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26 – X MIPA 2

18.Complate the sentences with the provided phrases.

1. According to Flightunit, the feeling of boredom will happen again and again. (e)

2. In order to be happy in this life we have to change our wrong mindset. (a)

3. In order to change the situation we have to take the initiative first.(d)

4. Flightunit encourages Jameer by saying one shouldn't be afraid to make a change to one's
environment. (b)

5. One focus of studying at school is graduating from school and accomplishing dreams in the
future. (c)

19. Work in pairs. Underline the expressions of asking and giving advice,

Lina : Uhm....... You told me that you bought a new novel a week ago, didn't you?

Tono : Yes, I did. It was a very interesting novel. Do you want me to lend it for you?

Lina : You shouldn't have bought it. (GIVING ADVICE) My sister gave me the same novel as a birthday
present last year.

Tono : Well, you should have told me earlier. But it's okay. I like the story very much. (ASKING

Lina : Have you finished reading it?

Tono : Yes, I have. By the way, where is your mother? Cooking?

Lina : She should be cooking at the moment.

Tono : I don't think so. I think she should be taking a rest. (GIVING ADVICE)

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