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Sheriff digs in on health order

Essick ‘not following to thrust the
county into an
confirmed his
stance Friday
came forward publicly to voice
support in its wake.
al times throughout the after-
noon, forging agreements in one
this f--king health order’ as explosive na- evening, rough- Instead, the county’s top phone call with fellow county
apparent deal collapses tional debate
about limits on
ly 24 hours
after his sud-
elected leaders and health au-
thorities were drawn into a
leaders, and abruptly changing
his position in the aftermath.
By JULIE JOHNSON liberty and eco- den statement, hastily arranged online meeting Then, in a 5 p.m. interview,
nomic activity posted on so- Friday morning where many he said his stance from Thurs-
amid the coro- cial media, that thought they had secured a deal day would not change — that
Sonoma County Sheriff Mark navirus pan- he was pulling with Essick — one they intend- come Monday, his deputies
Sundari Mark
Essick doubled down Friday on demic. his deputies ed to announce as a group in the would only educate the public
Mase Essick
his stunning announcement Essick, who back from any afternoon, according to several about the local health order, but
a day before that his deputies publicly complained that he’d enforcement of Mase’s health officials at the meeting. not enforce it. Speaking with
would stop enforcing Health been sidelined in key decisions order. The move caught county But that announcement nev- emotion, Essick said he felt the
Officer Dr. Sundari Mase’s pub- and ignored by county super- supervisors and peers in law en- er came, and Essick was said to
lic health order, a move likely visors and top administrators, forcement by surprise, and none have changed his mind sever- TURN TO SHERIFF » PAGE A2


Drive-thru positive
at local
Roman Hutchison adjusts his mask while participating in the drive-thru graduation
ceremony Friday at Maria Carrillo High School in Santa Rosa. 1 of 3 separate outbreaks
at workplaces in county

Fourteen workers at a Sono-

ma County winery recently
tested positive for coronavirus,
Public Health Officer Dr. Sund-
ari Mase said Friday, offering
no other details about the out-
The incident is one of three
separate workplace outbreaks
Mase recently cited as part of
the reason she halted further
steps to reopen the local econo-
my this week.
During a previous press brief-
ing, Mase said recent infections
were also found among workers
at a water filter manufacturing
plant and among a group of
farmworkers. But she and oth-
er health officials have failed to
respond to repeated inquiries
about the outbreaks, including
the names of the businesses,


Bishop slated

Helen Tewolde cheers with her diploma in hand while returning to her vehicle Friday during the drive-thru commencement at Maria Carrillo High to hold Mass
School in Santa Rosa. This weekend marks the kickoff of graduation celebrations in Sonoma County for about 5,300 members of the class of 2020.
against order
Emotions flow for seniors as they get to walk stage — alone, with masks By GUY KOVNER
By KERRY BENEFIELD trements were affixed to vehicles, along day and celebrate this senior class.
THE PRESS DEMOCRAT with painted messages of good luck for Maria Carrillo had originally planned Santa Rosa’s Catholic bishop

the class of 2020. Prohibited from getting for Friday night’s event to be less formal. is considering leading a Pen-
t wasn’t the synchronized walk around out of their cars, parents They were calling it a tecost Sunday Mass at his dio-
the track and onto the athletic field as stretched out of windows ONLINE senior celebration and cese’s most important church in
“Pomp and Circumstance” played like recording the moment on See more photos and video from slideshow until the county defiance of a county health or-
for graduations past, but rather a long their phones. the graduation ceremony at Maria received the green light to der aimed at curbing the spread
line of cars, idling in the Maria Carrillo There were no hand- Carrillo at hold drive-thru ceremo- of the coronavirus pandemic.
High School parking lot, waiting for the shakes as diplomas were nies. The staff switched Bishop Robert Vasa said
moment when each student was given the handed to students Friday afternoon as gears immediately and decided to go full- Thursday he would officiate at
OK to leave their car and take their spot they crossed the stage, and Principal Katie tilt with diploma presentations and many the 10:30 a.m. Mass, one of five
onstage. Barr wore gloves. The county health order of the other elements of a graduation that Sunday Masses, at the Cathe-
Instead of families gathered in the in light of the coronavirus pandemic put staff, students and parents have come to dral of St. Eugene in Santa Rosa,
bleachers, moms and dads clutching bal- strict requirements on how schools across known as the bishop’s church.
loons and homemade signs, those accou- Sonoma County could mark graduation TURN TO MILESTONE » PAGE A2 The in-person services were
advertised earlier in the week
as a “blessed and glorious gift”
for celebrating the birth of the

