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Good Governance in Pakistan

Thesis Statement:

“Crisis of good governance in Pakistan has badly affected the socio-

economic and political progress of the country.”


1. Extent of the Issue:

a) Lack of good governance has given birth to many social evils in
the form of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, terrorism,
sectarianism, religious extremism and poor health infrastructure.
b) Economic instability and economic crisis in the country are
owing to poor governance.
c) Political instability and the failure of democracy are the serious
repercussions of bad governance.
d) The sovereignty and security of the state are at stake owing to
mishandling of the affairs of the state.
e) The governance crises have tarnished the image of Pakistan in
the comity of nations.

3. Causes behind poor governance:

a) Immature democracy and frequent military takeovers of the

country have remained a stumbling block in the path of good
b) Moreover, feudalism is a big hurdle in the way to bring good
governance democracy process in the country.
c) Another cause behind the governance crises in Pakistan is clash
of institutions.
d) In addition to this, corruption in the bureaucracy and inefficient
administrative machinery present good governance in Pakistan.
e) Moreover, weak judicial system and poor accountability
mechanism have caused bad governance in the country.
f) Illiterate and ignorant people are one of the major causes
behind bad governance in Pakistan.
g) Flaws in our foreign policy are also contributing towards bad
governance in the country.

4. Remedial measures:

a) First of all, bringing democratic culture in the country rather

than democratic process can solve the issue of poor governance.
b) Secondly, abolishing feudalism in the country can bring positive
change at policy making as well as at implementing level.
c) Promoting national integration and maintaining provincial
harmony can strengthen good governance in Pakistan.
d) Moreover, ending clash of institutions can bring good
governance in the country.
e) Educating the masses is a long term strategy to contain bad
governance in the country.
f) Moreover, eradicating the culture of corruption can end the saga
of poor governance in the country.
g) Introducing strict accountability mechanism can end poor
governance in the country.
h) Additionally, devolution of power at gross root level is a positive
step to bring good governance in the country.
i) Last but not the least remedy for poor governance is the
constitution role played by the national media.

Crisis of good governance in Pakistan has badly affected the socio-

economic and political progress in the country. After six decades of its
inception, Pakistan is still in the search of a good governance model.
Good governance which is all about the affective management of the
resources of state has remained a neglected field in Pakistan. There are
so many serious repercussions of poor governance- political instability,
economic instability; inconsistent policies, damaged infrastructure,
poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and population explosion are a few
negative impact of bad governance. The image of the country has been
tarnished in the comity of nations owing to bad governance. There is a
gross mismanagement of public resources and rampant violation of
human rights in the country. It is a high time to bring good governance
in the country by ensuring the rule of law in every department of the
state. Lack of good governance has given birth to many social evils in
the country in the form of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, terrorism
and poor health infrastructure. The purpose of governance is the
welfare and social security of fellow citizens. However, in Pakistan
social indicators show the poor performance of successive governments
in the country. Every government has announced its own social agenda
but the problem has always remained at its implementation level.

Economic instability and economic crises in the country are also

the indicators of poor governance. The economic mismanagement of
national resources has made the country dependent on foreign aid.
Foreign direct investment has reduced because of deteriorating law
and order situation. Shrinking foreign exchange resources, law per
capita income, increasing poverty and alarming unemployment ratio
show the economic instability in the country. According to Asian
development Bank’s report 1/3rd of Pakistan population is living below
the poverty line. The concept of a self-rational and social welfare state
is still a distant dream in Pakistan.

Political instability and the failure of democracy are the serious

repercussions of bad governance. There is no smooth working of
democracy in the country due to clash of institutions. There is no
accountability in the country and it is said that “democracy without
accountability is sham”. The military dictators have always given
incompetency and corruption of the civilian governments as a reason
behind implementing the marital laws.

The sovereignty and security of the state are at stake owing to

mishandling of the affairs of the state. Many times the America forces
have violated the sovereignty of Pakistan. Killing of Osama bin Laden in
Abbotabad, salala check post attack and drone attacks are the clear
example of the violation of Pakistani boundary by American forces. War
on terror has internally damaged the country. It is still unclear that
whose war are we fighting on our soil?

