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Pension Lifestage


Serene Safe Harbours
2 Two Examples of Basic Balanced Mutual Fund
Source: Vanguard
Step Twelve - Pension Lifestage Choices

Pension Monitoring, LifeStage Investments in capital markets are subject

to many oscillating variances and trends:
Choices, Annuity/Drawdown interest rates, consumer drift (away from
& Calculators once-in-demand products), global currency
fluctuations, political instability, consum-
We are now at the process to review the
er inflation, employment statistics, gov-
performance of a illustrative selected pen-
ernmental firm hands – or not, credibility
sion account:
of security valuations, and so on. These
often-unexpected variables can increase or
decrease volatility on a short-term basis to
A. Monitoring the performance of a bal-
affect the value of investments.
anced pension fund;
B. Discuss Lifestage differences in allo- Pension fund management, generally,
cations and rates of return for con- is geared toward much longer timeline
servative, balanced and aggressive environments. And, sta-tistically, long-term
portfolio relative to your age and years stable investments and their indexes, for
of employment in the workforce; example, tend to appreciate upwards, albeit
C. Comparing your investment drawdown with short-term losses (on paper) along the
account versus the annuity pension way.
choice; Feedback received over the years on pen-
D. Walk-through a couple of different sion investment activity goes like this: “Why
retirement calculators to project some do I, as an ordi-nary person, have to cope
possible estimated amounts to expect with all of these crazy terms, try to pick
for retirement. what I think is best for me when invest-
ments are so hard to understand, and then
have to watch their performance run up, go
Everyone, who invests, yes, down, and vice versa? Sometimes, I feel so
helpless with so little control.”
even in one’s pension, wants
Then, some individuals may go on to say
their investment to be the that they would rather have all of their cash
one where values only go one in savings ac-counts – cause at least they
way – upward. know where it is.

In other words, investments guaranteed to Why does anyone invest in capital mar-
succeed that never, ever show losses. We kets and its underlying securities, of all
cannot help wishfully thinking that such an types?
investment utopia is really true, but this is • Cash in term deposits just may not
not how capital markets and investment accomplish the savings goals for many
valuations work. people, heavily de-pendent on prevail-
ing market interest rates, and no excess employees get closer to the golden hand-
appreciation - yet investments have done shake, pension accumulations should be
the job. scrutinised very closely indeed. If you hav-
• Appreciation opportunity is significantly en’t been paying much attention, and your
better, sometimes astronomically so, final lump sum appears to be significantly
rather than plac-ing pension funds into less than expected, emotional behaviour
cash accounts, then eroded by inflation. patterns can override logic.
Additionally, the universe of se-curities is
full of diverse choices, allowing a portfolio
manager to pick hundreds, sometimes Sometimes too much so, with
thousands of small security positions
over a very broad range thereby minimis-
magical thinking, “if I just in-
ing the risk of loss. crease my asset allocation to
• Stretching your purchasing power and more aggres-sive for the next
beating inflation is critical for a satisfac- couple of years, I will have the
tory lifestyle. Your money needs to earn
something (interest, dividends, capital amount that I am counting on
gains) to outpace inflation in Bermuda, for the big day.”
particularly, with the incessant increase
It does not always work that way.
in cost of living – and what you actually
re-ceive for each dollar you spend. If you are lucky and the investment gods
• Broad diversification (otherwise known as are with you, you may cash out a huge
asset allocation) to spread out the con- winner; but in the short term, you have a
centration of risk with currencies, coun- random chance that the market could stall
try-specific securities, businesses, and out just around that happy lifestyle change.
industries. Remember that lo-cal Bermu- Even if the investment market is kind, you
da investors concentrated in domestic could have a lovely sum to retire on, only
investments may have experienced high- to realise that in a low interest rate environ-
er losses in security values than those ment, your annuitisation distribution formula
in more diversified global investments for the rest of your life will be nowhere what
during the ill-fated SUBPRIME capital you thought it would be.
market downturn of 2007-2008. An appropriate asset allocation for you is
truly critical for a well-balanced portfolio.
