Sư N Bài Essay

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1. Discussion Essay (two sides)

English is the language spoken all over the world. Some people say that students should
learn in an English speaking country; others believe that they can learn English well in their
own country

Write an essay to discuss both views

We must say that English plays an important part in our life. Some people argue that students
should learn English in an English speaking country while others think that they can English well
in their own country.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people say that students should learn
English in an English speaking country. ………

On the other hand, however, there are also some reasons why some people think that
students can learn English well in their own country. …………

To sum up, students can learn English in an English speaking country or in their own country

2. Discussion (1 side)
English is the language spoken all over the world. Some people say that students should
learn English in an English speaking country.

Write an essay to discuss the advantages (lợi ích, ưu điểm) of learning English in an English
speaking country.

We must say that English plays an important part in our life. Some people argue that students
should learn English in an English speaking country. There are some advantages of learning
English there.

Firstly, we should not forget that (ý 1) ………………

Secondly, it is the fact that (ý 2) ………………

Finally, it is true that (ý 3)…………..

In conclusion (= To sum up), students should learn English in an English speaking country

3. Opinion Essay (2 ideas) (dạng bài ý kiến)

English is the language spoken all over the world. Some people say that students should
learn English in an English speaking country; Others believe that they can learn English well
in their own country.
Write an essay to discuss your view.

We must say that English plays an important part in our life. Some people argue that students
should learn English in an English speaking country while others think that they can English well
in their own country. Personally, I strongly agree (đồng ý) with the first (second) idea

Firstly, we should not forget that (y 1) ………………

Secondly, it is the fact that (y 2) ………………

Finally, it is true that (y 3)…………..

In conclusion, students should learn English in an English speaking country

4. Opinion Essay (1 idea)

English is the language spoken all over the world. Some people say that students should
learn English in an English speaking country.

To some extent (trong chừng mực nào), do you agree or disagree?

We must say that English plays an important part in our life. Some people argue that students
should learn English in an English speaking country. Personally, I strongly agree with the idea.

Firstly, we should not forget that (y1) ………………

Secondly, it is the fact that (y2) ………………

Finally, it is true that (y3) …………..

In conclusion, students should learn English in an English speaking country

- Mở bài (1 đoạn): nói lại nội dung của đề bài
We must say that English plays an important part/role in our life.
We must say that more and more people are becoming interested in learning English
We must say that online learning is becoming more and more popular in our life.
Some people say that + chép lại idea 1 while others believe that + chép lại idea 2.
Personally, I strongly agree with the (first/second) idea
There are some advantages of living in big cities
- Thân bài: (2-3 đoạn)
(2 ideas)
On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people say that + chép lại idea 1.

On the other hand, however, there are also some reasons why some people believe that +
chép lại idea 2.

(1 idea, opinion)
Firstly, we should not forget that (ý 1).

Secondly, it is the fact that (ý 2)

Finally, it is true that (ý 3)

Kết luận: (1 đoạn)

To sum up, (nhắc lại quan điểm mà mình phân tích)

ĐỀ bài:
Topic: chủ đề
Problem: vấn đề ( tiêu cực)
Issue: vấn đề
Trend: xu hướng
Discuss: bàn luận, phân tích, thảo luận
Reason: lí do
Cause: nguyên nhân
Effect: ảnh hưởng (= influence , impact on)
Community: cộng đồng
Local community: cộng đồng địa phương
Positive effect: ảnh hưởng tích cực
Negative effect: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
Advantage: ưu điểm (benefit: lợi ích)
Disadvantage: nhược điểm (=drawback)
Idea = opinion = view: quan điểm
Saying: câu nói (statement)
Agree: đồng ý
Disagree: không đồng ý
To some extent, do you agree or disagree with the idea?
- Environment: môi trường
Pollution: sự ô nhiễm
Polluted: bị ô nhiễm
The air and water in big cities are polluted
Fresh: trong lành
Clean: sạch sẽ
- Economy: kinh tế
Improve: cải thiện
Develop: phát triển
- Education: giáo dục
Education system: hệ thống giáo dục
Teacher: giáo viên
Learning and teaching equipment: trang thiết bị dạy và học
Method of teaching: phương pháp dạy
- Traffic: giao thông
Transport: giao thông
Public transport: giao thông công cộng
Vehicles: phương tiện
Traffic jam: tắc nghẽn giao thông
Accident: tai nạn
Road: đường
Fine: phạt
Traffic law: luật giao thông
Improve: cải thiện
- Tourism: du lịch
Travel: di chuyển, du lịch
Traveler: khách du lịch
Tourist: khách du lịch
Visitor: người đến thăm
Companion: người đi cùng (người đồng hành)
- Big cities: thành phố lớn
- Countryside: nông thôn
- Standard of living (= living standard): mức sống
- Living cost: chi phí sinh hoạt (low, high)