The governance crises have tarnished the image of Pakistan in the

comity of nations. Pakistan is termed as a terrorist state. It is
considered as a dangerous place on the earth. Pakistani people are not
welcomed in the foreign countries and are not treated with respect.
The people in foreign countries agree that Pakistan is a place where the
leadership is not safe from the terrorist attacks then the condition of
common man would be very miserable. Infect, they are right in their
There are various causes behind bad governance in the country.
Immature democracy and frequent military takeovers of the country
have remained a stumbling block in the path of good governance.
Democracy is considered as the best form of government because it is
the government of the people. Good governance and democracy go
hand in hand. But, unfortunately in Pakistan, military has recklessly
damaged the media is now considered as the fourth institution of state.
In Pakistan, clash of institutions has badly affected good governance in
Pakistan. There is a war of power between judiciary and executive,
legislature and judiciary and legislature and executive. The problem is
that no institution is powerful in its real sense. There is only political
victimization and revenge game prevalent in Pakistan. This clash of
institutions has always damaged Pakistan economically, socially and
politically. The victim of this clash of institutions are people of Pakistan.

Moreover, feudalism is a big hurdle in the way to bring good

governance democracy process in the country. In the dictatorial
regimes, state institutions were miserably damaged and national
resources were plundered without accountability. It is said that the
worst form of democracy is better than dictatorship. Judiciary has
remained the victim of martial law regimes. When there is no
independent judiciary than there is no rule of law and when there is no
rule of law then there is no good governance.

Another cause behind the governance crises in Pakistan is clash of

institutions. There are three main institutions of a state judiciary,
legislature and executive in the country. Feudalism is a cause.
Feudalism lords do not want to see Pakistan as a social welfare state.
They have their own vested interests. As Pakistani politicians are mainly
industrialists and landlords so they are of feudal mentality and do not
have political will to bring good governance in the country. So,
feudalism is a big resistance in the way of bring government at grass
root level.

In addition to this, corruption in the bureaucracy and inefficient

administrative machinery present good governance in Pakistan. The
basic purpose behind the recruitment and selection of a civil servant is
to serve people. As a public servant is the second name of a civil
servant. However, this passion of public service is at its lowest ebb in
the bureaucracy of Pakistan. In Pakistan, bureaucrats consider
themselves the masters rather than servants of public. This inefficient
and corrupt bureaucracy have damaged Pakistan socially, economically
and politically. According to the NRO report, the most of beneficiaries
of this ordinance are the bureaucrats of the country. Corruption has
become culture in bureaucracy of Pakistan. In this gloomy atmosphere
of administration the effective implementation of public policies cannot
be achieved.

Moreover, weak judicial system and poor accountability

mechanism have caused bad governance in the country. Justice is the
pre-requisite of good governance. However, it is an irony of fate that
justice is purchased in Pakistan. There is no certainty of punishment.
Corruption cannot be coped with when there is weak judicial and
accountability system. There are many cases which are pending form
years in the Pakistan courts. As it is rightly said, justice delayed is justice
denied. The dream of good governance is impossible to attain in the
atmosphere of weak accountability system.

Illiterate and ignorant people are one of the major causes behind
bad governance in Pakistan. When people are ignorant they do not
know their rights and duties then how they can demand public service
from the administration? Such ignorant and illiterate people provide
opportunity to the administration and the politicians to exploit their
rights ruthlessly. There is a wide gulf between the ruler and the ruled.
In backward areas, people have no access to media as any other source
to complain against the corruption officials. There is an urgent need to
reform administrative and political system in the country.

Flaws in our foreign policy are also contributing towards bad

governance in the country. One foreign policy is not independent and
proactive. Foreign intervention our domestic issues has badly affected
good governance in Pakistan. American and Indian involvement in
Baluchistan issue is a serious threat to national integration in Pakistan.
Apart from this, US support to military regions in Pakistan has caused
institutional imbalance and disharmony in the country. Our foreign
policy has failed miserably in showing brighter side of Pakistan in the
world. There is a dire need to revamp foreign policy of Pakistan.

