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Multiple choice: Select the best answer.use capital letter.strictly NO SUPERIMPOSITION and NO ERASURES.
Situation 1: Understanding the community in community health nursing (CHN).
1. Which of the following is a community?
1- a group of people sharing common interests 2-workers in the factory
3-school population 4-group of families in a particular place
A.all of these B. 1 and 2
C.2 and 3 D. 1 and 4
2.The concerns of the CH Nurse will include the following:
1-healthy individual’s 2-rehabilitated formerly ill individual
3-an individual with leprosy 4-patients referred to the hospital
5-children with diarrhea 6-pregnat woman
7-families in their home 8-school population
9-workers in the factories 10-drug addict in the rehab center
A. All of the above B. All except 4
C. All except 4 & 10 D. All except 2,3,4 & 10
3. The Nurse CHN provides professional services in any of the following EXCEPT:
A. Military camps B. Places of work or study
C. Natural boundaries D. Asylum or sanitarium
4. The community as a setting in CHN practice will pertain to the following EXCEPT
A. A place where people under normal or usual conditions are found
B. Outside of purely curative institutions
C. Includes the homes, schools and places of work
D. Groups of people sharing common characteristics or interests
5.All efforts of the CHN Nurse are directed towards optimum health of the whole population or the community. The best
approach is?
A. Ensure access of individuals to health services in the community
B. Identify vulnerable population groups in the community
C. Work for more healthy families in the community
D. Target the general community health service provision
Situation 2: The Community Health Nurse applies basic understanding of the community as patient/client and setting of
CHN practice.
6.Which of the following statements is not correct?
A.Community problems are reflections of societal problems
B.Problems at individual level may sometimes require intervention at the community level.
C.Family problems are outcomes of individual and community problems.
D.Community level management is the key to address all problems of the individual,family and community
7.Contradiction are always present in the community. This enables the CH nurse to:
A.Explain the dynamics of the community life
B.Design a community health plan
C.Make a rapid assessment of the community
D.Identify sources of problems and sources of solutions to problems
8.The following conditions can be explained by the dynamism of community's situations EXCEPT:
A.Deterioration and development of some segments of the community
B.Development of new approaches in community work
C.Need for continuous appraisal of community situation
D.Practical application of time-tested model
9.The CH Nurse must recognize the fact that the condition in the community is dynamic. Hence the nurse MUST
A.Assess existing conflicts to identify sources of problems
B.Continuously assess community situation to identify sources of problems and possible solutions
C.Regard community as never static, thus, no ready and fixed health interventions
D.Consider community as composed of integral parts and as part of society
10. To effectively provide nursing care to the community, the CH Nurse MUST:
A.Have thorough understanding of the community's culture
B.Integrate with the formal and informal leaders
C.Participate actively in the community diagnosis
D.Facilitate formation of the health program/ organization

Situation 3:The public health Nursing concepts and objectives.

11. The current day definition of health is:
A.A person’s ability to create health beliefs and habits
B.Bio-psycho-social and spiritual being of a person
C.Complete physical, mental and social well-being of an individual
D.Each person’s maximum capacity to live happily and productively

12. Dimensions primarily related to health refers to:

A. Socio-political profile B. Cultural norms and traditions
C. statistics D. Geo-physical characteristics and climate

13.In the community, a persons habits and practices affecting his health pertains to:
A. Health beliefs B. Health norms
C. Lifestyle D. Healthy living

14. The concern of the community Health nurse is the health of all segments of the population at all levels of health and
All ages. This concept pertains to:
A.CHN is people-oriented B. CHN emphasizes health promotion of the people
C. CHN IS comprehensive and integrated D. CHN utilizes multi-sectoral approach

15.The health practices and beliefs of the individuals are formed in the most biological and sociological unit called
A. Family B. Community
C. Peer group D. Society

Situation 3: The CH Nurse makes use of the different models of health and health care.
16. Health as a dynamic state between optimum wellness and death is stated in this model:
A.Health-illness continuum B. WHO definition
C. Health promotion D. Evolutionary-based

17. In the health beliefs model, people take preventive actions if the following are present EXCEPT:
A. Element of fear factor B. Complications are life-threatening
C. Inexpensive but effective action D. Possibility of being sick

18. The primary goal of the health promotion model is:

A.Protection of health of the people B. Increase wellness level
C. Access to current health services D. Self-reliance in health

19.Intrinsic factors affecting extent of exposure and response to disease is reflected to the model.
A.Evolutionary-based B. WHO definition
C. Epidemiological D. Evolutionary

20.Health as the result of an interplay of different societal factors is from:

A.Evolutionary-based B. Epidemiological
C. Wellness-illness continuum D. WHO definition
Situation 4: Traditional concepts and illness exist in the community.
21.The following are traditional concepts of health associated with nature:
1-alimoum 3-kabag
2-tagulabay 4-tampal-hangin
A.1 & 3 B.1 & 4 C.2 & 4 D.All