Protests flare nationwide over killing

The bishop, who oversees a
six-county diocese with about
196,000 Catholics, said the

MINNEAPOLIS » Officer slaughter. He also was accused night after protesters torched
of ignoring another officer who an abandoned police station.
have handled the crisis.
In Atlanta, Phoenix, Denver,
charged with murder of expressed concerns about Floyd Thousands of protesters Las Vegas, Los Angeles, the Bay
unarmed black suspect as he lay handcuffed on the marched through downtown
ground, pleading Minneapolis past
Area and beyond, thousands
of protesters carried signs that
By AMY FORLITI, TIM SULLIVAN that he could not INSIDE curfew and encir- said: “He said I can’t breathe. SANTA ROSA
AND SUDHIN THANAWALA breathe as Chauvin Minneapolis, which has cled a police precinct Justice for George.” They chant- High 66, Low 49
ASSOCIATED PRESS pressed his knee raged and mourned station. “Prosecute ed “No justice, no peace” and
into his neck for sev- since video emerged of the police!” some “Say his name. George Floyd.”
Demonstrators marched, eral minutes. Floyd, man’s killing by police, chanted, and “Say After hours of peaceful pro-
stopped traffic and in some cas- who was black, had has endured the painful his name: George test in downtown Atlanta, some Advice B11 Horoscopes B9
es lashed out violently at police been arrested on sequence before / B1 Floyd!” There was demonstrators began smashing Business B12 Lotto A2
as protests erupted Friday in suspicion of using a no violence, but police cars — setting one on fire Classified D3 Nation-World B1
dozens of U.S. cities following counterfeit bill at a store. some protesters sprayed graf- — spray-painting the iconic logo Comics B10 Obituaries B3
the killing of George Floyd after Chauvin, who was fired along fiti on buildings. Elsewhere in sign at CNN headquarters, and Crossword B11 Sonoma Home D1
a white officer pressed a knee with three other officers who the city, officers fired tear gas breaking into a restaurant. The
Editorial A10 Sports C1
into his neck while taking him were at the scene, faces more and rubber bullets to drive back crowd pelted officers with bot-
into custody in Minneapolis. than 12 years in prison if con- crowds. tles, chanting “Quit your jobs.”
The officer, Derek Chauvin, victed of murder. It wasn’t clear if — or how — At least three officers were
44, was arrested Friday and Authorities in Minneapolis authorities would enforce the hurt and there were multiple
charged with third-degree mur- imposed overnight curfews to curfew amid sharp questions
der and second-degree man- try to tamp down protests a about how city and state leaders TURN TO PROTESTS » PAGE A12 ©2020 The Press Democrat

SHERIFF ment were also present.

In an interview after that
call, Gorin said she had
CONTINUED FROM A1 “a commitment from the
Sheriff’s Office to enforce
county was “trading lives respects Mase’s authori- the public health officer
for lives at this point. All ty and wants to continue orders to the best of their
around me I see crushed working with her. ability.”
families, crushed relation- But he said law enforce- But Essick withheld his
ships, a crushed economy.” ment should be included support in the following
“I’m not following this in policymaking talks for hours, creating confusion
f--king health order, and rules his agency is being among county leaders and
my original statement asked to enforce. the public. The Sheriff’s
that we’re done on June  1 He compared the un- Office after 1 p.m. posted
stands until Dr. Mase is precedented limits to civil a brief update on its Face-
able to provide me with liberties during the pan- book page saying the de-
enough information that demic to the decision he partment still intended to
we’re on the right path,” made to evacuate nearly abandon enforcement of
Essick said. 200,000 people during the the public health order.
The sheriff said his dep- Kincade fire last year. By 4 p.m., Mase, Rob-
uties will continue edu- “It was an emergency inson and Gorin believed
cating residents about the situation,” Essick said. “As they had again reached an
health order and guidance soon as the threat was mit- agreement with Essick to
to wear masks in public, igated, we let people back avoid such a yawning rift
Graduate Bryce Walls wears his mask while walking to the stage during the drive-thru wash hands and keep a in. That’s what’s missing in policy and enforcement.
commencement Friday at Maria Carrillo High School in Santa Rosa. distance of 6 feet from oth- here.” Mase announced on a call
ers. But he stuck by his Since he took his stance with reporters: “The sher-

