Munication Skills First Four Lectuures PPT - Shortcut - LNK

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Introduction to communication skills
Lecture # 1

( Lecturer)

Date: 04-01-2021

A field-based course that focuses on instructional

strategies and practices to develop the written, verbal,
non-verbal, and technical communication skills of the
middle-level learner. Also examines the culture and
dynamics of communication within the classroom and
the school. Foci will include: process writing; writing in
all areas of the curriculum; communication assessment;
communicating with technology; and how to guide the
middle-level learner in asking critical questions.
Subject Name
The Aims of this Course are:
1.Students will be able to understand and apply knowledge of
human communication and language processes as they occur across
various contexts, e.g., interpersonal, intrapersonal, small group,
organizational, media, gender, family, intercultural communication,
technologically mediated communication, etc. from multiple
2.Students will be able to understand and evaluate key theoretical
approaches used in the interdisciplinary field of communication. I.e.,
students will be able to explain major theoretical frameworks,
constructs, and concepts for the study of

me 4
-communication and language, summarize the work of central
thinkers associated with particular approaches, and begin to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their approaches.
3.Students will be able to understand the research methods
associated with the study of human communication, and apply at
least one of those approaches to the analysis and evaluation of
human communication.
4.Students will be able to find, use, and evaluate primary
academic writing associated with the communication discipline.

me 5
5.Students will develop knowledge, skills, and judgment around
human communication that facilitate their ability to work
collaboratively with others. Such skills could include communication
competencies such as managing conflict, understanding small group
processes, active listening, appropriate self-disclosure, etc.
6.Students will be able to communicate effectively orally and in

me 6

By the end of this one-day course, the participants will have:

Recognized different styles of communication and how to
improve understanding and build rapport with others.
Reflected on different methods of communication and decided
when each is most suitable.
Appreciated the role of body language and voice tone in
effective communication.
Communicated their message in an effective and engaging way
for the recipient.

Subject Name 7

Till Mid Term

Introduction to Communication skills
Practice writing coherent paragraph
Paragraph writing and kinds of Paragraph
Introduction to Art of Writing Essay
How to write a good essay (specific tips)
Translation from Urdu to English and its types
Practice of paragraph translation and simple sentences
Course revision and discussion of selected topics
Subject Name 8

After Mid Term

Paragraph writing and practice
Reading skills: intensive and extensive
Reading skills: skimming
Reading skills: scanning
Precis writing
Minutes of meeting
Practice on comprehension passages
Letter and memo writing
Subject Name 9

Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and

A.V. Martinet. Exercises 2. Third edition.
Oxford University Press 1986. ISBN 0 19
431350 6 or Latest Edition.
1. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Christine Boutin,
Suzanne Brinand and Francoise Grellet. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993.
ISBN 019 435405 7 Pages 45-53 (note taking),
or Latest Edition.
Subject Name 10

3.Writing. Upper-Intermediate by Rob Nolasco. Oxford

Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1992. ISBN 0
19 435406 5 (particularly good for writing memos,
introduction to presentations, descriptive and
argumentative writing), or Latest Edition.
4.Reading. Advanced. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis.
Oxford Supplementary, Latest Edition.

Subject Name 11
A Theory of Affective Communication: On the Phenomenological Foundations of Perspective Taking:
Paragraph writing. Academia.
College Writing Skills with Readings, by John Langan, McGraw-Hill, 8th Edition.!ApiKacQvk8n-gXMZZPzwM4bvxTWU?e=nvKR0g
For translation paragraphs
Subject Name 12

Quizzes: [10%]

Assignments: [10%]

Mid Term: [30%]

Final Exam: [50%]

Subject Name 13

Quizzes: [10%]

Assignments: [10%]

Mid Term: [30%]

Final Exam: [50%]

Subject Name 14
Lecture Contents

Introduction to Communication Skills

Verbal and non-verbal communication

How to be able to convey your message


Subject Name 15
Introduction to Communication skills

The imparting or exchanging of information through

speaking, writing or some other medium.
Non-verbal communication refers to gestures, facial
expressions, tone of voice, eye contact (or lack
thereof), body language, posture, and other ways
people can communicate without using language.

Subject Name 16
Introduction to Communication skills

Communication is both an art and a science. It often

involves acts of speaking and listening, reading and
writing, but it also goes beyond these and
incorporates the transmission of non-verbal language,
sign language, codes transmitted electronically (e.g.,
Morse code), and physically (touch; hormones;
muscles, tendons, nerves), and messages
communicated through music, and by other means.