22.The concepts of health manifesting strong influence of the concept of family pertain to the following EXCEPT:
A. Sumpa (curse) B. Anitos
C. Hereditary disease D.Poot (hate)

23. These concepts affecting health of the people emerged during the Spanish period EXCEPT:
A. Encanto B.Aswang
C. Kapre D.Poot

24. In handling traditional concepts of health and illness, the following interventions are appropriate EXCEPT:
A. Manifest a non-judgmental attitude
B. Discourage harmful practices, encourage beneficial practices
C. Maintain a “no investigation, no right to speak” stance
D. Provide scientific explanation and justification to prevailing concepts, beliefs and superstition

25. Which the current day concepts of health and illness of the Filipinos, which of the following statements is NOT
A.There is a complete separation of the producers, distributors and consumers of health.
B.The provision health care services focuses on service value rather than exchange-value.
C.The health care system is dictated by the whims and intentions of the ruling class.
D.Feudalism and Fatalism contributed to the crisis-oriented concept of health.

Situation 6: The CH Nurse must have a grasp of the following theories and concepts of CHN.
26. The birth right of health and longevity is a concept of:
A.Hanlon B. Purdom
C. Winslow D. Jacobson

27. Total development is the public Health concept of:

A. Jacobson B. Freeman
C. Purdom D. Hanlon

28. Survival of human species is the focus of public health practice according to:
A.Jacobson B. Freeman
C. Purdom D. Hanlon

29. CHN as unique blend of nursing and public health towards enhancing capabilities of people is defined by:
A. WHO Expert Committee on Nursing B. Jacobson
C. Freeman D. National organization of PHN

30.CHN practice can be initiated by the community through this structure:

A. Peoples Organization B. Local Government Unit
C. Department of health D. World health organization

Situation 7: The Public Health Nurse must uphold the following CHN principles.
31.The vital parts of CHN practice are: education and counseling B. Health and longevity
C.Health and development D. Health and social justice

32. To ensure competent practice and quality care, nurses must:

A. Conduct and/or participate in research
B. Attend seminars, symposium and forums
C. Take up Master’s degree in Nursing
D. Provide care to individuals, families and groups in the community
33.In the application of the nursing process in the care of the levels of clientele in CHN, the nurse performs the role of:
A. Health monitor B. Health educator-counselor
C. Provider of care D. Community Health Organizer

34. Indigenous community resources that the CH nurse can utilize are the following:
1- herbal medicine 2-finger pressure
3- barangay health worker 4-community members
A. 1 only B.1,2& 3
C. 1 & 2 D. All these

35. In dealing with values, customs and beliefs of people the best action is:
A.Analyze the historical context of these values customs and beliefs.
B.Maintain a non-judgmental attitude
C.Provide scientific explanation for these
D.Find entry point for changing these

Situation8: The public Health Nurse performs various roles and responsibilities in CHN practice.
36. The nurse actively participates in the development of the community health plan. She ensures that the nursing
component of the plan is incorporated. This role is:
A. Supervisor B. Collaborative
C. Coordinator of services D. Independent

37. When the nurse conducts scientific investigation of a phenomenon towards improving health care, she is performing
the role of a
A. Health monitor B. Community Organizer
C. Program manager D. Researcher

38. Utilization of screening methods to determine deviations from health will entail the exercise of this role
A.Health monitor B. Provider care
C. Advocate of change D. Supervisor
39. This major role transcends in the performance of the other CH Nurse’s roles
A.Client advocate B. Health educator
C. Manager D. Supervisor
40. When the CH Nurse initiates peoples participation, she is performing the role of
A.Manager B. Supervisor
C. Community organizer D. Health educator

Situation 9: The CHN process.

41. The following statements on assessment are correct EXCEPT:
A.Community diagnosis is the assessment tool.
B.Priority problems are derived from existing health situation.
C.Community health assessment yields health problems and needs.
D.Rapid health appraisals will always facilitate health project implementation.

42. Which is NOT true in Community Health Planning.

A.The CH Nurse provides the nursing component of the plan.
B.Goal of the plan must be based on priority health problems.
C.Participation of people in planning ensures their participation in health implementation.
D.The vital components of the plan are health problems and needs.

43. In implementation of the health plan, we consider the following EXCEPT:

A.Periodic evaluation or monitoring is important.
B.Nonjudgmental attitude facilitates implementation.
C.Start where the people are and build on what they have
D.Ensure compliance to set criteria.

44.In evaluating the effects of the interventions, the CH Nurse and the other members of the health team utilize
evaluation parameters called.
A.Objectives B. Standards
C. Criteria D. Goal

45. When the health team utilizes the health indicators as bases for evaluation, the type of evaluation conducted is
A.Process B. Outcome
C. Product D. Impact

Situation10: The CH Nurse applies the nursing process.