After discussing the causes behind poor governance in the

country, now it is in the fitness of things to suggest a few remained
measures to convert bad governance into good governance. First of all,
bringing democratic culture in the country rather than democratic
process can solve the issue of poor governance. In Pakistan democracy
is just only a process but not a culture. There are no norms and values
of democracy practiced in its true sense. The parliament is not the true
representative of people. It lacks public support owing to flawed
system of elections and the corruption politicians. The policy making
institution legislature is not willing in the real welfare of people
because the policy makers have their own vested interests. It is the first
attack on good governance. However, there are also a few public
friendly policies but these policies have never been implemented due
to lack of political will and bureaucratic hurdles.

Secondly, abolishing feudalism in the country can bring positive

change at policy making as well as at implementing level. There is a
need to bring the poor peasants out of the brutal clutches of feudalism.
Introducing fresh land reforms on the per person basis can go a long
way in cutting the wings of feudalism. Feudal mentality is anti-
democratic in nature. A feudal thinks himself above the law. Many
feudal land lords in the rural areas have big fogies and have their own
laws of punishment and reward. Many Sardars in Sindh and Baluchistan
have their own private prisons and torture cells where poor peasants
and their woman fall prey to such brutal fall prey to such brutal
punishments. In this scenario, many honest civil servants cannot work
honestly. An officer who challenges these influential feudal in easily
transferred from that area. There is a need of public awareness and
media campaign to abolish feudalism.

Moreover, ending clash of institutions can bring good governance

in the country. Basically, good governance is the end achieved by the
participation of the state institutions. If the state institutions are
harmonious and meritorious then good governance can be achieved.
Supremacy of constitution and the respect of judiciary is the
precondition for rule of law. Judiciary should also refrain from achieving
its fishy motives. All the institutions must work within their specified
boundaries as enshrined in the constitution of the country.

Promoting national integration and maintaining provincial

harmony can strengthen good governance in Pakistan. There are a few
positive developments such as 7th NFC award. Baluchistan package and
provincial status to Gilgit Baltistan to integrate the nation. However,
there are many issues which are causing tension between the
federation and the federating units. The grievances of people of
Baluchistan must be resolved on urgent basis. There is a need of
political solution rather than military operation in the conflict zones of
the country. War on terror must be stopped and a political dialogue be
started to solve the issue of religious extremism in the country.

Educating the masses is a long term strategy to contain bad

governance in the country. Education is the only solution to national as
well as international problems of Pakistan. When the public will be well
informed and educated then policy formulation and implementation
will be easy.

Moreover, eradicating the culture of corruption can end the saga

of poor governance in the country. Corruption does not allow the
institutions work honestly and efficiently. Corruption is a broad term; it
is not only the monetary corruption. Nepotism, favoritism, adhocism
are the different corrupt practices prevalent in the administrative
machinery of the country. Good governance can only be achieved in
corruption free atmosphere.

Introducing strict accountability mechanism can end poor

governance in the country. There is a need to revise the institutions
rather to make new institutions. Accountability infrastructure exists in
Pakistan but there is a problem in the administration of accountability
departments. All such institutions like NAB, FIA, and OBBDSMEN etc
need to be reformed. A question may arise in one’s mind that if there is
a corruption in anti-corruption departments then how such institutions
can provide relief to general public? So, there is a need to restructure
and reorganize these institutions on the rules of merit. Ending
nepotism, favouritism and red-tapism by introducing the rule of law
revive local government system in the country after some necessary

Additionally, devolution of power at gross root level is a positive step

to bring good governance in the country. The local government system
introduced by General Pervaiz Musharaff was a positive step to being
government at the doorstep of public. However, local body’s elections
must be conducted timely. There is a need to politically and socially.
Good governance is only possibly when state institutions, civil society
and media faintly work for the sole objective of the welfare of the
general public. A wind of social change has started in the country. So,
one can hope that the future of Pakistan will be democratic and a social
welfare state.

Last but not the least remedy for poor governance is the
constitution role played by the national media. Media is a great power.
Good governance is only possible when our electronic and the print
media work purposefully honestly and patriotically. Now media has to
realize its responsibility as the fourth pillar of the state.

Concluding, good governance is the matter of life and death for

Pakistan. Bad governance has damaged Pakistan economically, and
meritocracy can bring good governance in the country. When there is
no rule of law then there is no merit then there is no good governance.
The implementation of law is very important from good governance
point of view. All people should be equal in the eyes of law. No one
should be above the law.“Not knowing when Down will some, I open
every door”

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