Subject Name 17
Introduction to Communication skills

Although you communicate simply by being in the

world, developing good verbal and body language
skills involves learning and consciously using your
skills to improve.
The act of communicating verbally serves to
convey how we feel and how we think to others. It
is also the basis of how we relate with others, using
language as its medium.
Subject Name 18
Introduction to Communication skills

Increasing knowledge and awareness of some of

the components involved in effective
communication can serve to improve how we use
those components personally.

Subject Name 19
Introduction to Communication skills

To explain all the features required of good

communicators, you need to delve into the nature of
verbal communication in its various modes. Basic
questions are: How can you put yourself on a path
that would make you into a better communicator?
How can you develop skills to overcome some fears
or limitations?

Subject Name 20
Affective Communication

Personalize the topic and tell how would you

choose to represent yourself
The use of language as a subordinate
Appropriate behaviour in a classroom setting
Influence of body language and posture
Our appearance defines us
Impression we take from others
Subject Name 21
Affective Communication

Effective communication may be said to involve the

transfer of values, beliefs and thoughts from one
person to another.
To transfer a spoken message, it is obvious that speakers
and listeners are involved, with timing used for speedy
transmission. Speakers use verbal and body language to
convey messages, looking towards listeners.

Subject Name 22
Affective Communication

Sending a positive image of yourself through

using right kind of body language and

How to interpret others through the use of their

language and appearance How to use
communication by choosing the suitable
Subject Name 23
Affective Communication

Affective communication refers to the expression of

feelings about things, others and themselves. In
effect, expressions of positive, negative or even
neutral feelings about something or someone is also
an expression of that individual or group’s values and
beliefs. Affective communications are usually seen as
opinions or judgments about things.

Subject Name 24
Affective Communication

Our values and beliefs give rise to our feelings and

emotions towards things, including other people and
ourselves. When we express or disclose an emotion
in our communication, this is said to be an affective
communication. For example “I don’t like that
team”, or “I love this car”, or even, “I am not sure
how I feel about this”.

Subject Name 25
Affective Communication

Affective communications are disclosures of

emotions and therefore values and beliefs.
However the relationship between an expression or
disclosure of an emotion often does not have a
direct and simple correlation with an individual or
group’s values and beliefs.

Subject Name 26
“You can dictate others’ opinion of you by
choosing right vocabulary and
• Use of formal language according to situation
• Our behaviour influencing communication INTRODUCTION
• Utilizing the communication in your favour

• Use of formal language

• Use of informal language

• Creating a lighter atmosphere by playing on words

• Catching attention of listeners through powerful communication

• “First impression is the last impression” ?

• General statement and students’ opinion
• The eye-catching facets of one’s appearance

Communication in Professional Settings
Lecture # 2
Significance of non-verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication refers to gestures,

facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact (or
lack thereof), body language, posture, and other
ways people can communicate without using

Subject Name 30
Significance of non-verbal Communication

When you’re interviewing for a job or participating in a

meeting, your nonverbal communication is almost as
important as your verbal responses. Crossed arms can seem
defensive. Poor posture may appear unprofessional. A
downward gaze or avoiding eye contact can detract from
you being seen as confident.

Subject Name 31
Significance of non-verbal Communication

Employers will evaluate what you do as well as what

you say, and you can use your nonverbal
communication skills to make the best impression. If
your skills aren't top-notch, you can practice them so
you make a positive impression on everyone you meet in
the workplace and beyond.

Subject Name 32

Most candidates carefully

prepare what they will say during interviews and
networking meetings. However, knowing what you
will say is only part of the picture. Just as important is
having an understanding of how to convey your
messages through your body language.

Subject Name 33

Your interviewing and networking success will be

largely determined by the impression people get of
you, and how they respond to what you say.

Subject Name 34
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples

Want to brush up on your skills? Review this list of

nonverbal skills and work on any areas where you think you
could improve.
Avoid slouching. Sit with your back straight up against the
chair or lean slightly forward to convey engagement.
Steer clear of smiles or laughter when messages are serious.

Subject Name 35
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples

Display some animation with your hands and facial

expressions to project a dynamic presence. (But avoid
talking with your hands excessively, which can appear
unprofessional and unpolished.)
Don’t bring your phone, a drink, or anything else that could
distract you during an interview or meeting.
Eliminate fidgeting and shaking of limbs.

Subject Name 36
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples

Establish frequent but not continuous or piercing eye

contact with interviewers.
Focus on the conversation.
In a group interview, shift eye contact to the various
Introduce yourself with a smile and a firm handshake.
Be sure that your palms are dry.

Subject Name 37
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples

Keep your hands away from your face and hair.

