Measurement Physics Notes

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Chapter 1 Measurement

(i)What is Physics

Physics is the study of the forces which guide nature and the universe itself. It is concerned with
everything from the Orbits of The Planets around the sun to the orbit of the electron around the nucleus
of an atom. In this fabulous branch of science we study the properties and relationships of matter and
energy in topics such as General Physics, Thermal Physics, Light, Waves and Sound, Electricity and
Magnetism, etc.

(ii)Physical Quantities

Obviously, we’re going to study matter and energy. But before that we must be able to measure the
amount of matter and energy! If you’ve ever travelled out of Dhaka, you’ve surely seen signs on the
streets reading – “Khulna (or any other district you like) so-and-so kilometers ahead”. The distance
between Dhaka and Khulna is a physical quantity meaning a quantity that has a certain numerical value
(i.e 45, 2, 0.9) and is represented by a unit of measurement which in this case for distance is kilometers.

We have certain base quantities we use everyday measure everyday things. The table below shows the
seven base quantities and their SI units. An SI unit is the internationally used unit to measure a quantity
(meter for distance, seconds for time, etc)

Physical Quantity SI unit and Symbol

Length (Distance, whatever you wanna call it) Meter (m)
Time Second (s)
Electrical Current Ampere (A)
Temperature Kelvin (K)
Luminosity (Brightness of light) Candela (cd)
Number of Particles Mole (mol)
Mass Kilogram (kg)

Other common quantities such as speed and volume are derived from these base quantities. They are
called derived quantities.
Some physical quantities, however, are a bit more difficult to measure and represent in terms of
numbers. For example, the distance between the Earth and Sun is 149 600 000 kilometers. That’s an
incredibly large distance and to write that down in kilometers over and over again it would be a bit
cumbersome. Instead we use prefixes such as giga and mega for large quantities and centi and milli for
smaller quantities. Each prefix has a certain factor, the factor for mega is 10 6. So the distance between
the Earth and Sun can be represented as 149.6 x 10 6 kilometers which is way easier.

Prefix Factor
Giga (G) 109
Mega (M) 106
Kilo (K) 103
Deci (d) 10-1
Centi (c) 10-2
Milli (m) 10-3
Micro (µ) 10-6
Nano (n) 10-9

(iii)Measuring Length

By far, the most important physical quantity is probably length, used to find the volume of an object,
how far a particle has travelled, the distance between two points. The SI unit for distance is Meter and a
variety of instruments are used to measure different ranges of lengths.

Meter Rules and Tape Measures

These are probably the most common instruments of measurement used to measure lengths in
everyday life. The meter rule is just a meter-long ruler used to measure lengths equal to one meter or
less. Steel tape measures are used to measure straight distances larger than one meter. Cloth tape
measures are used to measure the length along a curved surface, such as a person’s waist


In everyday language, we use the word precise as in “exact, or accurate”. Well, in Physics it has a similar
meaning but in a different light. The precision of an instrument of measurement is the smallest interval
it can measure. For the meter rule, that is 0.1 cm. The thickness of a paper is smaller than the precision
of a meter rule. Meaning, that a meter rule is not precise enough to measure the thickness of a paper.


You may think this is pretty similar to precision but it isn’t. The precision of a measurement depends on
the instrument of measurement. However, accuracy depends on the person using the instrument. If you
want to be accurate when you use a meter rule, make sure your line of sight is perpendicular to the
ruler. Otherwise, your measurement will be inaccurate. These type of errors are called parallax errors.
Vernier Calipers

Vernier Calipers can be used to measure the internal and external diameter of objects. It has a main
scale and a Vernier scale which are used to measure the diameters of objects. The Vernier caliper has a
precision of 0.01cm

Step 1

To measure the length of an object grip the object gently using the jaws of the caliper. Make sure the
jaws are not squeezing the object

Step 2

Take the reading on the immediate left of the zero mark on the Vernier scale to get the reading on the
main scale. Each division on the main scale is 1mm. So, in this case the reading is 11mm or 1.1cm.

Step 3
To find the reading on the Vernier scale find the mark on the Vernier scale which coincides with a mark
on the main scale. Here, the 12th mark on the Vernier scale coincides with a mark on the mainscale. So,
the reading on the Vernier scale is 0.06cm

Step 4

To get the final reading we add the main scale reading to the Vernier scale reading

Diameter of object = 1.1 + 0.06

= 1.16cm

However, to get an accurate measurement on the Vernier scale we first have to check the instrument
for zero error. To do this we need to push the jaws together so that they are touching each other.

Micrometer Screw Gauge

The micrometer screw gauge is commonly used to measure objects which are too small to be measured
using a Vernier caliper. It has a precision of 10µm or 0.01mm. The micrometer screw gauge has a main
scale and a thimble scale
Step 1

Turn the thimble until the spindle touches the object. Then turn the ratchet until it clicks. When it clicks,
it tells you that the spindle is properly touching the object.

Step 2

To get the reading on the main scale take the reading to the immediate left of the thimble scale. Each
division is 0.05cm. So, the main scale reading here is 0.55cm.

Step 3

To get the reading on the thimble scale, take the reading which coincides with the datum line. On the
thimble scale each division or 0.001cm. Here, the reading is 0.012cm.

Step 4

Finally, add the main scale reading the thimble scale reading

Diameter of object = 0.55 + 0.012

= 0.562cm

Again, we have to check for zero error before using the instrument to get an accurate result

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