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 POL POT – Khmer political leader who led the Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime in Cambodia that
foisted severe hardships on the Cambodian People. His radical communist government forced
the mass evacuation of cities, killed or displaced millions of people and left a legacy of brutality
and impoverishment.

 KAING GUEK EAV (DUCH) – Former Commander of Khmer Rouge prison. The most notorious
killer during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror in Cambodia in the 1970’s.

 NUON CHEA - Chief Political Thinker of Khmer Rouge who sued a radical communist ideology. He
was second in command to Pol Pot. Nuon Chea is believed to have played an integral part in
shaping the maxist regime’s radical thinking.

 KHIEU SAMPHAN – Serves as the Cambodia’s Head of State and was one of the most powerful
officials in Khmer Rouge.

 IENG SARY - “Brother 3” in the Hierarchy of the Communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and was
the brother in law of Pol Pot. He serves as the Regime’s foreign minister and was often the only
point of contact between the Cambodia’s rulers and the outside world.

 IENG THIRITH – The highest ranking female in the Regime of Khmer Rouge. Pol Pots sister-in-law
and the wife of Ieng Sary the regime’s former Minister. She was also hailed as the Genocidal
regime “First Lady”.

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