The Exponents

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“A teacher affects eternity.
No one knows where his influence stops.”
--Henry Adams
Advocates of
The Quality Education
exponents Volume 1 Issue no.1
The insights 15
The exponents
Editorial Board

“There are two

ZION KREHL ASTRONOMO Front Page 1 kinds of teacher.
Editor-in-Chief/Group List of Members/Preface 2
Leader Table of Contents 2 First, the typical
Lecture about “Teacher as teacher, who seers
a Professional” 3
News about the Seminar 6 teaching as a job.
LANY-LYN R. LARAÑO Photo Collage of the Seminar 7 Second, the profes-
About the Guest Speaker 8
A Message from Dr. Martirez 10
sional teacher, who
Literary Attempts 12 sees teaching as his
DR. HENLY F. MARTIREZ Quotes from the Members 14 life.”
Instructor, Field Study 6 Back Cover 16 -Mark Eliezer T. Bautista

“If you are teaching at

par with the mission and
vision of your school and
About the Cover: of the Department of
The cover is depicting the Education and continu-
essence of power of being a ously pursue personal and
teacher. The board-like structure career development as
shows numbers such that it well as you are ensuring a
shows what the members’ major harmonious and fruitful
is. The woman is a teacher and relationship to your stu-
represented by the chalk she
dents, their parents and to
holds is the knowledge. The
EXPONENTS Magazine presents
the community, then you
the raising of the professional are a professional teacher.”
power and prowess of a teacher.
--Zion Krehl Astronomo
The The
exponents exponents
14 insights LECTURE 3
Characteristics of a Professional Teacher

rincipals and the public want ideal
characteristics from their teachers which
ideally are primary components of well-
“A professional performing schools. Accept it or not, but teachers

teacher is the one are the heart of education given their gargantuan
roles. To have good and better teachers equate
who acts and speaks to good and better quality learning experiences
among learners even in the most unparalleled
like a professional.” situations. It could not be substituted by flashy
school buildings and facilities equipped with
state of the art equipment. The very reason why
--Janifah E. Mikunug expensive private schools insure that they employ
highly qualified teaching staff is to ensure that
they are offering the best education for their
What more in our public schools, do
children of poor fellow countrymen deserve Starts action, projects and performs task
quality education if not at par is at least without being told and supervised. It does
comparable to their rich counterparts? In so
“A Professional Teacher doing, school principals, have seen ten major
equate with strong sensitivity to make
everything spec and span.
grades the students eth- characteristics that their fellow teachers should
Courtesy. He shows polite and
possess. Many of these if not all are incorporated
ically and rationally and in the professional and personal characteristics
thoughtful behavior toward the public,
must have the qualities of of the Performance Appraisal System for clientele, and supervisor-subordinate
relationship into work situations. This is
a great speaker. A Teacher Teachers.
evident most in a non-populist or non-
Decisiveness. Acts immediately on
must know the students needs, request in accordance with the prescribed popular leadership style of immediate
and know how to motivate rules and regulations and accepted norms of superiors or principal.
conduct and behavior. In this regard, he/she is Compassion. Integrates genuine
and engage them to learn- not causing delay in any endeavor. concern for pupils and students,
ing. The most important Honesty and Integrity. He/
colleagues, office clientele, and supervisor-
she demonstrates truthfulness, candidness,
quality of a professional uprightness and freedom from deceit. Just
subordinate relationship into work
teacher are patience, com- a mere glance of him already commands an situations. The Performance Appraisal
inspiration, respect and admiration. System for Teachers calls it Human
mitment and dedication.” Dedication and Commitment. His Relations.
commitment and dedication to make learning Diligence. He isn’t merely
-Jorel de Jesus and continuously strive for improvement is committed and dedicated but diligent in
evident. He renders service above the regular his/her dealings with the learners. For the
functions and even beyond the regular time. fast and gifted learners, the ability to make
Initiative and Resourcefulness.
The The
exponents exponents
4 LECTURE literary 13
A Teacher is Everything
| Jorel de Jesus

A teacher means someone

Someone that can create the future
Future of students
Students that they hope to nurture.