Listen carefully, and do not interrupt.
Maintain open arms—folded arms can convey
Modulate your vocal tone to express excitement and
punctuate key points.
Nod to demonstrate understanding.
Observe the reaction of others to your statements.
Subject Name 38
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples

Shake hands firmly without excessive force.

Show that you’re interested in what the interviewer is telling
Smile to indicate that you are amused or pleased with the
Stay calm even when you’re nervous.
Steer clear of monotone delivery.
Wait until the person is done talking to respond.
Subject Name 39
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples

Read the nonverbal signals of others. Provide clarification if

they look confused, and wrap up if they have heard enough.
Refrain from forced laughter in response to humor.
Avoid looking at the clock, your phone, or displaying any
other signs of disinterest.
Respect the amount of personal space preferred by your
communication partners.
Rotate eye contact with various speakers in group
interviewing or networking situations.
Subject Name 40
Communicating at Networking Events

When you're attending career networking events,

your nonverbal communication skills matter. If you
come across as awkward or flustered, you'll be less
likely to make connections who can help with your
job search or career. Practicing
how you'll introduce yourself can make the entire
process go more smoothly so you can make the best

Subject Name 41
Communicating at Work

In many occupations, establishing credibility

and trust is a significant success factor. Using
nonverbal behavior (like eye contact or hand
shaking or warm greeting for instance) can
further demonstrate your sincerity and engaging

Subject Name 42
Sending and De-coding messages

Communication can best be summarized as the

transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver
in an understandable manner. The importance of
effective communication is immeasurable in the
world of business and in personal life. From a
business perspective, effective communication is an
absolute must, because it commonly accounts for the
difference between success and failure or profit and
Subject Name 43
Sending and De-coding messages

It has become clear that effective business

communication is critical to the successful operation
of modern enterprise. Every business person needs to
understand the fundamentals of effective

Subject Name 44
Sending and De-coding messages

Currently, companies in the United States and abroad are

working toward the realization of total quality management.
Effective communication is the most critical component of
total quality management. The manner in which individuals
perceive and talk to each other at work about different issues is
a major determinant of the business success. It has proven
been proven that poor communication reduces quality,
weakens productivity, and eventually leads to anger and a lack
of trust among individuals within the organization.

Subject Name 45
Sending and De-coding messages

The communication process is the guide toward

realizing effective communication. It is through the
communication process that the sharing of a common
meaning between the sender and the receiver takes
place. Individuals that follow the communication
process will have the opportunity to become more
productive in every aspect of their profession.
Effective communication leads to understanding.

Subject Name 46
Sending and De-coding messages

The communication process is made up of four key

components. Those components include encoding,
medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback.
There are also two other factors in the process, and
those two factors are present in the form of the
sender and the receiver. The communication process
begins with the sender and ends with the receiver.

Subject Name 47
Sending and De-coding messages

The sender is an individual, group, or organization who

initiates the communication. This source is initially
responsible for the success of the message. The sender's
experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skill, perceptions, and
culture influence the message. "The written words, spoken
words, and nonverbal language selected are paramount in
ensuring the receiver interprets the message as intended by the
sender“. All communication begins with the sender.

Subject Name 48
Sending and De-coding messages

The first step the sender is faced with involves the encoding
process. In order to convey meaning, the sender must begin
encoding, which means translating information into a message in
the form of symbols that represent ideas or concepts. This
process translates the ideas or concepts into the coded message
that will be communicated.

Subject Name 49
Sending and De-coding messages

The symbols can take on numerous forms such as,

languages, words, or gestures. These symbols are
used to encode ideas into messages that others can

Subject Name 50
When encoding a message, the sender has to begin by
deciding what he/she wants to transmit. This decision by
the sender is based on what he/she believes about the
receivers knowledge and assumptions, along with what
additional information he/she wants the receiver to have.

Subject Name 51
It is important for the sender to use symbols that are
familiar to the intended receiver. A good way for the
sender to improve encoding their message, is to
mentally visualize the communication from the
receiver's point of view.

Subject Name 52
To begin transmitting the message, the sender uses some kind of channel (also
called a medium). The channel is the means used to convey the message.
Most channels are either oral or written, but currently visual channels are
becoming more common as technology expands. Common channels include
the telephone and a variety of written forms such as memos, letters, and
reports. The effectiveness of the various channels fluctuates depending on the
characteristics of the communication.

