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Fo yh a uve PROBLEMS te 48 $e yor was ODT} sera § 7 8 ar ar 0 ound the el m consisting of the curve Cy ys c osed curve ¢ = OX from (0, curve C2? y7=x from(1, Deen ne 9) 10 (1,1) and then the , since ¥ = xt+y} therefore. gr os uTion +a saxtyay} Pe fs ar -$ eoneroane, a pscase recur C COMBO UVES Cy and C, a4 hop i oa wye (54) » therefore gaat = J Rate) Re c @) cy C2 Figure (5.34) Alongthe curve Cr» ¥ =X, therefore dy =2x dx, O FF hlmrhLULSLCUrhc om ox dy a2 | =° 2xytz> x? 3x32 ‘Thus F isa conservative force field . @) FIRST METHOD r 240 9On aon F = vg = 20r 20n a9 vm : My On Dy taEE= x y42 fees etl chon a4 — 3 7 2xytz: ¢ @ Fy = 3x2? ® Integrating , We find from ‘equations (1) , (2) and (3) = Py HK ay 2) $= y+ E(x 2) Pe xe eh(x,y) These agree if we choose fy,z)e 8(xX,2) = xz) “Cx, y) = x?y, sorthat udded ‘any constant , —— Oe yay ‘ which may be a Ocanned with Lamdcanner a ae | A ae 215 yecTOR [AND TENSOR ANALYSIS: SECOND METHOD ae = 96, 96, ag Fidr = Vo.dt = 3, dx+zydy+57dz = do Fr = (2xy+z*)dxtx?dy+3xz7dz thea 95 Pedr = = (2xy dxtx?dy)+(23dx4+3x27dz) = d(x?y)+d(xz?) = d(x?y+xz?) and = X7y+xz? + constant. B (3,1,4) (i) Work done = fr = J (xy42) dxtx?dy+3x27dz A (2,1) (3,1,4) = J d(x?y+xz°) (1,-2.1) = Ixtyexz linn = ¢9+192)-(-2+1) = 202 PROBLEM (7: If ¢ = 2xyz?, A =xyf-z}+x?k and C is the curve x=t?, y=2t, z=t° from t=0 to t=1, evaluate the line integrals @ J oar (i) Jaxer c c SOLUTION: @ Along C, 9 = 2xyz?=2(t7)(2t)(PY = 40? = e ~ t 24 asf T=xityjezk = t7i+2tj40k and dr = (2th+2j+3e7k) ae 1 a S(odeoteae2t Then odr = 4eo(2ti+2j+3e7k)dt c 1 1 1 = tf sears} f svacek f rat"dt 0 0 0 al4 ! oS [ger] eeren Ocanned with Lamdcanner D INTEGRAL Tr 216 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATE! THEOREMS ~ kA Ae (i) Along C, A =xyt-zjextk=20et-efartk then Axdr = (207- : teeth) x(atheapesek yar tae . 2P -P tt dt ge 2 a 4 [38-20 Ped ory} ecavereykae 1 1 : and eer . t j (3t-aryare} f (-4teyarekf (4b aaa c 0 0 0 PROBLEM (8): () IE =r, find the scalar potential function @ such that (i) Evaluate $ E.drite is any simple closed curve . c SOLUTION: Bart oy Vozory a a a Also, Reve T teas (i) Sine VxE = Yx(rF) 25, therefore E is conservative and consequently $ ar aG c AVTERNATIVE METHop Py J = 1-61 = 9¢P,)-90P:) 1 P, * Since J E | +4 is indy oe P, Pendent of the Path joining P) and P., therefore $ ae along every closed Path c, bee savant ln ee zoR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS IA =yziszxjexyh, evaluate Sf ZX .AdS where S isthe surface of s 1 lying in the first octant . pROBLEM (9): the sphere x?4+y?4z SOLUTION: The surface S of the sphere in the first ootant and its projection R. on the xy-plane wn in figure (5.37). We know that fai [fae ‘Also , we know that a normal vector to the surface S is given by are sho! xteye=t Figure (5.37) Vixtey?422) = 2xt42yfe2zk ‘Then a unit normal A to any point of S$ is " axis2yi+2zk xfteyfezk os 9 0 Teyjezk 1 ee +427 =e +ytz en a Aa Aa Also A.n=(yzitzxj+xyk).(xityj+zk) =xyzexyz+xyz = 3xyz aa Aaya dxdy dxd and Mek = (xityfezk).k = 2 sothat ik A = nek ‘Thus from equation (1) , we have ieee PROBLEM (10): Evaluate (i) fates, di) Jfotas s s = s alga” 3 where A =zi+xj-3y?zk, @ = 3xyz and S is the surface of the cylinder x? +y? = 16 included in the first octant between z = 0 and z = 5, 278 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS SOLUTION: The surface S and its projection Ron the xz-plane are shown in figure (5.38) Note that the projection of $ on the xy-plane cannot be used here . Then @ Ie. tas JI Aun Ik | a In. Annormal vector to vay = 16 is V(x24y?) = 2xt42y} aon Thus the unitnormal to $, is f= 28U¢2y1 _ ateyt Vax? 44y? 4 since x?+y? = 16 on S. Zl otast (absyh)_ A.n= (zi+xj-3y?zk), au) = F(azexy) an na _xtsyd ay ad on. = PE ‘Then from equation (1) , we have 38) : : x Figure (53) sj A.nds = sf O2tKy)Sdeae s = +x)axaz 5 = 29 dz= J (4248)dz = 122 +82! 