Regrettably, we have had the truly tragic,
Your pension asset allocation recent COVID-19 Global Market Crash
is an integral part of your March 2020 where investors allocated
entire portfolio strategy. strictly to stocks, and other more risky
assets: emerging market and high-yield
Yet so many of us do not make the time bonds, mortgage-backed REITS, ex-
to give these long-term accumulations the change-traded funds, any leveraged prod-
attention and the respect that they deserve. ucts, commercial paper liquidity problems,
Perhaps, it is because the money is un- hedge fund issues, and many more, saw
reachable, untouchable until retirement significant asset devaluations on paper and
that we tend to be a ‘tiny bit’ indifferent. As actual realised losses, if they cashed out.
Sovereign debt, particularly US Treasury is- What is a pension fund
sues per-formed at the top of the heap with
unbelievably high price values and very, generally comprised of?
very unprecedented low yields. Let’s stick to a simple formula for now:
• stocks of large and small publicly traded
companies (think Apple (APPL) and say
And we cannot forget the Netflix (NFLX),
tragic loss of lives due to this • bonds of sovereign governments, large
pandemic - the worst human and small corporations, etc. (think US
Treasuries, UK gilts, Bank of America
and economic debacle of this bonds, Deutsche Bank bonds),
century. • cash (generally, money market funds that
If you are completely turned off investment can be converted into real cash).
markets, your pension should be invested • far smaller percentages may be invest-
only in a cash product. ed in more aggressive securities (funds)
such as real es-tate, commodities, hedge
This means that you will have to save sig-
funds, and private equity. See balanced
nificantly more cash due to the low com-
fund chart courtesy of About Money.
pounding interest rate environment – that
seems to be staying for another significant
period of time while economies begin to
grow again - according to experienced mar-
ket pundit opinions and market watchers of A. Monitoring the
the US Federal Reserve are to be believed. performance of a balanced
And as I have stated before, investing in a pension fund
GIC or like retirement product means that
How is my pension portfolio doing (and
you have turned your pension monies over
constructed)? It depends upon the pen-
to the insurance pension administrator to
sion administrator firm and its investment
manage for you. It also means that in order
managers. A balanced fund is very popular
to return a decent interest rate, said pen-
and is offered by Bermuda pension pro-vid-
sion administrator will have to invest in cap-
ers, along with conservative, capital growth,
ital markets, generally high grade bonds to
aggressive choices, etc.
achieve the savings rate. So, even though
you personally are not in the market, your Balanced fund risk is relative in that it is not
insurance company probably is. Please be too conservative, not too aggressive.
sure to ask exactly what your GIC account
Composition of the balanced portfolio se-
contains in invested assets.
curity holdings is focused generally around
60% stock and 40% bond positions.
See the pie chart examples at beginning
of STEP Twelve
General Average Returns are: However, it is worth noting that these
average returns will now also reflect the
Balanced mutual fund returns average 6%- coronavirus global cap-ital market crises
7.50%. These numbers are based upon in March 2020 where returns overall will
US mutual fund reports from various mutual be significantly lower until capital markets
fund firms, here displayed at beginning of fully recover again - and they will, if history
STEP TWELVE are asset alloca-tions from lessons are true.
Your pension returns may be
more or less than the average,
due to different fee structures
and in-vestment management
Conservative allocations will be
lower than balanced.
Capital and aggressive portfolio
allocations, generally, a higher
concentration in equities will have
a higher return (and a larger loss
in a downturn) - remember: the
higher the return, the greater the
It boils down to the same old
lessons: There is always risk in
capital markets.
B. Lifestage Changes in
Pension and Personal Assets’
Your reward (rate of return) is based upon
the amount of risk you are willing to accept. Allocations
More risk, more return. Your Quick Personal Financial Life Plan to
Help with Your Asset Allocations
• stock returns, generally, beat bonds
No matter your age, whether 22 or 62, de-
• bond returns beat cash
velop a simple financial plan for yourself by
• cash is there for liquidity and expediency using the follow-ing steps.
sake, possibly earning a little interest.
