Pocket Reference For ER

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Pocket Reference for Pocket Reference for

Neuro Peripheral NeuroVascular

 Neuro V/S  Peripheral assessment
 Generalized seizure activity  Color, sensation, movement (CSM)
 Level of consciousness
 Loss of consciousness
 Motor function
 Pupil reaction
 V/S & O2 Sat
 Sensory function
 Visual acuity

Pocket Reference for Pocket Reference for

Respiratory Cardiac
 Accessory muscle use  Auscultation of chest
 Auscultation of lung fields  Dyspnea, nausea or vomiting
 Colour  BP, postural, and palpable BP
 Cough  Heart rate, rhythm, and peripheral pulses
 Cyanosis  Heart sounds (S1, S2)
 Expectorated secretions  Cap refill
 Jugular vein distention (JVD)  Perspiration
 V/S & O2 Sat  Pitting edema
 Respirations – rate, rhythm, quality  Signs or symptoms of infection
 Tracheal tug  Chest Pain – onset, activity at onset, location, severity (scale), duration, radiation,
associated symptoms, history of prior episodes of chest pain
 Tracheal deviation
 History – angina, MI, CABG

Pocket Reference for Pocket Reference for

MusculoSkeletal GU
 Soft tissue injuries/multiple system injuries/trauma  Urine sample & dip
 Fractures  Assess patency of urinary catheter
 Dislocations  Check external genitalia for signs of trauma
 Mobility and ambulation  Insert and remove catheter
 ROM  Lab findings
 Pedal pulses  Monitor urinary output
 Palpate for bladder distention
 Strain urine for calculi

Pocket Reference for Pocket Reference for

OB/GYN Stroke
 Gravida, para, abortions  Onset – exact time
 LNMP  What body parts are affected
 Vag discharge or blood loss  Duration of symptoms (if they have resolved)
 Previous GYN surgery  Headache
 Cramping, labor pains  Seizure-like activity
 Length of last labor  Incontinence
 Previous premature births  Chem strip
 Birth control history  Weakness/paralysis – compare grips & feet strength bilat; facial symmetry
 Pregnancy testing

Pocket Reference for

Abd Pain
 Onset
 Location & radiation
 Quality
 Duration
 Associated symptoms – Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, incontinence, blood in emesis or stool
 Bowel sounds
 Palpate abd
 Last meal
 Last BM
 Meds taken & their effect
 History of previous abd problems or surgeries
Group Age Resps Pulse BP Group Age Resps Pulse BP

/min BPM expected /min BPM expected

Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68 Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68

Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70 Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70

Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70 Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70

Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70 Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70

School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80 School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80
30 100 30 100

Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82 Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82
Adult Adult

Group Age Resps Pulse BP Group Age Resps Pulse BP

/min BPM expected /min BPM expected

Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68 Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68

Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70 Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70

Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70 Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70

Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70 Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70

School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80 School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80
30 100 30 100

Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82 Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82
Adult Adult

Group Age Resps Pulse BP Group Age Resps Pulse BP

/min BPM expected /min BPM expected

Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68 Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68

Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70 Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70

Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70 Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70

Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70 Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70

School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80 School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80
30 100 30 100

Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82 Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82
Adult Adult

Group Age Resps Pulse BP Group Age Resps Pulse BP

/min BPM expected /min BPM expected

Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68 Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68

Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70 Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70

Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70 Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70

Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70 Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70

School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80 School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80
30 100 30 100

Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82 Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82
Adult Adult

Group Age Resps Pulse BP Group Age Resps Pulse BP

/min BPM expected /min BPM expected

Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68 Newborn 0-6wks 30-50 120-160 75-100/50-68

Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70 Infant 7-52 wks 20-30 80-140 84-106/56-70

Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70 Toddler 1-2 yrs 20-30 80-130 98-106/50-70

Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70 Preschool 2-6 yrs 20-30 80-120 98-112/64-70

School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80 School age 6-13 yrs (12-20)- (60-80)- 104-124/64-80
30 100 30 100

Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82 Adolescent / 13+ 12-20 60-100 118-132/70-82
Adult Adult

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