46. When the nurse assesses needs and plan health interventions for group of people in coordination with other health
professionals, she is demonstrating which of the following features of CHN.
A.CHN involves interdisciplinary collaboration.
B. Use of epidemiologic approach is an essential part of the nurse practice.
C.CHN is oriented to populations
D.CHN promotes clients participation in determining their own health.

47. Which of the following statements about CHN is WRONG?

A.CHN synthesizes public health with nursing
B.CHN emphasize health
C.Promoting clients autonomy is a responsibility of the public Nursing
D.CHN makes it unique contribution to health care not by the nature of its practice.

48. The nurse decides the most pressing needs of the family is nutrition education. Which steps in the nursing process is
A.Assessment B. Planning
C. Intervention D. Evaluation

49. The nurse makes a continuous appraisal of the care she provides to a family in relation to the objectives of care and
families response or progress. This is:
A.Implementation B. Assessment
C. Evaluation D. Planning

50. The community health care plan should be based on community health needs as recognized by the:
A.Barangay Health Workers B. Midwife assigned in the barangay
C. Public health nursed D. Individuals and families in the community

Situation11: Concepts of health in the community.

51. The following pertains to community concepts of health.
1- Init at lamig 3- usog at bati
2- hangin 4- karma
A. All B. 1,2 & 3 C. 2& 3 D. 1
52. Factors affecting the community’s perception of health include the following EXCEPT
A. Access to health facility B. Availability of financial resources
C. Particular phase in the disease process D. None of the above

53. Health decision making in the community is dependent on

A.The source of financing B. Availability of health services
C. Recommendation of nurses D. Social magnitude of the health problem

54. In recognition of socio-cultural determinants of health, a subjective perception of absence of health is regarded as
A.Disease B. Sickness
C. Illness D. Infirmity

55.Ms. Dina Tuto is a newly-hired nurse in the Smoking Cessation Unit of the health center. Since she will be involved in
the health education program, which health model can she used to emphasize the need to quit smoking?
A.Health belief B. High level wellness
C. Health promotion D. Evolutionary-based

Situation 12: Application of Concepts of CHN.

56. There is an increase in cases of gastro enteritis in Sitio Biga. It was attributed to the only source of drinking water. The
CH Nurse coordinated with the municipal waterworks office. This is example of what approach?
A. Multi-sectoral B. inter-disciplinary
C. Intra-sectoral D. Inter-sectoral

57.Part of the intervention is regular monitoring of drinking water. The midwife collects water sample. The sanitary
engineer conducts water analysis. The nurse ensures recording and the physician supervises the process.. This is an
example of what approach?
A.Multi-sectoral B. Interdisciplinary
C. Intra-sectoral D. Inter-sectoral

58. Wen active involvement of the community members and the local government is ensured, the CH Nurse utilizes this
A.Multi-sectoral B. Interdisciplinary
C. Intra-sectoral D. Inter-sectoral

59. Emphasizing health promotion and disease prevention, the CH Nurse will implement an appropriate health health
education method that will ensure the health of the community through
A.Use of television and radio B. Posters and banners
C. Household teaching D. Community assembly

60. To disseminate proper boiling of water at the homes the nurse makes use of this method
A.Use of television and radio B. Posters and banners
C. Household teachings D. Community assembly

Situation 13: CHN in action.

61. Which is NOT a health concern of the CH Nurse in a rural community? ownership B. Composting
C. Bio-intensive farming D. Nutrition

62. To facilitate setting up a socio-economic project, the CH Nurse will suggest that
A.Community leaders assume responsibility B. The barangay health workers take charge
C. Community to elect new leaders D. The women‘s group plays the lead

63.When people are downhearted due to a failure of a community activity, the best action is
A.Evaluate impact of the activity B. Highlight the lessons
C.Focus on the strengths demonstrated D. Plan for the next activity

64.After an epidemic the CH Nurse focuses on prevention of a similar situation. The best method is
A.Immunization and chemoprophylaxis B. Setting up disaster management committee
C. Health education D. Training of a quick response team

65. A particular services is not being patronized by the people. In evaluating poor participation, the most significant
evaluation criterion is
A.Availability B. Utilization
C. Accessibility D. Coverage
Situation 14: You apply the key concept of Community Health Nursing.
66. A community may be defined on geographical, cultural and social context. The critical attributes of a community will
include the following EXCEPT:
A.Group orientation B. Bond among individual members
C. Human interactions D. Gender and sexual relations

67. Community health can be defined as any of the following EXCEPT

A.The common attainment of the highest level of physical, mental and social well-being consistent with available
knowledge and resources at a given time and place
B.Successful adaptation to the environment that allows people to live relatively free of disease and achieve
successfully their biological, psychological and chronological potentials.
C.The empowerment of individuals and communities through education, skills development, sharing and joint
D.The attainment of the greatest possible biological, psychological and social well-being of the community as an
entity and individuals as constituents.