Advantages = benefit = positive effect



Playing sports is good for people

Playing sports is beneficial to people

Playing sports brings some benefits to people

They can relax, reduce stress and improve their health

Learning English in an English speaking country is good for students. They can speak English with native
speakers (local people) every day. They can improve their English fast and effectively

- ………… is good for ………….

Online learning is good for students, especially for busy people
- ……….. is beneficial to ……….. (có lợi cho )
Online learning is beneficial to students, especially busy people
- ………….brings some benefits to ………. (đem lại lợi ích cho)
Online learning brings some benefits to students, especially busy people.
- …………can + V: có thể làm
Students can stay at home and learn with a computer. They do not have to go to class. They
can save a lot of time and money for travelling. They can learn anywhere at any time
- S + be + Adj:
Online learning is good for …
Online learning is beneficial to ….
Online learning is convenient for busy people ….
- interesting: thú vị,
- useful: có lợi
- popular: phổ biến
- convenient: thuận tiện
- fresh: trong lành
- quiet: yên tĩnh
- beautiful: đẹp
- friendly: thân thiện
- Kind: tốt bụng
- Fast: nhanh
- Comfortable: thoải mái
- Safe: an toàn
- Exciting: nhộn nhịp
- Modern: hiện đại


- Save: tiết kiệm

We can save a lot of time and money for travelling
We can save a lot of money for other things
- Earn / make: kiếm
We can earn a lot of money
- Improve: cải thiện
- We can improve our life/ environment/ education/ health
- Develop: phát triển
Students can improve their English
Local people can develop the economy and education
- Help: giúp
- Get good jobs with high salary: kiếm dc việc làm tốt với mức lương cao
- Tourism helps local people get good jobs

Disadvantage/ drawback/ negative effect: (nhược điểm, mặt xấu)

- …….is not good for ……….

Smoking is not good for people’s health
Watching TV too much is not good for children’s health (eyes)
- ………is harmful to …………..
Watching TV too much is really harmful to children’s health
- ……..destroy/ damage / badly affect……….. (phá hủy / làm hư hại / ảnh hưởng xấu ….)
Smoking destroys people’s health
Smoking damages people’s lungs
Smoking badly affects people’s health
Smoking seriously affects people’s health
- Waste: lãng phí
Playing games wastes time and money
- Prevent: hạn chế
- S + be + Adj (nghĩa xấu)
There are some disadvantages of living in big cities. Big cities are noisy, crowded, and
polluted. Things here are expensive. Living cost in big cities is high

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
Read the following text from a book about tourism.

Tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Millions of
people today are travelling farther and farther throughout the year. Some people argue
(tranh luậ n) that the development of tourism has had negative effects (ả nh hưở ng tiêu
cự c) on local communities (cộ ng đồ ng địa phương); others think that its influences (=
effects) are positive. (tích cự c)

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of tourism on local communities.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

OPINION: your view/opinion/idea. Do you agree or disagree? What is your opi

We must say that more and more people are becoming interested in tourism. Some
people say that the development of tourism has had negative effects on local
communities while others believe that its influences are positive.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people say that the
development of tourism has had negative effects on local communities. It is
not good for local people. It destroys the environment. This is because a big
number of trees are cut down and a lot of rubbish is thrown out every day. It
damages the air and water, which seriously affects people’s health. The
development of tourism also badly affect people’s way of life. More people are
commited to social evils such as drug, robbery, prostitute and so on.

On the other hand, however, there are also some reasons why some people
believe that the development of tourism had had positive effects on local
communities. It is good for local communities. It brings some benefits to
local people. They can get good jobs with high salary and develop business.
This can help them earn more money (They can earn more money). They can
improve their life (As a result, they can improve their life). The development
of tourism is also beneficial to local communities. They can develop the
economy and traffic. More roads are opened and improved. The travelling is
much better. (The transportation is much easier).

To sum up, the development of tourism has had both negative and positive
effects on local communities. Personally, I believe that the development of
tourism is more beneficial to local communities. Therefore, we should develop
tourism more.

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