MILESTONE original demand: that the

health department needed
to provide more data and
against Mase’s health or-
der Thursday, Essick said
he has felt “bullied” by
iff has agreed to enforce
the orders.”
Essick dispelled that no-
CONTINUED FROM A1 collaboration before he local elected officials, and tion only an hour later in
would commit to enforc- he singled out Rep. Jared an interview.
expect over the years. ing Mase’s order, saying he Huffman, one of Sonoma His 24-hour stand came
“Driving through, was elected as sheriff “to County’s two congress- just two days after county
seeing everyone — I had defend the people of this men, who convened Friday supervisors roundly gave
no idea what to imagine, county.” morning’s meeting with public support for Mase’s
so this is cool to see it,” an He did not, however, in- Essick and lawmakers. decision this week to pause
emotional Camilla Conte form fellow elected leaders “I’m mindful that I’m a the county’s reopening for
said. “It feels satisfying. he was persisting in his member of the U.S. Con- at least 14 days after re-
I wasn’t expecting it to stand, according to state gress, it’s not my place to porting COVID-19 trends
feel as grand as it did but Sen. Mike McGuire and Su- dictate to a sheriff how to she characterized as “red
actually I feel like they did pervisor Lynda Hopkins. do his job,” Huffman said. flags.”
a good job. It was fun to They voiced shock Essick “It’s not my place to tell No other law enforce-
Graduate Bella Lepe smiles as she crosses the stage after
walk across the stage and had backed away from his the county how to set up ment agency has followed
receiving her diploma Friday at Maria Carrillo High School.
see everyone watching. promise earlier in the day its communications or its the sheriff’s lead, and many
“It’s so clear that they loudspeaker and ascend- with her diploma case to withdraw his “non-en- rules. law enforcement leaders,
are doing the best they can ed the steps to the stage in hand, Haley Joerger forcement threat.” “But we all represent the including the Santa Rosa
and I feel like they did a where they received their spotted Emma Huntsing- “This community has same people, and I thought Police Chief Ray Navarro,
good job.” diploma jacket in front of er five spaces away in the been through so much over it would help to use my po- have publicly vowed to en-
Patrick Oliver agreed. the MC logo on the gym parking lot where both the past 2½ years — mul- sition to help bring people force Mase’s health order.
“It’s definitely a lot in wall. They were allowed families were watching tiple devastating wildfires together,” Huffman said. Other elected officials
terms of what they can do to remove their masks for the senior slideshow. and floods — and we’ve “And the fact that the sher- called out the sheriff on
with separation and what- photographs, taken both Joerger immediately always come out stronger iff views that as bullying social media Friday. Super-
not. It’s pretty exciting to by a professional shooter shed tears. by working together,” Mc- suggests he’s in a fragile visor-elect Chris Coursey
actually walk across the and family members in “I couldn’t run up Guire said. “Cooler heads and dark place right now said Essick had done “a
stage and get the diploma, cars, before descending the and give her a hug,” must prevail. There’s too and that causes me to wor- disservice to his commu-
actually handed and every- stage for another round of she said, noting they much at stake for ego.” ry.” nity and his government
thing,” he said. “It’s been photos in front of a Puma hadn’t seen each other County health officers McGuire said Essick’s and law enforcement col-
super exciting. I think they backdrop. in person since shelter have broad authority claim he had been bullied leagues with this back-and-
did a really good job. It’s The cars then moved to in place went into effect during health emergen- is “100% inaccurate.” forth sh-t show.”
been fun so far.” the south end of the park- in March. “And she’s my cies to sharply restrict ac- “Congressman Huffman “‘Protect and Serve’
