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Photo Essay

A photo essay is a story told with photographs. Each photograph can stand alone as an image, but
together they send a message. Each photograph is accompanied by a short piece of text
explaining the meaning of the photograph. This text is approximately 50 words in length and details
why the image has been taken and what the photograph represents.

Photo essays can be an interesting way to share information because the viewer can see exactly
what is happening/has happened - this means the sender (of the message) has more control of
how a viewer reads something. This is in contrast to a narrative in which the reader is in control of
how a story 'looks' in their heads or a pile of information which can be dull and lifeless to read.

Photo essays can be used to send a message that is shocking, or of cultural value. This means
that the sender (of the message) is able to shock his/her audience using images and therefore
send a more powerful message.

A photo essay that includes a message of sustainability or an environmental issue should focus on
three main areas:
• The problem
• The solution
• The effectiveness of the solution
The aim/idea of a photo essay about sustainability is to shock audiences into action, shock the
reader into changing their environmentally harmful habits, or inform the reader of a possible
solution for an ongoing problem that is theoretically theirs to fix.

• You must first plan what message/idea you would like to share. Brainstorm different sustainability
issues and their solutions.
• Think about how easily you may be able to show these ideas in a visual format. (Sustainable
solutions that have not been implemented yet, and rely on new technology, aren't something you
can realistically photograph to submit for this assignment). Think about behavioural solutions to
sustainability. What can you implement as a solution to a problem, therefore what can you
realistically recreate in an image.
• Storyboard, in detail, the images you will be using in order to send your message/idea.
• Draft the text that will accompany each of these images. (Use the format provided)

• You must then construct your images. Use your device or 

another digital camera. Take more than you need (If your 

final product will have 10, take 30+). We use the word 

construct because you, as the photographer, need to 

stage your photographs in order to depict the message 

you need the photograph to send. A random photo will not 

do this. Make sure you take into account facial expressions 

and body language if people are involved and the 

background of each photo. Just like when you analyse a 

photo, the viewer will read all aspects of your photo as a 

part of the message.
• Find your final 10 images.
• Paste these images (2 to an A4 page)
• Complete each page by typing (use a text box)

the informative text beside each photo.

Some examples of Photo Essays can be found here:
america-and-the-united-states_2013_06/ (Photography -> Galleries)

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