Reversible Agar Agar Hydrocolloid

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Clinical Communication

Reversible agar agar hydrocolloid

Homer Vernon Reed*

Reversible agar agar hydrocolloid remaitis an excellent, cost-effective impression mate-

rial. A review of the history of the development of the material and a sound technique
for its use are presented. (Quintessence Int 1990:21:225-229.)

Introduction terials were carried to the mouth in smooth metal

trays. The materials were allowed to "set" or harden
In recent years, many new elastomeric materials for to the appropriate time, the tray was removed from
making dental impressions have been introduced. the mouth, and, after proper cuts, the irnpressions
While eaeh demonstrates specific properties that ad- were removed in sections from the mouth. The above
dress problems presented to the dentist, I ftnd that an description is an oversimplification of a difficult,
old standby still ranks as the standard. This material, tedious exercise.
reversible agar agar hydrocolloid, with little change, The plaster .sections were then allowed to dry, re-
has met the test of titne and remains a cost-effective, positioned in the tray, and iuted together with sticky
excellent impression material. wax. The compound sections did not need to dry, A
Agar agar hydrocoUoids were first used in industry separating solution was applied to the plaster impres-
in 1925. The first "tooth impressions"" (in the mouth) sion (none was needed for the compound), and the
were made in 1937. Until that time, the chemicals used impression was poured in cast, or similar, stone.
to strengthen the hydrocolloid material were harmful To circumvent the hard work and to prevent intra-
to human tissue. oral lacerations caused by these impression proce-
In 1938, Rose, the Dean of the University of Ten- dures. Rose suggested that 1 investigate the possibility
nessee College of Dentistry, assigned to me (then a of using agar agar hydrocolloid,
ftrst-year dental student) the task of making complete- Agar agar chips or fiakes were purchased from the
arch impressions of the dental students currently en- local pharmacy in large quantities. It was the same
rolled in the dental college. Rose was a periodontist material that bacteriologists had been using for years
and was concerned with ocelusion of the teeth as a in their petri dishes. Remember this should you be
causative factor of periodontal disturbances. tempted to reuse the material, especially in another
My assignment was to make the impression, pour patient's mouth. The material is too inexpensive to
the stone casts, and make interocclusal records. Rose reuse.
and others mounted the casts in Hanau articulators, These fiakes were mixed into a pot of boiling water,
studied the occlusion, and adjusted the occlusion to and various ingredients were added to the pot in a
their satisfaction. Usually the result was monoplane "heiter skelter'" fashion. We added long eotton fila-
occlusion, but there were no interferences left when ments, flakes of glue, antibacterial chemicals, antifun-
they were finished. gal chemicals, asbestos fibers, and a substance called
The two impression materials available at that time "Fuller's Earth" to give the material body. This was
were plaster of paris and compound. These two ma- boiled until it was the proper consistency, then allowed
to cool until it reached a temperature of approximately
150 to 160 "F, Water-cooled trays were not available,
or at least we did not have access to them. We used
smooth trays and made undercuts with sticky wax or
Professor, Department of Proslhodontics, Division or Fûed compound stops. The post dams and tray extensions
Prosthodoiities. University of TenDessee. College of Dentistry. were made in compound. The tray was filled with the
875 Union Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 3St63,