0 maa s Re ml ° ‘Thus equation (2) becomes [Jotas = (f2,,, (toys 4 734 i | s R 4 yixdz=2 f f xz(xiey)) : j z=0x=0 " 8) J (eats, : 0 NIE} asaz r I yR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS ser 279 = 0(2 3) = 1007 +1004 PROBLEM (11): Evaluate Sf AsndS, if K = 2yf—-2]+x?R and § isthe surface of the s es cylinder y* = 8x in the first octant bounded by the planes y = SOLUTION: The surface $ and its projection z Ron the yz-plane are shown in figure (5.39), Then Avetor normal Si Paar aieae ¥ si-ay? af. tore © [erray? ie 4 Ae a ~ Sytzy Also Figs md At = (2,4,0) ‘Thus equation (1) becomes . Figure (5.39) 4 [Rates = J Se LET say (8y+zy) dzdy = f ab ome ots ome ome 22/6 [sreert [fey 0 aA 33) a4 _ 33 66 ydy =" ly?l, = F(16) = 132 PROBLEM (12): If A = 624 +(2x+y)}—-xk, evaluate sj A .nd over the entire s surface S of the region bounded by the cylinder x?+2? = 9, x= 0, y = 0, z= 0 and y=8. SOLUTION: ‘The surface S of the region bounded by the given curves is shown in figure (5.40) . Ocanned with Lamdcanner 280 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS Then JJ Rtas = J[ tase f[ Rtas, s Ss; S82 +) A.nass+|[ X.tas, SI Sf Ss Sa ff ates, Ss For $, (OEA), y= 0, =—} and Se Figure (5.40) x Sf A.ndS, = j i LLC Si. 0 For $2 (OABC), z = 0, 8 38 ss Rihass= | flax} at. hyayan eines. S2 00 00 For S3(CDB), y=8,n =} and 3 ona? JJ &tas, = j J (sats consey}ot].# aan Ss o oO ; 3 ore = 2 J ! ( tse [axe iw ane 8 \ For S<(OCDE), x= 0,8 =f ang 83 we Et aff éxazay =-216 i For $s(ABDE), avectornomalto § Ssis V¢q24 02 A sino Py eashent 2 EK xs an therfore axe STR aaa ge 3 A eet. ypcTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSts fore for the projection JfA-tass = Ss R onthe xy ~ plane ‘there! 38 x= J J sxayax= 10, 00 ‘Thus Jf x.tes = ~18+36+ 18+ 18n-216 418 0 = 18 ie 6 ys NRG ; 4 a _ PROBLEM (13): If A = 4xzf+xy2?} 432i, evaluate ss A .ndS over the entire : s Surface of the region above the xy-plane bounded by the cone z* = x? +y? and the plane z = 4, SOLUTION: The surface $ and its projection R on the xy ~ plane are shown in figure (5.41). Then si A.nds = SJ Aenasie ff A.nds; s 81 S> ForS;, 2=4, 2=R and aha ‘Then Nliaenaee = ff was, = 12) J ayax Si Si = 12xn(4)? = 1920 For $2, the normal vector is given by V(xt4y?=2?) = 2xb42yf-22k Figure (5.41) 4 a ‘ a AA tureore, = 22te2yin22k xtsvi of Vaxteay +4z? 22 Abo Ait = (4x24 xy?z—3z) and Aah =~ _ , “NR — = dydx trrefore, [f Aas, = faa BS 2 Ss. 4 = f J Gp deta a saBayax 4 Ocanned with Lamdcanner 282 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREy Let an4 and JJ X-Res. J J caetcostoe*cos0 sin? 9-31) rdrd0 Sa 00 an 6 4 J | r* cos? 0 +'¢ 005 8 sin? Or? | 548 0 an , j (25600? 9+ {2° cos 0sin? 0-64 ) 40 0 on i [12501 +0120) +288 cos sino-04 Jao 0 " an | 640464 sin204%5*sin* 0 | 9 7 8R Thus SJ A.nds = 192+ 128% = 3207 s PROBLEM (14): If A axtey}-22k,evatuate jf A.nds, where S s is the surface of the sphere x? + y? 4.2 a? above the xy — plane 64): SOLUTION: The surface $ and its projection Ron the xy-plane is shown in figure ‘A normal to the surface of the sphere x?+y?42? = a? ig V(xtey?42?) = 2xtaryfarek ‘Then the unit normal i to any point of S is n_2xis2yt+2zk x9 ya oa ne = z axtedyte4z? al taltgk since x?+y?42? Then [faxses=J Aan : R In. yecTOR AND TENSOR ANALYsIs, : Wosteys. ark), Ghoteaty Saxdy = ff eeezes | R ~x?—y? from the equation of the sphere S) 8 and dydx =r drd@. Then the double ‘To evaluate this double integral , let x = ros, y=rsin integral becomes mm a J f State ange tard ®=0 r=0 0 JJ (ved) tas 5 = j WCat-r? a faT=F IS a9 0 v a (a?-a°)d0 =0 " on = ox? yt g? PROBLEM (15): Evaluate fj F .md$ where § is the surface of the ellipsoid r+ 5r+25=1 s SOLUTION: The surface S of the ellipsoid and its projection R_on the xy-plane are shown in figure (5.43) . We know that [ites {J7838 18k I Ss Inkl (ty ee - ~Otanned with Lamdcanner 284 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEORR f [Also , we know that a normal vector tothe surface S is given by o(% y? zt) _ 2x02 arty et arity te? ‘Then a unit normal A to any point of S is a away tray ris oe) k 1 = axa ayy + Azle) wath te werk c Figure (43) = Yaa y+ gmt ere) on etme yb) 22% Also 5h AER «ag RTO HOM) HED Vom y+ yw ITE) , 2 and MR a any ry) +e) ‘Thus for the projection Ron the xy-plane, equation (1) becomes { a byl-x‘fa Tends = 2 | |! mm I fo Yeo yor we) ETT REED ays i we? a byi-x'a - c? = af j Saydx o 0 a pyl-x7a = 2 | ol ae" oo 1 = (x7fa") - (y10) a bVi-wa? = sef J 1 __!