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Submit 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60


1. Explain why or why not Determine whether the following state- 7–8. Parametric curves and tangent lines
ments are true and give an explanation or counterexample. a. Eliminate the parameter to obtain an equation in x and y.
a. A set of parametric equations for a given curve is always b. Find the slope of the curve at the given value of t.
unique. c. Make a sketch of the curve showing the positive orientation of the
b. The equations x = et, y = 2et, for - ∞ 6 t 6 ∞ , describe a curve and the tangent line at the point corresponding to the given
line passing through the origin with slope 2. value of t.
3p p
c. The polar coordinates a3, - b and a - 3, b describe the 7. x = 8 cos t + 1, y = 8 sin t + 2, for 0 … t … 2p; t = p>3
4 4
same point in the plane. 8. x = 4 sin 2t, y = 3 cos 2t, for 0 … t … p; t = p>6
T 9. Find parametric equations for the curve x = 51y - 121y - 22 sin y
and then plot the curve using a graphing utility.
d. The area of the region between the inner and outer loops of the
1 2p 10–12. Parametric curves
limaçon r = ƒ1u2 = 1 - 4 cos u is ∫
2 0
ƒ1u2 2 du.
a. Eliminate the parameter to obtain an equation in x and y.
y2 x2 b. Describe the curve, indicating the positive orientation.
e. The hyperbola - = 1 has no x-intercept. c. Find the slope of the curve at the specified point.
2 4
f. The equation x 2 + 4y 2 - 2x = 3 describes an ellipse. 10. x = t 2 + 4, y = -t, for - 2 6 t 6 0; 15, 12
11. x = 3 cos 1-t2, y = 3 sin 1-t2 - 1, for 0 … t … p; 10, - 42
12. x = ln t, y = 8 ln t 2, for 1 … t … e2; 11, 162
T 13. Tangent lines Find an equation of the line tangent to the cycloid
x = t - sin t, y = 1 - cos t at the points corresponding to
t = p>6 and t = 2p>3.
2. Eliminate the parameter in the parametric equations
x = 1 + sin t, y = 3 + 2 sin t, for 0 … t … p>2, and describe
the curve, indicating its positive orientation. How does this
curve differ from the curve x = 1 + sin t, y = 3 + 2 sin t, for
p>2 … t … p?
3–6. Eliminating the parameter Eliminate the parameter to find a
description of the following curves in terms of x and y. Give a geomet-
ric description and the positive orientation of the curve.
3. x = 4 cos t, y = 3 sin t; 0 … t … 2p
4. x = sin t - 3, y = cos t + 6; 0 … t … p
5. x = t + 1, y = 1t + 1; 3 … t … 8
p p
6. x = - cot2 t, y = 1 + csc2 t; … t …
4 2
Review Exercises

14–18. Parametric descriptions Write parametric equations for the

following curves. Solutions are not unique.
14. The segment of the curve x = y 3 + y + 1 that starts at 11, 02 and
ends at 111, 22.
15. The line segment from P1- 1, 02 to Q11, 12, followed by the line
segment from Q to P (two sets of equations are required)
16. The segment of the curve ƒ1x2 = x 3 + 2x from 10, 02 to 12, 122
17. The circle x 2 + y 2 = 9, generated clockwise
27. r = 2 - 3 sin u 28. r = 1 + 2 cos u
x2 y2
18. The right side of the ellipse + = 1, generated 29. r = 3 cos 3u 30. r = e-u>6
9 4
counterclockwise 31. r = 3 sin 4u 32. r 2 = 4 cos u
19–20. Area bounded by parametric curves Find the area of the 33. Polar valentine Liz wants to show her love for Jake by passing
following regions. (Hint: See Exercises 103–105 in Section 12.1.) him a valentine on her graphing calculator. Sketch each of the
19. The region bounded by the y-axis and the parametric curve following curves and determine which one Liz should use to get a
x = t 2, y = t - t 3, for 0 … t … 1 heart-shaped curve.
a. r = 5 cos u b. r = 1 - sin u c. r = cos 3u
34. Jake’s response Jake responds to Liz (Exercise 33) with a graph
that shows his love for her is infinite. Sketch each of the follow-
ing curves. Which one should Jake send to Liz to get an infinity
a. r = u, for u Ú 0 b. r = + sin u c. r 2 = cos 2u
20. The region bounded by the x-axis and the parametric curve 35. Polar conversion Write the equation r 2 + r 12 sin u - 6 cos u2 = 0
x = cos t, y = sin 2t, for 0 … t … p>2 in Cartesian coordinates and identify the corresponding curve.
T 21. Surface of revolution Find the area of the surface obtained by 4
revolving the curve x = sin t, y = cos 2t, for - p>4 … t … p>4, 36. Polar conversion Consider the equation r = .
sin u + cos u
about the x-axis. (Hint: See Exercises 106–111 in Section 12.1.) a. Convert the equation to Cartesian coordinates and identify the
22–23. Arc length Find the length of the following curves. curve it describes.
b. Graph the curve and indicate the points that correspond to
22. x = e2t sin 3t, y = e2t cos 3t; 0 … t … p>3 p
u = 0, , and 2p.
23. x = cos 2t, y = 2t - sin 2t; 0 … t … p>4 2
c. Give an interval in u on which the entire curve is generated.
24–26. Sets in polar coordinates Sketch the following sets of points.
24. u =
p p
25. 0 … r … 4 and - … u … -
2 3
26. 4 … r 2 … 9
27–32. Polar curves Graph the following equations.

