7795.00
iii) 42" dia. R.C.C. Ring ,, - 9435.00 9435.00
iv) 48" dia. R.C.C. Ring ,, - 11335.00 11335.00
33.0 Accessories for Deep boring
works by machine .
i) MS Slotted pipe Kg 80.00 80.00 80.00
ii) Submersible pump with motor 15 hp Set
per set, head 80 m.discharge 10 lps. with 160000.00 160000.00 160000.00
control pannel

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
iii) Submersible pump with motor 12.5 ,,
hp per set, head 80 m.discharge 8 150000.00 150000.00 150000.00
lps.with control pannel
iv) Submersible pump with motor 10 hp ,,
per set, head 70 m.discharge 7 lps. with 145000.00 145000.00 145000.00
control pannel
v) Submersible pump with motor 7.5 hp ,,
per set, head 70 m.discharge 5 lps. with 125000.00 125000.00 125000.00
control pannel
vi) 10 mm sq. submersible Cable three /=ld
1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
phase per meter
vii) 6 mm sq. submersible Cable three ,,
850.00 850.00 850.00
phase per meter
viii) 4 mm sq. submersible Cable three ,,
750.00 750.00 750.00
phase per meter
ix) 2.5 mm sq. submersible Cable three ,,
650.00 650.00 650.00
phase per meter
x) Pannel Board Suitable for above set
55000.00 55000.00 55000.00
pumps 20 H P
xi) Pannel Board Suitable for above ,,
50000.00 50000.00 50000.00
pumps 15 H P
xii) Pannel Board Suitable for above ,,
45000.00 45000.00 45000.00
pumps 12.50 H P
xiii) Pannel Board Suitable for above ,,
40000.00 40000.00 40000.00
pumps 10 H P
xiv) Pannel Board Suitable for above ,,
35000.00 35000.00 35000.00
pumps 7.5 H P
xv) 10" dia flange and flange cover with ,,
10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
nut bolt , thickness 10 mm
xvi) 8" dia flange and flange cover with ,,
8000.00 8000.00 8000.00
nut bolt , thickness 10 mm
xvii) 6" dia flange and flange cover with ,,
6000.00 6000.00 6000.00
nut bolt , thickness 10 mm
xviii)10" MS collar (socket) suitable for ,,
2500.00 2500.00 2500.00
above pipe thickness 7 mm
xix) 8" MS collar (socket) suitable for ,,
2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
above pipe thickness 6 mm
xx) 6" MS collar (socket) suitable for ,,
1750.00 1750.00 1750.00
above pipe thickness 6 mm
xxi) 4" MS collar (socket) suitable for ,,
1500.00 1500.00 1500.00
above pipe thickness 6 mm
vi) 200 mm dia ms pipe of 7 mm thick /=ld 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00
vi) 200 mm dia ms pipe of 7 mm thick ,,
6500.00 6500.00 6500.00
Slotted pipe
vi) 150 mm dia ms pipe of 5.4 mm thick ,, 2300.00 2300.00 2300.00
vi) 150 mm dia ms pipe of 5.4 mm thick ,,
3500.00 3500.00 3500.00
Slotted pipe

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!

Construction material for deep boring

Bentonite Ton 9200.00 9200.00
Barite Ton 11500.00 11500.00
Drill bit nos 34500.00 34500.00
Oxyzen gs cy, 575.00 575.00
Acetelyne gas cy, 575.00 575.00
Bucket nos 575.00 575.00
Liner nos 4025.00 4025.00
Piston rod nos 5750.00 5750.00
Gland packing set 115.00 115.00
swivel packing Set 115.00 115.00
V-packing Set 115.00 115.00
Valve / Steel ball nos 575.00 575.00
Valve sheat nos 575.00 575.00
Valve Packing nos 115.00 115.00
Machinary for Deep boring
Rig machine Hrs 2346.00 2346.00
Elec. Generetor " 540.00 540.00
Water truck " 632.00 632.00
Cargo truck " 424.00 424.00
Picup truck " 330.00 330.00
Water pump " 195.00 195.00
Electric logger " 3138.00 3138.00
34.0 Sanitary Tools
a Adjustable spanner
10" Pc 247.50 247.5 247.5
12" Pc 467.50 467.5 467.5
15" Pc 1347.50 1347.5 1347.5
18" Pc 1595.00 1595.00 1595.00
b Blow Torch
1/2 pint Pc 1391.50 1391.5 1391.5
1 pint Pc 1716.00 1716.00 1716.00
c Building Trowel Pc 77.00 77.00 77.00
d Chain Pipe wrench
50mm Pc 1595.00 1595.00 1595.00
75mm Pc 1897.50 1897.5 1897.5
100mm Pc 2227.50 2227.5 2227.5
150mm Pc 3135.00 3135.00 3135.00
200mm Pc 5335.00 5335.00 5335.00
e Chain Pulley in Ton
3 ton Pc 17050.00 17050.00 17050.00
5 ton Pc 28160.00 28160.00 28160.00
f Stone Chisel 1"x12" Pc 357.50 357.50 357.50

