Tonguing and Articulation

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laying and ays tha you ae doing wel, believe him! He has Pe we ch ane coue that you re bow waveling and be his foe forgoten what the ro 1004s et ome more sec indiarrs 0 paige YOU OWD BO geen Fou ue playing accurate Pye pens 04 te Day Eom campo, you or demonstrating all who Hear you that ioe cron poteti fot raking Hine usc. Rhy ay Rabe te most ba and most important element it mi nd crete etceate a pice of muse ia» rhyehmially scrote tee ee ae able eo do something well worth » peti tempos. Phyes oft ee names oboe cline. sn a sueptco tne fad se sl omsing all peter Ea clo Orb Las rte an share SEPT US male oar oho the engobere Tal alle onsng oper follow: nda sleigh nye’ ona romances te sudo he STRESS ot fc nec eee Speartonebe ie Sal gest imac eee of the pt fn ite nse oe ee TOELEM Atl Soe et he se us ur owe “UTaadee mented on betes in he me Tec ti ave ben abet we dae of subtest accel conse no pati st Smiths fey cova ashe ee Ete Sinn ead ee ath th er Slive THa bette es ea ile son tc and players foe et inane bw pees nay rom shore of wipe ong, bce hey tse par oft ann hee ah id wae te per of 5 pee al yi (ated un the ed) he Far oft resis awn nse? Reena 1 have sesh {hac longing tone on Tay see, the i setinbac ie apa ely te fh sv ly fate Cac, a ethan an yee hie the developing a system of sulle toning on the cline that ould ethos ceria ON-THE-REED MULTIPLE TONGUING In the pat, some stems to discover a ood sate of multine tcaguing on ce instruments have en made math varying gu Key Sci melt is book Ther of Clara Peg, {efers to the posites of sor of park roe in mick the tosaue moves both up and dows, making cmt with the ‘ed p bo way have spoken wit over feed payers at ‘ppean hut number of surements, parslay bt nd ‘ditnetsy have steed something sits othe “punabnas Meu that Sein wote about, so | pursued that ea Tent, Teen wit single tone arin whic I ted “punting” the ‘ip of the ced wth he tip of ny songue. The upstoke presented to problems, but the downstoke mat aang indeed sack with ‘hs echnie, however, for just few minutes ea day foe & Coupe of weeks, una ital was able wo make hat yp dow {ongting stoke sound the sue as very apa single tongs ‘Tous ster allan the whole objet, so Iwas son eacuage br iacompinene ahd re sh cha con ‘eines enough to sound tke normal oid tongs during Slagle long tone, hen pepe i could aso be refined to all ooeinutin with aid moving agers had great hope fo Ie hnew the chi nex sep would be 2 tougirone ‘So a nt to tre my tome too mach, was cael to spend fal Tew nates of mp daly peacce session on he tclnguc Byte oe another month hd psd I'ma blew cooriate this typeof one reed mule vonglng mth moving fa fe Fu Choroughly dlisted withthe real and san sco Posting into my ecg Lene hat Ina ound te answer {0 my slow tongue problem andthe, with farther work, Leuk Be thoroughly ste with e “The ast et in of ths chaps consns fa procedure tha 20) lait cn flow em eae ths tehoigue es ese e Same precede | aught mel ana the ntruction clade. brsep des I wil oe go seo the dels here, ur shold ‘ake some cauony an erpintorycommeents oH ist remember ae ine hoe orn aoe thi on abe ‘mule toning represents ny hana pron rn non Single onguing The tone mass oma cased sad “Tonguing and Ariclation at imes Ifyou think about norm tonasing for « moment, yo {Tl reaize dha he Tonge does mae aor of double aon: I Thustapyrcl and make comet wi che rec and hen mes [Et awiy fom the seed op. The pres thing about one-reed Stultpe conpuing i bac haroetae, 30 to sea, tht ouble on ofthe tne, smply by comsacting the rood tp i both ‘ecions Ths sm bea doubling the effcewe speed of Your ‘Next keepin mind hati tecbrique should never be cons creda substrate foregut, nora toning in fat, many cla SEs have no se for a al sce sey aed poses ee fos TPG tormwes Ths new tchraue shoul nor even bea ‘Enpted by anyone who hss noe mastered the eral metho ‘tonnage tte Once aie nei ners applnenteryrecique fo be wed by tose players ‘Those wnpure nc nory slow, a even ten 40 be Sel dung sexy tansy eongucd puss me lannetits have expressel neces wutics au his sgchniqe that shoul be dep Inno a, for insta es a oattbeteed multe toning present danger wo te re pu he up of recsane tina oure, hu they are acer so thin acatastmoving gb and sve wy cond term ay fa. Silay ete no danger othe wre elf Asse etoaeee eines ant asian ena no So too ao i ar i el ho Tle rode tha tw uit ane ae have em sete te ot ytlis “ae tees a 0 SE Re cthmiqus Those ae sys sere hcp me (BE Moar ells, airy Tae Ler ely gi fo see any ates in kane else the ree ni opto ser ct aes tat “hits cepa tamer nme: est iad daw, tyce dle dat ee 4 Ie wa « Thence chime Wf ty ee ks ay ‘the ees saa ‘aos ue be minal tee dew mente have Wha dieting 96 THE CLARINGY AND CLARINET PLAYING. propriate, of course, but double ronguing it needed more often, Fortis reson, if you have nach rec fay withthe pe ‘oaguina, you shold forget all shou run yo have paced ‘onwtereadauble wonguin for quite some tne, Let several oaths pas, i necessary, Beeween esting double an tie tonyuine For some caret, oF curse ripe tonguing wll Dresentno more problems han dou oni inal if ou hove terble dele coved the one ig cechtigue with Your moving ingery the aun ot wae, alos invisiy, tbe omg moving nub ess You tongue tha is wad, aoe your fingers tha ac fine member that you bave itera double the sfftve sped of Your tongue ip. You must ening your ha ys hve eon ‘Gpable of semendoasiy fare tongue sped, whe the tongue ‘elf should tel lary, relaxed, tad som i al one stent hose only dificulty wih double conpuing tom the very Fst day he tied fe. war eo sow se damn enough 90 the is Sneed could be mestrol ons metronome! After sever mates (of experimentation he finaly slomed it dowe enough thee Stile he eld «Tome Open Gy T “cocked” hi double oping ‘enpo a four beastly tongued notes per beu at a etronome making of 160. ‘One-recd mltple onguing, as have described iy continues to please very mach Phave now aed for several Yar ard have tug socesflly co players who have ben interests in leaning spent mostaf one samme pings comtnand ofthe technique, and dusng tae me I reve et take up too ah of {ny praetice time atany one sein During the flowing a1 ok ‘onlidenr enough to use omer double ongaing dann one ‘Ey slo earet rectal My nator slow tongue ves sever belt problem sein and that roti! ‘THE PROCEDURE FOR LEARNING ON-THE-REED MULTIPLE TONGUING "he Ineadacton tothe Technique Recon the mereongine makings sf which yo ca singe ‘oye rep oe Gs eth fr rs eal oe to het Tonguing aad Articltion ” ores puting the crn sid, snes oo ood slag pion Sythe wor "Palsesiae Ge) Ialig earth ong ow ced wie a emt so med Sle piel nd ale conue afew repsioas open Gann, nine on ston eo. so eo becooe seat wth it eine the iin tnnogee 6 ei onlarinp med ke, ull tte a Rae see ie of Stones Tarte sow me aly eng the one “tne ul om i notre G wih “aor issn ah he wr fee of ewan ke sate he ‘Bovld eave the made of te vous lac sl Iwan ae eiccmel te now Sting ced es be i ofthe ge eng ps son aioe tilenear tp fie prom babe eng aa ely ant upwal ska ine noumsog Rone ee and ee bol pn ene apa Siwy ti th ot of te eur ‘iw Toi fonmour seo” trsing past she eo ip seu fo ruin ote rng yt nc team faa ot cpa hs mble prove uber tn wou eon specs her vor Sosy ret og an even "Te Eien Thee te oul ss be AN ens emave'the rel mel mote am the mosh ss sen Tadeanieuiewie che heii he cnechur an doit ain one ope Gr nti ang ster woke “Taree ie TE Sy wed sre eon cep pacing on pen wl Sle ong be sis soon ie yer fst ne ong vey she Se, Enlsonogacons Tae gue fret tonchere hs mis Tr pointy hol coppice es ver sport let the tong fee mo Nora pring ‘ath wg tng ene, ma be exam Teh ie sane ose oer pesos siisuigopen Gea smi ou ae ase 8 THECLARINET AND CLARINET PLAYING “Tongsing and Aricelaton 9° ‘00d one and thar the upand-down sokes