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Your first 1,000

H ow to l au nch you podcast
wit hout th e ove rwh e lm

H ow to g et t h e m ost out of th i s
wor kb o o k (a n d ma ste rc l a s s ! )
Print or save a copy to fill out: I don’t send my slides out after the
masterclass, so you’ll want to make some notes as you go!

Save your questions for the Q&A at the end: I’ve added some space in
each section for you to jot down your questions.

Set a date for when you want to launch your podcast: I’ll ask you to share
this at the start of the masterclass. When you set a date, it becomes real.

I plan to launch my podcast on

I know t h e id ea of lau nc hi n g a p o d ca st
i s scary, bu t it ’s a lso S O exc iti n g. .
...Because launching a podcast positions you as the go-to in your space,
opens the door to collaborations and speaking opportunities, and
generates income for you.

But, right now it feels overwhelming. You have no idea where to start.
You’re afraid of the tech, you’re worried it’s too late to launch a podcast
(it’s totally not!) and you’re scared nobody will even listen.

Don’t stress. By the end of our masterclass, you’ll be feeling confident and
excited to launch your podcast.

Steph x
The 5 big myths
holding you back
from launching
your podcast
I hear these myths ALL the freaking time and, sadly, they hold most people back from
launching their podcasts. Until you stop believing these, your podcast won’t become a reality.

M y t h 1: Po d ca st in g ge a r ha s to podcasting gear has to cost

hundreds of dollars

The truth:
more expensive doesn't always mean better

(Honestly? Setting up the tech is *way* easier than you think it will be).

M y t h 2: Ed it in g you r p od ca st e p i so d es
takes a long time and is complicated

you can DYI your own editing, spending more time on getting good material
The truth:

Myth 3: You must wait until you have a huge audience before
you la u n c h you r p od ca st

grow audience
The truth: Launching your podcast is how you
Myt h 4 : it's too late
to l a un c h a p od ca st
owning my own unique magic
The truth: You can stand out by

Myt h 5 : Po d ca st s a re a passing fad

The truth: audio content is the only thing you can consume while multi-tasking; it's now

Bi ggest ta kea wa ys

N otes + q u est io n s
your stand-out
podcast topic
Step 1: What are other podcasters in the industry doing well/not well

Ste p 2 : Figuring out what makes me unique

Ste p 3: WHat do you want to be known for?

Bi ggest ta kea wa ys

N otes + q u est io n s
3 ways to
make money
from your podcast
A podcast
is an effective way to create more income - even if you don’t run
a business, don’t have a single follower and haven’t really thought about how you’ll make
money from your podcast.

Opt ion 1 (if you ru n a bus i nes s ) : Sell my own products

or services

Opt ion 2 (if you h a ve a n a u d i e nce) :

Take sponsors on board

Opt ion 3 (if you d o n’t r un a bu s i n es s + h a ve

not hin g to sell): Promoting affiliate products

B iggest ta kea wa ys

Notes + q u est io n s


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