Subject Name 53
For example, when immediate feedback is necessary, oral
communication channels are more effective because any
uncertainties can be cleared up on the spot. In a situation where the
message must be delivered to more than a small group of people,
written channels are often more effective. Although in many cases,
both oral and written channels should be used because one
supplements the other.
Subject Name 54
If a sender relays a message through an inappropriate channel, its message
may not reach the right receivers. That is why senders need to keep in mind
that selecting the appropriate channel will greatly assist in the effectiveness
of the receiver's understanding. The sender's decision to utilize either an
oral or a written channel for communicating a message is influenced by
several factors. The sender should ask him or herself different questions, so
that they can select the appropriate channel.

Subject Name 55
Is the message urgent? Is immediate feedback needed? Is documentation
or a permanent record required? Is the content complicated,
controversial, or private? Is the message going to someone inside or
outside the organization? What oral and written communication skills
does the receiver possess? Once the sender has answered all of these
questions, they will be able to choose an effective channel

Subject Name 56
After the appropriate channel or channels are selected, the
message enters the decoding stage of the communication process.
Decoding is conducted by the receiver. Once the message is
received and examined, the stimulus is sent to the brain for
interpreting, in order to assign some type of meaning to it.

Subject Name 57
It is this processing stage that constitutes decoding. The
receiver begins to interpret the symbols sent by the sender,
translating the message to their own set of experiences in
order to make the symbols meaningful. Successful
communication takes place when the receiver correctly
interprets the sender's message.
Subject Name 58
Paragraph Writing
Lecture # 03

Date:---------- 2020

To enable students for creating basic outlines for paragraphs with a suitable
vocabulary so they can express their ideas in a coherent manner with
supporting details
Write the main idea with some supporting details on a given topic.

Subject Name 61

Topic sentence
Body (claim-support)


Subject Name 62
Paragraph Writing

A paragraph is a brief piece of writing that's

around seven to ten sentences long. It has a
topic sentence and supporting sentences that
all relate closely to the topic sentence.
The paragraph form refers to its overall
structure, which is a group of sentences
focusing on a single topic.

Subject Name 63
Paragraph Writing

There are three main parts of a paragraph:

Topic sentence - it has the main idea
Supporting sentence - details that relate to and support the topic sentence
Concluding sentence - a brief reflection or statement about the main idea

The topic sentence is usually the first sentence but it can appear at any point in the
paragraph. The main thing is to be sure you have a topic sentence because it gives
your paragraph its focus, similar to a thesis statement in an essay.

Subject Name 64
Paragraph Writing
Let's look at our example paragraph:

Weather in Wisconsin has been especially fierce this week. It all began on
Tuesday, when a tornado swept through the St. Croix River Valley.
Wednesday evening another tornado dropped down on the suburbs of
Milwaukee. Then on Thursday evening, River Falls experienced a
torrential rain that flooded the streets. Many are wondering what
Wisconsin city will be next.

Subject Name 65
The Parts of a Paragraph
Topic Sentence

The Body

The Closing
The Topic Sentence
The topic sentence tells your readers what your paragraph is

An interesting subject
A specific feeling or feature about the subject
An effective topic sentence

The average cost of a Hollywood film (interesting

subject) runs between $30 and $50 million. (specific
The Body
The body is the main part of the paragraph. This is
where you place all of the information readers need
to understand the subject.

The salary of a top star such as Tom Hanks or

Brad Pitt can add $20 million to the cost of a
major film.
The Closing
The closing sentence comes after all the details have
been included in the body of the paragraph. It may:
Remind readers of the subject
Keep them thinking about it
Link the paragraph to the next one if this is part of a
longer composition

Anyone who has bought a movie ticket recently knows

that the consumer pays for these extravagant
How do I unify my ideas in a paragraph?
Probably the most effective way to achieve paragraph unity is
to express the central idea of the paragraph in a topic

Topic sentences are similar to mini thesis statements.

