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1: Processes of Counseling
Subject Code/Number: CORE10

Subject Description: This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to
develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and political dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural
diversity; provide them with an understanding of how culture, human agency, society and politics work;
and engage them in the examination of the country’s current human development goals. At the end of
the course, students should acquire ideas about human cultures, human agency, society and politics;
recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and
cultural competence to guide their interactions with groups, communities, networks, and institutions.

Time Frame: 1 week

I. Introduction
Hello everyone, I would like to welcome you all in our 1 st lesson for our Subject.
Today we will be engaging with Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science as the
Founding Disciplines for the study of Culture and Society.

Are you familiar with your community? Do you know the background of your society where
you live? Or you are just one of those who are aliens to their own territory.

A. Learning Competency
1. Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and political science

B. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students can;
1. acknowledge human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political
2. adopt an open and critical attitude toward different social, political, and cultural phenomenon
through observation and reflection
3. appreciates the value of disciplines of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science as social

II. Learning Content

What do you need to UNDERSTAND:
 SOCIAL CHANGE- change as a result of various factors including inventions,
influences from other cultures, technological advancements, conflict, adaptation,
and among others.
 SOCIETY- refers to the autonomous group or organization of people occupying a
distinct geographic territory who interact with others and share common culture.
-“Socius” means companion, ally, or associate
 CULTURE- complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes,
laws norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and
shares as a member of society.
-the way we live as humans
-the way we act as well as the objects that we make as we
carry out our particular way of life everyday.
 SOCIOLOGY: focuses on the structure and function of various aspects of society.
 POLITICAL SCIENCE: focuses on one aspect- the political system, including law,
governance, and power relations.
 ANTHROPOLOGY: focuses on cultures in all periods of time and all places in the
world covering all aspects of human experience.
 SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION- linking the personal with the social and
contextualizing individual experiences to social situations.
 Tea drinking can be seen as a means of maintaining good health in the way
that one might take daily supplements or vitamins.
 Drinking tea or coffee can be considered a tradition or a ritual, as many
people choose to make it in the same way every day at a certain time.
 Drinking tea or coffee can be considered an addiction because they contain
 Coffee drinking can be seen as a social activity because "going for coffee"
focuses less on the beverage and more on talking with others.
 Holism (looking at all aspects)
 Relativism (viewing each culture in its own context)
 Point of Views

III. Self-Learning Activities

*With your partner assigned to you, think of ways as to how our current pandemic has
changed the lifestyle of our society and our culture. You may focus on your own
barangay as reference.

IV. Assessment
1. I want you to ponder on our current situation today. Please reflect as to how the
pandemic brought to us by the Covid 19 affected the following stakeholders of our
 Health Communities and Institutions
 Schools
 Markets
 Church

(One Paragraph Each, 5 sentences per paragraph)

V. Extension of Learning

In your notes/word/paper, compare and contrast holism and relativism using a Venn

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