__~ dyd* 0g Moe O%) , Let y= bYI=x7%0" si : VI-X7H? sin, then dy = bof —aTa? cos 0d 8» a4 soe a ten ff 7.8 * r.ndS = ef byl = x7 cos @ s 0 e/=xtat oer Olio a 0f R ae Ocanned ee {soR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS C Keats 6) WA=3T_F_of proBLeM (16) Deedes { oc flaca SJ phas Gi) where S is the surface 8 of 2x4 = 20 sie 1: y=Oandy=2, Y+22 = 6 bounded by x soLUTION: (‘The surface S and its projection Ron the pls edn ape. vectrsommlto S is V(2x+y422) = 2% 4h y9f A _ abet +2k a = 3 S 8 " ox+y+22=6 La 5 1» dydx 7 Jf ores = ff o@ 2S. f fcarsay- an) (2eb28) 2545 : R 00 12 : a ont a af [ [4x+3y-2(22) | otafertayan 00 12 2 Pf [crsrsssyayaxe} J -orexs4yyayax 00 ; 1 tf 0 1 1 ' 1] 4 » ‘ =O tf crvaxane$ f cas iarared (-8424x)dx 0 0 0 (-12412x4+8y)dydx | ~ Scanned with Lamdcanner 286 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS * - a r FUEl-sxs ra hyefl-4x46xloekl-sx 412x710] Aon = 21454+2k PROBLEM (17): If A = yi-x4, evaluate soy Vx AdV where R is the region enclosing R the volume V. iodo « x-/2 2 alent SOLUTION: Wehave VxA=|2 2 2] -2f dx dy a2 y -x 0 and so SfJvexav— Jf J -ctav=-2 af fav =-2vk R R R PROBLEM (18): Evaluate SIF eav, where $= 45x7y and R is the region enclosed by R the planes 4x+2y+z = 8,x=0,y =0,2=0 SOLUTION: ‘The region R. bounded by the given planes is shown in figure (5.45). Then 2 42x 84x-2y feev- J j J 45x? ydzdydx x=0y=0 z=0 z x20 2 42x 2 4x4 247228 = 45 j J ey (B-4x-2y)dydx yo x=0 y=0 2 42x yoy = a : dx ° x z=0 Figure (5.45) ele 2xy- 24. axy Jax = 45 te (4-2x)dx eevee 2 = isf x? (64-96 x+48x?-8x?) dx j 0 Mire car cce Lamedcanner VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS 287 2 = 15 (6422-9624 484-82? yd 0 5 = 1s( 3 = 128 PROBLEM (19): Find the volume of the region common to the intersecting cylinders x? + y? and x?+2? = a, SOLUTION: ‘The volume bounded by the given cylinders in the first octant is shown in figure (5.46) . Then the required volume required is given by Volume V = Sf av " = — ¥ Figure (5.46) PROBLEM (20); Verify Green’s theorem in the plane for M = y~sinx and N = cosx where C is the triangle consisting of the line segment C, from( 0,0) to (3,0), then the tine segment C3 from (5.0) to (3.1) and then the tne segment from (3.1) to (0,0). SOLUTION: ‘The given triangle is shown in figure (5.47) . aN aM ‘We must show that $ Maxsnay = [f (38-3) axey 0) c R Ocanned with Lamdcanner 288 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL TREOREg Now © Max+Nndy=$ (y-sinx)dxteosxdy Op c fc Along C,, y=0, dy=0,0$x<7/2, and the integral (1) equals m2 J Mdx4+Ndy = j = sinx dx = leosx 17? = -1 Cy 0 Cy G x Along C2, x = m2, dx = 0,0SyS1 and the integral (1) equals ' Figure (5.47) j Mdx+Ndy = i Ody =0 C2 0 Along C3, y = x, dy= 2 dx, where x varies from 5 to 0 and the integral (1) equals 0 J Maxeway = f (28-sinx) dx+2eosxdx G x2 : [Es 2. \° 2 = | Fe cosx+Fsinx | 2 Then $ Mdx+Ndy = c Q) Since M = y-sinx, N = cosx, therefore and so sj (Se-gMaxay S JJ (-sinx-tyayax R R 2 2xIn j j (-sinx-1)dydx x=0 y=0 m2 ¢ (3) From equations (2) and (3) , we see that Green's theorem is verified ( Ocanned with ‘VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS PROBLEM (21)F Verify Green’s theorem in the plane for M. = 289 2x-y? and N= -xy, where C is the boundary of the region enclosed by the circles x?+y? = 1 and x+y? = 9, SOLUTION: The boundary of R consists of the circle Cy: x = 3008 0,y = 3sin® traversed counter ~ clockwise , and the circle C: x = cos, y = sin@ traversed clockwise . ) axay Now $ Mdx+Ndy = $ (2x-y*)dx-xydy aN aM We must show $ meaxemay = ff (38.2™ c “R ay ic c = $ (2x-y')dx-xydy4 6 (2x-y3)dx-xydy c For the circle Cy: x = 30088, y varies from 0 to 27. Then 6 (2x-y?)dx-xydy = CQ For the circle C2: x = cos®, si y= from 2 to 0. Then $ (2x-y?)dx-xydy Cr Figure (5.48) a) C2 3sin@, dx =-3sin0d0, dy = 3cos6d0, where 0 Qn j (6cos @-27sin?0)(-3sin@d@) 0 =(9c0s 8 sin®) (3 cos 048) Qn j (~ 18 cos @ sin @ + 81 sin* @ — 27 cos*@ sin6) dO 0 2eor20+(%8o-S nao Elina) +vcate|™ 3008 20+ 8 8 4 sin26+55sin4 0 +9cos°O 5 [222 0n-9]- [205] 9243 9.243 gt nt9-5-9 =n in®, dx =-sin0d0, dy = cosOd@, where @ varies 0 J (2.c0s 8 sin? @ ) (—sin @d 0) -cos @ sin 8 (cos 848) an Ocanned with Lamdcanner INTEGRAL THEOREMS 4 ND RELATED. INTEGRALS Al ND VOLUME LINE, SURFACE, 290 a if (~2c0s@ sin 8+ sin’ @-cos?