soud identical & “Afver you ae satisfied with the effect, recosd the metronome ‘marking at which you can tongue four open Gs 10 the beat by {ing his form of double tongune Compare this with your est tempo for sgl tongs four notes to he beat. (Tepe Sonn ‘somes let) ‘The Descopment of Daable Tonguing Extend the procedure (a long tone followed by “Tut we ‘ucieste Ui ste) from open G0 sham F, low Cy low F ‘hus F agai, copsline F, fourth space E hat Flow Blow F ‘sun, Jow C tai, and fly thumb Fagin, “Aietdogg that excise on hub F, do de foowag aso 0a shar note “Taeutlesete-tle Un ia the eye of FHIM J Repeat the foreging exercise, and the slur his psa: aap Now, using the doublerongung technique, play the following tongued) up a whole step, ths tansposing them from Fania Cmujoe Teanspose all igh measures (he wo exeriesroperher have ‘become one inger ae) dows 19 & pure igor nthe lowest tae ofthe rnc range "Now eanepore the eightmessre exercise back to F maj ‘hea 9G majors and then oF mine gan. A et forthe on Should ezcr hee: put of further proce of the rethoaoe "The est transposition of the ight measure major in se second octave. Ta thet Words, ply SS printed above, the ey of G, but ke ‘When satafied with eat next do te F "Fhe net sep 00 tase the sah cx deciding onecacnte major oe ‘ove G oo top of rhe wall Du ths Ramsnd i sary Having come tid wih oe se IW!) psd aver the “ees” urndng (Da nt ey tha pasiclar octave yerin ‘Ginajr) Nom est the tongoe When ested, or ata ster practice sesio, tanpose that exer cise dann a step to Erajor (aot F minor Ye). Make tbe! work Sateictonly by employing the same wersthe- break peintles, on have aways ue: Keep the fngere related, the a owns Srooxbrand sca ie finger meno ax pole wl prt [hip elp to pu the right hal down en sacending rom Ba to Crataal tthe "brea "Neat go back eo the G sale upastep agin, distin playing in majo Now the “brea wil scar between A-atuel and B= ‘tural Employ the sume principles of sootines and relation ‘fe hican be dae ta goo effec transpose de ste exer cise sy ad allmsjor and ming cle forome octave sing the {ange ap fom low Eup tomo highs than Gon Sop the sal. ‘Conenue emcy the suse thing bt now extend the ane OF the scale exercise higher, going no bigher than high Cat Now ee exeriee mat be mere “Take this new exercite up one oes, Now tke op anther ote, which wil extend your double ‘ongting singe thigh F ‘Now up one step to G msjor, which exces the double-ongu jg rage high G. ‘Next practice tmo- aad dvee-octave oor and minor sales four aces to the beat all over de range of the cave, Begin cach ew tee of he sales with thi yt wD Double ronging his nom been accomplished over the ene range ofthe nrrumen, since wl be ute ety now texte ‘vam Seyond igh G. You are nom realy fr she pened pe “Gos a copy of Ropnald Kells Serene Saat Sade Cine ternaonal Mate Compan) abd looks the Brat sty. Dies the mond ashe top ofthe pape, whic are irc tan le The ene stady eitrstes dhe “eighth-anl-two-sintoonts” ‘Tonguing and Ariultion fhythmic patenn, Practice the stay fist lf seed so become fompletty familie with the notes, ‘Neat at acomforabie tempo, practice the piee using the usual single tongaing, Do not baer to ke mich if anyhing of te “eames onde to soncentae on smoothly owing "When you ae thoroushy fam wth he pce mpl di regard the dynam ne tne, and apply doe roan 0 8 this manner “Tabale-Unule-Uh? and 40.00" Maina bios fone volume rhroaphout TE feel musaly a ccically ready, you could ey eying the piece observing the dyouics noms howeres i wl be abso, Ie necessary to use conincous breath nuppor at well rom ettted tong cone. Dyers wrtaon,excated smelt ‘Sealy with double toning wil come ear to cv er How to Pracne Double Yowgsins Onhe-reed double toning sha ow be estas peri mre Srreemacprictice soul aoe essen flow: His Uncbiecongue fou eS] oy —— a yom itd fatal tbe exer dows say more. By lowing dhs procedure you will greatly ex tend the emp range of