A teacher is a special person

That guides children in this ever-
changing society
A teacher is everything
Characteristics of a Professional Teacher Who makes children’s dreams into
learning highly informative, interesting of simplicity. As a teacher, he/she is wise
and challenging; for the average learners enough to understand the golden purpose
equally interesting and challenging; and of delaying gratification. The thought Inside and Beyond the Classroom
for the mentally challenged learners, of financially independent future while | Zion Krehl Astronomo
encouraging, captivating, and fun. A performing the respected responsibilities
diligent teacher doesn’t simply surrenders of a being a teacher borne out of love is Out of the smile on their faces, it illuminates the entire class with delectation
to whatever kind of learner she might among his/her priorities. that, you don’t want to hear the sound of the closing bell. Embarrassing situations
have. Teachers as the bearer of knowledge are always turned into badinage and humor to make us feel relaxed. Their words
Wisdom. A teacher, who is full of all the capacities to overcome all challenges of encouragement always mollycoddle you to wake up in the midnight full of
wit as a result of full understanding of that may derange them. As Henry Adams enthusiasm ready to go to school in the morning.
the teaching learning process, indeed is said, “teacher affects eternity” and some
a feather in the cap of the institution of may just never know how. In the class, they showed exemplary leadership skill, in the field of study they are so
learning she belongs. Wisdom is gained (based from Performance Appraisal patient and tolerant albeit our shortcomings and will assist along the way without
not only from continuing professional System for Teachers and Mr. Gilbert any sign of resentment. In our moments of success, when we do great in our exams,
development but more importantly from Flores’ blog) they rejoice with us exhilaratingly. They encourage us to cogitate and to feel so
daily experiences and dealings. Some of the basic questions on the good about ourselves; edge us to envision there’s nothing impossible we cannot
Stress Tolerance. Stability of professionalization of teaching are the achieve in this world. They will call or visit our homes to ascertain the reason why
performance under pressure or opposition. following: we skipped a school day.
Fairness and Justice. Conforms 1.What are the legal bases
to usual principles of law, is just and of considering teaching as a Their insistence for the right things to be done has shaped our lives tremendously.
unbiased. Profession? Their compelling guidance for us to obey our parents, respect our elders, leaders,
Frugality and Simplicity. Fundamental Laws and Policies and to fear God will forever be the guiding principle for the rest of our lives.
Modestly frugal enough embracing the life a.1987 Philippine Constitution, Article
No one can do those things except our teachers.
The The
exponents exponents
12 literary LECTURE 5
Characteristics of a Professional Teacher
Teachers as Agents
of Change
| Mark Eliezer T. Bautista

Anyone can be a teacher

but only few can be professional
Those few can make a change for our XIV 3.What are the requirements to
future b.PD 1006 – Professionalization of Teacher take the Licensure Examination
The education they give to students is c.RA 7836 – Regulation and Supervision for Teachers (LET)
worthwhile. of the Practice of Teaching and prescribing Requirements to take the Licensure
the Licensure Examination for Teachers Examination for Teachers (LET)
Professional teachers have passion or the Teacher Professionalization Act of •Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education
Who heeds the calling of vocation 1994 or any Bachelor’s degree with 18 units of
They are the ones who mold d.Code of Ethics for professional Teachers professional education units
And let the learners explore the •Must be a Filipino Citizen
world. 2.What are the requirements to •Other requirements as prescribed by
become a Professional Teacher? the Professional Regulation Commission
A Fruitful Teaching Qualifications of a Filipino Professional
| Janifah E. Mikunug Teacher 4.What is the career path of a
•Holds a Professional Teacher License Filipino Professional Teacher?
It begins with nothing •Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education
until it starts to grow a naive mind or any Bachelor’s degree with 18 units of Career Path of Professional Teachers
that is searching for learning professional education units •Beginning Professional Teacher – 1 to 3
but through teaching •Member of a Professional Teachers years of teaching
the power has unleashed. Organization •Young Professional Teacher – 4 to 10
•Undertake continuing professional years of teaching
For those who patiently imparts development •Mentor/Master Professional Teacher – 11
and share the knowledge and values •Abide by the Code of Ethics for to 15 years of teaching
that is incomparable. Professional Teachers •Expert/Sterling Professional Teacher – 15
years and above in teaching
The learners’ achievement is
something that bears
but to what students become is
everything that cares.
The The
exponents exponents
6 NEwS feature 11

IN PREP FOR THEIR FUTURE. Dr. Ma. Nenita L. Tan, the Guest Speaker, delivered a very informative dis-
cussion in front of 3rd Year Mathematics majors in preparation for their soon-to-be profession as teachers.

“Teacher as a Professional” seminar held;