@sin@)d@ Qn 003 26 at ED: “(e+ il i o) +258 +(Jo-fsin20+g55in4 Thus from equation (1), we get 243 3 6 Mdx+Ndy = $ (2x-y?)dx-xydy =P R-Gn = 600 c c aN Next, Me nsyt, Fx = ~Y> therefore NES am ay )8x89 = [J cyssyyanay R Changing to polar coordinates, an 3 J J Crinos etsy O=0r=1 2n3 drdrdo . J [1-003 6,anag = > ata J |-Ssn0s3, “|g Qn om [(- ~9sin6 28 *e). 1 ~35ing 3 $00) Jo in Jaen J [-% : ! 289426) 0 F82508- Assn 9 ae 26 os yt i thus he Green's theorem ig Vetifieg : ot 4 Ocanned with Lamdcannen VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS 291 PROBLEM (22): Show that the area A of the region R bounded by a simple closed curve C is given by A =} xdy-ydx. | c |, SOLUTION: InGreen’s theorem, let M = —-y, N= x f a (then xdy-ydx = JJ [Ro- Ren] oxey c R = 2Sfaxay=2a | R where A is the required area . 1 Thus A=5 $ xdy-ydx c Figure (5.49) PROBLEM (23): Find the area of the region bounded by the ellipse x = acos@, y = bsin@. ip y SOLUTION: ‘The given ellipse is shown in figure (5.50) .. We know thatthe area is given by y 1 6 xdy-ydx + c Db Since x = acos8, y=bsin@, dx =-asindd®, OI ae dy = bcos0d0, OSOS2z, then an A } J (acos6)(bcos@)d6- (bsin@)(-asin6)d6 0 an Qn i J ab (cos? 0+ sin?) 8 = 5 j abd@ = mab 0 0 Figure (5.50) PROBLEM (24):* Verify Stokes’ theorem for A = xzi-y] +x?yik, where S isthe surface of the region bounded by x = 0, y = 0,2= 0, 2x+y+2z = 8 whichis not included in the xz-plane . ae =) SOLUTION: ‘We must show that § A.dr = JJ (ved) fas c s where the surface S is shown in figure (5.51). Ocanned with Lamdcanner <_ LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS Now § $ xndx-yayertyar c (a) AOCA For AO, y= 0, z= 0 therefore dy = dz = 0 and integral (1) becomes 0 j A.di = j odx = foax=o AO AO 4 For OC,x = 0,y = 0 theréfore dx = dy = 0 and integral (1) becomes 4 J A.dt = J odz=foaz=0 oc oc 0 For CA, y= 0, therefore dy = 0 and integral (1) becomes 4 — 314 j A.dr = J srax=[anars ae 2 |» 2 cA cA 0 ‘Thus from equation (1) , we get § Ruut J Kars f Acts [ Raz c AO oc cA 32_ 32 = 0404-2 re) tae A-|2 2 2a * 4 Now vxA = | 2 Dy 3g | ee tece2xyy} xz -y xy A).i a ATA were [[(4R).845 « [J Lotsa 2ayy Mug 8 8 s where S = $,+S,45, For $1(OAB),2 = 0,n=—f ang integral (3) becomes fj (vx%).tas=[Joas,. 4 Si Sy For $2(OBC).x= 0,8 ¥ and integral (3) becomes JJ cvx4).805~[fous, So % ax+y=8 x % Figure (551) f ypcTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS J 5, (ABC), normal vector is _ a 293 v(axtyt2z) =2i4j 42k np ohafe2k aN thors ians Also nek 3 therefore integral (3) becomes {J(ves)8es = [E3257], 62 4.5,8, 22 Os 16 4 8 2 2. [3s Betgen ge Sah Gx | ax 2813 Thus from equation (3) , we get I cvxk).tas . JJ cvea). tase (vxA)- sase[J (mi)8 nds $1 32 ror eae ° " and from equations (2) and (4) , Stokes’ theorem is verified . Ocanned with Lamdacanner = LS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS VOLUME INTEGRA LINE, SURFACE, AND 294 = 4 nN A verily orem for A = (y—Z V4(yz44) j-xzk OBLEM (25): Verify Stokes’ theorem for A = (y-z+2)i+(yz+4)j PR where S is the surface of the cube x=0, y=0, z > X=2,y=2, 729 above the xy - plane. SOLUTION: The surface $ of the cube is shown in figure (5.52) . By Stokes’ theorem § A.dr = Sf (VxA).nds Cc Ss Now § var = $ (y-242)dx4(yz44)dy-xzdz a c OABCO , For OA.y = 0, 2=0, therefore dy=d2=0, and integral (1) becomes 2 j Audr = j ddx=[oax=4 OA OA 0 ForAB, x=2, 2=0, therefore 4x=dz = 0 and integral (1) becomes 2 J Audr = J 4ay=J aay AB AB 0 For BC, y = 2,2 = 0, therefore dy=dz- 0 and integral (1) 0 becomes, J drs j 4dx= | gaxn_g BC BC 2 S888 Ober 34st 0 becomes J Audi = J sdy=faaye 8 co co 2 8, ‘Thus from equation (L), we get | $ haz = 448g 9 _ a Ba-4 Q Now Iva).tes. ff, ; f-Ry.a ° fi “Y4(-1ae2yfh fy tas s SSS ass canned with Lamdctanner VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS - 295 por S\(DABE), *= 2,8 = 7 "andthe inert) bsomes ff (vxa).f ndS, = ~yds I - 1 -{i- crayons seen For S2 (GOCF), x = 0, a =-f, ming) a 2 [Jve8).Bos. fvasi= ff yayue es far $2 82 00 7 For $3 (DAOG), y = 0, 0 =~}, and the integral (3) becomes f 4 22 2 v . J ( x&).bass = [J 1-2yasy =f J a-zyaxaz=2fa-nazeo Ss Ss 00 0 For S4 (EBCF), y = 2, 2 = J), and the integral (3) becomes 2 = Jf tezaxaz 00 JJ (ve%). tas, = SJ ccrsavas, Sa Se = 2 | (-1+z)dz=0 onjN a For Ss (DEFG), z = 2, n = k, and the integral (3) becomes 22 2 JJ (vx%).tass = ff -ras,= ff -raxay=-2fay=-s Ss 00 0 ‘Thus from equation (3) , we get Jf (ved) .tas Ss fous JfousefJ ( passes foresee) (dSs Ss S: S3 Sa Ss : = -4444040-4 = -4 ‘ @) From equations (2) and (4) we see that Stokes’ theorem is verified. PROBLEM (26): Using Stokes? theorem , evaluate fj (vxA).nas, s it A = 4y 14x} +22K, and S is the surface of the hemisphere x?