37. Parametric to polar equations Find an equation of the following

curve in polar coordinates and describe the curve.
x = 11 + cos t2 cos t, y = 11 + cos t2 sin t; 0 … t … 2p
38. Cartesian conversion Write the equation x = y 2 in polar coor-
dinates and state values of u that produce the entire graph of the
39. Cartesian conversion Write the equation 1x - 42 2 + y 2 = 16
in polar coordinates and state values of u that produce the entire
graph of the circle.
T 40–41. Slopes of tangent lines c. Graph the curve. Explain why the polar equation does not
a. Find all points where the following curves have vertical and hori- have the form given in the text for conic sections in polar
zontal tangent lines. coordinates.
b. Find the slope of the lines tangent to the curve at the origin (when 61–64. Polar equations for conic sections Graph the following conic
relevant). sections, labeling vertices, foci, directrices, and asymptotes (if they ex-
c. Sketch the curve and all the tangent lines identified in parts (a) ist). Give the eccentricity of the curve. Use a graphing utility to check
and (b). your work.
40. r = 3 - 6 cos u 41. r = 1 - sin u 2 3
61. r = 62. r =
42–43. Intersection points Find the intersection points of the follow- 1 + sin u 1 - 2 cos u
ing curves. 4 10
63. r = 64. r =
2 + cos u 5 + 2 cos u
42. r = 13 and r = 2 cos 2u 43. r = 1cos 3t and r = 1sin 3t
44–49. Areas of regions Find the area of the following regions.
44. The region inside one leaf of the rose r = 3 sin 4u
45. The region inside the inner loop of the limaçon r = 1 + 2 sin u
46. The region inside the limaçon r = 2 + cos u and outside the
circle r = 2
47. The region inside the lemniscate r 2 = 4 cos 2u and outside the
circle r = 12
48. The region inside r = 12 + sin u and inside r = 3 sin u
49. The region inside the cardioid r = 1 + cos u and outside the
cardioid r = 1 - cos u
T 50. Intersection points Consider the polar equations r = 1 and
r = 2 - 4 cos u.
a. Graph the curves. How many intersection points do you
b. Give approximate polar coordinates of the intersection points.
T 51–52. Arc length of polar curves Find the approximate length of the
following curves.
51. The limaçon r = 3 - 6 cos u
52. The limaçon r = 3 + 2 cos u
53–57. Conic sections
a. Determine whether the following equations describe a parabola,
an ellipse, or a hyperbola.
b. Use analytical methods to determine the location of the foci,
vertices, and directrices.
c. Find the eccentricity of the curve.
d. Make an accurate graph of the curve.
53. x 2 - = 1 54. x = 16y 2
x2 y2
55. y 2 - 4x 2 = 16 56. + = 1
4 25
57. 4x 2 + 8y 2 = 16
58–59. Tangent lines Find an equation of the line tangent to the follow-
ing curves at the given point. Check your work with a graphing utility.
x2 y2 20 4
58. - = 1; a , - 4b 59. y 2 = - 12x; a - , - 4b
16 9 3 3
60. A polar conic section Consider the equation r 2 = sec 2u.
a. Convert the equation to Cartesian coordinates and identify
the curve.
b. Find the vertices, foci, directrices, and eccentricity of the

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