Tan graces the event”

| Zion Krehl Astronomo

nding the Dr. Ma. Nenita 3rd Year Mathematics
seminar series, Lopez Tan, a Head majors.
the last group Teacher from Don Among the things
led by Zion Krehl Manuel Rivera she discussed were:
Astronomo conducted
the seminar with a
Memorial National
High School at Pila,
“The Legal Bases of
Considering Teaching
As teachers, we touch
topic “Teacher as a
Professional” held at
Laguna was the Guest
Speaker for that day
as a Profession”
wherein she discussed the lives and hearts of our
students in ways that we
Cultural Arts Hall, which was welcomed fundamental laws and
Oct. 9. by Astronomo after he policies that mandates
The said seminar delivered his opening the professionalization
is the last installment
of the seminar
E q u i p p e d
of teachers as well as
the Code of Ethics
can’t fully comprehend.
series as part of the with a PowerPoint for Teachers; “The
requirements for their Presentation, Dr. Tan Qualifications of a DR. HENLY F. MARTIREZ
subject Field Study 6: discussed the topic Filipino Professional LSPU Student Teaching Supervisor
On Becoming A 21st “The Professional Teacher,” and “The Director, Alumni Affairs & Relations Office
Century Teacher. Teacher” in front of Requirements to take
The The
exponents exponents
10 7
feature news

r o
...from page 6

“Teacher as a Professional”...

A Message
Dr. Martirez
ou want to be a underestimate your power to
teacher because make a difference in the lives of
teaching appeals your pupils. For you to have that
to you. You are attracted to inner power, never stop studying,
it because teaching is fun. never stop learning. This is
Teaching is not just a job. It is how you keep that enthusiasm
more than a job. It is a mission burning. When your enthusiasm
to carry out. Teachers are called for your subject and your teaching
not only to instruct pupils in dies, the teacher in you also dies.
the subject but to be a good This is your profession. It
influence on them, to have feeds on continuing professional
power to influence our pupils, education. This is your calling.
and to love learning. This is your mission, to be a
As teachers, we touch the good influence on the young and
lives and hearts of our students impressionable. It is a very noble
in ways that we can’t fully one. Our pupils and their parents,
comprehend. And as future your superiors, you, yourself the Licensure Examination for to the parents of their students and how
teachers, you will discover this and God have their eyes/your Teachers (LET).” to dress properly were also tackled by
truth as well. conscience on how well you will She also mentioned the Career Path her as an additional sharing.
Never ever underestimate answer this calling or carry out of Professional Teachers and shared her The group, consisted of Astronomo
your power as a teacher. Never your mission.” experiences about her journey towards and Mark Eliezer F. Bautista, Jorel C. De
being a professional teacher as well as Jesus, Lany-Lyn R. Laraño and Janifah E.
getting her Doctorate degree. Mikunug, all joined the stage to award
How to communicate with fellow the “Certificate of Appreciation” which
teachers and to other people especially marked the end of the said seminar.
The The
exponents exponents
8 feature feature 9
special in many aspects, some being just a teacher. In fact, she wears many

that; the teacher is responsible for the hats – a learning resource evaluator,

provision of usable knowledge and a facilitator, a speaker, a scholar and
eaching is the skills in the society. The teacher is a researcher. She is also a Graduate
special career also responsible for nurturing human Diploma Holder, Home Economics at
as it gives rise beings with different manners and Philippine Normal University Manila,
to other professions. attitudes so that they can live well Master’s Degree Holder, Master of Arts
All other professions in the society. He uses educational major in Educational Management

originate from the psychology in creating behavioural and Doctorate Degree Holder both at
teaching profession change to the learners. Unlike LSPU-Sta. Cruz Campus. Her multiple
as one cannot an engineer who deals with the post-graduate diplomas speak how
acquire knowledge machines, a teacher uses Education professional she is because teachers
and fields skills psychology to determine the learning are duty-bound to pursue Continuing
without teachers. behaviours of children according Professional Development (CPD).
The teaching to their age. Also the teacher uses In her 25 years in service, she is a
| Zion Krehl Astronomo profession is also his knowledge of the curriculum to witness to the changes in the Philippine
provide appropriate knowledge to the Educational System. But even if there
target learners. is a constant change in the curriculum,
In addition to that, a teacher she firmly believes that “as teachers, we
is a special person in that she/he is are responsible in ensuring that each
capable of interpreting education learner learns positively, and never be
philosophy and policy into real life. influenced by the environment, media
If the teacher wrongly interprets the as well as peers negatively.”
national educational philosophy and This teacher is not just the Head of
policy, the expected output will not the TLE Department of Don Manuel
be realized. The teaching profession Rivera Memorial National High
should be handled with care so as to School, nor having a Master’s and
avoid putting the nation into a mess. Doctorate degree, nor a Scholarship
Uneducated nation will also remain Grantee of a scholarship program of
ignorant. Thus, teachers should have the National Commission on Culture
the professionalism in them in order to and Arts in partnership with the
make significant changes to the lives of Department of Education, but rather
their students, to the community they she is a reflection of a professional
are in, to the nation, and to the world. teacher, who educated us on the day of
That last sentence is one of the seminar how to be like her. She is
the beliefs of a teacher I met and I no other Dr. Nenita L. Tan.
invited to be the Guest Speaker for
our seminar to discuss the topic “The
Teacher as a Professional.” She is not

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