This weekend marks the ing lot where a slideshow best friend.” tivities and take measures was an absolute statesman. means you work togeth-
beginning of graduation of senior portraits played The coming together to stem dangers to public It’s disappointing to see the er to keep the community
celebrations for about on a massive screen. On of classmates and teach- health. Mase issued her sheriff go his own way. The safe. These actions under-
5,300 members of the class their own time, cars pulled ers, even under these first order in mid-March community deserves bet- mine the work that local
of 2020 across Sonoma out and drove away. No circumstances, brought and has since followed a ter than this,” McGuire government has done for
County. Elsie Allen and tassels from right to left, home all that they were succession of state guide- said. the past 10 weeks — work
Santa Rosa High celebrat- no mortar boards tossed missing, she said. lines that have allowed her Gov. Gavin Newsom has that has kept our infection
ed their seniors Thursday. into the air. No speeches. “You miss everything to loosen restrictions. been clear that local health and death rates relatively
At Santa Rosa, there was The class of 2020 spoke and the way life was But with a recent in- officers must make deci- low,” Coursey said.
a festive drive-thru party of making the best of it before quarantine,” she crease in cases, hospital- sions based on local data. Santa Rosa Councilman
replete with DJ, confetti and their appreciation for said. izations and person-to-per- He underscored during Ernesto Olivares, a retired
cannon, dancing and a all the effort that had been The emotions of the son transmission, Mase his public briefing Friday police lieutenant who ran
T-shirt giveaway. Piner put in to mark their big day got to Conte, too. this week announced she that the state’s guidance against Essick in 2018,
High hosted a drive-thru day. But there was a slice “I’m just so grateful would pause any further allowing some businesses called his decision “appall-
event Thursday in which of sadness, too. that they have been reopening for 14 days until to reopen and community ing” and said he was “mis-
seniors picked up their “I think it would defi- trying so hard through- she can be sure the county activities to resume are not interpreting the gover-
caps and gowns and they nitely be a lot better if out this whole process,” is not running headlong directives. nor’s guidelines, adding to
launched a virtual com- could be physically close she said. “It’s hard to say into a surge of illness that “We are not mandating the confusion of an already
mencement video Friday to all my friends while goodbye but I love seeing could overwhelm its medi- a pace for opening,” New- frustrated public.”
night. Montgomery had I’m graduating,” Oliver everyone. It’s just a big cal resources. som said. “The Sheriff’s ill-in-
a drive-thru event Friday said. “And the speeches combination of every- Just last week, the coun- Responding for the formed decision has caused
along with the airing of a would have definitely be a thing, I guess.” ty published demograph- Governor’s Office to a fol- a dangerous division in lo-
video ceremony. Rancho huge part. And I’m in the But like other seniors, ic data showing the virus low-up question posed by cal law enforcement that
Cotate, too, aired their choir at my school so we Conte said she was was disproportionately The Press Democrat about puts the public and officers
virtual commencement would have been singing a trying to find positives affecting Latino residents, any potential state rever- in harm’s way,” Oliveras
video, along with similar song and whatnot, so it’s and things she can learn who represent 27% of the berations from Essick’s wrote.
efforts from Petaluma and definitely a bummer to in these unprecedented population but a startling stance, a representative Petaluma Mayor Teresa
Casa Grande. miss all of that but this is a times. 70% of reported cases of from the state Department Barrett issued a statement
Windsor and Cardinal good substitute.” “I’m definitely going COVID-19. That was anoth- of Public Health replied in Friday calling for Essick
