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RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

Lesson 10: Controlling a Robot: Joystick

Suggested Time Allotment: 60 minutes

Part 1. Preparation
A. Rationale

Makeblock and mBlocky applications include different parts with specific functions in
controlling robots. Joysticks as one of the input devices can make the robot run forward,
backward, left and right. Thus, with these specialized functions humans would be able to have
vast ideas and make wide applications of robots. Most industrial companies may provide ideas
on advance used of joysticks in controlling robots with specified functions.

B. Standards (RoboTek 7 Competencies; NGSS)

o Asking questions and defining problems
o Developing and using models
o Analyzing and interpreting data
o Constructing explanations and designing solutions
o Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
o Innovative Assembler
o Strategic Navigator
o Systematic Designer
o Knowledge Integrator
o Computational Thinker “Coder”
o Data Analyzer
o Reliable Teamer
C. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

 Control a robot using a joystick

D. Learning Resources
Materials: Learning Module
Technology: ICT (PowerPoint)
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

Part 2. Lesson Proper

D. Engage

Game Activity: Blindfold

Letters: M-O-V-E

Students will be grouped into four. Each group will assign one member to be
blindfolded. Other members of the group will guide the representative until he/she
will form the word “move”. First group to finish the activity will be announced as a
winner. After the activity the teacher ask the following questions;
1. What did you do to guide the representative of you group?
2. How would you say that a thing is moving?
1. What part of the App controls the movement of a robot?

B. Explore

Demonstration: Exploring the App

The teacher will let the students explore the joystick in the mobile App. After which the
teacher will randomly ask the students of the following questions;

1. What are the movements perfomed using the joystick?

C. Explain (Summary)

Humans can control one characteristics of a robot:

movement. In your mobile app, one feature that controls
movement is the joystick. Joystick can make the robot run forward,
backward, left and right.

D. Elaborate

Drill Activity : mBot Obstacle Race

The teacher will group the students into four groups. Each group will make use of the
joystick for mBot race . After the activity the teacher will ask the following questions;

1. What are the functions of a joystick?

RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

2. What is the importance of joystick in controlling a robot?

E. Evaluate
Direction: As a team, drive the mBot from the starting point to different stop points by
navigating the MakeBlock App’s joystick. A sample map is shown. You will be graded using the
rubric shown.

Group Name:

Activity: Joystick

Participating and
Thinking Relating text/symbols/ Managing Self

Reading and Responsibility
Awareness of peers who have
understanding and readiness Problem solving
the parts of difficulty
direction with for designated mBot challenges
“drive” manipulating
mBot activity

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

Total: _______________

Part 3. Teachers’ Refl ecti on

Was the lesson successful? How will you evaluate your students’ performance?
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

Lesson 11. Controlling a Robot: Sprint

Suggested Time Allotment: 60 minutes

Part 1. Preparation
A. Rationale

Makeblock and mBlocky applications include different parts with specific functions in
controlling robots. Sprint as another feature in the app that controls movement in full speed.
Thus, with these specialized functions humans would be able to have vast ideas and make wide
applications of robots. Most industrial companies may provide ideas on advance used of sprint in
creating, manipulating and controlling robots with specified functions.

B. Standards (RoboTek 7 Competencies; NGSS)

o Asking questions and defining problems
o Developing and using models
o Analyzing and interpreting data
o Constructing explanations and designing solutions
o Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
o Innovative Assembler
o Strategic Navigator
o Systematic Designer
o Knowledge Integrator
o Computational Thinker “Coder”
o Data Analyzer
o Reliable Teamer
C. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

 Define the word “sprint”
 Control a robot using a given command

D. Learning Resources
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

Materials: Learning Module

Technology: ICT (PowerPoint)

Part 2. Lesson Proper

D. Engage

Game Activity: “mBot Race”

Students will be grouped into four. Each group will be given a mBot and let
them connect it with mobile devices. The teacher will make an obstacle race and let
the students explore different features of the App to be the first one to finish the
race. First group to finish the activity will be announced as a winner. After the
activity the teacher will ask the following questions;

1. What is the purpose of the activity?

2. What feature of the mBot App that let you finish the obstacle quickly?

B. Explore

Demonstration: Exploring the App

The teacher will let the students explore the sprint in the mobile App. After which the
teacher will randomly ask the students of the following questions;

1. What is the function of sprint feature of the App?

C. Explain (Summary)

Another feature in your app that controls movement is the Sprint.