+y?4z? = a7, 720. ND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREM: INTEGRALS AND REL! 5 ND VOLUME 296 LINE, SURFACE, Al it Stokes’ theore: SOLUTION: The surface S of the hemisphere js shown in figure (6.42). By \eorem , We have [J cvxk).das= p Roar = § sydxtxdy+2zdz « . ¢c C s : . here C isthe cine x2 4y? = a? inthe y-plane (ie, 2 = 0) described inthe counterclockwise % ~ * direction . The parametric equations of this circle are x =acos@, y=asin@, z=0 where 0 Ys asing, s sy On Si(z= 0), R= 8, = 4xtiayeD ang R.d=0, soma ff a.3 48,=0 Sr On S2(z=3),n=f,% = 4xtiay*h cof ang a A ne so that ff Rehass©9 1) os, e5cany ws6y, S2 S2 (since area of S, = 4m) YECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS ry Rina (4xt-2y2fee7k). (stett) ys ‘The projection R of S3 onthe ro is shown in figure (5.55) . Then 23 [fades | far Sarre ri =2f J axt-y dzdy S3 20 20 — = Q L oe oa 0 a " x bow born born 3 (« 4—y?-2. cS ay Let y=2sin@, dy = 2cos6d@, -n/2 <0 < n/2. Then n/2 {fai ndS = 6 J (sens0- 32) reasoae -n/2 n/2 = 96 J (cos? @-sin?0)d0 =n/2 n/2 = 96 j [ (425222) -c1-costey sine] 4 -n/2 = 96 9528 og corre ‘Thus from equation (2) ff Rin dS = 04360448 = 84x s Hence from equation (1) , the divergence theorem is verified . Ocanned with Lamdcanner 306 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL Typgpp = a. PROBLEM (35): Verify the divergence theorem for A= 2x?y1-y?j-+dx2?h ay taken oye, the region in the first octant bounded by y?+z? = 9 and x = 2, SOLUTION: The surface § ofthe region bounded by the given curves is shown in gue 659, “Then we must show that [[5.nas-[[fv.aav a R R 203 ony? Now Jf v.dav = J J j (4xy-2y+8xz)dzdydx R " 5 < ° Vaxyz-2yzedxatl dydx | ° es es [oxy yaya y yor y'+4x(9-y?)] dydx 4 |-$co-y3 [-! ~3%(0~27) 42, : M*H0-3) 6427-9) Jax 3 dx ° se, 2 a y *30-¥ 7 44x(9y-E) wot CON Oe Oe 2 . J s6xteene _ i ax = f (10x eyax 0 = sax? ag ge Waetfe 9 = 216-36 = 189 ————— _— yECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS 307 ff R.ndsy = ffoas, =0 (since A.n = 0) Ss; S1 For $2 (OABC), = 0, n= —K and sf x.has: = Jfoas.=0 (since A.n = 0) S2 Sr For $; (OCD), x= 0, =f and JJ ates, = Jfoas; =o (since A.n = 0) $3 $3 For Sz (ABE), x= 2,n=1 and A.n=8y 3 pny 3 Jf ates. . J j sydzdy = | syl2ler ay Se =0 z=0 0 For Ss (BCDE), the normal vector is V(y?+z?) = 2y}+2zk a dyf+22k ya ze eS = = 3k = therefore n Yoreazt 3543 (since y?+z? = 9) Se Yand AA 2 Alo Asn =—y+3x2) and nek = 3 2 3 zt 1 so that JJ &nas, = J J Flay +4xz?) Zdydx Ss =0 y=0 y = [- saxco-y") ] oye 9-y y s+4x(9-y") Joxay — 1 S “< oon ome : [- - 5+8(9-y) Jay 4 " ee ee cae canned with Lamdcanner RELATED INTEGRAL, 308 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND THEOREMS . Then Lety =3sin@, dy =3cos@d0, 0S OS K/2 nl : Jao ffa nds, = j [—54 sin? 0 +216 (1 sin? ) cos 8 Ss 0 m2 -_ J [(1-c0s*@) (~sin @) +4 cos 8-4 sin? 8 cos] de 0 n = 54(2) = 108 = 54 | cos 0-2 ee 46 a 3 Thus from equation (1), we get sf RNAS = 040404724108 = 180 s ‘and from equation (1) the divergence theorem is verified . PROBLEM (36): Prove that if T isa Position vector , then 0 es ffias.a o Seas Giiy []¥e5 -ffeatas eg 8 s where V is the Volume of the region theorem , we have SOLUTION: R bounded by any closed surface S- @ By the gradient te B I oies “Lf vey Put $ = 1, then [Pes fIfoaey 0 | = 0 [since Vays] Gi) By the divergence theorem , I-80 [Mfes0y, ov (since V.F = 3) where V is the volume of the region R enclosed by g VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS. (i) By the curl theorem , we have fJixBas=[[Joxtev a s Vv Now ff TxdS = sf Txnds s s 1 = -f[teras Ss = -SJfvxtav [using equation (1) ] v =0 (since Vx = 0) PROBLEM (37): Using the divergence theorem , evaluate ff T.ndS where s @ S is the surface of the sphere x?