Individual Development Plan Name: Janice Hines: Skill Pre-Assessment

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Individual Development Plan

Name: Janice Hines

The purpose of this individual development plan (IDP) is to think of your strengths, weaknesses, and
goals for this semester and your future, more broadly.

Skill Pre-Assessment

Strengths Areas for Development

- Dedicated - Procrastination
- Honest - Short tempered
- Hard working - Gossiping
- Fast learner - Lack motivation
- Easily adapts

Short/Medium term goals

Identify a short term goal (i.e., something you’d like to achieve this semester)

- I want to find ways to make the most of my free time: painting, writing, homework, and
working out, ECT.

What skills do you need to How are you going to acquire these When will you
achieve this goal? skills? (e.g., training, courses, reading, acquire them?

- Persistence - Creating a schedule of activities Within the

- Commitment to do when I am not sure what to next month
- Dedication do
- Goal setting - Avoid technology
Long term goals

Identify a long term goal (i.e., something in the next 1-3 years)

Get a job in Colorado teaching at an elementary school.

What skills or tools will How will I acquire these When will I acquire these skills?
I need? skills?

- Graduate from - Practicing what I - Lifelong practice

Loras have learned at
- Get some Loras College - Hopefully after living in
experience in - Asking for help Dubuque for a few years I will
Dubuque when I am be able to move somewhere
- Save money for struggling new.
moving - Get into contact
- Patience with different
- Dedication schools
- Hard work

In the next 3-5 years, I want to be doing and known for: 

In the next 3-5 years I want to have moved to a new city and found a school that I love. I want
to go back to school eventually and get my phd in education.
Goal Level for Specification Grading: Indicate whether you are planning to complete the
assignments for Level F, Level D, Level C, Level B, or Level A. Refer to the syllabus for
specifications. You may change your mind later on, so I would set my most ambitious goal
now. Also understand that the level you choose now is the highest level that you will be able
to achieve at the end of the semester (but not necessarily the lowest)*. If you do not choose a
level or choose multiple (e.g., A or B) you will be defaulted to a “C” if you do not choose or the
lowest level if you provide multiple (e.g., if you say A or B, you will be defaulted to a B level
specification with no ability to achieve an A level). What will you need to do to meet this
achievement level? 

- Complete the necessary assignments and check in everyday by putting in an hour online.

*it is possible to earn ⅓ of a grade level higher if you end the semester with 10 tokens, but
that requires no use of tokens and earning an additional 8 tokens from the 2 you start with

Skill Self-Assessment
Using a scale from 1 (Beginning) to 10 (Secure)  please assess yourself on the following abilities.
Ability Score

Communication 6

Collaboration 9

Critical Thinking 7

Problem Solving 7

Self-Awareness & Reflection 8

Manage Goals and Time 5

Persist despite setbacks 7

Access, evaluate, and apply information/evidence 6

Deal with ambiguity/uncertainty 6

Ask Questions 9

Be a Self Directed Learner 8

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