The word sprint means running at full speed. Full speed means
very fast. Fast means how quick an mBot moves while straight
means moving the mBot in one direction.

In controlling an mBot, you must know how to use sprint for you to drive it fast and straight.
Still with the help of the joystick, you can run the mBot in a straight path and at the same time
check the speed.
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

D. Elaborate

Short Clip Viewing Activity:

The teacher will show a short clip and ask the following questions;

1. What can you say about the video clip?

2. What does a robot do?

3. What do you think controls a robot?and how important are the controlling devices?

E. Evaluate
As a team, drive your mBot on a straight path as fast as you can. There are stations where you
need to press the “buzzer.” Make sure you do so before driving. The team with the fastest record
wins the game.

Group Name:

Activity: Sprint

Participating and
Thinking Relating text/symbols/ Managing Self

Supporting peers
Reading and Responsibility
Awareness of who have
understanding and readiness for Problem solving mBot
the parts of difficulty
direction with designated challenges
“drive” manipulating
mBot activity
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5

Total: _______________

Part 3. Teachers’ Refl ecti on

Was the lesson successful? How will you evaluate your students’ performance?

Lesson 12. Controlling a Robot: Spin

Suggested Time Allotment: 60 minutes

Part 1. Preparation
A. Rationale

One of the Makeblock and mBlocky applications features is spin. Spin feature means robots is in
turning motion. Humans would be able to control robots and allow those to perform tasks easily
by using spin motion. Likewise, spin motion is most likely used in industrial robots specifically
in war robots. Robots would be able to do the battle by doing its specified functions.

B. Standards (RoboTek 7 Competencies; NGSS)

o Asking questions and defining problems
o Developing and using models
o Analyzing and interpreting data
o Constructing explanations and designing solutions
o Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
o Innovative Assembler
o Strategic Navigator
o Systematic Designer
o Knowledge Integrator
o Computational Thinker “Coder”
o Data Analyzer
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

o Reliable Teamer
C. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

 Define the word “spin”
 Control a robot using a given command

D. Learning Resources
Materials: Learning Module
Technology: ICT (PowerPoint)

Part 2. Lesson Proper

D. Engage

Game Activity: “Calamansi Race”

Resources: Calamansi, spoons

Students will be grouped into four. Each group will participate in a race.
Each member of the group will do 10 turns first before proceeding with the race.
First group to finish the activity will be announced as a winner. After the activity
the teacher ask the following questions and relate it to the topic;
1. What find you difficult in doing the race?
2. What did you do before proceeding with the race?

B. Explore

Demonstration: Exploring the App

The teacher will let the students explore the mobile App by pair. After which the teacher
will randomly ask them to describe the function spin feature in the App.

C. Explain (Summary)

Spin means to turn around using your mBot. By pressing this

button the mBot will “spin” autonomously for three seconds.
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

D. Elaborate

Drill Activity : mBot Obstacle Race

The teacher will group the students into four groups. Each group will do the drill in
exploring the app for mBot race . After assembling the mBot the teacher will ask the
following questions;

1. What do you think are the cases in which you can use spin in controlling robots?
2. What are your strategies in controlling the robot with use of spin?
3. What do you think is the importance or use of spin in controlling robots?
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

E. Evaluate
As a team, drive your mBot into a curve path and practice using the command button spin. There
are spots where you need to press “spin” and continue driving. A sample map is given.

Group Name:

Activity: Spin

Participating and
Thinking Relating text/symbols/ Managing Self

Supporting peers
Reading and
Awareness of who have Responsibility and
understanding Problem solving mBot
the parts of difficulty readiness for
direction with challenges
“drive” manipulating designated activity

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5

Total: _______________

Part 3. Teachers’ Refl ecti on

Was the lesson successful? How will you evaluate your students’ performance?
RoboTek Innovators 1 (Teaching Guides 2019)

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