Assignment No#3 Social Changes in Pakistan Submitted By:: Name: Areeba Javed Program: B's English Roll Num:20011502-171

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Assignment no#3 Social changes in

Submitted by:
Name: Areeba javed
Program: B’s English Roll num:20011502-171
Submitted to:
Mam Iram Tahira

Course code : Sociology -101

University of Gujrat ( Hafiz hayat campus)


Social Changes Mean: In sociology the alternation

of mechanism within the social structure , characterized by
changing in culture symbols rules of behaviour , social
organization or value system.

Social change s from 1947 to 2020:

1 The women movements changes:
Elite Muslim women lobbied hard at the turn of the century for
the right to female education and to resist to mobility
restrictions imposed by purada. After the creaation of Pakistan

all Pakistani women’s association was formed again by elite

women to care for refugees coming from India. And later to
lobby successfully for increased legal rights. Activates and
supporter of WAF believes that this work constitute the start of
modern women in Pakistan that continues to that day.
2 Technology changes:

1. Technology has strongly effected the society are designed

and how they keep changing.
2. From 47 to 2020 so many changes ouccur in our
technology. Now people receive their information more
quickly. If we want to talk to see to hear someone then we
have the modified mobile phone . So many things which
are improved and in the process of improving.
3. Technology effect the way of individual communicate ,
learn and think. It help society and determine how people
interact with daily basis.
4. Here are the some way in which technology become the
integral part Communication technology, Office
productivity, Internal and search…., Automation ,
robotics and future factories.
3 Opening of media:

After the creation of Pakistan more problems arose people

were not aware about problems. People did not know about
the condition of country that what was the economical
condition of a country .First radio was introduced then TV came
and so many channels are specified for news. If we see the that
days condition so media play a very important role in any
society. 1 Now Media shrunk the world. . 2 playing a vital role
in controlling population by advertising various effect of high
population. 3. In addition media is also threatened by non state
actor involved in current conflict.

4 Work on education: As we know education is so

important now days . Butt if we goes back to years education
was not common. Even not for man. Butt with the passage of
time people aware about the things . So education become
important with the time . According to Article 25- A of
constitution of Pakistan obligates the state to provide free and
compulsory quality education to children of the age group 5 to
6 years.
The education system of Pakistan is generally divide into six
Pre school: for age from 3 to 5 years
Primary: Grades one through five
Middle: Grade six through eight
High: Grade nine and ten
Intermediate: Grade eleven and twelve
Graduate : it include University program
5 Changing of culture in Pakistan: When we
listen this word Culture which type of things come in our mind.

From 47 to 20 as we know our technology improve our

education improve our lifestyle improve . We aware about
everything . So many Culture so many traditions are brought to
our society . There is a lot of change in culture from 47 to 2020 .
Pakistan has undergoing in massive Cultural change so rapidly.
Now Pakistani people adopting the western culture
increasingly. The Pakistani media paying a vital role in this
regard . People are adopting the European Culture by watching
there movies and dramas. Pakistani nation stands on
undesirable path . It has become extremely evident from today
lifestyles of people, the extent to which Indian culture is
adopted . Starting from Bollywood films and there dramas.

6 Opening of NGO , History of NGOS

The origin of NGOs in Pakistan goes back to partition 1947,
when British India was divided into two states Pakistan and
 Many voluntary organization ( through not referred as
NGOs at that time) were formed to provide humanitarian
aid to refugees pouring into newly establish country.
 In early 1990s there was another rapid increase in NGOs
when new organization were formed to take advantage of
available funding under the people word programs.

The laws of NGOs in Pakistan

 Socites registration act ,1860 ( for professional , Culture
and educational bodies)
 The companion ordinance , 1984 ( it allows to NGOs to set
themselves as non profit companies.

Purpose of opening NGOs

Some NGOs in Pakistan have placed an important role in
creating awareness of issues such as human and legal rights ,
women in development ,and other population.
Other have provided badly needed services such as health
care , water and sanitation and employment opportunities for
undeveloped areas.

