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Selfish or not?

There is no perfect generation, although every generation says that theirs is

the one without mistakes and negative scenes. For instance, there is a rumor
spreading around the world that young people today do not have manners
because they were not taught how to act friendly in schools or at home. In my
view, those who think that way are as blind as a bat.

To begin with, I would like to point out that there are 8 billion people on the
Earth and it is impossible to find two of them that completely look alike and
behave the same. Yes, unfriendly and selfish people do exist, but it is not only
generation Z’s fault. For example, my friends or just the young people I know
are excellent and well-behaved, and they mostly have a good personality.
Moreover, older people can be more judgemental and meaner. In other words,
do not judge the book by its cover.

Next, as far as I am concerned, being a good, friendly person is a choice. In

schools, teachers educate us in several ways. We learn new things every day,
however, 8 hours between 4 walls will not change anybody’s mind, unless they
want it. Parents have the biggest influence on their children but in my opinion,
they cannot decide whether their child will be a good or a bad person. 
On the other hand, not every child is fortunate enough to have a home and
people around them, who take care of them. In this case, being selfish and
egocentric is a proper way of surviving and self-defense. 

Lastly, it seems to me that older people connect the influence of TV, films, and
the internet with a lack of manners. I think violent and aggressive films or
scenes can only influence kids who are too young to understand how society
works. For instance, I have friends who have a weird passion for films that
contain lots of violence, even though they are polite and well-mannered.
Teenagers and young adults can be more influenced by the internet and social
media. Despite the parents’ and teachers’ opinion, the judgment of somebody
that is in the same age weighs more for the youth.

In conclusion, I do not think that most people have the same point of view.
This topic raises many questions and has two sides. It was hard for me to
decide on which side I am standing because I have both kinds of friends.

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