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‘ts tensor of order 'N, then its partial derivative wir.t.x p, Isalso a tensor of order n+ 1. a) . Differentiating both sides of equation (1) wart. xx we get S70 css pl Camis? Oxn a wig = Bytom Ugly Oke 5g Alita tn ® ite ssf 15a tensor of order n+ 1. . then | derivative of Aj,i,---i, Wit Xp is denoted by Aiyiz =~ tap _asatte ~ F i 9.27 APPLICATION TO VECTOR ANALYSIS DOT PRODUCT as ‘and B be two vectors with components Ay, A2,Ay and 3.32.2 ropes then A.B = A,B,+A2B2+AsBy = AiBi- . ‘THEOREM (7.20): Pee eat Ay and By are the components of two first order tensory Z and B respectively , then A; By is a zeroth order tensor . PROOF: Since Aj and B, are the components of first order tensors, therefore under transformation law from the system K to K’, we have = Am = bmidi © Bia = fj) Q) Multiplying equations (1) and (2), we get —ApBin = fmilaj AiBy eS ‘Setting m = n in equation (3) , we have Ki B'm = Ci fm) AiB) = 8 ALB) = AiBi @ hich shows that Aj Bisa scalar or zeroth order tensor . 3: (I) Equation (4) can be written as poe pe = A,B) +A2Bi+AsBy 4a “the components of the del-operator v(t 52 mntorm ste cononenis _ of a vector under a rotation of the coordinate axes « the vector del-operator Vis invariant under the rotation of the coordinate axes Le Gh snd si Be tecampents ote = operator V inthe system ax Ox xx) respectively. te x1 and x) be the coordinates of point im these systems» 2x 9 ax ree es boa antag Mn 4M CARTESIAN Mion y \ ae | 2o ax, 2ede Siniay 5 = i xn s x ¢ = Ox; +enge +995, ao n> 2) * Og, ° dg dg ax 06 Ax: Re ode = Ox any "Fe ax) mae ax ao a9 ® 2 Ogn sop tO, ao 2b, 0) From equations (1) , (2), and (3), we get a a x. ek (4) ax) Oxi which shows that under a rotation of the coordinate axes , the components of the ¥ > transform as components of a vector . a 38 ana be the components of 0 in the system Ox) x2) and Or; x43' ® Oxi respectively . Then we fan that a¢ 3e axj Six, 6) Also 8) = ¢ji8) = Gee © From equations (5) and (6) , we get 129 é ey see = (48x) (uid) ao, = GG, gi 08 55199 9198 9 28 5 20 9 20 ae ay OR: % o «VG =9G which shows that V 4 is invariant under the rotation of the coordinate axes . DIVERGENCE If (A,,Az,A3) are the components of a vector point function A , then by definition — aA, aA VA = ton tony = Ais a eM (727): Prove that lf Ay are the components of a first order ten a ‘0 ah wor Le. vector then is a second ord, oH nd order {ensor. ence prove that V.A Isa scalar quantity sn00F Let Ay and Ap be the components of A in systems K and K’ respectively ,then ie tpi ferenuating bot sides partially watt. xq, we get pil : ade, 2A axq Oxq put om te chain rule of ealeulus ake axq wo aa, aa ‘Thos equation (1) becomes ies t pita) on 4 aA which shows that are the components of a second order Cartesian tensor Xj OA, aA, Ifeontraction is applied to ~ by putting i = j, then an is zeroth order tensor and therefore a scalar %y 1 which by definition , is the divergence of A. oAi THEOREM (7.28): Prove that V. A= ox is invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes . ‘ PROOF: Let eo and Aj. be the components of the del-operator and the vector A i a , respectively nthe sytem Ox X2%3 and 37 and A be the comesponding components the system xj Ox, x'px'3. Then the laws of transformation become a a ’ ae=fiz- ad A k Ak dx) Axi ue Hence , since the coefficients fj are independent of x1.%2,%3, therefore aA, a — = | Gis) (ied ax; ( j ai ex) _ dA 5 DAK aA: = a, = any” ax: SOR ANALYSIS wp TENSOR AD ypc 43 BAY Oxi showing that VA. = 24+ js invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes , | CURL If (Ay, Az. Ay) are the components of a vector point function A, then { vxk = (282242241 2A 2A BAL XA = Lox, 7 Oxy" Oxy” Ox, Ax, xz We now show that the components of Vx A are given by A C= ens for i= 1.2.3. Since C,=€ A C,= fuk ay = dAx Crs Ey Ze i = aay Hence (VxA); = €ijk s— i 5K Ox; NOTE: The cutl itself is given by Vx A where now the summation is over all the indices . THEOREM (7.29): Prove that Vx A isa vector quantity . DAp PROOF: ‘We know that Oxq ‘Therefore their outer product is a fifth order tensor . If we apply contraction by putting p = k, we get is a second order tensor and € jx is a third order tensor . OAK Eide ppg 858 tied order tensor. Again. if we apply contraction to this third order tensor by puting | | Ak 9 = J. We obtain € jj, 5 asa first order tensor ( or a vector ) which , by definition, are the j components of Vx A. Hence Vx A isa vector. THEOREM (7.30): Prove that @ the components of Vx A ie. € yk a transform as the components of 9 Vector under a rotation of the coordinate axes. i) Vx A isinvariant vector field under the rotation ofthe coordinate axts. ror ‘AND TENSOR ANALYSIS ve 437 f: () bat sje and AE Ge uy prooF: Dy OF WE Componenis ofa third onder and second second order vely in the system Ox DAp caso eee y 12%) and Cmyp and SOL Dan tele comesponding compon ett in sem OFF 283+ Then ane sy’ Emap = fmilnj lpk Eijk 7 a, day ( = bsvlru Fy axe (2) From equations (1) and (2) , we get , A, Eman yy = bm ai lphelilsy ley 2 Oxy = Fmiénjfpklsvery eign At mienj Ek Fav ry Cig 3 @) erp =s and n= 1 incquation (3), we get , aA, aa emaray, Emilnj lpr lov éavlije = bmi (Cai lau) (Erk lov) eye 2 Xu 7 day = lmidjubkyEije xy 5 OAD yey DAE emnpag, 7m Fit Dy; @) hich shows that under a rotation of the coordinate axes , the components of V x A transform as the components of a vector « - 2a (i) Let €sjx BAB be the components of Vx A inthe system Oxy X2X3 and Eman bets xj Xe components in the systern Ox’) X'2' then we know that » aA) DAR ” Emnp ax, Emi Eijk ax; No Bq = bmi By = Emr Er o From equations (1) and (2) we get 1 OAD ae aAt * fap 57 bm tmieun 5g, (emt) n 4 er aAx mime Ei5* Ox; ll hich shows that Vx A_ is invariant vector field under the THEOREM (731): Prove the following formul: wo (i) (ii) (iv) W) oi) (vii) (viii) (a) &) PROOF: @ [vew)]; a os CARTAN = Buen gee = ijk a “ or UxA'= OHA tation of axes . jas using tensor methods : Vigy) =oVvt¥> v.(94) = 9(V-4)#(79)-4 vx(9) = 9( VA) +(VO)KA v.(AxB)=B VxA-A.VxB vx(AxB) = X(v.B)-B(vV.A)+(B.V)A-(K.V)B V (A.B) = (A.9) B+ (B-V)AFA XV EB +B XV CA v.9= 5 Seem v.(vxA)=0 | vx(vo)=0 vx(VxAd) =V(V.A)-VIA ‘We know that acov)_ av a6 ax fax; Y ax: [vcow)], = 9CVw it VCVO: which gives the three components of the required formulas for i = 12,3. Hence Vow) = @ V.(oa a = [vx(oA)], evry io _2(OAi) _ 241, 90 ax 7 ax: Ox; " eRe Je A.V =A; +] i fii 5x, jtale = ei | (eae __| xp TENSOR ANALYSIS eco ay = en [024 ae, On ny = ey, 2AD Ue yy POUR CV ONAL = O(VKA) +(Vexd), pins at al IE three components of the required formula are equal (fori = 1,2,3) ot gu(@a) = OCVXA)+(V OA It 4 y.(AxB) = i (Aad), a = dx Foun AiBi) - (22 SAL = Cijk ata By aB OA = Alen 38), (oni), oBy oA = As(-cn 32)s(eu, 34) 05 = -Aj(VxB)j)+Bu(VxA)y = B(aR)-A (vxB) [vx(AxB)], = cn (aad = ein 2 ean, Bm) 3Bm, aA, = Eijk ome May a "ny B aA, = CSS bitin) a tavag2t] aay = 64,8jm APE * B+ bi/5jm Ba aBm aA - 8imby, A, ax m8) Bn aBy dA, 2B, aa = Baa +8jmBm dx) By A Finbar, By, OAL aA eM Bax ‘Oxy AV. B+(B.U)A i-(A.V)Bj-BiV.A ee ~~ CARTESUAN TENSORs . oven of be eguiredfomala ae equ [| = 12,3 the three co" rm sequal i ye a(¥-B)- B(v.A)+(B.V)A-(A.9)D (vxB), aB = Gyn Ay Cea 2Br = ih Crm May toch shows tut ll tease Vx(AxB go (AxtxB], = aB o'r 7 (85.807 5im OMG aBn 2Bm = 50 AN QS 81m), Ay Ox, oBi_, 2B) = Ag A Bs) = ASE (R.¥)Bi oe aay (= Similarly [Bx Vx A], = ays (8 AVAL Hence [AxvxB],+(Bx9xA], = ae ong - (4.9) Bi-(B.V) A, = Dense (4-9) Bi (B.V)As = 5 (R.B)-G.v) Bi -Bv) ai [v(R.8)],= (A. )Bi+(B.V) Ais [AxvxB ]+[BxvxA J, 2.3. Hence or which shows that all the three components of required formula are equal for i= 1, V(A.B) = (A.V) B+ (B.V)AFARVKB 4 BVA (i VaC%9) = GOOD 2 (ae) _a9 a? = axj laxi) ~ axidxi a Thus we have proved that V.