Tarka Samgraha - QN Bank (1) - March 2018-Final

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Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana

School of Naturopathy and Yogic Science

(Deemed-to-be University, established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)
Course name: M.Sc. (Yoga and Consciousness)
Semester: 2nd Semester
Subject: Tarka Samgraha
Course Code:
Answer in two or three lines:

1. What is Tarka?
2. What is Tarka Sangraha?
3. Mention all the Padarthas.
4. Which are Dravyas?
5. Name any 15 Gunas from 24.
6. Define Samanya (commonality).
7. What is Vishesha (uniqueness)?
8. What is Abhava? Which are types of Abhavas?
9. What is Pratyaksha?
10. What is Anumana?
11. What is Upamana?
12. What is Shabda?
13. What is the difference between Kaarana and Karana?
14. Which are three Karanas (causes)?
15. What is Samyoga?
16. What is Gurutva?
17. What is Atma? Mention types of Atma.
18. Which are two types of Shabda among qualities?
19. Which are Buddhi? Mention types of it.
20. Which are types of Jnanam?
21. What is Ayatharthanubhava?
22. Mention six types of connections between senses and objects in Pratyaksha section.
23. What is Paramarsha?
24. Which are five sections of Panchavayava Vakya?
25. What is Swartha and Parartha Anumana?
26. What is Sapaksha, Vipaksha and Paksha?
27. What is the concept of Panchikarana?

Write short notes on the following: Each carries 5 Marks

1. Seven Padarthas
2. Nine Dravyas
3. Twenty four Gunas
4. 5 Karmas
5. Samavaya
6. Abhava
7. Vishesha
8. Prithivi
9. Apah
10. Vayu
11. Akasha
12. Kala
13. Dik
14. Atma
15. Manas
16. Panchikarana
17. qualities of Atma
18. two types of Atma
19. Pramanas
20. Pratyaksha
21. Anumana
22. Upamana
23. Shabda
24. Karana
25. Kaarana
26. three types of Kaaranas
27. Panchavayava Vakya
28. three inevitable components of a complete sentence
29. two types of Vakyas
Essay type questions Each carries 10 Marks
1. Relevance of study of Tarka Sangraha in modern context
2. present Tarka Sangraha as the combination of Nyaya and Vaisheshika
3. prove that darkness is not another Padartha as discussed in Tarka Sangrahai
4. Discuss 24 Gunas in details.
5. Elaborate the 5 components of Parartha Anumana
6. Describe the six types of relation which happens in Pratyaksha
7. Which are the wrong Hetus which may mislead an objective Anumana and discuss?
8. Elaborate 4 types of Abhavas with detailed notes
9. Discuss how Vedas are unique when compared with any other Pramanas
10. How the study of Tarka streamlines the thought process. Explain.
11. Discuss 9 Dravyas in detail.
12. Write about the life, date & works of Sage Gautama.
13. Write an essay on the origin and Evolution of Nyaya Philosophy.
14. Write an essay on Atomism of Nyaya Vaisheshika-s .
15. Explain the 7 categories/padartha-s of Nyaya Vaisheshika Philosophy.
16. Write an essay on the Pramana -s of Nyaya -Vaisheshika -s.
17. Explain the nine substances (dravya -s) according to Nyaya -Vaisheshika -s.

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