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Business plan in unique super shop

Subject: Marketing Topic: Article Assignment

Executive summary

Unique super shop is going to be launched as a partnership super shop business. The company
owns and operates an industrial plant and is engaged on the business of making food products
and is marketed through its own show room and agents all over Bangladesh.. Here we all will
work as a group & contribute capital and management expertise to the business enterprise and
perform joint responsibility for the operation of the business and for its debts.

Unique Super Shop’s principal activities are to collect cow milk from dairy firm, manufacture it
by value change through proper process and modern technology so that it can meet the existing
demand of milk among consumers. We are going to launched our business in urban area where
people can not get fresh food particularly milk. Day by day they are losing their health stratus by
taking unhealthy food. Our aim is to provide fresh food (Milk) to them which will be collected
from various rural firms. To serve its customer with highest level of satisfaction the company
always give emphasis on meeting latent demand of the customers by introducing new and
innovative products in the market. This is first time in Bangladesh we are introducing a super
shop where all types of milk product or food is available in a single platform.

Business description

General description of the venture: for making a profit, we are some friend launching Unique
Super Shop so this is the general partnership business. Our business can be based on written
contact and legal oral agreement. Where included name of the partner, Purpose of the partner
duration of the business, how profit and loss will be distributed, salaries, absence contribution of
each partner to the business etc.

The Reasons of Choosing Partnership: –

1.     Ease of formation:  A partnership is fairly easy to start. It is nearly as free from
government regulation as a sole proprietorship. The cost of starting a partnership is low. It
usually involves only a modest legal fee for drawing up a written agreement. Which in a highly
desirable. An oral agreement is sufficient but not recommended. And that will be easy for us to
establish our business. So we have chosen partner ship business.

 2.     More funds available: – In a sole proprietorship, the amount of capital is limited to the
personal wealth. & credit if the owner. In a partnership the amount of capital may increase
significantly. A person with a good idea but little capital can look for a partner with the capital
and /or credit standing to develop and market the idea. And we all have brilliant ideas with a
little capital. So we have chosen partner ship business
 3.     Combined managerial Skills: – In a partnership, people with different talents and skills
may join together. One partner may be good at marketing; the other may be expert at accounting
& financial matters. Combining these skills could provide a greater chance of success. So we
have chosen partner ship business.

 4.     Tax Advantage: – It has some potential tax advantages over a corporation. Ina partnership
as in a sole proprietorship, the owners pay taxes on their business earnings. But the partnership
as a business does not pay income tax. So we have chosen partner ship business.

Industry background:  We are launching a super shop where all types of food which is made
by milk will be available. We will collect cow milk from rural area and make it various foods
through value change. Basically our initial product will be liquid milk, Cheese, rosmalai, Doi,
chocolate milk, Ghee, Butter. There are some company are doing their business with these
product. For liquid milk, Brac, Aarong, Milk Vita etc are providing liquid milk in all over
Bangladesh. The project of Brac milk is located at Lakshmipura village of Gazipur district,
which is about 40 km North of Dhaka city. Initially it is proposed to produce (I) Pasteurized
liquid milk in playful sachets, (ii) Flavored milk, (iii) Butter, (iv) Ghee, and (v) UHT yoghurt
drink in aseptic packing. In future, production range could be expanded to UHT milk in aseptic
packing, ice-cream, cheese, powder milk etc.

There are many local traditional producers of Rosmalai and Doi. Many of them have been
engaging with this business for longtime. There are some districts of Bangladesh famous for
these foods. In our city there are many wholesalers and retailers are doing business. Even there
are some well-known brand are doing this business.


 Earn maximum profit

 Build up our Unique Super Shop brand image.
 every division we launching new outlet in 2018
 In 2025 we set up industry with unrelated diversification.

Uniqueness of the service: We are collecting raw milk from rural firm and producing various
foods through value change by using modern technology. We are ensuring our consumer that we
are offering food (milk) which is more health friendly. This is the first time in Bangladesh we are
making a plat form where all types of milk made healthy food are available.

Marketing segment

Marketing research:

Target market: Our main target is to provide verities product of milk to the people who are
willing to get milk product all in one shop. The target market of Unique super shop is not limited
to age, area or gender, it is present globally and is serving people at offices, homes, parties,
restaurants, bars and every place where one can be present. It usually represents itself as a market
for all people but products are also being offered specifically for older people.
The areas in which we will launch new outlet

D= Dhaka, R- Rajshahi,  K- Khulan, B- Barisal, C- Chittagong,  S- Sylhet,  (v) = corporate areas

(o) residential area .