Newman are planning The actual stage was to be more appreciative er point of concern in addi- an email, “Suggest you ask to be removed from office,
celebrations Saturday, and the selling point for senior of the moment. I’m going tion to outbreaks at some the sheriff.” describing his actions as
Healdsburg, Analy and El Ryan Murgatroyd. to do my best to do that workplaces, Mase said. “Local health officials “reckless.”
Molino are scheduled to “It was pretty cool for the rest of my life,” But Essick pointed to know their communities “He needs to go,” she
celebrate next weekend. honestly. I would have Conte said. “I don’t know the low rate of illness in best and Californians wrote.
For Mayuka Anderson, rather had an in-person if you can experience Sonoma County, where should pay attention and Hopkins, late Friday,
daughter Audrey’s big day graduation on the field but this without realizing only 2% of the 25,258 tests listen to these leaders,” an said such options still
at Maria Carrillo was her it was the best we could that, almost.” for COVID-19 have resulted unnamed Public Health stand and she urged Essick
first graduation as a mom. do and they put on a great Oliver, a member of in positive diagnoses. The spokesperson added in a to view Mase’s expertise
“I’m from a different graduation,” he said. “It the Carrillo choir, had public health department statement. on health matters with as
country and I don’t have was cool how they had the been looking forward to reported 322 current active Essick’s move was a much regard as he gave to
the traditions,” she said. stage as they would on the the group singing a song cases as of Friday night, in- dramatic rejection of an the fire officials who ad-
“I’m a little disappoint- field up there; it almost at the graduation. They cluding 10 people currently accord that Board of Su- vised him on evacuations
ed that we can’t have a made it feel like it was were going to sing “See hospitalized with the dis- pervisors Chairwoman during the Kincade fire.
traditional graduation, but a normal graduation in You Again” by Wiz Khal- ease. Susan Gorin believed the Hopkins said her constitu-
they tried. I’m happy with these weird times.” ifa and Charlie Puth. It Essick said Mase’s rules group of senior officials ents in the west county ini-
their effort, they tried to Getting the diploma was a fitting pick that have in some cases seemed had reached during the tially pushed back against
do their best.” case — the real one can be ends with these lyrics: arbitrary and difficult for Friday morning meeting evacuation orders because
A public address system picked up later — was the “So let the light guide his deputies to defend, convened by Huffman and the fire, burning in north-
had “Pomp and Circum- key for Alejandro Rodri- your way, hold every such permitting patio din- attended by Rep. Mike eastern Sonoma County,
stance” playing on loop as guez. memory, ing but not outdoor church Thompson, the county’s seemed so far away.
a predetermined group of “At least we had a grad- As you go and every services. senior congressman. In ad- “I stuck my neck out and
seniors went through the uation. It’s kind of emo- road you take will al- Essick, a 26-year sheriff’s dition to McGuire, the as- I defended Sheriff Essick’s
drive-thru in 30-minute tional,” he said, sitting in a ways lead you home office veteran who was first sistant majority leader of decision,” Hopkins said.
intervals. One-by-one the convertible with his three It’s been a long day elected sheriff two years the Senate, and Hopkins, “There are a lot of anal-
seniors stepped from their sisters and his mom. “I’m without you, my friend ago, rejected the idea that the board vice chairwom- ogies to draw today. Dr.
cars and, just like tradi- happy. I actually did it.” And I’ll tell you all he is bristling at the pow- an, Dr. Mase and Barbie Mase is that official that is
tional graduation, heard Sitting in the passen- about it when I see you er of an appointed public Robinson, director of the vested with that responsi-
their name read over the ger seat of the family car again.” health officer. He said he county’s health depart- bility now.”


