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What role are you instered in?

Providing a system in technical persepective. design, deploy, operation.

What arethe outcome of your current work

Im do 3 main works in my company: reseach, design and deploy, team managment

Research cloud related technologies. Solutions come both in comericail and opensource

As a leading SI, we provide variety of new solutions like a supermaket.

So we need to adapt with companay Characteristic.

The soon I understand the new solutions, the soon we can cut cost in

Contract bidding by self deploy and self design or have ablitity to coordinate.

I also can help manager to make orientation for product. Eg: we follow telco custoemr. Alot of
them consider using openstack for Telco cloud. So we have redhat , juniper vendor. I can help to
de ne what reousrce of our complany we have, and what we need to reach.

For design, we can provide the most su cent system for the customer.

Eg: When you consider the ability of customer’s team. Some customer do not have

A strong skilled system admin. So when you provide a solutions you have to consider

A easy management solutions with lack features or a solutions more complex but hard to

In deploy and will take care my part or coordinate well with other team eg: backup, network,
database, developer.

For team management

I can help others member in team. Espicially the new beginer, how they should approach the
jobs. I mean how you do will relate to your job in next 3-5 years . so you should consider how to

Eg: Should you following this job between a lot of choices: dev. Networking, db, ai ... when you
should learn when you come in this area. What you have to familair with OT, 24/7 etc

In Vietnam there a lot of customer is not so professional , so when communitacate you have to
understand their implicity. Eg : you have to cut a part of your bene ts from project for them.

What is your previous working expeirence?

<mention top>

Why do you want to join samsung? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do you want
to pursue a career in HR? If you have to choose between being a people oriented HR or a task
oriented HR, which one will you choose?

There are 2 reason to join samsung.

I want to challenge myself in a internaltoinal environemnt. Follow new management policy, new
compliance, procedure.

I think I can still contribute myself to my society in di erent perspective. before is a person in a si
provider. Now in a samsung ... with New technologis , new customer.

Strength: willing to study, patient, humble

Patient: to understan the other opinion. It good in teamwork.

Willing to study: in IT , evertyhing change fast, so willing to study mean adaptive.

Humble: respect others. It help a good realationship in team. But not help in technical.

Weekness: not good make a fast decision ( not good at decisive ) ,

in discussion, even when I right I nd hard to persuate and negotiate

It will take time to explain for everythings or make the matter clearly

Please descript your working history

I have working for compnay since graduate aound more than 10 years as a system engineer.
What i keep continues worrk is I nd to learn new things. The second, company deleopment still
good , we a

Top 2 of SI in vietnam with the most high e fecieny of pro t and total nubmer of sta . compare to

4000 sta /5000billVND total imcome and svtech 300sta /4000 bill VND

Summarny , I devide my history as 3 stage parallelly with companay develeopment as smention

in CV.

In rst stage rst 3 years, I work around Unix and sun oracle device. make deploy, and support.

In second stage, I work with x86 vendor/linux/vmwrae virutalization/HCI mostly commercial

system. and start to make a keyrole in design and project technical manaagement

In thierd stage, I take part in research new technologis and take part in desnging and consulting,
team management. Escpeically in open source as ceph, openstack, opensh , container and
paralley VMware solutions.

Previsous projects:

RHV . Mobifone customer wnat to equiipa a new system to upgrade thier current system
( openstack mitaka ). Thier objective of new system is x the painpoint of current system:

• SLA: hard to manage/service ( customer technical and solution provider )

• Scalable ( compare to a di erent Service Provider VNPT they use Vmware at the same time
2016, they have scale their system to 5 times and capacity )

• Upgrade ?

• Vendor support? Opensource

• Monitoring: self develop products is limited feature.

• Cloud Feature: chargback, life cycle control , self service

We have reseach redhat openstack, ubuntu openstack, RHV adn cloudform is suitalbe solution
for this context in perspective of cost, sta ablity, feature

openstack in Mobifone IT Center: we have a copeerataive model solution between : SVT

Mobifone and vendor ( rackspace ) to providing Back as a service. However the busineess is not
as expect. so we need to nd another solution to keep using old resources. So we build Kvm,
openstack, ceph, buy some new hardware to provide Iaas for internal mobifone customer. We
can use the avantage of each unit, mobifone can provide the datacenter and connection while
svtech can provide solution design, and operation.

Backup at Techcoombank : Customer want to nd a backup solution can work for DC - DR. Aat
that moment HPE data proector can not a ord that requirements. So we suggest Netbackup. As
a system engineer take care system integrator. For each backup/restore task: Vmware, oracle db,
lesystem ... I have to have a undestading about architect of each system. Because restore task
is simlilar to recovery a system from crash, the main idea is build totally new system and restore
backup into it.

Draw my org structure:

Samsung or svtech ?

How can you relate your background with the job I was seeking for?

my backupground and experientce if perfect match to the job requirement.

I have expretience in both design and deploy which have strong understand about the solutions,

Beaside as a system engineer in a SI, we have exprerient with variety of solutions : VDI, hCI,
server,storage, tape and backup/virutlization/cloud for both commercial and opensource which
mention in Jd.

My personality is good at teamwork and willing to learn is also match with samsung,
internaltional enviroenment.

Describe your knowledge on cloud computing

I think the most important of cloud computing is make everything automation. When you can
have an IT system can providing automation , it will let other cloud features as we know as self
service, charging, scalibility and elasticity, resource pooling, security automation.

There a huge distance between a legacy system compare to cloud system. To providing cloud
charactiristic, there will a lot of technical solutions will be add to legacy system.

A report system

A monitoring system

A SD storage, SD network

A tenant management system

A cloud solution as i know vmwrae and openstack which can Intergrate those system

container, kubernetes is also in rapid deveploing .. however it is strong in application devlopment

perspective. For IT Infrastutruce, openstack is still take avantage with a huge support from
hundreds of vendor . However , IT is change very fast so we have to ready with new technology.
We have plan to study kubernentes and openshift in 2021.

A portal for magement but it is minor matter.

Publci cloud is a completed solution. It must come from big servce provider with high techinical
providing . However it will relate to invenments

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