One – in monetary and emotional terms,
Review the Pyramid of Risk Chart at Be- define your goals, five, ten, fifteen, twenty,
ginning of STEP ELEVEN again! and further out if you can really stretch your
For a good idea on the differences in asset imagination.
allocations, local balanced and other asset Two - consider your entire financial picture
allocated mutu-al funds’ fact sheets are including items that could torpedo your
provided by all eight investment firms in financial success, such as helping your
Bermuda. You can simply download the extended family with nursing home care,
fact sheets and begin your comparisons. for instance. Remember that every fi-nan-
cial decision you make, or ignore making,
affects the rest of your finances. Maybe not your progress, year by year. Some sage
now, but ultimately it will. advice: the moment you acquire a new job,
you should be planning for the next one.
Three - Count your assets: what do you
Complacency cannot exist in this totally
have, what have you saved, what do you
wired New World.
owe, what do you think your earnings po-
tential will be? Six – start tracking what you are spending,
then lay out a consistent savings plan for
Four – assume only good debt, responsible
your outside cash, keeping in mind how
debt, debt that will allow you to become
much risk you want to take on to make this
financially inde-pendent. For good debt
cash grow. Should you be invested in the
reading go to STEP Seven. Credit card
same manner as your pension, it depends?
debt may buy you what you want to make
You will need to make that determination
you feel good momentarily, but it will never
after some serious investment research, but
make you rich.
what an opportunity to learn!
Five – review your job and employee bene-
Seven – review and learn to understand
fits. Look for opportunities to increase your
your pension asset allocations.
skills and your compensation, then track
Eight - Review your individual investment Keep in mind also that even your GIC is
outlook every five years or so as your career invested in capital markets - completely
progresses, al-ways with a view as you ar- managed by your pen-sion administrator/
rive closer to retirement to consider reallo- provider.
cating investments for capital preservation.

C. What Will Your Distribution

Individual Life Stage Asset Choice Be? drawdown
Allocation Suggested account vs annuity pension
Guidelines: choice
As individuals, each working age group has
different needs, is in different life stages,
has different conflicts and stresses getting What is an annuity?
along in this world. One of the options upon retirement and
Starting with young careerists (22-35), the the retrieval of your accumulated Bermuda
demands of everyday life are diametrically National Pension invested capital is a plain
devoted to the present. Middle to old age vanilla annuity; that is a series of immediate
might as well be a remote wilderness when payments for a set number of periods or
one is young. Young careerists can afford to for life, guaranteed by the annuity issuer,
be more aggressive with their portfolio; old- usually an insurance company.
er workers who have scrimped and saved How is it constructed?
have to think about preserving their capital.
From a layman’s perspective (the math
How should you allocate your pension equation is more complicated), it is actu-
dollars? Not sure? This is a hint to encour- ally fairly simple, and it looks like this. We
age you to learn all you can about invest- will use the example of a then 45- year old
ments. Try a real individual who started with the Ber-muda
common sense approach to investing and National Pension plan in the year 2000, and
finance and, a bit will fully retire in 2020 with an estimated
more sophisticated, but excellent teaching $100,000 pension benefit.
website for the beginning investor.
This number was arrived at as follows.
Why should you invest at all?
• Salary $50,000 per year.
Why not just put your money in a Guaran-
• Her employer started with a 1% contribu-
teed Investment Certificate (GIC) choice?
tion and a 1% employee match that was
Nothing wrong there if you are extreme- raised each year until the contribution
ly conservative. But consider this. If you and the match hit 5% for both partici-
cannot access your pension for 40 years pants.
wouldn’t you like to see it grow faster than • Thereafter, pension contributions contin-
the rate of inflation over that time frame? ued at 10% of salary every year.