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BISHOP “We are not opening un-

til we get an OK from Dr.
Mase,” Rev. Michaelraj
CONTINUED FROM A1 Philominsamy at St. Rose
Church in Santa Rosa said
services at the cathedral off in an interview. The church
Montgomery Drive would had posted plans for week-
be done in accordance end Masses on its website,
with guidelines set by Gov. but then canceled them.
Gavin Newsom earlier Priests were “all excited
this week, including social to hear” they could reopen
distancing and a limit in a Zoom meeting Tues-
of 100 people inside the day with the bishop, but
building. had another meeting the
Vasa said he was leav- next day and “most of us
ing the matter up to parish (except for the Cathedral)
priests and that “a couple” have decided not to reopen”
of churches would reopen without the health officer’s
for services on Pentecost permission, Philominsamy
Sunday, a major Christian said on the church website.
celebration. In a letter posted on
But Vasa left open on the cathedral’s website,
Friday the question of Rev. Frank Epperson, the
whether he would reopen pastor at St. Eugene, said
the cathedral with parish- reopening for Pentecost
ioners in the pews. Sunday would be “a bless-
“I’m going to discern on ed and glorious gift” for
this until Sunday morning celebrating the birth of the
and then I will make a deci- church.
sion,” Vasa said. Safety guidelines include
The bishop indicated wearing face masks during
his thinking might be in- Mass, 6 feet of separation
fluenced in part by Sheriff between people except for
Mark Essick’s decision on CHRISTOPHER CHUNG / THE PRESS DEMOCRAT family groups, no singing
whether Sonoma County “I’m going to discern on this until Sunday morning and then I will make a decision,” says Bishop Robert Vasa. He left open and having volunteers san-
deputies would continue the possibility of reopening Catholic churches in the Santa Rosa Diocese for in-person services this weekend. itize the pews after each
to enforce the local health Mass. Confessions will re-
order — something that
they would not do starting
the distinction between
the governor’s reopening “I understand verbal and written warn-
ings, and “as a last resort,
a city spokeswoman.
She did not have infor-
sume Friday evening with
special lighting in each stall
Monday, Essick confirmed
Friday evening.
guidelines and those set
by Mase. He acknowledged
how hard this is when necessary, enforce
the law,” the chief said.
mation on who the police
would contact.
to purify the air “between
penitents,” Epperson said.
Law enforcement in the
area of the cathedral is led
that county officials have
the authority to set strict-
... but we all “I understand how hard
this is — faith is a big part
Vasa said the situation
put him in a “position of
The bishop said Epper-
son proposed the reopen-
by Santa Rosa police, not
the Sheriff’s Office.
er standards than the state
and said he was awaiting
have to follow of my own life — but we all
have to follow the orders
saying I am acting in good
faith ... to recognize that
ing. “I didn’t pressure any-
one,” he said.
Vasa said he will officiate
the Sunday Mass even if it
a specific declaration by
Mase that reopening the
the orders and and get through this chal-
lenging time by doing our
people of faith need a sign
of hope.”
Admission will be limit-
ed to 100 by counting peo-
continues to be streamed
online with no parishio-
cathedral is not allowed.
County Attorney Bruce
get through part,” Navarro said.
Essick waded into the de-
Leaders of seven local
Christian congregations
ple as they enter the ca-
thedral and all others may
ners in the cathedral. Goldstein said the gov- this challenging bate with a different view and a Jewish rabbi said remain outside, he said.
The public health order ernor “has allowed and on Friday. earlier this week they were A simpler note was on
does not include churches encouraged local public time by doing “Going to church is not opening their doors the St. Eugene website Fri-
and other houses of wor- health officers to put in lawful behavior and I’m this weekend, with several day, including the advice
ship reopening, Dr. Sund- place orders that best fit our part.” not going to be the sheriff saying they did not see how that people who are anx-
ari Mase, the county health local community needs to RAINER NAVARRO, who criminalizes going to it could be done safely. ious about it, not feeling
officer said Friday. protect public safety.” Santa Rosa police chief church,” Essick said in an Three Catholic parishes well or in a high-risk group
Allowing people into the Local orders “can only interview. “I think if peo- said they were canceling for coronavirus infection
cathedral would “definite- be more restrictive and not the desire and need to ex- ple want to go worship, plans for Pentecost services. should consider not attend-
ly be a violation” of her less than what the state pand access at the earliest whatever they choose to St. James Church in Pet- ing Mass.
standing order, she said provides,” he said in an possible date consistent worship, if they can do so aluma said on its website it About 30,000 Catholics
Thursday. email. with public safety.” safely with social distanc- is “abiding by the Sonoma regularly attend Mass
Mase paused reopening “Indoor services and Santa Rosa Police Chief ing and masks, they should County directives and will throughout the diocese,
earlier this week to see gatherings are not allowed Rainer Navarro said in a be able to do that.” not be holding in-person which covers Sonoma,
what direction the county’s at this time due to the sig- statement his department The Santa Rosa Police services until the county Lake, Napa, Mendocino,
COVID-19 infection rate nificant relative risk and is responsible for enforc- Department’s compliance permits them.” Humboldt and Del Norte
took after a recent spike other Sonoma County vi- ing the order and “we don’t team is aware of the pros- St. Elizabeth Church in counties.
in cases, person-to-person rus transmission indica- pick and choose which pect for open services at Guerneville posted a state-
spread of the contagion tors,” Goldstein said. “The types of organizations we the cathedral this weekend ment that Pentecost Mass- Staff Writer Julie Johnson
and hospitalizations. health officer is reviewing hold accountable.” and intends to contact the es had been canceled with contributed to this report.
Vasa said Thursday he the restrictions on a regu- In cases of ongoing vi- church before they hap- emails sent to all who had Contact Staff Writer Guy
had been trying to parse lar basis and understands olations, police will give pen, said Adriane Mertens, registered. Kovner at 707-521-5457.