Quintessence International Volume 21, Number 3/1990 225

Clinical Communication

hydrocolloid and placed in a basin of water at ap- and lime expended by both the patieril ;iii'l Ihe dentist.
proximately 120 to 125 'F and left a few minutes. It . . . success depends upon a good workmy knowledge
was then inserted into the student's motitli and held and careful control of all variable.^."• namely good
as still as possible. An assistant (tisitally another sUi- working equipment and efficient office routines (pay-
dcnt) tilled a water btilb syringe with cold water and ing strict attention to all steps). If these things are
squirted this cold water into the student's mouth. Aft- observed, authentic reproduction of the areas involved
er a time, the impression was removed and inspected. can be expected.
and if acceptable at all, was poured in some cast stone "The technique is unexcelled for the indirect con-
material. strtietion of restorations for individual teeth and par-
The above technique was worked out after many tially edentulous mouths."' The material is unexeelled
trial and error procedures. The intraoral tissues of for making impressions of the hard struetures of the
many sttidents were scorehed, and we almost drowned mouth.
a few trying to eool the material. When the agar agar hydrocolloid is heated it forms
Later, a large metal mixing syringe was purchased. a gel; when it is cooled (to approximately 102 °F it
The material was processed as stated previously and forms a solid. The proeess is reversible, hence, the term
was allowed to cool until it gelled. The material was reversible agar agar hydrocolloid.
then cut into a cylindrical shape to fit the syringe, One product on the market consists of 15% agar
placed in the mixing syringe and placed into boiling agar, 80% water, and 5% thermoplastics (inert ma-
water. When the material reached the sol state, an terials: chemicals, antiseptic, antifungal).
internal plunger was pushed up and down, and the
material was mixed. The syringe was placed in 150- to
I55-^F water and cooled as it was mixed. Then ihe Method and materials
trays were loaded from the mixing syringe, placed in
tempering water at about 120''F for a few minutes, Equipment
and removed. Any remaining surface moisture was There are many good eondilioners on the market tc-
removed before the trays were inserted into the tnouth. day. The temperatures are controlled with either bi-
The cooling process was the same until the water- metal or solid-state thermostats. As a general rule, the
cooled trays came on the market, mainly through the bimetal controls are less expensive, but are not as ac-
efforts of Thompson and others. The Thompson con- eurate and will not last as long as the solid-state con-
ditioner was a great advancement over the equipment trols, and repair is more involved.
we used from 1938 to 1942. In my opinion, the conditioners should have re-
The seaweed, or kelp, plant is the tallest plant, even movable stainless Steel pots. Cleanliness is one im-
taller than the giant redwood tree. Some of the best portant factor in this system, and the removable stain-
seaweed (kelp) plants grow in a reef off the coast of less pot ean be kept clean with minimal effort, if it is
lower California. The height of the seaweed is eon- done routinely. Clean equipment and an aecurate ther-
trolled by the depth of the reefs floor.' Before World mometer are mandatory. The mercury-glass thermo-
War II, Japanese came to this reef and harvested the meter is the one of choice. It is less expensive and
plants, loaded them on ships and took them to Japan, more aeeurate than the dial type. The eleetric ther-
where the seaweed was cleansed, boiled in water, and mometers will not be accurate if they are dropped or
allowed to gel. The gel was transported hack to Cal- even bumped hard, and they are expensive.
ifornia, where it was converted into agar agar hydro- Syringes for injecting agar agar material around and
colloid for the dental profession. into the gingival crevice may be eonstructed from one
With the advent of World War 11, Japanese ships of the dentist's older novacaine anesthetie syringes
were denied the use of the sea lanes to California, and {without the harpoon). The opening for the disposable
the production of agar agar hydrocolloid closed. This needle is slightly enlarged with a dental bur.
brought about the "discovery" of the "alginates," or A good syringe on the market is made of plastic, in
irreversible hydrocolloids. which you place the glass carpule of syringe material.
According to Johnston et al,' "The accuracy and The plastic keeps the material warm and plastic will
ease of handhng of agar agar hydrocolloid has made not burn or damage the patient's lips as will metal.
possible actual duplication of cavity or abutment The carpule syringe system is an advantage over the
preparations and their relationships, with less effort one in whieh "sticks" of syringe material are loaded

226 Quintessence International Volume 21, Number 3/1990

Clinical Communication

into a syringe and the syringe and contents are Use of good smooth metal dowel pins and a simple
"boiled" in the first bath. system descrihed later are my choice for cast construc-
Solid water-cooled trays are manufactured in several tion.
sizes by various companies. Some arc made for par-
tially edentulous arches, others for fully dentuious
arches. There are complete-arch trays (mandibular Preparation of hydrocolloid impre.ssion material
atid maxillary), hall-arch trays, quadrant trays, and a Cleanliness, maintenance, and care of the conditioner
quadrant tray that is supposed to be good for making and strict adherence to time and temperature are man-
the maxillary and mandibular quadrants at the same datory in the agar agar hydrocolloid impression tech-
time. However, there is a serious dtsadvantage to this nique.
last technique. The occlusal surfaces of the teeth will The water pots should be clean and free of any
be in occlusion, with only a piece of material (tin foil foreign material, eg, wax, calcium deposits, and
or filter paper) separating them, and the occlusal sur- "scum" from the boihng water. Conditioners stay
faces will not be accurate when the casts are poured. clean. Failure to keep the pots clean will result in tem-
Complete-arch impressions are recommended, be- perature variations. Clean, cool, distilled water is
cause the casts from the impression can be accurately placed in the three pots. The conditioner is turned on.
mounted in the articulator. However, if the eomplete- Thirty minutes should be allowed for the water to
arch impression is not used, the half-arch impression reach the desired temperatures before proceeding. The
is preferable to the quadrant impression. The half-arch boiling pot temperature should be 150 to 155 E The
impressions encompass the anterior teeth and the re- storage pot should be 150 to 155 'F, and the tempering
sulting casts can be more accurately articulated than pot should be 110 to 115 "F
can the cast made from a quadrant impression. The caps on the tubes of hydrocolloid are tightened.
The tubes are placed in the conditioner, caps down.
If the glass carpules of syringe material are being used,
Impression materials place the rubber plungers down. The water is brought
There are many good brands of agar agar hydrocol- to a boil, and boihng is continued for 10 minutes.
loids on the market today They are all basically the Tubes that have to be rcboiled should now have an
same (80% water, 15% agar agar, and 5% inert ma- extra 2 minutes added to the 10 minutes. Longer boil-
tenals). You may purchase either regular- or heavy- ing harms the material. The tubes should be left in the
bodied consistency In poly tubes or flex skins for com- boiling compartment about 15 minutes after the boil-
plete-arch impressions, or quad skins for quadrant or ing stops. Then the tubes of hydrocolloid are trans-
half-arch impressions. ferred to the tempering pot. fhe syringe material is
The syringe material comes in light- or heavy-bod- left m the boiling pot. If the metal or plastic syringe
ied consistency and is packaged in glass cartridges or is used, the cap on the needle ts removed, and the stick
sticks. of syringe material is placed on the syringe plunger,
and inserted into the syringe. The plunger is pressed
on, the cap on the needle is screwed on, thus forming
Gingiva! displacement material a vaccum in the syringe (if the 0-ring is in good
shape), and the needle is placed end down into the
A wide assortment of chemicals are used in conjunc-
tion with cord, yam, thread, rings, and other materials
to relax and displace the gingtval tissue and to control
hemorrhaging. Some in use today are epinephrine, 'footh preparation
alum, aluminum potassium sulfate, aluminum
chloride, and hemogent — zinc chloride should not be When the agar agar hydrocolloid impression tech-
used. nique is to be used, a few cavity preparalton proce-
dures must be observed. A more accurate impression
can be made if all caries is removed and all undercuts
Materials for laboratory procedures are blocked out with cements, composite resins, or
other materials. This is a good technique no matter
Any good die stone material of choice may be used-
which impression material is being used.
Hardness and color of these materials vary Solutions
If pinholes are to be placed in the preparation, they
are available to harden these materials.