(V6) = V6 = x oe 2,2 ‘hich implies that V° = <5 and scalled the Laplacian operator. xy cin 9.84) = 52 (vk len? aan) | AL i= Eijk DRj Sik eax; p TENSOR ANALYSIS cron ata = 6 oe - 2 Fay Ong aA 44 20x, * Ong Ae n tesa we pee we bone see that 5 AL Dey day en geae ww Axjax, Dxpax, 7% wo pexiVor] = urge (Ven =e 2 (22 tyk5— + amen [VRCV OT, = aera i a ee axjox xy9xy a6 a9 a oat a ees dean "Ida IS 29x)” xan; [vx(vo], =o , =o and [Vx(V vxVoe0 mine [vx(vxA)], solsly Hee 0 a - ung Ae a cng (ex dAn Oxy OK ax, = Cyn Cyne DO axjax, = (Bi, Bjm-5imdj, ) " VAnm = 51,8 Um axjax ~ Bindie _ OTA A vA ax} Dxjaxi AxjIK; Diya 5x, (PA) VPAI = [v(¥-A)],- (9A); Wiech shor ves that all the three components of the required formulls 3f¢ equal for i = 1.2.3 Hesce ve(vxn) = V(V-A)-VA- 128 " INTEGRAL THEOREMS IN TENSOR FORM GAUSS DIVERGENCE THEOREM a region R_bounde by 2 closed surface S and 4 the outward drawn Let V. be the volume of «first parts! derivatives then mt ormal A to S. If A is any vector point function with continuous Ia.tas «JJ oRev w ees a2 > CARTES T | In tensor notation, Aye] and R= nyey so that Rane Aim and OR. dA, | da, A equation (1) bores [Yonus JI) feav Q a STOKES’ THEOREM, Let S be an opeatwo ~ sidedsutce hounded bya simple closedcune Cit X iy o polet function with continvous first partial derivatives , then Y Neetey $ x47 «JJ (ved).tas 0 c s Where fl ise outward drawn unit pommal to S Intensar notation, A= Arey, M= miei, and dr # dayey sothat Awd7 = Aidx,, dA OA: Vxkw eng ae ey,and (VA sno cng ‘Thus equation (3) takes the form B nano edna EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS OF A SECOND ORDER TENSOR Let Avy (i,j = 1.2.3) bea second onder tensor and suppose x1 iva vector. Then te (4) 729 see Prodect Aix, is also vector. Suppose the vector x, is such that a sear A can be found so th Ajyxy canbe written as a scalar multiple of x4 ie Ayy = Ruy (i= 1,243) w We can wmite equation (1) in the form Aaj = AB yxy oe (Ayj-25iy)x) = 0, 11,243 Q) which is equivalent to 0 | 0 Q) o ‘The system of equations (2) o¢ (3) bas a non ~ trivial solution if and only if |Ay)-254j1 = 0 Au-2 An Ay or An An-2h Ay An Ay Ay-h (Ande + Ak, + | Auks Anti + (An-A)ar + 0 Anas Aux, + Apt, + (An-d)xy ow 0 @) Equation (4) is called the determinantal equation or characteristic equation of the tensor Ay, . This equation being cubic in A gives three values of % denoted by X2y.Az, 23 which are called the Oc — yr ap TENSOR ANALYSIS 443 on A* yor? 3 ebneactersic values ) of the tensor A). Thus g FEMSOF AL) (of reek 2) hag thee orto ( eral Covhich may not be all distinet), Ig" ing uae responding 0 the values 21.22.25 of 2 arcealled the elkemvectorsof A. cot tors fe mn is homogencous itis clear hatif & isan e te the syst sect Benvector of Ay), ro constant. is als0 an eigenvector of A) corre constant. then KX , where K is cigenvalue yaar TED ROOT OF THE CHARACTErasty REPEA the characteristic equation will have thy re reich i linearly independent from the other t eee ues are linearly independent . If, however , the charncteristic sgstinet are to be an cigenvalue of multiplicity 2, We Shall show that ¢ 1A ss here may be One oF IO linearly independent cigenvecton ee sponding 10 the repeated eigenvalue is said to defective, eigenve Ponding to the same IC EQUATION ree distinct roots for + cach leading to a single WO. That is, the eigen YEClOrs corresponding to equation has a repeated ‘Orresponding to such an A tensor with only one vec INVARIANCE OF EIGENVALUES (7-32): The elgenvalues of m second order tensor Ay are Independent of the TEOREN coordinate system, oF: TAL Ai) X1, and xy, be the components ofa second order tensor and two vector PROOF: K. Let A’mns ®'ms and x'y be the components ofthe second order tensor and two vectors jaitesystem K. ia K’, and let 2 be an eigenvalue in the system K , then we have inthe system K , AmnXn = AXm a) Q) ee jA now A'nn fmifajAty ) xn =/npXp ) | Km = fmaXq Substituting from equations (2) , (3) , and (4) in equation 1) , we get tmilnjAij£np%p = hlmaXq Nohiplying both sides by Cyy¢, we get fmelmifn| fapAijXp = Al mefmaXq Bri B)pAijXp = AbrqXq Bri Mijn = Axe % Agxj=Ax, or Aijxj Axi . inate system K. ich shows that 2. is also an eigenvalue in the coordinate sys id order tensor FXAMPLE (20): Find the efgenvalues and eigenvectors of the secon 303 ~«S o 4 0 x -5 9 -7 CARTES iy ry N Sony 44 W-A 3s jsticequauonis | 0 4~) SOLUTION: Inthis case , the characteristic €4u a4 [+o Expanding with the help of second row, we obtain (4-ay[(13-2)(-7-2)4 75] = 0 2.6 A-16) = 0 or (4-2) (AF 64-16) . oe (AEA) LAZY (HB) = 0» Therefore, = ~2,4,8. ‘Thus the eigenvalues are Ay = 2. 