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PROTESTS cars were set on fire, a Starbucks

was smashed up, the windows of the
College Football Hall of Fame were
Numerous people were arrested
and police brought in buses to carry
off those they arrested.
Sonoma County public health officials continue to urge
CONTINUED FROM A1 broken, and the iconic Omni Hotel Tensions rose in several West residents to call their doctor if they are ill, think they have
was vandalized. Coast cities as night fell. flu-like symptoms and want to learn whether they should be
arrests, Atlanta police spokesman Protesters gathered outside the About 1,000 protesters gathered in tested for coronavirus.
Carlos Campos said. Campos said White House, with President Don- Oakland at a demonstration billed
protesters shot BB guns at officers
and threw bricks, bottles and knives
ald Trump inside, and some tried to
push through barriers set up by the
on social media as a rally to “F***
the police,” and some windows were
548 4 548
at them. People watched the scene U.S. Secret Service along Pennsylva- smashed.
Total cases
as of Friday
as of Friday
from rooftops, some laughing as nia Avenue. Demonstrators shut down a free- Positive results
skirmishes broke out.
Mayor Keisha Lance
An initially peaceful
demonstration in New York
way in Los Angeles amid isolated
scuffles with police that ended in a
322 222 24,710
Bottoms passionately ad- City spiraled into chaos few protesters detained and one of- Active cases Recovered
dressed the protesters at a as night fell, as protesters ficer receiving medical treatment, as of Friday as of Friday (98%)
news conference: “This is
not a protest. This is not in
skirmished with officers,
destroyed police vehicles
police said. An LAPD vehicle had its
windows smashed, and CNN report- 25,258 Negative results

the spirit of Martin Luther and set fires. ed that someone wrote “killer” on a Tests finished
King Jr.” In Brooklyn, activists who patrol car. as of Friday
“You are disgracing our had marched from Manhat- In Minneapolis, an attorney for
city,” she told protesters. Derek tan chanted insults at offi- Floyd’s family welcomed Chavuin’s INFECTIONS IN COUNTY BY REGION
“You are disgracing the life Chauvin cers lined up outside the Bar- arrest but said he expected a more
of George Floyd and every
other person who has been killed in
clays Center and pelted them
with water bottles. Police sprayed
serious murder charge and wants
the other officers arrested, too.
46 22 337
this country. We are better than this. an eye-irritating chemical into the Prosecutor Mike Freeman said North East Central
We are better than this as a city. We largely diverse crowd multiple times, more charges were possible, but au- (Windsor north (Kenwood, Glen (Santa Rosa,
are better than this as a country. Go then cleared the plaza. thorities “felt it appropriate to focus to Cloverdale) Ellen, Sonoma) Rohnert Park,
home, go home.” Video posted to social media on the most dangerous perpetrator.”
103 27
Bottoms was flanked by rappers
T.I. and Killer Mike, as well as King’s
showed officers using batons and
shoving protesters down as they
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s
curfew also will be in place Satur- South West 13
daughter, Bernice King. took people into custody and cleared day, and nearby cities announced (Penngrove, (Sebastopol, Under
Killer Mike cried as he spoke. streets. similar restrictions. Petaluma) Guerneville) investigation
“We have to be better than this Demonstrators rocked a police “I know that whatever hope you
moment. We have to be better than van, set it ablaze, then scrawled feel today is tempered with skepti- VIRUS CASES IN COUNTY BY AGE
burning down our own homes. Be- graffiti across its charred hulk and cism and a righteous outrage,” Frey
cause if we lose Atlanta what have
we got?” he said.
set it on fire a second time as offi-
cers retreated from the area. Blocks
said in a statement. “Today’s deci-
sion from the County Attorney is an
89 307 96 56 0
0-17 18-49 50-64 65+ Unknown
After Mayor Bottoms appealed for away, protesters used a club to bat- essential first step on a longer road
calm, the violence continued. More ter another police vehicle. toward justice and healing our city.”
283 265
Male Female

Currently hospitalized: 10 confirmed cases, 8 suspected
cases, 2 confirmed cases in ICU, 2 suspected cases in ICU;
as of Thursday
Total hospitalized during pandemic: 42
Sources: Sonoma County health department; state of California;
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Press Democrat reporting
ONLINE: See more coronavirus-related data and charts at