Quintessence International Voltjme 21, Number 3/1990 227

Clinical Communication

should be larger tban, and not placed as deeply into Impression making
the tooth as, pinholcs in a nortnal pin-retained prep-
aration. The agar agar hydrocolloid that has been stored in
The cervical margins should be distinct. There the 150- to 155-"F bath is now removed and placed in
should be no large undercuts apically to the tnargin. the selected tray Tbe material should be placed in the
In this ease, the tooth tnust be removed circumferen- tray without lapping or trapping air. The palatal area
tially; if not, varying degrees of distortion or actual of the maxillary tray need not be filled unless the pa-
tearing of tbe itnpression is inevitable. tient has a deep vault in the palate or an impression
Grooves in three-quarters or five-eighths prepara- is being made for a removable partial denture in which
tions should be larger when the hydrocolloid itnpres- a palatal bar or strap major connector is to be nsed.
sion material is used than are grooves in a "normar' The filled tray is placed in the tempering bath at 110
preparation. Box preparaltons should be used instead to 115 'F for 5 to 10 minutes or to the individual den-
of grooves in the posterior teeth when hydrocolloid tist's desire. After a few impressions have been made,
material is used to make the impression. tbe dentist has a good idea of the time and tempera-
ture best suited to bis or her technique.
Trays should be selected and tried in the patient's
mouth before the itnpression material is placed in The syringe is removed from the bath, and sotne
them. Black compound or Van R Tacky Stops (Van material is extruded frotn the needle to eliminate any
R Dent Products, Inc) should be placed to guide and contaminated syringe material. The displacement ma-
stop the tray in the desired position. There should be terial is removed, the area is inspected quickly, and the
3 mm of impression tnaterial around the teeth occlu- syringe needle is placed in the free gitigival sulcus. The
sally and laterally. For best results, three stops should tnateriai is injected carefully around the prepared
be used to give the tripod effect. If possible, the stops abutment. Care must be taken not to trap any air
should rest on the incisai surfaces of the anterior teeth during the procedure. The needle should not be lifted
and oeelusal surfaces of the right and left posterior out and replaced in the materia!, as this will cause air
teeth. If there are no teeth available, or if these teeth pockets. Any excess syringe material may be quickly
have been prepared, soft tissue stop areas may be se- placed on the oeelusal surfaces of the unprepared teeth
lected. to aid in the elimination of voids in the impression of
these areas.
The prepared and filled tray is removed frotn the
Préimpression steps
tempering bath before or during the insertion of the
The prepared area, abuttnents, and gtngtval tissues are syringe material — a gauze square is placed on the
examined, A spray of diluted, warm mouthwash of surface to blot any excess water and the hoses are
choice is an excellent means of washing and cleansing connected to the tray.
the area. Adequate cotton rolls are placed; cotton roll As soon as the syringe material has been placed on
holders are mandatory in the mandibular areas. The the abuttnents, the gauze is removed and the tray is
cotton rolls must be placed and tnaintained apically inserted in the mouth. The gauze square should leave
to the gingival crest area. If they are allowed to exert an imprint of the gauze on the hydrocolloid when it
pressure on this area, the gingival displacement pro- is removed. If the imprint is not visible, there is still
cedure will be in vain. excessive moisture on the surface of the hydroeolloid.
Saliva ejectors are placed in the mouth, and the The surface must be blotted again before proceeding.
prepared area is dried cautiously to rid the surface of The use of mirror and a gentle rocking motion will
moisture. The gingival displacement material is placed aid in the placement of the tray. The stops will aid in
around the prepared teeth to the exact circumference guiding and seating of the tray.
of the preparation. No loose ends should lap over tbe Tbe patient should be in an uprigbt position, and
gingival tisstie or hang out over the labial or lingual the arch of prepared teeth should be parallel with the
tissue, A small tip end may be left in the interproximal floor. The patient should be in a relaxed position, and
area to aid in removal. the hps should be relaxed.
The prepared area and the oral cavity should be During and after insertion of the mandibular tray,
kept free of excessive moisture from the time the dis- the patient's tongue should be raised up and back into
placement material is placed until the impression has the palatal area and then relaxed into its normal po-
been removed. sition or left to rest on the upper part of the tray. The