your dole ronssig. ‘Au extend your new double ongsing tothe soo erase for laine Try toning th long serene note panes in he fat ‘movements ofthe Morar Concertos inthe "rou ola pet SF Weber, for example ‘When ths sort of hing happens in musi ‘you mus: parte rongue“in gear” by single-onguig the Hist nore (i) and hepaning te "Totes" onthe ext noes (F and G) ‘In adigon wo wing de claiaes solo ieraure, applying Zou be tonguing to caer muse wl be profitsle. Use more of the el Suis, other studies, and ensemble music The Deneapmentof TribleTongning emt icra hat one dob og i somforable for de player before he atenpes tiple Tongan “The more comforabe the fois, he eur the atc wil be, Ta the rhydun of wiles (and wtb the cline i the not say the silabies “Tutlesubvutletuheeutlesuh Tak Tae ‘hye would be JT) J) ST) Atoueh the proces wl be contidesby shorter thn twas for oubleonauing since the player has sow developed ty wi “Tate we Must go back to wine the apes ©. On the darn, shen, tongie “Tucteaureutlotu-Tah” et. on open Gin te hh of eps. ‘When the tiie tym on repeat open Gs sounds smooth noun, pay te following exer several tes wing the sl Bee erate poasro Tonguing aod Arialaton 13 (ace eat works, extend tin he flloming manner, using “Tu shea leah ahah [Next using the same slike patra, extend iin ths manne: FS Now adda wiplt tothe bepinning of the ls exercise Bal, ad one more hea athe beoning, making complete sarce-otve descending Face Alte the descending chave-nctate Fino wale snd aia tofysdo a decenling txt ions ao ples, foun, apd ao saying Tole eae toy te ip DR over th heakut nn Reva welsapowl a fas Sly No, 4 and prosced with practicing i as you did oer Kel ‘Suerte thon sngle-tonguet ses comforable roo. "When you are doroughly fur ith the may speed fs tir to comforable tempo for tle fongung: CAgsin donot ‘orey about the dypamice yee) Forme! Hw te Practice Triple Tonguing Concaue applying eiple tonguag to the priowed page. This could ake efor of pescting Kel Study No.7 it de usta Sy: fs al sured second, all gleongued: and tia SRlable tempo foe wpe ongule ‘Systematic practic for tiple tonguing should proceed he same way at did for double toning See the metronome at a com Forabletmple-tongsiag tempo snd play the Tellowing exert sithie [Now set the metronome ane notch faster and repeat the exer ‘Concaue sting the metronome oae aoc faster nd epeaing she ererise unt you cnaoe tiple wngue ay Ester, “After reaching the upper lint se the metronome one noth der and repeat the exer ‘Coote eng the metsnanie one notch slower and repent ing the exercise. Soon You wil rier to your orignal sting ost oweter. cringe eting the metronome slower and lower Shalt ur int of pactcde rape tomguing rachel “Aso exe your ew tpl ongung to ote peces of clainet tiaraise whesever there are Tacconpued tiple, henge tre ined articulation co suit your purpose. For ample, No. i he eanjean 23 Baad bese with sured rpid lees Try ee ‘moving the ors meray an ep songuc ths ood ‘Wien his sor of hing happens in music ate = ‘Tonguing and Articulation wes ou muse pur dhe tongue “in gaz” by begining the pasage with Tut” oF sad F and then ple tongue she G- ACB with he al Tate How ts Praca Mail Toning ‘Kemer tr Ae fctng comfortable wih our development of Joule and tcl wonguin, you may bexinombiing hen in uch meters Sb sigote Ler we ook athe Kel Sudy Now 11 tan expe “Ie int decision which mis be stale about th 318 pce whether isin ls erin"? plan Ltansay ti 23 ‘he mleple tonpung yale woul shen coke moe Ta ‘atic Fis ier he ple en sagen ao thes Speedie p and muie-tongs in “2 us 3 se ‘Youraeer revere, a cline "3 ps2" wae Boer ie 3 acend hi peice co ther piss, a her meters, 78 fo xu cold bes pin 2 pus? tongues Tadeo: Kell Study No. 13 it» specia cise, mixing double nd ene tongs ns ew wy. Ite fst cat, the fi bea i 3 STITT) rongued ay "Tule suhtleah” The eecond best é _ ‘ongued 2s "Turde wee ede

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