22 = 46 Ay=8. Corresponding to the first eigenvalue Ay = -2, the above equations (3) take the form 15xy-3x:+5xy = 0 ” Ox, +6x;+0x; = 0 @) = 15.1 492-5490 &) From equation (2) we have xz = 0, therefore equations (1) and (3) become 15x, 45x) =0 15 x,-5x) =0 . which are pructically the same equations. These can be written as ut Soif xy = 3 then x) =-1 and corresponding to 2, = ~2, the eigenvector X = (~1,0,3). Corresponding to the second eigenvalue 2.3 = 4 , the above equations (3) become 9xj-3x245x) = 0 7 Ox, +0x2+0x5 = 0 6) 6) = 15x14 9x2- 115 = 0 , Equation (5) does not help us to find the values of x1,X3, and x3. So practically we have two equatiogs to find x,,x1,X). Multiplying equation (4) by 3. and adding it to (6) (to eliminate x3) we obtain x _-1 12x,;+4x)=0 or ta i ~ I and hence from equations (4) ot (6) x; = 2. Soif we take xy = 3, then x, Thus corresponding to 22 = 4, theeigenveetoris X = (-1,2.3). Similarly corresponding o the third eigenvalue 2.3 = 8, the above equations (3) are Sx1-3x2 45x) =0 ” Ox,-4x3+0x5 = 0 @) 0) 15x) 49x3-15x5 = From equation (8) we have xz = 0 , thereforeequations (7) and (9) become Sx,+5x5=0 ~15x)-15x) =0 Which are practically the same equations ) TENSOR ANALYSIS 44s al j_con be orien BY ot? pike ay od respon 10 dy © Bi the elgenvectoris K = (1,0,-1) ™ 4. FIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS OF A SECOND ORDER REAL SYMMETRIC TENSOR REALITY OF FI GENVALUES HEOREM (733): Prove that the elgenvalues of a real symmetric tensor Ay are all real « prooF: Let 2. be an eigenvale of areal symmetric tensor Ay 50 that there exists 4 nor ero sector B sochthat Ay) = Xe iD tener alu pieation ofboth sides with Xj gives Ayoee dxiky (bar stands for complex conjugate ) Ayysht * 2) met Now N= eyFy ety tee ky = by ahaa ly isreal Ruyx — Ao AW = Ay eyxi (since Ay) isreal) = Ay Fix) (interchanging the dummies i and j) = Ay ix) (ince Ay is symmetic ) Now since the numerator and denominator of equation (2) are real. which shows that Ai) Xj x, isreal. therefore 2 is real. ORTHOGONALITY OF EIGENVECTORS THEOREM (7.34): Prove that elgenvectors of a real distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal genvalues of Aij syrametric tensor Ay) corresponding '0 0 (Le. perpendicular to each other )« Let 2; and 22 be two distinet ej |. Then there exist non — ZrO PROOF: sectors x) end y, such that Aue hye (a) Any = eye Q ering the inner product of equations (1) and (2) with yj and x1 respectively , we get Ayyye = Amy @) @) Aaj = Ryimt CARTES AN, >| “ TENSons F N Ayxyy = Atay) (interchanging the dummies i and j) ow Aly = Ayyxsyy (since Au is symmetric) ‘Thas fromm equations (3) and (4). we get haxiyy or (han A) xy, (By hypothesis), therefore xii =O or X.¥ = Ay But since iy= 2 #0 joe X and ¥ ate orthogonal to each other. NOTE: () A eal symmetric tensor has thre real eigenvalues of which two or three may be repeatg (iy) Areal syrmetne tensor with distinct elgeavalues has « unique set of three mutusy onhopiny eigenvectors / (U) Areal gymimetne tensor wih on dtne amd ore repeated eigenvalue hss 8 unigeeipemecy corsponing tthe disine eigenvalue «Two cigsnvetors maybe fund cmesponding tothe repay eigenvalue such that the three eigenvectors form a mutually orthogonal set PRINCIPAL AXES AND PRINCIPAL DIRECTIONS ‘second order symumete tensor Aj bas the propery that bya suitable wanstormation of he coordinate axes it ean be reduced to diagonal form, i. the components Ay ate only nonzeroit | = The coordinate axes of the new coordinate system ( which are mutually perpendicular ) are known ate principal axes of the tensor and