228 Quintessence International Volume 21. Number 3/19B0

Clinieal Communication

tray should be placed and held in tbe mouth by the tbe removal from tbe potassium sulfate bath. Excess
dentist until it is removed from the mouth. water may be "blotted" using the end corner of a facial
The water Is allowed to circulate through the tubes tissue. The occlusiil depths are checked carefully for
and the tray for the desired period of titne. Tbe water water droplets. The stone cast will have holes in areas
should be 65 to 72 ^F and should be used for not less in wbich the water has been left.
than 5 minutes. Again, each dentist will determine
time aeeording to his or her technique. The tray is
removed with a .map-out method — do not ease it out. Transfer die me I hod
The impression should be inspected, and, if it meets Only the abutment impressions are poured with a
with the dentist's approval, it should be placed im- good mixed die stone material. Gentle vibration of the
mediately into a glass or stainless steel eovered dish impression tray will aid in getting the stone into the
in wbich a 2% potassium sulfate solution has been abutment impression area. As soon as the impressions
placed. of the abutments are filled, the impression is removed
One teaspoon (5 mL) of potassium sulfate mixed from the vibrator. Some die stone is picked up with a
with 1 pt (0.47 L) water will make a 2% solution. Tbe No. 7A spatula and the impression is held in one hand
impression should be left in tbe solution for 5 to 20 while the hand witb the No. 7A spatula is placed on
minutes. the vibrator and the root portion of the die is buiit
Tbe potassium sulfate solution gives a harder sur- up. A stiff, well-mixed die stone can be "stacked" as
face to the stone die material. Some, if not ali, agar tall or high as the operator ehooses. Care must be
agar hydrocolloid contains borax as a filler. When the taken not to let the stone run over into the adjacent
impression sets on the bracket table just for a few areas.
minutes, a thin film of water forms on the surface. The impression with the "transfer" dies is placed
Tbe water film contains borax tbat has been leeched into a humidor and set for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The
from the hydrocolloid material. Borax retards the set impression is removed from the humidor, the transfer
of die stone, and the water film contaminates the sur- dies are removed earefully. and a solid cast is poured
face of the die, resulting in a weak surfaee that will into the impression. The impression is again placed
remain in tbe agar agar hydrocolloid material when into the humidor and set for at least 1 hour. The solid
the dies are removed. east can be mounted against the opposing east in the
The potassium snifate acts as an accelerator for the articuiator and used to wax the abutments and/or
stone, counteracting the retarding effect of the borax, fixed partial dentures to the desired morphology and
thus producing a harder and sharper die. A hardening occlusion. The transfer dies are properly trimmed and
solution may be placed in the water used to mix the the patterns are transferred to them for the final mar-
die stone, resulting in a harder die. Rudd has stated. ginal adaption prior to spruing and investing.
"This will also result in a more brittle die." (Rudd
KD: Personal communication).
The potassium sulfate should not be washed out of
the impressions before the dies are poured. The
1. Earle SA: Undersea world of a kelp forest. Geo^r
impression must be blown carefully; the impression 1980:158:411^26.
should not be dehydrated, but an excessive amount of 3. Johnston JF, Phillips RW. Dykema RW: Modern Practice in
water or moisture should not be left in the impression. Cron-n and Bridge Prosthodontics, ed Î. Philadelptiia, WB Saun-
The working cast should be poured immediately after ders Co, 1971, p 206. •

Quintessence international Volume 21, Number 3/t990 229

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