Target customer analysis based on each product


Class: Party center, community center, restaurant &others people of society.

Age:  the people of all age like doi but particularly those people who are in 15-40 age like it
most. So they are our target customer

Income: we have offering our product with different size & amount.  The price of these products
will be different so that all class of people can buy our products.

Liquid milk:

Income level: Those people whose income level is upper class and middle class are used to drink
milk before sleep. So our target is to sell liquid milk to them. We want to make them our regular
customer of liquid milk

Age: The people of all age take milk but particularly kids and old people take milk regularly. So
we want to make them our regular customer.

Sex: Generally women take decision about cook in a family. They are more conscious about the
health of family member. So they try to make used to of their family member to drink milk
regularly. In many case women make decision which milk will have to buy.


Income: Those people whose income level is upper class and middle class are used to take
cheese. So they will be our target customer.

Age: The people of all age take cheese but particularly young and middle age people take cheese
regularly. So we want to make them our regular customer.

Chocolate milk

Age: The people generally teenage and young people like to take chocolate milk.

Occupation: Those who are busy with their professional life, it could be student or corporate
person particularly lead in bachelor life like chocolate milk.

Class: Party center, community center, restaurant &others people of society.

Income level: Those people whose income level is upper class and middle class particularly they
buy Ghee to make their food.

Age: Those who are conscious about their health don’t like to take Ghee. But 15-40 people are
like to take Ghee.



Those people whose income level is upper class and middle class are used to take butter
regularly. So they will be our target customer.

Age: The people of all age take cheese but particularly young and middle age people take butter
regularly. So we want to make them our regular customer.

Financial management segment

Cost of setup venture

Fixed Cost         

Item Quantity Amount Amount

        Pick up track 1 (10,00,000/- * 1)    10,00,000/-
  Refrigerator 10 (50000/- * 10)    500000/-
Furniture   (800000)     800000/-
          Machinery   2000000           2000000
Rent   (100000) 100000/-
licensing – – 7,000/-
Computer 5- (30000*5) 150,000/-

                                          T    O    T    A    L Tk.4557000-

Fixed Cost >>>>

Sector Monthly Amount  

  – /-
Workers of Bakery      

CEO (35000/- *1) 35,000/-  

Co-Worker (2,500/- * 10) 25,000/-  

Drivers Salary (7,000/- * 2) 14,000/-
Fuel Charge (6,500 * 2) 13,000/-
Other  Utility Charge – 7,000/-
    Grand Total                    94000

Periodical Income Statement (1st)>>>>

Particles Amount (Taka)

Total Sales 12000000/-
(Less) Variable Cost or direct cost 2189000/-
Prime cost 9811000/-
(Less) Fixed Cost 1162750/-
(Less)  Loan Installment 4508287/-
Gross Profit 4139963/-

Periodical Financial Statement (continue)

Item ( Lacs Tk) Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4

Gross Revenue 4139963 5200000 6853000 7800000
Operating Cost 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000
Net Income 3139963 3700000 4853000 5300000
Before Tax (A-
Income 627993 740000 970600 1060000
Income After 2511970 2960000 3882400 4240000
Cash Inflow 3139963 3700000 4853000 5300000
( D+E)

Direct Cost or Variable Cost (1st Period):

Sector Monthly Amount

Packaging & Labeling (52000*3) 156000
Electricity bill (30000*3) 90000
Transportation cost (15000*3) 45000
Milk (520000*3) 1560000
Sugar ( 8666*3) 26000
Flavor (52000*3) 156000
Chock let powder (26000*3) 78000
Color (26000*3) 78000
TOTAL   2189000

 Overall cost scenario:

Item Amount
Total cost (all period) 31362000
Bank loan 15681000
Interest rate 15%
Total interest 2352150
Installment (per period) 4508287.5

Milestone schedule segment

Timing an objective:

 When we establish new outlet (50%revenuecollect of total investment)

 When we provide home delivery ()
 Online service (when our outlet is available in Dhaka city)
 Membership card (when 25%customer are permanent)
 Master limited partnership (when all division have one outlet)
 Offer franchising (when our marketing share is high)

Relationship event: when our target customer is involved in any event that time we go for
sponsorship as a event partner such as children competition.

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