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Experiment No 2

Title: Prepare Design Document and Specification of mini project


To prepare design document for implementation of mini project after appropriate analysis of gathered

Expected Outcome of Experiment:

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to


CO 1 To understand the process required for defining the problem and scope of the

CO 2 Identify various hardware and software requirements for problem solution


Books/ Journals/ Websites referred:

Mention the books/ Websites / blogs referred






This is the second phase of project development. In the previous stage development team
interacts with customers (end user) to understand the scenario for which the project is to
be developed. The requirements are needs of the project to be satisfied for achieving the
goals written in the language understood by both, the designer and the customer.

Project Title: Library Management System

Team Members :

1 Mr X

2 Mr y

3 Ms Z


These days most of the libraries are having number of resources such as books, journals, cds,
magazines, kindle etc. for the various users such as librarian, administrative staff, faculty and
students it is difficult to search a resource check availability of the same.

Problem: Definition: Difficulty in searching, issuing, returning buying resources for library

Objective of the project:

To provide a system supporting features for searching, issuing, returning buying resources for


1. Modules for : Searching, Issuing, Returning and Buying resources

2. Provide intuitive, user friendly, software which could be access using any handheld

3. Provide assistance to use this software and also prevent any inconsistency in the

Students are required to prepare design document in the format given below, please replace the
words shown in yellow background of the template.
1 System Design
There have been several advancements in technology and a lot of research has been done to help
the people who are deaf and dumb. Aiding the cause, machine learning can be used too to make
an impact on this cause.
This can be very helpful for the deaf and dumb people in communicating with others as knowing
sign language is not something that is common to all, moreover, this can be extended to creating
automatic editors, where the person can easily write by just their hand gestures.

1.1 System Architecture

The system will be divided into 3 parts:

· Creating dataset

· Training a CNN on the captured dataset

· Predicting the data

Creating dataset: We can obtain a dataset from the internet but for this project we will be
creating a dataset of our own. We will be having a live video feed cam and for every frame
where the ROI(region of interest) created will be saved in a directory containing two folders train
and test.

Training CNN: We use keras to import the images from the dataset for training. We then train a
model using CNN and save it.

Predicting the gesture: we import the previously saved model using keras and predict the
gesture in the test dataset.

1.2 module wise flow diagram

#1 Each module in the system should be showing the detailed functional flow with
appropriate description.

2 2. System deveoplment
2.1 Programming languages
· Python (3.7.4)

· IDE (Jupyter)

· Numpy (version 1.16.5)

· cv2 (openCV) (version 3.4.2)

· Keras (version 2.3.1)

· Tensorflow (as keras uses tensorflow in backend and for image preprocessing)
(version 2.0.0)

2.1 Software development tools

PyCharm/jupyter notebook

Post Lab Activities:

1. Design document is a very important in software development life cycle.
Comment on the above statement.
Software design documents are an important way of looping everyone into the process who is
involved in the product. It is for everyone to understand what is possible, what is not possible,
and the system that will be designed.
Design documents are created to coordinate efforts of a large team, give them a stable reference
point, and describe all parts of the software and how they will operate.
It assures that the product is built to meet the needs and is on par with what was agreed upon
prior to the inception of the product/software.

Software design documents not only help others understand your system and provide
documentation for future projects, but it also forces you to think through the entire system

This ensures you go through every possible roadblock or challenge you might face, thereby
exposing all gaps in your thinking.

Now that you know the importance of creating a software design document, let’s explore what
one needs to include in a software design document in order to make it competent.

2. Justify the appropriate communication needed between the various stakeholders of a

Effective communication relies on verbal and non-verbal body language that transmits a message
while relying on cues for feedback. Here are five reasons that justify the importance of
communication in project management:

Relaying information.
As a project manager, you need to ensure that the team members and the stakeholders are
informed of what you expect of them – their roles and responsibilities and other time constraints
that prevent them from accomplishing the task on time. As the project manager, it is also your
task to keep them informed of project details and progress.

Receiving information.
In order to relay information, it is a must that project managers regularly access the information
for a given project. At any time, there may be stakeholders who need information about the
project such as the objectives, plan, risks, customer needs, and time constraints. Adherence to a
system of regular and focused communication can prevent misunderstandings and delays that can
cause failure in any project.
Change in situation.
All projects are fluid and the project manager needs to prepare for the challenges that he will
face from the start until the project completion or end. To ensure effective communication
throughout the whole project and team, a communication plan needs to be developed at start –
planning stage. The communication plan will contain the type of communication required during
specific meetings, who needs to be communicated with, the frequency of communication needed,
and the needs to be communicated.

Discussing problems.
In terms of project problems, the fish bone diagram is essential in solving the causes for every
problem. The importance of communication in project management cannot be debated upon.
However, communication comes in various forms. Aside from a fish bone diagram, one can also
discuss other topics through infographics, linear/bar graphs, pie chart, comics, etc. There have
been various forms of communicating one’s message and the more that we need to develop
effective communication skills.

Bridging the language gap.

The language gap in project management lies in the distance that hinders understanding business
benefits. The challenges of using language to deliver information that is often unclear and filled
with project management jargon raises the importance of project communication.

Communication may mean being able to talk, speak and be listened to. It can also be called
interaction. However, in project management, there is also a need for the team to understand the
long-term goal of the business so that they know how they have contributed to it and learn how
they can make an impact.
Project success depends on effective communication and this is the importance of
communication in any project. Improving communication maximizes success and minimizes
risk. In addition, if a project manager can develop effective communication with its stakeholder,
this may mean more projects for him and the team. communication skills.

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