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Programme Name: BCS

Course Code: CSC 2640

Course Name: Open source development
Assignment: 1st
Date of Submission: 12/5/2020

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Student Name: Sanjeev Gyawali Faculty Name: SOM PRASAD
IUKL ID: 04180290038 Department:Computer science
Semester: 5th
1. Explain the following term briefly.
a. Copyleft
It is an arrangement whereby software or artistic work may be
used,modified, and distributed freely on condition that anything derived
from it is bound by the same conditions.

b. GNU GPL Licence

It is a series of widely-used free software licenses that guarantee end
users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. GPL was
the first copyleft license for general use.
c. GNU LGPL Licence
It is a license for open-source software that allows for provisions for
including elements of free software in either free or proprietary software.
Lesser General Public License is sometimes referred to as "Library GPL"
or "GNU libraries," and some associate it with the idea of engineering for
libraries in shared resources.

2. Apache Server can be secured using many methods. Explain in

detail the following lines appeared in httpd configuration file.
a. Listen *:80
This mean Apache is capable of listening to requests from any IP.
b. DocumentRoot “c:/xampp/htdocs/xyz/”
The DocumentRoot directive defines the directory that contains the web
server documents. For security reasons, this is not the same directory that
holds the configuration files.
c. ServerAdmin
ServerAdmin defines the email address of the web server administrator.
This is set to a bogus value,, in the default Solaris
configuration. You should change this to the full email address of the real
web administrator before starting the server.
d. <IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 inde.html
index.htm index.jsp
The <IfModule> directive is very similar, except it encloses directives
that will only be applied if a particular module is available in the server.
The module must either be statically compiled in the server, or it must be
dynamically compiled and its LoadModule line must be earlier in the
configuration file.

e. ServerAlias
It is an alternate names for a host used when matching requests to
name-virtual hosts.
f. ServerName
ServerName defines the hostname returned to clients when they read data
from this server. In the default Solaris configuration, the ServerName
directive is commented out, which means that the "real" hostname is sent
to clients. Thus, if the name assigned to the first network interface is, then that is the name sent to clients.

3. With Suitable block diagram, Explain four main components of

Apache Core.
The core components of make up the Apache core are as follows:

 http_main.c: Component responsible for the start-up of the server

and contains the main server loop that waits for and accepts
connections. It is also in charge of managing timeouts.

 http_request.c: This component handles the flow of request

processing, passing control to the modules as needed in the right order.
It is also in charge of error handling.

 http_core.c: Component implementing the most basic functionality,

it just barely serves documents.

 alloc.c: Component that takes care of allocating resource pools, and

keeping track of them.

4. Write down the output of following perl scripts:

a. print(222,a,”\t”,”Le
222a Le

my $test=33;
print "Output containing string, (this one) ",
"numbers (",4.3,
") and variables: ",
End of Output";

Output containing string, (this one) numbers (4.3) and variables: 33

End of Output

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