Numbers of NGOs in Pakistan now:

The number of active NGOs in our country at least anywhere
between 10,000 to 150,000.
By this count there is at least one NGO for every 2000 people.

7 Population change :
A population change is itself a social change .
Group relation multiply , institutional structure grow more

grow more and many other change’s follow

Example: Karachi
School , College , University , railways
Factors effecting the change of population: Are birth ,death
and migration. Birth increase the population and while death
decrease the population. Migration also cause the population
change .

8 lifestyle change:
The change in the style , shape, app mode of structure of
current time is known as fashion. Since 14 August to 1947
there occurs a big change in every field. Long kameez and
Salwar kameez take a place of tight kameez . And mostly
western deress like pant , tights , shirts are common in
Pakistan now. These types of dress like Kahddi, Limelight ,
Lawn , Lahnga, these all are wear in TV shows and in normal
conditions. Now the brands longing the new dress which are
first wear by the Models in Shows for the advertisement. With
the passage of time the dresses of ladies tend to be change as
we can see the old fashion of long shirts and pajama has comes
again in market.
Our style is totally change .

9 : High Status built for women from

47 to 2020 : Women in Pakistan have played an
important role through out Pakistan history and allowed to
vote in election since election since 1956. In Pakistan human
have held high office including that of Prime minster , Speaker

of national assembly, larder of opposition ,as well as federal .

After many decade women are finally given their rights to be
same as men are. They also have to do jobs , run their own
business and develop their professional career.

So instead of wasting the 50 percent of your human resources

we are actually using them to do something. The status of
women in Pakistan differ considerably across classes, region
and rural/ urban divided due to uneven socioeconomics
development and the impact of tribal and feudal social
formation on live women in Pakistan. Gender concern
international report that the overall women in Pakistan has
improved with the increasing number of women are educated
and literate
However , women in Pakistan face discrimination as the result
of patriarchal society of Pakistan . Some of problem faced by
women in Pakistan are domestic violence , honor killing ,rape
and abduction martial rape and forced marriage and induced
abortion . The global gender gap index of 2020 ranked Pakistan
151 out of 153 countries. A survey carried out by the Thomson
Reuters Foundation Pakistan as sixth most dangerous country
for women.

10 Terrorism:
There is a great concern in Pakistan today about the threat
posed by terrorist violence to nation security . When a
spectacular attack occurs it is followed by a uproar in media .
Commentators from various walk of life condemn the terriorist
act pointing the to the dangerous of rising religious extremism
and Terrorism and government inability and unwillingness to
deal with them. Some analyst would ho to extent of Terrorism
as an extensional threat in Pakistan. Terrorism in Pakistan has
become a major and highly destructive phenomena . The
annual death from the terrorist attack has rise from 164 in
 Pakistan killed between September 11 -2001 and May

11: Urbanization
Urbanization in Pakistan has increased since the time of
independence . This is because the people with the time moves
toward the better place. Where they have all facilities to live.
Mostly people move to big cities because of facilities. Butt if the
Urbanization is done in our own country then it doesn’t effect
on population. Butt when people move to other countries. Then
this cause Change in population. With the passage of time
Pakistan also made progress in every field. So one thing more
added in this success which is Urbanization. The most of the
people live along Indus river the people of southern. In
southern most people go it include half of the country. During
1990 to 2008 city dwellers made up of 36 percent of Pakistan
population making it most urbanized nation in South Asia .
Furthermore 50 percent of Pakistani live in town of 5000 or

12 :Opportunities
With the passage of time people aware and find Opportunities.
Our government provide most of the opportunities to everyone
who live in this country. Government provide the opportunities
for education, business, jobs, and many mores. Now jobs given
to those people who are eligible of it. In business there are
many opportunities. In education HEC scholarship are provided
to students .So from 1947 to 2020 there are the lot of social
changes occurs in Pakistan.

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