their directions are called the principal directions of the tensor Furthermore the three diagonal clements Ay Az. Ans are the eigenvalues of the tensor Ajj 731 ‘The following classical theorem is of great importance DIAGONALISATION OF A SECOND ORDER SYMMETRIC TENSOR OR REDUCTION TO PRINCIPAL AXIS FORM ‘THEOREM (7-35): If A is. real second order symmetric tensor , itis always possible to choose a set of principal axes , say Ox’, x x's relative to which the components of Aare A’ = 21, An = hay A'y = 25 and A‘ty = 0 fori ej, where ArsAay As are the cigenvalues of A. PROOF: We know that in case of a real symmetric tensor , the eigenvalues are all real and the cigenvectors corresponding to these cigenvalues are mutually onhogonal . __ CARTES: TENS 4 S as s equations (3) on page (432) take the form a) Q) Conesposding tothe first eigenvalue 1 =~? 31,26x5 20 6x, 28x52 0 which eve 1) = Xt; = 0. Since x; isundetermined, we take it 1. “Thos comesponding to A = —2, the eigenvector is = (0.1.0) ‘ay Corresponding to the second eigenvalue 2; = -3, the equations (3) on page (432) take the form 4xye6x) =0 (s) 250 (5) 6x, 59x, =0 6 Equations ($) and (6) are prectically the same equation . These can be written as u_-3 2xy-3x,=0 oF =F Sof x) =2, 1 =-3 Thus comespoading to 2. = —3,, the eigenvector is X = (-3,0,2) a Corresponding to the third eigenvalue A = 10, equations (3) on page (432) become -9x,46x5=0 Pa @) 6x,-4x3=0 nn From equation (9) we have x2 = 0. Equations (8) and (10) are practically the same equation . These can be written as 2 3ni-2x 20 or Bat Soif x)=3,weget x, =2 ‘Thus corresponding to 2 = 10, the eigenvector is < X =(2,0,3) qa Now the unit vectors in the new system Ox’, xx are given by <0 At x e ra =(0,1,0) a2 “ <3) (4) -_ [cron AND TENSOR ANALYSIS - vel ston (12) (13) and (9) We get Frome = ‘| (as) (16) 1 , equation (16) becomes For m = : Kinde hE Rialn be) = (Gr Be) Nine hi(2i Bn) of of which plies 0” equation (16) becomes =-2, Ain=0, Ny =0 using equation (15). A’ = for m= Ringe = A202 Wan (Be ode!) = 2a (BY 80) =a; (82 80) ‘stich implies on vsing equation (15) N: « Ay for m= 3+ equation (16) becomes Nyabe = aby oe Nan ( Se -Bnt) = (83 Be’) ose = (8) -8W) A’y = Aa = 10 0, Ay=0 which implies on using equation (15) , Ay -2 0 «0 ‘Thus the required diagonal form of the given tensor is [ 0-3 °| o 0 132 INVARIANTS OF A TENSOR ‘An expression which does not change under transformations from one coordinate system to another is called an Invariant . There is only one independent invariant that can be constructed froma fist order tensor i.e vector say Aj. Denoting the invariant by 1, we have AYA) = ATHAR EAS The invariants of a second order tensor Ajj are obtained from the characteristic equation Ay-h | An Ay An An--} An An An Ay-h ay Sa IN TENG NSOps . after expanding the determinant )« i written aS " / spe equation (1) ean OF jeafanataane nent AnAn Audn-hv Ay] pent(ant ant” an lag Az A» <0 o ‘Ay An A» 4) beng scala» FE independent of the cite ofthe comnts nen AER? dene: Hie on ae in equation (2) Therefore the quant soare = hii 2 AntAntaAn ; - eAyAy = 5 (AiiAj- Ae agant haba and ABA ApAn-AnAn dL cauay samy Ay An Av pefan An Av] =!AU ‘Ay Am AD _. reall the invariants of the Censor ‘Aiy Using equation 3), We ean ete by for example . Hee (Aw. Reals = AyAsL and soon variance of the quantities Ty» F2+T3 under right ~ handed onhogomal We now establish the it 1B ij where 2 eee Now Ajj and tion of axes. Consider Aij~ =1.84) is also a second order tensor. Let A’ma—2 Sing be the transformat by me second order tensors , therefore Ay ‘components of this tensor inthe system K’, then the transformation law for this tensor is Kaa-bB an = fi lay (Aj-25i3) 1, so that Now we know that 6/a» = Sma (the unit matrix ) and also that lmil = nj lA'nn- RB mal = 1Aij-2 5351 Au-k An AD Ay-hk An An or Ry Naekh Ay [=| An An-k Ans Ky An Abe Ay An Ayn Each sie ofthis equation is a cubic in % and since it must hold for any value of 2, then the coefficients ofeach cubic must be the