Like a thesis statement, a topic sentence has a specific
main point. Whereas the thesis is the main point of the
essay, the topic sentence is the main point of the
paragraph. Like the thesis statement, a topic sentence has
a unifying function. But a thesis statement or topic
sentence alone doesn’t guarantee unity. An essay is unified
if all the paragraphs relate to the thesis, whereas a
paragraph is unified if all the sentences relate to the topic
How do I develop my ideas in a paragraph?
Often, the body paragraph demonstrates and
develops your topic sentence through an ordered,
logical progression of ideas. There are a number of
useful techniques for expanding on topic sentences
and developing your ideas in a
paragraph. Illustration in a paragraph supports a
general statement by means of examples, details,
or relevant quotations (with your comments).
Example paragraph
In Harry’s world fate works not only through powers
and objects such as prophecies, the Sorting Hat,
wands, and the Goblet of Fire, but also through
people. Repeatedly, other characters decide Harry’s
future for him, depriving him of freedom and choice.
For example, before his eleventh birthday, the
Dursleys control Harry’s life, keeping from him
knowledge of his past and understanding of his
identity (Sorcerer’s 49). In Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets, Dobby repeatedly assumes
control over events by intercepting Ron’s and
Hermione’s letters during the summer;
Example paragraph
-by sealing the barrier to Platform 93⁄4, causing Harry to miss the
Hogwarts Express; and by sending a Bludger after Harry in a
Quidditch match, breaking his wrist. Yet again, in Harry Potter and
the Prisoner of Azkaban, many adults intercede while attempting to
protect Harry from perceived danger, as Snape observes: “Everyone
from the Minister of Magic downward has been trying to keep
famous Harry Potter safe from Sirius Black” (284). All these
characters, as enactors of fate, unknowingly drive Harry toward his
destiny by attempting to control or to direct his life, while
themselves controlled and directed by fate.
—Julia Pond, “A Story of the
Exceptional: Fate and Free Will in the Harry Potter Series”
Paragraph writing
Smoking refers to the process of burning tobacco or other materials
and inhaling the resultant smoke (topic sentence). The most common
item for smoking is cigarette(1 st idea). Besides cigarette, people also
smoke cigar and pipes(supporting detail). Usually, teenagers start
smoking occasionally for fun(2nd idea). But by the time they reach their
adulthood, they find they are already addicted to it (discussion detail of
2nd idea). Smoking is one of the leading causes of death (3rd idea). As it
causes several life-threatening diseases such as tuberculosis, lungs
cancer, hear-attack, etc(supporting detail). smoking is preventable(4th
idea). The government can pass stringent laws for the sake of cigarettes
and other tobacco products(support). Mass educational campaigns
targeting youngsters explaining the harmful effects of smoking can act
as deterrent for smoking(concluding line).
Paragraph Writing (Cont.)
Lecture # 4

Addressing the topic in paragraph writing

Choosing the right vocabulary

Types of paragraph writing

Subject Name

To prepare them to think critically and be able to write on miscellaneous topics.
To make them eligible to clearly state their standpoint.

Subject Name 79
Types of paragraph writing
The purpose of paragraph may be to persuade, amuse, inform,
entertain, alarm, or inflame the reader.
Purpose is one of the most important aspects of writing because
different goals are accomplished in different ways. When you are
given a writing assignment in a class, you are basically being given a
purpose e.g. write an argument essay.
Types of paragraph writing
There are four paragraph types — narrative, descriptive,
expository, and persuasive—the paragraph can be used to
describe or explain an endless variety of things. It’s important
to know how to use each paragraph type for the right purpose,
though. Narrative paragraphs tell about a scene or event,
descriptive paragraphs give vivid descriptions of one subject,
expository paragraphs provide information, and persuasive
paragraphs try to convince the reader. These four paragraph
types are powerful tools for writers.
Types of paragraph writing
The descriptive paragraph: This type of paragraph
describes something and shows the reader what a thing
or a person is like. The words chosen in the description
often appeal to the five senses of touch, smell, sight,
sound, and taste. Descriptive paragraphs can be artistic
and may deviate from grammatical norms.
Types of paragraph writing
The narrative paragraph: This type of paragraph tells a story.
There's a sequence of action or there's a clear beginning, middle,
and end to the paragraph.
The expository paragraph: This type of paragraph explains
something or provides instruction. It could also describe a process
and move the reader step by step through a method. This type of
paragraph often requires research, but it's possible that the writer
is able to rely on his or her own knowledge and expertise.
Types of paragraph writing
The persuasive paragraph: This type of paragraph tries to get the reader to
accept a particular point of view or understand the writer's position. This is
the type of paragraph that many teachers focus on because it's useful when
building an argument. It often requires the collection of facts and research.
It important to point out that many paragraphs are a combination of these
four types.
Points to consider while writing paragraph
Do not get off the subject
Do not bring in material that is irrelevant
It is like focusing a camera: you want to get a picture of something in
particular, with perhaps a little background or context, and you want
the details to be sharp.
How to help with focus

Take notes

Example Paragraph

When I first brought my cat home from the humane society she was a
mangy, pitiful animal. It cost a lot to adopt her: forty dollars. And then I had
to buy litter, a litter box, food, and dishes for her to eat out of. Two days
after she came home with me she got taken to the pound by the animal
warden. There's a leash law for cats in Texas. If they're not in your yard they
have to be on a leash. Anyway, my cat is my best friend. I'm glad I got her.
She sleeps under the covers with me when it's cold. Sometimes she meows a
lot in the middle of the night and wakes me up, though.

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