WINERY But as of 6 p.m. Friday,

Essick said his decision had
not changed and that his
CONTINUED FROM A1 office will not be enforcing
the rule beginning June 1.
when they occurred and In Mendocino County,
how many employees had health officials reported
been affected. the first two cases of coro-
Mase has said that lo- navirus transmission in the
cal spread of the virus is community at large. There
shifting from households to have been 29 confirmed cas-
workplaces and that more es of COVID-19, 21 of which
cases are expected as ac- are tied to close contacts
tivities and businesses in with those who are known
the county begin to reopen. to have the virus, officials
Mase did say Friday that the said.
three workplace outbreaks A 30th case is being in-
occurred at businesses that vestigated as a possible
were considered essential false positive test result,
and were not shut by the said Public Health Officer
county’s stay-at-home or- Dr. Noemi Doohan during
der issued in mid-March. a Facebook Live briefing.
“I can tell you there’s “This is a time which I had
a winery that’s involved, predicted would be when
there are 14 persons that the pandemic would start to
are positive in that winery hit us hard,” Doohan said.
and there’s others that are “And it’s going to get worse
under investigation,” Mase before it gets better because
said during her daily press we are opening up.”
briefing. “These, I think, Doohan previously is-
are considered more essen- sued a new health order

Using more electricity?

tial workers, this is not … that went into effect at
something that’s happen- 11:59 p.m. Thursday, which
ing in the outdoor tasting allows places of worship
section for the winery, this to hold up to 100 people or
is actually in the central 25% of their capacity —

Tips for energy efficiency worker group.”

Mase said she did not
have details readily avail-
whichever is less.
Up to 100 people are also
allowed to gather for a pro-
able and would need to “sit test, permitted they abide
and look at that data to give by social distancing guide-
While you're home, SCP encourages you to make you very accurate informa- lines, and swimming pools
tion.” She said she would can reopen solely for phys-
these and other energy-saving habits part of your need to consult a county ical therapy purposes. Hair
epidemiologist “to map out salons and other business-
daily routine: the clusters, figure out the es involving hair services
numbers in each.” can reopen, but not to treat
Also on Friday, the coun- facial hair, Doohan said.
ty announced 17 new active Doohan said Mendoci-
Unplug devices and appliances that aren't cases of coronavirus, bring- no County will not reopen
ing the total to 548 since any further for about two
being used the start of the pandemic. weeks so officials can eval-
Of that number, 322 are ac- uate the impact of these
tive cases, 222 people have new measures.
recovered and four have The news of an outbreak
Turn off the lights when you leave a room died. As of Friday, there at a local winery was no sur-
were 10 confirmed cases of prise to one health care pro-
COVID-19 in Sonoma Coun- vider whose clients are pre-
Wash and dry full loads of clothes and dishes ty hospitals and another
eight  people suspected of
dominantly farmworkers
and their family members.
having the disease caused Michael Valdovinos, a
by the new coronavirus. clinical psychologist who
Replace your standard incandescent The news of a significant
outbreak at a local winery
works for Santa Rosa Com-
munity Health, the coun-
lightbulbs with LEDs comes at a time when coun- ty’s largest network of
ty health officials and mem- health centers, said many
bers of the Board of Super- of his patients say they are
visors were scrambling to under a great deal of pres-
respond to Sonoma County sure to work even if they’re
Visit for more helpful tips. Sheriff Mark Essick’s dec- sick. Others say they have
laration Thursday that he no choice but to carpool
would not enforce the local with other workers or they
shelter-in-place rule. live in crowded conditions
Essick said on Facebook where social distancing is
that beginning June 1 he next to impossible.
could not “in good con- “The outbreak doesn’t
science” enforce local pub- surprise me because of the
lic health emergency orders inherent risks that farm-
without more information workers have to deal with,”
supporting these measures. he said. “I have talked to
During Mase’s press brief- migrant farmworkers who
ing Friday, she was joined live in houses, up to 20 peo-
by Supervisor Susan Gorin ple in a house, sharing one
and Health Services Direc- kitchen, one bathroom.”
tor Barbie Robinson, with Michael Haney, execu-
all three saying they had tive director of Sonoma
had productive and positive County Vintners, could not
discussions with Essick be reached for comment
and agreed to provide more Friday evening. Sonoma
information and to improve County Winegrowers Pres-
communications with his ident Karissa Kruse could
office. also not be reached Friday.

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