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Because of you/Class XI/Dara

Nama : Yahien putri

Kelas : XII IPS 1 (30)

Chapter 7. Because of You

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib
Kelas/Semester : XI / 2
Standar Kompetensi :
3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan such...that; so...that)
4.1. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Learning Objectives :
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:
1. Identify the expressions of showing cause and effect
2. Understand the social function, text structure and languge feature of the expressions of showing cause
and effect
3. Understand the meaning and information in texts involving the expressions of showing cause and effect
4. Apply social function, text structure and languge feature of the expressions of showing cause and effect
5. Make text and dialogue using the expressions of showing cause and effect

1. When we talk about a situation that makes another situation happen, we talk about cause and effect. In
English, we use a certain expression such as because, due to, since, as etc.
Causes is why something happened, Effect is the result of what happened. Because effects always have
causes and causes always lead to effects, we rarely see one without the other.
Example in sentences :
1. It had begun to rain so the children had to run outside.
Cause : It had begun to rain.
Effect : The children had to run outside.
Key word : so
2. We went to the groceryy store because we needed sour cream, eggs, and milk.
Cause : We needed sour cream, eggs, and milk.
Effect : We went to the groceryy store.
Because of you/Class XI/Dara

Key word : because

3. Since it was so chilly outside, Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace.
Cause : It was so chilly outside.
Effect : Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace.
Key word : since

Let’s take a look at the sentence structure of cause and effect.

1. These cause/effect signal word are followed by a noun or noun phrase.
a. The cancellation of the flight was due to high winds.
b. Because of a price increase, sales are down.
c. As a result of the rain, we canceled the picnic.
d. He was fired as a consequence of tardiness.
2. These cause/effect signal words are followed by a subject + ver or verb phrase.
a. He failed the test because he did not study well.
b. Since he had not paid the rent, he was told to vacate the room.
c. As it is raining again, we will have to stay at home.
d. He must be asleep for there is no light in his room.
e. It was reaning, so we stayed at home.

Task 1. Fill in the blanks with “because” or “because of” !

Example : I love you because you are beautiful. Because diikuti oleh kalimat.
I love you because of your beauty. Because of diikuti oleh kata benda atau phrasa kata benda
1. Mother can’t join the social gathering because of having headache.
2. The girl is wearing some layers of clothes because she is shuddered by the cold.
3. You missed the train because you wake up late.
4. She’s not able to walk faster because of her weak condition.
5. His niece featured in a successful movie because she is a talented young actress.
6. They can get through any circumstances because their strong willingness.
7. His stomach is aching because of the expired cereals.
8. The school committee holds a meeting because of the new academic year has come.
9. Mrs. Denty leaves in hurry because the sudden change of the train’s schedule.
10. I visited kingdom of maleficent because of it overwhelmed me.

Task 2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjucntions.

1. Because of the rain, we cannot play football in the school yard.

2. We couldn’t go to school because the bridge connecting our village to the school had collapsed.
3. Jenny is a vegetarian so she doen’t eat meat, fish, or poultry.
4. Ricky did not pass the examination, hence the remedial test.
5. For you don’t panic, you’ll figure out the solution.
6. Since the accident, many drivers stopped their cars.
7. I will send kate a bouquet of flowers as long as I cannot come to her bridal shower.
8. We have to study hard due to we can pass the exam.
9. Owing to Mom asked me to bring my friends home, you may all come to my house.
10. He ate two bowls of meatball because he was starving.

due to hence for owing to as long as

because because of since so because

Task 3. Choose the correct conjunction to fill in the blanks!

1. The man drank two glasses of coffee (due to/as ) as he was sleepy.
2. (Because of / such that) because of being surprised, Cassie screamed so loudly.
3. The road is so slippery (because of/a result) because of the heavy rain this morning.
4. She dislike the gown. (Since/consequently) consequently she never wears it.
Because of you/Class XI/Dara

5. They practice football every weekend (due to/since) since they will join a competition next month.
6. (Due to/since) due to the landslide, many villagers lost their houses and farms.
7. Michael always bring lunch box from home (as/therefore) as he doesn’t enjoy the school canteen.
8. It is cold and windy outside (because of/thus) thus I’d rather stay at home.
9. Wikan bought some handmade souvenirs (since/because of) because of having a lot of money.
10. Sara is diet (since/so) since she doesn’t come to the barbeque party.

Task 4. Match the causes and effects in the following columns, and then join the two sentences with the

Cause Effect
1. Siska forgot to tie her shoelaces. a. The areas surrounding the forests will be prone
to erosion and landslide.
2. Microfibres from synthetic clothing b. I had an accident on my way home.
materials are polluting rivers and oceans.
3. Many trees in the forests were logged c. Kiki is starving.
4. Tropical fruits cannot be grown in d. She tripped.
subtropical countries.
5. This is a holiday week for Rina. e. The river will get clogged.
6. My car’s tire had a puncture. f. She had to do additional homework.
7. The refrigerator is empty. g. Kiki slipped on it.
8. Elena forgot to do her homework. h. They have to import.
9. The floor was all wet. i. We are advised to switch to organic clothing
10. Many people throw their rubbish into the j. She will take a trip to malang with her family.

My answers
1. Siska forgot to tie her shoelaces so (d) she tripped.
2. Because Microfibres from synthetic clothing materials are polluting rivers and oceans. (i)We are
advised to switch to organic clothing materials
3. Many trees in the forests were logged illegally, hence (a) The areas surrounding the forests will be
prone to erosion and landslide.
4. Tropical fruits cannot be grown in subtropical countries. So (h) they have to import.
5. This is a holiday week for Rina, so (j) She will take a trip to malang with her family.
6. My car’s tire had a puncture. Thus (b) I had an accident on my way home.
7. Because of refrigerator is empty, (c) Kiki was starving.
8. Elena forgot to do her homework, consequently (f) She had to do additional homework.
9. The floor was all wet. Therefore (g) kiki slipped on it.
10. Many people throw their rubbish into the river, thus (e)The river will get clogged.
Because of you/Class XI/Dara

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