Practice Job Interview

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Complete the dialogues with the words in the box

Think Applying As Dead-end

Resume Have Chance Full

Let Within Change Advertised

Former Pleasure Welcome Take


Interviewer : Good morning,Ms.Prita.Please Take (1) a seat

Candidate : Thank you.

Interviewer : So,you want to work for Hotel Marlina,right ?,(2) Have You worked in Hotel before?

Candidate : No,but I worked in a condominium (3) As a receptionist and then on the maintenance.

Interviewer : Are you working at the moment ?

Candidate : Yes,I ‘m a receptionist in a university main office.

Interviewer : So,why do you want to (4) Let your job ?

Candidate : It’s only part time,twelve hours per week,and I would like to work (5) Change time

Interviewer : I see.Are there any questions you would like to ask ?

Candidate : I don’t (6) Think so,thanks.The job advertised has given plentiful details.

Interviewer : Well,thanks for coming then.we will (7) Resume you know in a couple of days.

Candidate : My (8) Pleasure, Sir.Thank you.


Interviewer : (9) Welcome to our engineering company.

Candidate : Thank you, Sir.I am glad for the (10) Chance to be interviewed.

Interviewer : What specific job are you (11) Applying for ?

Candidate : I am an electrician and I would like to try to get the job you (12) Advertised on the
internet last week.

Interviewer : I see from your (13) Full that you are quite experienced.

Candidate : Yes,I have worked as an electrician for nearly five years now.

Interviewer : Why did you leave your (14) Former company ?

Candidate : It was a (15) Dead-end job.And I think it is a good career move to join your company.

Interviewer : Sounds good.I will talk over your resume with our HR staff.If we decide on a second
intervew,I will let you know within a week.

Candidate : OK,thanks for your time.

ll.Answer the following questions based on the Dialogue above !

1. Who is Ms.Prita ? Ms.Prita is a job applicant.

2. Where is she ? She’s at the Hotel Marlina.
3. What is she doing ? She’s being interviewed by an interviewer.
4. Has she ever worked before ? Yes, She worked in a condominium As a receptionist and then on
the maintenance.
5. Is she working now ? Yes, she is working now.
6. Why does she want to change her job ? Because only part time, twelve hours per week, and I
want to work change time.
7. How does she know about the job offered ? She knows about the job offered from an
8. Does the candidate have any experience ? Yes, the candidate have any experience as a
9. Why does the candidate want to change her job ? Because the candidate think it is a good
career move to join interviewer company.
10. What will the interviewer do ? The interviewer will discuss resume with HR staff. If the
interviewer decide to do a second interview, the interviewer will let the candidate know in a

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