same . The coefficient of 2.7 gives Ay ta'ntaly = AutAntay fe Aji = AntAntAn called the i trace . sani os : Evita spina tae (ie. the sum of elements on the principal diagonal is Nest, coefficient of A gives [& aol, An A’ en An Ay An aly +{4» a Au An Ay An| lAn a Au Aol [Ao A An Alt lan Au > np TENSOR ANALYSIS or ash jAji) is invariant under the transformation of axes 1 that 7 (Au yous that 2 Finally . from the bist ett we find « fo. Ky An Ap An An Ay An Apl = An Az xy Nn Ay» An An iat show that the determinant of the tensor i¢ 1A, jI is invariant under transformation “ : INVARIANTS OF A SECOND ORDER SYMMETRIC TENSOR qe know that if 21.22, dey are the eigenvalues of a second order symmetne tensor Ay, , thea ae principal aes system the tensor A) bas a diagonal matrix ofthe form a [ama] =] 2 2 © 0 0 %s qosefore. 1 = Kam = AutAnta'y = hitdaths he |<" role Ke Ao |] A an Ay Anl |An Anl An An ar offre OLD .. =lo altlo al*le = hy hatha tiohs Ay An Ao a 0 0 pe |An Az Anf=|O 42 0 = dy dads. An An An 0 0 EXAMPLE (22): Find the invariants of the following second order tensors + 204 -1 7-1-2 0 6 -7 10 qi) -1 7 2 3-4 6 22 4 SOLUTION: (i) The invariants ofa second order tensor are given by , 1) = An tAntAn = 2-746 =1 I,= AyAntAnAntAnAu-AnAun Avan Anda = (a) #=7(6) #6) 2) AN(6) =O) AI-GIED) = 14-424 12-24 +4043 = ~ 80455 = ~25 An An Ab 24-1 Ip= [An An An =] 6 -7 10 Ay An A» 3-4 6 = 2(-2)-4 (6) (3) = 4 BH = q-n <1 72 (i) Inthis ease , the characteristic equation is | ~! 24 =0 * (Tony (he 1 bE REDE L(A) -2C2-22) =O 492 CARTESLAN TE, ‘ ks, 165 - 101.4 1827-2? +2-2 442 = 0 oe =A 4 1827-96 AF HSS = 0 or A= 1827 4950-144 = 0 er (4-6) M120 424) = 0 This implies that 2 = 6, 6+ 23, 6-23. Thus the three eigenvalues are Ry =6, Ap=642N3, Ay = 6-23 Since the given tensor is symmetric therefore the invariants ofthis tesor are given by I, = Apthythy = 646423 +6-23 = 18 Ty = Aphrtdahy toh = 6(6+2N8)+ (64295) (6-295) 4(6-248)eg = 36+ 123+36- 12+ 36-123 = 96 Is = Ai dady = 6 (6423) (6-2V3) = 6(36-12) = 144 733 DEVIATORS ‘Tensors for which the invariant 1, vanishes are called deviators , THEOREM (7.36): Prove that any second order tensor Ayy can be written as th 'e Sum of a deviator and an isotropic tensor . 1 1 PROOF: Aly = Aimy An STF FALL 8) 1 = Dij+zAnndiy (a) 1 where Djj = Aij-zAnx8iy 2) Now we shall prove that Dj, is a devistor and t Axx 84; is isotropic, From equation (2) we have Dis = Aii-FAuL Bis which is equivalent to the following three equations 1 Diu = An-3 (AutAntAy) 1 Dn = An-3 (An+Antay) Dy = Ay-$(AntAn+Ay) Adding Wehave Dy#Dz+D3y = 0 ie. Diy = 0 which shows that D ij is a deviator . Again , we know that Aik isa second order tensor. Ifwe apply sonnet tit, we get Ax as ealar. Thus 4 Ay 84) is nothing bu 85 uliply by a salar Again we know that 855 is isotropic . Therefore + Axx 54) must be isotropic . _— AND {TENSOR ANALYSIS 453 sOLVED PROBLEMS 134 gavcay Weltethe following system of equations using summation convention, prone! ay xataaxstouxs = by ny XytOpXa+ayXy = dy ay Xitanxatauxy = by . The given system can be written as, “JON: sot0T! ayes = a2j%) a ayjX) = | sre somone epeste inden. fom 193, The syster() ean further be written as whe ayysya bbe FED seh asinine three values to the index i in the above equation generates three such equations of the system (1) pROBLEM Qy: Write out explicitly the following equation in full : ay, yj 242 pt ap ie at tax) pax” 1,2,3. SOLUTION: Assigning three values to the free index i, the given equation generates three equations a5 follows ¢ au, am at ax | PB au, y ou 41 aan = j - a dur, 202 2 pt at ax jy) POX Now the summation is on the repeated index j from | to 3,, therefore the system (1) can be written as tn Fluid mechanics , these equations are called the Euler's equations of motion for an inviscid incompressible flow . > CARTESIAN TEA 1 ass ns PROBLEM (3): Welte out expllelily the terms in the expression 41) 9kmXjmj jym = 1,23 SOLUTION: ayaiaX}n= aj AbmXrimtAi2AkD IMAM AKMAIM irony Xap tas rks Mast ALI RI hrXartisdhy Xay $+ ajuk tay + ajyan Xi FAl2 AKIN FA ALIAY following equation using summation convention : Write the PROBLEM (4): (ean ay xn tan aaket aay Xn tat WAXD + Ip ayy » ” Fay MnXntHALXn+ Anas, 1 Write the given equation as SOLUTION: jtanxatanxn)tan(auXntankne taxa) yu = an(au Xn 43 (Ay Ata FAX) ayy yj Raj F AM RF AAR) = ayidajXi PROBLEM (5): Suppose that Q = gir@rs¥s and yi = birXe- Mfurther air byy = 845, find Q In terms of xr SOLUTIO’ First write ys = byrx1. Then by substitution , Q = Birarsbsexr = BirBerk = Burke Consider a system of lincar equations of the form yj = Aqy xy and suppose that [By] isa matrix of numbers such that for all | and j,BypAry = 81) (4c. the matrix [Bj] is the inverse of the matrix A 1j]). Solve the system PROBLEM (6): for x; interms of the yy. SOLUTION: Wehave yj = Aijxj Multiply both sides of the this equation by By and sum over i: Byiyi = BuiAijxy = Sxxj = Xk iY oxi PROBLEM (7): If r? = xj+x3+x3, show that x, SOLUTION: Wecan write 1? = xjx; Differentiating both sides w.r.t. xy, we get y TENSOR ANALYSIS AND 10! ; WE ayy areconstants gone 4 ‘ants. calculate the partial derivative is r Wenave Day (UNIX) quuTion: sol a Seuss igh Guay ax oi ax ax 2 (24 np) aay (x8 Wk) 544) = aixieanyy = FRX MLIKL = COsanyyx, M(9): If ay = ayy are const a proneen (' 1 nstants , calculate Taaee (AUXIY) OLUTION: Using problem (8) , we have - 2 fa Fxxd%m TURN = dn Logg Gun] a Fax [timtamdai] = Dax (281mm) axi aims 2aimBik = 2aim PROBLEM (10): Write the transformation matrix for a rotation of angle m in the positive sense about (i) the x, -axis (ii) the x-axis (iii) the x-axis. SOLUTION: (The new system Ox) x's x's formed by rotation of the system Ox, x 3x 7 through an angle of min the positive sense about the x, — axis is shown in figure (7.13). Then by éefnition , , x #4, = cos(x,Ox,) = cosO = 4 fy = c08 (x) Ox) = cos n/2 = 0 fy = c08 (x Ox) = cosn/2 = 0 f3) = 605 (x01) = cos r/2 = 0 fy = 008 (x0x2) = cos = -1 m = c08(x0x5) = cosn/2 = 0 cos (x'30x,) = cosn/2 = 0 cos (xOx2) = cosn/2 = 0 Figure (7.13) cos (x30x3) = cosm = -1 Thus the transformation matrix is given by T _" i .} 3 ”}» 486 CARTESIAN TENS, as (U) The new system Ox’; x'3 x's formed by rolaing the system Ox) X3Xy though an angle of the positive sense about the xy~ais As shown it figure (7-14) - Then by definition , 4 (y= cos (x) Ox,) = cos = =! fy = c08 (x, Ox;) = cos7/2 * O yy = c0s(x 0x5)» c0s7/2 = 0 fy = oot (X81) = cos n!? = 0 ag = 608(12.0%2) = 6080 =F boy = c08( Kj OKs) = cos nl? = 0 yy = €05 (xy OK1) = cosR/2 = 0 ! 5; = c0s('30K3) = C08R/2 = 0 x ' % Figure (7.14) Gy = €05 (x03) = 608% -1 0 0 ‘Thus the transformation matrix is given by retnn[2 ! °| x) formed by rotating the system Oxy x2%Xy through an angle of mj axis js shown in figure (7.15) . Then by definition , 7 (i) The new system Ox, the positive sense about the X)— ' XX 4) = €08(x'1 0X1) = COS = fy = €08(X) 0X2) = cosn/2 = 0 fy = cos (x1 0X5) = cosn/2 = 0 ) fa = 08 (x 0X1) = cosn/2 = 0 fy = 08 (X20X2) = cose = -1 Lay = 08(x 0X3) = cos 2/2 = 0 fy = c08(xj0x)) = cosn/2 = 0 fy = cos (x'0x3) = cosn/2 = 0 Xs Figure (7.15) fy = c08(x30x3) = cos0 = 1 ; -1 0 ‘Thus the transformation matrix is given by T = [ij] = [ 0 -1 0 PROBLEM (11): salen : Find the transformatl Fle the tre males ma for a rotation of angle 1/4 in the negative SOLUTION: The te in mgieot #/4 inite ii Ox, X2X> formed by rotation of the system Ox, x2 X3 through #¢ about the x, — axis is shown in figure (7.16) . Then by definition . AN BE ap TENSOR ANALYSIS AND yer? gy = ce S10E0) = cos = 1 cos (1 OK) = cosnl2 = 0 OF cos( x) OX) = CosTI2 = 0 fay = sO ETON) = CORT! O . 