68. The definition of nursing that apply reinforces CHN concept is from Virginia Henderson. This is
A.Successful community functioning and adjustment to environmental factors.
B.Effectiveness of community in accomplishing its functions and adapting to external stimuli.
C.Continuous and consistent assistance to enable people achieve health and optimum wellness.
D.Competence of the community to function and maintain balance and harmony in the presence of stressors.

69.The primary goal of the community health nurse is

A.Transferring health into the hands of the people.
B.Raising the level of health of the people.
C.Promoting health and preventing disease among the people.
D.Protecting the growth and dignity of the people.

70. Community development aims to empower people to act together to influence the social, economic, political and
environmental issues affecting them. Which of the following indicators does NOT manifest empowerment?
A.People advocating for changes in the health care system.
B.Lobbying for agrarian reform to improve lives of peasants.
C.People participating in policy formulation..
D.Community cooperating in participatory action research.

Situation 15: CHN activities.

71. Primary responsibility of the CH Nurse is?
A.Community organizing B. Health service provision
C. Health education and counseling D. Health promotion and disease prevention

72. A basic concept in community health practice is:

A.Community organizing B. Health service provision
C. Health education and counseling D. Health promotion and disease prevention

73. Awareness provides concerted actions and united participation of the people. To ensure this, nurse applies
A.Community organizing B. Health service provision
C. Health education and counseling D. Health promotion and disease prevention

74. The primary focus of the CH Nurse is?

A.Community organizing B. Health service provision
C. Health education and counseling D. Health promotion and disease prevention

75. To increase awareness of people, the CH Nurse employs:

A.Community organizing B. Health service provision
C. Health service and counseling D. Health promotion and disease prevention
Situation 16: The following questions refer to the public Health Nurses roles and functions.
76.As a service provider, the PHN can provide family planning services by:
A. Supporting beneficiary choice with necessary services
B. Supporting changes in choice with necessary service
C. Giving accurate information about alternative choices for family planning
D. Performing all these activities

77. For a group of children where interaction with causative agents of diseases have taken place, the nurse concern is to
A.Diagnostic and curative care B. Promotive and preventive care
C. All these type of care D. Rehabilitative care

78. As a supervisor, the PHN does the following:

A. Provide nursing care to family with complicated nursing problems
B. Assess the effects of her nursing care provided to the family
C. Assist the doctor in treatment of cases
D. Review the management of patients done by the midwife

79. As a supervisor, the PHN conducts periodic visit to the Rural Health Midwife (RHM) in order to:
A.Provide necessary assistance in carrying out her functions effectively
B.Make sure that the RHM is in her station
C.Know why RHM have not referred cases to the main health center
D.Determine the RHM’s weakness

80. In the health project implementation the public nurse is being supervised by the:
A.nurse supervisor B. Physician
C. Municipal mayor D. Manager

Situation 17: The roles of the PH Nurse.

81. When the nurse develops capability of clients to take care of sick, disabled or dependent member of a family, she is
performing this role:
A.Manager B. Coordinator of services
C. Provider of care D. Health educator

82. When the nurse interprets memoranda, policies and circular, she is the:
A. Manager B. Coordinator of services
C. Provider of care D. Health educator

83. Conducting pre and post consultation conferences with patients:

A.Manager B. Coordinator of services
C. Provider care D. Health educator

84. When the nurse initiates and participates in community development activities, she is performing this role:
A.Manager B. Community Organizer
C. Provider care D. Health educator

85. The nurse ensures continuity of patient care. This a responsibility of the role of:
A.Manager B. Coordinator of services
C. Provider care D. Health educator

Situation 18: The practice of CHN.

86. The primary goal of Community Health Nursing is:
A.Increase the level of wellness B. Behavioral change
C. Health promotion and prevention D. Raise level of health of the people
87.The focus of CHN practice is;
A.Increase the level of wellness B. Behavioral change
C. Health promotion and disease prevention D. Raise level of health of the people

88. Community Health Nursing is population focus. This means that the:
A.Services are focused only to the high risk members of the community
B.Unit of care is the individual patient or family
C.Services provided are ecologically oriented
D.Services are directed to the health of all population groups

89. The philosophy of CHN is:

A.Health promotion and disease prevention
B.Upholding the worth and dignity of man
C.Enhancing health capabilities of the people towards self-reliance in health
D.Raising the level of health of the citizenry

90. The Public Health Nurse identifies the family’s needs, problems and concern can be modified by nursing actions. The
process is:
A.Nursing diagnosis B. Nursing assessment
C. Nursing process D. Nursing problem


Prepared by: Froilan T. adaci


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