Cash and near cash for the most part will • We also assume that the salary remained
not outperform inflation and keep pace with the same over the demonstrated time
your purchasing power. frame, even though it is a given fact that
generally employees receive
salary raises, possible bonus-
es, etc.
• There is some luck involved,
as in this current pandemic
environment, this individu-
al still has full employment.
Certainly, the numbers would
be different in a job change,
been made redun-dant, or
had other contributing factors
that lessened the total contri-
butions over time.
Readers will note that while
this pension is invested in the
Balanced Asset Allocation, we
have not counted that invest- Currently, there are two options to choose
ment growth percentage over the time from.
frame into the equation – just to keep • The first is the traditional annuity. Her
the computation simple. Capital markets total accumulation, possibly less a 25%
are uncertain. Different pension portfolio lump sum cash pay-out will be converted
managers may achieve different results to an annuity (monthly payments for a
over the same time frame even with a certain time frame) along with a current
similar asset allocation mandate. interest rate amount attached, and a
fee charge from the preferred pension
pro-vider for guaranteeing the payments
The Next Step in Choosing the for the time prescribed.
Pension Pay-out Option. • The second is a drawdown account
(pension portfolio remains fully invested
We know what the total pension accumu- in capital markets) where the percentage
lation is and must now make a decision on payment (generally around 4%, annually)
how to receive this monthly pension. is mathematically calculated based upon
Illustration of a Generic example of an im- general mortality tables and other criteria.
mediate annuity. While the choices may seem easy, in order
Our illustrative person may receive more of to truly choose the right options for her
less than this projected monthly income of retirement, how-ever, it is extremely import-
$505.03. ant to understand the individual’s complete
personal financial profile and how these
See the Schwab calculator link further here. monthly payments fit in the picture.
Your Pension May Represent struct the drawdown investment product
and what is their experience and back-
a Quarter of Your Total ground?
Financial Retirement It is important to also note that under the
Will it become one quarter of the retirement amendments to the Bermuda Investment
quadrant along with a home owned debt- Act that every pension representative in
free, a steady income, and other capital the pension provider product chain has a
asset appreciation to control inflation for the fiduciary responsibility to be sure that the
future. recommendations for you are appropriate,
and suitable for your personal financial
• Are the recurring payments needed im-
mediately, or can they be deferred?
• What time frame should be chosen for
annuity payments: five years, ten years,
20 years, a monthly payment for the rest What Are the Differences in
of natural life? What will the differences Our Illustrative Pension Pay-
mean for this individu-al’s annual budget? out Choices?
• Should the entire sum convert to an an-
nuity, withdraw 25% lump sum, or be left The Annuity Set-up Factors
in the invest-ment portfolio (a drawdown • the accumulation amount
account) where it will continue to appreci- • current market interest rate, can be high
ate, or possibly depreci-ate at times? or low
• Taking the annuity solution passes the • term choices: 5yr, 10yr, 20yr, for life
risk of continued payment to the insur-
• administration fees
ance company.
• foreign currency purchase tax conversion
• Leaving the investment component intact
from USD back to Bermuda dollars, ap-
under your asset allocation choice gen-
pears to be ex-empt for government, but
erates a con-tinued exposure to capital
there may be a fee by the local pension /
market risk.
bank administrator
• How does insurance annuity issuer who
• an annuity is a legal contract – once
now has your full pension accumulation
signed, there is no reversal
invest the money to fund the annuity?
• What kind of fees do they charge?
• Are the annuity interest rates locked in, The Drawdown Set-up Factors
or are they adjusted according to market
interest rate fluctuations? • the accumulation amount
• The annuity is guaranteed to arrive, • investment asset allocation choice
month after month, year after year, but • investment account
who will guaran-tee the financial strength • drawdown percentage per year, may
of the annuity issuer if the company has generally be around 4%, annually, divided
financial problems? into twelve monthly payments
• What happens if our person lives longer • investment values subject to capital mar-
than the total accumulation? ket activity
• Who is working with our person to con- • may be converted to an annuity later on
Which Pension Distribution
Choice Is Better?
