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College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology

Boni Ave. Mandaluyong City

Marketing Plan

Prepared By: GROUP 6– CBET19-502E

Leader: Princillo, Mico


Paligutan, Jaypee

Plaza, Marcelino

Resente, Mary jane

Salik, Danielle Joyce

1. Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
Frikies offer a delight fried cookies with a decadent dipping sauces that target market in
all ages but we are concentrating with students and young entrepreneurs who always
wanted to taste new products. Our goal is to expand brand awareness through social
media and join local chambers of commerce and industry with the aim of networking
and marketing our products.

1.2 Proposed Product (Line) Concept

FRIKIES has a different variety of fried cookies consist of original flavor, double
chocolate chip , red velvet, lemon puppy seed , mint chocolate , cinnamon spice ,
cookies and cream and confetti and also offers a variety of dipping sauce like ube
sauce, caramel sauce, chocolate, white chocolate, and dulce de leche. And will serve in
classic fry cartons with decadent dipping sauces.

1.3 Brief Description

Frikies is a cookie that shaped and fry like a French fries to have its own image and can
easily draws attention to the customers since it is one of a kind. There are many fries
brands in the Philippines like Potato Corner, KFC and McDonald's and these brands are
the potential competitors of our product in the future. Our target market is all ages but
we are concentrating with students and young entrepreneurs who always wanted to
taste new products. Our goal is to expand brand awareness through social media and
join local chambers of commerce and industry with the aim of networking and marketing
our products.
1.4 Initial Financial Summary
Our Initial Financial summary for cost of product development and Cost of Product
Launch is around P70, 000.00
2. Company / Business Mission, Vision and Values
2.1 Mission
Frikies exist to satisfy costumer’s cravenness of cookie by selling our product with
excellent quality and with the utmost service and cleanliness. And we will also
consistently treat our potential customers with respect and build relationships to gain
trusts and become their regular costumer that indulges eating cookies filled with
2.2 Vision
Frikies will be the best selling cookies in the metropolitan 5 years from now and we will
be known as treating costumers with respect by providing costumers satisfactory
considering their self-worth and always found our local brand perfectly adequate.
2.3 Values
As we grow as a company, it has become more and more important to define value by
creating a livelihood in a new market. Frikies operates by the following guiding
principles: Honesty, Integrity, Customer Service, and Quality.

3. Market and Competition

3.1 Market (Market Issues and Trends)
In this section, the market and competition will be identified. How the product will
enter the market or the industry, and how it will last in the market for a long period of
time. Goals and objectives are meant to be achieved by every business in the industry
and we are going to compete against any competitors in order to be known in the
country and even around the world. Frikies will sure be one of the best products in food
industry if it will be successfully marketed.
In today's generation, baking in our own house becomes popular because of the
pandemic. Baking is one of the thing you can do while you are in your home and one of
the product you can bake is the cookie. In the Philippines, there are many cookie
brands that people are familiar with like Hansel, Hiro, Jolly, Marie and Presto creams.
There are also imported brands that become popular in the Philippines like Chips Ahoy
and Oreo. There are also many French fries’ brands in the Philippines like Potato
Corner, Burger King, McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's and Sango. These brands are the
potential competitors of our product in the future but in our case, we produce a
combination of these two products to create a unique, delicious and healthy food, the
Frikies. It is a cookie that baked and shaped like a French fries to have its own image
and can easily draws attention to the customers since it is one of a kind. The
uniqueness of our product can be the asset to achieve early competitive advantage in
the market from the day we produce frikies.
3.2 SWOT Analysis
3.2.1 Strengths
Our strength is we establish a good quality product and gives a variety option with
appealing packaging and different product size for our customers that we trying to reach
their upmost satisfaction. We will also hired an experience team of sales and marketing
executives to boast brand awareness to the product.
3.2.2 Weaknesses
Our weakness could be that improper and irregular supply, lack of schemes for retailers
and distributors, Lack of enough sales representatives in key account areas and
considering of Increase in flavors does not imply increased sales and will result loses.
3.2.3 Opportunities
The opportunities that are available to us as retaining loyal retailers or wholesalers, we
will consider to go on rural as that market is also expanding more and more and we can
boast our promotional activity like advertisement, sponsoring, paper ad.
3.2.4 Threats
The threats can be a food contamination liabilities, shifting of consumer behavior like
trends toward Healthy Eating and we can’t forecast the cost of Raw Materials from time
to time
3.3 Competitions
In the aspect of competitions, Frikies possible competitors are those business who sell
healthy food snack and the existing company who sell snack and biscuits in the
4. Target Customers/ Market
This part explains the potential target customers that will be satisfied about the
product, Frikies. Choosing the right target market for the product is a big factor for the
business' goals and objectives. It helps the business to easily market their product in an
efficient and effective way because your labor and money can be a loss if you market
your product in a wrong group of customers. That's how important market targeting is.
Frikies is a food that can be a snacks for everyone, so our target market is in all
ages. Everyone can taste our very own Frikies but we are concentrating most with
students and young entrepreneurs who always wanted to taste new products and the
market and easily get curious about trying new things. We are also targeting individuals
who like eating cookies everytime they are with their friends and doing their hobbies.
Fries lovers can also be a target market, since our cookie is a fries-shaped cookie, this
can be a good looking food for them. Frikies will surely create a big satisfying effect to
our target market, tasting the product that will become of the best products in the future.
Everyone can try our home-made cookies that have a unique image and satisfying look
that will make you feel hungry whenever you see Frikies.
5. Marketing Goals
Any business that wants to grow beyond the corner of the street or the city they are
operating from must be ready and willing to utilize every available means to advertise
and promote their business. We intend growing our business which is why we have
perfected plans to build our brand via every available means. We also perfected our
sale and marketing strategies first by networking with groceries stores, supermarkets,
malls, near schools to put up a kiosk and expand brand awareness by the use of social
media to target our prospect customers.
Below are the listed of marketing goals that we believe that will boast the
company’s brand and to promote and advertise our business:
 Expand brand awareness through social media with videos, written updates,
pictures, and online brochures
 Increase our followers on various social media sites by 20% in the first year
 Encourage the use of word of mouth publicity from our loyal customers
 Will open our company for partnership and third party so as to capture the
attention of residence who are our first targets.
 Will Advertise our products in food related magazines and websites
 Engage in direct marketing
 Join local chambers of commerce and industry with the aim of networking and
marketing our products