1 cos( Ky Oz) = 608(- RIS) = 2 2 1 yy = €08(830%3) = C08 (= 3RIA) = ; a fy, = €08(X30%1) = 6088/2 = 0 {gp = 605(890%2) = COSTA = Figure (7.16) tyy = c08 (X03) = 608 (= 8/4) 10 0 tod i 0 -— -G “Thusthe transformation matrix is givenby T= {fi} = 2 A ° a 2 PROBLEM (12): Find the transformation matrix for a rotation of angle /2 about the x-axis, followed by a rotation of angle /2 about the x'~ axis both In the positive sense. SOLUTION: ‘The system Ox" xy ¥) obtained affer the combined rotation 1s shown in figure (7.17). Then by definition fy = €08(X)0X4) = cosn/2 = 0 He 2 1 6); = 608 (x'10.42) = 6050 by = cos (x'10 x3) = cosn/2 = 0 cos (xy 0.x1) = cosn/2 = 0 cos (x73 0x2) = cosn/2 = 0 . Xp 10s (x7) 0x,) = c080 = 1 Ly = c0s(x' 0x1) = e080 = I Figure (7.17) bea, . =0 be gy = cos (xy OX) = cos RID X39 o1o0 oot 10 0 Ly = €08( x'y x5) = cos m2 = 0 Thusthe wansformation matnxis givenby T= 14] v “ ations represent 0 right TENG, PROBLEM (13): Show that the following ing, © - bandeg hi transformation: os xe rymoeosg ex2sW unt af = xy ens D608 veapexsconon ge x7sind xy2-8t ging x2 008 ¢ SOLUTION: From the transformation Tquatons wecan we te LANSTOMMCG gy sin 0089 sin 5109 cos 8 Tell? cos 06089 cos sin ® =sin® casing 6080 0 Te transpose of tis mate 1S sindcosd cos Beos@ ~sng Tele sindsing cosOsin cos} cso i 0 sinQcosp sin sind cos] [sin Bos cosBcosd -sing anise TH = Joos? cosdsing ~sin0 | | sinDsing cosOsing cose nsing cose 0 cos 0 neo 100 efor OfeT oo} whieh shows thatthe transformation 15 onhogonal sindcosg sin@sing cos Also detT = | cosOcosd cos Bsin@ -sin -sind cos} 0 = sin 80s 9(0+ sin Beosg)+ sin Ong (i Sng 0) + 0 @ (cos Bcos'¢ + 05 Oink t = sin? B cos? “9 sin’ Oia? ge eos? Bcos* ¢ + cost @sin? a su @ (cos9 + sin?) +08? 8 (cos? + sin?) y =sin?O+c0s70 = 1 Thus the given equations represent a right ~ handed orthogonal transformation . o: PROBLEM (14): Verify that the transformation Xie 4 (Sxy-14x342x5) Pi roa st 295 (2xytx242%3) Di Get eg 2 * ]g (0x, 4+2x;—11x5) is orthogonal and right ~ handed Avvector field A isa Jjefined in th Avast Ages? in the system Ox, x2 x) by Ay= x2. or Evaluate the com ponents Ay of the vector field in the new system Ox 338» — aad | RAND TENE eee weer | I: From the transformati smi0N: OM Equations, w soll soa + WE CON UriLe the tran 2 1 2 relGyl=| “3 “3-5 @ 2 4 15 15 715. < 2 is 35 i = ee se transpse ofthis mats is Tele) 3-4 2 ba 3 715 i M2 S 2 1 is “15 15 i373 15 / fz 2 2] 4 a 2 [feo e piso TT =] 73 3 3 “ts 73 js |=] 1 Of=1 wo 2 Ul} 2 2 0 O04 15 1S “15 is 7-3 “15 & M2 15 “1s 15 2 1 2 Ao, dtT = | 73 73 73 wo 2 4 is 15 ~15 5 fs (2). 2 (8). Beet. = 15 GB 5 (a5 615 675 =! showing that the Oman ht inatsix Tis orthogonal and right ~ handed ‘The varsfonmation equation expressing the coordinates of point from he system K to Kis »2,3) xyyeGin GF from which it implies that wpe GiXy oe y= fuk X at OS Ky = gk tlaxat OnXy ky = by Xt fn k2t Oks de We Let ostgae' nie Benya Faitygey 2 2a) Me d 2 R= 7581-3 X2475%) 2 ae Ud aoxy-ttx)) Rye pgeie guage) 2g (EI? oR ua a5x- 205) sm the system K 10 K is i. fror The transformation equation forthe frst order tensor (1. vector) Aye jiAy (j= 1,203) — 460 “This equation implies the f FAMIPSAN tpi, 9 “Wb allowing: tue equations Aye ty Artin Artin As Ny Cy At ha Aat Gry where PROBLEM (15): SOLUTI Hy Ae On Ag Ay Lor ge ged opr 2x 428) 1 bot gad Jy (Mart xan daa) oye ' a = ggg (281 10a Ha) ‘The vector A. hus components (4, 5,6) Inthe aystem OF) 1774, A new coordinate system Ox) x'p x's. 1s formed hy rotuthny the orignal syetey through an angle 106 In the positive sense wbout the xy urs, ‘The eyeten Ox’ x’ 3'y Is further rotated through un ungle af 32 In the psitive sense about the x’, -axls to obtain another coordinate system ON es, Mind the transformation matrix for thls combined rotation. Hence determine the components of A Inthe new aystem O's xx). ‘The new system OX"; x") x's formed by the combined rotation is thw in figure (7.18). Then by definition ae ae Fan Ho fy = c05(x'Ox)) = cos r/6 - 2 fy = cos(x'Ox3) = 6089/3 = 5 , yy = cos(x'}OX) = cosms2 = 0 x % fy = c05(x 70x) = cosn/2 = 0 a =0 fay = cos (x'70X2) = cosn/2 e " = cos(x30x3) = cos0 = 1 = c05(xy0x;) = cosn/3 = c05(X0X3) = cos SH/6 = ~"5 GB Mt wn Figure (7.14) fy = c08(x'5Ox5) = cosn/2 = 0 ‘Thus the transformation matrix for the combined rotation is we T=(fij)= Bou 2 2 9 o oj. 1B 2~2 ° gt

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