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
g Die teeth oil with cane (250 ml size) Pc 275.00 275.00 275.00
h Smooth steel file half round
8" Pc 522.50 522.50 522.50
10" Pc 1001.00 1001.00 1001.00
i Flat file 10" Pc 522.50 522.5 522.5
10.0 Hacksaw Blade
Single Pc 4.40 4.40 4.40
double Pc 8.80 8.80 8.80
j Hacksaw Frame 6mm Pc 187.00 187.00 187.00
k Handle die set
25 mm Pc 3107.50 3107.50 3107.50
50 mm Pc 3520.00 3520.00 3520.00
60 mm Pc 9350.00 9350.00 9350.00
l Heating Plate
80 mm Pc 935.00 935.00 935.00
100 mm Pc 1072.50 1072.50 1072.50
125 mm Pc 1375.00 1375.00 1375.00
150 mm Pc 1639.00 1639.00 1639.00
200 mm Pc 2651.00 2651.00 2651.00
250 mm Pc 3212.00 3212.00 3212.00
300 mm Pc 3751.00 3751.00 3751.00
m Iron Brush 12" Pc 71.50 71.50 71.50
n Iron Pan (madium) Pc 253.00 253.00 253.00
o Pick Axe 1.7 Kg. Pc 418.00 418.00 418.00
p Pipe Cutter
15-50 mm Pc 1980.00 1980.00 1980.00
65-80 mm Pc 3080.00 3080.00 3080.00
100 mm Pc 4950.00 4950.00 4950.00
125 mm Pc 5500.00 5500.00 5500.00
150 mm Pc 9790.00 9790.00 9790.00
q Pipe Jack Machine (Heavy) Pc 31350.00 31350.00 31350.00
r Pipe Vice
2" Pc 2420.00 2420.00 2420.00
3" Pc 3520.00 3520.00 3520.00
4" Pc 5307.50 5307.50 5307.50
5" Pc 9845.00 9845.00 9845.00
s Pipe Wrench
10" Pc 308.00 308.00 308.00
12" Pc 572.00 572.00 572.00
14" Pc 682.00 682.00 682.00
18" Pc 1083.50 1083.50 1083.50
24" Pc 1496.00 1496.00 1496.00
36" Pc 5280.00 5280.00 5280.00
48" Pc 9350.00 9350.00 9350.00
t Plumb Bob Line Pc 88.00 88.00 88.00
u Rachet Die Set
1/2"-1" Pc 4180.00 4180.00 4180.00

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
cf=j= )^*÷^( cf=j= )^(÷&) cf=j= )&)÷&!
11/4" -2" Pc 7810.00 7810.00 7810.00
21/2"-3" Pc 17050.00 17050.00 17050.00
v Round File 10" Pc 357.50 357.50 357.50
w Screw Driver 12" Pc 198.00 198.00 198.00
x Shovel 1.5 Kg Pc 357.50 357.50 357.50

y Slide wrench
10" Pc 352.00 352.00 352.00
12" Pc 473.00 473.00 473.00
15" Pc 1380.50 1380.50 1380.50
z Spade Pc 429.00 429.00 429.00
A Spare Die Teeth
15 mm Pc 572.00 572.00 572.00
20 mm Pc 572.00 572.00 572.00
25 mm Pc 572.00 572.00 572.00
32 mm Pc 907.50 907.50 907.50
40 mm Pc 1551.00 1551.00 1551.00
50 mm Pc 1567.50 1567.50 1567.50
65 mm Pc 1815.00 1815.00 1815.00
80 mm Pc 2035.00 2035.00 2035.00
B Telflon Cover
5'x5' Pc 302.50 302.50 302.50
7'x7' Pc 412.50 412.50 412.50
C Telflon Cloth m 3327.50 3327.50 3327.50
D Telflon Tape 10 mm roll Roll 16.50 16.50 16.50
E Thermochrome Crayon
Indian Pc 742.50 742.50 742.50
Germany Pc 1485.00 1485.00 1485.00
F Tool Box (14"x8"x22") Pc 2040.50 2040.50 2040.50


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