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All the staffs with complete sincerity and commitment participated in the Mega
event of Indigenus faith day at Sille Gangging on 1 st December 2020. The
programme was organised in collaboration with sille Donyi -Polo Yelam Kebang
(DPYK) . All the staff of VKV Oyan including Principal , Teachers , Wareden
bhaiyas and Donyi Polo Followers were participated in the programme .The
Programme covered as well as highlighted Donyi -Polo Prayer Song , Chanting
Mantras , Speeches on the importance of Indigionous Fiath.


The celebration of holy Bhagavad Gita birthday is revered as
Gita Jayanti. The celebration mark as auspicious as its
promising its property usually celebrate on the Shukla Ekadeshi
falling on the 11th day of the waxing moon, also known as
Margashirsha month as per Hindu Calender.

During the Mahabharat war in the Kurukshetra battlefield, Lord

Krishna recited Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. And Sanjaya, who had Ved Vyasa's
blessings to see what ensued anywhere narrated the entire happening to
Therefore, Gita Jayanti is believed to be the day when Lord Krishna recited Gita
before Arjuna. Annually, the dates vary depending upon Hindu calendar. This
year, Gita Jayanti is being celebrated on December 25 .

Here we in VKV Oyan celebrated Gita Jayanti on 25th December , Celebration

started from 09:00 a.m. to 10.00 the school Prayer Hall. The program
started with lightning the lamp by principal,
followed by Mangalacharan. Welcome speech
delivered by principal Sir and the importance of
the day highlighted by Bhisma Arjel Sir . Group
song of Gita by the children of VKV staff and
Karma yoga sloka by all staffs. Teachers and
students offered flowers over the Bhagawat Gita
and vote of thanks by Jagat Narayan Singh Sir.


Fit India Week too observed in VKV Oyan from 17th Dec to 24st Dec 2020. During
the observation of Fit India week differnt activities were conducted like Mass PT
and Yoga, Badminton Matches, Sports Quiz and Fitness Test and Awarness talk
on Health and Hygeine. Sri. Nitul Dutta, Physical Education Teacher was the
overall Incharge of the event.


National Mathematics Day is celebrated every year on December 22 all over the
nation as well as to mark the achivement of Srinivasa Ramanujan in the filed of
Mathematics . It was on this day in1887, the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa
Ramanujan was born.

Keeping mind its importance an Exhibition was kept on occassion of National

Mathematics Day commemorating the Birth Anniversay of the great Indian
Mathematician Sri. Srinivas Ramanujam. Students from Class VIII, IX and X
presented their mathematical models and games on the concepts of
mathematics. A total of 30 mathematical models were presented on that Day . The
exhibition also comprised of Wall magazine on mathematical formulae, concepts
etc. Sri. A.K.Dey was the man behind the organizing of the exhibition.


Book review session conducted for the teachers. All the
Teachers presented their reviews on various interesting book
review in this session, teachers participated in the book review
by narrating the summary of the book which they have read. The
review was done in the evening prayer. Book review helps the
teachers to read more and more books as well as to know about
the different types of book present in the library. Book review done from various
Indian Folk tales, Biographies of Indian personalities, Ramayana, Mahabharata,
great personalities etc.

Side by side one more vital session was kept for the teacher that is
Swadhaya to enrich the knowledge of prescribed books. During
swadhaya the various books were being read like Sadhana of
Service, Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Bharatiya Sanskriti. An
elaborate discussion took among the teaching group and everybody put forward
their views points in the context with the topic.

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