+y?+2? (i) S is the surface of the cube bounded by x=-l,y=-l,z=-1,x=l,y=1,z2=1 iii) S is the surface of the cylinder x*+y? =1,z2=0,2=4 (iv) S is the surface bounded by the paraboloid z = 4-(x?+y*) and the xy - plane. SOLUTION: By problem (36) , we have fJ-F tas av w s @ The surface S of the sphere is shown in figure (5.57) . The volume V ofa sphere of radius r is 2 4 32 = far = $n@? = Bn Thus from equation (1) , we get ff T.ndS = 3(2)ax= 2% s . Figure (5.57) Ocanned with Lamdcanner _—t—~—™ . LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THOR, 310 : , (iy The surface S of the cube is shown in figure (5.58) - . ‘The volume V of acube with side @ 1S ve(ay=(2) =8 “Thus from equation (1) , we get zat [[<.tas =3@ = Ss x, (ii) The surface § bounded by the cylinder and the planes is shown in figure (5.59) . The volume V_ of the cylinder with height h and base radius a is given by Figure (58) Venvh=n(lP4=4n Thus from equation (1) , we get [J Fas <3 = 10 s (iv) The surface $ of the paraboloid is shown in figure (5.60). * The volume V of the paraboloid with altitude h and base radius a I is given by = en a® L 2 = 3R(2P (4) = 8x ‘Thus from equation (1) , we get SJ T.ndS =3(8n) = 247 s PROBLEM (38): (i is E (38) (@ If V isthe volume of a region R bounded by a closed surface Sand K caxtabytacet axtsby}serk,tenprovemat Jf X.Aas = (atbt™" i) Evaluate SJ in : Keka Cas ental js the surface f S where A = xf+2yf+3zk and S isthes? asphere x? 4y242? = 1 é SOLUTION: : () By the divergence theorem [Jxtesfffo.x av R WJrreeray etarnees [fave ceveev yhere Vis the R Figure oo) where V ii a regi is the volume of a region R enclosed by § as shown in figure (5.61) in figure . canned with yECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS au @ Hee a=, b 3, hence sf K.nds = (142 =6(4 } C1+243,v = 6($) na = ex PROBLEM (39): () If nis the outward drawn unit normal to any closed surface S »show that sss Venave= R oy A vector B is always normal to.a given closed surface S. Show that ssf VxB dV = 0 , where R isthe region bounded by S. R SOLUTION: (@® By the divergence theorem Sffv-a av=ff aends =ff dS=S (since n.n=1) R s s By the curl theorem , we have fff vxBev- JJ ixBas R s since B = Bn, therefore [Jf vxBav = fJaxaias - Jf e(ixayas =0 (since nxn = 0). R s s PROBLEM (40): If A is an arbitrary constant vector and V_ is the volume of a region F bounded by S, prove that SJ ax(Axt )dS=2VA. s SOLUTION: We know from the curl theorem that IJ axB dS = [JJ vssev or [J oxcaxF yas =f [freA dav () ’ R TT Siairied wile CAMOcanne 32 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS = s n a = be WAZA HA,}+Aak and t= xityj+2k ron’ tj then Axt=|A, A; > Ay | = (Aaz-Asy) PCAs -A12)5 +CAry-Aank Rny ek tf : a 2 a 2 and = Vx(Axr ax ay az Arz-Asy Asx-Aiz Ayy-A2x = (AIHA) 14 (Ar+A2)} +(As+ ASE = 2(A\T+ALSHASR) = 2K Thus from equation (1) , we get JJ ax(axe yas = [ff 2kaveoa Sif dV =2VA s R R PROBLEM (41): If y isharmonic ina region R enclosed by a surface § = JJ as-o, s s prove that SOLUTION: By Green's first identity , we have IN} tor'y-ce9.coyn ave ffevyas a Let 9 = 1 im equation (1) , we get ; [Wvvev= [Foye Also, since W is harmonic, then V2 y Usines ¥¢1) = 9] Oy =0 Hence , equation 2) reduces to [Joves SJ vystas . [jay ie Tn dS =9 Or yECTOR. [AND TENSOR ANALYSIS 313 5,19 EXERCISE ‘TANGENTIAL LINE INTEGRALS PROBLEM (1): PROBLEM (2): @ (i) PROBLEM (3): @ i) PROBLEM (4): PROBLEM (5): PROBLEM (6): PROBLEM (7): PROBLEM (8): PROBLEM (9): WA = (Sxy-6x*)14(2y-4x)}, evaluate Weaeee along the curve C . c in the xy-plane, y = x? from the point (1,1) to (2,8). If A = y?i-x?}, evaluate J A..dt along the following paths C G the straight line y = 4x from(0,0) to (1,4). the curve y = 4x? from(0,0) to (1,4) = 4 ’ ae If A = xyi4x?y?}, evaluate J A .dr , along the following paths C : c the straight line y = 2—x from (2,0) to (0,2). 4 from(2,0) to (0,2) the quarter circle x? +y? Find the work done in moving a particle in the force field F =(x?~y?