There is no correct answer. The final choice
will depend upon various investment and
personal criteria. In other words, assessing
this soon-to-be retiree’s complete financial
D. Walking-through a couple
of What-If retirement
*Current interest rate applied to the ini-
tial annuity conversion value – if very low, calculators to project possible
by the time adminis-trative fees, etc. are estimated amounts to expect
calculated, the additional interest income for retirement.
generated will be depleted by the fees. An
annuity is generally not recommended in The BallPark Estimator. The Ballpark E$ti-
this circumstance, but other factors such mate is an easy-to-use, interactive tool that
as the immedi-ate need for a distribution, or helps you quickly identify approximately
fear of losing value in capital markets may how much you need to save to fund a com-
override low interest rate consideration. fortable retirement. The Ballpark E$timate
takes complicated issues like projected
*Capital markets are subject to risk and Social Security benefits and earnings as-
volatility. The pension may continue to sumptions on savings, and turns them into
appreciate in value, even with the annual language and mathematics that are easy
drawdowns, or lose such value that it never to understand. This is a US-based web-
recovers. site, you can ignore the tax inputs at zero.
*Serious thought and comparison between
the two choices must be taken. The soon- Financial Independence Retire Early. FIRE-
to-be retiree should evaluate the choices Calc®: How long will your money last? The
based upon what-if situations and her big question:
remaining financial assets and lia-bilities; it
is recommended to work with your pension “With what you have today, and what it
administrator who can calculate your pen- costs you to live, can you retire and main-
sion payouts based upon your accumulated tain the same life-style?
pension value, a more accurate solution.
• Another Explanation of Annuity Struc-
tures: Financial Consumer Agency of
Canada RISE: Retirement Income Security Evalua-
• Income Annuity Estimator: Charles tion Score™ by non profit Alliance for Life-
Schwab time Income - take the retirement readiness
• Immediate Annuity Calculator CCHWEb-
tent/calculators/ImmediateAnnuity.html “USERS FIND RISE SCORE ‘SIMPLE’ AND
• My Retirement With- ‘INTUITIVE”
drawal Calculator https://www.mycalcu-
Warning: Pension Taxation Complexity for
Multinational Individuals.
See also STEP EIGHTEEN Pondstraddler
International financial planning for US
citizens working and residing in Bermu-
da, Bermudians with dual citizenship with
the United States, green card holders and
foreign nationals who are US residents for
income purposes. Conversion to purchas-
ing foreign annui-ties, or attempting to roll
foreign pensions into US pension / annuity
type plans (won’t happen) are decisions
that may be saturated with current and
future United States tax implications and
In this viral US Internal Revenue Service,
and US Treasury global compliance en-
vironment, every finan-cial strategy has
significant tax outcomes.
Do not even consider making this decision
without consulting US tax practitioners /
financial planners with international invest-
ment, tax and pension experience. This is
a minefield that could have you caught in
compliance reporting loops, with significant
tax liabilities long after your local pension
deci-sion was implemented.
Who can you seek recourse from then?
Multinationals with burdensome tax com-
pliance with other countries need to feel
comfortable with the level of sales repre-
sentative expertise in tax, investments, and
pension portability challenges.
Listen to
Examples of annuity payments,
Part 1 - Pension
drawdown calculations and retirement
calculator models are hypo-thetical Life Stages
- for illustrative purposes only. These
hypothetical illustrations cannot, nor
should not, be used for your own
personal financial retirement situation. Listen to Part 2 -
Pension Annuity -
Drawdown Comparison
& Resources

360 Degrees of Financial Literacy. American
Institute of CPAs https://www.360financial-
My Home of Many Finan-
cial Calculators https://www.mycalculators.
Financial Samurai. The Proper Asset Alloca-
tion of Stocks And Bonds By Age
Don’t panic over your pension fund Martha
Myron, Moneywise April 11, 2020 The Royal


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