6. Marketing Strategy
6.1 Product
We will keep on innovating the product as well the packaging of it. We will
considering the Value-added to the product so we can maximize our sales. For the
quality of our product, we assure that all the ingredients that we use in the production is
fresh and have a good quality of raw materials. And we will also create a rules and
regulation that our employee must follow when making Frikies for the safety and health
of our beloved customers.
6.2 Price

The price of FRIKIES:

Small carton P60.00

Medium carton P80.00
Large carton P100.00

Dipping Sauces:
Ube P20.00
Caramel P20.00
Matcha P25.00
Dulce De leche P25.00
Chocolate P15.00
White chocolate P15.00

6.3 Distribution

Raw transfort by final

warehouse kiosk
materiasl vehicle consumer

6.4 Promotion, Advertising and Direct-Selling

 Using social media as a medium to communicate the product through
Facebook ,YouTube twitter we will advertise the product as different from other
kinds of fries it is not a typical type of fries but a different one because it is a fried
cookie through social media we will communicate the health benefits of eating a
cookie fries like it gives a sense of satisfaction.
 We also like to offer a special introductory deal Discounted pricing. Reduced-rate
bundle or package if consumers prefer to buy package or bundle. Voucher or
coupon with purchase. Buy one get one free deal. Double the points if you have
a loyalty program. Free gift for every referral.
 During the pandemic, virtual events still serve as an effective promotion tool. We
will Host a Facebook Live highlighting the features of our fried cookies that
snacking is fun. We will also run a live or recorded Q&A on the product itself we
will use influencers to advertise the product so that a lot of consumers will follow
our social media accounts.
 We will write a blog post promoting the new product, via email in order to inform
the consumers and potential buyers we would take note about their suggestions
in order to further improve the product based on the consumer needs.
7. Marketing Budget
7.1 Product Development Cost to be budgeted
Cost of Ingredients

Quantity Price
All-purpose flour 5 sacks 1000
Salt. 10kg 200
Unsalted butter. 5kg 250
Eggs. 10trays 2000
Powder sugar. 10kg 300
Vanilla extract 5bottles 250
Sprinkles 5kg 300
Chocolate chips 5kg 400
Mint extract 5bottles 250
Cinnamon Powder 5kg 400
Baking soda 10kg 300
Oil 10liters 1000

Utilities Expense
Monthly Annually
Electricity ₱2,000 ₱24,000
Water 700 8,400

Total ₱2,700 ₱32,400

Supplies Expenses

Monthly Annually
Carton packaging 670 8,040
Plastics 835 10,020
TOTAL 18,060

7.2 Estimated Cost of Product Launch

Advertising Expense
Item Annually
Advertisement poster ₱1,200
Flyers ₱1,500
Social Media ads ₱10,000
Total cost ₱12,700

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