+x)f-(2xy)} alonga parabola y = x from(0,0)to(1,1). I A = (2x4+y2) f+ (3y-4x)}, evaluate $ K.d7 around the triangle C c consisting of the line segment Cy from(0,0) to (2,0), the line segment Cy from (2,0) to (2,1), and then the line segment C3 from(2,1)to(0,0). = ’ ’ ie If A =e*sinyi+e*cosyj, evaluate $ A.dr where C is the rectangle c with vertices (0,0), (1,0), (1.3), (0.3). It A = (y-2x)f4(3x42y)}, evaluate $ Kat -whee C inn chee Cc x?4y? = 4 in the xy-plane traversed in the counter clockwise direction = aos Find the work done by the force field F = -y?xi+2x} in moving a particle 2 once around the ellipse at a = 1 in the counterclockwise direction . A = yzitaxjexyk, evaluate Wea where C is the straight line 4 from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1). Ocanned with Lamdcanner 314 PROBLEM (10): PROBLEM (11): @ @ (ii) PROBLEM (12): PROBLEM (13): @ wo PROBLEM (14): PROBLEM (15); PROBLEM (16): PROBLEM (17): PROBLEM (18); @ LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS j A satexptyk, evaluate J K.dt where C is the curve c x=cost, y=sint, 2=3t, OStS2m. Sayfexyzk, evaluate i K..d7 along the following paths C: c 3 from t= 0 to t= Ret yet 2 the straight line joining (0,0,0) to (1, 1,1) the path consisting of the line segment C, from(0,0,0) to (1,0,0), thenthe line segment Cz from (1,0,0) to (1, 1,0), and then the line segment Cs from(1,1,0) to (1,1,1) = “ WK = (Pay?yhCtey?yxf a (are! yk, evaluate $ A.dt where C isthe circle x?+y? = c Find the work done in moving a particle in the force field , ze Ol F = 3x?fs(axz-y)}4zh along the straight line from (0,0,0)t0(2,1,3) the spacecurve x= 2t?, y=t, 2=4t2-t fromtsOtot=!- Show that A a A a tor (4xy-3x?27)142x2}-2x32K, is a conservative Ve field. Find the scalar potential function such that A = Vo. = ih {ist Prove that A = (y?cosxz3) 4(2ysinx-4)} +(3x2742)k * conservative force field . Find the scalar potential function for A - ast Frove that each of the following vector fields is conservative and find the $ Py A I — OA 4 Potential ineach ease: (i) A = ¢ agi Show that (2xcos y+zsiny)dx+(x 2008 y-x2siny) dy +xsiny #7 ‘exact differential of a scalar function $ and find . oe - : IG =x?y42y, evaluate i dT along the following paths C! Cc = 3x~2 from(1,1) to (2,4) and the parabola y = x? from(1,1) to (2,4). a_i the straight line y yECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYsIs 315 PROBLEM (19): If @ = 2xy?z 442 J iT Ys evaluate J gd T where c @ is the curve x c a cae y= z=U fomt=Otwt=1. one line segment Cy from (0,0,0) to (1,0 0), then the Ii +00) to (1,00), then the line Segment C> from ( Gao OE BLEM (20): If A = 2y}_z34xf - PRO) ~ A= 2yt-zpexk, evaluate J Axdr along the curve C defined by c x= ' cost, y= sint, z= 2eost from t= 0 tot =F. NORMAL SURFACE INTEGRALS PROBLEM (21): If A =(x+y?)f-2xfa2y2k, evaluate Sf K.ndS, ‘where $ ié the s surface of the plane 2x + y+2z = 6 in the first octant . If A =xisyj4(22-1)k, evaluate ss A..nd$ where is the closed PROBLEM (22): s surface bounded by the planes z= 0, z and the cylinder x?+y? =:a?. ee = PROBLEM (23): If A = 72, evaluate Sf A.ndS, where $ is the surface of the sphere s xPty? tz PROBLEM (24): Evaluate J J T .md$ where $ is s the surface of the unit cube bounded by the planes x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,250,2=1 2 @ Gi) the surface of the sphere x?+y?+z? = a (ii) the curved surface of the cylinder x? +y , 220, z=2a (iv) the closed surface formed by the cone z? = x?+y? and the plane z = If O'= 4x43 y—22z, evaluate JJ otes. where $ is the surface of the plane s 2x+y 422 = 6 bounded by x= 0, y= 0, and 2=0. a = . PROBLEM (26): heen teers} ecaryh evtune ff 2x08 where $ is the s ,y=0,y=1,2=0,z221. PROBLEM (25) surface of the cube-bounded by x=0,x=1 Ocanned with Lamdcanner CO — u6 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS VOLUME INTEGRALS PROBLEM (27): If @ = z?, evaluate J J J 50-4 where Vis the volume of the region R RA enclosed by the plane x+y+z = and the first octant . PROBLEM (28): If @ = 22, evaluate Sf fsav. where R_ jis the region bounded by R z=\1-x'-y? and 2 = 0. PROBLEM (29); If 6 = 2x+ 2, evaluate SSJeov where R is the region of the cube R bounded by the planes x = 0, x »y=0,y=1,2=0, 221. > tA ~ PROBLEM (30): If A = }-2yi, evaluate Sy A dV where R is the closed region bounded A : by the planes X50, y= 0, 250, and 2x42y42 = GREEN’S THEOREM PROBLEM (31): Using Green's theorem in the plane , evaluate $ GRAY) ER+(2x-3y) dy where C is the circle x?