Sandisk Presents Kutcher Captures Your Campus PR Week Student of The Year Contest

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SanDisk Presents Kutcher Captures Your Campus

PR Week Student of the Year Contest

Sara J. Miller

PREL 440

Dr. Patrick Bishop

November 16, 2010

Step 1: Objectives

A. Goals

1. Increase awareness of SanDisk imaging cards among college students in the U.S.

3. Increase sales of SanDisk imaging cards to college students

B. Objectives

1. Increase awareness of SanDisk imaging cards among college students in the United
States by 30 percent by November 15, 2011.

3. Increase sales of SanDisk imaging cards made by college students by 20 percent by

January 1, 2012.

Step 2: Research & planning

In order to reach the goals and objectives listed above, research must first be conducted to
1.c What is the current awareness of imaging or memory cards among college students?
2.c What is the current awareness of SanDisk¶s imaging or memory cards among college
3.c Does SanDisk consistently appear in the evoked sets of respondents?
4.c Of respondents that are aware of SanDisk imaging/memory cards, how many own
5.c Do they use it with their cell phone, camera, camcorder or a combination?
6.c What is their usage rate?
7.c Would they recommend purchasing one to their friends or family?

The results compiled by these questions will provide SanDisk with a snapshot of SanDisk¶s
product awareness among college students, their ranking compared to top competitors, an
estimation of how many college students own a SanDisk imaging/memory card, the usage
rates for imaging cards of college students, the most popular use of imaging cards among
college students and an estimate of college students¶ satisfaction with their imaging cards.
These results will be gathered using a survey that will be available on the Facebook page
which will be created for this campaign.
Step 3: Strategy

A.c Social networking site: The first strategy that will be utilized to implement this campaign
will be a social networking site. This medium is an ideal method to connect with college
students because they are heavy users of social networking sites. In addition, social
networking sites are interactive, easy to use and cost efficient. This campaign will go
where the target public is, instead of asking them to come to SanDisk.

B.c Print publication: Print media is an efficient method of creating a buzz about an event or
campaign. It also provides a lot of valuable aspects such as being able to target
geographic areas such as college towns across America.

C.c Contest utilizing social networking site: The second strategy implemented features a two-
part contest for college students across America. A contest, especially one on a social
networking site, is an effective way to create two-way communication and awareness for
SanDisk. Contests are also generally a cost-effective way to generate awareness.

Step 4: Tactics

Thefoundation of this campaign, Kutcher Captures Your Campus, is a photoblog contest on

Facebook with a partnership between SanDisk and Nikon. SanDisk will use Ashton Kutcher,
a spokesperson for Nikon and a celebrity who appeals to college students, to create buzz.

1.c Facebook page: The home base of the campaign will be a Facebook page called
SanDisk¶s Capture Your Campus Contest. It will feature contest rules, the entry form,
submissions, prize information and additional information.

2.c Life size Kutcher:Two life size cut-outs of Ashton Kutcher with a camera will be
placed on the campuses of the two largest universities in every state. Kutcher,
wearing a SanDisk T-shirt, will be holding a sign that¶s says, ³SanDisk Presents
Kutcher Captures Your Campus? Check it out on Facebook´

3.c Photoblog contest: College students will submit no more than 20 photos with
accompanying text to the Facebook page showcasing college experiences. To kick-
start the contest, students will vote on the Facebook page to have Kutcher come to
their university. Kutcher will visit the university with the most votes and take photos
and upload them to the Facebook page. There will be a two week voting period.
Thephotoblog contest will launch the day of Kutcher¶s campus visit and will last two
months. The winners will receive various cash prizes, merchandise from SanDisk and
Nikon and a visit at their college from Kutcher. Students will vote for finalist. A
panel of SanDisk and Nikon employees and Kutcher will decide the winner.
Step 5: Evaluation/measurements of success

A. The first measurement of success will be to analyze the number of ³likes´ on the
Facebook page as well as the number of submissions, votes and colleges that participated
and other data which would be available on Facebook Page Statistics.

B. A follow-up survey to compliment the one done prior to the contest would also be utilized
to ascertain increases in awareness of SanDisk imaging cards among college students.
April 2011 ± Distribute surveys to college students

May 2011 ± Analyze date and alert campaign if needed

August 1, 2011 ± Facebook page launched

August 20, 2011 ± Life size Kutchers dispersed to colleges

August 25, 2011 ± Kutcher on Campus voting beings

September 7, 2011 Kutcher on Campus voting ends

September 17, 2011 ± Kutcher on Campus Day, Photoblog contest begins

November 11, 2011 ± Photoblog Contest Ends

November 18, 2011 ± Finalists announced

November 30, 2011 ± Winner announced


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