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MARK957 - Group Report (25%) - Feedback

Student Names: Group 4

Brand: Fantastic Furniture

Maximum Mark Mark Awarded

Criterion 1: Executive Summary
- Write precisely and excellently, in such a way that readers can sufficiently get 5 5
the essence of the report without having to read it all.
Criterion 2: Introduction of the Company, Environmental analysis and Target
country justifications
- Introduce relevant background information of the chosen Australian
company and the purpose of the report
20 14
- Environmental analysis: demonstrate the ability to go beyond the PESTLE
framework to see major factors that have strategic implications for the
- Provide an overall evaluation of the potential of the target country.
Criterion 3: Marketing objectives
- Detail the segmentation, targeting and positioning process, and describe the
profile of the chosen target market segment(s). 15 13
- Justify the chosen market-entry strategy.
- Detail the overall marketing strategy
Criterion 4: Marketing-mix strategies
- Justify the specific strategies with regards to product, promotion, place, and
price components of the marketing mix.
40 30
- Provide an overall evaluation in terms of how much standardisation vs.
adaptation the Australian company has to deliberate on when considering to
expand to the targeted country.
Criterion 5: Report Presentation and Writing Skills
- Follow the formatting requirements as mentioned in the subject outline
- Present a clear structure that is easy to follow 10 8
- Reflect a professional look & feel
- Demonstrate fluent and effective writing skills
Criterion 6: Research Evidence
- Demonstrate the ability to utilise diverse sources of research evidence
10 8
(statistics, figures, academic journals, trade journals, newspapers and
relevant sources).

Additional Comments: Total Mark: 78 / 100

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