+y? = 4 c “raversed in the counterclockwise sense . PROBLEM (32): ‘sing Green's theorem in the plane , evaluate ¢ (xty)dx#(x-y)dy " c h where C isanelipse x44? = 1 desribed in the counterclockwise direction . ’ PROBLEM (33): Using Green's theorem inthe plane » evaluate $ (2-2ny)dxe(xtye3) dy ; c around the boundary of the Tegion defined by y? = 8x and x PROBLEM (34): Verify Greens theorem inthe pane for 4M = siny, N= e7*cosy where C isthe rectangle with verices (0,9), (n,0), (=). (0.3). PROBLEM (35): Verify Greens theorem inthe plone for _M 3x?-8y?, N= 4y-6xy) where C is the boundary ofthe region defined by x = xty=l. np TENSOR ANALYSIS 37 Verify Green's theorem in the plane for M = -2y and N = x, where C is the semi circle x?+y? = 4, y20 and the segment of the x-axis from -2 to 2. Verify Green's theorem i — == fy Green's theorem inthe plane for M = ~ ZFyy8) N= 3Ty 2 where C y js the boundary ofthe region enclosed by the circles x?+y? = 1 and x*+y 0310" 08) Find the area of the region bounded by the circle x = a cos 8, y=assin@, 0<0<2n. a . : propLEM (39): Find the area of the region bounded by one arch of the cycloid x = a(t~ sint), y = a(1-cost),0StS27 , and the x-axis . TOKES’ THEOREM prosLee (40% Using Stokes’ theorem , evaluate $ Kedi where A = -Syfe4x} 2k, c and C iscircle x?+y?=4, z=1. pROnLEM (4): Using Stokes’ theorem evaluate G Kae where & = yibex?}e22k and c is the boundary ofthe pat ofthe plane x-+y-+z = 1 lying in the first octant PROBLEM (42): Using Stokes’ theorem, evaluate j J (vxA).nds, Ss where A = (xtey-4ybasay}+(axat 227k and § is the surface of @ the hemisphere x?+y?+27 = 16 above the xy-plane Wi) the paraboloid z = 4 - (x24?) above the xy-plane PROBLEM (43): Verify Stokes’ theorem for K = (xtty?y}-2xy} taken round the rectangle pounded by thelines x= +a, y=0, y=b- PROBLEM (44): Verify Stokes" theorem for A = y 42}+xQ where S is the upper surface of the sphere x?+y7+z? = 1, above the xy-plane PROBLEM (45): Verify the Stokes” theorem for Ra atbax?}ay?h, where S is the surface of the paraboloid z = 4-x?- y? lying above the xy-plane PROBLEM (46): Verify Stokes’ theorem for Kextexptyk where S is the surface of the cone z = VK? +y? for 0S 24 which is not included in the plane z = 4. PROBLEM (47): Show that @ Sfaser et $a w JJoeus- 6 © Ss s c c Ocanned with Lamdcanner a 38 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS AND RELATED INTEGRAL THEOREMS PROBLEM (48): If C isa closed curve enclosing a surface $ prove that = A @ § vo.a7 =0 (i) $ oVy.dr JJ cvoxvyy.tas c ic s . GAUSS’ DIVERGENCE THEOREM PROBLEM (49): Using the divergence theorem evaluate ff A.nds, s > 5 Bnd on i Ib whee A= (Ony2)T2x7yh 428, and $s is the surface of a cube FSO Xa, y20, yea, 220, zag. PROBLEM (60): Using the divergence theorem, evaluate ff ANS , where “s Roo , Ax ity 42h and Ss is the portion of the plane X+y+z = a lyingin the first octant PROBLEM ($1): Using the divergence theorem, evatate ares where 7 : s Re pah ice” Je ees 7)42°K, and 8 is he complete surface of the region bounded the cylind ze the cylinder x24 y2 = 4 andbythe planes 2 = 0 and 2 = 2. PROBLEM (53); Ug, x sing the divergence theorem, evaluate ff A.ndS, where PROBLEM (53); PROBLEM (54): PROBLEM (55): @ VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS 319 PROBLEM (56): PROBLEM (57): @ PROBLEM (58): PROBLEM (59): PROBLEM (60): Show that the volume V of a region R bounded by any closed surface $ is v= aff (Vr?).nds Ss If S is any closed surface » then show that. Jfvoxtas-3 Gi) JJ (vx%).as =o 8 8 If R is the region bounded by a closed surface S, then prove that - ar - [Jfve.Rav=[foX.tas-ffov.zav. R s R Furthermore if A = Vo and V?6 = 0, show that 2 =A A’dv=]] oA.nds R s If R is the region bounded by a closed surface $, then show that Jf (vex¥).845 = fff vevevav R s If W 1 = = = 2 YxV and V = VxU, show that JJ CGe¥).tas -{JJvev-a If. s Where R is the region bounded by a closed surface $.. Scanned with CamScannen

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